The processor overheats and the computer freezes during heating. Infection of PZ with viruses. Video card driver conflict

Whether you're a professional person who loves to play on your computer, you may run into the problem of the screen automatically turning off when you're playing. Why do you need to know how to find out if there is a problem? Let's talk about this in this article.

Insufficient tension of the video card

If the monitor turns on only during an hour of play, or when watching a video, surfing the Internet, or performing other simple tasks, then in this situation everything indicates a weak video card.

Games have a great interest in video payment, which, in its turn, sends signals to the monitor, and it processes them and shows us the finished images. If the video card cannot cope with the pressure, the sensor freezes, causing the monitor to freeze.

What do you need to earn?:

Video card malfunction

Know that when you wake up or when you play, the monitor automatically freezes, then there will be a problem. Yak tse:

Damage to the cable

If the screen goes off with the message “no signal”, but the computer continues to work, the reason for this may be a simple defect in the cable.

Upon visual inspection, the wines may appear completely intact and unsightly. It’s easy to check: find and connect a new cable. As soon as success is renewed, you know what the reason is.

Problems with operational memory (RAM)

It’s a rare situation, but it’s still going away. If the monitor crashes during heating, your RAM may have gone bad, or you installed new RAM, which is simply not working with your motherboard or processor.

Malfunction of motherboard or processor

There is an expanded reason why, when you start the game, the screen turns on and the system unit works, which means the motherboard or processor has gone wrong.

It gets caught:

  1. Through frequent turbulence, the light and voltage were cut off. It is recommended to use UPS to protect against power failures.
  2. After cleaning the hatch, you could easily damage the processor socket or damage the motherboard. Even minor injuries can lead to inability to work. In this case, the components allow for repair or replacement.

Now you know that if your monitor gets stuck during play or whatever, you can fix this problem yourself.

Video instructions

Today, the computer industry is developing at a rapid pace, games are becoming more realistic and addictive. That's why more and more people don't mind playing modern 3D games, especially online games. In this case, a lot of people are faced with an unsolved problem, the computer is stuck for an hour. Let's find out why the computer freezes during heating, and also try to identify the causes of this illness. As a rule, the problem occurs when launching important and dynamic games that require the computer's resources to be maximized.

A very common reason why a computer freezes during heating is a blockage of the cooling system of the central processor and video card. Through this they become overheated. Overheating of the video adapter is especially common, which can cause various “artifacts” to appear on the monitor screen. If the temperature of the video card reaches the maximum value, it can simply burn out or the computer freezes.

To prevent overheating of components during heating, it is necessary to promptly clean the computer system unit or laptop before cleaning. The system unit of a desktop computer is easy to clean, you just need to open the lid and suck out the filling. With special respect, please clean the cooling system of the processor and video card. For laptops that are foldable and if you have had enough experience with them before, I recommend contacting the service. Also, when cleaning your computer, I recommend changing the thermal paste between the chips and cooling radiators.

Please! Make sure to clean your computer at least once in a while, so as to prevent stable work from running when you run current games and add-ons that greatly consume PC resources.

Insufficient pressure on the life block.

Another very common reason why the computer freezes during heating is the lack of tension in the life block. The problem occurs often when you installed a new computer on an old computer or added some components to the system unit. In this case, with great attention, the life block sees its resources at the maximum and begins to simply decline, since we cannot provide the food service, for example, with a powerful video card.

Please! When choosing and purchasing a housing unit for a computer, choose only branded models with good performance characteristics. I don’t recommend buying Chinese, “no name” models, because, first of all, the stench often does not correspond to the stated characteristics and even goes wrong.

As a rule, the stability of the operation of all computer components is at the core of the life block. If you will be completely dependent on the installed life block, then you will not be at fault: because the computer freezes during heating, then you will be dependent on the high-quality life components.

Why does the computer freeze during the hour? Driver conflict System fixes?

Dosit often, during the hour of use the computer freezes and appears. In this case, the problem can be either software: failure to install drivers on the video card, chipset, sound adapter and other components, or hardware: problems with RAM or hard drive.

In order to install the program, you need to look at the blue screen reset code, and also read the system log. In order to look at what errors are in the operating system, go to the “Computer Operation” panel, find the “Check Out” item there, then open “Windows Logs” - “System”.

At the beginning of systemic procedures, we hear the smells and wonder how the stinks are generated. Let's get to know them. In case of hardware failures, you may also see a blue screen of death if the computer's RAM or HDD is malfunctioning. In order to identify the problem with your hard drive, you need to test it using special programs. So, for RAM, use MemTest, and for testing the hard drive, use the Victoria program.

Detection of viruses.

It is rare to do this, but there may be problems when the computer becomes infected with viruses. In order to disable this moment, please install antivirus software. You will ensure your own safety while working on the Internet, as well as when connecting various different devices with information. If you don’t want to install an antivirus, you can periodically scan your computer using Dr.Web Cureit or a utility from Kaspersky Lab – KVRT.

Incorrect operation.

I would like to say a few words about the operation of laptops. If you often play computer games on a laptop, then try to ensure that it is well cooled, since due to the compact size of the case, the components of the laptop are placed side by side, which means they get very hot. Through small ventilation openings, the cooling system cannot cope with its tasks, resulting in overheating. I recommend that for those who like to play games on laptops, get a special stand that cools them down.

The gaming industry is steadily developing and remains at home. And it’s not surprising, even with skin disease, more and more people on our planet are starting to gamble with a variety of games. Until then, games regularly bring in royalties to their creators, amounting to billions of dollars.

The rest of the games that have been released look so realistic that you might be amazed at the movie and at the same time play a major role in it (as you say, for example, about some kind of shooter). But in order for the computer to “pull” such a powerful resource to the resource, it needs to be “closed” harder. Keep in mind that while playing the game you may experience various inconveniences. One of them is the computer being turned off during an hour of play. What do you need to know and how to deal with the problem? You can find out about this from my article.

Overheating of the processor or video card

Literally a few days ago I detailed the very reasons for overheating of the video card, which is not the main component of the computer for gaming. Just as I learned how to deal with the problem, it will happen again a little.

Rebooting or turning off the computer during an hour of play is most often caused by an overheated video card. As soon as the temperature reaches a critical level, the electronics system allows you to turn the computer off completely or turn it back to extreme mode, which will help reduce the heating of the video adapter. If you don’t earn anything, the video card may simply burn out. And for those doctors who cost more than tens of thousands of rubles, I can say that the computer makes the right decision.

What can cause overheating? First of all, there is a lack of optimization for the video card model. Most often this problem occurs in online games. It appears that you will need to install an additional video card. However, overheating of the connections is much more common because in the system block there are a lot of fuss and saws, which, in their turn, do not allow the components to cool down. The axis comes out so that the hot air has nowhere to go, it circulates in the middle of the system unit, simultaneously raising the temperature of other components. It is very important for him to keep the inside of the body clean. You can use the saw with the help of a regular saw or a saw cleaner, but in other cases you will need to be even more careful, since one handy hand can remove the other component. And remember above all - you can open and remove more saws from the case only after the computer is turned off completely and unplugged from the socket!

Deyakistuvachs are pleased to remove the bull's eye and not to vikoristuvat it at all. So, the option of trouble, but through this noise from the computer will be louder, more saw and wood will be put into the system unit, and if it is standing under the table, then you can suddenly push it with your foot and thus grind both yourself and any part . I wouldn't be so shy about it.

If cleaning the system unit does not help, then let's go to the processor list. Your video card may overheat and cause a lot of problems. In this case, the problem lies not in the obvious problem, but in the fact that the time has come to change the thermal paste that is located between the processor and the cooler, which cools it down. The paste absorbs the heat released from the processor, thereby allowing it to lower its temperature. In principle, there is nothing complicated in replacing the paste, but I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re new to it - there’s a great risk of spreading more, or, as a result, less paste than recommended.

We check the temperature of components

Before the speech, I didn’t miss much. Before you begin any activities with your computer, Raju. Of course, if you put a saw in the middle of the body of the system unit, you won’t be able to get it right, but it’s possible that there’s no sense in changing the thermal paste on the processor, so the problem is far from being the problem.

Use the program to show the temperature of the components. I call the vikory SpeedFan, it is small, very handy, shows the correct temperature and, just as important, expands without problems.

Please invite and install the program. Launch them and only then you can play. Fire up the game periodically (this is done by pressing the Alt+Tab buttons) and see which components heat up the most, and which ones overheat. Before speaking, if it is a video card, then the problem may also be in the thermal paste. It’s true, there’s a lot of fuss about either old video cards, where the paste has become unusable, or defective ones. I myself have not changed the thermal paste on the video card, only on the processor, but I don’t think that this process is affected.

Good temperature. For a processor without normal adjustment, the temperature is up to 45°C, for a processor with adjustment - up to 65°C. For a video card there will be even different numbers: when idle – up to 45°C, when running – up to 85°C.

Other reasons for computer failure

It is acceptable that neither the video adapter nor the processor needs to wait until the computer is turned off for an hour. What can you do? For example, the block of vitality and effort does not appear trivially. This condition can be helped by replacing the life block with a stronger one. In some cases, it’s easy to act up, but you can only get it from the service center.

Another possible option is a lack of voltage in the outlet. It may be lower than 10, or even 20 volts, which is the reason for turning off the computer. However, it may be turned off at any time during the game process, or at any time.

I hope it’s my pleasure to help you. If we don’t write about our problems, let’s try to solve them at once.

A common problem with computers and laptops that stick is that they become quickly damaged or overloaded. The problem needs to be resolved, and for this it is necessary to know the reasons and ways to eliminate them. Now you can solve your problems on your own, and it’s better to entrust serious problems to reliable specialists, so as not to marry for a “long” ruble, but to work conscientiously.

Rapt failure of a system system, laptop or monitor is not always associated with a serious breakdown of the equipment or components, but it is also easy to detect faults in the robotic system or BOIS, viruses or software updates.

The computer freezes on its own - the reasons are the same

1. Overheating of equipment components

Overheating of components can occur due to insufficient cooling of the system. Why and when is it expected? This is due to either drinking or drinking, or the operation of the fans (coolers) being damaged. If the saw sits on the inside of the system unit, it can cause the cooling system in the robot to malfunction, and then the robot starts working on its own. The ones that suffer the most are fans and radiators (a modest partition between the fan and the processor). The purchased saw covers the cooler blades and the surface of the radiator and reduces its efficiency. When the motherboard overheats, it signals a problem and the system shuts down to reduce heat, which protects the components from fire. This problem is simple - just remove the saw. You just need to work carefully.

Overheating can occur due to old or dry thermal paste. This binder can be applied between components and radiators to reduce heat output. Ideally, you need to change them quickly. As you can see, the thermal paste does not look good, it is enough to apply a new ball, removing the radiator from behind. And then the system unit cools itself, without failures.

And the last reason why overheating can occur is due to high and excessive temperatures, if it’s warm outside and it’s hot season. You can simply turn off the monitor itself, and then log in to all programs. Components that have exhausted their resource require replacement, but if it is not possible to supply new spare parts, you can do everything much simpler.

You can install additional coolers and replace them with new fans. It’s better to change the processor, the life unit, and the video card. In this way, air circulation will improve and, perhaps, the problem will be completely eliminated. Sometimes it helps to simply remove the case of the system unit and install it away from children and pets, otherwise you will have to remove the saws more often.

2. Infection of PZ with viruses

This is the most common problem with the rapt connection of the system or laptop. This problem occurs in the search for virus programs and their removal. You can run the antivirus installation - it will not only determine what viruses are in the system, but remove them until they are eliminated again.

Otherwise, you can quickly use cost-free utilities from Dr.Web or Kaspersky. Ideally, spend an hour and run them through - they will vikoryst the skin base of virus programs. The stench is simple and easy to understand for dummies.

You can also launch the infected OS in a minute. To do this, you need to burn Kaspersky Rescue Disk or Dr.Web Live CD to a CD, and in the BIOS setup, change the startup disk from a hard disk drive (HDD, HMDD) to a CD-ROM.

When the computer is installed, go to the BIOS (there may be different function keys depending on the motherboard driver, in our type “F9”).

Selectable BIOS setup extensions

We go to the menu item “Curiousness of Vantage”

Essentially the first CD-ROM device

3. Install new programs or drivers

The malfunction of the system or laptop may be due to the installation of new software or drivers. The problem arises because the stench is not due to the hardware security or the installation caused problems in the operating system. This is due to the high system load of “bulky” programs, which are not supported by the device parameters. Through this, the processor is forced to overheat, and the system is protected from damage. In this case, it is enough to delete the program after any problems begin.

If the problems started after installing new drivers, you will have to reinstall them. This is revealed through the poor reliability or continued inconsistency of certain components and their drivers.

Alternatively, you can choose to use Windows in the remote configuration mode. By pressing the F8 function key when you start your computer or laptop, a list of options appears, among which you need to select the option of the remaining configuration.

Before that, the result is given by updating the system at the given points. The disadvantage of this method is that the update points need to be closed behind 100% of the working system or allow the system to work in automatic mode. In Windows, for example, the update utility has been transferred. Click through the “Control Panel” under the “System and Security” tab and find “Running a system update”. Here you just need to select the previously created update point and the system will adjust the system adjustments to the required state.

The computer and monitor freeze when playing - the reasons for their failure

Why does the monitor and system go dark when working with graphic programs or when you watch the video? The gamers themselves will be most embarrassed if Rapt’s viciousness is brought to the point of losing all their access to the game. High-visibility graphics of daily play and video films have increased importance on the components of the system unit and laptop. We are in front of you

  • video card;
  • living block;
  • processor.

Moreover, the typical “culprit” is the video card; other elements of the system unit can interrupt the work within an hour.

Why does the monitor blink on its own and the system starts to work when it’s running? A video card can rarely cause sudden disconnection during play time. In most cases, if the video card does not meet the necessary parameters of the game or is displayed correctly, the system begins to stagnate, and instead of a full-fledged image, only a few elements of the folded graphics are visible. If the video card, fan or radiator overheats, it can easily cause the entire system to shut down or reboot for an hour. It is therefore important to ensure the cleanliness of these elements and clean them before sawing. It is also recommended to use a special oil for lubricating the cooler.

With a great emphasis on the video card, you may not be able to view the life block through the brightness or insufficient parameters. The refurbishment of the living unit is likely to involve either its replacement or the addition of modern technology for playing games with folding graphics.

The processor can also cause the computer to turn off during the hour. If you put great strain on it to the point of exhaustion, when it overheats, the shutdown function is activated and it turns off.

Such nuances are important not only when launching computer games, but also when viewing large-volume video files or launching “important” graphic editors.

Other reasons and their verse

1. Malfunction of the life block

Why, when you play a game or watch a movie, the block of life itself disappears and as a result, possession fades away. The power supply unit on a car is most often subject to stress and voltage changes. Poor power, voltage fluctuations, power outages - this will cause the life block to go wrong. The operating life of the unit is 3-5 years, then malfunctions may occur. Determine the reason behind the following symptoms:

  • raptov vimikannya navit for low priority on the system;
  • The system does not turn on at all or goes out until the OS is installed.

Malfunctions in the robotic life block can occur either through the saw, which is removed, or before drastic actions are performed, you just need to clean the block and saw.

2. Malfunction in RAM

This means that the “fault” RAM can be used through those that before it gets stuck, the computer “freezes”, and the memory of any kind is faulty, and if the monitor goes out, the system unit freezes on its own. You can check this by replacing the RAM with another one or going to the service center.

You can try to clean it from the saw and check all the sockets - they may be inserted firmly until it stops.

3. Motherboard failure

First, look for the cause in the motherboard, it is necessary to clean it from the saw and check all the fastenings. The motherboard can be firmly attached to additional connectors.

If the problem is in the motherboard, then, most likely, there will be cracks on it, or the capacitor will burn out. The cause of all these problems can be caused by the system - shocks, falls, or simply the end of the service life of the soul. Repairing the motherboard yourself is problematic - you need to contact the service center for help.

4. Bad contact and instability of electrical voltage

To check the reliability of the contacts, it is enough to check all the contacts of the cords and cables - from the edge filter to the contacts on the system unit itself. A bad contact can lead to the monitor and system unit vibrating on its own.

The work of electrical protection in our region prevents short circuits and voltage cuts, and breakdowns on the line are increased. In the absence of any damage, it is necessary to equip the equipment with voltage stabilizers, mesh filters and uninterrupted life cycle devices. The remaining time will be short, but you will be able to turn on your computer correctly, reducing the risk of wasting data to a minimum. If there are no system boards, the monitor may burn out without protection.

Ways to check your computer for malfunctions

Why is it necessary to carry out a series of passes when such a problem arises, such as the sudden disconnection of a computer or laptop? Therefore, it will help to identify the reasons for the disconnection and eliminate them, if possible, on your own. І power supply “why does the monitor and the system turn off on its own when you play?”

Procedure for troubleshooting technical problems:

  • cleaning components of the system unit and laptop;
  • replacing thermal paste;
  • check all the components of the system unit - blown capacitors, contacts that have come loose, which are easy to identify visually;
  • carry out the procedure for testing components through the BIOS and other special utilities.

An alternative option would be to replace the “suspect” element with a working one, otherwise this method is not available to everyone. It is better to carry out testing of the life block in a specialized workshop;

Replacing thermal paste in a laptop should be carried out by a specialist with confidence - it’s not so easy to do at home without tools and it’s cheap.

The main reason for the uninterrupted and trouble-free operation of computer technology is the correct understanding and clarity of the “input” of installed programs and programs, so as not to overwhelm the road of ownership.

To speed up the operation of your desktop computer or laptop, I recommend that you use this utility to tune your system for maximum productivity.

If the monitor turns off during the hour of play, while the PC itself is working, the essence of the problem will not always appear in the monitor itself.

The problem may be due to connection problems, a malfunction of the video card or other components, or other reasons. Below we will look at the reasons that may lead to such popular rejection.

If the monitor display goes dark during the hour, but the computer is still working, you need to start by checking the most obvious cause of the problem.

For now, turn on the PC, and then turn it off, and keep an eye on the monitor.

  1. When the computer is turned off, the monitor will become clearer or darker. Possibly, here on the right are the lamps, which are installed in RK monitors. The stench could have completely burned out.
  2. Is the monitor display dark or even faded when illuminated under the backlight? Singingly, this is due to voltage problems with the inverter.

To understand the cause of the malfunction, connect the monitor to the system unit. If it is written “No signal” or something similar does not appear on the display, then self-tightening is not possible.

The problem can be repaired. At your worst, you will have to get a new monitor.

Display display

Your monitor warms up, works continuously, and goes out after 15 or 30 minutes. What's the problem?

In Windows OS, a special function “turn off the screen after a certain hour” has been installed. Everything on the right is with her. "You just can't help it!" - tell someone a lot. Pozhlivo. Ale the trace must be thoroughly rechecked.

It’s a shame that through such a thing you’ll waste a lot of nerves and an hour trying to find out why the monitor goes off after an hour. Before that, the verification itself will take a little more than 2 hours.

Instructions for Windows 7

  • Select the next item: Start – Electrical Panel – Electrical.
  • Select the “Adjusting your life plan” tab.
  • In the “Turn screen” tab, select the “None” field.

On Windows 8 and 10 the procedure is practically the same.

Instructions for Windows XP users

  • Use the right mouse button to click on the desktop, select the “Power” item.
  • Go to the “Screensaver” item.
  • Press the “Life” button (bottom right).
  • In the “Display type” field, select “None”.


Another very popular reason why the monitor freezes during play time is moisture. You may not believe it, but a laptop or PC stands for a long time in a place exposed to harsh winds, and it starts to sound like a malfunction in your work.

The result is that the monitor freezes and freezes slightly. All that condensation will accumulate in it, which, frankly speaking, will do no good.

What is there to do with such a situation? Do not touch the computer for any hour, let the water evaporate. In this way, you define the problem (as, obviously, from the right itself).

How long have you cleaned your laptop or system unit?

The problem is as old as it is. How long has it been since you cleaned your personal computer? If it’s been a long time, then the problem may be in itself. And now you are trying to understand why the monitor goes dark immediately after playing.

If you can damage your RAM or video card, you need to clean the system as soon as possible. Or take it to the nearest service center - don’t forget to clean it there. Don't start your computer before this happens.

Poorly fed darts

Another reason why the PC monitor freezes during play time is because of bad input. There is a cord from your monitor to the system unit (more precisely, to the video card).

  1. Mozhlivo, vipadkovo yogo capped, winced.
  2. Possibly, without having obtained anything from members of your family, or maybe your favorite dog or gut.

In any case, it is necessary to check us first. For whom:

  • Exit the wires from both sides.
  • Blow and wipe.
  • Then connect it again.

We can totally help. First, insert the cord into the side of the monitor. If the message “No signal” appears on your phone, then you have two new items. Good - everything is fine with him, he’s not angry, bad - you, like before, don’t know why the monitor freezes during the hour.

Another popular problem is cable damage. In order to check this, you need to know the cord itself and connect it.

Problem in RAM

It's a rare situation, but it's going to end. If the monitor crashes when it starts up, then it is possible that your RAM has simply gone wrong, or you installed new RAM that is not working with your processor or motherboard.

The first time you need to diagnose your RAM is by using a special program called MemTest. If you are unreasonable, you will only be helped by a permanent replacement.

Video card

Often the monitor goes blank due to a faulty video card. This element itself also indicates the display of the image on the screen. And the monitor cord is connected to it.

  1. The most reliable method to switch the monitor off through the video card is to connect another one and try turning on the PC. You can get it from your friends and acquaintances.
  2. As another option, you can connect someone else’s monitor (again, this is a requirement for friends). Since there is no such possibility, then simply skip this step and move on to the next step.

It is possible that the monitor or display on the laptop freezes due to severe overheating of the video card. The cooler (special fan) breaks and the cooling system cannot cope with its duties.

To go to this, turn on your personal computer and check for more information. If the problem is due to overheating, it may turn on in standard mode. In this case, it is necessary to replace or replace the power supply with cooling video cards.

Video card driver conflict

Another common reason why the monitor turns off during a game is a conflict with the video card drivers. In order to verify this, it is necessary to note the following steps:

  • Start – Internet Panel – Device Manager (for greater clarity, you can select the view mode in the top right corner under the name “Large icons”).
  • In the new window, click on “Video adapters”, after which the name of the video card will be displayed.
  • Click on it with the right mouse button, select the “Power” item and look at the page. If the video card is working normally, in the new window it will be written that way.
  • Select “Resources” and read that there are no conflicting devices.
  • If everything is fine, close all the windows. Right-click the bear on the desktop, select “Display Allowance” and select the minimum one – for example, 800x600 pixels. Press “Zastosuvat” and re-save your personal computer. Once you get over it, the problem is completely gone.

The video card driver is not working correctly

If the device is not working normally, if conflicts are found, or the previous method did not work for you, then we will act more aggressively:

  • Start your computer again in Safe Mode and go to Device Manager.
  • Open the “Video Adapters” tab and find your video card.
  • Click on it with the right mouse button and select “Visuality” (this is the standard procedure for removing the selected driver).
  • Confirm your settings and restart your computer. It may start in normal mode.
  • Install the driver on the video card from the disk included in the kit, or download it from the official website.
  • Reboot your PC again to reboot so that the monitor no longer turns off.

It is necessary to install drivers from the disk.

Malfunction of the processor or motherboard

Chantly, this is the greatest of all possible options. A breakdown of the processor itself or a short-term short circuit in the motherboard often leads to the screen quickly going dark and the computer continuing to function.

The system engineer can, as before, work. The coolers are spinning loudly, creating the illusion that everything is fine. Also, in such situations, you may need to replace the motherboard or processor, and you may end up being generous.

It’s no less true that problems with the monitor could have started for other reasons, but in this case you should trust the diagnosis of your computer to qualified technicians.

Allowed monitor

In 90% of cases, a similar problem begins to plague users through those who have set their monitor settings to very high levels.

The skin edging model supports a specific product, as well as the frequency of renewal. If you select parameters that exceed your capabilities, then at the hour of startup the screen will go off.

  • There is a special inscription “Pose range”.
  • The display is simply black.

For old monitors

Prote, another important point. And it usually happens with older monitors with separate 1024x768 or 1280x1024 pixels.

On the right is that igor distributors for promotional products prescribe a specific permit for their creations. Call it richer, lower 1280x1024 pixels. As a result, the game's monitor freezes. It simply does not support the high level of production output (or update frequency).

This problem occurred in S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Far Cry 3, and other games. A lot of gamers were scared that at the moment the screen went off.

It’s easy to figure out the problem:

  • You need to know the configuration file. I may have a different name, but the format is .ini. To be found in the father's office, “My documents.” More precisely, you can find out the name of the game on Google.
  • In the configuration file, find the row in which permission is indicated, and then change it to your savings.
  • Everything can be gratified.

Thus, the problem is that if the computer monitor goes off during games, it will no longer work for you.


We are sure that one of the best ways to overreact will help you solve the problem. If the monitor display still goes dark, then it may be due to a faulty device. In this case, it is better to look for other options for the problem or immediately go to the service center.