Vmware provides virtual machine software. Update of VMware Workstation and VMware Player virtual machine data. Creating a virtual machine

Read, How to update a VMware Workstation virtual machine that is removed or instead of a virtual machine disk. What virtual machine tools and third-party programs are used to update it. VMware Player is a virtualization software designed for the one-hour operation of several operating systems on one physical computer.

VMware is one of the most stable and secure platforms for computer virtualization, which allows a large number of IT specialists, specialists and other accountants of companies, including and be productive in your work.


VMware Workstation system files

So, VMware Workstation is another virtual operating system in the middle of your computer's operating system. All files of this operating system (both system files and personal computer files) are saved on the computer’s hard drive, and are stored in a folder:
C:\\Users\\ I'm a koristuvach\\ Documents \\ Virtual Machines \\ Virtual machine names

Most often, computer users do not need to know the name and location of the files of the VMware virtual machine. The program itself maintains its own files. There are also situations when such knowledge cannot be avoided, for example: when a virtual machine needs to be renewed every time it is used, or to renew downloaded files from it, etc.

As you can see from the above screenshot, the virtual machine folder consists of a large set of files. VMware creates a separate folder for each virtual machine and calls it the name of the virtual machine, which is assigned by the user during the installation of the virtual operating system.

The main files of the virtual machine have the following extensions:

  • *.log- VMware Workstation key activity log file. Vikorist is used to troubleshoot problems, depending on their fault
  • *.nvram- virtual machine BIOS settings file
  • *.vmdk- virtual disk file, which is saved instead of the hard disk of the virtual machine
    Note. Once VMware Workstation is properly configured, the virtual machine disk can consist of one or several * .vmdk files.
  • *.vmem- virtual machine swap file. The virtual machine is created and visible only during the hour of operation
  • *.vmsd- stream snapshot parameters file
  • *.vmsn- the file will become a snapshot, which is saved by the virtual machine’s production mill at the time of its replacement
  • *.vmss- the file will become a suspended virtual machine
  • *.vmtm- configuration file, one of the virtual machine parameter files
  • *.vmx- the main configuration file, in which all the parameters of the virtual machine are saved
  • *.vmxf- additional configuration file.

Note. Files with descriptions and extensions are the main ones. The virtual machine folder may also contain other files and folders, including those that are displayed only during the day.

How to renew a virtual machine that has been deleted

Data loss, formatting of the computer's hard drive, or corruption of the file system can all cause data loss. However, as a rule, virtualization software allows the presence of update functions. In connection with this, updating the data of the virtual machine becomes a difficult problem for computer users.

The first paragraph of the article describes the main types of files in which a virtual machine is created, and in which all its data is saved. By updating them and opening the main configuration file in VMware, which stores all the parameters of the virtual machine, you can update the lost virtual machine.

To update a virtual machine that has been deleted:

How to update a VMware virtual machine disk instead

As we have already discussed, all files that are saved on the virtual machine disks are stored in the .vmdk files of the virtual disk. The program for updating hard drive data Hetman Partition Recovery has the function of mounting virtual disks and updating data from them.

For some reason, your virtual machine has lost its usefulness, and important files were saved on its disks - they can be restored. For whom:

How to update a VMware virtual machine disk file from the virtual machine itself

As a result of the experiments, it was revealed that files that were deleted or lost in the middle of the virtual machine could not be updated.

VMware Workstation wants to be a virtual machine, but it can save a whole lot of real data. In connection with this, the loss of access to the virtual machine or its remote location can become an unacceptable disadvantage, and the possibility of updating the cost of the account is a possible irrevocable waste.

Many users of the VMware Workstation desktop platform and VMware Server would like to configure the automatic launch of virtual machines when Windows starts, and before logging into the system. This is necessary so that whenever the computer is restarted, the virtual machines would automatically “go up” and would not require the assistance of an administrator.

To implement this, you will need to configure the launch of the virtual machine in the service kernel. Well, for starters you need:

  1. utility Instsrv.exe.
  2. utility Srvany.exe.

All this can be found in a package (rktools.exe) available on the Microsoft website.

Install this package and then copy this one instsrv.exe і srvany.exe to the catalog windows\\system32. After this, you need to restart your computer.

Now find the VMware Workstation or Server file (for example, c:\\program files\\vmware\\vmware workstation\\vmware.exe) І main configuration file of the virtual machine (for example, C:\\mymachines\\WinXp\\winxp.vmx).

Instsrv vmware_winxp C:\\windows\\system32\\srvany.exe, Here vmware_winxp is the name of your new service.

After this, go to the registry editor (regedit.exe) and find this key


Creating a new key Parameters(For this, press the right key on the name of the service, then New-\u003e Key).

We create new meanings for the type String Value in the keys Parameters, as shown in the baby:

called value Application.

Click twice on the values ​​in the field Value Data enter the path to VMware Workstation, the key to start the virtual machine and the path to the vmx file of the virtual machine (don’t forget about the pads):

"C:\\program files\\vmware\\VMware Workstation\\VMware.exe" -x "C:\\mymachines\\WinXp\\winxp.vmx"

Now, after you have created the service, you need to configure the parameters and launch it. For whom do you visonite Start-\u003e Run and write services.msc.

Check out the list of available services. Find the vmware_winxp service you created and double-click on it. Report to the authorities of the service. Install on deposit General startup type Automatic, Go to tab Log On. Set the parameter here Log on as significance Local System account and check the box Allow service to interact with desktop.

Now you can protest the autostart of the virtual machine by selecting the service item from the context menu Run. When starting the virtual machine, a message about changing the unique identifier (UUID) may pop up, requiring you to select the option Create. In addition, you need to reconfigure so that all unnecessary devices for the virtual machine are enabled (Virtual CD-ROM, floppy). Also add a step row to the vmx file to enable merging prompts:

Hints.hideall \u003d "TRUE"

Now that's all - restart your computer and test the autostart of the virtual machine in the service kernel.

How to configure the launch of VMware Workstation and Server virtual machines when Windows starts


Many users of the desktop platform VMware Workstation and the server platform VMware Server would like to configure the automatic launch of virtual machines when Windows starts, and before logging into the system. This is necessary so that whenever the computer is restarted, the virtual machines would automatically “go up” and would not require the assistance of an administrator.

To implement this, you will need to configure the launch of the virtual machine in the service kernel. Well, for starters you need:

  1. utility Instsrv.exe.
  2. utility Srvany.exe.

All this can be found in a package (rktools.exe) available on the Microsoft website.

Install this package and then copy this one instsrv.exe і srvany.exe to the catalog windows\\system32. After this, you need to restart your computer.

Now find the VMware Workstation or Server file (for example, c:\\program files\\vmware\\vmware workstation\\vmware.exe) І main configuration file of the virtual machine (for example, C:\\mymachines\\WinXp\\winxp.vmx).

Instsrv vmware_winxp C:\\windows\\system32\\srvany.exe, Here vmware_winxp is the name of your new service.

After this, go to the registry editor (regedit.exe) and find this key


Creating a new key Parameters(For this, press the right key on the name of the service, then New-\u003e Key).

We create new meanings for the type String Value in the keys Parameters, as shown in the baby:

called value Application.

Click twice on the values ​​in the field Value Data enter the path to VMware Workstation, the key to start the virtual machine and the path to the vmx file of the virtual machine (don’t forget about the pads):

"C:\\program files\\vmware\\VMware Workstation\\VMware.exe" -x "C:\\mymachines\\WinXp\\winxp.vmx"

Now, after you have created the service, you need to configure the parameters and launch it. For whom do you visonite Start-\u003e Run and write services.msc.

Check out the list of available services. Find the vmware_winxp service you created and double-click on it. Report to the authorities of the service. Install on deposit General startup type Automatic, Go to tab Log On. Set the parameter here Log on as significance Local System account and check the box Allow service to interact with desktop.

Now you can protest the autostart of the virtual machine by selecting the service item from the context menu Run. When starting the virtual machine, a message about changing the unique identifier (UUID) may pop up, requiring you to select the option Create. In addition, you need to reconfigure so that all unnecessary devices for the virtual machine are enabled (Virtual CD-ROM, floppy). Also add a step row to the vmx file to enable merging prompts:

Hints.hideall \u003d "TRUE"

Now that's all - restart your computer and test the autostart of the virtual machine in the service kernel.

Let's start using VMware Workstation
(for teapots)

Whoever, having heard the term “Virtual Machine”, thinks that it is even difficult and does not want to take advantage of this wonderful and useful tool, which makes life easier for both software developers, testers, and simple traders ch_v. In this article, I will try to develop a myth about the complexity of working with virtual machines and the entire process, starting with the installation of virtualization programs, ending with the installation and configuration of the guest operating system. So, in due course, I will introduce the basic techniques of working with a virtual machine.

As an example, I selected the VMware Workstation 7.1.4 virtual machine and the guest operating system ubuntu-12.04. And I will install and configure everything in the host operating system Window XP.

Well, let's get started and describe the process of installing a virtual machine.

1. Install the VMware Workstation 7.1.4 virtual machine.

The VMware Workstation 7.1.4 distribution package is supplied as one file: VMware_Workstation_7.1.4_Micro_Rus.exe. After launching the compiled file, a window appears on the screen that shows the preparation process before installing the program (Figure 1).

Malyunok 1. Preparation before installing a virtualization system.

After 10-20 seconds, after collecting all the necessary information and preparing to install VMware, an installation markup window will appear on the screen, first of all informing you about the rights to intellectual property (little 2).

Malyunok 2. VMware installation assistant.

Feel free to press the “next” button to proceed to selecting the installation type (Figure 3).

Since the article describes the installation for early back-end users, we won’t be wise and will choose to install the standard VMware package, which will be sufficient for most back-end users before the virtualization program. In the future, it will be possible to add components that are not included in the standard package.

Malyunok 3. Select the type of installation.

After clicking on the “Next” button, the installation checkbox will prompt you to select the folder in which the program will be installed (Figure 4).

Malyunok 4. Select installation location.

After finally pressing the “Next” button, a window will open in front of you with the choice of the location of the shortcuts to quickly launch the virtualization program (little 5). Where to place the labels of the Swedish launch - on the right with relish. I'm more confident about everything in the Start menu.

Malyunok 5. Select the place for the start.

There was a lot of preparation before installation, so we will tell you what appears after you click on the “Next” button (little 6).

Malyunok 6. Information about readiness before installation.

To begin the installation, click the “Install” button and a window will open in front of you that shows the installation process (Figure 7). Now I have a chance to scratch a couple of khvilins.

Malyunok 7. Installation of VMware Workstation.

After the installation is completed, a window will open on the screen to inform you about this completed procedure (Figure 8). Click the “Finish” button to complete the installation and proceed to the creation and configuration of your first virtual machine.

Malyunok 8. Completed installation of VMware Workstation.

2. Create a virtual machine.

Creating your own virtual machine will be as simple as installing a virtualization program. To create a virtual machine, launch the virtualization program “VMware Workstation” from the “Start” menu (little 9).

Malyunok 9. Launching VMware Workstation.

Naturally, when you first launch the program, it prompts you to read the license agreement and accept it (little 10). We don’t have a special choice, and if we want to create a virtual machine based on VMware, then we’ll go with it.

Malyunok 10. Licensed pleasure.

Once you have accepted the license, the “VMware Workstation” program window will open in front of you (Figure 11), where you will be prompted to choose one of three actions:

  • create a new virtual machine;
  • create a new group of virtual machines (check with vikoryst if you need to create a virtual payment system, for ease of access and work with adjacent virtual machines that enter the warehouse of the virtual payment system);
  • Open the existing virtual machine or group of virtual machines.

So, since this is our first launch of VMware Workstation, there’s nothing to open for now, but it’s too early to create a group; you first need to learn how to handle a regular virtual machine. From which we select the first one from the listed options.

Malyunok 11. VMware Workstation program.

After selecting the first option, the Virtual Machine Creator window will open (little 12), which will help you quickly and easily create and configure your first virtual machine.

Malyunok 12. Master of the creation of a virtual machine.

For the first time, we will select the standard configuration of the virtual machine, which is suitable for most users. Why is it important to select the following configuration option: “Equivalent (recommended)” and press the “Next” button.

After this, the window for selecting a device for installing the guest operating system will open (Figure 13). I downloaded the guest operating system Ubuntu 12.04 from RuTracker.org in the form of an installation disk image (.iso). From there, in the window, select another option: “Install from an installation disk image” and select the required file (ubuntu-12.04-oem-i386.iso).

Malyunok 13. Select the option to install the guest OS.

To simplify the installation of the guest operating system, at the next step, the virtual machine creation wizard sets up personal data tasks for installing the guest operating system (Figure 14). In the window, enter your name, account name and password.

Malyunok 14. Introduction of personal data.

After finally clicking on the “Next” button, we proceed to adjust the parameters of the created virtual machine. First, you will be asked the name of the virtual machine and its location. The butt of filling in these parameters is pointed at baby 15.

Malyunok 15. Name and location of the created virtual machine.

For comfortable work with the Ubuntu operating system, 20 GB is enough. The size of the file is large, so if you plan to transfer it to other computers or make backup copies, then you might want to think about the possibility of placing a virtual hard disk in several files.

Since I don’t want to move or copy the virtual machine, I will select the “Save the virtual disk as one file” option. Moreover, the virtual machine works with such virtual hard disks a little more quickly.

Malyunok 16. Adjusting the parameters of the virtual hard disk.

At this point, the basic settings of the virtual machine will end and after clicking on the “Next” button, a window will open that shows the virtual machine parameters you have installed (Figure 17).

Malyunok 17. Installed virtual machine parameters.

As you can see from the little one, all the basic parameters necessary for comfortable work with a virtual machine are installed:

  • Hard disk size - 20 GB;
  • RAM size - 500 MB;
  • edge adapter type - NAT;
  • input and output devices - CD / DVD, Floppy, USB controller, Printer, Sound Card.

All virtual devices are present here and their parameters are completely suitable for normal work with a virtual machine. If, for any reason, you need to connect an additional device or change the parameters of the virtual machine, for example, RAM, then click the “Set up hardware ...” button and select Add devices or change These are their parameters.

Since you can add a new device or change any parameters of a virtual machine without problems and after creating and installing the guest operating system, then at this stage I will not change anything in the assigned parameters and will go to installing a guest operating system.

To do this, check the box “Run the virtual machine after creation” and click “Finish” to complete the creation of the virtual machine. Once you have the files of your virtual machine in your folder (Figure 18), the virtual machine will start and the installation process of the guest operating system will automatically begin (Figure 19).

Malyunok 18. Files of the created virtual machine.

Malyunok 19. The beginning of installing guest OS.

3. Install the guest operating system.

A guest operating system can be installed on a virtual machine in the same way as on the primary EOM, but I will briefly describe the process of installing Ubuntu 12.04 as a guest operating system.

The installation of the operating system will begin automatically after the creation of the virtual machine is completed, and after a few seconds a window with the Ubuntu installation wizard will open on the screen (Figure 20), in which you need to select a language in which the installation wizard will dialogue with you and select one of the OS installation options :

  • try Ubuntu by launching the operating system from the disk;
  • Install Ubuntu.

Naturally, we choose another option, since we need a full-fledged guest operating system. Click on the “Install Ubuntu” button to begin installing the guest operating system.

Malyunok 20. Ububtu installation master.

If you have easy access to the Internet at all, or you, for any reason, do not want to require an update for the installed operating system, uncheck the Enable Networking menu item, for which press the button, and then press in the menu on the “Enable” row Networking" (Figure 21).

As a result of this action, the checkbox opposite the “Enable Networking” row will be disabled. This will allow you to save a decent amount of time when installing the operating system, and if necessary, you can update the system and install the remaining version of the software after installing and configuring Ununtu.

Malyunok 21. Switching off the network for the hour of installation.

Before the installation begins, the “installation wizard” informs you about the necessary maintenance of the hard drive and the need to connect to the Internet, which is necessary, but not at all necessary (Figure 22). Moreover, with limited Internet access, the installation process can be greatly delayed.

So you just need to allow the installation of Fluendo MP3 to create multimedia content.

Malyunok 22. Preparation before installing Ubuntu.

At the next stage, it is necessary to select a method for dividing the hard drive into sections (Figure 23). Since we have created only one virtual hard disk and not even a large one, we will select the first option, until after the creation of the virtual hard disk there is no necessary information on the new one and you can choose the format vati.

Malyunok 23. Divide the hard disk.

At the next stage, we select the hard drive on which we will install the operating system. And since we only have one virtual hard drive, choosing the right one seems like nothing and will result in a lot of confusion. Simply emboss the “Install Now” button to start the installation.

Malyunok 24. Select hard drive for installation.

After pressing the “Install now” button, you will begin to copy the files from the installation disk image to the virtual hard disk. To save an hour, in parallel with the copying process, you will need to configure the basic settings of the operating system and make the first adjustments when you select your backup location.

You can enter the name of the place or select the place you want to display on the map. As soon as the necessary place is supplied, press the “Continue” button.

Malyunok 25. Vibіr mіstsya roztashuvannya.

At the next stage, the keyboard layout is selected (Figure 26). In the same window you can revise your selection and go to the correctly displayed text. Make sure that the keyboard layout is shown correctly in the place you specified and no additional actions are required at this stage. We will emboss the “Continue” button to move to the next stage of setting up Ubuntu.

Malyunok 26. Select keyboard layout.

Now you need to enter personal data (Figure 27):

  • your own name;
  • Computer name;
  • Im'ya koristuvacha (there is no need to take care of your own names);
  • password for entering the operating system under the specified account username.

You will immediately be asked to indicate the method of logging into the system: automatically or after entering a password. If your virtual machine can be accessed by third parties, it is best to select the option “Get a password to log in.” This allows you to keep your personal information confidential.

After entering all the data, we will emboss the “Continue” button.

Malyunok 27. Introduction of personal data.

This is where the basic Ubuntu settings will end (Figure 28) and the entire subsequent installation process will take place automatically.

Malyunok 28. Automatic installation of Ubuntu.

During the installation process, advertising screensavers will periodically appear to describe the superiority of the installed operating system over earlier versions of Ubuntu, which will help to brighten up the completion of the installation. However, the installation process can drag on for dozens of minutes, although we are installing the operating system on a virtual machine, and during the installation process you can simply exit and do your homework.

When the installation is complete, a notification will appear on the screen informing you that the installation is complete and instructing you to restart the computer (Figure 29). It’s nice to say “re-engineer”, but this means your new, ready-made virtual machine, and not your entire computer.

Malyunok 29. Completed installation of Ubuntu.

After a few seconds, you will see the window of a virtual machine with the Ubuntu operating system installed (Figure 30), which reveals the widest capabilities of virtual machines and complexes that you have not yet explored. Adjust the operating system parameters for yourself and enjoy the robot.

Malyunok 30. Operating system Ubuntu 12.04.

4. Basic operations with a virtual machine.

4.1. Starting a virtual machine

From the “start” menu, launch the virtualization system:

Start\u003e All programs-\u003e VMwre-\u003e VMware workstation

In the window, select the menu item:

File-\u003e Open

І select the virtual machine you created (file with permission.vmw). My virtual machine is installed at the address:

F:/VM Ware/Ubuntu.vmx

Start an open virtual machine in one of the following ways:

4.2. Pausing the virtual machine.

When you finish working with the virtual machine, you can pause it, which will save the state of the virtual machine at the time of completion, and the virtualization program can be closed.

After updating the robot (Div. P. 4.1), the virtual machine will appear in front of you in the same form in which you finished working with it. The most advanced and the easiest way to complete work with a virtual machine.

You can pause the virtual machine in one of the following ways:

4.3. Virtual machine implementation.

To turn off the virtual machine, complete the guest operating system in the standard way. This will terminate the virtual machine automatically and you will be able to close the virtualization program.

However, the transfer is analogous to the computer buttons “Disable storage” and “re-enable”, which allow you to turn off or re-enable the virtual machine regardless of the status of the guest operating system. You can enable a virtual machine:

You can re-enable virtual machines:

  • vibrate menu item: VM-\u003e Kharchuvannya\u003e Reset;
  • Press ctrl + R keys.

However, the most manual way to complete work with a virtual machine, in my opinion, is to install it on a slot (section 4.2).

4.4. Connecting important devices to the virtual machine.

You can connect important devices in the menu:

VM-\u003e important devices

By checking the box next to the necessary hardware devices, you connect them to the virtual machine; by unchecking the box, you connect them. Look, everything is very simple.

To make it even simpler, I’ll show you how to connect to a virtual machine USB storage device:

  • connect the USB storage device to the computer and after a few seconds in the menu "VM-\u003e Famous devices" A new item will appear with the name connected to a USB storage device, in my selection: Feiya Mass Storage Device;
  • check the box in the menu “VM-\u003e Important devices -\u003e Feiya Mass Storage Device-\u003e Connect (Disconnect from Host)”(Figure 31) and after a few seconds on the desktop of your guest operating system (in our version, Ubuntu) a folder containing a USB drive will open;

Malyunok 31. Connecting a USB storage device.

To connect a USB storage device, uncheck the checkbox in the same menu.

4.5. Interchange between host and guest operating systems.

To switch from the guest operating system to the host operating system, you need to press the ctrl + alt keys. To switch to the guest operating system, click on the window with the guest operating system.

Which is completely enough for the beginning of work with a virtual machine, and in the future, since you like the capabilities of a new tool, and you definitely like them, you can easily learn all its capabilities, and I will help you in one foot statue.

This article talks about working with virtual machines (virtual operating systems) through the VWWare Workstation Player software.

Let me briefly describe what a virtual machine is. It seems like I’ve already talked about all these things, but I’ll repeat myself a little at a time, so that you are immediately aware of everything about which the article will be given. A virtual machine is a kind of virtual computer with an installed operating system (hereinafter referred to as “OS”), which runs in your real system through a special program at the end. As a result, you can use any other OS through a special program, without interrupting your work, without restarting your computer, and without completing any other complex operations for switching work from one OS to another.

What is all this for? You can use a virtual system to test any programs or services. For example, I often use a virtual machine to record video lessons, since the virtual OS is clean, without any special files and folders, and this allows me not to expose anything important to the whole world in my video :) I also use a virtual machine for testing to customize Windows so as not to experiment in a real system, but also to test any new programs.

Also, a robot in a virtual OS is not suitable for those who make money in the box. What is suitable? If you work in boxes, then you have heard a lot of such tasks, where you need to install any small program on your computer, register in it, log out and, perhaps, quit something else. Do you realize that if you are not comfortable with your real OS, you will often end up with such problems by installing just crap programs and games? :) So nothing good will happen! It’s still too early and the virus may have caught on. And when working in a virtual OS, all the installations will be lost there, so that your real system and all the virus (as I guess) will also be lost there.

The axis is what a virtual OS looks like, launched in a separate window:

Like bachimo, same OS, only in the end :)

Previously, in articles, I talked about the method of working with virtual machines through the Oracle VirtualBox software. At first I used it myself, but then I tried an alternative - VMWare Workstation Player (previously called simply VMWare Player) and realized that this program would be simpler. The taste in it is not so rich, the stench is not so controversial and unreasonable, and everything, in my opinion, is much more tame. For beginners, this option is, in my opinion, a better alternative than VirtualBox.

Let’s figure out in order how to install WMWare Workstation Player to work with virtual machines and how to then install and configure the virtual OS itself through this program!

I recorded the whole process on video, where I show you what to capture and how to fix the stars. Since it is not easy for you to receive information from a video, then the entire process of scheduling is presented in text-graphic form.

VMWare Workstation Player only works with 64-bit operating systems! Also remember that to work with virtual machines, you need a powerful computer with a current processor (for example, Intel Core i3, i5, i7) and a recommended amount of RAM of at least 4 GB. Better yet more! If you don’t know what RAM, processor and other components are, then I recommend reading the article. Otherwise, the virtual machine will be more unstable, but your real system will be unstable and not work stably.

You can check the capacity of your OS and information about the system (processor, amount of RAM) in the near future. Press the Win + R keys in the row and enter the command: msinfo32.exe. Click "OK":

In the window, on the “System Information” tab, you can find the necessary information:

The “Type” row indicates the capacity of your system (x64 - 64-bit, x86 - 32-bit).

In the "Processor" row - information about the processor, and in the "RAM installed" row - about the RAM of your computer.

Installation of WMWare Workstation Player programs for working with virtual machines!

The program can be run both on the Windows operating system and on the Linux OS, so it can be used for any OS. Click the “Download” button next to the required operating system and the download will begin:

I will show it on a Windows application.

The WMWare Workstation Player installation wizard will open. Check until the installation window appears first. We are under pressure to “Next”.

Further, the installation process is the same as in most programs (I have learned about how to install programs), so I only stop at these stages, where it is necessary to select some special actions.

At one stage of the installation, check the "Enhanced Keyboard Driver" checkbox and click "Next":

Enabling this option means that keyboard driver extensions will be installed for virtual machines and, in short, installed at any time.

In one of the installation windows, uncheck the “Help Improve VMWare Workstation 12 Player” option, and leave the first option enabled:

The first option means that the program will automatically check for updates and if there is a new version, you can update to it immediately. Another option is to provide assistance to program developers for sending anonymous reports from their computer about the operation of the given program. I recommend turning this option off.

That's it, installation is complete! The next step is to install a virtual OS through this program.

Launching VMWare Workstation Player and installing a virtual operating system!

Once the VMWare program for working with virtual machines has been installed, launch it from the additional shortcut on the desktop or from the Start menu.

When you first start the program, the axis will appear like this:

Here you need to select the first item shown in the image and enter your E-Mail address. This is all that is needed so that you can use the program without costs. I inserted my real email and didn’t receive any spam, so there’s nothing to be afraid of :)

Having entered your E-Mail, click “Continue”.

At the next window, click “Finish”:

Launch the program directly. Immediately after the first launch, in the next window, on top of the main window, a proposal about switching to the advanced “Pro” version may appear. We don’t care about anything, we pay for the rest of it. Click the “Skip this Version” button:

Now in the main window of the program click “Create a New Virtual Machine” to create a new virtual machine (OS):

We have reached the stage where it is necessary to select which file or disk the operating system will be installed on as a virtual one. The window will have two options: install from a CD / DVD disk (Installer disc) or install from an image file that is saved on your computer (Installer disc image file). Choose the first option if you have your own CD/DVD drive with the OS that you want to install in a virtual location:

For example, you have a disk with Windows 7 and you want to install this system in a virtual environment. Then insert the disk with this system into the computer and select the first option.

All operating systems for installation can be saved in a special file on your computer, called an “image”. Then you can install the operating system in the virtual machine directly from this file. Axis image file with the Windows XP operating system:

VMWare Workstation Player supports image files in the “.ISO” format, so if you have an ISO image file with the operating system, it is easiest to install the virtual machine from there. And then select another option in the flow window:

Using the “Browse” button, you can select the required image file with the operating system.

Having selected the required option, click the “Next” button at the bottom.

Increase your respect!
Any operating system, be it a Windows system, be it Linux, or be something else! This is not a problem only with Windows.

At the next window, we will be prompted to enter the key to install the operating system, enter the username and password:

Even installing an operating system in a virtual machine will not differ in anything from installing a real OS on your computer :) The only difference is that the system will be installed in a virtual window, and not on your real hard drive. However, this week I recommend depriving only the username of the account manager, since everything will be set automatically (take your real OS). The key and other parameters, if necessary, can simply be entered before installing the OS. Then just press “Next” to continue.

It is clear that you have to report back that you have not adjusted the main key. Press “Yes”:

In the next window, in the first field you need to enter the name of the virtual machine you are creating, and in the other field - the deployment of the virtual machine files on your computer.

You can call it whatever you want, call it whatever the name of the OS you will be installing is called. Golovne, so that you yourself understand what kind of OS you have, so that in the future you will install and use virtual operating systems from computers. Do not name the axis like this: “1234”, because you yourself will not understand what kind of virtual machine you have with such a name until you launch it :)

When installing a virtual machine on your computer, you can select any folder or disk on your real system. The folder itself will contain files (there will be a lot of them) that indicate the launch of the virtual machine. Please note that the virtual machine will take up a lot of space (at least 10 GB, usually, but most often 20-30 GB), so take out your insurance so that you have enough space on your hard drive to save the virtual machine .

When you enter the name and progress, press “Next”.

At this time, you will need to indicate the information on your hard drive that you want to use with the created virtual machine. What a very respectable little fellow!

As I already said, a virtual machine is practically in no way different from your real OS. She will also have her own hard disk, but only a virtual one. The hardware of the hard disk of the virtual OS will be the same as that of your real hard disk that you see for the virtual machine. Everything will be stored here depending on what operating system you install in the virtual box. If, for example, Windows XP, then it doesn’t take up a lot of space on the hard drive and it has 10-15 GB. If you are using Windows OS: 7, 8, 10, you need enough free space on the disk for your work, at least 20 GB, and preferably 30-40 GB.

In the first field of the flow window, you need to specify which part of your real hard drive you will connect to the created virtual machine. As I have already said, I will install the 30-day version of Windows XP for testing purposes. For this system, 15 GB will be sufficient. about the virtual disk. Ensure that your real hard disk has at least as much free space as you can imagine for a virtual machine!

Having checked this option, we indicated that we would not need to divide the virtual hard disk into several files, on which the virtual OS would run, even if it was in one file. If we selected the “Split virtual disk into multiple files” option, then the virtual hard disk would be divided into several files. I don’t know anything about this for myself, so I always select the mode - virtual hard disk in one file.

At the next window you will see information about setting up the created virtual machine. We can immediately “Finish” to start the installation of the virtual machine, otherwise we won’t have to worry about it. Let's move on to further setup of the virtual machine to understand another very important setting!

Press the “Customize Hardware” button:

An additional window will open with additional settings on several tabs. You can only click on the “Memory” tab, where you can configure your computer’s RAM available for the virtual machine.

RAM is the most important component of a skin computer, without which it simply cannot function. This is the hourly memory, where everything that is stored on your computer - programs, processes, etc. - is stored in advance. Having given this message, you can learn in more detail about all the main components of the computer.

Also, now you need to indicate the amount of your real RAM that will be used for the virtual machine. It all depends on what operating system you install. If you are using Windows XP, you may be able to use more than 128 MB of memory, although you will be at a premium. It would be better to see 1-2 GB. RAM. If you install Windows 7, 8 or 10 in the virtual machine, then I recommend setting at least 2 GB. RAM (more than 3-4 GB, so that the virtual system works stably and does not crash). Well, here's one more thing. If your computer also has little RAM, then you cannot see much for a virtual system :)

Since the computer only has 2 GB of memory (such a computer today is even weaker), then you are unlikely to see more than 512 MB (megabytes) of memory for a virtual machine, since you can see more yours The main systems can be started galmuvati. Damn it!

If you have a weak computer, it’s easier not to bother with virtual machines, as I already thought from the very beginning of this article.

You will be returned to the window where your virtual machine is configured. Well, the time has come to start immediately before installing the virtual machine! Make sure the “Power on this virtual machine after creation” checkbox is checked so that the installation begins immediately and click “Finish”:

The installation of the virtual OS you customized starts. Windows will immediately appear to notify you that your real computer is connected to the virtual machine, as well as windows with various offline information. Just select “Do not show this hint again” in these windows and click “OK”:

Also, you will be prompted to install additional tools for the virtual machine. Let’s put them a little later, then press “Remind Me Later.” The light-colored warnings at the bottom of the VMWare Workstation Player window can be closed by clicking on the cross:

Well, then we will proceed directly to installing the virtual OS. I install Windows XP, and the installation looks like this:

There is nothing different from the actual installation process on your computer. If you are installing Windows directly, the installation process will be very similar to the installation process of Windows XP. Since the process of installing the skin OS is being disrupted, I will look at it briefly below. When placing Windows 8 and 10, I found out the following statistics:

While there is no hassle of installation, the installation of the installed OS and after an hour practically does not compare with the hassle of installing a real system on a computer. Windows XP can be installed in about 20 minutes, Windows 7,8 and 10 are approximately the same. There's plenty to keep in mind due to the strain of the computer.

The process of installing games before entering the license key:

Now, for full-fledged work with the virtual machine, we install additional tools for it. This requires first aid so that you can easily drag and drop files from the real system into the virtual OS window or for other purposes. These are simply awesome handy functions!! And this is a great advantage of VMWare Workstation Player over its analogue for working with VirtualBox virtual machines, since others couldn’t easily drag and drop files without changing the settings... Also, installing additional tools is required for the correct operation of other function virtual machine.

Open the “Player” menu on the top toolbar, select “Manage” and then “Install VMWare Tools”:

A window will appear in the virtual OS window where you can click “Download and Install”:

You will be able to download additional tools for a few seconds. Then you need to open the “My Computer” section through the virtual Windows Explorer (also called “Computer” or “This Computer”) and start installing additional tools that appear in the view of the connected CD / DVD drive to the computer :

The system will ask you to re-enable. This needs to be done thoroughly so that the installed additional tools can begin to work. Press the “Yes” button so that the virtual machine is re-enabled:

After re-installation, additional virtual machine tools will take effect. First of all, gain the ability to drag files and folders from the real system to the virtual one. Just drag, holding down the left mouse button, one or a bunch of objects right next to the virtual machine window, and then release the left mouse button. Files/folders will be moved:

Alternatively, you will be able to quickly change the size of the virtual machine window by simply dragging the left mouse button between the windows. In this way, you can learn more about the virtual OS from the beginning, so that you will be more comfortable working in it.

To switch to a virtual OS, just hover over the window next to it and that’s it, you’ll find yourself there and you can save whatever you’re doing right away in the virtual machine. Getting back to the real system is just as easy - just move the cursor from the virtual window to the real system window.

Another useful function is to open the virtual machine in full-screen mode. To do this, press the button as shown in the image below:

As a result, the virtual OS window will be stretched across the entire screen and its parts will no longer be separated from the real system. You can return to the final mode using the same button.

The virtual machine is running in exactly the same way as the real one, so go to the “Start” menu, click “Windows” there and the same button again. Or you can turn on the virtual machine by simply closing the VMWare Workstation Player window and clicking “Power Off” in the next window:

In order to start the required virtual machine again, open the VMWare Workstation Player program, select a virtual machine from the list and click “Play virtual machine” on the right:

The last thing I want to show you today is how to go to the settings of an already created and installed virtual machine. Please note that you can only configure a virtual machine if it is already turned off! To configure the required virtual machine, select it in the main window of VMWare Workstation Player and right-click the “Edit virtual machine setting” button:

You are already familiar with the virtual OS settings:

That's all! Now, I think, you can independently create and configure a virtual machine with any operating system under control. I hope everything is clear for beginners :)

Have a great day and good mood everyone! Stay tuned;)