Physics programs. Physics programs Computer programs from physics and astronomy


To watch the film, you need to either launch it on the video here on the site, or save it to your folder, and watch the avi file later. To download the file, click on the message field “Enter your favorite video...”. In the window, press the “Unclick” button if you want to watch the movie here, or “Save” if you want to watch it later. If you have selected the "Unlock" option, the file will appear in the time folder.

After browsing is completed, a window will open in which you need to click on the row next to the file with extensions.avi to start browsing. Some security services must be aware of the unknown identity of the witness. Please feel free to press the buttons for both saving and saving. When you click the “Save” button, a dialog box for selecting a folder for saving will open. Select the desired folder, click on it, and then click the “Save” button. The resulting movie file with extended .zip extension will be installed in the selected folder. To watch the movie, you need to unzip the file and run it on Windows by clicking on the unzip folder of the file with the extended .avi extension.

The demo version of the initial program is automatically installed in the client’s ApplicationData folder. A shortcut (icon) is created on the desktop for easy launching of PhysCoDdm. The icon looks like a blue square with the PCD abbreviation written in dark symbols along the diagonal of the square. The demo file is called SetupPhysCoD_demo. You can save it anyhow, and launch it anyway. To install the demo version from the saved file, click on the SetupPhysCoD_demo file and follow the installation wizard instructions, and when starting the installation on the site, follow the installation wizard instructions immediately. Visibility of programs is standard: through the menu of the "START" button, or on the path All programs \ PhysCoDdm \ Uninstall PhysCoDdm, or on the path Control Panel \ Installation and specific programs \ PhysCoDdm \ "View" button.

Khvil's optics on a computer.
Basic program for VNZ.

Molecular physics on a computer.
Basic program for VNZ.

Virtual workshop in physics for VNZ

Physics is active.
Software and methodological complex for teaching schoolchildren in grades 7-10.
Pi-Logic Research Group

Optical lava. Geometric optics on your computer.
The program is designed for creating, editing, saving and reading the initial models of optical devices and systems that consist of elementary objects: light fixtures, flat and spherical mirrors, lenses that are assembled and expanded, Indicators (photoelements with light bulbs). Objects and models of accessories are consistent with their functional purpose.
Pi-Logic Research Group

Physics video problem book. Parts 1 and 2
An original initial multimedia product produced by wired publications of the Kazan State University.
47 kroki from known nature;
47 physics experiments in the middle school curriculum;
47 additional explanations of physical phenomena; 47 unsatisfactory views.


An initial lesson in physics for middle and high school students.
Media House

Hybrid system: multimedia - system on CD + Internet - version with information that is quickly updated. A brilliant example of successful professional work of highly qualified experts - physicists and scientists, as well as the effective production of trivial graphics and animation on the Internet. It is highly recommended to admire this system, for example, the Huygens-Fresnel Principle.
More information has been provided about the light diffraction phenomenon. Photographs and videos of real experiments, animated illustrations of physical processes, created on the basis of classical mathematical models and photorealistic tracing schemes were used. During the lectures, Koristuvachev’s brothers are encouraged to actively participate in the training of low physical models using interactive programs.
Retelling the impulses in such a way that people, who until today had not heard the word diffraction, can understand the nature of this phenomenon. In this regard, there is a greater depth of understanding in which I look for mathematics and students of physics and mathematics faculties. This is a rich approach before starting to download the materials of this disk during the initial process.
Genesis knowledge

Pilot version of the project. Find out what is included in the secondary school programs, presented with photographs, videos and Flash animation. Skin treatment is accompanied by methodical recommendations and descriptions.

Dragon, cool physics
Dragon and Tsikava Physics are included in a series of initial gaming additions that will be suitable for children and adults no matter what age. You learn about the basic laws of physics, behind which the world lives; become familiar with such concepts as light fluidity, body weight, quickening of the fall and a lot of others. The enchanting year of the Dragon, who accompanies you with all his strength, a revelation about the nature of the phenomena that appear around you, about the power of bodies. The skin has games that may also have a cognitive character. When you successfully complete a skin test, you receive points as a result of your success.
Media-Service 2000

Cribs. Physics Multimedia basic guide to the principles of testing GuruSoft . Okremi wheels for 7,8,9,10-11 classes
For schoolchildren and their fathers who want to check the correctness of their homework assignments
Multimedia technologies

The Physicon company releases two multimedia disks with interactive models - “Viscrete Astronomy 2.0” and “Screen Chemistry 2.0”, which are recommended not just to watch once, but to be constantly at hand in the skin room. iziki.

New multimedia course for students of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, students of technical universities and independent study of astronomy.

Physics 7th grade – preparing for graduation
The company "Osvita-MEDIA" is launching the release of a series of new lighting programs - the Electronic Library "Osvita".
Interactive graphics with the ability to set parameters;
interactive models of physical objects;
Tables with a variety of preliminary information;
A set of formulas that includes all formulas for the course with detailed descriptions;
Biographies and portraits of famous physicists;
Full-screen video fragments demonstrating physical processes and objects;
There are close to 100 animated videos that demonstrate the processes that create a pose between people’s face-to-face encounters;
A collection of high-quality photographs, including photographs of objects that are inaccessible to the naked eye.

Dad: Back at the next day
The Father will be fantastically useful in the Charming Ocean! The food seems to be about to go to the father - the table is unsatisfactory and the stench is warm. The basic laws of physics have a form, even far from school textbooks - you can’t memorize, you have to think.
How do the birds fly in a sealed dance without sticking into the walls and bottom, how will the dance of the dance change? Will you become lighter? More important? Are you going to lose a lot of money?
And if the sailing ship collapses forward, who should directly take over his ensign? Killed on the side? Back? Forward? What about the wind and the stars? Are you confused?
Don't forget to buy the book "Back at Mayday" from our series - and your child will learn to easily recognize these similar foods and approach them creatively.

Features of the game
The most luscious "training" in the "quest" genre
Strictly scientific approach
Excellent graphics in the style of a Disney cartoon
Two independent modes: purely beginner and gaming
Dozens of characters - Roslin, creatures, Komakh
monstrous sound
There is a lot of new things to be learned from adults
Vidavets Buka


The advancement of computer technologies in the field of physics and astronomy follows several direct lines:

The use of text and graphic editors by teachers to prepare a variety of differentiating initial materials and by students to formalize the results of their initial and abstract work. Using a computer in lessons as a technical lesson. In this case, the most effective use of such software is Vidkrit Physics 1.0 (parts I and II) and RedShift -3 (Encyclopedia of Astronomy), which takes place of a large amount of scientific material: dynamic models, in Video recordings too. Use the computer as a teacher and student for modeling various physical processes and applications for help, for example, in such a way as “Living Physics”. Creation of a computer simulation laboratory at the physics office to conduct a demonstration and research experiment. Such a complex, with its wide range of capabilities, is promoted by the company “Snark” (computer complex L-micro). The selection of such basic programs as “Physics Tutor Cyril and Methodius” and “1C: Tutor” for independent work of students, as well as diagnostics and control of their knowledge.


The computer virtualization complex allows you to use a computer located in the physics classroom to conduct a demonstration experiment or a practical workshop.

The kit includes an electronic vibrating unit, sensors for temperature, pressure, moisture, conductivity, ionizing vibration, number of wraps and turns, photocell, microphone, as well as additional equipment for carrying out various experiments . Information from the sensors is automatically processed and displayed on the monitor screen manually for educational purposes.

The computer simulation complex allows you to conduct numerical experiments on various topics in the course. So, for example, a methodical textbook on the topic “Mechanics” presents a report describing 17 experiments for grades 7-10.

Firm "Snark"


The program is a medium in which students can conduct simulations of physical experiments. In addition to the materials and materials presented in the “laboratory cabinet”, it is possible to model various processes on topics such as mechanics, electricity and magnetism. Current calculating apparatus, animation features, and additional numerical functions can be used to develop “Living Physics” using manual and powerful tools for applying physics in schools.

The program is an advanced guide for the reader to obtain all the necessary information about the installation and tools of the program, about the methods of designing and conducting experiments.

In the UML of Physics MIPKRO, within the framework of the course system for advanced qualifications, there is a module for mastering work in the “Living Physics” center.


New multimedia physics course for Windows 3.1X/95/NT on two CDs.

Before the first part of the course, which included 34 computer experiments, 11 video recordings of physical experiments and 1 year of audio explanations, the following sections were covered: mechanics, thermodynamics and mechanical vibrations. The other part of the course was divided into: electricity and magnetism, optics, atomic and quantum physics.

The course is recommended for classes with advanced and deepened knowledge of physics. The course consists of modules - computer experiments. Before the skin experiment, the following is presented: computer animation, graphs, numerical results. Changing parameters and preventing the result of a computer experiment, scientists can conduct an interactive physical investigation of a skin experiment. Video recordings will complete the course for those who join and will help you get busy with the living and in the world. Very brown food and food. How to carry out a skin experiment You can enter your hypothesis into the computer and check it for yourself.

RF, Moscow region, Dovgoprudny-1, a/s 59
Tel/Fax (0Moscow)
http://www. physics ru


on one CD

Initial material of presentations in the form of tests. “Tutor” has increased nutrition, which is most often the case in exam papers for entrance examinations up to VNZ.

Place close to 1200 food and order with reports. Recommended for entrants up to VNZ.

"Cyril and Methodius"
http://www. km. ru


on one CD

Interactive course on basic topics: mechanics, molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, fluidity theory and quantum mechanics.

Includes 300 illustrations, 100 video fragments and animations, 70 interactive models, as well as nearly 300 tests and a complete set of overhauled sections. Includes preliminary materials: basic formulas from physics and mathematics, a system of physical units, fundamental physical principles, biographical information about prominent scientists who contributed to the development of physics.

Firm "1C"
Moscow, a/s 64
Vul. Seleznyovska, 21, .


on one CD

A unique astronomical encyclopedia that has the following capabilities:

    You can choose the hour and place to watch out for any celestial bodies - both in the past and in the future (interval), both at the boundaries of the Sonic system and after it. With this video recording, you can depict the flow of celestial bodies, the descent of the sun on Jupiter, or the endlessly deep dawn of the sky, as well as record your energy in space. Full-color realistic graphics allow you to get more detailed images of all planets, as well as galaxies, nebulae and the Chumatsky Way. The program contains data about 700 small planets and asteroids, 1500 comets, 1 million stars, quasars, “black holes” and thousands of other objects, information about dozens of spacecraft tiv, report maps of the surfaces of the Moon, Mars, Venus and the Earth.

Company "New disk"
Moscow, a/s 42


Video studio “Kvart” introduces students of physics and astronomy to basic video programs from various topics in the school course, which will help them develop a more emotional and effective process .

1. "PHYSICS-1" 143 khv.
Laboratory robots from the 11th grade course, taken from the Physics and Mathematics College at MIFI.

2. "PHYSICS-2" 109 xv.
Films on the topics: light diffraction, interference, dispersion, thermal propagation, physical foundations of quantum theory.

3. "PHYSICS-3" 65 min. The film is about how the phenomena of the physical picture of light in the world of knowledge and the darkness of everyday matter changed.
Films about phenomena of magnetism, photographic effects, and plastic deformation.

4. "PHYSICS-4" 38th century. Two films: “Diffusion”, “Polarization”.

5. "PHYSICS-5" 63 min.
Statements about crystals, crystal treasures, etc.

6. "OPERATION "HELIUM"" 77th century.
In the application of the history of the “sleepy speech” - helium is given the history of the most important discoveries in the field of physics and chemistry at the beginning of the twentieth century. The following people have spoken about their acting skills: Bunsen, Becquerel, Curie, Rutherford, Cavendish, Rayleigh, Roentgen, Ramsay.

7. "KINEMATICS" is new.
The nutrition of the school kinematics course is examined with the help of the author’s experiment of the Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation

8. “UNIVERSE AND EARTH” 60th century. Follow the World for Friedman. Mysteries of atmospheric vortices. Continent, modeling the collapse of lithospheric plates, forecast for the future. Taimnitsi plateau Ust-Yurt.

9. "ASTRONOMY" PART 1 77 xv.
Dawn landmarks, celestial mechanics, solar system, planet Earth, Month, Rankov's star, etc.

10. "ASTRONOMY" PART II 80th century.
Mars, Planets - giants, small bodies, Sun, life and death of the stars, Galaxy, crazy way, control of the world.


    From the fire to nuclear energy; the secret places of space and dream energy; in the general earth's crust and in.

The life, activity and history of the creeds of famous scientists: Timiryazev, Vernadsky, Tsiolkovsky, Florensky.

Greenhouse effect, ozone conservation, flora and fauna conservation, social aspect of environmental protection activities.

14. "MAYWAY IN HARMONY" 63 хв.
Futurological forecasts for the development of humanity and a more middle-class society.

Vikoristannya is the source of the energy of geothermal waters, the energy of monthly tides, bioenergy, wind power, and solar energy. In the future, exotic types of energy will take their place, and even better.

Video studio "Kvart"
Moscow, st. Ostryakova, a/c 17.

Faculty of Physics MDU im. presents videotapes with recordings of lecture experiments. The presented findings, the classics of a physical demonstration experiment and the long history of many successes, are shown to schoolchildren and students during lectures at the Faculty of Physics. The kit includes the following video cassettes.

1. "MECHANICS" 185 hv.
70 experiments on topics: kinematics, dynamics, dynamics of a solid body, non-inertial systems in life, laws of conservation, vibration.

Topics: spring power bodies, Pascal's law, rigidity of the body, pressure of the body on the walls of the vessel, Archimedes' law, floating body, atmospheric pressure, laminar and turbulent flow of the body, Bernoulli's pressure, static and dynamic pressure pototsi rіdini and gas, Magnus effect, in 'sweet liquids, whirlwinds, physical foundations of aviation. 63 experiments.

Topics: basics of molecular kinetic theory, phenomena of transport in gases (viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion), real gases and liquids, heat and work, thermal engines, surface and capillary fluids, phase transitions, power of solids mentiv.

100 experiments. Subjects: elementary electrostatics, electrostatics of conductors, capacitance, conductors and dielectrics in an external electric field, the main mechanisms of the creation of EPC, the presence of support depending on temperature, electric current in various media now, self-sustaining discharge in gases, electric flow in liquids, fundamentals of magnetostatics, flow of charges in magnetic field, the manifestation of electromagnetic induction, Foucault jets, magnetic power of media, transformers, high-frequency jets, magnetic field of the Earth, electromagnetic fluxes.

A collected cassette to contain selected experiments from the physics course within the school program. Number of experiments - 83 Topics: kinematics and dynamics of a material point, laws of conservation in mechanics, mechanical vibrations, sound, fundamentals of thermodynamics, transport phenomena in gases, phase transitions, electrostatics, constant electricity source flow, basic mechanisms of EPC creation, magnetostatics, electromagnetic induction, geometric optics, wave optics (interference, diffraction, dispersion, aberation, polarization), lasers.

MDU im. , Faculty of Physics
Moscow, Vorobyovi ​​Gori, MDU, Faculty of Physics, KOF, KFD.
, Yakuta A. A