What is conversion? Everything you need to know about conversion. Conversion significance analysis



(Lat.). 1) re-creation, re-creation, change. 2) from the percentage of papers to others that bring in less money, equalized with more.

Glossary of foreign words in the stock of the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[Lat. conversio – re-creation, change] – 1) Finnish. exchanging one currency (CURRENCY) for another at the current price rate; 2) transfer of industry from the production of military products to the production of civil goods; 3) lingual. a method of illuminating a word by changing its grammatical characteristics; transition of a word from one part of the language to another.

Dictionary of personal words - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


a change of mind for the Borg, which vibrates with the method of relieving the Borg. Most often, sovereign positions are converted. To the residents of the region. Papers are offered to claw back money for them or exchange old papers for new ones, and expect that the price for the position will be reduced. It turns out that if pennies are getting cheaper, then new minds will be more powerful and more powerful. the paper wants to exchange with the rulers.

A new dictionary of foreign words that have emerged from the Russian language., 1907 .


a change of minds, a position on the bourgeois selfishness, - for a reduced salary.

Dictionary of foreign words in the Russian warehouse. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


(lat. conversio transformation, change)

2) k. gene – change of one of the allelic (paired) genes with the addition of another member of the pair;

3) internal – the transfer of an electron from an atom when transferring to it the excess energy of the atomic nucleus; accompanied by x-ray and optical transmission;

4) lingv. a way to master words by additionally changing their grammatical characteristics ( English love love - love love).

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART,, 2009 .


conversions, w. [ Latin conversio - turnover, re-creation] (econ.). The exchange of the minds of the sovereign position for the selfishness of the state that it has foregone (with the help of a reduction in wages, an increase in payments, etc.). Position conversion.

Great dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


і, and. (Nyumu. Conversion fr. conversion lat. conversio beast, re-creation; translation).
1. Finnish Exchange, re-creation, re-arrangement. Before. currencies (exchange same currencies to each other). Before. poses(Replacing a previously issued position with a new one by changing its terms and the size of the position count).
2. ek. Transfer of industrial enterprises from the production of one product to the production of completely new products. Before. defense industry factories.
|| Porivn. reconversion.
3. physical Vilit electron h atom under the hour of transferring the excess energy of the atomic nucleus to you.
4. lingv. A way to illuminate words by additionally changing their grammatical characteristics, without acknowledgment affixes (eg, English to work pratsyuvati – work robot).
Conversion- What to do before conversion 1-4.

Tlumachny dictionary of personal words by L. P. Krisina. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


Wonder what “CONVERSION” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Latin: conversio Conversion of re-creation) the concept of re-creation, change of minds, replacement of some objects of creation with others, or some valuable papers with others. Main types of conversion: Conversion of currencies and valuable documents exchanging one currency for… Economic dictionary

    Rearrangement of the agreement regarding payment before the loan is due. renewal of any kind of goiter. exchange of converted crops on shares. revaluation of valuable papers from one currency to another. the possibility of exchanging one currency for... Financial dictionary

    Conversion- (Latin: conversion, change; English conversion) 1) exchange, change, revolution; 2) transfer of industry from military production to the production of civilian products and other things (div. also Conversion of shares; Conversion of currency; Conversion……) Encyclopedia of Law

    Conversion- Conversion of positions - replacement of previously issued sovereign positions with new ones. Conversion of commercial activity of exchange of shares or bonds of one type on a valuable paper of the same type, but also issued by the same company. Currency conversion… Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics

    conversion- (in psycholinguistics) (from Lat. conversio change, re-creation) the creation of a new meaning of a word, either when it moves into a new paradigm of word change (for example, “pecti” in the house, “pecti” bread), or when it is lived in context, so there are … … Great psychological encyclopedia

    Conversion, conversions, squads. (Lat. conversio turnover, re-creation) (econ.). The exchange of the minds of the sovereign position for the selfishness of the state that it has foregone (with the help of a reduction in wages, an increase in payments, etc.). Position conversion. Tlumachny dictionary... ... Tlumachny Dictionary of Ushakov

    CONVERSION, i, female 1. div. convert. 2. conversion of military production and transfer of enterprises of the military-industrial complex to the production of household goods. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Tlumachny Dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (Latin: conversion, change) policy of principled change of the military, militarized structure of the marriage. Conversion will destroy the widest areas of life. It is necessary to bring to them political, economic, ... Political Science Dictionary.

    Re-creation, re-creation, translation, re-translation; change, processing, securitization, exchange, bioconversion Dictionary of Russian synonyms. conversion noun, number of synonyms: 7 bioconversion (1) … Glossary of synonyms

    conversion- I, f. conversion f. nim. Conversion, lat. conversio revolution, re-creation. old, military A turn, a retreat, a change of front. The squadrons began to spend the day of conversion, which is really bad. 1788. Potyomkin to Suvorov. / / RS 1875 5 33. 1. ... ... Historical dictionary of Galician Russian language


  • Conversion. How to turn sales leads, Smith K.. By testing practice, a short plan is to get potential clients through the Internet and turn them into real buyers. The book is dedicated to the purpose...

Kozhen vlasnik of the retail outlet, the website and the marketing enterprise is committed to ensuring that all of its potential clients are real. Whenever a person enters a store, a merchant Merezhi wanders around in search of something needed for her product, a priori what the buyer wants.

However, it often happens that you can’t do anything with your life. The critical role in such situations is played by the quality of service - the professionalism of the specialists, design, the range of good products and pricing policy, the quality of products and much more.

You can watch about conversion and sales in the following video materials:

The procedure for organizing this display

The most important type of decline is sales conversion appears in hundreds.

For the development of this show, it is enough to quickly offensive formula:

Number of goods sold*100/Number of sellers

For example, a bookstore sold 20 books for free. During this hour, the outlet received 500 people. In this case we have the following: 20*100/500=4%.

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We analyze the sales conversion rate

Sales conversion rate allows for significance the effectiveness of the organization’s marketing policy: the extent to which it is possible to obtain clients who send content to the Internet resource and contribute to sales.

Conversion success will always be measured differently. For example, at a retail outlet, the main indicator is the customer’s purchases, for the store portal in Merezhi - the availability of hosted software, a subscription to the postal delivery service or registration on the site, and for the advertiser - the number of people, Oh, they got angry.

Advancement methods

The better the sales conversion, the better. With high values ​​of this indicator, the effectiveness of the marketing policy is at par, the number of active clients allows you to generate a significant profit.

However, sales conversion is often far from ideal, which is due to the low demand: “How can the situation be improved? What are the methods for?

She's sleeping at this hour a number of advancement methods sales conversion rate.

Let's take a quick look at the situation with a retail outlet. For this type of disease, you need to treat the customers who have entered and place it in front of the entrance to the store.

To improve your sales conversion rate, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. The first rule of increased conversion is constant visibility of the potential client’s sellers. It is your responsibility to come to the rescue at the first failure, and if the retail outlet is engaged in the sale of a technically complex product, for example, computer or consumer equipment, then the first to request advice before choosing.
  2. Leather goods have a price tag and a report description. The information may be fully functional.
  3. All products are equipped with barcodes that can be read correctly. Particular respect should be given to the owners of large shopping centers, in which the price tags are often ruined and the potential buyer is responsible for the ability to recognize the quality of the goods with the help of a special device.
  4. There is a selection of clear and mirrored display cases, the navigation of the hall is well thought out, so people can easily find the goods they need.
  5. Mastered technology of completion, which allows you to transform a potential buyer into a real one.
  6. Organization of several cash desks for changing orders (no more than 5 people).
  7. Constant control of goods by the police.

Now I'm getting bored on the online store. The main factors here are:

The supply of overflow is not enough. For online stores, there are no other effective ways to increase sales conversion, or anything else. It is also important to remember about the role of optimization and promotion of the site, and sales will break all records, and you will earn a solid profit.

How to increase the number of sales in your online business is shown in this video:

The understanding concept of “sales conversion”, what it is and why it is used in business, is necessary for all beginners and advanced entrepreneurs.

Regardless of the type of activity, its size or directly (or perhaps not), the conversion of sales of services or products indicates how efficiently and clearly the process is optimized.

This term means a high level of actual relationship between potential buyers and the service of the product prior to actual sales.

The indicator is insured as a result of the activity of the store, enterprise and other business in the service sector, and its activity.

Vikorists are considered to be important by sales managers, merchandisers, managers, supervisors, business trainers and others who are involved in the sales process.

What does sales conversion mean?

Sales conversion is the numerical comparison of a potential client (who is likely to make a purchase) to the actual number of sales.

A potential buyer of goods and services is identified in the following ways:

  1. These people, who were selling goods, set up online food modes;
  2. For a mortgage store, a store, an Internet site;
  3. Those who have become familiar with the company;
  4. A list of potential clients identified based on the criteria of place of residence, age, status, work location or occupation, interest payments, etc.

This can be described in the butt, if it is based on high levels of unique flexibility. The number of sales is minimal.

For example, today nearly five thousand people visit the site, and the number of purchases does not exceed five thousand per click.

With simple mathematical calculations, it can be determined that the relationship between potential clients and actual sales vary with the negative side.

In what areas does this display stagnate?

For every type of business, I will highlight the peculiarities of such a display as a conversion of virtual sales.

In general retail, this method is complicated by the number of people who entered the store and the number of purchases made.

A special sales conversion formula is used for the purchase of goods:

K= N/N0 * 100%

  • K – conversion value;
  • N - the number of buyers (or people who have been with this or another company for a long time;
  • N0 – the actual number of distributors in a retail or online store.

Important: The formula and characteristics of such an indicator, such as sales conversion, do not change depending on the structure of the company or the ultimate goals of the field (marketing or optimization of activities).

A summary of the cost of optimization and the demand for goods and services of the company, as well as for the store and for the great business in the following categories:

  • Online stores;
  • Retail trade;
  • Saloni for services (for example,);
  • Manufacturing enterprises (for example, a workshop for the production of plastic windows);
  • Other types of remote business (freelancing, too).

For any purposes, you can take out insurance from small, medium and large businesses

Sales conversion analysis can be used for a number of main purposes:

  1. As a marketing tool;
  2. To identify shortfalls in the current structure of the enterprise and company;
  3. As the first analysis of the prospects of this and other activities.

Important:There is no standard level of conversion, so the skin type of activity has its optimal performance. For example, for retail trade and online retail, this figure can increase a hundred times and still be positive.

There are situations when care cannot clearly determine the effectiveness of the activity of one or the other directly.

Through possible mitigation actions, it appears that ineffective advertising campaigns are being carried out, the number of campaigns being released, the loss of regular customers, etc.

By solving the problems of conversion, the management team can determine which stage of destruction is important to the majority of potential buyers.

From the moment of commitment to the successful completion of any business, there are a number of stages, the difference between them and read this indicator.

  1. P.K. go to the website or store to view the offer and become aware of the price category;
  2. It is necessary to learn how to develop the skill of the servants, which means they have a strong reputation;
  3. Consult specifically or by phone with the manager (call specifically or submit an application on the site);
  4. The purchase is valid.

Apply a special conversion rate for these and other types of activities

For example, let’s take the online sports food store, which today reaches three thousand people.

For such an area of ​​trade, this indicator is high, so optimistic forecasts are unlikely to create a clear sales conversion.

However, the number of items per day does not exceed ten units of goods.

Coming from the structure of the above formula, we can calculate the current data: 10 (number of real deals per day) / 3000 (for unique distributors on the site) * 100% = 0.33%.

This conversion breakdown shows that the store has problems optimizing sales.

Only 0.33% of those who come to the site buy, wanting to buy money from them - a potential buyer who, when going to a store, decides to buy or get acquainted with the trade proposition.

Based on this indicator, you can identify potential problems associated with low conversion rates:

  • The price of products has been increased (higher, lower than competitors);
  • Small assortment;
  • The structure of the site is poorly organized;
  • Outdated design, lack of necessary information and more.

Important:Each type of activity has key characteristics that indicate the reason for the low conversion rate. Here are the examples of online retail.

Analysis of sales conversion indicators

Whenever a sales conversion analysis shows a negative result, it is necessary to conduct a clear analysis in order to achieve such an effect as an increase in sales conversion.

As described above, there is no melodious positive sentiment.

All the hidden displays described in the experiments of hairdressing companies and stores in this and other areas of sales are presented in the photo below:

For the vibrator sphere, a display of 1-2 meters would also be optimal.

There are a number of hidden parameters that influence conversion, which can be stagnant for any area of ​​activity:

  • Kintseva varity of goods;
  • Vibir;
  • Yakiness;
  • Work by staff.

If you perceive a low - uneven level of potential sales of goods and services, then you can determine where you are missing out.

Here we must adhere to the illegal rules of competition and the dangers of doing business in this or other sphere.

How to increase your conversion rate

In online sales, it is easier to analyze statistics, since some of them are carried out automatically and include several points at a time.

For example, hundreds of unique items per day, removal of previous pages and sections, replenishment of the box, excess applications for the price list, etc.

Since most people are tempted to enter a site and not proceed further, there are problems with navigation, design and content.

The conversion rate is relevant for production. For example, if you are distributing a commercial proposition for other companies or holding an advertising exhibition.

The number of those who clicked (or read the advertising sheet) is the same as potential buyers.

There is little evidence of the irrelevance of this proposition or the wrong marketing policy.

Whether any proposition is competitive or comfortable for the client – ​​these are the main reasons for the absence of an important conversion indicator.

What is the conversion rate?

For example, marketing carried out the campaign by launching contextual and banner advertising, which resulted in a conversion of over two hundred.

The number of purchases increased by 30% compared to the same period last month.

The sheer number of purchases made from a foreign advertising budget means sales conversion analysis.

Return your attention to submitting a screenshot of statistics to the online store.

All website systems also include analysis of conversion data at specific points.

This will significantly require further optimization of the marketing policy.

What is the sales force?

Virtues and sales conversion are similar in their structure. The first term means all the stages that a buyer goes through in the process of purchasing a product.

The visualization recalls the classical virtu, the beast is widened, and below there is a sound.

The top positions signify a great flow of potential clients, and the bottom positions are already a strong target.

The following situation develops from the initial points or stages of processing the agreement:

  1. Cold contact, first reaction to the product (negative or positive);
  2. Focused, possible re-examination of the commercial proposition;
  3. competition from the side of the manager, salesperson;
  4. Making purchases (please).

The goal of any qualified manager or team member in business is to ensure that every client makes a complete sale, passing through all points step by step.

Ways to get a person hooked and move them from the high stage to the middle stage of “stuckness” and with frequent success - this is how you will achieve greater sales conversion.

Important:The percentage conversion rate can then clearly reflect the financial prospects of the company. For example, it is more likely that there will be less conversion with a larger number of potential clients. The numbers look like this: 2% of terminal buyers with 5000 potential buyers is a very strong indicator, while 7% of 500 potential buyers is low.

How the funnel and conversion interact

Viral sales conversion allows you to report on a number of important foods:

  1. During which period of development the majority of potential clients are expected to flow out;
  2. Which groups are most suitable for carrying out marketing campaigns;
  3. What stages of customer acquisition do not work and may create misgivings about the product;
  4. How to understand the stages of marketing that will happen to you.

With respect we honor the term CPM.

How to achieve high conversion – specific points and applications

It is impossible to improve a company's profitability without certain factors, among which the increase in the number of clients plays an important role.

With every fate, the principle of forming a focus on the audience changes.

Since there are five reasons for wanting to buy goods through a letter about paint, then today everyone wants specifics.

For example, if, when analyzing conversion statistics, you find that most of the sales are already at another stage, then there is something wrong with the internal structure and marketing strategy.

A write-up about a 99% discount does not have the same value as the one “if you buy a product before 2:00 p.m. today, you get a 20% discount on the entire assortment.”

The sales conversion formula shows that high conversion rates are not always successful.

The main role is played by the cultivation of the audience itself. Cold focus allows you to create a new base of potential clients and develop a unique advertising proposition for each category of people.

Additional techniques for strengthening regular clients

A potential client allows you to not only increase sales conversion, but also play an important role in gaining a new audience through the so-called word of mouth.

Moreover, there are many ways to cultivate such a clientele and establish a close relationship with them. Here's how to proceed:

  1. SMS and Email – rozsilka. This technique is already familiar to most employers. The first option is the best for the young category of clients. Business partners can read the commercial proposal by email or SMS. In this way, it is possible to inform and create unique marketing propositions that are relevant to one or another client.
  2. Clinks. The method is most effective in business propositions. Wanting a cold call in the service sector is no longer so relevant.
  3. Discount program . This type of shopping today is even more popular. A regular client will appreciate his importance and can receive bonus discounts on admission, which will be more profitable than those offered by competitors.

Conversion significance analysis

Sales conversion measures how effective your target traffic is.

Today, it is customary for all offline and online retailers, product manufacturers, manufacturers and others to shop around.

In the process of creating a competitive commercial proposition, it is necessary to pay attention to high audience retention, clear sales conversion, and promotion of repeat sales.

The main characteristic of the work is the optimization of sales processes.

Another characteristic is the importance of displaying the assortment, price category, which may or may not attract a client.

In the process of marketing promotion, use all effective methods: contextual advertising, SMM (social media), targeting, banners, hyperbole, external advertising, distribution, etc.

Know the numbers. Sales conversion

Your business can work better and bring in more money. You know so much. Ale! You can still work now.

So, with these output data, what is it now? All that is required is to increase sales conversion. What is this and how to get the most out of it, let’s look at this article without cats and folds.

The very conversion of sales and this increase flows into those so that a greater number of buyers are converted from potential to real.

This show is included in the TOP-5 obov'yazkovyh for rozrakhunku. Read on to find out how to work in stores, sales offices, showrooms and online stores.

Oh, I understand now

Since I don’t really like the theory anymore, I’m trying to wrap it up. The only thing I want to tell you is that there are a lot of different types of conversions happening at this time.

However, I will emphasize three main types, which are the most broad, and which are necessary to know as a prayer for any businessman:

  1. Advertising conversion. This applies to the number of downloads/clicks per advertisement before the advertisement is shown.
  2. Offline conversion. The number of shoppers is set to the number of people who entered the shopping area.
  3. Conversion on the website. The purpose of the people who carried out the purpose on the site, up to a number of people.

When this happens, you can cut the head visor. If your company owns a number of stores (store, online store and office), then the sales conversion will be the number and data on them.

Also, there is an increase in conversion in terms of: product, target audience, region, etc. Let's start with minimal and simple things, and then get lost.

Important addition. In business, when talking about conversion, start talking about it as part of the sales force. It’s easy for him to read our article. Believe me, all at once you will change the way you look at your business.

Respected and forgotten

In our materials, we consistently insist that business comes first from numbers, not from perceptions.

It is a small part of luck, but the decision will be based on a whole lot of real facts. And the greater the number of exhibitors you have, the easier it is to monitor them, control them and develop them.

For example, how many clients come to you through an advertising company or how many of your salespeople clearly work.

Ale! I will be honest with you, a conversion show is not the main show for marketing. He's respectful, but not headstrong.

The most important is the profit. And if someone else buys leather from you, but whose average check adds up to three kopecks, then there is no sense in the conversion rate.

Therefore, as I have already said, it is absolutely necessary to work on sales conversion strategies, so you will get a lot of useful information. However, the conversion can be deceptive.

Always check the purity of the analysis with such additional indicators as: income, net profit.


Therefore, there is no ideal conversion value over the market. Each person will have his own. And to measure this, you take the first metrics from your business over the course of a month, after which you work with a minimum plan and look for ways to develop.

Introduce innovations and marvel at the results. As everything went uphill, then you have a new minimum level. And so with the cycle.

Advancement methods

The rest of the time we write a lot about how our articles contain a lot of reasonable and practical information that people can take and get here and at once.

For tradition, this article will not be blamed. And I will give a lot of universal pleasures from all types of contacts. The stench will not be fully revealed, but additional ones will be accepted.

  1. Respect the number of people. As soon as they came in, they bought them. Work today. This can be done manually or with the help of special systems and services.

    For beginners, you can check out the online table in Google.Docs, how your fighters will lead, and how you will study and verify.

  2. Forget sales. Learn navigation, good thing to sell price tags. For some, this may sound trivial and may be depressing, but most business is still not in sight.
  3. Forgive the purchase. Add the possibility of additional payments for additional cards, credit or lines. It will be especially relevant because it is stitched in the store.

    For example, one of our clients ordered a similar extension for 4 months. The results changed everything. The loss of pennies exceeds 10%, and the conversion rate for sales (especially expensive products) increases by 20%.

  4. Enjoy the competition. If you have 2-3 changes or 2-3 sales managers, then run a competition between them for the highest conversion.

    Sensible to the competition - the one who wins the most for the conversion within a short period of time will have the prize taken away.

    Together, make sure that there is no spillage between your comrades, otherwise your whole idea will be in vain. Report from the statistics “”.

  5. Add more contacts. You are responsible not only for the telephone number of the region in which the office/warehouse is located, but also for the free 8-800, e-mail.

    You need to forgive this problem on your skin as much as possible. For example, on the site, add a large number of fields to the application form or make a call to your company without having to do anything with auto-reply.

  6. Discard sales scripts. Sales conversion from robotic staff can easily be increased by effective communication with clients.

    Ale, you, swedish for everything, don’t have that. And darma. When a salesperson follows the structure of an ideal seller, conversion increases.

Briefly about smut

Whenever you want to blog about a new article, we spend a lot of time choosing what to write. We haven’t thought about sales conversion for a long time.

Implementing conversion requires a lot of effort. Without any objections, block the other things. Without telling the staff, if you don’t care about the price of innovation, introduce, adapt and steadily work towards increasing sales conversion.

Just remember about the text, reading more, let’s face it, “the conversion is deceptive.”

This display is luxurious and because you haven’t praised anything before, you will be amazed by the results. And if you already care, then go deep and understand this indicator in terms of people, products, advertising channels, time, place, etc.

We have published a new book, “Content Marketing in Social Media: How to Get into the Heads of Pre-Payers and Confuse Them with Your Brand.”

Conversion - the number of koristuvachs who accomplished the purpose, and the number of people who carried out the hour.

The figure itself is absolutely unrepresentative, however, when analyzed at a long distance, compared with the indicators for the past few days, and with the data of competitors, it allows us to understand how successfully it is possible to go in what direction to develop .

Conversion types

Ask marketers to divide conversion into two types:

Macro- the absolute purpose of this action is to bring direct benefit to the ruler of the Maidan and make him happy. When talking about conversion, these advancements are based on this type itself.

Microconversion- an action that brings macro-conversion closer, for example, subscribing to a mailing list, asking for a return call or registering on a website - so be it. Everything depends on the diagnosis of a marketer. Microconversion is a warehouse sales activity, and we talk about it in other ways.

How is website conversion important?

The simplest formula for the conversion breakdown is “a hundredth number of goals until the target number of resources allocated.”

Butt: 10,000 unique sellers to the online store for an additional 100 purchases, giving (100/10,000*100%) 1% efficiency.

Most often, the effectiveness of the site is restored over a more difficult period of time and, when compared with previous indicators, is a miracle litmus test. The easiest way, brothers, is to show the month and compare the light periods of the past months.

It is practiced to adjust the number of displays during the period of an advertising campaign, which makes it possible to determine its effectiveness and generate a number of notes on the next day.

How can I find out about the conversion of the site for additional services?

Example: the person was facing the problem of a leaking pipe, and didn’t want to buy anything. On a website for the sale of plastic pipes, I read an article (“How to help a metal pipe that leaked without wasting money”), which solved my problem. If you still want to remember old communications, you will most likely go to the site that has already helped you.

  • Comparative prices and prices

Another factor is Captain Obviousness. The clearer and cheaper the service is or the product is sold - the more sales there will be.

How to increase website conversion?

To increase conversion, it is not difficult to dance with a tambourine in Altai. There are a number of obvious ways to influence buyers.

Ahead: their actions are incomparable if everything is done well. And crooked tears cry out when it’s rotten from getting out of hand. Let's get started.

  • Responsive design

The resource must display correctly in all browsers and gadgets, not just today’s ones. You don't need to use the latest version of Safari, you don't know what a browser is. And the process of making a purchase in the mobile version on various platforms has been organized in such a way that it is easier to drag your laptop into the nearest coworking space and complete the transaction through it.

  • Contact details

On the other side of the site there is a request for contacts and work hours to the store/operators. This information may be useful and comprehensive.

This information may be accessible and up to date. Access to prices to the store for a downloaded price list or through operators in the center significantly reduces conversion, as it is not a yacht boutique. For other stores, you can get an additional option for those who need everything right away.

  • Design

Despite the prices, it is necessary to clearly design the product side. It contains a description of the product with descriptions and photographs. It is important to add the possibility of comparing with analogues and taking a look.

  • Certificates and cities

Forming trust in the resource by braving cities gives a loyal audience. And there’s also a great argument between the superstars and their competitors.

  • Navigation

The number of clicks on entering the site before purchasing may be the least. No one should be playing at Cookie Clicker while putting on a T-shirt. If this can’t be corrected, it’s better to accommodate the bread cries, so that at some point you can immediately go to the right place.