Possibilities of Kaspersky Cleaner - utilities for cleaning and optimizing Windows. Kaspersky Cleaner - cleaning and optimizing the system Upgrade kaspersky cleaner to the latest version

A marketing move to the software market, if retail companies promote that other cost-free software using the method of pushing paid products and constructive ones for the companies themselves, and for them target audience. Mayuchi mozhliv_st znayomitisya z kakimi koshtovnymi goods tієї chi іnshої kompanії, koristuvachі z greater world іmovіrnostі come її paid goods. Perfectly, as if without cost, they are worthy. Within the framework of such a marketing move, as a rule, it is possible to increase the priceiness of cost-free products, so that paid products are pushed through, as well as without intermediary to paid ones. Actively working on such a scheme was started by Kaspersky Lab, the leading Russian retailer of hack software. Before cost-free products, propagated by Kaspersky Lab, on this day, a password manager is included (although, with the possibility of saving authorization data for a total of more than 15 accounts, and more - even for pennies), a program for Batkiv control, different risks for computer infection with viruses ( antivirus utilities, resuscitation zavantazhuvalny Live-disk) zahist Kaspersky Free, vіdomy earlier yak. Before the transfer of cost-free products in Kaspersky Lab, it is necessary to enter and blame the statute - a utility for cleaning that Windows optimization Kaspersky Cleaner.

Possibilities of Kaspersky Cleaner - utilities for cleaning and optimizing Windows

Three great multipliers of different software for cleaning and optimization operating system Windows, and tse, zokrema, looked earlier on the sides of the program site, well, and, obviously, the leader in this field of software, the Kaspersky Cleaner utility is modest in its set of functionality. Kaspersky Cleaner introduces a traditional set of functions that allow you to clean Windows like non-working files in programs, time files in the system and installed software, as well as other data to improve computer productivity. Not to improve the productivity of the system, but for the fluctuations, so be mobile, especially use the capabilities of Kaspersky Cleaner to detect the function of attaching the wake-up call to the computer. In addition to the function of cleaning the system, it is also necessary to take non-traditional for cleaners and optimists. Їх dvі: one - tse renewal of associations of okremih system files and other fix Windows with the method of improving security, and otherwise - improving the privacy of the system, which is transferred to the collection by Microsoft of reports about the activity of the koristuvach. All these functions are implemented in a simple usable interface, in the corporate style of Kaspersky Lab.

Let's take a look at the robot Kaspersky Cleaner report. І for the cob, obviously, zavantazhuєmo її from the official website of Kaspersky Lab, by clicking on the instructions:


1. Run recheck and troubleshooting

In the center of the utility window there is a button "Start a Revision", it starts rechecking the computer with the parameters for promotion.

After a non-trivial process of asking for the Kaspersky Cleaner window, a call will appear from the number of identified problems, and the proposition will be corrected automatically, without digging into the specifics of what, in good faith, is being corrected. It is necessary to sort out the problems that the utility will correct, it is necessary through the push of a button from a large number of known problems in other areas.

Problems found by the utility will be marked in black font.

persha region - region system cleaning, de abbreviations transfers the cleaning of Temp folders, to the list recent documents, system cat, installation logs, visualization of time files and data of a similar kind.

Friend robotic utility area – updating and adjusting the other parameters of the system.

Here, behind the locks, there are important associations of files, which can be brought before the launch of a shkidly PZ. Also, the autorun of the hard and rimmed disks that are connected, with the help of the penetration of viruses, that are expanded for the help of the autorun, are copied on all available disks.

Third robotic sphere Kaspersky Cleaner - zahist vіd collection of tribute.

Її acknowledgment - the inclusion of certain functions of the strictness behind the actions of the coristuvacha and the overpowering of data on the server of the Microsoft company.

  • Note: Friends, get to know this topic in detail, de, zocrema, look at the nutrition, why Microsoft is spying on Windows hacks and how to manually fix the system to turn on the parameters of the speed, you can at the site’s statistics.

fourth, the rest of the robotic utility area - remote monitoring of activity on the computer.

Within this area of ​​Kaspersky Cleaner, clean the log, cache, cookies and other data of the browser, following the programs installed in the system, Temp folders, the list of recent documents, the history of entering data in the Vikonati command field, etc.

On whether it’s a point, de transferring a check mark, you can check a check mark, by yourself turning off such a point from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcleaning or fixing the system. Having sent problems to the regional court of judges, or having blocked the parameters for locking (it turns out that the default parameters of Kaspersky Cleaner do not help improve productivity, then at least do not mess up the system), turn in the main menu and press the button "Vipraviti".

Navit after the launch of the resolution of problems Kaspersky Cleaner allows you to change your mind and fix the process. For that, in the upper left corner of the utility window, a button will appear "Zupiniti".

The shards of Kaspersky Cleaner do not only clean the system, but also make changes until it is fixed, after the first launch of the problems, you will need to restart the computer.

2. Sorting out changes

Zrobleni utility change - systemic adjustment and the actual functions of cleaning the system - for consumption, you can tell. After the first procedure to solve problems, another functional button will appear in the window of Kaspersky Cleaner "Change". Ale skasuє tsya button is not everything. For example, clearing browser data - cache, history, cookies - does not trigger the update.

3. Improving robotic areas of Kaspersky Cleaner

At the bottom of the main window of Kaspersky Cleaner, there are icons with the names of all four areas within which the utility can perform the robot. Having pressed on through the skin from the signs, it is possible to adjust the parameters of the respiratory area, as soon as there will be congestion when looking for problems that are corrected. We can uncheck the checkboxes of the installed options, or check the checkboxes of the options that were passed by the utility, but not the checkboxes. Once these parameters allow you to quickly clean up the system to meet the individual needs of the skin. Crazy, tse vmagaє sevnogo dosvіdu koristuvach i want to use the basic statement about Windows robots that program. In the other case, the parameters are more likely to be redundant for promotions.

Changes in the parameters of the robotic areas of Kaspersky Cleaner at some point you can turn to default by pressing the button "For the lock".

Kaspersky Cleaner is a complex utility from Kaspersky Lab, as it serves to optimize and clean computers.

Wikisource and interface

This decision can be called a universal adzhe krіm cleansing, the program also promotes the safety of the building and vouches for the renewal of data. It’s even easier to manage the cleaner - you can turn around zim and get a coristuvach-pochatkіvets. And all the zavdyaks to the handy and intuitive interface. Main side Delete several blocks: "Cleansing the system", "Changing the system parameters", "Defending data from the collection" and "Usunennya following activity".

You can speed up with a skin tool according to your needs, or choose less than that, as a signal about the problems. You can read more about the function of the dermal function a little lower.


"Purification of the system" will help to get rid of non-necessary extra files, as if they occupy the space for nothing. Here you can enter the removal of time files from TEMP and other folders, clearing the cache installed browsers, Windows kits, remote installation logs and a lot more. Everything is to speed up the robot system and usun її periodically hanging.
"Change the parameters of the system" turn the parameters back to the forward values, set to correct before the viruses put their "order" in the system.
"Defense of data in the collection" camp in good luck koristuwacham Windows 10 - This tool will help you deactivate services that violate privacy rules.
"Vidalennya slidiv aktivnosti" as well as "Purification of the system" can see the time files and logs of web browsers, and on top of that, clean pardon logs and the history of other programs.

Key features

  • including the selection of data about the coristuvach I will build;
  • update system parameters after changes made to virus software;
  • clean the system non-required files, Tim himself optimizes the computer;
  • very intuitively intelligent interface;
  • available for zavantazhennya that vikoristannya is absolutely cost-free.

Kaspersky Lab continues to take a leading position in the development of software for your computer. This time the stinks presented such a program for a deep look, like Kaspersky Cleaner. This is a universal little utility, as it allows you not only to protect your attachments from outside threats, but also to carry out a cleaning of the attachment to the pollution that has accumulated, restore the system parameters, if the stench has been destroyed, protect from the collection of data spy programs that sites, as well as to see inappropriate traces of activity.

Kaspersky Cleaner detects all threats on your computer and propagates these maliciously infected files. If it’s impossible, then the program will prompt you to see them, and if it’s impossible to see them, Narazi(the file or the process is broken for now), then Kaspersky Cleaner will add it to the line at a glance in the event of an offensive re-engagement. In addition, there are tools that allow you to clean everything from the system - you will not need to provide programs, after the completion of the work of such Kaspersky Cleaner, clean everything up. And a tool for zahistu in the collection of data to see the rest of the rebuvannya on any sites for an hour of Internet surfing!

Purchase cost-free Kaspersky Cleaner

You can get a free quote via the Kaspersky Cleaner torrent on our website. You will definitely be warmly welcomed, as fast as possible and good, you can practice your attachment after the best cleaning of Kaspersky Cleaner. Until then, the program of the Russian mine may be well thought out functional interface. After installing Kaspersky Cleaner, you should be aware that the workflow and firmware code of your device have moved up, the programs run smoothly, work well, and if you don’t get any redundant smite, it can damage the system.

Few people know that Kaspersky Lab is famous for being absolutely free software products(the most costless, not trial version for a month). Even fewer people know that this company produces more nadіyni zahisnі complexes(antiviruses and scanners).

Kaspersky Cleaner - cost-free cleaning of your computer as a digital smite with a couple of clicks of a bear. Tilki im'ya in the name of cleaners already instill confidence, may be on the verge of arrogance and safety of vikoristannya.

Computer cleaning with Kaspersky Cleaner

I'm not going to change you again, that the software is cleaning the computer speed up yoga launch ta work, zbіshuє free place on disks... - Just show on special certificate(With screenshots) what can I do with the program.

The concise and sensible design makes us understand – it’s good to be quiet. Let's go through some of the sections (move the cursor over the icons, but don't click on them yet).

The number of capabilities of Kaspersky Cleaner is the enemy. It doesn’t make me happy (to wander through all the divisions) - it’s just that my husband ticks on the big button “Start re-checking” ...

You can click with yellow circles with numbers and find out what the cleaning program itself knew.

Put in the koristuvachs can uncheck the boxes, yak vvazhayut zaivim. I especially trust comrade Kaspersky and just press on "Verify", it's more like it is recommended to do it myself.

The cleaning of the computer was cleared literally instantly.

The obov'yazkovo re-engagement of the computer has been lost and it has been re-verified yogo practice, it may not start up now (it's especially hot, for those who are not aware).

My Objection to Kaspersky Cleaner

For a couple of months I have won the cleaner once, I can boldly affirm - clean the computer quickly and kindly, I don’t see anything bad and don’t powder the brain of the system. Well, Kaspersky, lads - such a brand cannot afford to build a filthy product.

Get Kaspersky Cleaner

Do you need to talk about those that have viruses and jackdaws on the installation of an additional “coris” software? I think no.

Danikh about those with yaks Windows versions I don’t know how to use this program, but I have in "ten" And in the squad in the "simtsi" she showed herself simply miraculous.

I cleaned it out from the official website of the pickers. Online installers from the Internet do not download 25 MB. Having left the message on the official side of the free propositions of Kaspersky - maybe in an hour to turn the program to people.

The axis is such a cost-free cleaning of the computer with Kaspersky Cleaner. clean computers You and up to new brown computer programs that .


I don't look at programs anymore! Be-yakі claims - to їhnіh virobnіv!