How to know which Windows is on the computer. How to recognize which Windows is installed on the computer What is the version of Windows

I know everything, who doesn’t know the power source on a simple one - how to recognize which Windows is on a computer ... it looks like the power is simple, but by robotic windows it’s necessary to put people in a deaf hut, and it’s necessary to understand this moment . In the light of these unhandled situations, I have written a note using the simplest ways to find out the version of the operating system, as if contagiously victorious.

I'm not going to cheat like that - and what kind of icon is spinning when you're busy, or how does it look like the start menu? So, by the interface, you can understand how the operating system itself works, but this kind of power can confuse you even more (And if there were any different modifications of the system and third-party ones, then put out the fire lightly)

Try at the computer and do not know the version of the installed Windows - not the same evils, or maybe give you a couple of unacceptable moments. For example, we installed primus drivers, they are not recognized for your version of the system and you will reject it, write it down - ... If there is an addendum, you can use the system and more new ones, you may not work on Windows 7, you may need everything else and you will have everything.

I have prepared for you some ways to find out which version of Windows is installed on your computer (Those who read it to me know that I like to describe as clearly as possible, be it the side of the computer's version)

Recognizing the version of Windows installed on the computer through the system authorities

Without a doubt, the simplest way to get in touch with our request is to enter the power of the computer, for which you have the “This computer” icon, or something similar (reveal respect, that the icon itself, and not the yarlik). Kіlkom on the new right button of the mouse and select the item "Power" ...

In the upper part of the “System” window, we have a Windows installed on our computer and the first edition (In my case, Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 with long-term maintenance), A little lower we can know the size (type of system), but the theme for a whole statistic.

Just keep everything elementary, but deyak coristuvachs put the label “My computer” on the working table, there will be the authority of the label, and not your system. For such vipadkіv and іsnuyuet alternative options.

It is possible to find out which Windows installations are through the winver command

Let's move on to the offensive method of knowing which Windows is on the computer. In this case, the winver command will help us, as it is necessary to enter the Vikonati program at the window. You can always get the Win + R keys on your keyboard.

See “Windows: Windows”, you can recognize which Windows are installed on your computer (similarly, here you can see the selection of your operating system, which will help you when you search for pardons on the Internet)

At my glance, this way gives more information about the version of Windows installed on the computer or laptop ... but not all I can do - go to more different ways.

Windows is visible through the systeminfo command

Without a doubt, this method can be called the most vicherpny one ... this option will not only allow you to recognize which Windows is on your computer, but also tell you about the fee, the date of installation and other brown words. To speed up with the systeminfo command, we need to open the Windows command line (For those who are not in the know, how to know, є vіdminna note "" - there you will sing-songly know the option that will be to your soul).

After that, as you have entered the command line, enter the command there systeminfo and finish collecting information about your computer. Another row will show the version of Windows installed on the computer.

And you can fool and create such your own sandwich of teams for the end of Vikonati. Enter command cmd /k systeminfo and press OK. In this variant of cmd, it launches the Windows command line, the / k switch seems to be necessary to type the command when starting cmd, and systeminfo is the command itself, as it will show us the information.

Whether it’s for someone who is coristuvachevi, and there are three ways to recognize which Windows is on the computer, but as a bonus, we’ll give you one more option

Bonus. Recognizing your version of Windows through "Vidomosti about the system"

Well, and stay on this year's way, all the same, ring out, only the team is aware - msinfo32. To be introduced, as you already understood, to the Vikonati team.

You can see the window “Vidomosti about the system”, you can recognize which Windows are on your computer (in the row “Im'ya OS”)

I didn’t become respectful of this option, because I practically repeat the descriptions above - for a wild development, it’s just a matter of knowing them all.

Everything you need to know about those Windows installations on your computer

How do you know how to recognize Windows on a computer in a warehouse, but in that case the system starts up and works. I did not become a victorist in this feasibility study to reveal the version of the killed system (For example, if you need to run the update, but you don't know the version) so it’s not necessary for an unprepared koristuvach, but the pros know how to vikonati. I'm not talking about such indirect signs, like the folder on the C: \ - "Document and Settings" only appears in Windows XP, you can know more than a dozen such names. Wait a minute, typing the command and recognize your password is simpler than to search for signs of other operating systems in Microsoft.

P.S. As the first way to recognize what Windows is on your computer, it’s impossible for you to stop looking at those that replace the icons you have a shortcut - you can always open Win + Pause / Break every day. All the best mood ...


In the first few years of knowing Windows 10, I'm sure I'm cool. The system looks significantly better than the previous version, and I wanted to install it on my PC right away.

Mark Hachman. Hands-on with Windows 10: Looks great at first blush. PC World, Listopad 2014.

Posted on Windows 8 voiced in my mind and disappointed. And in the first days of familiarity with Windows 10, I'm sure I'll be sane. The system looks significantly better than the previous version, and I wanted to install it on my PC right away.

In particular, Windows 10 has a new look and feel like both Windows and Windows Phone. Terry Myerson, vice-president of Microsoft, who oversees the development of operating systems in the company, calling the new OS "the most critical, successful project of all that was implemented if anything earlier." Indeed, here we can talk about a wild project. The rozrobniks are constantly supporting the squabbling with the koristuvachs, and the system, as I briefly protested, it’s possible to show up as if it’s not the same as otrimayut the koristuvachs in the other group.

At Microsoft, the in-line mill is called not the alpha version, but "folding". And to be sure, that the release of Windows 10 is scheduled for the middle of the stream, even a lot of system functions can be changed, tidied up or added.

Start Menu Revamped: Clear and Intuitive

Apparently, the new Start menu didn't suit me. From the aesthetic point of view, it looks like a surgical stitching, tearing Windows 7 and Windows 8. Such an excursion in the past does not look very elegant, but it doesn’t look like youma. There is a list of frequently used add-ons sent to the PC setup, as well as folders with documents and images. At the bottom, we have a shortcut for the transition to the “Additional” tab.

The live tiles on the right create the functionality of the Windows 8 cob screen. Living tiles are more similar to reminders, lower to labels of additives, although they can be victorious and in this quality. The demo version of Microsoft has a large calendar tile that tells you about all the planned visits, which are already in full.

If you want to change the size of the Start menu itself, don't worry about anything.

How to watch the videos in Merezh video, with the help of a koristuvach, you can go to the Windows 8 main screen.

New World of Windows: Task Detection, Virtual Workstations and +

One of Microsoft's cores, I had a chance to talk to, calling the new Task "configuration of desktop monitors for everyday people." I will understand why.

In fact, all Windows shortcuts sounded like a combination of keys + for quick switching between add-ons. Vіdminniy sposіb transition from one task to another. Improved capability in Windows 10.

And now the Task View button has appeared on the screen. Lower your gaze at the Windows 10 taskbar, and click the third button, when you click on it, an array of virtual desktops appears on the screen.

What is a virtual robotic steel? You can use yoga with a virtual display. Even though your computer is connected to a slew of monitors, which is better for everything, different add-ons are already displayed on your different screens: the browser window is on one display, Outlook is on another, and the chat add-on is on the laptop screen. In the middle of Windows 10, Microsoft allows more than one attachment to be snapped to the screen. Therefore, if you choose, you can load another Outlook monitor panel with a PowerPoint file, which a colleague sent by email.

When only one monitor is present, the Task View button (or the combination of keys +, as it seems to be more handy) will switch between working tables, as if they appear in the lower part of the screen. In this way, in the "project" screen from PowerPoint, browser window and OneNote, you can easily switch to another virtual working style or working space, for example, Facebook and Xbox Music. The programs themselves are displayed only on the Worktables, and if you know who from the Worktables know to call you an addendum, you can, if you switch to a new one.

The function is coming, imovirno, in the residual version and not to be consumed. On the taskbar of older versions of Windows, you can check the number of critical icons of the browser, one by one. In the middle of Windows 10, such an add-on will be supported by a horizontal line, indicating to ourselves that it should be on the virtual desktop.

In this hour, virtual work tables carry in their main additions to the work, but stench can also improve the functions of security, which will give different rights to access to different work tables. We don't know yet whether the Workers will be completely isolated one from one, like in a kennel.

New Task View button to display an array of "virtual desktops" on the screen.

Snap Assist and free add-ons

What about the Snap features that allow you to capture half the screen in Windows 8? In the new system, it has been reduced. Windows 10 add-on extensions may change dynamically on the weekend. I just lost my wonder, I looked good at everything in practice.

The scheduled Windows 8 Avdatkiv to the same to the same, the native of the native of the native Klavish zі iz ibi, the abstracts of the extensions of the clavy wypad, the appendage of the Libra of the parties, Windows 10 allows you to place on the screen up to a few add-ons that will improve the productivity of your work.

After the binding of the Windows 10 programs, it will be possible to relocate the order otherwise, similar to the addendum. This function allows you, if necessary, to wade through several menus while waking up the virtual desktop. Let me show you for an hour whether such a proposition is true to yourself, but for now the start can be completely indestructible.

You can remember that a number of functions - Snap Assist, add-ons in windows, virtual work tables - organically complement one another. It would be nice to experiment with them and wonder what new stink they can bring to my everyday activity.

polypshenya ask

A button appeared on the Windows 10 task bar to move one of the main functions of the Windows 8 head screen to the desktop environment. In particular, there is not much more to click on the add-on icons on the main screen and to highlight bookmarks when searching on the Internet. Now, the turn to win has recently been supplemented and the documents seem to be significantly better.

The whole work in Windows 10 was prompted. Microsoft representatives announced that the function of the search and Explorer is now displaying files recently and often opening folders, which makes access to the necessary files much easier and faster.

The demonstration of Windows 10, promoted by Microsoft, was prompted in such a way as to showcase the best features of the new OS in the first place. And now, if millions of clogged coristuvachs have reached the retailers, be it a short time, they will appear even more quickly. Reassuring that Microsoft is critically respected, advocating for “partners-retailers” (that is, Windows corysts) to share their thoughts more actively.

What do you think about the new system of love or hate? Microsoft wants to know. But I still think that Windows 10 suits you.

It is installed on the computer, it can be blamed in the most different situations. For example, in more cases, in order to get interested, you need to indicate your version of Windows.

If you have been in a similar situation, and do not know your version of Windows, then this article is responsible for helping you. We offer you a few ways to find out which Windows is installed on your computer.

Method number 1. The power of the computer.

If there is an icon on your work table (it’s an icon, not a shortcut), then you can find out which Windows is on your computer with help. For this, right-click the bear on the end and select the "Power" menu item.

After that, you will see information about your computer. The version of Windows will be shown here, as well as basic information about the computer (name of the processor, number of RAM).

Also here is information about the capacity of your operating system. Maizhe at the very bottom of the window, opposite the item "Type of system".

It should be noted that you don't have any computer icons on your desktop, so you can call for help with the Windows key combination + Pause / Break.

Method number 2. WinVer command.

Another way to find out which Windows is on a computer is the WinVer command. Type the Windows + R key combination in the menu that prompted you to enter the WinVer command.

The next thing will appear on the screen with the main information about your operating system. Here you can find out which Windows is on the computer, as well as its version and assembly number.

Option 3. The systeminfo command.

One more command to let you know which Windows is on your computer is the systeminfo command. In order to speed up the given command, enter systeminfo and click on the input key. After that, the main information about your computer will appear on the screen. In the middle of this information, you can find out the version of your Windows.

Also, you can follow the given command in another way. To type the Windows + R key combination, enter cmd /k systeminfo.

On this occasion, the “Command Row” will be launched, and then the systeminfo command will be launched in it.

Method number 4. Vikno "Vidomosti about the system".

The remaining way, which the world can see, is the main one “Vidomosti about the system”. In order to call this window, type the Windows + R key combination and enter the msinfo32 command in the window.

If so, you will see the “Vidomosti about the system” window in front of you, in which you can find out which Windows is on your computer. It will be easy to know this information, the shards will soon appear before your eyes.

If you have to blame, be it difficult for the msinfo32 command to be confused, then you can always look for help in the Start menu. For whom, simply enter “Vidomosti about the system” into the search box and open the found program.

During the days at the Build conference, Microsoft representatives showed a fresh version of Windows 8, released the Windows 8 Developer Preview distribution and distributed 5,000 tablets with a new generation of pre-installed OS. It gave people the opportunity to look a little ahead and look like Windows 8. But since we didn’t have a tablet like Microsoft, we will test Windows 8 on a virtual machine under the control of the 64-bit OS Winodws 7.

Test platform: MB: M2N68, CPU: AMD Phenom 8450 Triple-Core 2.1-GHz, RAM: 4096 MB, VIDEO: nVidia GeForce 9800 GSO, SSD: SATA-3 120Gb OCZ Agility 3, Windows Productivity Index: 6.2 (minimum, by line CPU). Software: Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit 6.1.7601, Service Pack 1, VMware Workstation 8.0.

The Windows 8 Developer Preview has been recommended for educational purposes only. To run the system on a working platform (Windows 7), we hacked the VMware Workstation virtual machine. After starting the system, we turned on the top-down mode. An hour to launch Windows 8 on a virtual platform took 32 seconds. With the usual 3 seconds it doesn’t work, but it’s too early to judge about it, then it’s 10 times lower and we’ll go directly to the interface. When the system is advanced, we see a screen with a landscape, which is far away from the lining of the famous book by Bill Gates "The Road to the Future", a digital yearbook and a badge of lace stitching.

Vіkno vіtannya koristuvach Windows 8

Dalі z'yavlyaєtsya priemno-green vіkno entrance to Windows, de zazdalegіd preparations koristuvach ask us to enter your password. Naturally, the main form of withdrawal and switching off / re-advancement of the system, as well as more accessible mode for the weak-sighted corystuvachs. All points of the menu are spoken by voice. Here you can also click on the on-screen keyboard. Imovirno, that on the tablet computer it will appear automatically. After a successful login to Windows 8, we will see a new Metro interface.

Metro interface in Windows 8

The UI Metro calls are very suggestive of the interface 7 and are being revised, but the functionality of the buttons has been improved. In general, the Metro interface looks more dynamic than in mobile applications. The difference in operating systems gives a wild message about both interfaces. All icons can be dragged and sorted. On the surface, I know the same, in iOS the icons of the Metro interface can be seen in two ways: at the looking square and at the looking rectangle. In this plan, the koristuvach has more opportunities for the realization of the fullness of fantasy and the enjoyment of delicious taste. After the launch of any program, the icon changes and starts displaying information about a specific add-on. So, for example, the icon starts to show the maximum number of points scored by you, the notepad shows the number of entries in the new one, and the wait icon after the settings regularly updates information about the weather.

The utility, wait until the speech, in Metro is designed to do it in an original way, ale, how varto was that clear, siro. So, as a background on the theme of nature, there is a victorious video loop, as if enlivening the picture and fluttering whirlwinds beat on the shore, and the fog - weaves on the stone. Moscow in the base appeared without problems, but we didn’t get away from switching the program to the Celsius scale, the utility showed 52 degrees Fahrenheit. On the whole, well - smartly, beautifully, smut, informatively. However, the video was a bit of a gibberish, but for the time being we can only write down the price for the virtualization of the system and demodali.

Weather interface in Windows 8

Vbudovanyh add-ons in the new Windows 8 dosit for the cob of comfortable work on the tablet. Check out Facebook and Twitter clients, RSS reader, Internet Explorer browser, share rates, touch-screen drawing, arcade toys, alarm clock, RDP client and many other things, check out the piano. The Windows Store is not available in this version of Windows.

Gra Cooper in Windows 8.

Addendum for painting in Windows 8 - PaintPlay.

I immediately fall into the eye of those who have an interface of appointments in the first line for touch and voice control. At the first glance, the Metro blames the bazhanya with your fingers to run over the monitor, but the health of the mind is still overwhelmed. Not all programs work in full. The new Internet Explorer looks very minimalist, behind the swirling black color, which is even more similar to Microsoft. Vtim, until the official release is still far away, if possible, IE 10 will be like this and the name will not change. The flash player for IE 10 is just a day away, so the browser's practicality didn't go far enough to protest.

So, judging from the bottom line, it will look like Internet Explorer 10.

From the first glance, you can see that all the novelty of the operating system is in that green Metro interface, and you can reasonably blame: "Why is Windows here?". This is where the naytsіkavіshe starts. On the Metro panel there are a few icons, which lead not to add-ons, but to the system itself. Zovni, so do not take Metro to respect, Windows 8 is already similar to its predecessor - Windows 7. But, as the retailer states, the core of the new operating system has been completely rewritten, but the Aero interface can already be used in Windows 8. It has been stated more than once. , that the new Windows will be without vicons, before which everyone sounded like that. Tse not so. All windows are gone and fully functional in Windows 8 with minor changes in the interface. Also, the Start panel and the "Start" button did not go anywhere. Hiba scho now carries a new function in itself: it calls out the very same Metro head screen and is an analogue of the "Home" button on Apple mobile devices.

As you can see in the image, the Windows 8 desktop interface has not seen any serious changes. Let's guess that the "Start" menu now clicks on the Metro interface, so in the new version of the Windows system there will be no common utilities, until now it was called from version 3.11 ... May be affected by the presence of the "Standard" and "Services" packages. Better yet, stink to appear in the Metro interface closer to the release of the first beta version in its original look. It is not included that they will not be called, but an alternative replacement for third-party retailers will be requested. From the main speeches in the new Windows 8, the Explorer, which is called, is gone. Also, the control panel with system settings was saved again.

System power and virtual system configuration in Windows 8.

To finish your first acquaintance with the Windows 8 interface, you can download the distribution kit for your own experiments with the new OS. It's still too early to work, so for an adequate assessment of the new OS, it is necessary to check the first beta version, but the first opinion about Windows 8 is daily positive.