Showing in Yandex Maps and Google Maps. Prosuvannya in Yandex Maps and Google Maps Contextual advertising Yandex

The new Yandex algorithm operates on the basis of neural measurements. It starts on the examples of the correspondents' queries, and selects the types of answers that appear instead of the text on the page. This means, frankly, that it will be much more effective to work with non-standard queries, if they themselves do not say what they call themselves what they want to know.

So, you can ask, for example, “film about blind driving a Ferrari” - and Yandex shows “Kinopoisk” with the film “The Smell of a Woman”.

In addition, the algorithm works with pictures. It analyzes the image and selects the necessary option based on it, and not just from the description in the tags. This completely changes the ranking, and a lot of optimizers are stressed as website promotion transforms into Yandex. We tried to understand what the changes were threatening.

Heritage of “Korolova”

Our experts Denis Shubenok and Mikhailo Volovich discovered that there is a new search engine algorithm, and that it will now be possible to insert a site in Yandex.

How can the new algorithm impact SEO?

Mikhailo Volovich: The development of the new algorithm, like “Palekh” before, is directed entirely in the opposite direction - in the general sense of SEO. Yandex mainly focuses on non-trivial queries, for which there are no obvious relevant clues (like the episode with the movie, the blind driver of a Ferrari). And SEO deals with these queries, which are ideally suited to thousands. Because hundreds of optimizers and web masters created a special page on their sites, and then carefully began fine-tuning its relevance. This commercial zone has very different requirements in the sound systems. There is no need to search for relevant types, but rather select the most relevant one. Here, among hundreds of relevant candidates, it is necessary to select the one that best suits any other, for example, commercial criteria.

However, “Kings” is not an additional search module, but a change to the entire algorithm, starting from the very early stages of the advanced selection of candidates for ranking. That’s why it’s better to stop drinking everything, including in the commercial zone. If you change your commercial and textual factors, we certainly need to - although they are unlikely to be global. Passing under Yandex will not change at all.

Who and what changes should be made?

Denis Shubenok: No one yet knows how the algorithm itself is responsible for identifying specific sites. It was launched two days ago, and it is impossible to see the results in this hour. Especially for doctors, “Korolov” works on the basis of a neural network that accumulates data and corrects the work with skin problems. We have immediately started collecting information on all our projects, and in about a month we will be able to write a detailed report about how the promotion in Yandex has changed.

As we let things go at once, there will be no important changes. You can also check for increased traffic towards great sites. The “kings” of insurance are mostly low-frequency information, and as a result, robots play sites that can afford to create impersonal content.

Why is it so important now to pick up the semantic core?

Mikhailo Volovich: Pranksters are freely and inadvertently shaping the Internet. In the ecosystem formed by Yandex and Google, all your competitors create an ideally relevant page on the same page for you. It’s clear that Yandex’s relevance statements after “Queen” are changing a lot, so it’s unlikely that competitors will move anywhere and quickly push their pages to the new ideal of relevance. You, of course, can be spared, and for this reason I will make your site go down myself. But over others, as you have had to work with before.

I’m afraid that for SEO the name “Kings” will appear symbolic at all in the wrong sense, which is how we respect Yandex. This place is on Yaroslavka, which is impossible to get to without traffic jams.

What is the increase in traffic for associative queries?

Mikhailo Volovich: Probably not. However, it will be necessary to devote utmost attention to query clustering. One of the innovations announced by Yandex is the appearance of “semantics” of other queries, for which you go to this page.

Proper optimization of the site at the initial stages is extremely important for successful promotion and recovery of profits. If you don’t learn about all the nuances from the very beginning, you can end up with additional expenses later on. In this article, I want to describe the steps that will help you start launching your own website in search engines. This will be useful for those who are planning to launch or are launching their own project, but do not want to get third-party contractors to carry it out. Also, this article can help the manager evaluate the work of SEO specialists. By reading the article you will know what steps need to be completed for the successful launch of the project and its further development.

Krok 1. Vibir CMS

CMS (English Content management system) is a management system for a website. In other words, this is an engine through which we can add and edit content.

It is very important that the CMS be a tool for improvements and provide SEO benefits. The main ones:

  • Set a unique Title tag (an important title for insertion, which will help search engines when expanding the relevance of the page).
  • Set a unique Description tag (this is a description of the page that jokers most often depict in a snippet; journalists appreciate a bright and attractive snippet and, for all that, go to the site).
  • Set CNC (Human Understanding URL). You can find out more details about CNC in the article "".
  • Set tags H1-H6 (important for inserting headings, which ensure the development of relevance; tags must be unique within the site and only for the text part are selected).
  • Set unique Alt and Title for the image.
  • It is important to be able to specify unique text.
  • The CMS has an HTML editor for every page.
  • It is up to you to set rel = canonical /, .
  • Set a unique text for bread crumbs.
  • For online stores, the function of importing and exporting data is extremely important. It helps you batch make changes to Title, Description and other attributes.
  • Server hour (Time To First Byte) up to 0.5 seconds. For more information about the speed of website traffic, read the article “How to optimize the speed of website traffic to increase rankings in Yandex and Google.”

For service sites Recommended CMS WordPress - a cost-free engine with a great community and great functionality. Suitable for all SEO benefits and easy to learn.

Statistics on the topic in our blog:
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For online stores- WordPress is also a good option, alternatives include OpenCart and Magento.

Not at any time Do not request the development of your website from companies that use Vlasna CMS. In the near future you will be heavily dependent on them and their developments. In such companies, additional training has been ongoing for a long time, and the productivity of their work is at a low level. It’s also difficult to find a vendor for someone else’s CMS.

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Lesson 2. Preparing a mobile version of the site

Today, mobile traffic is growing more and more. Google is immediately analyzing the mobile version of the site, which is simply necessary.

  • In responsive design, vikorize the meta tag . This means that the browser has adapted the page for smaller screens.
  • The site is guilty of the following sound systems being accessible to mobile robots:
    Googlebot/2.1 (+
    Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
    Mozilla / 5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit / 600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version / 8.0 Mobile / 12B411 Safari / 600.1.4 (compatible; YandexMobileBot / 3.0; + http://yandex .com/bots).
  • CSS and JavaScript files cannot be closed for indexing.
  • Instead of the sides, you are not allowed to extend beyond the screen horizontally. To check the correctness of the display, you can use the “Check optimization for mobile” tool. It analyzes the page and gives recommendations on how to correct errors. The tool needs to check all types of pages: header, categories, subcategories, product/service cards.
  • It is not necessary for the cursor to scroll horizontally on the screen. All elements - images, buttons, text - are adapted to the smartphone screen.
  • Do not vikorize elements that are not displayed on mobile devices, for example, Flash videos.
  • More than any leaking windows and advertisements, they can take up the entire screen of your smartphone.
  • The fluidity of mobile pages is due to the maximum. This can be achieved using quick scripts, styles, including browser caching.
  • In the future, check mobile responsiveness through the “Check Mobile Sites” tools in Yandex.Webmaster and “Check Responsiveness on Mobile Devices” in Google Search Console.

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Krok 3. Collection of the semantic core

The semantic core is a set of words and phrases that characterize the theme and structure of the site. By asking this question, our customers will be able to find your site through the search system.

Semantics is the foundation for successful marketing. It’s good to see how to recognize client acquisition in SEO as a funnel:

If we correctly select semantics at the initial stage, we will be able to remove targeted traffic. If we are kind and not understandably drink, we will lose clients and sales.

Thus, the semantic core allows:

  • Rate your choice of customers by service or category of goods.
  • Create the correct structure and accurately respond to the questions of the correspondents.
  • Monitor the visibility and effectiveness of the robot in the future.

The paradigm for the collection of semantics looks like the next step:

marker molding. Markers are important words that clearly characterize a service or a group of products. For example, you sell cosmetics for a person and you have creams and toners - the markers for these products will be “face creams” and “face toners”.

To formulate a list of markers, you need to brainstorm and write down all the options for the names of services or products. Then this list needs to be expanded with synonyms.

Example of the finished list:
Renovation of apartments
Turnkey apartment renovation
Renovation of a one-room apartment
Renovation of 1 room apartment

Detailed instructions for forming marker queries in our article "".

sbir expansion. After selecting marker entries, they need to be expanded with specifications: apartment renovation in Moscow, price for apartment renovation, quote for apartment renovation etc.

This part of the robot can be automated using Key Collector. The program automatically expands marker queries, pulling data from various sources: Yandex.Wordstat, Google Adwords,,, search suggestions, etc.

You will find detailed instructions for collecting a semantic core in the following articles:
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Having collected the keywords and cleared them from the list, you can proceed to forming the structure of the site.

Krok 4. Grouping and shaping of the structure

Now we have a semantic core. On this basis the structure of the site can be created.

The first thing you need to do is drink it together. We recommend grouping using the method of similarity of TOPs, popularly called “clustering by top”. The essence lies in the following: in the TOP-10 behind the query 1, in the TOP-10 behind the query 2 ... and in the TOP-10 behind the query N, at least 3 new URLs are ranked, these queries can be posted on one page. The more pages you move, the more likely it is that your queries will rank better on one page. Ask, if you can put it through at once, to create a cluster.

The shortest option is that we immediately collect food, commercial supplies and information, and the fragments of the tops will not be wasted. There will likely be both a commercial and an informational post on the same page. More money for everything, either 2 commercial or 2 informational.

Clustering services:

As a result, you select a file with groups:

Example of clusterization from

Now we can create a structure. The hierarchy will range from the literal to the specific - from the more literal to the more precise.
Category → Be → End side
We go through all the groups, classify them to one or another category and immediately write the URL for the end page. You need to extract a file like this:

Additional materials:
When working with semantics, we recommend using Nadbudova for Excel - SEO-excel. You can highlight groups, generate URLs, Titles, etc.
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Once we are done with the structure, we can move on to internal optimization.

Lesson 5. Internal optimization

The success of the site in the PS depends entirely on the internal optimization of the site: headings and meta tags, content, URL, Alt tags to images.

It is important to consider the areas of the document that are important for ranking, as they should be optimized.

meta tags

Therefore, internal optimization begins with the preparation of meta tags. The way they are folded depends on the size of the project.

How do you have a service website? And even if there are not too many pages, you can immediately enter meta tags manually.

What kind of online store do you have? It’s best to edit the templates and then refine them manually.


One of the most important areas of the document has a significant impact on the ranking site.

Main benefits before molding Title:

  • Represents the essence of the story.
  • Target direct entry of the most competitive keyword.
  • The main keyword is on the Title page.
  • Combine all words with a capitalization (for example, we have a capitalization with “buy plastic bags in bulk” - which means that the Title contains the words “buy”, “wholesale”. Also, there are often different formulations, for example, “radio-coated quadcopter” and “ quadcopter on the radio-curtain" - the stench of offense is included in the tag.
  • Do not take revenge on your words. For example, “company”, “in stores”, “etc.” - these words, which do not have a direct connection to the topic, blur the stench of the main keywords, the relevance of the Title itself.
  • No spam. The title is not guilty of revenge against unnatural structures: “Buy polyethylene bags Moscow.” It is also not your fault to misuse key phrases.
  • Show up at the page title


  • Be unique for the skin.
  • Approximate dovzhinya - about 70-130 characters.

Kurt's title: Buy a superhero, buy superhero figurines, hero figurines for children

Title of a healthy person: Buy superhero figurines for children in Moscow - Hasbro


Description can be used by sound systems when forming a snippet. It is not a ranking factor and only contributes to the snippet.

  • The recommended number of symbols is 150 to 200.
  • Place all words from the keyword (include them not in order to promote relevance, but in order to pull them into the snippet and thus highlight the keywords).
  • Indicates the location of the page, as well as the Title.
  • Logical, concise and complete, written in normal human language.
  • With special characters.
  • Unique (within the site).

Butt normal Description: Buy radio-coated helicopters in our online store. We have a great selection of helicopters with radio equipment and a camera. ✈ Shvidka delivery ✈ in Moscow and Moscow region, guaranteed delivery and guarantee!


This meta tag does not contribute to the ranking, but Yandex fragments write that meta keywords can be used - I recommend remembering it, adding 3-5 phrases relevant to the content, separated into clumps.

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We went to the most convenient place in the sites - texts. For a long time, optimizers thought only about various formal metrics of texts: quantity of input, content, tediousness, TF / IDF values ​​and much more. The text was put into frames, in which case the part was placed in another, or even a third, place. Such an approach, having given its results, was neither a joke nor a joke.

Now is the era of the nap, today's important feelings and changes are coming. Of course, input is required, but not self-fulfillment.

  • May virishuvati song of the forgotten. As this text is for the server side, you are required to describe in detail the service, achievements, features and distinctions of competitors. As the text is in the catalogue, it is our responsibility to briefly convey what the products are and what their features are.
  • Specify the input intensity range, not the input intensity range. For example, no less than 2 and no more than 100.
  • Allow word forms to be abused. It is not necessary for a copywriter to include constructions of this type in the text - “buy Moscow inexpensively.”
  • Do not put limits on the text. Please allow the SEO copywriter not to stop thinking if they have reached the required number of characters, because they didn’t know what else to add for the quantity.
  • Check the text for uniqueness. You can use additional services Etxt Antiplagiat or Advego Plagiatus.
  • It is recommended to analyze the text in the Glavred and Turgenev services. The first one will help you get out of the water, and the other one will evaluate the risk of getting lost under the text filter “Baden-Baden”.

Internal linking

Internal linking is the placement of a message in the middle of the site from one side to the other.

Internal linking serves several purposes: organizing manual navigation, organizing a structure for better indexing of pages, and also dividing up your tasks (mentally - importance).

At the cob stage the sprat can:

  • Any important page is available in two clicks from the main page.
  • Navigation through the site is easy and logical for traders.

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Lesson 6. Optimization of commercial ranking officials

In addition to text officials, there is a sense of immediate processing and commerce.

Commercial factors are a number of indicators that characterize the reliability of an online seller: brand recognition, assortment, visibility of representatives, price range, payment options, etc.

In essence, commercial factors are the power of the site, which allows clients to easily manage their work, as well as talk about the quality of the service as a whole.

  • visibility of contacts;
  • completeness of assortment;
  • availability of certificates, city, etc.;
  • vodguki;
  • availability of prices on the website;
  • filters in online stores;
  • Detailed information about the company;
  • Detailed information about delivery and payment;
  • There are different options for tying;
  • discounts and promotions.

To investigate commercial officials, it is necessary to analyze competitors.

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Lesson 7. Checking the site before publishing

After all the latest news, the site may be ready before publication. However, first of all you need to “promote” your sound systems, you must carefully check everything.

What you need to check:

  • Title and meta tags are written for the skin page.
  • The website has robots.txt set up correctly.
  • The site has Sitemap.xml, there are no mercy.
  • Submission site in Yandex.Webmaster i Search Console.
  • Yandex.Metrics and Google Analytics have been added to the site.
  • The site has a 404 page set up, and it displays the 404 server code.
  • The site has a mobile version.
  • All important pages provide a 200 server connection code.
  • The pages are not duplicated throughout the site.
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    “What on the site needs to be closed before indexing, and how to work”

    Lesson 8. External website optimization

    We ask that you continue to be confident when ranking in both Yandex and Google. In Google, it is clear that the increased weight applied to the site is expected to give a noticeable effect. In Yandex, it’s not clear that you’ve poured in, so we don’t recommend working on anything else.

    Representatives of both wired PSs talk about those that the site is guilty of but a natural force of action. In fact, when a lot of commercial projects are launched, it is not possible to finance only natural resources.

    When purchasing, it is necessary to maximize naturalness in order, on the one hand, to achieve greater results, and on the other hand, to reduce the risk of stagnation to the site of downward sanctions.

    It is better to use the title of crowd marketing - imitation of natural interest in the site in the first place. The essence of this method is simple - you need to know what kind of service you need, what kind of food you need, and then the date of sending to the site.

    It is fundamentally important not to confuse this method with spam in comments, which, unfortunately, often happens. We repeat: you need to inform the food service provider and only then, if it is correct, you can accommodate the message.

    After three months, you can begin a more active growth plan.

    Dzherela posilan:

    • Authoritative catalogues. Do not search through catalogues. Listen only clearly and clearly.
    • Websites of vidguki. Be active on sites like
    • Competitor analysis. There's a lot of ideas. Analysis tools:,,
    • Search for thematic blogs. In this situation, it is necessary to make jokes about good Maidan people and talk about placing messages with their rulers.
    • PBN is a private network of blogs. Here you need to independently create a network of blogs from which messages will then be sent. Dosing is an effective, but expensive method.
    • Bezankornye poslan guilty but more, nizh anchorny.
    • The anchor list is guilty of being different.
    • Do not vikorist the order.
    • It is recommended to reduce the protest of the Maidans to a minimum and avoid permanent orders.
    • Post your message on thematic resources.
    • Adjust the dynamics of growth. The quantity must be sent to the fullest extent, but it will surely grow.

microfinance companies

Mensh nizh for rik team site achieved hostile results. In comparison with the leading rock, the number of visits increased by 12,000. One of the most important indicators for any commercial Maidan - conversion - doubled. This result, of course, has vindicated all our brave thoughts. Thank you to the site team for their professionalism, outstanding approach and high results. Are you ready to continue the successful practice?

Car rental in Dubai

Medical website

Over the past two years, the site’s robotic managers have achieved only positive results: they increased search traffic by 7.5 times (from 451 to 3387 visitors per month) and the illegal visibility of the project from 6% to 20% they poke through at the request. This result is important and we recommend the site team to everyone who is looking for smart and knowledgeable facists in the field of phonics.

Above our site, the website is working on Mayzhe rik, from 2018 to 2018. Over the course of the period, work behind such a scheme increased traffic to the website. Dazhe Zarosla і is stubbornly visible to the site in the drying systems of Yandex I Google, Z 3% on Starti Robit up to 28% in fierce 2019 Rock - this is not the same not to be random to DILI, they were at the MISTOMISE IN THESIAN I VIDPOVIDALNA!

Online store of stun guns

Spіvpratsyuєmo from the site more repeat rocks. For this purpose, the company’s specialists carried out a wide variety of experiments, which yielded positive results. Zagalny search traffic is twice as strong. The number of requests in sound systems has also increased significantly: more, less times. On Google in September 2017 there were 90 queries, now there are 141. The online visibility has increased from 39 to 71 queries. We appreciate that this is a very successful result.

Merezha of auto components stores

Since the beginning of 2018, we trust the company to search the site and are completely satisfied with the process and results. Optimizers chose a strategy that helped our online store gain visibility in search of a not-so-great term. The positions of our site have been optimized to grow steadily since the start. It is noticeable that there is sound traffic. A good pace was set, and it immediately appeared on the applications, there were significantly more of them!

Internet discounter

Thanks to all the specialists for carrying out work on sound testing and optimization of our site. With a growing number of robots on the site, VIN occupies a leading position in popular search engines. The company site has confirmed all our findings and final assignments in full view with the presentation of benefits. We hope for a fruitful and successful operation in the future. We wish your company good luck, development and prosperity!

We are very satisfied with the work of the manager - we are eliminating reporting calls, consultations with all food suppliers, and how the task is quickly completed. The result blows our minds. In just 2 months of launching the site, the audience has grown 2 times (by 256%)! The site's users were able to enter 63 target queries into the TOP 10 of Yandex, 28 target queries into the TOP 10 of Google, half of them in 1st place.

Online store vzuttya

The successful development of the site with the company has brought significant improvements to the site - traction and sales are growing every day. More than 28,000 views per month, rankings in the TOP 10 search engines Yandex and Google more than 75% of targeted searches.. We hope that in the future such cooperation will allow us to achieve even greater results!

car service

Many thanks to the site company for promptly renovating our site in the leading position of sound systems. Having shown them that they can be trusted, I give them a new assignment on another site.

Design and engineering company

The design and engineering company “Merlin-Project” pays great attention to the company’s site managers for their services with optimization and development of An individual approach to clients, reasonably possible and due to the assistant manager, prompt delivery and high efficiency allows us to judge the high professionalism of the site team. The site team has always promptly responded to our requests and completed the work exactly on time. We respect the specialists of this site as professionals in the field of hearing aids and fully trust their information.

Virobnica company

We really want to strengthen the partner strengths of the company with a length of 8 years of full-time work. The support and development of the site is carried out promptly and competently, which removes from our organization complex tasks..

Hello everyone! In this article, I present to your respect a 100% successful case of driving a site into the TOP 3 of Yandex practically without any material costs, so it may even be cost-free. In light of the fight against spam and purchase emails, it has become much easier to post sites in Yandex, and in other PSs as well. 100500+ articles have been written from this drive, everything is poured from empty to empty with the same assumptions and explanations. So, if you wrote one, the others rewrote, without thinking, both you and the huge thought behind this drive. Why so? Let's take a look at this myth and see how it's true.

A short introduction, and then everything is short with pictures and point by point. So, like rich SEOs and webmasters, I also have my own projects, which can generate a lot of income. My preference is to earn income from affiliate programs. For one of these affiliate programs, I wrote 4 articles, sharpening them under different keys, and after a couple of months, everything began to generate income. Naturally, I was aware of the positions and sometimes looked at my competitors. And at one fine moment, a site appeared on the Yandex viewer, which was really in the first place. Tobto poking me at the “fat” questions themselves.

I have an affiliate program for recruiting clients to the InstaPlus service. Apparently, ask - Registration in Instaplus. Below, in the image you can see the Yandex viewer on this page. In the first position is the service itself, then this friend and then just me, although before I was in a different place.

Yandex TOP-3

I can’t say what I don’t care about and what type, my skin hurts as much as I can... No, I didn’t even feel tired or tense. You can make a lot of money on the Internet. For this they work tirelessly, put together colorful texts, paint beautiful pictures, create everything, as stated in the “Recommendations for creating websites” from Yandex. And if you want to sing “Against everyone” and do everything on your own with minimal expenses and ignoring all recommendations. And so, after some deliberation, I decided to conduct an analysis of this site and wonder how I managed to achieve it. After less of a lost audit, I’m really excited! All the common truths fell into place at the moment. I really admire the one who earned it. It would be possible to shut up and use this method to put commercial entries in the TOP of Yandex, but I would like to obligingly burn the topic of letting you know how everything works. Let's go point by point.

Promotion of the site in the TOP of Yandex

Buyable domain name

Everything is simple here, you just need to select a domain name as close as possible before asking. As a matter of fact, comrade didn’t bother for a long time, but simply added reg in the domain name of the service itself - Here youmu had a chance to be vitratitised. According to RU-CENTER data, registration of a domain in the .ME zone varto 790 rub.

Hosting and website creation

At this stage I can have mercy on the prices, but I think that everything is harmless here. We created a cost-free demo site based on a website builder At most, you had a chance to be generous for hosting, but there are a lot of options here on how to earn money without costs. With the site itself, the layout and design, everything is simple. The most complicated is the registration form, 15 minutes per setup;). Another technology on the right, a simple copy-paste of materials from the donor’s website, for those who care, then the axis of the message is This is a complete violation of Yandex’s commandments for webmasters - “Create websites with original content or services.”

For internal optimization everything is simple, minimal robots.txt and sitemap.xml. 301 redirect from www to without www present. The double of the head side is present, but it probably doesn’t favor anyone. The meta tags have been filled out, you can see the screenshot below.

How to put a website in Yandex on your own

In principle, everything is based on the website. For 30 hvilins you can get in.

External site promotion

Having purchased (rented), I can use, for example, 9 pieces of excellent and inexpensive SEO services, see Screenshot.

How to put a website in Yandex without any costs

The analysis of external messages was carried out using an additional service. All numbers are the same as “love” Yandex, located in the footer and sidebars (see screenshots)

Posilannya from the sidebar
Posilannya from the footer

And so on all orders. Another thing, the evil violation of the Yandex rules is a vikoristannya SEO-posilan. Read about SEO efforts and find out. What can you do for them?


By the way, in just one month this site is in the TOP-3 for queries: etc. Cool! People are eager to register on the service, pay pennies to the service, and the referral service is a waste of money. Easy pennies!

So, as a matter of fact, they don’t use Yandex’s recommendations. Nothing will change, and with the help of simple methods, it will be easy for the GS to be plugged into the TOP. Cover for other people who are working for the truth. Ale and this comrade are happy, really well done, beating everyone down 😉

Yandex is the No. 1 search engine in Runet. Already, for many years, we have achieved leadership in audience engagement on the Russian Internet among all sound systems. If you go to raise your site to the TOP of Yandex search, you can get more direct traffic, not from Google or any other search systems.

Yandex ranking algorithms will definitely be based on the region from which you are asking. This gives you an influx of whole clients from your place. Koristuvach will be able to recognize you and make a purchase. Having carried out SEO work on your site in the TOP of Yandex, you will truly promote its effectiveness in terms of gaining a captive audience.

Etapi roboti

1. Folding strategy for drying

As part of the search for sites in Yandex, we develop an individual strategy for each project in line with the goals of management to achieve the best result. You will remove:

  • target audience analysis;
  • competition of great competitors;
  • Popitu forecast;
  • the importance of methods for removing the maximum bark from the insert;
  • formation of the semantic core and clustering of queries;
  • Other necessary robots.

2. Technical optimization of the site

We provide technical improvements to the site for maximum indexation of the pages of your resource. You will remove:

  • customization of robots.txt and sitemap;
  • setting up mirrors;
  • granting pardons to the site;
  • setting up redirect;
  • checking the correctness of the 404-failure;
  • Other necessary robots.

3. Text optimization of the site

We create texts for your website that will be useful to customers. Our copywriters take advantage of the new algorithms of search engines and write texts using LSI principles (the method of indexing text content, which includes relevant keywords, synonyms of keywords, and so on). You will remove:

  • folding of technical requirements for text and meta tags;
  • processing of meta tags;
  • writing unique and unique texts;
  • Other necessary robots.

4. Improved usability

Robomo site is as user-friendly as possible for the customer, so that more and more users of the site want to become your clients. You will remove:

  • creation of manual internal linking (due to postings from internal pages of the site);
  • optimizing the speed and visibility of pages;
  • selection of easy-to-read font, color of text and background of pages;
  • Other necessary robots.

5. Analysis of commercial factors

Yandex insures the availability of products or services on the website. Based on the analysis of competitors, the TOP 10 identifies commercial officials that are important for sites of your topic in order to increase the number of conversions. You will remove

  • Adding a page with contacts;
  • optimization of the catalog structure;
  • detailed product cards or a further description of services;
  • providing information about payment and delivery;
  • placement on the websites of other commercial elements.

6. Mobile SEO

  • We create options for the site, adaptations to any device, for better ranking in mobile view. You will remove:
  • creating an adaptive version of the site;
  • optimization for mobile devices;
  • making the payment process as easy as possible;
  • Providing a mobile version of the site.

You also reject

We work with Yandex additional data services to ensure additional data traffic.

  • We monitor the indexation of website pages using additional Yandex.Webmaster tools
    This allows you to know exactly when the search robot enters the pages of your resource, which ones it indexes most often, and which ones less often. Based on this information, we make adjustments to the cob strategy and change drying methods, if necessary.
  • We indicate the regional affiliation of your resource, such as Yandex.Webmaster, Yandex.Dovdnik and Yandex.Catalog
    This promotes the effectiveness of regional promotion: the sound system means that the site belongs to the region/location (Moscow, Ryazan, St. Petersburg or any other), so that users from your location can find your resource, input The eggs of their tskat will be washed down in a row.
  • We can decorate snippets for the Yandex.Catalog, the “Products and Prices” service, and micromarks
    Such snippets will attract the respect of correspondents: they contain all the available extended and additional information.
  • We are installing the Yandex.Metrics tool to assess customer satisfaction and analyze customer behavior.

We collect statistics about the depth of pages viewed, types of views, target activities, popular products and other information in order to promptly make changes to the technical side of the site or content and thereby promote conversion.