Polygon – programs of all types of cadastral robots. Polygon - programs for all types of cadastral robots Know the program AI Cadastral Engineer

AWS (workplace automation) of a cadastral engineer. In this section I will provide a list of programs for land surveying and cadastral plans that may otherwise be needed in the workplace cadastral engineer, as well as programs of external significance, such as vikorist for the viconning of cadastral and formation of boundary and technical plans. You can download it either directly or directly here. The top rows of the table are occupied by programs for cadastral engineer Everything I have tried and all my respects are purely subjective in nature. I'm just sharing my evidence. Below is a list of programs to make life easier cadastral engineer. The list of programs includes programs for signing XML files in Rosreestr, electronic digital signature, and also programs that allow you to work both with the official website of Rosreestr and with the web service of Rosreestr.

In principle, the clear leaders in sales from the programs for the formation of boundary and technical plans are Technocad (their brothers, who were the first to implement the design in electronic form, which most often made it easier to prepare a boundary plan in paper form i) and Polygon Mezhoviy plan. Test site – operational technical support.

Name of the program and MY short description

List of relevant documents that may be of use to a cadastral engineer

  • Avant Browser is widely used throughout the software. 100% cost-free! There are no advertisements, no viruses, no malicious scripts, no junk programs. Alternative to Internet Explorer. Rosreestr accepts this browser and signs the EDS. Automatic filling of forms.
  • doPDF 7.3 . – Free PDF converter for Windows 8, 7, Vista, XP, 2008/2003/2000 Server (32 and 64-bit). Vikorist is used to create rich PDF files when submitting documents to Rosreestr.
  • , which is verified by the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the automated systems of maintaining the Unified State Register of Rights on the Inviolable Land and the land thereof and in the Sovereign Cadastre of Inviolability.

More than 3 years of cadastral engineers and organization of technical inventory throughout Russia for the preparation of all types of boundary, technical plans, maps (plans) of territorial zones, boundary projects nya, as well as for registering the borders of subjects, making changes to the cadastre of objects hearinglessness, choose natural objects for yourself with programs from the “Polygon” series:

Programs are autonomous, independent, then. MapInfo and other programs are not required (to save your money), importing from MapInfo, AutoCAD and other programs is very easy and manual. Import of records of the cadastral chamber, cadastral plan of the territory must be carried out according to the remaining versions of the XML schema. Both text and graphic parts are automatically formed in the Word program of the Microsoft Office office suite or in the free Writer program (OpenOffice.org), with the selected symbols, line types, and colors.

The programs allow you to format an electronic document (XML file) for submission to the cadastral authority for the remaining (current) versions of XML schemes, sign (check for accuracy) files with an electronic digital signature (EDS), as well as create ZIP archives for delivery to the cadastral authority on a regular basis through the Rosreestr portal.

All programs have demo versions, a professional tutorial, and in the programs there are tips on how to show the skin (you will immediately need to follow the instruction of the Ministry of Economic Development), which makes it easy and quick to master the program.

Review of automation features of cadastral activities

An up-to-date analysis of the functionality of the most extensive programs on the market for automation of cadastral activities allows you to group all propositions on several levels at the level of complexity of tasks activity

The purposes of presenting information in XML format are: automation of the activities of cadastral engineers, automatic format-logical control at all stages of the cadastral image, compilation of paper documents, and most importantly - automatic inclusion of electronic documents in the Rosreestr information system by minimizing concessions and speeding up the hour, it is necessary to manually enter information in order to ultimately improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government services.

Overview of software security

Today, in the information partnership there is a large amount of software designed to automate the activities of cadastral engineers. Unfortunately, actions based on the prices placed on the market may reduce functionality. For example, you can only formulate the boundary or technical plan. Or generate output documents in one format, for example, in the format of a text editor. Part of the program contains a universal, full-functional (most often overkill for a cadastral engineer) toolkit that allows you not only to formulate a boundary (technical) plan in an XML format approved by Rosreestr, but also to process geodetic And so, create digital cards and much more. Another group of programs provides its investors with the basic ability to formulate boundary (technical) plans, announcing the state cadastral form of land plots and capital projects in electronic form, and additional functions that include signing, encryption and legal document management Rosreistrom. This kind of specialized functionality, which operates through the use of web services on the Rosreestr portal, is the most promising from the point of view of software development strategy.

Small 1. Chotiririvneva model for the development of software for cadastral engineers

Little 1 presents a four-year model of software development designed to automate the activities of cadastral engineers. The two lower levels correspond to the basic functionality intended for the generation of land title documents in paper format and in the form of XML documents for special submission to territorial bodies of Rosreestr. The third level provides expanded functionality, which allows you to sign boundary and technical plans with the signature of a cadastral engineer and interact through the web interface to the Rosreestr portal. On the top, fourth level, services of electronic legally significant document management are provided through the management of web services to the Rosreestr portal, which promotes the effectiveness of the electronic method of interaction.

Comprehensive service, presented under the brand “TechnoKad-Express”, one of the leading software providers in the field of exchange of electronic legally significant documents via the Internet, which, since its launch in 2007, has gained popularity among Almost all of the European Union's technical inventory organizations and land surveyors regions of Ukraine. Federation. Technical support of the TechnoCad-Express system over many years of operation, identifying the most required functions by customers, systematizing knowledge about the advantages and interconnection of these and other solutions , as well as the comprehensive understanding of the possible development of software for automating the activities of facists employed in the land sector - Mainovykh vidnosin.

Purpose, functionality and legal basis of software security

The main purpose of the described subclass of software is the automation of the activities of cadastral engineers from the preparation of boundary and technical plans using the method of placing non-continuity objects on the cadastral Instructions from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation:

  • No. 412 dated November 24, 2008 “About the confirmation of the form of the boundary plan and it was possible before preparation, in a clear form, to inform about the holding of collections about the weather distribution between land plots”;
  • No. 403 dated 1 Spring 2010 “About the confirmation of the form of the technical plan before its preparation”;
  • No. 583 dated November 29, 2010 “About the solidification of the form of the technical plan for placement and use before its preparation”;
  • No. 693 dated November 23, 2011 “About the solidification of the form of the technical plan of development before its preparation”;
  • No. 52 dated 10 December 2012 “About the confirmation of the form of the technical plan for the object of unfinished work and the work in progress before its preparation.”
The construction itself benefited from the preparation and submission of boundary and technical plans to Paper's view, which was the main purpose of the program for the formation of land-use documentation before the acquisition of authority from the 1st of 2012 by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 32 About making changes before the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia on November 24, 2008 No. 412". Thus, in accordance with paragraph 3.11, the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation established that applications for the state cadastral registration of a land plot must be submitted to the cadastral authority in the form of paper document, the boundary plan is drawn up in the form of a paper document and in electronic form on an electronic device. When an application for the state cadastral registration of a non-rumovy property is submitted in the form of an electronic document, the boundary (technical) plan is drawn up in the form of an electronic document, certified by an electronic digital signature (hereinafter referred to as EDS) of the cadastral engineer Er, what did you prepare? In this case, the boundary (technical) plan in electronic form is drawn up in the form of files in XML format, created using various XML schemas, which ensures readability and control of data submissions.

From this moment on, the authorities became obligated to quickly formulate an electronic document for the land plots to register land plots on the state cadastral register in accordance with the Order of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography No. P/5 01 ed 15 April 2011 rock “About the organization” Works with the implementation of the procedure for submitting reports entered to the state cadastre of hearing loss, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 27 February 2010 No. 75, as well as the procedure for submitting to the authority cadastral area when placing an inviolability object on the cadastral area, submit an application about the cadastral area documents of electronic documents, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 28 April 2009 No. 555, are necessary for the cadastral register.”

A little earlier in connection with the appointment of ranks on June 1, 2012, the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 14, 2011 No. 577 “About the order of the formation of the sovereign structure of the iv unfinished life in the transition period of stagnation of the Federal Law "On the State Cadastre inaudibility" to the conclusions that arise from the connection with the current sovereign image of the building, disputes, premises, objects of unfinished life" from cadastral engineers in the order of specialists accredited organizations of technical inventory showed the possibility of conducting work with a description of the objects of capital work with the mark of the current sovereign cadastral image. The emphasis by cadastral engineers on the description of capital infrastructure facilities using the DKN method has made it possible to securely formulate an electronic technical plan document for the installation of non-continuity facilities in the state cadastral region according to the Order of the Federal State Registration Service, cadastre and cartography No. P/256 18th 2 “On making changes before the Order of Rosreestr dated 18 June 2012 No. P/11 “On the organization of work with the implementation of the order of the sovereign structure of the future, disputes, placement, tіv of unfinished life in the transition period of stagnation of the Federal Law “On the State Cadastre inaudibility" to the conclusions that are connected with the current state structure of the future, disputes, premises, objects of unfinished life", confirmed by the Order of the Ministry of Development of Russia in 14 years Issue 2011 No. 577, as well as the Procedure for submitting to the cadastral authority when Registration of the cadastral record of the non-rumovosity object is necessary for the cadastral record of documents in the form of electronic documents, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 28 April 2009, dated No. 555 "".

The effectiveness of the use of software for automating the activities of cadastral engineers, similar to the previously described four-tier model, grows from the basic benefits of the fundamental level to the highest level of support and the functions of electronic legally significant document management based on web services on the Rosreestr portal. The use of high-power GIS components, which are widely available in OpenOffice software, smart-costless versions of the MS SQL or Oracle DBMS, reduces the productivity of the cadastral engineer’s work place, and the stagnation of expensive GIS components on the basis and MapInfo, Autodesk CAD system promotes the production of software, and improves daily tasks cadastral engineer, providing advanced functionality.

The optimal solution when choosing software can be found not only as a result of equalizing the availability and stock of components that are being sourced, but also by assessing the complexity of the tasks involved. The functionality of the software and the specifics of its implementation are presented in Table 1. Other factors that influence the selection of software will be described below to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the electronic Contacts of cadastral engineers from Rosreestr.

Table 1

Vimogi to the functionality of the software and the specifics of its implementation

Opportunities to develop functions on the side of the professional strength of cadastral engineers Features of the implementation of necessary functionality in current programs
Basic functionality
(allows the formatting of land title documents in paper format and in the form of XML documents for special submission to the territorial authorities of Rosreestr)
The formation of a different version of the boundary plan for the land plot and technical plans for the development, placement, construction, and unfinished work in progress is in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.Most other programs provide this functionality. To form a customized version, the required package is MS OFFICE or OpenOffice. In the TechnoKad-Expres system, new functionality is available in one add-on. In most other solutions, the skin module is bathed separately.
The formation of an electronic version of the boundary and technical plans is subject to the instructions of Rosreestr.There are a lot of current programs that provide this functionality.
Extended functionality
(allows you to sign boundary and technical plans with the signature of a cadastral engineer and interact through the web interface of the Rosreestr portal)
Vivantage and signing by a qualified electronic signature of a cadastral engineer of the electronic version of the boundary and technical plans is subject to approval.Developers of other software features stated that they are encouraged by electronic document management from Rosreestr, the use of XML schemes for cadastral records about the property and the use of XML schemes for boundary plans. It is explained that for independent registration of legally significant documents included in the application package, an electronic signature of a cadastral engineer is required. In addition to a few such solutions, one can see the need for a separate addition of an electronic signature and cryptographic protection of the Crypto Pro information. It should be noted that the comprehensive provision of services to the TechnoCad-Express system transmits the provision of software features, services from the security of EDO, features of the crypto-security specialist and the electronic signature of the cadastral engineer.
Functionality of electronic document management – ​​EDO
(Provides the functions of electronic legally significant document management based on web services to the Rosreestr portal)
Formation of a package of documents and exchange through a network of legal registration (Internet) is in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated April 28, 2009 No. 555 “On the procedure for submitting to the cadastral authority when registering in the cadastral region For the object of indestructibility, a declaration about the cadastral form is necessary for the cadastral document form in the form of electronic documents with a vikorystvennaya linkage of legal registration, confirmation of the cadastral authority of the application and documents, as well as certification of the correctness of the electronic image of the document required for the cadastral the structural appearance of the object of indestructibility.”In addition to the TechnoCad-Express system, such specialized functionality contains no more than three software features that are at various stages of development.
Additional functionality
(Additional regulations of EDO are provided)
The formulation of the Widomosts IZ DKN (єDRP), payment, Otrimannya Vidpovіdov in Elektron Vyghugi Vidpovynoye to the Pacific Mail Mineconitic No. 75 VD 27 Fierce 2010 TO No. 180 VID 14 Herring 2010 Rock.As a rule, payment for bills is made through a special account of the QIWI payment system. For legal entities, a more manual method of payment is writing off the costs through a special support system of the TechnoKad-Express system. The payer is the TechnoKad company. For bodies of state power and local self-government, the system has implemented the removal of records on a free basis.
Formation of other documents in electronic form is subject to approval of XML schemes by Rosreestr.Functionality for electronically forming maps (plans) of territorial zones and zones with special minds of local territories and maps (plans) between subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal authorities, settlements, as well as some information about changes characteristics of land plots registered with the state cadastre Deafness is an additional benefit when choosing PZ. As part of the information exchange for health insurance, such a solution was provided by the TechnoCad-Municipality service.

You can access documents that appear in electronic view

Guidelines for forming software-secured documents are given in Table 2.

Table 2

Vimoga to documents that are formed in electronic form

Vimogi Why don't they sign up?
Formation of the boundary plan of the land plot in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2008 No. 412
The formation of the technical plan was in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2010 No. 403
Formation of a technical plan for the placement of an electronic device.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2010 No. 583
Formation of a technical plan for the development of an electronic view.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated November 23, 2011 No. 693
Formation of a technical plan for an object of unfinished work in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated February 10, 2012 No. 52
Formation of records from the DKN (EDRP) in electronic form.Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2010 No. 75 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated June 22, 2011 No. 505, dated June 25, 2012 No. 697)
Formation of a package of documents in electronic form in the format of a copy of the technical passport of a previously insured property, dispute, placement, unfinished business.
Formation in electronic form of a map (plan) of territorial zones and zones with special minds of the surrounding territory and maps (plan) between the subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities, settlements.Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2009 No. 621 “On the approval of the form of the map (plan) of the object by land management and before its completion”
Formation of a package of documents for changing cadastral records of land plots and non-continuity objects.Decree to the Order of the Russian Federation dated September 18, 2008 No. 618 “On information exchange under the hour of maintaining the state cadastre of inviolability” (as amended on June 25, 2009, June 5, 2010)

Applications and documents necessary for the cadastral office, which are submitted to the cadastral authority through the use of a third-party document in the form of electronic documents, which must be signed with electronic signatures using cryptocurrencies source of information certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and in reasonable ways that Check with Rosreestr.

Information about the benefits, the signature key certificate, the possibility of confirming the validity of the applicant’s EDS is posted on the official website of the cadastral authority on the Internet at the address: www.rosreest r.ru.

The boundary plan of the land plot, the technical plan of the land plot, the location, and the object of unfinished work are submitted to the cadastral authority in the form of an electronic document signed by the electronic signature of the cadastral engineer who prepared it .

The authorization for the commissioning of a capital utility facility is submitted to the cadastral authority in the form of an electronic document signed by the EDS of the authorized person to the authority of the state or to the local self-government authority, having received this approval l, or in the form of an electronic image of a paper document signed by the EDS of an authorized person to the body sovereign power to the organ of local self-government, which has allowed this.

The act of approval of the distribution of inter-land plots (at the warehouse of the inter-land plot plan) is submitted to the cadastral authority in the form of an electronic paper document signed by the UDS of the cadastral engineer, who has prepared the inter-land plot plan.

A document that confirms the ongoing land dispute about the favorable distribution of inter-land plots in the order established by the land legislation of the Russian Federation is submitted to the cadastral authority in the form of an electronic paper document signed by the EDS of an authorized person and, I have seen this document.

The document, the PIDARDZHEL VIDPOVIDSHISTEN OF THE ANITATE OF THE ANITATE (Yakshcho Iz by the announcement of the applicant is a beast), submit to the body of the cadastral region at the form of an electron document, the submissible EDS of the Uplous Specials, Yak Vidila Tsi Document.

Applications and documents required for the cadastral office, which are submitted to the cadastral authority in the form of electronic documents, are transmitted using the latest information transfer protocols: HTTP/1.1 (IETF RFC 2616), HTTP/TLS (IETF RFC 2818), TP (IETF RFC 532 , SOAP (W3C Simple Object Access Protocol 1.1), TLS 1.0 (IETF RFC 2246).

Electronic documents are submitted in the form of files in XML format, created using XML schemas and ensuring readability and control of data presentation. XML-schemes, which are used for the formation of XML-documents, are respected from the moment they are posted on the official website of the cadastral authority on the Internet at the address: www.rosreestr.ru.

Table 3

XML document schemas that are suitable for cadastral purposes in electronic form

Description Version Confirmed
Input documents
– the boundary plan of the land plot, which is submitted to the cadastral authority in the form of an electronic document;V03_STD_MPOrder to Rosreestr No. P/580 dated April 17, 2012
- technical plan for the future, implementation, placement, object of unfinished work, as such a document is submitted in electronic form;V02_STD_TPOrder to Rosreestr No. P/256 dated June 18, 2012
– I will ask about the submission of records entered to the state cadastre of the property of the property, from the cadastral record of the property of the property, the cadastral passport of the property of the property and the cadastral plan of the territory and ask about the submission of a copy of the document on the stand Information about the object of indestructibility was submitted before State cadastre of inviolability, as well as a statement that is submitted to the cadastral authority, as such documents are submitted in electronic form.V17_CR_ZC_
Order to Rosreestr No. P/501 dated April 13, 2011 (as amended by Order to Rosreestr No. P/423 issued June 21, 2012)
Weekend documents
XML Schema that is used for forming an XML document
– a decision about the vidmova in the given records, in which such a document is submitted in electronic form;
– decisions about the widow’s property in the cadastral register;
- Resolution about the reduction of the cadastral register;
- Resolution about the amendment of the settlement;
- Resolution about the widow at the time of the cadastral passport;
– information about the availability of records to the State Cadastre of Invalidity, which must be requested, as such documents are submitted in electronic form;V03_CR_ZC_
– cadastral plan of the territory, since such a document is submitted in electronic form;V07_STD_
- The cadastral passport was an object of unfinished activity.V01_КР_OKSSame

Table 3 describes the XML document schemas required for the cadastral image in electronic form. Other documents implemented as additional regulations of the TechnoKad-Express system are presented in Table 4.

Table 4

Other documents that can be found in electronic view

Description Version Confirmed
Documents required for information exchange procedures
XML schema that is used to formulate XML documents during information interaction when maintaining the state cadastre of inviolability with local self-government bodies for providing information about boundaries and the diminution of territorial zones, the change in the coordinates of characteristic points between the territorial zones in the installation of a coordinate system, the change in the types of permitted selection of land plots for the skin territorial zone or the details of the act that such transfer is approved, and with the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and the authorities of local self-government to provide information about the installation laziness or change of cordons of zones with special minds in the vicinity of the territory, transfer of coordinates of characteristic points between designated zones in the establishment of a coordinate system, the transfer of the boundaries of rights between such zones, or the details of the legal act that conveys such boundaries, and information from the document that describes the location of the established boundary zones with the special minds of the surrounding territory.V02_
Order to Rosreestr No. P/83 dated 24 February 2011 as amended by Order to Rosreestr No. P/54 dated 8 February 2012 (Addendum No. 2 to Order No. P/54)
XML schema that is used to formulate XML documents during information interaction when maintaining the state cadastre of inviolability with the authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation authorities of local self-government regarding changes in the characteristics of land plots registered with the state cadastre of infirmity.V02_STD_TPOrder to Rosreestr No. P/83 dated 24 February 2011 as amended by Order to Rosreestr No. P/54 dated 8 February 2012 (Addendum No. 5 to Order No. P/54)
Other documents that can be found in electronic view
XML scheme for the format of a copy of a technical passport of a previously insured property, dispute, location, object of unfinished business as an electronic document.V02_Archive_
Rosreestr Order No. R/108 dated June 18, 2011

What is an XML Schema? How does the paper form of the boundary (technical) plan differ from the electronic version of the document? What is the similarity between them and what is it possible to convert the other form into an electronic one and back?

Small 2. Fragment of the XML-scheme of the boundary plan of OSVITA DILYANKA

In essence, the XML scheme of the boundary (technical) plan describes the warehouse of the boundary (technical) plan in a formalized electronic form, suitable for computer processing of large amounts of information. The final meta representation of information in XML format is the automation of the activities of cadastral engineers, the implementation of automatic format-logical control (hereinafter referred to as FLC) at all stages of the cadastral image, the selection of paper documents, and most importantly - the automatic inclusion of electronic documents in the Rosreestr information system. This allows you to minimize the hassle and speed up the hours required for manually entering information, which ultimately leads to increased efficiency and efficiency of government services.

The paper form of the boundary (technical) plan is a document template, which consists of fields for filling in as required until these documents can be replaced. The electronic form of the boundary (technical) plan clearly represents this information in the form of a formalized description: “attribute” – “value”. In addition to the paper form, the information is presented on the sheet of paper in a one-dimensional array: “description” - “meaningful”, the electronic form is in a folding tree-like structure, so as to accommodate the description of the diagrams themselves and the method of presentation, days and classifiers, internal and external instructions, control elements, values ​​to be entered, and much more that helps automate the process of document preparation by cadastral engineers. A visual representation of the XML scheme of the boundary plan is shown in small 2.

Outside of the XML schema representation there are hundreds of pages. A manual interface for working with XML schemas is provided only by specialized editors, but if necessary, wikis and standard text editors can be used. The appearance of the XML file with this method of presenting information is shown in figure 3.

Small 3. Fragment of the XML schema when opened in a standard editor

Forms of XML schemas that can change frequently, and may be required in the AIS "GKN", as well as the lack of thoroughness of software features, tempt cadastral engineers in some cases to go as far as manual editing of XML documents. The TechnoCad-Express system implements the principle of being able to not only visualize the preparation of boundary and technical plans in the form of XML schemas, but also to capture them back. For example, for revision as a template, or for automatic verification after manual correction of the XML schema. Most software features available on the market, after the formation of an interim (technical) plan, are checked to ensure that the XML schema is approved by Rosreestr. In the TechnoCad-Express system, in addition to checking the validity of the XML scheme (controlling the validity of formal schemes), it is based on the extensive confirmation of work with cloud systems to Rosreestr Danish unique control over the rules of acquisition in the AIS “DKN”.

The boundary (technical) plan consists of text and graphic parts, which are divided into sections included in the warehouse, and sections included in the warehouse boundary (technical) plan in the form of cadastral work. When preparing a boundary plan, the following methods of establishing land plots are possible:

  • saw;
  • divided;
  • ob'ednannya;
  • overgrown;
  • division from the changed land plot;
  • Illumination from the lands.
And for the technical transfer plan, these are the options:
  • there was a technical plan;
  • technical plan for development;
  • technical plan for the location;
  • technical plan for objects of unfinished work.
Depending on the types of cadastral work, the warehouse boundary (technical) plan may include additions. A special feature of the XML schemes of the interim plan is that programs can be added to the application for the cadastral property in electronic form. At that time, as additions to the technical plan are indicated directly in the XML scheme of the technical plan from the designated path to the folder that contains the scanned documents.

Table 5

Differences between manual and electronic forms of the boundary plan

Boundary plan of the other form Boundary plan in electronic form
ZmistDivided the boundary planInput fieldsObviousness to the detailsInput fieldsObviousness to the details
Title page1. The boundary plan was prepared as a result of the cadastral works
2. Meta cadastral work
3. Information about the deputy of cadastral works
4. Videos about the cadastral engineer Cadastral_Engineer Cadastral_
PIB (for revelations according to Father)+ FIO
No. of qualification certificate of cadastral engineer+ N_Certificate
contact number+ Telephone
Postal and email addresses for contacting the cadastral engineer+ E_mail, Address
Short-term hiring of a legal entity, such as a cadastral engineer and a lawyer of a legal entity#VALUE!Organization

The differences between the manual form of documents and their electronic form are presented in the section of the boundary plan “Title Page”. Table 5 shows that there are a lot of details in a different form every day in the XML version of the document. For example, details:

1. MP preparations for inheritance of cadastral works;

2. Meta cadastral work;

3. Information about the deputy of cadastral works.

For cadastral engineers who work in the area of ​​electronic document management, this allows them to save time. For them, the TechnoKad-Expres system has a mode for forming the boundary (technical) plan in electronic form. If required, you can switch to the mode from the formatted paper version of documents.

I, it was decided, on the most important, fourth level, is the complete automation of electronic document management with Rosreestr. The technology that is being used in the system is based on the short-term web services of the Rosreestr portal, which ensures a new cycle of providing government services to Rosreestr in electronic form (by submitting the request and informing the applicant about From the date of service until the result of the service is given in the form of an electronic document). The following types of applications are accepted:

In part of the state cadastre of hearing loss (DKN):

  • submission of information to the state cadastre of invulnerability about the land plot in the form of the cadastral passport of the invulnerability object;
  • submission of information to the state cadastral cadastre about the land plot at the cadastral register;
  • providing information to the state cadastral cadastre about the territory within the cadastral quarter in accordance with the cadastral plan of the territory;
  • registration of a land plot on the state cadastral register;
  • establishment of the state cadastral image of the capital utility facility.
Part of the unified state register of rights to the objects of the indestructible mine and land thereon (UDRP):
  • Advice to the hero of the EDRP about the rights of the deceased individual;
  • This is the case with the EDRP about registering the right to the object of an unbroken lane (land plots and capital utility projects).
A description of the methods used to implement the functions of receiving an application, informing the applicant about the progress of the job, and giving the result is provided on the official website of Rosreestr.

The use of effective web services, a simple interface, intelligent format-logical control, manual payment mechanisms for information with DKN (IDRP), comprehensive provision of services from the withdrawal of an electronic signature to consulting in Gal precise formation of boundary (technical) plans - all this is allowed by the TechnoKad system Express is one of the most demanded ways to automate the activities of cadastral engineers, especially in the field of electronic legal document management.

Albert Zubairov, worker of work management with clients of TechnoKad LLC

About the identity of the boundary plan between paper and electronic views

A cadastral engineer contacted the Moscow branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution “FKP Rosreestr”, who noted that his activities in the preparation of inter-territory plans for 2013 included daily decisions regarding the development of information about the cadastral image. Also on the website of the branch, where information about vids is published, her nickname is assigned.
When clarified, it was explained that the boundary plan in the XML format was formed under the signature of a cadastral engineer, who was submitted to the documents, and the boundary plan was prepared in the form of a paper document, prepared by another cadastral engineer and certified by him with a signature.
The boundary plan in the form of paper and electronic documents may be identical to each other and certified by the same cadastral engineer.

Olga V'yazkina, head of the department of cadastral department No. 1 of the branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution “FKP Rosreestr” in Moscow

The entry into our life of modern technologies is reflected in various areas of activity, including the land cadastre. The article contains a list of programs that are necessary for the work of cadastral engineers, as well as how computerization entered the land market and state verification authorities.


A number of the simple features of electronic computing devices reveal innovative propositions, including:

  • The reduction of the electronic medium, the transition to a digital format, simplified file sharing, signatures on digitized media - this will ensure the reliability and speed of operation with specialized companies.
  • A three-dimensional process of displaying a map, or a 3D cadastre - the volume of an image of any kind, including a folding configuration - with hanging balconies, important car interchanges, etc.
  • The “one-window” principle is a one-time service from the cadastral form of a working program for registering a plot. The special feature is simplified formalities and bureaucratic expenses.
  • Automation of collection and completion of all related documentation. Tables, reports, summaries, electronic interaction with Rosreestr and other text files will appear almost automatically to the daily software - they are synchronized with each other, and the entered data will be displayed on other sites kah.

Thus, the main purpose of software packages is to make it easier for engineers and to collect in a short time the maximum possible package of papers, which are designed in accordance with current standards.

Documentation of the working hours of the program for planning and developing land plot schemes

Any project consists of two parts:

  • text design;
  • graphical place.

They can be presented in either paper or electronic form. When the work is completed, the manager removes the next package from the company he is leaving:

  • boundary plan;
  • map of land management objects;
  • inter-road project;
  • scheme for placing a land plot on the cadastre of the territory (KPT);
  • act of fastening;
  • Technical plan.

Mezhoviy plan

This is one of the main documents, which is crucial when placing the land on the surface, as well as placing the data on the DKN. The best way to register this file is available from the order No. 921 dated 12/08/2015. The main stages of replenishment are also depicted here. They can be divided into:

  • Graphic – clearly marked lines between plots, characteristic points, between common earthworks.
  • The texts are the characteristics of land plots, their coordinates, and the activities of landowners.

It occurs in the following situations:

  • when dividing one plot into two or more pieces;
  • when combining a number of plots into one field;
  • when redoing the cordons, zokrema. From the lands of municipal and sovereign power;
  • I saw parts of the area;
  • at the moment of establishment of a new land plot;
  • when the cordons are corrected;
  • to clarify the cordon of land plots

The document in paper form is marked with the signature and seal of the engineer, and consists of:

  • title page;
  • weekend data;
  • information about death and destruction;
  • coordinates of the area and its characteristics;
  • graphical schemes for the arrangement of plots and parts;
  • armchair;
  • chief specialist;
  • program

Technical plan

The technical plan is also drawn up in programs for land management and land cadastre, and is prepared for:

  • living and non-living life;
  • rich apartment booth;
  • sporudi;
  • placement of residential and non-residential purposes;
  • the object of unfinished everyday life;
  • machinist;
  • a single indestructible complex.

The document is drawn up in the following formats:

  • if it is necessary to place an object of indestructibility or any part of it on the image of Rosreestr;
  • Additional information has appeared that must be entered into the Deafness Register.
  • chair for hearing loss;
  • a diagram of the arrangement of the object at the boundaries of the plot;
  • schematic designation of geodetic functions;
  • surface plans;
  • description of the parameters;
  • supporting documentation;
  • a declaration compiled by the legal authority of the indestructible lane.

All documents listed in paper or electronic form are signed by a cadastral engineer.

The act of fastening

Necessary for removing the object from its appearance. It is easy to put together additional software for the cadastre. Automation helps to prepare the type of documentation in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Economic Development No. 861 dated November 20, 2015.

Such a document must be prepared after a special inspection of the plot by an engineer and fixation of the operation of the object of inviolability in connection with wear or further damage.

It is best to carry out all the preparation of documents in the minds of optimal computer skills. This makes the work of engineers easier, and the reliability of the service provided.

Advantages of the development of programs for the design and planning of land plots using the cadastre method

For additional computerization you can access:

  • make it easier and speed up file sharing between the company, the deputy and the authorities that verify;
  • adhere to all design standards, which are regularly updated;
  • insert possible mixtures during manual handling;
  • complete the process of completing all documents with Swiss documents;
  • ease of making changes to the prepared file;
  • create chairs and diagrams of land plots, capital utility facilities and other areas;
  • combine the design of everyday life with the one-hour completion of the cadastre documents.

What program do cadastral engineers work in?

List of simple and easy software products for developing a project:

  • "TechnoKad-Expres";
  • "ARGO";
  • "PKZO";
  • "Polygon";
  • "ProGeo".


The advantage of the software is that it is possible to carry out the entire cycle of engineering work from data acquisition to the registration of authority rights.


  • It consists of five modules: “Professional”, “Mezhovyy plan”, “Technical plan”, “Registration of rights”, “Recording records”. This subsection expands the capabilities of the basic package. You can buy the whole package, or you can choose just a few from them. This expands the number of employees - activities around the functions provide benefits to agents, designers and civil servants.
  • Three-stage verification of documentation.
  • Chic technical support.
  • Transferring data to Rosreestr via the Internet and collecting the return fee for additional support for electronic assistance, paying for the service by credit.
  • Low price.


  • You can only format the text part, but for graphic elements you will need a program.
  • Not all processes are fully automated and linked - some of the data must be manually re-entered.
  • The librarian doesn't have enough templates, so it's going to take a lot of time.
  • Work only with two permissions: .mif and .txt.
  • There is a higher fee for renewing the license for the purchase of PZ.
  • We protect your skin's appearance and submit documents via the Internet.

Program for preparing and creating a boundary plan - ARGO

It is advertised as an inexpensive, but multi-functional tool for cadastral engineers and geodetic surveyors.


  • Complex both text and graphic work.
  • Schemes and chairs are displayed in XML with signed lines and in every possible way.
  • Electronic document management.
  • A new package of supporting papers for the cadastral engineer.
  • Unlocked access to the cadastral map - you can not only look between plots, but also read the characteristics, and also import the necessary chairs.
  • Great choice of extensions to support: dxf, mif, xml, rtf, xls and pdf.
  • Big-ball version of graphic schemes.
  • The possibility of remote work from different personal computers behind closed access – this helps to make respect and adjustments, checking the Rosreestr tables.


  • Getting to grips with the interface, which is important for a quick mastery, requires training in order to become familiar with the tools.
  • The inability to edit a text block is especially important in non-standard situations, when additional icons are needed that go beyond the scope of the text.
  • Foldability when scaling schemes.
  • Pay for updates soon.

Program for creating a land plot plan and interchange - PKZV

This software will enhance the development of the GIS ObjectLand.


  • Working with formats: dxf, mif, csv and shp.
  • It is possible to add one license to multiple facsimile machines and their PCs.
  • Accessible interface.
  • Great potential for graphic design of papers.
  • Reversing the beam between the plots.


  • Difficulties when installing and initially adjusting programs.
  • Obv'yazkova approximation of the adjacent GIS system, the capabilities of which are often not vikoristavuyutsya.
  • The need to add software for the development of robots at parallel work stations.
  • There is no direct interaction with Rosreestr.

Series of complexes "Polygon"

This is one name for a number of disparate products that can be isolated in a complex or step-by-step manner. This will reduce the cost of purchasing utilities, but will increase the number of possible problems due to the need to install a skin edema module.


  • Simple interface.
  • Wide choice of templates and the ability to create your own.
  • Great access to formats: dxf, mif, doc, xls, csv, txt.


  • There is no graphic support.
  • For any type of operation, it is necessary to add a surrounding module, which will reduce the temperature of the liquid.
  • There is no support for Windows XP.

The best program for ensuring the activities of a cadastral engineer - ProGeo

This is a product of the ZVSOFT company, which is suitable for cadastre work, for landscape design and further research. - This is a program that works in tandem with the main basic CAD system.


  • The CAD system will ensure the creation of reports, detailed and easy-to-use animal models and diagrams.
  • All modules are in one program - there is no need to overpay for the skin or install additionally.
  • It is easy to work with text and graphic formats – registration of a complete package of all related documents.
  • You can print the layout from scratch, or you can import ready-made files of any extension, including xml, dxf, mif, mid, top, kat, met, csv, txt, kml, kmz.
  • Import of cadastral document, passport, KPT, EDRP, EDRN, boundary or technical plan into the project.
  • Checking the geometry and the contours of the contours.
  • Preparation of xml files and uploading them to Rosreestr.
  • Integration with the public cadastral map and files of other postal authorities.
  • Cost-free upgrade to in-line version regardless of version.
  • Extended functionality of ProGeo.Online, available for an additional payment.
  • She is a certified technical support engineer as a cadastral engineer.
  • Regular updates after changes in penalties and legislation.

The programs reviewed include additional tools for the work of a cadastral engineer. The Shvidko software complex effectively handles the entire cycle of data collection, inter-stage planning and plotting of land plots.

Choose the best software at once from ZVSOFT.

Respect! 09/01/2018 The software complex “Polygon: Cadastral Engineer” is withdrawn from sale and will only be available for continuation (additional service).

We recommend that you use the Polygon Pro program. For the employees of the program complex "Polygon: Cadastral Engineer" the transition is cost-free.

Vikoristannya program complex "Cadastral engineer"" when demarcating land plots, it allows you to significantly speed up the time for completing documents that comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Bathroom for computer programs: , at the warehouse software complex "Cadastral Engineer" allows you save up to 25% according to the program availability.

In any program you can manually enter all necessary data, A import coordinates From files of different formats, save information, drukuvati yak texts, so i graphic sections documents from Microsoft Word(Microsoft Office) or in a cost-free office program Writer(OpenOffice.org). Graphic sections Documents are generated automatically based on obvious coordinates with the help of fixed symbols, line types, and colors.


Software complex "Cadastral engineer" includes 4 programs, which allows you to automate one of the direct activities to remove the tan clear result the shortest possible terms protecting your cats.

Programs to enter the warehouse complex:


Automation of registration of land plots on the state cadastral register (XML)


For information about the possibilities of programs, please look at the program cards that are included in the complex. The application generates documents using similar forms and XML schemas. The technical capabilities and acceptance of robots and programs are largely similar. Once the versions are updated, the program's capabilities will increase. The skin program contains a report on the Koristuvach.

New in version:

Version 6.2.1 dated 10/31/2018

Respect! To operate the program automatically, you must be connected to the Internet and install Microsoft .NET Framework version 3.5 or higher.

If it’s difficult to install Windows automatically, then download the installation file from .

  • The list of document codes has been added to match the classifier.
  • The formatting of the ZIP archive of the zone has been corrected.
  • The forming of the Drukhar form of the Map-plan has been corrected.
  • A number of additional examinations have been introduced for the respect of the Koristuvachs.

Version 4.21.1 dated 10/11/2018

  • The area of ​​the changed land plot was amended within the hour according to the project plan.
  • The layout of the pages has been corrected in the act of weatherization.
  • Improved import of txt, dxf, csv, xml formats.
  • Updated Koristuvach's Handbook.
  • Additional examination was introduced based on the respected and propositions of the Koristuvachs.

To use the program and auto-update, you must download and install the Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0 or higher.

Respect! If problems arise with auto-updated programs, then It is recommended to update the program manually, having downloaded the installation file .

Version 7.7.1 dated 10/09/2018

Respect! For robotic programs and Wi-Fi auto-update it is necessary to download and install the program

  • "About hardening of the form carti (plan) the land management project was possible before its creation";
  • "About the hardening we could see project boundary land plots.”
  • System benefits:

      Computer 2000 Roku and new ones: Pentium Celeron 1000/64Mb

      Windows whatever version 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/ Windows 7

      Microsoft Word be it with version 2000/XP/2003/2007/2010 or Writer From the office package OpenOffice.org. Large format chairs are available from Writer or Microsoft Excel.