Voice dialing of contacts for Android. Voice control for android, outside of the system

– we present to your respects even more practically and manual program from the Hakuna_Matata distributor, which is good for assessing water transport, using voice commands this supplement You can dial a number, call, search for a necessary contact, get directions, open programs, and the VoiceButton itself will sound input calls and automatically open loud sound And a lot of other things. Activation of the program is required with for help Bluetooth and dart headset.

Report about the work of the program:

The program can be used in two modes:
Zvichainy - the mode in which the program does not speak to you. If you select a contact with high accuracy, automatic number dialing can be done within a specified hour. This mode can be used depending on the availability of the headset.
Behind the kerm - mode for any program synthesis voice notifications. This mode is dark when you turn off the headset or when your hands are busy.

Modes can be automatically switched depending on the hour the headset is connected and turned off. The skin regime may be subject to personal adjustments that you have installed. You can launch the program using an additional Bluetooth or drone headset. Call for launch Bluetooth headsets You need to press the click button. For more details, please read the instructions on specific model. In some cases, launching programs from the headset does not work. The reason could be either the headset or the phone. To start from the drone headset, press and hold the headset button. To start blocking before the hour, activate the settings item. For all commands you can use aliases (automatic replacement words). The vikory program is embedded in the system voice input that movie synthesizer. To find a place and navigate by voice, the program supports Yandex Navigator and Google Maps. Transferred backup and updated settings to the list of aliases.

Work with contacts
To search for a contact, you need to launch the recognition program and, after the sound signal, select the text to search for.
Search the contact by name, number or part, type, name of organization
Zrazok: Oleksiy Ivanov, Anton 911, Mom at home, Anton robotnik. To accurately identify a contact, you can use a nickname. This function is available online and offline.

Work with programs
To start programs, you need to use the command “open program” + “name programs”.
For example: open the gallery program.
Once you use a vikory nickname, you can run programs that are vikory-based and more. just words. For example, instead of “Vidkry additional gallery” you can say “show pictures”, if you initially create such a pseudonym. Aliases can be used to create programs with complex names. This function is available online and offline.

Working with the Yandex navigator
To find the nearest place, you need to use the command “navigator” + “place name or address”. To search, use the Yandex people's map service. If you have Yandex navigator installed and the place is found, the navigator will be launched and the route will be plotted. This function is only available online.

Working with Google Maps
To find the nearest place, you need to use the command “map” + “place name or address”. For fun, vikorist Google service. What do you have installed? Google maps And the place is found, the program will be launched with a proposal for laying out the route. This function is only available online.

current hour
To find out the exact hour, just say the command “hour” and the program will tell you what it is.
This function is available online and offline.

The Google corporation began its activity as a search engine, and Narazi Searching for information using other mobile devices is therefore deprived of one of the main directions of development. With skin updates to the phone/tablet system, Google Play Services and beyond the programs there are more and more new functions that will make life easier for the consumer. In this article I will tell you about the most useful voice commands, contextual search Now on Tap, and I will also show you how to set up your phone for any voice commands, including Tasker. Even so, we dreamed about them, reading the works of science fiction in childhood.

All new developments from the “good corporation” will be available on Nexus line devices. This was the case with voice controls and with Google Now, a system for providing information in the form of a set of cards. For Google Now, sorry search Google And voice search is supported by one program, Google. It's included in the kit standard add-ons Produced by Google and available on any certified Android smartphone.

Previously, voice activation was only activated when you pressed the microphone icon when Open programs search (or widgets on your desktop). Then the Google Start launcher appeared, allowing you to execute voice commands directly from the desktop (at the additional phrase Ok, Google). Starting with Android 4.4, the same functionality became available in other launchers, but only because the launcher clearly supports such functionality (maybe all popular launchers support it).

There are also a number of smartphones with a voice-over feature, which is activated when the smartphone screen is turned off. For example, MOTO X uses a very low-power processor, which is only what it does in background mode Hears all unnecessary sounds up to the key phrase.

Search widget on desktop

Golosovo Keruvannya

The simplest search for information is, of course, the most important function of Google Now. Moreover, it is important to add intelligence to understand the context, which means the commands can be combined into lanyards. For example, if you say: “Okay, Google, who is the president of Nicaragua?”, the search result will be “Daniel Ortega.” And if they say “How many fates do I have?”, then the answer will be “Seventy fates.” Google Now has a lot of commands, I’ll list ten of the best ones.

  • Maps and navigation- “let's go/navigation #name streets #number at home." Launch Google Maps in the navigator mode for the specified address. You can also specify a place, a store, an organization, etc.
  • Calculator- “Thirteen hundred out of five thousand.” You see the form of the calculator in the search box. You can use your voice to dictate the number added, added, multiplied, subdivided, and rooted. You can also shift the entry, exit, etc.
  • Overpowered SMS/message- “write an SMS to Oleg, text I’m at the kerm, I’ll call you back later.” You can also get more information via WhatsApp, Viber and a number of popular instant messengers. Following the simplified diagram, you can dictate a message #program #contact #text. For example: “Whatsapp message Oleg, I’m behind the kerm.” In whose voice you can confirm the sending with the “send” command.
  • Dialing a number- “call mom.” You can also dictate an additional number, which the notebook does not have. When using the “call your sister/brother” command, you can enter a number from your contacts (as written differently), and then the next time the call will be made automatically.
  • Guessing and alarm clocks- “wake me up on Saturday about the eighth morning” or “tell me to turn on the stove in ten hours.” You can also add access to Google calendar. The pods can be tied up to an hour, and until the place. If you add “guess me and extract the text on the robot”, then when geolocation is turned on and the robot’s address (location on the map) is entered, the guessing on the phone will be performed automatically. The new addition to the “Godinnik” timer is so easy to start.
  • Guess the melody- “What kind of song is this?” Start recognizing the music that is playing.
  • Music/video- “Hear (music) #group #song.” Launch the specified music from Play Music or a clip on YouTube. It works normally with Russian names, but there are some English words that Vikonavians mean, sometimes they are misinterpreted as Russian language, then it will be used again.
  • Photo/video- “Take a photo / record a video.” Launch the camera in the selected mode.
  • Keruvannya nalashtuvannyami- “Turn on Wi-Fi,” “turn on the light.”
  • notes- “Note for yourself, test password for the service one two three chotiri.” Add notes to Google Keep.

Now on Tap

The description of this service was given special mention at the presentation of Android 6.0 Marshmallow. I was presented as one of the main features new firmware. For the most part, normal functionality in Russia has been taken away from the chest. In the official Russian translation vin is called context in Now.

How does this work? “When you launch a context in Now, Google analyzes everything you view on the screen and looks for information based on this data” - the axis of the official description of the support page. This actually means that instead of seeing and copying phrases on the screen, then opening a search and inserting the phrase, you can simply press and hold the Home button. After this, Google sets up options for finding key phrases. These can be pictures, videos, propositions to reveal the place on maps, news. You can register and open the organization’s website, or make a call and open Facebook profile Or marvel at the Twitter account of celebrities, add a note. If there are additional programs on the device, after tapping at the end, the page will open in the middle of the programs. When listening to music from different programs, you can click on one click detailed information about Vikonavians, albums, clips on YouTube and more.

Great day at Google Search

Just like the desktop version of the search, the voice search has Easter eggs. I’ll give you a few more commands, so you can follow these instructions. It’s a pity, maybe all the stinks can’t be used for English either with an English interface or, if selected in settings, without an English language.

"Do a barrel roll".
"Make me a sandwich!"
“Sudo make me a sandwich!”
"When am I?"
"Beam me up, Scotty!"
"Up up down down left right left right".
"What does the fox say?"


If, after everything you read, you still can’t find any commands to let your fantasies come true, then, in a little time, you can set up Google Now for any number of commands. Why do we need the AutoVoice plugin first?

With the help of Tasker, you can do a lot of things: run programs, control sound, run scripts, handle screens, manipulate files, press buttons on the screen, handle media, work with HTTP Get and Post and respond to them, use advanced phone settings . And you can still work by giving voice commands. And with the help of rich plugins, the functionality expands even further.

To get started, you need to select Google Now Integration in AutoVoice. In Tasker it is necessary to create a comprehensive profile of the skin command and group of commands. First of all, to create profiles, I recommend turning on English in Tasker settings. Available for test profile voice command vimikannya sound. For whom we make it new profile with the parameters Event → Plugin → AutoVoice Recognized. The following fields need to be filled in:

  • Command Filter- here you enter the necessary voice command, at the butt: “mock sound.” Once you click Speak Filter on a row, you can dictate a command.
  • Exact Command- If you check the box, you only need to ask for the exact command, otherwise you can write the word or form of the word on the skin.
  • Use Regex- Vikoristovvat regular expressions. Allows you to configure the recognition of multiple words in one profile. If in the first field you enter “(toggle|tighten) (sound|thump)” without tabs, the profile will respond to the commands “turn up sound,” “turn up sound,” “turn up sound” and “turn up sound.”

For this purpose, select Audio → Ringer Volume and Audio → Notification Volume. To control the demand, you can add a notification via Alert → Flash and enter “Tick” in the Text field.

The commands “switch on Wi-Fi” work immediately in Google Now, and “switch on sound” prompts you to open the settings. And after the team has been transferred through Tasker, their wiki will still be lost for in-line screen iz capitalized. Tom dodatkovo dodamo App → Go Home. Well, to keep your friends quiet, in all profiles you can set Alert → Say first and enter the phrase “I hear you, masters.” Your phone will respond to commands in a responsive voice.

With the help of additional plugins, such as AutoRemote, you can use other devices on Android. And if you install EventGhost on your computer, then with the help of numerous plugins you can earn a lot of money. One of the most important things will be the adjustment of the intelligent home, and besides this there is a great story. Joao Dias, the distributor of all Auto* plugins, also has an additional one for the computer that allows you to integrate controls mobile devices through the voice assistant Cortana on the desktop.

A few tricks

Tasker is all hardcore. You can make soothing speeches, but for which you need to master a lot of information, understand the changes, regular activities but otherwise. For those who don’t want to get involved with Tasker, there are a large number of programs that take advantage of the capabilities of voice control, but also offer a more intelligent and accessible interface and ease of use. I'm down to three.

The program allows you to change the key phrase from Ok, Google to whatever else. Unfortunately, after one service update, Google stopped working with Google Engine, depriving PocketSphinx. In connection with this, for the key phrase, only English phrases are suitable, otherwise previously it was possible to divvyvat those present to the phone “Hey, Ti” or “Listen to the command.”

Tim is no less, the developer promises to fix everything in the upcoming updates. Other functions include starting recognition by a proximity sensor (two hand waves) and by phone. Like the MOTO X, it supports recognition when the screen is off, but, unfortunately, it takes longer to run out of battery power, which is important for a phone on charge or car media centers on Android with constant life. Works with a Bluetooth headset, integrates with Tasker, and can read text messages.

Another program from the Open Mic+ retailer. Integrates with Google Now and allows for the use of command extensions. The list of suggestions includes: turn on/off the wireless access point, slow down/renew music, new/latest song, unread SMS/gmail (speak in their voice), buzzer, phone blocking, take a photo, Take a selfie. You can also turn off the voice recorder, turn off the switches, and auto-rotate the screen. Using root, you can turn on/re-lock your phone, clear your notifications, and turn on the “Flyaway” mode. For functions that are supported, you can change the commands on your own. It also integrates with Tasker, allowing you to enable each task under the name Task. Є Xposed module, which allows you to use Commandr from Android Wear.

Assistant Dusya

Well, let’s face it, the brainchild of Russian robbers - Russian voice assistant Dusya, who will understand all the advantages of the descriptions of the add-ons and utilities. Like Tasker, Dusya allows you to create your voice functions (they are called “scripts”), both in a more intelligent and simple form (in Russian, video tutorials) and with more powerful functions yami robots themselves with basic commands. In addition, here is your own online catalog of ready-made scripts created by other developers. At the time of writing, there were nearly a hundred of them.

Just like Commandr, Dusya can integrate with Google Now, and it also allows you to use other types of contactless activations - tapping, waving, using a headset, calling your ear, and typing your Russian activation phrase . And if you want to customize the interface, then it is even simpler, quicker and more functional. Among the functions there are 25 most frequently required ones, including the control of smart alarms and home cinemas.


Today's functions voice search Smartphones are already faulty, and as soon as they change, developers are showing us not just a set of commands to find information, but a full-fledged smartphone control system that can easily be integrated with a home computer and communicate with smart phones. dink. Father, since it is more important for you to care for the help of your voice, you have everything you need for this.

Last updated by at November 18, 2016.

The voice dialing function allows you to strengthen the call by inserting a voice icon recorded for a contact.
Voice icons ring without dialing a number. Voice marks can be words,
for example, names.

You can record a number of voice icons in your phone's memory.

I have to see the trace exactly as it was seen when recording.

Background noise is impressive normal robot voice recognition system, it is recommended to record it

Very short marks are not picked up by the phone; Vykorist to get more voice tags and not

write down similar symbols for different license plates.

You can record a voice icon for any contact saved in the phone's memory. Save or
Copy contacts to your phone's memory that require voice icons to be recorded. Voice tags are possible
add-ons for numbers saved on the SIM card, however, replacing the SIM card requires a spare part
remove old voice icons, and then add new ones.

1. In the wash mode, press

Then go to the contact that requires you to record a voice icon.

2. Press


, see necessary phone number, press


and select


3. Press


And clearly say the words that you need to write down as a voice mark. Upon completion

When recording, the phone displays the recorded icon.

The phonogram has been saved

suprovodjuvane sound signal. Order by number for which a voice tag has been added to the list


symbol is displayed



and select



You need to create, change or delete.

If you have a program open on your phone that uses a GPRS connection to receive or transmit data, close
This program is in front of the robot with voice tags.

1. In the soaking mode, press and press the selection key

. Phone beep short

signal and a notification will appear on the display

Tell the phonogram

The number will be dialed automatically in a second.

Information numbers and service numbers

Information and service numbers can be stored on the SIM card to save services for the customer.



and select


Info numbers

Service numbers

. View required information or

service number and press

Please click on this number.

Your numbers

Phone numbers assigned to the SIM card are saved in the menu

Your numbers

(as this function is supported by SIM-

card). To look at the numbers, press


and select


Your numbers

. See your needs

or number and press



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