How to create a vpn connection for a remote connection. How to fix vpn between two computers? How to use VPN

On the Internet, there is a large amount of information on the topic of virtual private networks. However, there are few articles How to create a VPN connection Automatic (script). You may know how to work in UNIX. We will describe how to work in Windows, on the Windows 7 example. You can also stand in front of the system administrator (for example, you need to work the same VPN settings on your computers). In other versions of Windows, it is not important to fight for an analogy and inform people. An ordinary koristuvach can take care of these power supplies for a small amount of time, so we will not yet describe the process for other operating systems. However, try painting a leather crock:

Creating a meeting through the interface

Let's assume that here is the server of the virtual private network, and it gives us the parameters for connecting to the new one (address, login and password). We go: Start -> Control Panel -> Control Center for Security and Access. At the distribution of the change of the mesh parameters, click on the New connection to the mesh. Vіdkryєtsya vіkno The creation of a connection or a measure, de bude will be asked to choose an option. Click on Connect to work area Set up a phone or VPN connection to work area and press Dali.

Even though there are other settings, on the next step it will be suggested to choose from them or create new ones. We choose to create something new. On the next step, we choose Vikoristovuvat my connection to the Internet.

In the window, enter: Internet addresses - VPN addresses of the server (IP or domain name), Name of destination - be it, it will appear in the list of your networks (as it is planned to further automate processes, it is recommended / or figures.

On the offensive kroci, you enter the password and the password, and so you choose to remember the password chi n.

Upon completion, a test will be done, and everything will be ordered correctly, and it will be.

If you are aware of the protocol that your server uses, it is recommended that you adjust the Primus Primus to speed up the connection process. It is necessary to turn on your VPN: in the lower right corner (in the tray) open the list of links, on our right mouse button -> turn on.

We go: Start -> Control Panel -> Security Control Center and Global Access -> Change adapter settings. On our fence with the right mouse button -\u003e Power. Bezpeka bookmark. І select VPN type. If you don’t try anything, once again you will try the skin according to the skin protocols, until you are successful.

Setting up the vikoristannya to the gateway

After the typical settings described in the previous paragraph, all your Internet traffic goes through the creation channel, then through the server. If the server can have an Internet channel with less bandwidth than you have, otherwise it’s worthy of vanity, it is possible to increase the security of access to the global network. So by itself, on the sites or services on the way you will see the IP address of the server, and not yours. It is also not suitable and necessary to show your IP address. In such a state, it is necessary to set up the gateway.

Anew, it turns on and we go into the power of the day, as described three times more (in the change of the adapter parameter). We select the Merezhu bookmark. We see the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and emboss Power -> Dodatkovo. On the IP Parameters tab, check the box to Wipe the main gateway in the remote area. At all vіdkritih vіknakh - OK. Now, when connected to a VPN, connect Internet traffic through your gateway, not a remote one.

Automation of the connection already made

Automatically install a VPN connection for an already configured connection, you can not only use the interface, but also the command line rasdial.

Command format:

rasdial [Name of connection] [Name of koristuvach] [password]

de Connection Name - what you specified when creating the VPN connection in the Destination Name.

Command example:

rasdial myvpn test_user 12345

With this command, you can, for example, set up an automatic VPN connection when the computer is busy. For whom it is necessary to create a task in the planner, it is necessary to create a task, in which order a command is given. You can create a bat file like this in one row - with the same command, and enter it in the task.

One problem remains. The password should be saved at all times. If the decision is not in your power, you can compile the bat file into an exe and the password will NOT be clearly visible. Converting a bat file into an exe is a topic called articles, which are rich in the Internet. Hurrying up with a joke, it won't matter if you know how to be afraid.

Creation of VPN by script

And now to the worst. All VPN created by you and set up are saved in one file - rasphone.pbk, Which is saved in the system folder of the koristuvach:


otherwise, with a typical Windows setup

C:\Users\[Im'ya Koristuvacha]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk

This file has the first row - im'ya VPN z'ednannya in square arms. Dali go parametri (settings) tsgogo zadnannya. Following them through an empty row, I’m going to have an offensive VPN in square arms (like you have two and more) and so on.



Copy this file in another place, for example on a flash drive. As if you had a bunch of VPNs installed on your computer, and you need to install only one or two, copy the file in a text editor (I see Notepad ++). Dahl has access to all the settings at the same time. Robity is necessary carefully, not having seen the vipadkovo deyakі z nalashtuvani necessary z'ednan

We create a bat file in two rows

copy /Y rasphone.pbk C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Network\Connections\Pbk

rasdial myvpn test_user 12345

I put the creations bat file on a flash drive in the same directory where the rasphone.pbk file is edited. To that, in the first row of the script, I indicate yoga im'ya without a way.

Letting go, what is on the computer, on which I will apply the solution - a typical installation of Windows and koristuvach is called user, Tom in the first row, in command copy, The catalog may look like this.

/Y means that the file in the recognized folder will be overwritten, as if it were, without any input.

My implementation is reporting that the VPN connection is installed on the computer every day. If the stench is present, then it will be lost (disappeared) when overwriting the file, and if there are connections, then the script can see a pardon. In order to save the data already, and it is necessary to save it, it is necessary not to overwrite the rasphone.pbk file, but to append it to the new necessary text information.

Another line of script will immediately set the connection for the created VPN connection

Run the script and take the result. Variations of the implementation of this solution are impersonal and have their own situation in the skin. It’s impossible to hunt down one article for all situations, meta - describe the burning mechanism.


As there is not enough information in this article, please send us an email [Email protected] site and we will try to make an addition.

Just as the article appeared, your thought is more important, to help other short-sighted people to know - to repost in social networks, to spread the vicorist below the button.

In the rest of the hour, more and more popular ways to access the Internet through VPN-merezhi. This allows you to save maximum confidentiality, as well as blocking web resource providers for various reasons. Let's figure it out, for the help of some methods, you can set up a VPN on a computer with Windows 7.

The installation of VPN in Windows 7, like the most other tasks in this OS, is based on the help of two groups of methods: the way of using third-party add-ons and the stagnation of only the internal functionality of the system. We gave a report and reviewed the methods of accomplishing the set task.

Method 1: Third Party Programs

Let's take a look at the VPN setup algorithm for the help of third-party add-ons. We will be safe on the basis of the popular Windscribe software. This program is good because, on the basis of other cost-free analogues, you can safely complete the exact amount of the day. Ale limit of sending and removing these data is 2 GB for anonymous correspondents and 10 GB for those who have entered their e-mail.

  1. If you are interested, run the program installer. At the end, you will be prompted for two installation options:
    • Shvidke installed;
    • Vibirkova.
  2. The installation procedure starts.
  3. When it is completed, the installer's window will show a good record. If you want the addon to start right away, after closing the window, fill in the checkbox "Launch Windscribe". then click "Complete".
  4. Let's see if you can find out if you have a Windscribe record. If you install this program first, then emboss "Hi".
  5. The browser will start, which is the assignment for locking into the OS. The new one has the official Windscribe website available for registration.

    In the field "Choose Username" enter an oblikovy record for the bazhan. It is guilty of being obov'yazkovo unique in the system. If you select a non-unique login, you may change it. You can also generate yoga automatically by clicking on the icon on the right side of the screen to set up a row of arrows.

    Into the fields "Choose Password"і "Password Again" enter one and the same password, invented by you. On the vіdmіnu vіd login, vin is not guilty of obov'yazkovo buti unique, but it's better to create yogo nadіynym, vikoristovuyuchi for whom the rules of folding similar code virazіv. For example, combine letters in different cases and numbers.

    In the field Email (Optional) enter your email address. For the sake of not obov'yazkovo, but if this field is filled in, then you will deduct the base 2 GB of Internet traffic or 10 GB.

    After that, everything is filled, embossed "Create Free Account".

  6. Then go to your e-mail box, find the list in Windscribe and see it in the new one. In the middle of the sheet, click on the element in the form of a button "Confirm Email". Tim yourself, you confirm your e-mail and take off the additional 8 GB of traffic.
  7. Now close your browser. More than anything, in Windscribe you'll be already slammed under streaming public records, just like you've registered. But if it’s not so, then at the end of the day with a letter "You already have an account" click "So". At the new end, enter your registration data: login and password. let me click "Enter".
  8. Run a small window of the Windscribe program. To start the VPN, click on the big round button in the right part.
  9. After a small delay, at which time the activation is carried out, the VPN will be connected.
  10. For zamovchuvannyam the program chooses to improve the location with the most stable z'ednannyam. However, you can choose whether there is another available option. For which click on the element "Connected".
  11. You can see the translation in the list of locations. Those of them, as marked with a star, are only available for a paid premium account. Choose the name of the region of your country, through IP, which would like to appear on the Internet.
  12. A list of settlements is displayed. Choose a safe place.
  13. After that VPN will reconnect to the location you choose and IP changes. You can easily play right in the main window of the program.
  14. Like Bachimo, the procedure for setting up a VPN and changing the IP address for the additional Windscribe program is simple and easy to do, and entering your email during registration allows you to get more cost-free traffic for a few times.

    Method 2: Wake up the functionality of Windows 7

    You can also set up a VPN by turning on Windows 7 tools without installing third-party programs. Ale for the implementation of this method, you must be registered on one of the services that provide services to access from the designated type of registration.

    1. click "Start" with a distant transition to "Control panel".
    2. emboss "Merezha and the Internet".
    3. Open the directory "Management Center".
    4. go to "The establishment of a new connection ...".
    5. W'appear "Master Connection". I see a variant, which transfers the vision of the connection set by the head of the way to the working position. emboss "Dali".
    6. Then we will check at the end of the choice of the method of closing. Click on an element that transfers its connection.
    7. To appear in the end in the field "Internet addresses" drive in the address of that service, through which the order will be registered, and de vie for a long time registered. field "My destination" choose how the connection will be named on your computer. You can not change yoga, but you can replace it with whatever option is convenient for you. Put the checkbox at the bottom "Don't connect now...". Next click "Dali".
    8. In the field "Koristuvach" enter the login before that service, on which registration. U form "Password" enter the password for the entrance and press "Create".
    9. The next one will see information about those who are ready to connect before the stopover. emboss "Close".
    10. Turning around at the end "Centre of Management", Click in the left part of the element "Change of parameters ...".
    11. There will be a transfer of all connections formed on the PC. Look for a VPN connection. Click on the new one with the right button of the bear ( PKM) І choose "Power".
    12. In the displayed shell, move to the tab "Parameters".
    13. Remove the checkbox icon here "Enable Domain...". All other checkboxes are to blame. click "PPP Options...".
    14. To see the interface of the window, add the icons from the checkboxes and press OK.
    15. After that, as you turn in the main direction of the powers of the day, move to the division "Safety".
    16. from the transfer VPN Type put the vibrator on the position "Tunnel Protocol...". Wu list "Data Encryption" choose an option "Obov'yazkove ...". It is also necessary to remove the sign from the checkbox "Microsoft CHAP Protocol...". Leave other parameters in the default settings. After vikonannya zaznachenyh diy emboss OK.
    17. If there is a dialogue window, if there will be a warning about those who can win the PAP and CHAP protocols, then encryption will not be possible. We have indicated a universal VPN installation, which will work in that way, as we provide the services of the service without encryption. But if it is critical for you, then register only on the same service, which supports the assigned function. Whom do you have to emboss OK.
    18. Now you can launch a VPN connection by simply clicking the left mouse button on the entry in the list of connected connections. But once you go to this directory, it will not be manual, and for that, create the launch icon on "Working table". click PKM for the name VPN connection. To imagine the choice "Create a shortcut".
    19. The dialog box will have the proposition move the icon to "Working Style". emboss "So".
    20. To start the connection, open "Working Style" and click on the previously created icon.
    21. In the field "Im'ya Koristuvacha" enter the VPN service login, which was already entered at the connection creation stage. In the field "Password" type in a valid password to enter. So that you never had to miss the entry of data, you can put the icon in the checkbox "Take care of im'ya koristuvach ...". Press to start the day "Connection".
    22. After the registration procedure, it will be shown at the end of the setting of the lace placement. Select to new position "Gromadska merezha".
    23. The connection will be vikonano. Now you can send and receive data via the Internet with the help of a VPN.

    You can install a VPN through VPN in Windows 7 with the help of third-party programs or by speeding up only the functionality of the system. In the first place, you will need to get additional money in the general order, but in the future the procedure for fixing it will be as simple as possible, there are no proxy services to give you good services, you won’t be fooled. If you win the success, you don’t need to download anything, but you need to know ahead of time and register on a special VPN service. In addition, it will be more necessary to vikonate the number of nalashtuvan, as it is significantly more folding, lower when using the software method. So you need to choose for yourself which option suits you better.

Today we will tell you how to fix vpn connection between two computers. Zovsіm recently discovered such an opportunity for himself. It is necessary to set up a VPN server in order to create a VPN.

What do I need for? For z'ednannya in єdinu merezha, dvoh vіddalennyh on the great vіdstanі kom'yuterіv. Vіdstan mіzh them, close to 50 km. Accordingly, in the physical dimension, we do not see each other. How tse robiti, and what is necessary for whom, read further.

For a long time, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating computers appeared, but everyone did not get around to it. Ask for what? For transferring photographs and special documents between them, for cities, as needed.

For the implementation of the plan, it is necessary for one of the computers (the one on which the VPN will be created) to see the IP address. Nothing more is required.

we create a mesh

And so let's get started. For the machine on which the VPN connection will be created, I will beat my home machine.

Click on "Measurement management center ..." from the "Control panel", in which case click on "Change parameters"

At the window "Merezhevі connection" press the Alt key, to open the menu buttons and select the menu "File" - "New input connection"

Now you should choose a koristuvacha, which mother has the right to connect to the VPN network. I did not become a vibirati of a blatant koristuvach, but by creating a new name " vpn

At the next vіknі we tick the box and emboss "Dalі"

We are free to select for locking the protocols and embossed "Permit access"

Ready! Press "Close"

Now you have a new connection

Connecting to the border

To connect to the created fence, open the "Center for management of fences" on the remote computer and click on "Create a new connection ..."

At the next meeting, select the item "Connection to work"

Now select the item "Wake up my connection"

At the next vіknі enter the address of the machine on the same VPN setting (obv'yazkovo vidіnіlі IP, so the machine is connected through a router, on the routerі nalashtuvati transfer port and specify the IP address with the port "address: port")

Now it is not enough to enter the login (the one that was created for the VPN connection) and the password, after which press "Connect".

Once connected, the computers will run one to one in the same way, as if they were in the same local area.

It's not a secret that there are a lot of people in such vipads, victorious virtual private network or VPN, when connected to the Internet on their computer or smartphones. You can be paranoid, but there are real threats, and the situation will only get worse. In Wi-Fi areas, unscrupulous people can try to steal your information. Every time you connect to the Internet, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) can access everything you manage. The merchants, advertisers and scammers can check your traffic between websites and differentiate your distribution space by looking at your IP address. It's scary! And in order to protect and defend yourself, you need to win a VPN, and how to fix a VPN we will describe in this article

The right thing is that the Internet itself is not intended for the protection of your special information. Vіn buv creations for the manual exchange of information, and not the confidentiality of the koristuvachіv, anonymity, or an encrypted connection. Although the HTTPS protocol is designed to protect your information, it does not protect against Internet attacks, but local network attacks, which is a serious problem, as if you ever beaten the day, you can’t lie down. For example, in hotels or cafes.

In this way, more private, shutting down the Internet will not become a reality (possibly, never), vikoristannya VPN - the simplest way to switch over, so that you can share less information.

What to Rob and Not to Rob VPN

Like in any security tool, it is important to understand the possibility of VPN.
Zreshtoy, you don’t mind, that the Kevlar vest vryatu you in the fall from the air, in the creations of the swell of the cull.

When you enable VPN, your traffic is routed through an encrypted tunnel to a server hosted by the VPN company. This means that your Internet Service Provider or someone who connects to your router cannot process your web traffic. From the VPN server your traffic goes to the Internet.

If your traffic is coming from a VPN server, your actual IP address is hidden. It is important that the shards of the IP-addresses are distributed geographically and can be selected for a specific location of the distribution. If you check your IP address, you can check the IP addresses of the VPN server. You might as well be in good fortune, if you want to improve your place of roztashuvannya. By connecting to a VPN server in London, it looks like you are connecting to the Internet from the UK.

Those that VPN is not robitime - tse povnіstyu anonymous traffic. For which you need to hack Tor. This private anonymization is easily accessible through a special version of the Firefox browser. Instead, to simply transfer your data through one VPN server in the network, your data is transferred through a small number of different computers. It’s more complicated to do yoga for those who are trying to understand your thoughts and understand what you are working on.

In addition, websites can help you navigate through additional cookies, online trackers, and other collaborative tools. The use of an ad blocker, such as Adblock Plus, will help to stifle the target audience and increase access more easily, and it will be easier for advertisers to see your traffic on the Internet.

Just because you have a VPN doesn't mean you can forget about the basics of security. While the VPN service works so that stinks can block malicious software, we recommend that you have standalone anti-virus software for your computer, so that these tools are developed specifically to protect your computer from malicious software. One more oversight is to win healthy eyes while pressing on the messages, or to open the deposit of electronic mail. Phishing attacks - if the attacker is a fictitious website that imitates knowledge to fool you into entering your data data - even wider, be prepared for that.

How to choose a VPN

If we look at VPNs, there are a few key indicators, for example, we joke. First, the VPN service is guilty of allowing you to connect at least five devices at once. Inshim є those who support the VPN service BitTorrent traffic on their servers.

Speaking of payments, the average VPN service rate is $10.53 per month. The VPN service, as it grows more in a month, is guilty of proponuvat schos istotne, for example, the control interface, or the impersonal space of roztashuvannya servers, schob pidsoloditi. Call and you can take a reduction, as if you are buying a three-way term, but we recommend that you unique them, as long as you are not convinced that you are satisfied with the service.

First sign up for a VPN, please read it thoroughly and wash the service.
Which document will contain information about how to choose a VPN, and what to do with this information. Most companies say that they don't register traffic and it's great. Go farther, it seems that the stench in the fire does not control the activity of the coristuvach. It is important that the VPN provider can have access to all information, so you can protect others. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these foods and think about those to try a different service, which may not be suitable for you. The most important thing in a VPN is trustworthy. As a place of roztashuvannya, if you think the service does not fill you up, try our service.

No-cost VPN or paid?

Recently, in the editorial office of WoW IT, we tested 1,000 cases by asking a question about VPN typing.

See our results:

  • 62.9 dollars said they didn't want to pay more than $5 for a voicemail.
  • 47.1 companies said they want to win a cost-free VPN.

Deyakі servіsi proponuyut free trial version, and then ring out for a long hour. Others, such as TunnelBear and AnchorFree Hotspot Shield Elite, can be absolutely cost-free versions, but can also be used for pay-per-use versions. For example, TunnelBear has a surcharge for tribute for cashless coristuvachs. On the other hand, Hotspot Shield has a cost-free version with ad-supported ads. The Opera browser, until recently, had a free VPN and nothing was compared to a victorious one. Opera fully promotes vіdminnі VPN add-ons for Android and iOS, it is also absolutely cost-free, expands the zakhist everywhere, de b vie did not know.

How to set up a VPN and start working on it

After that, if you buy a service, the first thing you need to do is to get the company’s supplement. On the website of the VPN service, go to the page to get involved. Next, invest in add-ons for your mobile attachments; you want to protect the yakomog more than your outbuildings. As a rule, you pay one subscription fee for one number of licenses (sound five), you can win the service on any extension, for which you have been given supplements. As soon as you blame the problems and you can’t install a VPN, you will need to come to the aid of the support service of the company, de vie pridbali VPN. Tse sche one plus paid dodatka.

Once you have installed the addon, you will be prompted to enter your login details. Most of the vipadkiv tse im'ya have the same password, as you did during registration. Companies such as Private Internet Access assign you the name of a correspondent who looks after your public data in order to give customers more privacy.

Once logged in, your VPN add-on will connect to the VPN server closest to your streaming service. It’s worth trying to secure more high security for additional VPN, shards of slowness and speed of security increase from the distance to the VPN server depending on your actual location. The axis is this: Your information is now being tunneled to the VPN server.

Respectfully, you will not be obligated to install an add-on VPN company. Instead, you can adjust the settings of your device for a direct connection to the VPN service. If you are turbulent, the ability to be careful in addition, may be a good option for you. More VPN services have documentation on how to set up your device.

Perhaps you want to improve your distribution space, win BitTorrent over VPN, or you want to speed up the servers that are set up by your VPN company.

A lot of VPN companies include an interactive map as part of their traffic. For example, NordVPN allows you to push to the edge to connect to these servers. This is the best way to understand where your information goes.

The choice of the server is more likely to lie down in the form of what you want to reach. For security and security, you are responsible to choose a server that you know the order. In order to take access to the place where you live in the region, you will need a server, which is local for the content, which you want to see. If you want to see the BBC, you will need to make your way to the UK. VPN companies like KeepSolid VPN Unlimited and NordVPN may have dedicated servers for streaming video.

These servers are specialized because streaming services like Netflix block VPNs. Read about the licensing of Netflix. For example, Netflix can sell Star Trek: Discovery outside the US, but in the US you have to pay for the service.

So it's wrong to believe that your VPN service gives BitTorrent traffic on any server, or only on the other. NordVPN clearly states that the servers do not give torrent traffic.

Other services, such as NordVPN and ProtonVPN, may have extended security options, such as access to Tor or multihop virtual networks. Tor, as it has already been suggested, is a way to reduce the protection of your privacy, and it allows you to link websites to the so-called Dark Web. Multihop VPN replaces the fact that you simply route your traffic through one VPN server, connecting through a host of hosts, connecting you with one server, and then with another.

If you have chosen to ignore third-party retailers and adjust your own settings manually, you will probably have to enter information for your skin VPN server OKREMO.

VPN Extensions

The set of functions in the skin VPN varies from service to service, so we can specify only those that you can use when you open the "Nalashtuvannya" panel. We also recommend that you read the documentation and try pressing some buttons. Zreshtoy, the shortest way to learn how to beat a tool is to try it.

Most VPN services include the Kill-Switch feature. If this parameter is turned on, the computer's firewall will transmit or receive information via the Internet, as only VPNs are not required. It's worth noting that if your computer is connected to a VPN, it may prevent the penetration of small fragments of data into unencrypted data.

We recommend tweaking the OpenVPN protocol. Z vіdkritim vihіdnim code, so yak potenciyno vrazlivі mіstsya buli vіrіrenі i nalashtuvati vpn, you can easily. IKEv2 is also a good, secure option since OpenVPN is not available. Respectfully, on some platforms, such as macOS and iPhone, OpenVPN is not always available through add-on networks installed by retailers. Smart VPNs for iPhone give you access to the latest and greatest protocols available on your platform.

How to set up a VPN and twist yoga?

To ensure maximum security, you are responsible for victorious VPNs often, and ideally, for an entire hour. Ale tse іdeal, і tse not zavzhd can be reached. At the very least, you are to blame for the VPN, if you win the network, which you don’t care about, and the Wi-Fi network is especially accessible. But in general, we recommend that the coristuvachi install behind the locks in their VPN appendices. You can definitely turn it on, as it eliminates the problem.

VPN for Android and other mobile devices are somewhat more foldable, especially as they often move and take out the coverage of a stylish phone. Once in a while, if you spend and renovate a connection, the VPN is guilty of connecting. But if so, it’s less imovirno, that your mobile traffic can be crossed over, but how to bring it up, you can work it out. And, as law enforcement and development agencies, in fact, without interruption, have access to telecommunications data, it is recommended to win a VPN by calling a telephone call. In addition, most mobile devices can automatically connect to any known Wi-Fi network. At the very least, you should win the VPN when connected via Wi-Fi.

If you are turbulent, if the VPN is strengthening your connection or blocking important traffic, you should take a look at the parameters under the tunnel. Well, I know, different companies give these functions different names, but the bottom line is that you can choose how programs will win VPN for their traffic and how programs can work without VPN. For example, TunnelBear includes the ability to not tunnel Apple add-ons to ensure they function properly on the Mac.

How to set up a VPN for streaming with the help of Chromecast or AirPlay

Chromecast and AirPlay allow you to stream music and video from your computer or mobile device to speakers, TVs, and streaming boxes. However, all stinks require Wi-Fi, which can be a problem with a different VPN.

When VPN tasks, your traffic is moved through an encrypted tunnel, which does not allow attachments to know one another in the same Wi-Fi network. So it’s your fault to be, for what you don’t want, so that you can follow the fence and recognize that you are working. Unfortunately, this also means that Chromecast and AirPlay don't work if you activate the VPN.

Chromecast Ultra

The simplest solution is to turn on the VPN, but it's not the only option. You can use split tunneling, as you might guess, to route only the traffic you want to steal over the VPN. You can win a VPN browser plugin that only encrypts your browser traffic and nothing else.

In addition, you can install and configure VPN on your router. This means that all attachments connected to your router, from your phone to a smart juicer, will encrypt traffic. Tse vіdminny variant for іntelektualny booth.

VPN is not a rocket

It’s too bad someone won’t win VPN for you, only to those who stink to think that this is a security tool. But a lot of companies were hard-pressed, so that they could make them handy and forgive the victors. More install and forget about security tools, like it's your fault. If you want to protect yourself against potential threats, buying a VPN is one of the shortest and easiest ways to steal your web traffic.

If you can't install a VPN or you're having problems with it, the WoW IT team is always ready to help.

Instructions for setting up a VPN connection for Windows 7
At the lower right corner of the working table (in the order of the anniversary) know and click on the connection icon, at the window select "Center for control of facilities and open access"

Like the icon for the daily connection, the “START” menu will speed up, then enter the word “center” in a row. From the list it is necessary to select "Center for management of fences and open access"

At the end of the day, select the item “Setting up a new connection or a fence”

In order to select the options, it is necessary to select the item “Connection to the work station” and press the “Next” button.

If in the system you already know if there are any services of dial-up access, it will appear sooner or later, in which it is necessary to put the indicator “Hi, create a new connection” and press the “Dalі” button.

At the vіknі, select "Vikoristovuvat my connection to the Internet (VPN)"

In the "Addresses on the Internet" field, enter For homeowners, you need to enter, and for TOMTEL VPN cards, you need to enter “My place of recognition” must be corrected on VPN-TOMTEL or VPN-IVANCO is valid and check the box “Do not connect at once, only check the installation for connection in future”, after which click the “Dalі” button.

In the "Koristuvach" field, enter your VPN login, and in the "Password" field, enter your password and click the "Create / Connect" button.

It's coming soon, what has appeared is necessary, just close it.

Now, I will re-open the "Center for management of borders and open access" and select the item "Connect to the border",

At the "Connection" it is necessary to press the "Power" button.

In the «Zahalni» depositor, it is necessary to change the checkmark next to the designated position

Let's go to the "Settings" tab and uncheck the box "Enable Windows logon domain"

On the “Safety” tab, it is also important to select the settings for setting as indicated below:

On the “Network” tab, turn on the non-binding components and, in a small way, click the “OK” button:

Now you need to set up a connection with the VPN server. For whom press the button "Connection"

Respect! Be kindly familiar with the real features of VPN-z'ednan:

2. Whenever a VPN is disabled, the programs can, regardless of whether the VPN is turned on, continue to be on the same channel.

3. Voice over VPN session may not be correct. After opening the VPN connection, it can take up to 1 year to an hour, first, lower, the payment for the session bags will be broken.