Download a cat-free guide for Android OS. How to download a cat-free kit for Android Why do you need a cat-free kit for Android?

A look at cost-free flights for the mobile platform, how to download and install on Android (phone, smartphone, tablet), how to customize your experience.

Finally you need a lighter

The gut light is necessary not only for users of smartphones and tablets on Android, but also for mortals. Example: you're walking home late at night, the streets aren't well-lit, the locality isn't even familiar. If you don’t have a fever with you, there is a high chance of falling, getting into trouble and recovering from injury. That's a shame, it's not safe.

The other one on the right is because you have an Android device and a program with plugins is installed on it. You can easily light the road and reach the nearest path.

How does a mobile physician work?

Here's a look at the collection of different types of laptops on Android. At the hour of the robot stink, without blame, vikorists slept on the phone. These programs have additional capabilities:

  • Add a widget from the likhtarik to the Home Screen
  • Allows you to install bedrooms at the entrance doors (in addition to vibration).

Flashlight #2 - android light without ads

The Flashlight program of the same name is very simple, you can send a simple light to your Android phone with a single button - it will enhance and highlight the camera.

It’s a pity that Flashlight doesn’t have access to brightness adjustments, so you can’t control the koristuvach who has enchanted the program. The installation of a fireman on the call and other functions are also not transferred. But Flashlight has a “fat” plus: there are no advertisements or advertising features.

In other words, both the advantage and the deficit of Flashlight come from a lack of regulation, a healthy minimalism. The widget does not “eat” the memory of the mobile device and other functions. To turn on the light, just press one button - the light goes out, turn it on - the same action.

You can download Flashlight freely on your smartphone or tablet in APK format, either through Google Play or with us.

Another cost-free android light called Flashlight

Add-on "Likhtarik": maximum intensity of adjustment, brightness and blocking that can be adjusted.

A cat-free must-have add-on for Android. Allows you to adjust not only the brightness of the lighting, but also adjust other parameters directly related to the lighting functions - for the phone screen and sleeper. Retailers have added the same functions to the widget as are common in other mobile phones.

Now, having downloaded from Google Play and installed a portable lighter on Android, we go to setting up the lighter and most of the following parameters:

  • Lighting at the start time: you can turn it on or turn on the option to turn the light on at the time the program starts
  • Auto-connection: obviously, the interval of connection of the lithtar on the phone/tablet
  • Sound: sound signal at the time of activation of the lekhtarik
  • Vikoristannya in the "sleep-dzvinok" and "dzvinok-likhtarik" modes
  • Keruvannya lithtarik through a widget from the Android home screen
  • Smooth adjustment of brightness
  • Changing the orientation of the screen during active inflammation/practicing
  • Use Rooted Mode: Since the Android OS blocks the retailer options, you can activate Android rights extensions.
  • Blocking buttons with programs: avoiding the sudden pressure of buttons during an hour of sleep (the lithtar will not turn off at an important moment).

Although the operation on the phone works stably, when a white screen appears, one gets confused: unsurprisingly, there is a problem with the device or program. However, the whole thing is the background of the screen, which is adjusted by “Likhtarik” for taste and color.

The cat-free add-on "Likhtarik" for your phone has all the lighting options

"Likhtarik" traditionally displays advertising, as an option - on Google Play - an ad-free version of the program for Android. Therefore, the program is worth not only installation on a smartphone, but also a symbolic payment. It is highly recommended that you download the entire package for Android from the Market (apk 1 MB in size).

Bright light: LED light for smartphone

Perhaps, one of the most beautiful lighthouses for Android. The program will be interesting because you don’t know how to install the light on a Samsung, Lenovo or other Android phone, and you will need to quickly download and install the light, and the user experience is not so important.

Lighter can also be accessed through the widget. When activated, the light turns off, and the operator does not understand where the button is to turn the light up/down, how to adjust the brightness, etc. Luckily, there is a customized menu and here you can customize the sound and timer.

The graphic shell of “The Bright Flyer” on Android deserves pity, you can’t imagine it any simpler. The positive thing is that the sound is effective when the program starts.

Sane Flashlight: free and open-source add-on with live code

The Sane Flashlight light has features that are not found in other lightening programs on the phone. First of all, there is a different type of advertising modules.

Download the lekhtarik on Android via the Play Market, install the apk file, ensure access rights (minimal ones) and use the program if you need to catch an hour of walking along the street or in the government building needs

Sane Flashlight - a great supplement for children

As a developer, Sane Flashlight will be your go-to guide on how to write a similar program for Android. Flashlight has an open source code, you can freely modify it for your own non-commercial purposes - the developer of Sane Flashlight would like the initiative. However, it is not obligatory to run the program for direct reasons.

Color Flashlight: color light

A catless light on Android is used to brighten and send SOS signals not only to the camera, but also to the phone screen. Come to the mercy of the “military-Polish”, flexible climatic minds, if you want to gain respect for yourself at a great distance.

The color light doesn't have a lot of options for controlling lighting. You can press and turn on the light switch (on Nokia, HTC, Samsung Galaxy phones and others), quickly turn on the light switch by pressing one button. The basis of the Color Flashlight light is presets. The smell can be manually and promptly signaled by the phone screen.

In addition, for additional help with Color Flashlight you can:

  • display brown text, be it text information, on the phone screen
  • press into the center of the screen saver
  • change the background color (this, judging by the name, is the main feature of Color Flashlight)
  • activate the sound support, synchronize the sound with the camera.

The color light can be downloaded to your phone without cost: the Color Flashlight apk file is available on Google Play and as requested below.

Likhtarik Flashlight - LED Torch Light: fireworks, SOS mode

This cat-free groomer for Android is brand new in the Google Play market. In addition to other flashlight programs, there are a number of unique options that, at first glance, are absolutely not online.

Likhtarik Flashlight - LED Torch Light for Android

First of all, LED Torch Light monitors battery drain. As soon as the charge level drops to a minimum of 5%, a reasonable fireman will anticipate the discharge with a series of fires, remembering to turn on the firelighter on the phone or change the brightness in an emergency.

It automatically turns on the light on the tablet for 15 seconds up to 30 minutes. They seem to have sunk in, slept for a long time, and are not guilty of working, as a matter of life - a car battery. Having deprived yourself of the spirit, we will sleep for the last hour, and you will “kill” your sleep.

Other possibilities:

  • The LED Torch Light can be used via a special widget: turn it on, adjust the intensity (lightness) and light mode
  • SOS mode
  • adjusting the color of the screen of the mobile device.

Just Flashlight: supernatural light for Android

Among hundreds of mobile users, you rarely download a program with its original name. Also Just Flashlight ("Just a Likhtarik") is not very comparable to other candidates for Google Play. Let us marvel at the peculiarity of this catless likhtarik.

Just Flashlight manually separates the brightness of the screen of the mobile device and the options that are suitable for sleeping. It is often associated with the SOS mode, as well as Strobe. A strobe light can be used to brighten up the flickering lights behind the additional screen or the tablet’s photo shoot.

Just Flashlight - the ultimate lighter with manual adjustments

It is not clear why Just Flashlight runs so well (similar to other programs), and this is clearly not the best side of the light. No matter how complicated it is, I would like to turn on the program without a three-second delay.

You can download the awesome Flashlight light on Android free of charge (1.3 MB, download apk - 523137) from Google Play and install it on your phone.

Flashlight program - a cat-free light with “analog” emulation

The Flashlight mobile app for Android has a number of key settings:

  • turn up and turn off the sound,
  • regulation of brightness,
  • Powerful activation of the ligator through the UP/WIM button.

The advantage of Flashlight is that the program is turned on when installed and does not drain the battery without your knowledge (for example, other Android devices have to be turned off at startup). You won’t be able to unlock this apk add-on by locking the button on your phone, it won’t discharge your smartphone, it won’t overheat the camera, because the program will start in the wild when you press the Power button forcibly.

The Flashlight software “lighter” has a receiving interface, which essentially performs the functions of an intestinal healer. There is a power button, a brightness indicator and a ring-shaped menu - which helps you adjust the brightness of your phone's camera.

The only downside of the Flashlight mobile app is that advertising is displayed in the main window (although for the simplest functionality of Android programs, you don’t want to look at them again). It’s good that you can download the Flashlight program free of charge from the latest version (1 MB), don’t worry about all the advertising.

Flashlight interface

Colorful Flashlight from Happy Hollow Studio

Recently, another program with lightning functions appeared in the Play Market - Flashlight, developed by the Happy Hollow Studio team. You may end up spending a lot of time on your smartphone, but other users will benefit from a neat and well-thought-out interface.

The “analog” button for turning on the air conditioner is large and needs to be done manually in order to press it in the dark. All actions end smoothly, the animation of the program does not interfere.

Flashlight - a beautiful universal light fixture

Two main lighting modes are supported: on the phone and on the screen.

The light is completely universal, it can be used for soft lighting like a floor lamp. Allows you to adjust the color and intensity of screen lighting.

The phone-lighter is suitable for reading books in the dark, illuminating the road on country roads, signaling for help in unknown localities and weather conditions. Mandrivniks need to transmit a signal in Morse code (in SOS mode) and a GPS compass - for orientation in an unknown location, if you get lost.

- a beautiful program to transform an Android phone on the bright side. Now this is the key function of the skin device, which offers a number of lighting options aimed at different situations. In fact, any program covers both the screen and the screen, providing maximum brightness with additional settings of modes. It can be installed on any phone that allows you to install large analogues that require constant charging, batteries and wear in the intestine. Now a beam of light will be with you in the future, showing you the way and protecting you from troubles.

Why do you need Likhtarik for Android free download

- a single pressure allows the mitt to activate the light in the impenetrable darkness, the intensity of which depends on the type of dzherel;
- A new set of tools contributes to the internal potential of unlocking the capabilities of the device;
- Using the manual interface, you can activate the program directly from your eyes, without requiring any knowledge of how to control the light;
- a number of special modes allow you to adjust brightness, reduce and advance changes, and if necessary, you can turn on the light music or turn on the SOS flasher;
- The widget will remain permanently on the work table (behind the basket), so that at any moment you can brighten up the darkness, helping you to know the important details and the right direction;
- intelligent saving of energy and system resources, keeping an eye on the robot’s inactivity, automatically changing power and shutting down during heavy downtime;
- Activation and treatment with the help of gestures, which adds a new range of services available for adapting the system to life’s outbursts.

It’s easy to guess if you need this extra. Do you walk on the street at night and want to light up a nearby farm road, or, having scared a friend, do you want to give a signal? This situation may be the same, and all the smells can be attributed to the presence of a catless lechtar in your mobile device. You can download the flashlight program for Android free of charge and without advertising on your phone via direct apk. A smartphone or tablet, regardless of its characteristics, type or type of lighting, will provide the most important function to the skin.

Changed: 08/25/2018 | Pereglyadiv: 15203

Nadyaskraviy likhtarik is an add-on that you can’t practically do without on your smartphone. And it’s not surprising: life suffers from a colossal number of situations when it is necessary to find the necessary speech, and there is no light in the neighborhood or on the street. Such a butt will be familiar to everyone who has ever lost the keys to the doors of the dark darkness.

Today's smartphones can be disabled without any functions and it would be a shame not to use them. Of course, the phone itself is also equipped with the function of a lighter, so there is a daily opportunity to adjust your tension, and to remove the light you need to perform a whole series of low-impact activities. Therefore, the program “Nadyakraviy Likhtarik” becomes an active helper in the face of current problems.

Vegetable rice

  • High level of brightness. The word “nadyakraviy” in the name is not initially pathetic: the program effectively maximizes the resources of your smartphone, for which it creates a tense and bright light area.
  • Virtual buttons. It has a real light button to activate the smartphone, which lies in your hands, similar to a regular small lamp.
  • Adjusted. You can customize the program to suit your individual needs. There are a lot of options here: you can change the frequency and the mode.
  • Manual interface. The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, so little kids can relate to it.
  • Aesthetic look. The addition is not only functional, but also visually pleasing: the designers did their best.
  • Stroboscope support. The strobe function allows you to create the shadow effect.
  • Support for high-quality displays. The program can be installed on a phone from any separate location.


Lighter switching on – on the right for one second; Having downloaded this program, you will be able to figure out the whole place and either get your bearings or find out what you are looking for. This phone practically does not take up the memory of your phone, but at any moment you may need to cancel it. By installing the program, you remove the shortest assistant program of this type.

The chamber is equipped with a sleeping chamber with a high level of brightness, which can also serve as a lighter. It’s so easy to use that korisna river, because it just works without any problems. How does it work and how can you turn on light on your mobile phone under Android? Of course, you can create a desktop computer in the following ways: using the standard functions of the Android operating system (widget), as well as using programs.

New operating systems Android 5.0+ allow you to activate the lightbox on your phone without installing third-party programs. To do this, you need to pull the top curtain down and also look for the ligator icon. In English versions, the values ​​may be flashlight. This is the simplest way to set the light on the phone, where there is a camera with a sleeping bag.

Once the button is activated, the LED on the back panel of the phone will work, brightly illuminating everything around it. Wimicannya is created in the same way. through the menu at the top of the screen. To click on it, swipe your finger down again.

Most current devices use Android version 4.X.X or lower, so such manipulations will not lead you to results. Some models (Samsung and Lenovo models) may have the ability to reduce the fever in their functionality. Lenovo phones have a special standard add-on called “Likhtarik”, which you can find in the list of all programs. If the Lenovo camera is equipped with a camera, then through the Qiu program
It can be activated.

On Samsung models, you can activate the lightbox using the following words, such as a widget. What is a widget? This is a special graphical add-on that is displayed on the main screen of the phone, which allows you to carry out any adjustments without immediately launching programs. On some Samsung phones (and other phones), you can add a health care widget to your desktop. For this purpose, just sign these actions:

  1. Place your finger on the free space of the work table.
  2. Wait for the menu to appear. Select “Programs and Widgets”
  3. In another deposit you can find the lekhtarik widget.
  4. Holding the icon with your finger, drag it to the right place.

After these actions, you will have a special button that allows you to quickly press and turn on the liquid. The widget may be available on a daily basis (depending on the Android version and device model).

If you hear a ringing sound, you need to quickly find the telephone number, as it is located near the apartment. If the lighting is poor, the brightness of the screen is not enough to detect the smartphone. Some phones with the Android system, with standard settings, allow you to enable the flashing function of the fireman when the phone rings, which acts as a roaring beacon. You can enable them on Android by following the following steps:

  1. Go to the underground installation telephone.
  2. Select “Special options”.
  3. Scroll down, and then check the box next to the row “Reported by Spalakhs”
  4. Organize the input call, and also reverse how the LED is working.

In this way, if there is an input call on the phone, the sleepers will be regularly activated, indicating the location of the smartphone. Of course, if the camera with the LED is on the bottom side, you will sleep well, you won’t hurt for everything.

As in the adjustment of such a point, it is natural that it is not possible to fall into the conclusion that there are still a number of additions that allow you to activate your sleep when you wake up. A good example is the “Asleep on the Dawn” program.

You can adjust the frequency of the measure and frequency of the sleep. This program has a very simple interface and is completely cost-free. You can find it and download it to your phone from the Google Play store.

Reading 4 xv.

Today's smartphone includes a number of tools that you may need at any time. Vikorist sleeping, you can turn it into hand-made, brown, and sometimes into marny, or even cool light-colored. For this purpose, you need to use a lighter for Android and expand the capabilities of your smartphone, vikoryst your maximum. Let's take a look at the best and best software for Android.

Flashlight is a popular lighting program for those who love simplicity. Even though it is very handy, it is easy to wear it. You can adjust the brightness of the light and the sound guide, which can be adjusted if necessary. An SOS signal is activated behind the strobe light. The main function is to protect against power-on, which protects the phone from wasted energy.

Lighter Galaxy LED is a cost-free program that demonstrates the most beautiful light of light. Designed for Samsung Galaxy, but also suitable for other devices. Vikoristova slept on the phone screen. Minimalist design avoids the hassle of vikoristan. You can quickly click away from the locked screen. The lithtar himself can work in the following mode:

  • stable light;
  • moment;
  • strobe

The flashing frequency of the strobe can be adjusted and adjusted like a Morse code. The addition also includes a compass, which is a good addition. Such a lighter is always needed on the road.
Koristuvachki signify the reliability of the website, the abundance of advertising, the simplicity and difficulty of the device.

Lighter for Android Tiny Flashlight is turned on with one dot on the icon, immediately bringing it to work. Vikoristova slept with a camera and a screen. Tsikavy with its additions that can be installed:

  • lamp;
  • police flasher;
  • prechewing signals;
  • light table

The screen that glows is illuminated by any color from the spectrum. You can adjust the brightness to allow you to experiment with lighting.
In active mode, the display shows the battery level and temperature.

The Selene FLASH LED program is a handy tool for Android with a set of necessary functions. Provides bright light through the bedroom or screen. When the screen is active, brightness can be adjusted manually. When changing the mode, a vibration signal will be sent. With a strobe light, you can adjust the frequency of the strobe, and also use Morse code and adjust the SOS signal.

A switch-off timer has been sent to the fireman, during which the fireman will turn on himself, thereby saving energy. The amount of battery charge and the hour of work left is displayed on the screen. When the screen is locked, the light works in the background - you don’t have to worry about it, which will go out at the most inopportune moment.

The Color Lighter HD LED light program works as a standard light, vikorist cameras and screen. Prote more with its animation and effects that you can enjoy:

  • animated writing;
  • the heart that shines;
  • burning candle;
  • a spiral that rotates;
  • colors are funny, they murmur;
  • disco cool.

The add-on has a different color backlight for the screen - choose the one that suits your eyes best. The light shines brightly and quickly switches between different modes.

The alertness and silence of the flight attendant is accompanied by various sound signals. Equipped with an automatic timer for 2 hvilins or 10 hvilins. Workers have cameras and screens. During the hour of operation, all available indicators of the device are switched on. In the dark, you won’t have a chance to soak up the buttons - they’re well lit. The program is simple, but very functional. Retailers declare the maximum amount of vikoristan brightness of light.

Lighter LED Genius Led-backlight – the special feature of this lighthouse for Android is that it can be turned on without the screen getting cold. Moreover, the sensitivity of a coward is adjusted individually. With a slight movement of the hand, the physician switches to work mode. When this happens, the sleeping chambers get involved. At the same time, a screen also appears on the screen, on which you can select a different backlight color scheme. The add-on includes a minimal set of necessary functions, manually from the vikoristan.