Basic information technologies in tourism. IT-technologies in tourism Computer technologies in the tourism industry

Diploma of the robot

Information technologies in tourism in the Kaliningrad region

Entry ………………………………………………...................... 3
Chapter 1. Understanding the essence of information technology in tourism ………………………………………………….. 6- 14
1.1. Understanding the essence of information technology in tourism 6
1.2. Information - a happy lanka of tourist activities. 11
Partitioned 2. Information technologies in tourism in the Kaliningrad region …………………………… 15 - 33
2.1. Reservation systems ………………………………………. 15
2.2. Documentation automation systems ………………… 18
2.3. Linking to the Internet in tourism ………………… 22
2.4. The concept of promotion of information technologies for the development of tourism …………………………………………………...
Partition 3. Travel agency website project ……… 34-40
3.1. Select domain name name …………………………... 34
3.2. Information and navigation ……………………………………… 37
3.3. Vitrati site creation …………………………………. 39


Tourism is one of the largest, high-priority and most dynamic regions of the world economy In this way, the creation of the expanded tourist industry may be a great name and as one of the most effective direct structural changes in the Russian economy For the speedy pace of growth, tourism is a recognition of the economic phenomenon of the past century and it prophesies the brilliance of the future in the capital. Zgidno with the forecast of the All-World Tourist Organization (SOT) in the XXI century. The growth of the tourism industry will be irrevocable, and by 2020 the number of international tourism outlets will be 1.6 billion.

In its own way, tourism is the course of history, architecture, aesthetics and gastronomy, which is accompanied by hoarded vіdkrittіv, which makes them expensive. Vinyatkovo is of great social, cultural and educational significance. Zavdyaky yomu is a modern person, you can realize the purpose of knowing new things, make great victories, talk about “what is there beyond the horizon”, talk about “I live history”, accumulated by thousands of people. Tse from one side. And z іnshgo - tourism, є vysokopributkovy business, oskelki dosvіd most schaslivyh chodo powers show: people want to spend their great chi no more than a penny, itself on the road. The light turnover of the tourism industry is available today at 4.4 trillion dollars, and until 2010, for growth, for the support of fahivtsiv, up to 10 trillion dollars.

The spontaneous Russian market of tourist services, which is known as the remaining fates, in general, for the duration of coordinating the cob, is transferred to the crisis camp, and Russian objects, without respect for the great recreational potential of the country, the tourist destination is not included in the post-Language people One of the reasons for such super-accuracy lies in the availability of reliable and trustworthy information about the market and the service, which is called for a visiting client, which is based on all possibilities, which are ensured by modern communication methods. Today, the process of formation and management of tourist groups across the cordon, on the other hand, without using information technologies, is not effective enough to navigate in Moscow and St. Petersburg, without seeming to be about the Kaliningrad region. Особливості реалізації туристського продукту не дозволяють говорити про повноцінний ринок без відповідного інформаційного забезпечення Калінінградські туристські фірми та органи з управління туризмом, що вступають на міжнародний ринок, стикаються у своїй діяльності з проблемами освоєння нових інформаційних технологій, які є необхідною умовою міжнародної інтеграції та сучасної концепції туристичного business as an information-rich sphere. At the call of the cim, at this hour, an analysis of the basic information systems in tourism, the development of the main areas of the development of information technologies, and the development of recommendations for tourism management about the selection in the formation system seems especially relevant.

The subject of the reference work is a complex of modern improvements in the ways and mechanisms that are used for collecting, processing, analyzing, collecting, expanding and storing information in the tourism industry. The object of the reference work (which is why the responsibility is directed) is the functioning of reservation systems, teleconferencing systems, video systems, computer systems, information management systems, electronic systems for transferring pennies, telephone systems, ruhomomiy zabіv in obtaining, warehouse complexes tourism. The purpose of the complex is considered by all vzaimodії warehousing systems and at the same time by a wide range of values ​​(too much tourism in front of it) and by a narrow sense (to the level of tourism of the Kaliningrad region).

The method of help work is, in the first place, the development of proposals for the management of Kaliningrad tourist organizations from the choice of various information and computer systems in the field of tourism, and in another way, the development of a website of a travel agency on the basis of current strengths: lightness, domain corporate identity, informativeness and interactivity of the site, advertising of the trade mark in the company. The achievement of the stated goals was established, first, on the basis of the development of specific information technologies, the main trends in the development of the tourist business and inflow IT on the effectiveness of the activities of the organization I, in a different way, as a result of the achievement of practical rewards and the improvement of methodical recommendations from the masters of design, advertising and promotion of sites on the Internet Artemy Lebedev (, Dmitry Kirsanov (http:/ /, Timofiya Bokareva ( and in.

The novelty of the conducted research is in the offensive: a) the position is grounded, that at the current stage the development of the state of information technology is considered as a strategic resource for the development of the business activity of the tourist organization; b) on the basis of the analysis of the country's business and foreign information on the development of information systems in tourism, recommendations are made and the ways of choosing computer technologies for enterprises of various types in the tourism industry; c) formulating the main support for the information systems of tour operators for the formation of a flexible package of services; d) on the basis of the research carried out, recommendations were made on how to choose electronic funds for organizing various types of tourism industry.

Основні теоретичні положення та висновки можуть бути використані у викладанні курсу «Інформаційні технології в туризмі», при підготовці фахівців у галузі застосування інформаційних технологій для туристичного та готельного бізнесу, а також у науково-дослідних розробках з проблем використання інформаційних технологій в індустрії подорожей. The results of the research can be used to create a tourist information system in the region, tourism products to the international market. In addition, recommendations have been made to allow the management of tourist firms to turn their backs to the popularization of information systems on the market, and expand in the field of computer technologies, which are Russian market.

Chapter 1. Information technologies in tourism, their role of tourism activities

1.1. Understanding the essence of information technology in tourism

Information technologies - a term that is used to identify the most modern improvements in the methods and mechanisms that are used for collecting, processing, analyzing, collecting, expanding and storing information. About information technology to speak like about the technology of the century, like building vplinut on the labor market, the service sector, the employment of the population and on the life of the people as a whole, the reach of microelectronics in the closet. Microelectronics itself has created the basis for development in the field of design and engineering for an auxiliary computer; gnuchki virobnicheskikh systems; robots; personal computers; automated systems of care (ACS); videotext; teleconferencing too much.

The very concept of "information technology" blamed in the rest of the decade of the twentieth century for the process of formation of informatics. The main feature of information technologies is those that in them are the subject, the product of practice is information, and the work of the practice is the need for computational technology and communication. Moreover, this year's information began to be seen as a real generic resource in the order of other material resources. Virobnitstvo and information and її of the upper level - knowledge of the great influence on the modification of the existing and creation of new technologies. Another ten years ago, information technology and tourism were created by insane partners. And today, there are two understandings of the flooring closely intertwined with each other, that a new type of tourism has appeared - “alternative tourism” or “electronic tourism”.

Apparently, tourism is a trade in services. Moreover, in a first way, it’s a complex and varied service, like a virobnik’s glance, so calm. In a different way, the servant is invisible, weak and integrated. І, nareshti, in a third way, - tse іnformatsiyno-great service. The very same characteristics of tourism represent yoga as a curtain, which is ideally suited for the development of information technologies. The annexation of the tourist gallery is already similar to the government, whether it be in another economic sphere of activity. The list of tourist services is made up of a full-scale ceramic structure, which is formed from the ranks and commercial organizations, trade associations (for example, hotel, incoming transport, tourist agents, etc.). Types of tourist services are classified into the following categories: post-employment (airlines, hotels, car rental, services in tourist destinations), wholesale companies (tour operators) and retail companies (travel agents). Spozhivachі (tourists) - the rest of the gathering of the current tourist system.

As long as the regulation of the activities of the enterprises of the gallery, advertising, the promotion and submission of vouchers, then information plays an important role in the process of establishing post-employment tourism services in a single socio-economic system. The same information is in the same happy lanka, as it ties into one whole of the various post-employees within the framework of a single tourist gallery. Moreover, the most important features of tourism are those that are mutually connected between workers and post-employees are not commodities, but streams of information.

Qi information flows є like flows of specific data, but also services and payments. Services, such as being placed in hotels, or in litaks, are not displayed at the physical sight, and they do not look back at the hour of sale at the point of recognition. The only guide to the clarity and quality of the product is information. Otzhe, you can add a pleasant visnovka to those who provide reliable information and widen flooring and are important for the living of a tourist gallery, as well as being actually given to the caregivers of their services.

Significantly, the promotion of information technology in the tourism industry included a few steps. The first stage is the “Creation of the Danes”. Another head meta - improving the efficiency of operational activities of enterprises for additional automation of processes based on information. This period began in the 1960s. And for the new Bulo, the use of mini-computers is more characteristic. The other stage is "Information control systems". The stage of development of such information technologies, as if they adopted an increase in managerial efficiency, through a thorough effort, could lead to an uninterrupted organization of the transfer of information. The stench was in demand at the 70s. that vikoristovuvali already specific galuzev methods of business management, connected with information resources. At the same time, information technology, as a rule, was reserved for the needs of internal marketing and administrative functions.

At the beginning of the 80s. the stage of "Strategic Information Systems", which was a metaphor for the competitiveness of firms in a way to change nature itself, or behavior in the tourist business. It was carried out in various ways of integrating measures to improve competitiveness: for complete uninterrupted activity, for coordination of activity with functional and business lines, as well as for improving communication with organizations. I, nareshti, on the cob of the 90s. having reached the fourth stage - “Step Merez”. At this stage, we have established a network of successful equals: businesses, regional and global.

The main characteristics of this stage are the increase in the possibilities of information technologies, the change in the setting, the decrease in the cost of income with a one-hour increase in reliability, the interconnection of terminals, and the expansion at different points of the planet. Everything has come from the fact that information technology has become an important tool for the activity of all tourism organizations. As a result, in the mid-1990s, all enterprises, regardless of the world, proponated to the product and geography, experienced a serious process of reorganization of the business.

In a nutshell, analyzing the role and significance of information technologies for the current stage of the development of the industry, you can create a whole series of primed visnovkas about those that have a strategically important role, and the significance of these technologies for the nearest future shvidko growth. The very same technologies to lie today have a primary role in the gallery of the technological development of the state. Arguments for these developments are a number of unique powers of information technologies (efficiency, accessibility) yakі and hang їх on the priority place of the most virobnic and social technologies. In the number of important powers of information technology, which may be of strategic importance for the development of the industry, it is important to see the coming, the most important.

First, information technologies allow activating and effectively exploiting the information resources of the industry, as it is the most important strategic factor of yoga development. Досвід показує, що активізація/розповсюдження та ефективне використання інформаційних ресурсів (наукових знань, відкриттів, винаходів, технологій, передового досвіду) дозволяють отримати суттєву економію інших видів ресурсів: сировини, енергії, корисних копалин, матеріалів та обладнання, людських ресурсів, соціального часу.

In another way, information technologies allow optimizing and automating information processes in rich ways, as the rest of the year, to sit more and more space in the life of human society. Zagalnovidomo, that the development of civilization is directly underway at the formation of the information society, in which objects and the results of the majority of the employed population are no longer material values, but the main rank of information and scientific knowledge. Nin in most of the rozvinennyh krai the most of the employed population of its activity in the other world is connected with the processes of preparation, saving, processing of that transfer and to that it is embarrassed to master and practically vikoristovuvaty in technologic processes.

It goes without saying that information technologies play an extremely important role in the security of information interaction between people, as well as in the systems of training and distribution of mass information. Ці кошти швидко асимілюються культурою суспільства, тому що вони не тільки створюють великі зручності, але знімають багато виробничих, соціальних і побутових проблем, що викликаються процесами глобалізації та інтеграції світової спільноти, розширенням внутрішніх та міжнародних економічних і культурних зв'язків, міграцією населення та його everything is more dynamic. moving around the planet. In addition to traditional communication services (telephone, telegraph, radio and television), electronic telecommunications systems, electronic mail, facsimile transmission of information and other types of communication are increasingly being used.

In its own line of merezhevі іnformatsiynі tekhnologii є actual and promising direct development of information technologies. Їхня мета - не лише забезпечення обміну інформацією між окремими користувачами інформаційно-обчислювальних систем, а також створення для них можливості кооперативного використання розподілених інформаційних ресурсів суспільства, отримання довідкової, документальної та іншої інформації з різноманітних спеціалізованих інформаційних фондів. For the rest of the hour, the central theme of publications is not only the computer press, but the mass media, having become the Internet, having acquired the respect of the fahivtsiv of information technology, businessmen, ordinary coristuvachiv and the entire civilized world.

This boom of the Internet fell on the cob of the 90s, if the first navigational programs like Mosaic appeared, which allow the masters of the best computers to blunder along the way. At the same time, the Internet is not just one computer network, but tens of thousands of local and global national networks that are interconnected. Among the Russian computer networks, Relcom, Glasnet, and many others are connected to the Internet. There are over 40 million payers in more than 100 countries on all seven continents. About the popularity of the Internet, I would like to talk about the fact that a large number of pre-payers in the region are getting skin for 10 months. The exchange of information through the network is ten times as large. Over 4,000 electronic messages are transmitted through the mesh for a second.

The all-world computer network is developing fast, so that the number of pre-payers and the availability of information resources is practically won over. Obviously, the tourism business is not left out of the boom. Until 1996, thousands of independent distributions of travel agencies, hotels, airlines, dozens of systems for booking tourist services appeared on the Internet. In the opinion of experts, until 2003, for the help of the Internet, tours and accompanying services worth about $ 200 billion will be sold. Therefore, it is unlikely for agencies to ignore the Internet in their work. In the hour we are looking at, the Internet cannot be seen as a competitor in business, the shards of the all-world web provide unappreciated information to help and add to the traditional new channel for the implementation of tourist services - electronic.

At the same time, half of all the money that is generated through the Internet falls on a price tag that is more expensive for tourism. 62% of correspondents who go to the Internet, whisper the tariffs of hotels and airlines and information about the availability of free cities. What are the advantages of the global network? First of all, the widest of audiences. Vіn allows 35 000 clients to browse the most popular travel server TravelWeb, which has more than 17 000 hotels. In another way, equally low bills of vitrate and susilla for sellers and buyers. The cost of booking through the Internet is $1.7 on average, while through GDS it is $3.5. The traditional fax way of making a purchase is $10. The third security is the access to the border for private coristuvachs. The advantages of the Internet, as well as the possibility of updating information for private hours, winning and tourist firms, in front of some measures show the significant possibility of realizing tourist products in the mode of on-line and advertising, as well as stimulating sales.

The Internet and Kaliningrad tourist agencies have not been left behind. For the tribute to the catalog "Internet Guide" in the Kaliningrad Internet space, the following authorities were in power: the tourist agency "Russian Baltic Tour" (, the tourist agency "Year of Peak" (http://www.chaspik .ru), Brizen agency (, Ariola agency (, Mik-Avia agency (http:/ /, agency "Baltma Tours" (, agency "Alvis" (, agency "Aturi" ( and so on, and in total 26 companies are registered with the Internet-catalog. Significantly, those who in the Kaliningrad segment of the Internet have a special site that feeds regional tourism with the same name "Tourism near Kaliningrad" at the address

1.2. Information - a happy travel destination

As it seems, the basis of the tourism industry is formed by firms of tour operators and travel agents who are engaged in tourist trips, selling them at a glance and vouchers and tours; scho to provide services for the accommodation and eating of tourists (hotels, campings and іn.), їх transfers by the country, as well as management bodies, information, advertising for promotion of tourism and training for new personnel, enterprises for the selection of tourism and the sale of goods. For tourism, there are other services, which serve tourists, having ceased to be the main type of activity (cultural enterprises, trade and others.). Tourism is an informational activity. Use a few other curtains, such as picking, processing, stowing, and transferring information would be important for proper functioning, like in the tourism industry. A service in tourism cannot be displayed and looked at at the point of sale, as if you were saving goods. Її ring out to bathe in the distance and far away in the place of peace. In this way, tourism in the market may be more likely to fall in the form of images, descriptions, communication and transmission of information.

The power of tourist galleys is already similar to the organization of any other economic sphere of activity (Scheme 1). A travel agent is a physical legal person who acts as an intermediary in the sale of tours formed by the tour operator. Tour operator - a tourist organization that is engaged in the package of tours.

Scheme 1

Prote you see the peculiarity - a happy center, which will take advantage of different varieties within the framework of the tourist gallery, є іnformation. The very information flows, and not the goods, provide the links between the types of tourist services. The stench walk at the sight of the streams of data, but to appear at the forms of services and payments. Services, for example (overnight in a hotel; renting a car; complex tours that month in aircraft) are not sent to travel agents, as they do not take their dots into their pockets, the docks cannot be sold to the poor. That victorious information is transmitted about the presence, variety and quality of their services. So the real payments themselves are not transferred from travel agents to travel agents, but commissions - from travel agents to travel agents. Information about payments and dues is transferred correctly (Scheme 2).

Scheme 2. Information is a good material for the tourism business.

You can see three characteristics of tourism. First, the price is different and integrated trade in services. In another way, this is a complex service, as if from the look of a virobnik, it’s so gentle. Zreshtoyu, tourism is a valuable service in information. That is why tourism is both international and domestic, the sphere of growing influx of information technologies. The system of information technologies, which are victorious in tourism, is composed of a computer reservation system, teleconferencing systems, video systems, computers, information management systems, electronic information systems of aviation, electronic transfer of pennies, telephone expenses In this case, it is necessary to indicate that the system of technologies is developed not by travel agencies, hotels and airlines, but by all of them. Above those, vikoristannya skin segment of the tourism system of information technology may be important to all other elements. For example, the hotel's internal management systems can be linked to global computer networks, as well as provide, at their core, the basis for linking with hotel reservation systems, as well as being directly accessible to travel agencies through their computers. .

Otzhe, here we can rightly with an integrated system of information technologies, as a development in tourism. From the foregoing, it becomes clear that not computers, not telephones, and video terminals are expanding in the tourist industry - here a system of interdependent computer and communication technologies is functioning. In addition, some of the components of the tourist gallery are closely intertwined one with one - even a lot of tourists are vertically or horizontally radiated to the degree of one of one. Everything allows you to consider tourism as a highly integrated service, so that it can be used by those who are more suitable for the development of information technologies in the organization and management.

Chapter 2. Information technologies in tourism in the Kaliningrad region

2.1. Reservation systems

As it turns out, the tourist product is a complex of various services of mandrivnikov, and the travel company - the implementer is only one of the partners of the great lance organization organizing the tour. The availability of information, the operational link between them are of paramount importance, to which information technologies play an important role in tourism. Armor systems for air tickets began to appear like the 50s of the twentieth century. At the beginning of the 90s, a large-scale introduction of electronic technologies began at the state hotel, three times later - at tourist firms. About the scale of modern armored systems, see the statistics: in the offices of travel companies and airlines, which are heavily rooted in the services of armored systems, about 600 thousand have been installed. terminal. In the rest of the world, the computer systems of the armored system in connection with the growing scale of the stoppage took away a new name - the Global Backup Systems.

Computers of the reservation system are actively recruited by regional travel agencies - without them it is impossible to show good planning and management of operations. The current clients of GDS include such Kaliningrad agencies as Alvis, Anyuta, Aturi, Deddy, Pori Roku Plus, Septima and many others. Needless to say, the computer system of the reservation system may have a great impact on the whole tourist galuz. So close to 90% of travel agencies in the United States and Great Britain are in GDS, the reservation system is not only air services, but also overnight stays in hotels, car rental, cruise trips, weather information, changeovers, exchange rates the bus is not the same railway station. Such systems allow you to reserve all the main segments of the tour - from hotels and flights to tickets to the theater and insurance policies.

In fact, the stench is to establish a global information system that promotes the most important rozpodіlnі measures for all tourist trade. One connection via a modem with servers that manage the database of data, travel agencies will restrict access to information about the availability of possible services, vartost, capacity, hour of arrival and management of a variety of tourist services for their employees. Moreover, travel agencies can contact these data bases in order to confirm their claim. The functionality and efficiency of these systems impair, so that the postmasters of tourism services have adopted the minimum level of technology (for example, newcomers to work with personal computers and various resources from tourist agencies), so that access to such systems is provided by them.

The largest computer systems reserved for the international tourism market are the systems of Amadeus, Galileo, Worldspan. Today Russia has close to 1500 terminals Amadeus. The average volume of bookings is about 100,000 segments per month. The representative office plans to bring up to the end of 2002 the number of armored vehicles up to 120 thousand segments per month, and the number of terminals in Russia up to 2000 years. Russian agencies are offered 3 connection options to Amadeus. The first is the telephone version of DialUp, which does not require an additional possession of a computer (type 486) and a modem, suitable for small agencies with large sales obligations of 200-400 tours.

Middle agencies are more authoritative standard version, which is installed in the office and includes, software security, special computers and printers for other tickets, software security. For great agencies, which may have local computer resources, a client-server system is being installed. Through the gateway, the local network server, the agents communicate with the central Amadeus server. In this way, the skin terminal of the agency can access the armoring system. Moreover, the fee for connection to Amadeus dermal offensive work space is even insignificant. Amadeus reservation system payers are also Kaliningrad travel agencies such as Ksenia Tour, Mik Avia, Universal Tour, Year of Peak, Yunona and other.

Worldspan is respected by the youngest computerized armoring system, but the root system is even more difficult. Today, the Worldspan system allows you to reserve air tickets in 487 airlines around the world, rent a car in 45 companies (which represent services in approximately 15,854 points of the world), book a room in one of 35,000 hotels. The Worldspan system is considered to be the most dynamically developing among all global reservation systems in the world and for the past 7 years, as the reservation system is presented on the Russian market. Today, Worldspan payers are close to 700 agencies in Russia and CIS countries. Sumarny obsyag armored to become close to 70 yew. segments per month. Of the largest number of agencies connected to Worldspan, over 60% use the telephone version of the system - DialLink. The goal is to achieve a democratic system, the shards do not vymagaє vykonannya zhorstnyh obsyagіv bronyuvannya, prote vartist її to reach the temple is close to 800 c.u. for software security plus you need to pay 14 c.u. for a lifetime of work.

One of the leading GDSs in the world is Galileo, which just recently opened its representative office in Moscow. Tim is no less, the system is given by a serious competitor - Amadeus, and Worldspan, but the remains of Galileo's position in the world are even stronger. The Galileo redundancy system is one of the advanced armor systems in technical terms. Galileo itself was one of the first to give agencies a Windows version of the reservation system. The Premier program allows agencies to fully automate the work of serving customers. For example, maintain customer data bases, create custom screen forms and menus, save water, which are most often repeated, and so on. The Galileo reservation system is operated by such travel agencies of Kaliningrad as Alvis, Brizen, Verona Tour, Globus Tour and others.

It remains to be added that the reservation systems are assigned one type of one:

Again and again that operational information that is seen - a set of services and a number of lords of different types of resources that may please a specific GDS, equal to the availability of up to їх data bases;

Efficient formation of requests for reservations, friendliness of the software installed in the GDS and installed on the personal computer of the travel agency;

Responsibility for technology and arranging communication between the agency and the GDS data processing center;

Rozmіrom pay for koristuvannya іnformatsiynimi polucheniya that order її moldovannya.

2.2. Documentation automation systems

Today, if among the most important achievements of the sphere of tourism has become її kom'yuterizatsіya, scho has become a computer revolution in tourism at once nabula characteristic of her features, on yakі varto win respect. Kozhna rozpovіdaє pro zastosuvannya kom'yuterіv in the field of management, directly chi indirectly give recommendations to managers of tourist companies, yakі zіshtovkhnulis with difficulties in zastosuvannі kompyuternіh tekhnologii. Існуючий сьогодні великий діапазон економічно перспективних комп'ютерних програм (Voyage Office Pro, Turwin-MultiPro, Едельвейс та ін.) доступний більшій частині туристських фірм, часто обмежується недостатньою підготовкою персоналу, який безпосередньо працює з комп'ютерами, а також недостатньою ініціативністю керівної ланки .

At the same time, the scientists of travel companies have already begun to realize that for the most promising choice of computer technologies, it is necessary for the future to increase the level of qualifications of specialists in the future, as well as to inform the computer capabilities. Zokrema, at the tourist agency "Yunona" with the combined use of all computers in a single network, the practitioners passed a special training course, which essentially raised the evaluation criteria for the productivity of the practice. It is obvious that the quality of customer service has grown with it, as managers have taken away the possibility of a faster and more accurate arrangement of tours, so that they can display on the screen of their computer information about different tours, booking hotels, air travel, etc.

Варто відзначити, що існуюче програмне забезпечення управління туристською діяльністю дозволяє вирішувати різні завдання, як-то складання бізнес-плану, ефективне компонування передбачуваних турів або, скажімо, управління готелем при тому, що керівник має можливість коригувати найрізноманітніші фактори за допомогою комп'ютера. These programs allow you to save an hour, improve the quality of the project, and keep in mind that only the correct download of the electronic version gives positive results. It is a pity that at this stage of development of tourism in the region, special computer programs are being implemented in the robots of only a few Kaliningrad travel agencies (Alvis, Anyuta, Oniks-Tour and others). This is caused by a lot of factors: a high variety of technological products, the daily need for computerization of this room, the fear of admitting some kind of failure in the process of implementation, or even more.

Dosi brought to ascertain that the number of travel companies in Kaliningrad, that win computers for recognition, as before, do not exceed the number of flights. For the most important tourist firms, the computer is so rich in a friend's typewriter and an accountant's tool. Tim not less, the agency i, more, the operator, which is seriously working on the market of tourist services, do not seriously increase your productivity, ignoring the new software packages for managing the tourist industry. One of such software products was in the distance to work in the office of one of the most successful regional travel companies "Brizen" (m. Svіtlogorsk), although it was possible to install it in the course of the experiment, similar programs are victorious in the robots of Tourism and other companies, "Blw ”,“ Juno ”is skinny.

The software complex "Samo", which is featured in "Brizen", may be the largest introduction among Russian travel companies. More than 30 companies work with him with this modification in different places of Russia: Triyka Tourism, Detour, Roza Vіtrіv, Orient - near Moscow, Turservis - near St. Petersburg, Sibіnturservis and "Edvansi" - in Novosibirsk, "Sirokko" - in Chelyabinsk, "Flight-Tour" - in Astrakhan and many others. Smartly, the working functions of the complex can be divided into six groups: tour management, work with clients, payments, follow-up of agreements, preparation of vacation documents, service modes. Distribution "Turi" allows you to independently package programs (transport + accommodation + additional services) for tour operators or add ready-made operator programs for agencies to the data base.

The client part of the program allows you to maintain a database of data of tourists, to make a reservation and a rozrahunok vartosti tour with the improvement of individual and group discounts. Accounting distribution software allows you to automatically prepare all types of payment documents (receipts and cash orders, invoices and other). Complex "Samo-Tour" can be connected to the accounting program "Vіtrilo". Invisible part of whether it be a computer agent's program - dovіdkovі data bases. "Samo-Tour" carries about 20 different partners (customers, hotels, carriers, partner companies, embassies, etc.). In the "visit documents" mode, the complex allows you to automatically select standard forms - different lists of groups (for a tour, in an airline, on an excursion), vouchers, tour packages. ), and create your own necessary forms with the help of the generator. Even more important in the practical agency robot service functions of "Self-Tour": graphic statistics (for example, about the sale of that number of tours, the selection of information, what to click on for any criteria), keeping a system log, archiving data and others.

Registration of applications can be accelerated, as a way to win the propositions of tour operators, withdraw from the Internet. In this option, you can choose a tour package for filling out an application, according to the following criteria: date of the trip, category of the hotel, type of accommodation, term of the trip, tour operator, price. On the basis of the appointment of services, the payment card shows the total amount of the payment, statistics are kept on the payment of the payment (payment is allowed in stages). Depending on the deposited sumi, the skin protection is assigned a status, which is assigned to the set: “Closed”, “Paid” or “Unpaid”. Once the payment is made, you can arrange a Pributkovy order (Rakhunok), a Contract or a Voucher. The Danish complex allows you to form and correct applications for booking tours (hotels) to tour operators, as well as automatically accept booking confirmations.

The next step is the software of the first glance - "TurwinMultiPro". Її vikoristovuє, perhaps, the only travel company in the region of Kaliningrad - "Sinilga". The program was first presented by the computer company "Arimsoft" in 1995. From that hour, she went through a run-in in various Russian travel companies, both agency and tour operators. "Turwin MultiPro" provides functional capabilities, which allow you to quickly and effectively carry out a travel company, reacting to the fast change of drink and propositions, which allows you to achieve the best results in more than a short hour, less earlier. The value of Turwin MultiPro for travel companies is based on integration with the MS Office office software package, while the efficiency of the selection of personal computers from the local company is increasing in number of times.

The efficiency of the program lies in the fact that a person can easily access it independently and easily - TurWin chips work in the Windows environment - create new documents and outputs. Moreover, all documents that are being formed can be sent to a printer, a fax modem, or with one push of a button, they can be transferred for further processing in such programs as Word, Excel. A standard delivery has up to ten typical external documents. Okrim this, the program includes a cost-free distribution of three external documents for a purchase. "Turwin MultiPro" has a manual and native interface (on the standard Windows system), which allows you to easily understand the data you see and not even understand on a person's computer (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Fragment of the window of the Turwin MultiPro program

The main capabilities of "Turwin MultiPro" are offensive:

Possibility of creation of dovіdnikov for any segment of the tourism product;

Molding tours in one country and one country. Automatic molding of tour packages and other price lists. Formalized engagement. Flight and hotel booking control;

I am not obmezheno kіlkіst vvedenih dokumentіv. Vbudovaniya generator zvіtіv;

Suvoriy oblіk ruhu koshtіv, other main accounting documents (rahunki, rahunki-invoices, cash order, cash register and other);

Nadiyna work at the local area (the number of working places is not surrounded);

Organically selected in conjunction with programs that are included in the Microsoft Office suite.

The "Turwin MultiPro" program is one-hour є і merezhevoy and odnokoristuvatskoy. It is not enough to do it in some mode of access, open the data files and de stink physically rebuy (on some disk of the computer or on the disk of the server of the merezhі) and the program itself wins over the transfer of a single file or a file exchange of data. At the same time, the program does not lie in the number of computers at the edge.

It remains to be added that in this hour the Turwin MultiPro program is won over by its robots as great as the average Russian travel companies. Among them are "Lanta Tour", "Solvex", "Nita", "Aerotur", "Exotur", "BSI", "Mondo Type", "Concord Travel", "Surgug Intur", "CSTE-Intur" and . On the 3rd of spring 1997, the laboratory studies of the TurWin MultiPro program will be held for our students at the Russian International Academy of Tourism.

2.2. Link to the Internet in the field of tourism

Irrespective of those who are still skeptical about the Internet, the pluses of the all-world computer network are becoming more and more obvious. Ті російські туристичні агенції, які підключилися до інтернету, вже оцінили її інформаційні можливості (до них належать і калінінградські агенції), оскільки інтернет пропонує величезну кількість необхідної в роботі туристичних агенцій інформації - від адрес готелів та розкладів авіарейсів до візових та митних правил та пропозицій російських and foreign tour operators. Moreover, be it for obsyag - from price lists to whole catalogues. It is important that information on the Internet is available to correspondents - agencies or clients 24 years for work and 7 days for each day.

In an hour, if no one could let it go, that in 1961 people would go into space, that computers could work quickly, that three years of fate, up to a few seconds, that science and technology would stagnate on such a scale, like at once. In the meantime, in the most advanced countries, global investments have grown less, below 3%, while investments in the future have grown to 6-15% on the river. Tourism, being one of the sectors of the economy, de modern computer technology began to bring a great profit. All booking systems and reservations for hotels, air tickets, tickets for other transport services, cruises and other. In addition, Internet technologies allow tourist firms to save huge sums of money for fast airfare on international telephones and facsimiles.

For example, the cost of sending one side of the fax to Turechchini is close to 2.5 dollars. (varty 1 hvilin) ​​and 0.1 USD. - for the same side by E-mail. Another way to get a channel E-mail: take a mailed screenshot of an electronic mail for 5 dollars. for a month and receive an unrestricted amount of information for a fee of 1 (in Russia and CIS countries) up to 5 (in the whole world) cents per kilobyte. With the improvement of the registration rate (20 dollars) through the company "Relcom" the cards of a similar kind can be reduced more or less by 25 times, and in some cases, with a good organization of work and a good choice of the most suitable systems - by 100 times more.

From time to time in the world more and more travel agencies are using reservation systems, hotel reservations and air tickets. Such systems allow you to book a room in hotels of the whole world, to take the latest information about smart bookings, prices, discounts for the minimum hour without leaving the office. Previously, more than an hour and a half more money was spent on the stained glass. The Alean system is a project that has appeared on the Russian Internet, a vicarious global computer network, united travel agents, tour operators, as well as objects of accommodation in a single technological network, which allows you to freely book accommodations at accommodations : Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Podmoskov'ya, middle smuga of Russia.

The system is equipped with a manual informational per-shook system, which allows you to confirm whether the client is powered up in a few seconds. Changes in budinka vіdpochinku and boarding houses once made to the system. Information about the appearance of the area is updated automatically after skin armoring, which is especially important during the peak season. Agencies that enter the system are covered with the rest, fresh information, and not with a complete booklet. Participants of the Alean system do not need special expensive software, since it is based on standard Internet technologies. Another example is the Worldhotel system, which allows you to book hotels around the world, and the ABC Travel Center system, which can store information about the airline company, virtual agencies for the sale of tickets, laying out according to the schedule and metro schemes for various kinds of tourism, and the form of such a a lot of other things. Often in similar systems you can buy a ticket to burn, or an air ticket is 10-50% cheaper. Tse to bring to the point that now to build great, the rest of the time of the stasis and successful organizations to bring in the essence of changes in the philosophy of the long-term planning.

As already mentioned earlier, Kaliningrad travel agencies are widely represented on the Internet. Dozens of companies have been registered with various regional Internet directories. On aphids quiet firms, scho less registration and may, ring out, no more than an electronic mail, you can clearly see that the site is in power. It was already suggested: “Russian Baltic Tour” (, tourist agency “Peak Year” ( (div. Fig. 2), agency “ Brizen (, Ariola agency (, Mik-Avia agency (http://www.mik-avia .ru), agency "Baltma Tours" (, agency "Alvis" (, agency "Aturi" (http://www. and a number of others.

Figure 2. Fragment of the website of the Godina Pik agency

Varto signify, just as earlier, literally once or twice a business site in the Kaliningrad segment of the Internet - being one or two sides of an earthy color, promoted brands, but also competently developed - representative electronic business cards. It is obvious that the major travel agencies do not reach the level of recognition of the leaders, let's say, the pioneer in the country, the company, the turnover of which, as it turns out, is the growth of millions of dollars in 1996, up to 12 billion dollars. until 2002, as it was widely known by its Web site for serving businessmen. I team is not less. Moreover, the services of on-line Kaliningrad travel agencies can be requested at once. In the first place, on their site, there is hope for a variety of information about the promotion of the tour, as well as about the sound. "hot trips", which is often added for the price. I, in a different way, are the sites for the implementation of the elements of interactivity, that is. a two-way call, if a potential tourist, having filled in the electronic form, submits an application to the address of the company for the transfer of more expensive (Fig. 3).

Figure 3. Fragment of the website of the agency "Aturi"

Are you wondering what kind of people do they use to visit tourist sites? Whether a travel company that has its own website, would like to have people become travel agents or potential tourists. But it’s not so easy to wake them up, who are celebrating on the All-World’s Web. Tim is more for the quiet, who manages on individual and business trips, smut - not prices, but the quality of service. As you can see, the very struggle between the various agencies is guilty of turning into a pragmatic attack on the Internet technologies. Clients and managers of such agencies are the main rank and “walk” on tourist sites, the rest of Russian business people are unlikely to put their credit card on the Internet today. And to that, having seen the information from the site, then they go to the same tourist agency, to live on solid ground.

2.3. The concept of promotion of information technologies in the development of tourism

In light of the slow scientific and technological progress, the trace of recognition, that the world of modern business has changed the flooring completely, that the organization, the creation for work in large minds, cannot be attached to the new, polished, not fully structured principles of that work. Himself in this context should interpret the understanding "reengineering" business, it is regarded as “a fundamental re-education and a radical re-design of the business process in order to achieve the fundamental advantages of today’s leading indicators of activity, such as vartist, akist, services and swedkist. Information technologies, those that give real opportunity reengineering that otrimannya vagomih competitive advantages.

It is obvious that despite the potential of technologies for changing the business processes of a company, and the fact that a real outperforming of competitors is not a one-time effort. Потрібні прагматичний погляд і творче мислення, щоб розглянути потенційні можливості технології, яка спочатку може бути не має очевидного застосування в операціях компанії, або побачити, крім очевидних, також новаторські сфери застосування інформаційної технології Якщо компанії (з Калінінграда, Твері або Москви) хочуть досягати успіху in the era of post-technological changes, it is necessary for them to look at building up to the age of information technology as one of the key skills.

The development of information technologies will require serious investments, as it is necessary to win to achieve strategic goals, to evaluate and control the spending, to focus on the methods of increasing the efficiency of winning. It is impossible to give general recommendations for a specific skin drive. It is also important to understand the global methodology, philosophy, and, in a special way, turning around in the skin-specific business, to allow the development of information technology that is unique, what it gives - leadership in the world markets. The technology is not the All -time PID, to the same way, the non -LICHIC is an ECTIVITITISH ROBOTIS INFORTACHICH systems: Orihantatzi on the Kinsevich Vlaznikiv, the Self -Standing of the Load of Applied Programs, the transfer of their own resource of the compans.

Strategic meta-information technologies - to allow the management of the organization to respond to the dynamics of the market, create, promote and destroy competitive advantage. Vikonannya tsgogo zavdannya vimagaє pobudovi information technology systems, which may be offensive attributes: a) maximum accessibility - skin people can take access to IT resources at any hour of that day; b) whether any information object can be available at one hour rich; c) maneuverability of add-ons - a necessary transition to a mesh architecture, which will lead to serious zeniths in the organization and work of IT companies.

The tourism industry is one of the biggest supporters of telecommunication technologies, and may in its order one of the largest high-quality computer equipment in the business world. Chastkovo tse viplyaє s іnformatsії, yak vikoristovuєtsya in the industry more expensive. In the first place, this information is more sensitive up to an hour; On the other hand, information about tourist products may be available at any time from different points in many places. Thirdly, the tourist product is made up of a large number of warehouses - transport, accommodation, rozvazhy - yakі also require a quick delivery of information for coordinating their delivery.

The largest and most important information systems in the industry are more expensive - GDS backup computer systems). They will provide access to information at a more expensive rate and reservations for most sectors of the industry, including accommodation, cruises, transport, tours, currency exchange and travel. At GDS, hotel reservation systems and car rentals cannot be used travel agent without the middle, but only indirectly through the computer system of the air reservation system or by phone. Marketing of the services of a travel agency is ensured every hour of the use of the telemarketing system. For work with the operational aspects of the business, tourist companies should install office support systems. Electronic measures, zokrema Internet, Nina give as a possibility to receive information about tourist products, and also carry out reservations on airlines, hotels only.

Undoubtedly, the expansion of information technologies in tourism is to be found in low-advantage sociocultural, economic and political factors. By themselves, information technologies are impossible to create "new combinations" of tourist services. Only new technologies from low social, institutional, sociopolitical that cultural factors were created to create new combinations of goods and services, methods, and markets. Vykoristannya telecommunication merezh and more and more friendly interfaces are attached to the fact that computer systems become accessible without intermediary mandrivnikov. Wow, if the system zastosovuetsya correctly, IT provide a high level of service, thereby satisfying the help of customers with the greater world. However, it is necessary to keep up the singing zealousness between high technology and special respect.

Considering the role of information technologies in the field of regional tourism, we should remember that the development of the development of tourism and the plan for the development of tourism is to give support for such food:

1) how to evaluate the country of the tourist sphere and the main problems and development;

2) as the main direct tourism is most likely to serve the interests of the region, where the most efficient investment of pennies;

The development of the tourism industry will lead to a decrease in the unemployment rate in the region, a significant increase in income to public budgets, and improvement of the territory. Однак розвиток тури в регіонах Російської Федерації (і зокрема Калінінградської області) утруднюється поганим станом туристської інфраструктури, відсутністю ціл спрямованої політики, соціально-економічної нестабільністю, тим більше що майбутнє запровадження візового режиму з боку найближчих сусідів не додає популярності. Existing problems of information security for the tourist business on the regional level can be victorious in the planning and management of tourism (TIS) and geographic information systems (GIS). One of models budovy tourist-information system in Kaliningrad could rely on the availability of information security in the city. These include the presence of various tourist servers at the international border Internet (they could have acted, for example"Tourism near Kaliningrad" ( or "Kaliningrad on-line" (; high level of computerization of tourist companies of the place; telecommunications capabilities, proponing the Russian market of computer services. The main tasks, if possible, the system has been proponated,

Providing detailed and up-to-date information on the widest range of topics;

Giving small tourist organizations the opportunity to cheaply and effectively put their services and propositions on the market

Provide an inexpensive way for any organization to disseminate information through electronic media;

Proposition of an alternative marketing system and channels for expanding information;

Creation of an economic system for sale in an electronic form of tourist services.

The analysis of international information about the creation and functioning of tourist and geographic information systems shows that these systems can be used as, of their kind, a statistical package - an indispensable tool for the tourist business in the region when planning and marketing. Moreover, ТІС and ГІС є nadіynoy basis for decisions that are accepted on the sovereign and regional levels, for the acquisition of sovereign and unicipal investments and private capital in the development of tourism.

Practically the same visibility Russian The Federation of Statistics at the regional and local level facilitates the development of plans for regional planning for the development of tourism. A strong information and analytical service, like in Yaroslavl and Nizhny Novgorod regions, can help not only in the collection of the analysis of the necessary information, but also in the formation of its own regional information and advertising product.

Іsnuyut nіvnі problems on the path of adaptation to podіbnih іnformatsiynih systems, such as opіr to new technologies, high vitrati on provodzhennya, unnecessarily, marriage of trained personnel and іn. During the transition of systems and scientific laboratories to the practical world, they blame the problems of technology and the search for potential candidates. Tim is no less, these systems are successfully functioning in some western lands, and already the first few steps have been smashed on the road of the current stagnation in planned tourism in Russia.

Oskіlki Russia has become a full participant in the world market of information technologies, so in any project you can win the whole range of obvious projects in the world, and there will be less variety of other products. ModelТІС has addressed a number of problems related to the lack of information about Kaliningrad on the international tourism market, as well as to give middle and red tourist enterprises the opportunity to cheaply and effectively sell their services and propositions to the market. The TIC model and the project implementation scheme can serve as the basis for the development of an information center for tourism in Kaliningrad. Tools for linking marketing material and linking to TIS could be used for other purposes, such as managing archives and setting up a local link in organizations of the tourism industry.

As an organic part of the promotion of TIS in the region, we looked at the development of proposals for the provision of standard tools and technologies by travel companies, based on an analysis of the Russian market of computer services. The relative characteristics of computer systems show that the retailers of applied software recognize the fact of the heterogeneity of the Russian tourist market and, also, the reason for the different needs of the organization of the industry is more expensive

Most tourist firms are already equipped with computers, which usually work offline. With the gradual development of a single regional information measure in tourism, one of the intermediate steps can become modem zv'yazki mizh raznimi and participants in the project. An analysis of the Russian market of information technologies in the tourism industry shows that it is possible to automate various aspects internal office operations, as well as the creation of local counting networks and systems in the distance reservation.

Promoting a new strategic approach to the formation of a tourist product, which is characterized by greater flexibility and comfort for a calmer, is significantly more advanced. Direct sales of tourist services for the helper, characterized, firstly, by the hour, in a different way, by the independence of the air travel agent and thirdly, it is possible to equalize proponed servants for the price of that kindness. For post-employees, the privilege of direct sale of services, without travel agentsі tour operators, polagaє at the lowered operating costs, povyazanyh zbutom tourist product. tour operators to give tourist products, which are formed from a number of types of services: accommodation in a hotel, flight, car rental. All the same, you can come without intermediary to post-employee services - airlines, hotels, car rental companies. Basic value, yaku tour operator Sounds add to the number of services, it consists of advancing components:

Electronic media is an important channel for the transmission of information, which more and more organizations are considering. Prote tourist enterprises, as before, are far from being able to win victorious, as they propagate electronic barriers to the control of traditional tourist information systems ( GDS), Electronic measures are already available to all categories of travel agencies and tourist organizations, mind you, that stench may be at your disposal. Divide on the tourist market into two phases, depending on the process of making a decision, the phase before making a decision, that phase after the decision is made. Traditional backup systems give information to the deaco, necessary at the first stage, however, it is understood that the electronic barriers can support offending phases. The information that a tourist needs at the stage before the decision is praised can be subdivided into static and dynamic.

Static information, ce:

General information about transfers to the transfer area. geography, history, transport, too;

News (near the country, regions, cities); the presence of a place; the political situation is thin;

Special propositions (“hot tours »);

- "cascading propositions";

Detailed information about individual power.

The stagnation of electronic media can be brought closer to the proposition, safe and cheap, organizations, two-way, direct and independent information channel. Examined more stocks demonstrate the ability of international measures Internet the hour of planning is more expensive. None of the majority of tourist information, which is supplied in electronic form, is static. For some reason, tourist companies that win the Internet in their business cannot yet make profits from the essential advantages of electronic networks. That is why it is necessary to say a lot about the fact that in the period before the adoption of the decision, the dynamic part of the information about the place of the transferred vine is very important for the mandrill.

For the development of tourism in the Kaliningrad region, the implementation of all yogo social and economic functions, the transformation into a reference and industry, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of activity and interproductivity of all tourists One of the benefits of achieving it is the informatization of the market of tourist services on the basis of telecommunication and computer systems, similar to vicorists in the country. However, the main sense of what has been said above is not in the demonstration of all the advantages and possibilities of the basic information technologies in tourism. The real power of information technologies is not in the fact that they allow the old business process to function more quickly, but in the fact that they allow the organization to create new ways of working, and play an important role in improving the efficiency of competitiveness. Kaliningrad tourist firms, in their work, do not only contact foreign information technologies, but also take into account the dynamics of market changes and introduce new information systems into their activities. constant and growing superiority over its competitors.

It’s worth remembering that, in general, the scientists of Kaliningrad tourist companies are looking at different sources of new information (computer technologies). Dehto zastorіgaє, scho under the influx of programmers, managers often blindly believe in the omnipotence of global information systems, like nіbito automatically provide the necessary data for making decisions in the management room. In addition, it is confirmed that the computer can provide more accurate steps to the process of seeing these data to make managerial decisions. Crazy, a skin company will need information systems, but managers need to rely on their mind, healthy mind and logic, to know a lot of things that every day's computer will not be able to help them. Even if only then, they can react to changes in the external and internal environment of the company and make appropriate decisions.

Chapter 3

Exit data:

Tourist agency "Pivnіchniy vіter" ("North wind") is a company of average prosperity, as it sells inexpensive tours to the kraїn of Europe, and in addition organizes the reception of foreign tourists in the territory of the Kaliningrad region. Safe accommodation at the hotels of the Kaliningrad metropolitan area and the region, as well as bus excursions on the territory of the Kaliningrad region.

The creation of its website (representative office at the Internet) is connected to the territory of the Kaliningrad region, partly Russian, and more importantly, foreign tourists (zokrema of the inhabitants of Nimechchin). Wimogi to the future website: easy search for the Internet, information, interactivity. Acceptable price to support the resource.

3.1. Select domain name and name

The domain name that is remembered, easily seen, that is included in the tourist activity plays an important role in promoting the tourist agency in the Internet. As our future website has a short name, it is easy to navigate, a potential client can easily guess it, having turned the Internet address on the visitor or on the billboard. This address can be easily dictated by phone. seeing the site that you are interested in, find it in a day, easily guess the address and recommend it to your friends. And so far. It's not easy, singsongly, remember and the axis is richer. Tim more, you can type in the navigator row. Yogo important forget chi type wrong.

Entering the address of the website with the name of the company allows you to add an addendum to the listing of the name (brand) of our company on the Internet. If you already know our company a little bit, then first, you need to know the site when you try to know the site - dial abo English native speakers), or Russians) although today it is not so clear. It's bad, as such a domain will not be registered by anyone, even worse, as it will be allowed by competitors such as the rulers of the porn server. Bazhano, as if it is allowed, to register a copy of domain names that match the name of the company.

The shoulder butt is the history of the server of the largest automobile company General Motors. At the very beginning of the formation of the WWW company, it was registered such that it is easy to move and remember But I wonder how great a company that could afford to register a hundred domain names, could not appropriate the obvious -, like it was arbitrarily captured by an American student. And those who are staying there, even far away from cars, are called: Welcome to Freedom Links! At the same time, GM has such an alternative: pay a tidy sum to a student or pay a court order to turn in your name. Narazі side diyshli sing domovlennosti. Three sides of will be transferred to in just a few hours, otherwise the situation can be easily lost.

A short and a lot of Internet addresses mark the image and solidity of our agency, as a reminder that our company is famous, that for a long time it has been successfully engaged in tourism activities, it may be solid, but at the same time our web address, then the potential buyer will think ten times and bring a report to him, how to tell whether to cooperate with such an agency or just call your phone number. The presence of a high domain name on the site is often interpreted by the servers as a marriage with the owner of the money for registration, or as a non-serious return to the business. Addresses that are seen by services of cost-free hosting, can significantly change the address of the server's name.

Paid hosting, on which we plan to host a website, rob our agency of an independent provider and protect investments from the website. By registering the domain name, you will be able to open the mail server and assign the skin address to the mail address type - postal addresses are informative and easy to forget. Krim tsgogo, є possibility to assign a low service address, type [email protected] im' , [email protected] im' and etc.

It has already been said about those who can be easily remembered by them; - buti finish short; - but we forgive the writing, so that pardons of the koristuvachs will be lost when you set it; - Easy to move; - Emphasize or name our company, or identify the scope of your activity, the main product or service, etc. Understandably, it is often impossible to see everything, so you can rely on those criteria, which will be the most important in a particular case, or register a bunch of names for the server.

Since our business is transferring, if we are responsible for making contacts for any contacts, then the most promising option for registering our website in the international zone. On the other hand, registration in the will once again give an understanding to the geographical linkage of our business. The server from will be indexed without interruption by Russian search engines. Also, the fortune-telling website was supposed to be registered in two zones - Russian. ru - international. com. It's too expensive for a middle-class company.

In the Russian segment of the Internet, domain names are formed using one of these methods. First, name the server companies with English letters. Zvichayno, bazhano, so that the name can be written in an English unambiguous rank. If the name of the company is foldable and old, as it is ambiguously conveyed by English letters, then additionally register an abbreviated name (want for an average income company, it is neobov'yazkovo). For example, the domain of the travel agency "Pivnichniy vіter" can look like this or (Fig. 4).

Figure 4. An example of an address in the Internet agency "Pivnichniy Veter"

In a different way - the English name of the subject is understandable, connected with the activity of the company and the directing of the Internet project. In this way, it is important to vikoristovuvaty to do simple and often learned English words. For example, the addresses of our agency www. n without a pardon, dial it practical whether it is a Russian coristuvach merezhі. At the same hour, a koristuvach, who already forgot a little English during school hours, might not realize that the siteє a jewelry server, and it’s impossible for the first time to correctly type the address in the browser, having heard the name on the phone.

3.2. Information and navigation

The information posted on our website can be divided into two groups. First of all, it is essential advertising information about the places of the Kaliningrad region, without intermediary about the city of Kaliningrad, the places-resorts of Zelenogradsk, Svitlogorsk, etc. that allows potential guests of the place to receive information about the place as a whole, their distribution, see the place, transport, check the weather, ensure the safety of repair; the other way, special additional information about the tourist agency "Pivnichny wind"

General information includes:

Good weather near Kaliningrad, Zelenogradsk, Svitlogorsk (temperature change, water near the sea);

See the city of Kaliningrad, Svіtlogirsk, Zelenogradsk;

Museums, exhibitions and concert halls;

excursion routes;

Cultural program for the day (month);

Conducting conferences, symposiums, fairs;

Transport (layout of the traffic of trains, planes, buses from the air terminals and air terminals) is too thin.

Special supporting information includes:

Information about the agency

Miscellaneous agency;

A lot of servants who rely on the agency too much.

Vіd obyagu and segmentation of information on the site to lay a vibіr navіgаtsії. The most important thing to the navigation system is the fact that it was intuitively sensible for koristuvachs with any level of training. It’s not only your fault to let the koristuvachevi shvidko know yourself that it’s necessary for you and once to give a statement about what the site is made of and what you can know here. Іsnuє tsіliy nabіr navіgаtsі ії. It is respected in a good tone of the mother on the site to see a lot of different types of navigation tools, which duplicate one of the other, the leather will be more efficient for the singing stake of coristuvachs, and for different types I will ask on the server. Among the basic language elements of the navigation system, before the project site of the tourist agency "Pivnichny wind" will be included:

Menu- a list of the main divisions of the site (maybe under the submenu, which are being opened), roztashovuetsya on the main or in the list on all sides of the site;

dropdown list- the menu cannot be precise, all of them are divided into the visibility zone, but even more compact;

Site map- The most important, in my opinion, tool - a special storіlena on the server, which avenges the entire structure of the site;

Poshukov machine on the server- It is necessary for the arch of great sites with a folding structure, but in our case it does not show up. Shukaє documents, yakі mіstjat introduced koristuvachy key words or virazi.

The website will be based on the HTML format (hypertextual text description of documents) with PHP 4.0 programming elements for interactive forms, enhanced data, guest books, as well as forum and graphical (images in Gif, Jpeg, Png) format, and textual information. The sides sing with gusto, artistically gracious design, without frivolity and without strictness. The site of the company Deol (Fig. 5) can be used as an example for succession.

Figure 5. Fragment of the main page of the Deol agency

Another example of a successful development of design and functionality can be the site of the tourist agency "RiodelSol" (Fig. 6).

Figure 6. Fragment of the main page of the agency " Rio del Sol"

3.3. View the website

The sources of finance for the website will be the repayment of income, a travel agency, and the withdrawal of all daily activities.

Table of vouchers for the creation and support of the website (disposable vitrats):

Table of vouchers for the creation and support of the website (disposable vitrats):


From a glance of technical achievements, the computer revolution in the sphere of the tourist business of Russia turned everything around. Looking at the economic costs of using computer technologies, it should be noted that the company sees different prices on the target. Prote, mayzhe skin is different, from the experience of twenty-three managers of travel agencies in Kaliningrad, he sneered at the supply: like a scrip was stained at the top of the security program. It is obvious that the success of zastosuvanni computer technologies is not related unequivocally to the equal impact on them. Deyakі companies vvazhayut so vitrati untrue; otherwise, navpaki, roar the great vitrati, vikoristovuyuchi robots new software security.

The results of the experiment showed that, at a glance, computerization may be faced by all companies with real difficulties. Most agencies have already successfully computerized the main part of their routine business management and the form of accounting management. A lot of clerks of travel agencies say that computers have stuck on the key business of the company. A lot of companies pushed their way to the computerization of technological operations. As a butt we sent to the company "Baltma Tours", which wins a software product for travel agencies, which is called "SAMO Travel Agent". The price of the most important computer programs of this type is the management of the activities of the tourist agency or the management of the tourist agency. The program is necessary as the most important tool for organizing and managing work with clients and partners of the company, as well as for collecting statistical and analytical data on the activity of a travel company. For an hour of work with the program, you can win the following modes:

- Work with the client: selection of the tour from the list of “service packages”, selection and calculation of an individual tour for the client, reservation of the package of services, packing and maintenance of contracts and additional documents, statistics of payments by the client.

- Work with partners: purchase of services - hotels, airline companies, too; automatic molding of price lists of firms according to the contract with the post-employees; a system for selling a “package of services” to agent firms; preparation of standard and individual "service packages" for the skin partner, control over the application and payment for agents; vykoristannya kіlkoh methods pіd hour rozrahunkіv (advance payment, payment after the fact only).

- Description: routes, hotels, that the servants are hopeful.

- Maintaining company databases: the latest form of information about partners and clients (questionnaires, contracts, tourist applications, details of partners, etc.).

- Tours calculation: carried out with the improvement of the necessary nuances (seasonal reductions, surcharges, special minds, etc.).

- A selection of analytical reviews about the company's work: zapovnyuvanіst and pributkovіst flights, straight ahead; zagalna pributkovist work of the company.

It is obvious that the need to keep up with the hour is on the verge of kerіvnitstvo of travel companies nabuvat new software, thereby zbіlshyuyuchi іnvestitsії іn kom'yuterizatsіyu. What is wrong with you? Looking at the latest development of computerization, it is possible to confirm that the main meta is the rapidity of arrogant and administrative vitrates. However, for most companies, this was the result of a change in income. Many scientists began to realize that the hour has come to change the strategy for the promotion of computers. "How can I continue to invest in computer projects if I don't make a profit from the rest of the innovations?" - ask a lot of ker_vnik_v tourist companies.

If it is said, it becomes a little clearer, to show that a typical financial plan, as a rule, covers the main part of the cost of computer consumption, but the organizational structure, the staffing of the payroll for computer personnel is significantly different from different companies, then try the form Criteria for the inclusion of computerization in the company, building to lead to inefficient results. That number of losses, as a specific company has seen on a variety of computer systems, will not be revealed by the way of averaging statistical data or articles from companies that compete. Obsjag koshtіv mozhe buti vzaneniya s urakhuvannya s situatsiї, strategy and resources of the company, including depth and richness of її dosvidu at the gallery of computerization.

For tourist enterprises, the Russian market needs to achieve a constant value for rozpodil vitrate. Approximately 35% of exposed computer windows are stained; 30 - to pay staff; 15 - for the adaptation of software and yoga support in the workplace. 20%, which is lost, is spent on the development of new software and on training the staff to work with it. These costs are subject to operational control from the side of managers. Having invested in the company's future greatness: in fact, they have the key to strategic success and failure in the computerization hall. As a matter of fact, the kerіvniki do not see the value of the cost of the statute and understand the nature of the resources, what they stink to invest, the development of computerization is nothing to clear the mother of clear goals and the position of the company above the market will be easily infuriating.

To be more specific, the problem of managing the computerization process is in that it looks like it won’t stand before the kerivans of tourist companies today, rather than choosing the right choice for direct development, lower estimates of streaming efficiency. The key food can not be “how can we fix it now?”, But “when will we come to the future?”. Previously, the progress of the computerization of the interiors in the main improvement of the accounting appearance, and for the maintenance of firms, it was given, there was not a little sense of turbulence for oneself with the development of software computer security especially for tourist activities. As if the worker had worked out his task, then no one beyond the borders of yoga was caught by him, as if he had coped with the work. Now, if the process of introducing computer technologies into accounting has long been completed, nutrition has become especially relevant - “what did you do?”. Many of the proposed alternatives are given to be made foldable and expensive, in order to deserve the praise of the kerіvnikіv, to the fact that their effectiveness is overwhelmed by the unknown. There are no real guarantees of profits, or proving that you are encouraged to come in with the best infections. In my opinion, cer_vnitstvu zhorstvo zhorstvo put nutrition schodo be-like propositions schodo razvitie that provadzhennya computer systems, shards of it carried evidence for the adoption of the residual decision, building dokorinno change the future company.

Computer technologies have achieved a high rate of development over the last few years. The type of computer, which stands apart, moves to the folding of corporate measures, which reflects a major trend. All more hostile (from a technical point of view) projects are presented to the company's management staff. Moreover, special respect is given to the programs of their promotion, as if to avenge three good meals. From the technical point of view, how is it possible to invest in this project within the framework of available technologies and state-owned technical resources? From the economic point of view - how will the project be announced? And from a glance of operational capacity, - if the system is successfully disassembled, how can it be effectively broken, and why do managers stop the system in their activity, or else they can ignore the stench and try to resist it?

At the moment of proposition of the project, few people can give a residual opinion on the number of key power supplies, especially in the case of the transitions, if there is a need for the implementation of especially complex and ambitious computerization plans. That is why there is a constant assessment of the efficiency of technical and economic risks, as well as the efficiency of winding, which plays a great role in supporting the project on the river level. An important factor is forward analysis, which can save cost savings in case of incorrect use of scarce computer resources. In fact, the best argument to praise the decision and those who, with additional computer technology, can provide the necessary infusion of vitrati, at the same time, can be realistically assessed by less than such scientists, as if they understand, like politics and how to inject the result.

The main problems, which are examined by the ninth managers, occupied by computers, goiters to their past. However, today the situation is strongly disturbed: the spheres of computer congestion have become complex, and influx of them on different levels of activity has grown at the same time with the increase in the pace of computer progress. However, a lot of kerіvnіkіv nekhtuyut vlasnoy vіdpovidalnіstyu for kerіvnitstvo development of computerization. Today more than 50% of Russian tourist companies have not developed a comprehensive computerization plan. And a lot of companies (to develop such a plan) did not designate adequate short-line goals, for which it would be possible to evaluate the progress of other computer projects.

It's no secret that computerization has radically changed the development of companies. With the right zastosuvanni tekhnologii, the productivity of the workers is increased, and the profit of the firm is added. It has been established that the cooperation between managers and professional programmers is becoming a real incentive for the promotion of new flagship programs. Specialists of the Kaliningrad travel company "REM K" once realized that computers can help forecast sales and set forward schedules for reducing vitrates per cob of the skin season. Such computer forecasts have shown themselves from the best side and now they are being insured by the company for the development of plans in their activities. The company "Partner Tour" computerized the zoning system by downloading the program TourOfficePro. On the thought of kerіvnitstva, for the help of a computer, the data are more beautiful and quicker, and they are analyzed.

Programmers and managers have made a contribution to the development of advanced computer systems. For the tips of program managers, they began to make it possible to create such systems themselves only with the help of graphic editors. It is necessary to note that a lot of tourist firms are rooted in a centralized system of processing and saving data, as well as a system of planning and control in the economic policy, which is becoming more and more complicated. With the failure of such systems, the amount of data collected on jobs changes and the level of productivity of work increases. For example, the company "Vismant" coordinates its activities with the branches of the country, in order to confirm the instructions, transfer the necessary data directly to the central computer.

The skin company is guilty of victorious work with its robotic computer software. And if so, it is necessary to take care that the skin company can control the development strategy, the management system, etc. Therefore, the software security can take care of the improvement of the company's specific factors. Well, there is nothing wonderful about anyone, that a computer system that is unacceptable to one company, can be effectively won by another. A lot of companies are able to win computer solutions through simulation models.

Computer methods have demonstrated the same value in the analysis of investment risk. Analysis of risks, becoming more accurate than computers, dovіv importance of evaluation of strategic plans for additional simulation models. In order to gain more computer potential, more kerivniki in tourist organizations, you need to supplement the staff of managers with specialists - programmers. Without a doubt, if the computer's ability to fall asleep is needed by the great state. And if the computer is able to evaluate the strategic ability to make a decision - it’s impossible. The most important official at his own є hnuchkіst attaching computer systems to the needs of management.

Practice shows that the creation of various computer information systems can turn into significant profits for companies, inspire high investment in experiments. Ale didn’t follow the program into your management system, without first mentioning all the factors, including the degree of training and retraining of personnel, or the assessment of the risk level when innovations in the areas are demonstrating the most effective software security that is being developed.

As it was designated, the electronic media is an important transmission channel, which is what more organizations think about. Prote tourist enterprises, like before, are far from being vicarious enough to be able to propagate the electronic mesh. In front of traditional tourist information systems (GDS), electronic measures are already available to all categories of tourists and tourist organizations. The stagnation of electronic media can be brought closer to the proposition, safe and cheap, organizations, two-way, direct and independent information channel. Linking to this website is insanely demanding as the most important marketing tool. In the light of competent implementation of the successful business of the tourist organization, which is developing, in the implementation of on-line and off-line advertising visits. Otherwise, it seems that you can earn money more urgently.

It is obvious that the success of the website of the travel agency, and in the final analysis of the agency itself, is indebted to rich minds. On the Internet, as in any other way of mass media, it is important to make the most of the respect of koristuvachivs, the shards on the same click of the mouse are found in other sites and similar subjects, or sites of competitors. Already, on the main side, the coristuvach is guilty of understanding that the website and what will be cicavi / coryst. Right there, on the main page, there were announcements of new products, information about new products and marketing programs. Similar information will be useful for repeated chi post novіduvachіv: as soon as it's new, it's a good incentive to turn to the site again. Before that, such mobility is an indicator of the dynamic development of the company and the site.

Due to the lack of respect, in Merezh, a pyramidal structure of information is often practiced: on the back of the smut, below - details. The line of news is also formed from the heading and the short announcement - like a click, click on the message "details" and read the new text. Bazhano breaks down information into small portions. Few people read other files on the screen. At the same time, the "version for a friend" is recommended to work with a "normal" size, and not crush it into small pieces. We are even more important to oblige the sides. You cannot afford to spend more money on someone who could not reach the site. Bazhano does not work for a large side larger than 70 kilobytes; Don't be annoyed by graphics and other elements that make a great promise. And the graphics that win can be optimized as much as possible.

Okremo wants to increase the possibility of personalization of content. For additional help, personalization of the coristuvach can form the warehouse and the form of submission of this information on that other site, include only the cіkavі yoma of the news, take the price of the news from the handy for the new design. On the site's spryynyatya zagal, as well as without intermediary information placed on the new one, the design is signifi- cantly incorporated into the Internet resource. The design is guilty of organically supplementing and illustrating the global concept. It is based on low design principles, which make it easy to receive information on the website and allow emphasizing respect for these parts.

It is obvious that the presence of a powerful website allows a travel agency to get close to the final purchase, and even more so for an agency that is oriented to the foreign market, in a way, as it seems, computer traffic is similar to the vicariance in Russia of a kulkovo ї. I respect that all the fortune-tellings become of irreversible interest not only for the few tourist organizations that are sold near Kaliningrad, and far beyond the borders. The concept of sustenance of information technologies in tourism has been proposed, with a strong interest, it is possible to objectively contribute to the development of a tourist gallery in the region of Kaliningrad, to promote the privatization of tourism in the Russian resorts of the Baltic region of Kaliningrad.

List of victorious literature

1. Bistryantsev S. Kuznetsova G. Information technologies in advertising a tourist product // Competition of the market. 2002. No. 2 (13)

2. Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism. - SPb., 1999.

4. Introduction to the information business. Heading help for ed. V.P. Tikhomirova, A.V. Khoroshilov. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1996.

5. Gulyaev VG New information technologies in tourism. Head helper. - M.: PRIOR, 1999.

7. Quarterly V.A. Strategic management in tourism. Today's dosvіd keruvannya. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2000.

8. Quarterly V.A. Tourism. Prudruchnik - M.: Financial statistics, 2000.

9. Kravchenko V.F. that in. Organizational engineering. - M.: PRIOR, 1999.

10. Kol O. Information as a real choice resource// Newspaper for mandrivniks. 2002. worm.

11. Kotler F., Bowen J., Makenz J. Marketing. Hospitality and tourism: Uch. for universities / Per. from English for red. R. B. Nizdrevy. - M.: UNITI, 1998.

12. Marinin M.M. Galuz of the sovereign vaga // Economics of life. 1996. No. 50.

13. Puzakova E.P., Chestnikova V.A. International tourism business. - M.: Expert bureau, 1997.

14. Rodigin L.A. Information technologies in hotel and tourism business. - M.: RMAT, 1999. - 138 p.

16. Shirokova G.V. Problems of information security of regional planning for the development of tourism. /Actual problems of development of tourism at the current stage: Abstracts of dopovіdey and presentations of another scientifically practical conference. - SP6GU. 1998.

17. Shirokova G.V. Tourist business Internet./ Investment policy of Russia in modern minds: Abstracts of additional reports and speeches of the All-Russian Scientific Conference. - SP6GU 1997.

18. Shirokova G.V. Vykoristannya merezhi Internet is more expensive for industry // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Series Economy 1997. No. 26.

19. Shirokova G.V. Information technologies in tourism business management / / Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Series Economy 1995. No. 19

20. Walker J. R. Introduction to the hotel. - M., 1999.

21. Filippova T. Nothing to bring such income, as sales are hostile // Business people. 1996. No. 3 (64)

22. Fityimmons J. A, Strategic Role of Information in Services / Perspectives in Operations Management: Sketches in Honor of Elwood S. Boofa, R. V. Sarin (ed.) KluwerAcademicPublishers. norwell. Mass., 1993.

23. Hammer H., Champy 3. Reengineering the corporation: A manifesto for business revolution // Harper Business. 1993.

24. Chebotar Yu.M. Tourism business: A practical guide for travel companies and their clients. - M.: MDK, 1997.

25. Economics of daily tourism / For red. d.e.s. G.A. Koropovy. - M.: Gerda, 1998.

Div Kvartalnov V.A. Tourism. Prudruchnik - M.: Finance and statistics., 2000. S. 18

Div. Bistryantsev S. Kuznetsova G. Information technologies in the advertising of a tourist product // Competition of the market. 2002. No. 2 (13)

For the data of Internet services ( and (

Hammer H., Champy 3. Reengineering the corporation: A manifesto for business revolution // Harper Business. 1993. P. 32.

Div Shirokova G.V. Problems of information security of regional development planning. / Actual problems of development of tourism at the current stage: Abstracts of additional reports and presentations of another scientific and practical conference. SP6GU. 1998, p. 18

Div Shirokova G.V. Problems of information security of regional development planning. ..FROM. 21

Div Shirokova G.V. Vykoristannya merezhi Internet at a higher cost for industry // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University, Seriya Ekonomika. 1997. No. 26.

Div Economics of modern tourism / For red. d.e.s. G.A. Koropovy. - M.: Gerda, 1998. S. 83

  • Getalenko Ganna Ivanivna, bachelor, student
  • Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky

In this article, we can see the nutrition of the current research of information technologies in theory and practice of tourism. In this article, it is shown that the specificity of the use of information technologies in skin depression has been shown. The authors of the main research papers have carefully studied the development of information technologies for lighting purposes, as well as the practice of training specialists in the field of tourism, an analysis of the quality of information, as well as the transition to distribution and availability to re-production.

  • Analysis of methods for assessing the financial stability of an organization
  • Analysis of the structure of assets and liabilities of JSC "Avtogradbank"
  • Analysis of the banking sector of Russia in the period from 2016 to 2018
  • Evaluation of the financial status of the enterprise (on the butt of PAT DK "Yalta-Intourist")

Metoyu Works є development of propositions for the management of tourist organizations on the choice of various information and computer systems in the field of tourism, filling in the gaps in scientific research and given problems in the field of science. Achievement was appointed for the purpose of health promotion based on the development and analysis of specific information technologies, the main trends in the development of the tourism business and the impact of IT on the effectiveness of the activities of the organization.

Information - ce adventitious decision on the generalized data. Information is only available for a specific (request) koristuvach. In such a rank, as if there is no coristuvacha, there is no information.

The system is a great number of systems, connected with each other, which function to reach the singing goal.

The meta system is the reason why it is happening.

Information system - the cost of recruiting software and hardware tools, information resources, management personnel, to create information processes for the preparation of solutions.

Information technology - the sequence of procedures and operations is set on the back of the head, which automatically counts over the head of the tribute.

Information technologies are made up of technological procedures and operations that are dependent on the designation of sequence. Typical operations are collection, registration, transfer, accumulation and processing of data.

Meta information technologies - the choice of information, in the analysis of which people will make a decision for vikonnannya diy.

Sociologist, V.P.

Communication - tse zv'yazok be a rank of mutually interdependent subjects, with additional transfer to one and receive information.

Meta communications - exchange of information of various kinds and in various ways.

The communication system is the same as the communication process of individuals with additional information flows.

The goal of the communication system is the transfer of information from the communicator to the end of the day.

Managers of the information system - information managers - must respectfully follow the strategy adopted by their post-employees. For example, the deacons dominating corporations like Cisco and Microsoft have done a lot of work to buy ideas for information products of the coming generation from companies-pochatkivtsiv, but not generate them themselves. Analyzing the company's income and the share of the technologies they bought, the administrators of the information system can take into account the information about the building of the postal worker to speed up the new “mine”. The purchase, and not the creation of a new technology, is legal and effective, if you want, imovirno, wine, all the same, to be aware of those that such a company is able to take away from the possible commercial melancholy, instead of what I might do with my strength.

Obviously, such an approach can turn out to be successful, as a way to save your main staff and finance the development of information products.

Leaders of information technology, support companies and organizations, when choosing post-employment workers, underestimate the need to analyze their strategy in the field of innovation.

The problem of innovation itself in the sphere of informatization is constantly blamed for the development of programs in various areas of activity. Ponad those who have a development of any sphere of activity, it is practically necessary to carry out innovative approaches to informatization.

The process of introducing new information systems for the company is a folding organizational task.

Vrakhovuyuchi specifics of the gallery of information systems and the need to make a decision in the area of ​​​​management of the company, the task of the head of the information manager. It is the responsibility of the information management itself to implement the project in such a way that the information system is automated, natural, and, if possible, seamlessly “fits” into the organizational structure of the enterprise.

The current tourism industry for the rest of the year has recognized even more significant changes in connection with the introduction of new computer technologies. It is practically impossible for a successful functioning of a firm over the market of the tourist business without the use of modern information technologies. Специфіка технології розробки та реалізації турпродукту вимагає таких систем, які у найкоротші терміни надавали б відомості про доступність транспортних засобів та можливості розміщення туристів, забезпечували б швидке резервування та бронювання місць, а також автоматизацію вирішення допоміжних завдань при наданні туристських послуг (паралельне оформлення таких документів, like tickets, rahunki and travelers, providing rozrahunkovoy and additional information and in.). It is possible to reach for the mind a wide variety of modern computer technologies for processing and transmitting information in tourism.

The tourism industry is rich and multifaceted, which owes to the development of the most advanced information technologies, starting from the development of specialized software tools, which will ensure the automation of the work of both tourist companies and global enterprises.

At this time, the formation of the tourist product is transferred to the selection of global distribution systems GDS (Global Distribution System), which secures the security of the ticket and the reservation of tickets for transport, reservations at hotels, car rental, currency exchange, change of tickets for distribution and sports programs.

The industry of tourism also has an expansion of video text, which increases the possibility of computer systems of reservation, electronic mail, telex, electronic newspapers. Nearly 90% of travel agencies in Great Britain use the Prestel visual data system, as promoted by British Telecom. This system contains information about tourism and is more expensive, as well as the propositions of tour operators, rail lines, ports, hotels and airlines, which are easily accessible to travelers. The system also regularly enters the rest of the news and changes from all of these routes. The main component of the Prestel system is a TV that acts as a display, a keyboard for entering data, as well as an adapter, which ensures the communication of the travel agency with the central computer, bypassing the telephone lines. The technology of videotext is also not successful in France, and the Minitel system is stagnating. Vodnochas in the United States vykoristanny videotekstu obmezhene.

Tourist business, being one of the most dynamic areas of the economy, is a highly populated information gallery. In other words, selection, saving, processing and transfer of relevant information to the most important and necessary mental functioning of any tourist enterprise. The success of the business of some bogeymen of the economy without intermediary lies in the speed of transmission and exchange of information, in view of the relevance, timeliness of withdrawal, adequacy and completeness. In connection with this, the successful development of the tourist business transfers a wide variety of new technologies as a way to create a tourist product, and promote services to the market.

Modern computer technologies are actively promoted in the sphere of tourist business and this stagnation is becoming an invisible intellectual advancement of competitiveness of any kind of tourist business. The tourism industry allows you to win all the diversity of computer technologies, starting from specialized software products in the management of a well-known travel company to the stagnation of global computer technologies. Today, tourism has won a lot of new computer technologies, for example, global computer backup systems, integrated communications systems, multimedia systems, Smart Cards, management information systems, etc. It also resonates with the riven of their contribution to the development of the tourist industry.

The most modern computer technologies are being poured into the promotion of a tourist product (expanding that sale). Nasampered, it is worth the possibility of forming new marketing channels for launching and launching a tourist product. So, in the sphere of advertising, direct distribution of tourist information by electronic mail (direct-mail) has become very wide. In the rest of the world, the majority of tourist enterprises create powerful websites on the Internet, as well as banner ads. Wanting the efficiency of these channels to expand the tourist product in Russia is not too high, which directly should be looked at as even more promising.

At Zakhodі, there is already an electronic attack on the traditional tourist business. Zakrema, electronic commerce is beginning to actively penetrate the tourist market. Already there are electronic tourist offices, for example, the travel bureau "Expedia" of the Microsoft company, which allows you to get a tour, book a place on a plane or in a hotel, get a ticket for a view show, come in and book a car for rent at a particular place . According to estimates by German experts, close to 25% of all sales of tourist products can be realized through e-commerce in the nearest future. In this way, computer technologies provoked the creation and stagnation of fundamentally new electronic marketing channels for the promotion of this tourist product.

Computer Reservation System CRS (Computer Reservation System), which was born in the mid-60s. XX century, allowed to speed up the process of booking air tickets and zdіisniti yoga in real time. Внаслідок цього підвищилася якість сервісних послуг за рахунок зменшення часу обслуговування клієнтів, збільшення обсягів та різноманітності запропонованих послуг тощо, а також з'явилися можливості забезпечення оптимізації завантаження авіалайнерів, реалізації стратегії гнучкого ціноутворення, застосування нових управлінських методів тощо. The high supremacy and sturdiness of these reservation systems have sprung up the current swedishness and wide breadth. Nine 98% of foreign enterprises for tourism use armored systems. On the Russian market, such global reservation systems as Amadeus, Galileo Worldspan are most importantly presented. The Amadeus armored computer system has been operating on the Russian market since 1993, and at the moment Russia has over 600 travel agencies - armored systems.

One of the main directions of the promotion of information technologies in tourism is the promotion of multimedia technologies, promotional materials and catalogues. In the present hour, touristic dovіdniki and catalogs are published at bookstores, on video cassettes, on CD-ROM laser discs, and on the Internet. Electronic catalogs allow you to virtually increase the price of promoted routes, look through the routes in the active mode, view information about the country, objects along the route, data about hotels, campsites, motels and other accommodations, get acquainted with the system the sphere of tourism. In addition, these catalogs contain information about the rules for issuing tourist documents, tourist formalities, models of tourist behavior in extreme situations. The client can plan the tour program, choose it according to the given optimal parameters (price, fuel system, transport system, season and in.).

The use of multimedia technologies promptly provides the potential client with information about whether there is a tour, what to say, and they themselves allow you to quickly and without mercy choose a tourist product. If so, the tour operator (travel agent) can, if necessary, make changes to the first tour or form a new exclusive tour, create a reservation and sell to the tourist the tourist service created in the operational mode.

The galley management of the tourism business has also undergone cardinal changes. The present day development of the tourism industry and the fierce competition in this region give particular importance to the information systems of travel agencies. The functionality of these systems is responsible for the security of entering, editing and saving information about tours, hotels, clients, camps of applications, transferring the display of information in the form of various documents: questionnaires, vouchers, lists of tourists, descriptions of tours; arranging the cost of tours with the adjustment of the exchange rate, discounts, control of payment for tours, formation of financial statements, transfer of data to export-import in other software products (Word, Excel, accounting programs) and other possibilities. These systems do not only speed up the process of rozrahunkіv and forming documents, but they can change the number of services (tourist package), having chosen the best option for the price of delivery to customers, accommodation also. Application for the development of a unique information system for automation of a tourist office is expensive. Distribution of specialized software products for the tourism business at the present time to conduct a number of Russian companies: "Megatek" (program "Maister-Tour"), "Arim-Soft" (programs TurWin, "Charter", "Ovir"), "Samo-Soft" (program "(Self-Tour"), "Tourist Technologies" (complex automation program "Tourist Office"), "Intour-Soft" ("In-tour-Soft" program), ANT-Group (ANT-Group system), "Rec-Soft" (complex "Edelweiss", "Barsum", "Reconline") and int.

On the market of software products, there are a few computer systems that allow automating the internal activities of a tourist company. As a rule, these systems ensure the maintenance of preliminary data bases on clients, partners, hotels, transport, embassies, as well as the maintenance of tours and the form of payments, the acceptance of work with clients, and the formation of other documents. Practically all software complexes ensure the formation of accounting records and often export-import data from specialized accounting programs, such as 1С and ін.

Instructions for the automation of tourist companies are carried out similarly to the development of automation programs for the activities of hotels, restaurants and other enterprises of the tourist business. Zastosuvannya іnformatsiynykh іnformatsiynyh іnformаtsіynіkh іnykh іnykh іnykh іnyh іn іy galuzі prizvodіt suttєvih zminі і administratіvі, аlso podvishchuє yakіst slugovuvannya.

The appearance of multimedia technologies has become known to the Swedish community in the sphere of social and cultural services and tourism. The main feature of a multimedia computer is the presence of additional attachments, such as CD-ROM-storage, sound card, speakers, 3D-storage and other. In Denmark, most of the computers introduced to the market, including multimedia and designated add-ons, come up to standard equipment. Multimedia technology gives the possibility of working with sound and video files, which introduces new ways of using computer technology in the halls of social and cultural services and tourism, and allows for the distribution of virtual tours by museums and roads.

Virtual excursions and expensive ones are presentations, which allow the viewers to look at the main objects that they can see (museums, memos) even before the real one. You can have enough panoramas of objects of any kind to the world (exhibits of museums and art galleries, accommodations of hotels, streets and city streets, alleys of parks, you can see the bird's field from the heights). The panoramas combine with themselves and imitate late shifts in the middle of the object in such a way that the illusion of a real movement is created in the middle of the object with the possibility of a circular look around in the most places. Glyadach can quite change the direction of the hand, win the function of increasing the image, move forward and backward, right-handed and left-handed. Possibility of voicing the presentation, introducing explanatory writings in it, integrating with virtual more expensive geographical maps and plans to accommodate with the possibility of orientation on the light.

One of the widest direct ways of using multimedia technologies in the gallery of social and cultural services and tourism is the creation and selection of encyclopedic, advanced and advertising discs. In the meantime, a large number of informational and educational materials have been distributed in museums and other tourist destinations, including in Moscow, St. Petersburg, the resorts of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, Sochi, etc. Since 1998, the company "Adaptive Technologies" has been releasing CDs "Hotels of the World": "All Spain", "All Switzerland", "All Cyprus" and other. Firm "Olbіs" (Saint-Petersburg) since 1999 has been publishing an advertising electronic guide "Tourist firms".

A lot of enterprises in the sphere of social and cultural services and tourism, most of all museums, travel agencies and hotels, create their own air discs, which are supposed to avenge dovidkovo-information and advertising information. The variability of the distribution of a CD-document to lay down the number of components (the visibility of multimedia clips, 3D-models) and in the middle to become from a few hundreds to a few thousand dollars.

On this day, CD-books are issued mainly by tour operators in the capital. On the disks, play the presentations of the country with descriptions of promoted programs, hotels, etc.

Call multimedia catalogs to avoid information that is often changed, for example, data about prices, and functional capabilities of CD-servers are much smaller than those of specialized Internet servers. Prote CDs are gaining popularity for a few reasons:

  • stench in the most efficient way of taking away information, as if the coristuvach cannot access the Internet;
  • CD-ROMs allow you to omit additional information, most of the time richer, less safe to search for similar data on the Internet;
  • with one CD-disk, as a resource for a local network, a sprig of correspondent-managers of travel agencies can be registered at once;
  • CD-ROMs can be easily transferred from one computer to another, and stench is hand-picked both at presentations and at other advertising visits;
  • CDs are the ideal promotional and informational material for partners and clients.

The Internet and social media resources will be the most promising maidan for the distribution of the marketing budget for the provision of social and cultural services. The main trend of the remaining fates of fahivtsi is the strengthening of the role of the Internet in the process of appraising the decision about the trip and the advent of the tourist product. At the same time, the Internet has become the main source of information for mandrivniks, and in the first part of the year - social networks and systems of information, in some cases they exchange ideas about trips and tourist services.

An effective method of promoting a tourist product on the Internet is participation in international exhibitions and fairs at the Merezha. All the most popular tourist exhibitions have already published their information on the Internet, in which statistics, participation, accreditation and exhibitions are given.

The most important exhibitions are:

  • FITUR Madrid Exhibition (;
  • Milan exhibition BIT (;
  • Berlin Exhibition of ITB (http://www/

Possibility of direct and virtuous audio-visual communication through the Internet network allows:

  • significantly reduce the cost of pushing the tourist product over the market of tourist services;
  • turn on a number of vipadkiv vytrati to the fate of expensive tourist exhibitions and fairs;
  • save on transport windows, windrowers, windows for rent and installation of stands toshcho.

In this way, the Swiss, above-mentioned communications at the global light network allow the promotion of the tourist product with greater efficiency.

In Russia, the social and political transition, the formation of the market economy, have objectively combined the necessary changes in the information exchanges in the society. Regardless of the significant expansion of the last hour, the market of information services and products, information security of state administration bodies, the subjects of the state government and the population are left at a low level. Possibility of access to information, as a rule, is interchanged with її vіdomezhnіstyu that obumovleny mostly landowner and social status spozhivacha. The problem of access to territorially distant information resources has not been solved. Most of the population takes the information by the traditional way - druk, radio, television.

The information and telecommunication systems function, mainly at the expense of the sovereign authorities, and, as a rule, are roz'ednano. Such a camp is right to produce up to the duplication of robots, superficiality of the primary information, the rise in price of the distribution and operation of systems. In addition, as it was planned, making it easier to exchange information and access to it.

Information services, resources and software products (information potential) to expand the territory of Russia is extremely uneven, moreover, it is important to ensure the security of the central region. Such a difference in the concentration of the main scientific and information centers in Russia and not the health care needs of the population and management bodies. To this very reason, the most obvious virishennia of the task of viriving the information potential.

Significant problems can be overcome only by a path for the formation of a single tourist information space of Russia.

You can see such characteristics of the information space that characterize the development of the development.

First, integrity, which is interpreted as the unity of all objects and subjects within the framework of the economic space. The main official of the integrity, systemic nature of the subject is manifesting his economic activity. Information expanse, functionally looking at faceless social and economic, supple and informational links in the subjects of economic expanse, and peacefully exploding to supple waters.

As another criterion for the development of the information space, there is communicativeness, which is manifested in the forms of mutual processes of integration and differentiation, which flow like a middle subject, so in mutual modality in the middle.

Внаслідок того, що відзначається постійне зростання кількості взаємодій суб'єктів, що припадають на одиницю часу в рамках економічного простору, а інформація про ці взаємодії відтворюється та тиражується у дедалі більшому обсязі всередині інформаційного простору, логічно виділити ще одну властивість інформаційного простору – динамічність.

Наступними якостями єдиного інформаційного простору є постійне розширення кордонів, зумовлене що збільшується складністю економічних суб'єктів та його інформаційного взаємодії та збільшення щільності інформаційного простору, що відбувається з допомогою зростання взаємозв'язків між суб'єктами економічної діяльності, її інтернаціоналізації, кооперації та зростання кількості elementary information exchanges in one hour.

To the main signs of a single information space in the field of tourism can be seen:

  • to establish uniform principles and global rules for all subjects of informational interrelationships under the influence of sovereign regulation and self-regulatory cobs at the formation of a single informational space;
  • security of a secure informational interaction between the state, organizations and citizens;
  • as much as possible to satisfy the information needs of subjects throughout the territory;
  • equal accessibility of the subjects of informational interdependence to the accessibility of informational resources and their legal equality;
  • saving the balance of interests for entry into the world information space and ensuring national information sovereignty.

Таким чином, вивчивши застосування інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у сфері туризму можна зробити висновок про те, що в наші дні повсюдної комп'ютеризації та інформатизації всі туристичні компанії та агенції, підприємства та фірми за кордоном і переважна більшість російських підприємств використовують як робоче джерело інформації міжнародну Internet computer. The use of information technologies in the field of tourism allows koristuvs to easily know information about the brain, prices, services, and more detailed information about the organization. The same type of advertising cannot be compared with advertising on the Internet for the rest, as well as the efficiency of information that one hopes.

In this way, the creation of a single regional informational tourist space, which is of great interest not only for a few tourist enterprises, but in general, can contribute to the development of a tourist gallery, promoting the development of tourism opportunities in the region.

List of references

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  9. Stolyarenko, A. V. Deployment of information and communication technologies in the activity of enterprises in the tourism sector / O. V. Stolyarenko, A. A. Danilchesko // Modern scientific research and innovation, 2017. - No. 1. - [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:
  10. Chebanenko, O. S. Stolyarenko, O. S., Stolyarenko, O. S., Stolyarenko, O. S., Economics and management of innovative technologies, 2016. - No. 4 (55). - P.49-54. - [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

Announced for the All-Russian competition "Innovative Solutions in the Gallery of Information Technologies for the Sphere of Tourism", which was held by the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) and the Skolkovo Foundation. Before the finalists, the guards of the Ministry of Culture and the profile committee of the Derzhdumi turned back.

At the urochist ceremony, which took place on the 7th of spring near the Skolkovo Technopark, it was named the top IT-projects, as they took away the support of experts and recognition as the best.

Secretary of State, intercessor of the Minister of Culture of Russia Alla Manilova, speaking to the participants and organizers of the Skolkovo Foundation competition and ATOR "Innovative IT-solutions in tourism", zokrema, said:

“Ministry of Culture is initiating the competition “Innovative solutions for the gallery of information technologies for tourism”. This is an innovative project, which encourages the expansion of high-tech developments in all areas of tourism, including museums, hotels, and the promotion of projects for domestic tourism. The fate of such a visit demonstrates the efficiency of the tour operator's cohesion to the consolidation of forces and capabilities from high-tech companies, building development and development of innovative solutions. The high-profile implementation of this project by the Skolkovo Foundation and ATOR will allow tourism to grow a great deal to the digitalization of the tourist gallery.”

Sergiy Khodakov, IT Cluster Clerk to the Skolkovo Foundation, passing the awards ceremony, stating that most of the selected projects in May have a high potential for commercialization.

  • The best IT solutions for the hotel business in 2018 recognized startup, sho proponuvav project « Trusted corporate virtual assistant. Curator of the nomination: Illya Umansky (National tour operator OLEAN).

Briefly about the project: stosuvannya іnstrumentіv piece іntelektu іn efektivnyh kommunіkatsіy іz іz klієntami і svіvrobіtnіv іtelnogo biznesu. So, a travel chatbot based on a piece of intelligence, building knowledge of Russian language, you can easily book a transfer or rent a car, register for a flight, tell about the weather or talk to a client about football. Website -

  • Nomination "The best IT-solution for museums and social and cultural projects" transition project « Next SpaceVvirtualMuseums". The retailer is the 3Dreamtim company (Vizerra group of companies). Nomination curator: Tetyana Nikolaeva (Tretyakov Gallery).

Briefly about the project: creation of a platform for stowing VR, MR and AR technologies in the sphere of culture with a backlink for an additional neurointerface, which allows museum practitioners to work without specialized technical knowledge of the main functions (demonstration, saving and archiving). In essence, there is a discussion about the sustenance of virtual and augmented reality for the creation of a virtual museum. Trivial galleries, exhibits and historical characters become available to everyone who can connect to the Internet.

  • The best IT solutions for tourism and social services and communications recognized project QReppublic, which propagates reasonable non-electronic identifiers and bad medical solutions. Rozrobnik is a resident of Biomed cluster Skolkovo, Respublika company. Nomination curator: Maya Lomidze ().

Briefly about the project: a special bad health card with a non-electronic identifier for tourists connected to the form factor of the bracelet. For whom, information is important (for example, about those who take drugs and people with singing illnesses and allergies) are always available to doctors in emergency situations with a tourist. Data are accepted in 24 mov, available for reference to special needs and a lot more. Website:

  • Nomination "The best IT solution for the travel agency business" becoming a project 7seconds(Rozrobnik - "Seven Processing" company). Curator of the nomination: Taras Kobishchanov (tour operator "Russian Express").

Briefly about the project: миттєве онлайн-кредитування на туристичному ринку на основі скорингової моделі нового покоління Платформа здійснює збір інтервальних спостережень за споживчою поведінкою позичальників (чеки, геолокація в торгових точках, історія покупок, пошуку тощо), виконує побудову індивідуальної фінансової моделі позичальника, оцінює ймовірності шахрайства та кредитний risk of the client.

  • The best IT solutions for the self-supporting segment in 2018 the jury recognized the project Insurion the one-man team that promotes digital assistant services for insurance companies. Nomination curator: Leonid Marmer (Amadeus in Russia).

Briefly about the project: automatic insurance - for example, in case of delay on the flight or in case of delay on the scheduled flight. The insurer transfers the data of the client to Insurion. As soon as the flight is covered, the insured will cancel SMS іz request, go through the validation process, form an electronic application for insurance and cancel it for the skin year of the trip, rebuying at the airport. Project website:

The curator of the nomination - Amadeus - also raised the bazhannya to be very interested and to encourage the opportunity to push one more pivfinalist - the team startupYochting, which has launched the project of a digital aggregator platform for yacht maritime tourism

  • The winner of the competition in the nomination "The best IT-solution: systems for armoring tours and tourist services" becoming a start-up that promotes an international service for booking ribal tours Fish.Travel. Nomination curator Dmytro Shevchenko (ICS Travel Group).

Briefly about the project: help with booking ribal tours for an additional global booking platform Booking a ribal tour, including transport, guide, place of accommodation can be done in just one click. Korist and for guides, and for fishing bases: the stench will take a stable flow of customers and a guarantee of payment for the first payment of the loan. Website -

  • The best IT-solutions for more expensive in Russia Skolkovo experts and ATOR named the project PASSCITY (packages of miserable services)). Rozrobnik is the Voxxter team. Curator of the nomination: Sergiy Korniev (Rostourism).
  • Zreshta, winner of the competition in the nomination "The best IT-solution for transferring tourist services directly" company recognized « Neutrotrend", who propagated the project for the recognition of tourism technologies for neuromarketing. Curator of the nomination: Volodymyr Dolgov (Akademservis).

Briefly about the project: development of a neuromarketing technique for modeling product propositions and communications in the tourism sector. Neuromodelling, inspired by the synchronous fixation of the psychophysiological reactions of the client, will help to choose for the tourist the best proposition for a good reason. Website:


Taking part in the award ceremony, the head of the committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on physical culture, sports, tourism and young people, Mikhailo Degtyarov, accompanies the finalists and nominees, singing them to the one who from the side of the kerovan committee of the head of the committee will provide all possible assistance to tourism . .

“ATOR is the greatest mіtsna, shoved and recognized by us as an organization with a strong management base. I would like to reward myself in the gallery of IT-technologies, but for the price of the gallery I will stand for the future. Їy next to add more respect, shards, like mi Bachimo, tourism and the digital economy are inextricable”, - having said Vіn.

Foremost among the finalists, ATOR vice director Maya Lomidze predicted that the directorate of the Association of Tour Operators will give a good PR package to all nominations and a good package - to the nomination that is curated. The curators of the nominations will also call for special prizes for the winners of the nominations. Krіm prizes in the form of curators of nominations, the Skolkovo Foundation grants projects the opportunity to become a member of the Foundation, bypassing the standard procedure.

Grinding the mentor of the mentor with a member of the member of the WHASIV, for the fodder of the concept of the project, the pre -unit at the dushuk izhuk, the subfigure (Komerzіalizatsya), and the design of the design of the partners of the consultants,

There are even more cited materials from ATOR in our channels on Yandex.Zen .

You can also take the news of "Ator Newsletter" by paying in advance our channel at Telegram or for an update

Lecture plan

1. Current directions of computerization of tourism business

Information technologies occupy an extremely important place in the process of functioning of any tourist business. Крім вирішення традиційних завдань автоматизації офісу, загальних практично для всіх типів підприємств (використання локальних мереж, мультимедійних технологій, організації електронного документообігу та ін.), можливе застосування засобів, специфічних саме для сфери туризму, наприклад, міжнародних систем бронювання квитків та резервування номерів у готелях .

How to try to structurally describe the scheme of the development of modern information technologies in the tourism industry , can you see it three equals: internal corporate; intercorporate; interactive technologies in cooperation with external supporters and clients.

Before internal corporate up to date, we should introduce the development of information technologies for automating other working areas (development and supply of workstations), as well as the activities of the main structural support of the tourist industry (for example, accounting, marketing, etc.). The highest level of automation of information processing on any level can be creation of a corporate information system, which allows for the efficient exchange of data between the usima structural subdivisions of business.

On the intercorporate On the other hand, different forms of interrelationship between enterprises are being developed: for example, the creation of extrameasures (combining corporate information systems of several enterprises with the possibility of such a combination of all leather goods). Here you can see Business-To-Business e-commerce, as well as the organization of virtual businesses. The adoption of similar technologies allows the speed of management and additional staff at enterprises, to speed up the process of forming tours, to optimally manage the management of financial flows, to develop new promising distribution channels for goods and services.

Interactive technologies in cooperation with external supporters and clients allow you to carry out the promotion of the market and the promotion of the goods (internet marketing), the promotion of the product, the service of the brand on the market (internet advertising), the non-internet sale of the goods in the services of the client’s promotion, the sale of the client’s information. A characteristic feature of this type of information technology is the breadth of the audience, which is shove, the focus is on the maximum number of potential customers.

Significantly, scho looked equal to dosit wise.

2. Information technologies that are victorious in the work of tourist enterprises

The most important role in the promotion of information technologies in the tourism industry is played Internet/Intranet technologies. The promotion of information technology is oriented towards automation of professional practice specific specialists. It is possible to request the offensive to classify technical measures, like at the current office of the tourist enterprise: computers; mezheve possession; take care of communications; add-on introduction and display of information; add on information storage; add-on multimedia and virtual reality; office equipment; supplementary bones.

Representatives of tourist enterprises can win such class of computers:

· intestines, may be small sizes and equipped with a rare-crystal display, connection to stationary computers (portable and (or) smaller cards), a modem and a socket for connecting a mobile phone. The main purpose of such computers is to provide the clerk with the ability to be as quick as possible with computer communications technologies: select or send an e-mail, look at the exchange quotation, contact the office of your enterprise, draw up a document. The main categories of koristuvachiv are stoneware of various equals, subprincipals;

· portable computers (laptops), for rosemaries, it is significant to change the guts (the stench is more likely to guess a diplomat's folder), but, in terms of functional possibilities, they do not compromise on floor models. The elemental base that wins out in the case of laptops is practically similar to the elemental base of stationary personal computers, but all the main attachments (processor, motherboard, hard disk, modem only) may be smaller in size (and in the case of a higher variance). Notebooks are equipped with rіdkokristalіchnymi monitors, modern add-ons for storing information (CD-ROM, DVD-drive, etc.), modems, ports for connecting external devices, border cards, multimedia devices (sound card, microphone, speaker systems) trackball is another manipulator. Software security is standard, which does not apply to software security for stationary systems. Coristuvachi of such systems are individuals who constantly need a computer “under the arm”, who often use roses and refurbishments, who regularly use modern communication technologies and electronic presentations;

· personal computers (PC), the widest and most popular in its flooring version. Such computers are victorious in student auditoriums, in business offices like home systems. There is the widest range of computer models on the market, which are challenged for their functional capabilities and versatility.

Directly to the PC adjoin so zvani working stations. Great computers (mainframes) sound victorious in quiet situations, if it is necessary to achieve high productivity and speed of a robotic information system with a great deal of information processing. Such computers can zastosovuvatysya as the central elements of the great corporate merezh, serve as a server rich terminals or clients.

mereveve possession recognized for the organization and support in the working camp of the computer network, including concentrators, switches and routers.

concentrator sound victorious in local computer networks with radial topology and assignments for recognition of conflicts between elements of the network and their elimination, as well as synchronization of information flows in the middle of the network.

Switch- hardware zasіb, which ensures the reception, control over the direction of information packages.

router appointments for organizing interrelationships between dekilkom local merezh, uniting in the greater equal, rozpodіlu flows of information between segments of the merezh.

Take care of communications call for a secure call from the "hot light", the transfer of business information from the yakomog short term. To such facilities, you can include telephones and facsimile machines, telephone exchanges (mini-ATS), pagers, trunking systems, communication, modems, satellite communication systems (for example, DirecPC kits).

Attachment for introduction and display of information. For automated input of information from paper laptops to computer systems of the Crimea, traditional keyboards are installed scanners(colorful and monochrome) different designs. An important characteristic of the scanner is its rarity.

Addition of storage of information are approved for distribution of data in electronic form on magnetic and optical carriers.

Strimmiri- Attachment for recording information on a magnetic stripe. Attachment for recording (reading and recording) CDs (CD-R, CD-RW) allow to prepare її on special matrices. Magneto-optic disks are magnetic disks, reading and writing information is vibrated behind the help of a laser.

Multimedia technologies provide comprehensive (for some species at once) submission of information. For їх zastosuvannya process vzaimozv'yazku koristuvach with the computer will be simple, approaching the natural. As an example of the implementation of similar technologies, you can make a movie with subtitles: video sequence (visual presentation of information) + sound track (audio information) + subtitles (textual presentation of information). Sered pristroїv multimedia you can name sound cards, acoustic systems, drive CD-ROM, microphones too.

Attachment of virtual activity allow even more proximity to the “computer-coristuvach” interface to natural, to add to the new stereovisual effect. Before such outbuildings, there are special sholomi, mittens, and suits.

Before office equipment For more descriptions of telephones and facsimile machines, there are replicating and copying attachments, recognized for making copies of information, presented on paper noses.

Before addendums you can see:

· mesh filters, used for smoothing stribkіv naprugi in the meshes of electricity (through which the foldable radio-electronic equipment sounds to get out of tune);

· blocks of uninterrupted life, how to ensure the support of computer systems at the working station by stretching the song hour after the voltage rises in the electric circuit;

· biometric attachments which allow you to identify the koristuvach in front of the ear of the robot and from the system (for example, by the fingertip or the image of the face-to-face sitkivka).

The most important class of PZ, which signifies the possibility and principles of further development of the information system of tourist business, є system software security that, zokrema, operating system (OS). Pid operating system understand a set of programs that are used to manage the computer's usable attachments and organize the interfacing (interface) between the computer and the core. Krim OS can win like this service packages:

· computer maintenance software, for example, showing on a hard disk files that are not suitable for recording information (Disk Doctor from the Norton Utilities package);

· shell programs, how to simplify the process of interfacing with a computer, for example DOS Navigator, Norton Commander, Windows Commander and other.

· antivirus programs, recognized for the protection of information systems against infection with computer viruses and fighting them (for example, Doctor Web, Norton Antivirus, Virus Blockade, etc.);

· archiving software, are used for squeezing information, as it is stored on magnetic carriers in order to save space (for example, WinZip, RAR, ARJ, etc.).

The next most important category of software security is applied software. Applied Software Security appointments for the effective execution of the head of the koristuvach. See applied software infamous and special recognition.

For more undertakings, where there are not enough opportunities that we hope to look at the package, Microsoft is promoting the system back office, which includes the following components:

· Merezhev operating system Windows NT Server;

· Effortless task of managing Microsoft SQL Server databases;

· Server for organization of work with the Internet - Internet Information Server;

· server of e-mail that is new – Microsoft Exchange Server;

· Zasіb for administrative access to the Internet - Microsoft Proxy Server;

· Zas_b administruvannya computer system - System Management Server.

Under the hour of organization of the system of exchange of information to complete the concept of electronic document circulation. For the accomplishment of similar zavdans, they are called so document management systems(Document Management Systems - DMS). Your functions:

· Organization of the collection of documents (distributed the information and the system was sent or the database was centralized);

· Search for attributes that (or) on the basis of vmistu;

· Control over the selection of documents (with the possibility of blocking);

· Razmezhuvannya renovating coristuvachіv z access;

· Zv'yazuvannya dokumentіv;

· Support of folding warehouse documents;

· Creation of documents with the help of the system itself or other addenda;

· Automatic updating of linked documents;

· Managing the introduction of multimedia elements into the document.

Crimium of similar basic components, in the office can win:

· Data base management systems (DBMS) - a set of software tools for creating, managing and maintaining databases;

· allow for automated input of information and recognition of images, such as Fine Reader. Ensure the processing of that transformation of information entered for the help of the scanner;

· Computer translation systems that allow you to automatically translate texts in different languages: Stylus, Prompt;

· programs for facsimile calling, for example WinFax, which allow you to use fax modems to overpower and cancel facsimile calls;

· Customize the processing of graphic images (CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop etc.), which allow processing of graphic information, for example, when preparing advertising materials, developing other products;

· Web-design, which is selected during the preparation of information recognized for placement on the Internet. Microsoft advocates for which FrontPage editor;

· publishing systems, for example Ventura Publisher or QuarkXPress, designed for computer layout of magazines, advertising booklets and other other materials;

· automated accounting systems that allow efficient operation of the following types of activities: 1C Accounting, Accounting Complex, BEST, Anzhelika, Vitrilo and many others;

· Automated systems of trade and warehouse appearance (1C Trade and Warehouse, BEST), necessary for the organization of trade activity within the framework of the tourist business;

· Software security of automation of marketing research, which allows for additional software implementation of mathematical and statistical methods and algorithms to effectively overcome the blame for the research area, for example, the Project Expert program;

· Comprehensive automated systems for the management of business (1C Business, Galaxy), which allow you to change the number of orders within one software package;

· Program security activities in the field of organizing tourism, which, without a doubt, is one of the most important components in itself for a tourism company.

As an application of software for tourism businesses, you can bring "Self-Tour", "TurWin", "Turbo-Tour", "Tourist Office", "Travel Office 2000", "MasterTour" and others. Reports with information about qi packages can be found in the special literature.

One of the most promising directions for the promotion of information technologies in businesses and organizations is computer companies. Merezh computer - the collection of computers connected between themselves by transmission channels. The transfer of information is the basis for the pro-measurement protocols. Merezhevy protocol - tse set of rules, which actually defines all the parameters of the data exchange between computers (in terms of transmission speed to addressing methods for transporting other messages). The protocols set the methods for transferring pardons to the merezh, and also allow the extension of standards, without being tied to a specific hardware platform.

Corporate computer systems function at the borders of other enterprises and organizations. Most often, as a corporate company, local computer companies act.

Pid local computer network (LAN-Local Area Network) rozumіyut computer merezh, territorially roztashovana on obmezhenіy dіlyantsі mіstsevosti (in one or a few booths) and a small number of computers (sound up to a number of dozens). Local computer may be mother Shinnu, mirror-like or Kiltsev topology. Distinguish homogeneous (homogeneous) and heterogeneous (heterogeneous) computer networks

3. Internet / Internet technologies in tourism

First, let's talk about the specifics of using the Internet / intranet technologies in tourism enterprises, it is necessary to briefly explain the basic concepts. The first of them is the Internet network. One of the first schodo suvores is appointed Internet From a technical point of view, John S. Quarterman in The Matrix: Computer Networks and Conferencing Systems Worldwide (Digital Press, 1990): “The Internet is a metamerge that is built up from a rich network that works with protocols from the TCP/IP family. united through gateways, vikoristovuyut single address space and space of names”. The IP protocol is responsible for addressing network nodes, and the TCP protocol ensures safe delivery after the required address (in order to control the establishment of a superior connection between two machines, choosing the optimal size of the data packet and re-transmitting the information at the time).

Unique numbers, which are victorious for identifying computers on the Internet, are called IP addresses. When you try to send a message, put in a call to be a certain subscriber of the Internet, your computer will go to the so-called server of the names of your domain - a computer that answers for rozpodil the name in the middle of the domain, that, at the time you need (for the availability of information about required domain name) - to the name server of the next existing domain, and so do not take the residual IP address of the required host. IP addresses are always primary, all computers work only with the same addressing system. If the correspondent specifies a specific computer for additional domain name, name server, which is the correct address (domain) for the specified area, translate the name into an IP address. In this way, it is possible to create a visnovok, that DNS is a distributed data base, hosted on impersonal computers - servers in the domain name system.

A skin object on the Internet may have its own unique identifier. Universal Resource Locator, URL (Uniform Resource Locator). The URL includes a method for accessing the resource (http, gopher, ftp and in), a link to the resource address (hostname and domain), the next path to the file on the server, and sometimes you can select the port number (additional parameter, about the need to specify a certain tell the administrator about the provider).

Merezha intranet can be considered as the implementation of services similar to those of the Internet, but on the basis of a local network and exchange information among the koristuvachs in the middle of the network. Before passing the corporate intranet-merezhі, you can add:

· Porіvnjano low bills for її organization and service;

· Possibility of implementation on various technical bases, including heterogeneous ones;

· Improved access to various information for a wide range of specialists;

· Faster access to the next subdivisions;

· Ability to differentiate access to information for different groups of coroners;

· One-manitness interface of a koristuvach;

· Reduction of timchasovyh vitrates on the installation and adjustment of software security;

· Possibility of common use of information resources of the software system;

· Possibility of non-gain integration with other measures (based on TCP/IP-protocol);

· Ready to connect to the Internet;

· Reduced costs for licensing software and supporting documentation;

· speeding up the process of creating documents (with an one-hour reduction in the rate of their distribution);

· Ease of organization of electronic archives;

· the possibility of using multimedia technologies in the organization of interdependence between warehouse workers (telephones, videoconferences, telecoms, etc.).

Access to the Internet is provided by the so-called Internet Service Providers (ISP, Internet Service Provider). To gain access to the Internet, it is sufficient to connect the computer to the provider's computer. We have changed the main possibilities that give the tourist business a connection to the Internet:

· Organization of a virtual office;

· Selling your services online;

· Quick and easy access to various background materials (catalogues, guides, encyclopedias and others);

· Work with clients from the territory of distant regions;

· access to a manual and cheap communication system (e-mail, digital phone call, videophone too);

· Reservation of rooms at hotels and tickets for the help of the Internet;

· Carrying out of marketing doslіdzhen at a merezhі;

· Participation in electronic fairs, exhibitions, exchanges, auctions and other;

· Bezgot_vkov_ remote vzaєmorozrahunki;

· Work in operational mode 24 years for mining, 365 days for pickup and drop;

· Vykoristannya electronic databases of data with information on the lands and direct routes, otrimannya operational weather forecast in different kraynah svіtu, rozlady ruhu different types of transport;

· Retrieving operational information on tariffs and prices for hotels, restaurants, other carriers and other tourist services;

Search for partners;

· The main areas of congestion and the possibility of the Internet for an ordinary tourist product are:

· Koristuvannya servitors of any tourist enterprise, including territorially remote, representing the country, in order to direct the client;

· Knowing about the propositions of most tourist firms without leaving home;

· Revisiting the schedule of various transport costs, pricing for tickets, planning your route;

· Reservation of receipts for transport tickets;

· Choose a hotel in the required country, book a room in advance;

· Delivery of necessary goods;

· zamovlennya excursions and accompanying;

· Payment for goods and services;

· knowledge of information about the country, weather forecast for any point of the earth's backwoods;

· Vykoristannya poshukovyh mekhanіzmіv merezhі Internet;

· Wikoristannya electronic mail.

On the Internet, there are various sites that are relevant to tourism. You can request such a classification:

· Poshukovі systems and portals of secret recognition with branches dedicated to tourism;

· Special tourist sites and portals;

Websites of tour operators;

· Sites of travel agents;

· sites of regional tourist organizations;

· Global armor systems;

websites of transport companies;

· websites of accommodation objects;

· Features of the side.

Sites of tour operators can be a subsystem for interaction with travel agents.

Having created a corporate website, the undertaking can be powered by hosting (placement of the site on one of the servers on the Internet). Great undertakings may be the mother of the powerful server. Іsnuyut tourist enterprises, yakі zdіysnyuyut their activities exclusively on the Internet. The largest of them is Expedia (www.expedia.coin).

Sites of regional tourist organizations zdіysnyuyut іnformatsiynu podtrimku v'їznogo tourism okremyh kraїn chi territorіy.

Resources websites of global armoring systems to give services like tourist enterprises, and we will call koristuvachs. Saber, Galileo, Amadeus and Worldspan are among the main international armor systems. armor system Amadeus- one of the most popular in the world, insanely, the leader in the European market. The head office of Amadeus distribution in Madrid. It is the center of communications and determines the overall marketing strategy, corporate and financial directly. The product development center is located in Nice (France). Straightforwardly, this activity is the development and marketing of products, the support of clients and the maintenance of the data base. (Nimechchina.) The largest private center of databases, deems over 2500 transactions per second.

Tourist agencies of Russia have been corroborated by the Amadeus system since 1991. In the Republic of Belarus, the terminals of the system have appeared three times a year. Amadeus promotes the widest and most advanced range of services in the field of more expensive tourism, as well as new management tools available from any place.

Amadeus Air- the whole system, which provides real-time access to the listings of the great number of airline companies, which guarantees absolutely accurate, up to the rest of the time, the information about flights to any point of recognition, flights, and availability of air companies.

Amadeus FareGuote- The largest and most prote is simple for the largest data base for air fares. All the necessary information is available for the help of one user, it is not necessary for him to look at the displays of the results of additional requests. Є mehanіzm shvidkogo and simple otrimannya kombinovanih tsіn for folded routes with the improvement of possible discounts.

Amadeus Hotels provide accurate information about the accommodation of more than 51 thousand hotels in the whole world. Dodatkovo tsya system gives information about the hotel's budget, availability to a new city, additional services and special prices.

Amadeus Cars realizing the possibility of booking cars in real time mode in the main companies, renting from thousands of settlements in rich countries of the world. You can view information about special prices and propositions, quotas and tariffs in local currency.

When working with clients, the system allows you to automate the next set of operations:

· taking care of data about the client (“profile of the deputy”), such as contact phone numbers, passport data and assistance for future travel;

· Automated molding of tickets and other documents for the road;

· Negaina write-up rahunku z urahuvannyam route trip;

· Automated records that link the company with the selected banking system by electronic means.

Amadeus also promotes a system for self-propelled armoring and molding tours via the Internet (

System Armor Worldspan. The most dynamically developing computer system of armoring in the world is important. Clean up with the stationary version of Worldspan is already similar to the principles of Amadeus.

Saber armor system( the maximum expansion of the nabula on the territory of the powers of Pivnіchnoy America.

Websites of transport companies to give data about the layout of the traffic of transport services, the number of tickets and the availability of free places.

Before sites of objects of placement be seen by us in front of hotel websites. It is also necessary to use resources dedicated to armoring of hotels, in order to avenge data bases both in other regions and in all regions of the world.

Side Features can be created by the author, be it a kind of coristuvachem measure of the Internet and place by the author information about the country, routes, advice about the work of tourist companies, recommendations for mandrivniks and be it any other data. Possibility to update lists of calls, teleconferences, chats. Can be pressed and be paid services. You can strongly recommend to tourist firms to actively work on creating and "promotion" of their Web sites, to intensify the use of the Internet for marketing activities, advertising their products, searching for new partners. We are ahead of the next signifi- cantly wide possibilities for sale of tours in online mode.

In tourism, the rest of the decade has seen serious changes, due to the development of scientific and technological progress. The price of different information technologies, which may require processing and transmission of information.

Multimedia technologies

Before them, there are various catalogs and documents. From them you can find reports about the country, routes, hotels. Also, the catalogs provide information about the rules of conduct in extreme situations and well-formed documents. Clients take away the possibility of planning a tour with the adjustment of prices, discounts, season, transport.

Another modern information technology in tourism is that virtual trips are more expensive. Glyadachi otrimuyuyut mozhlivіst look at the memos of the museum to their real insight. This is a review of various panoramas that are collapsing (life, streets, parks, hotels, museum exhibits). It is also the function of writing explanatory notes and voicing presentations.

Advantages of multimedia presentations:

  • efficient delivery of tourist services and goods;
  • facilitated contact with the firm's employees;
  • tell me about the firm.

Electronic catalogs for tourism are being actively challenged like in Russia, and beyond the cordon. Axis of action from them:

  • Air Travel Planner;
  • flight guide;
  • Hotel guide.


The essence of this technology is making purchases in home minds in real time. It has become possible to use the Internet and electronic payment methods. The creation of a virtual travel agency allows you to expand the geography of your business and acquire an additional clientele.

E-commerce benefits for travel companies:

  • presence of a turning point;
  • development of new channels in real_zacії product;
  • mobile and technological exchange of information with partners and clients;
  • short time for the retelling of koshtіv;
  • reduction of financial expenses.

Benefits of electronic sales for customers:

  • the possibility of matching prices and minds of different companies;
  • operational access to information;
  • otrimannya bonuses and additional discounts for online booking.


Innovation continues in the capacity of electronic mail, redundancy and computer systems. For example, in England the Prestel system wins, as supported by the British Telecom company.

Maiže 90% of travel agencies are actively recruiting. The main component is the TV set, which acts as a display, an adapter and a keyboard for entering data. The system sends the following data:

  • propositions for airlines, hotels, ports, air lines, tour operators;
  • information about the price;
  • rest change that news in the current directions.

France also has videotext tagged, but there is another system called Mintel.

Armor systems

One of the most important information technologies in the field of tourism is the global armoring system. They allow you to select the desired hotel, room type on the date line. Once the booking has been made, a confirmation will be sent to the e-mail as soon as possible. There are already over hundreds of thousands of tourist agencies around the world.

The axis of the list of some of them:

  • Amadeus;
  • Sabre;
  • worldspan;
  • Galileo;
  • Sirena Travel.

Winner's Advantages:

  • fast watch vitrates;
  • promotion of the quality of service services;
  • increased productivity.


On the back of the head, the European armor system was less than European, and all the while, it broke through the breakthrough that viyshla to the American market. Danish service provides access to the resources of hotels, airlines, air carriers, and insurance companies. Thousands of tourist agencies are rooted in it in the whole world.


  • control of successful intermorbidity;
  • gnuchka administration of the system;
  • presence of manual and rich functional interface;
  • high stability, yak to lie in obligatory harvested data;
  • automatic import of any reservation.

Given services:

  • availability of access to confidential tariffs of the largest airlines of its customers;
  • the data base of the airline tariffs;
  • correction of information (about the route, layout, billing for payment) directly from the system.

Connection options to the system:

  • via the Internet;
  • telephone version Dual-up;
  • through the vision lines of the link.


This is the system, which provides customers with information about the price-setting rules of airlines, layout, location. So, it is possible to book and issue air tickets, boarding passes and other documents.

Dodatkova tourist information:

  • instructions on how to issue visas;
  • vimogi medical character;
  • currency conversion;
  • information about the missionary memorials.

Connection options:

  • Net Platform (insured by small and medium agencies);
  • Turbo Saber (supporting e-mail, data base of the correspondent, confidential tariffs);
  • Planet Saber (represented by a simple and clear graphical interface).


One of the first armored systems, as it began to push tourist technologies in the field of electronic commerce. It is important for them to book air transport and hotels, car rental companies, theaters.

Connection options:

  1. british telecom. Umovoy connection - armored 400 segments.
  2. Worldspan Net. The latest functional analogue of the stationary version with the Internet as a communication channel.


The system is widely victorious in the whole world (more below in a hundred lands). Such great hotel companies as Hilton, Radisson and many others are associated with it. The service provides the following functions:

  • automation of the process of booking air tickets;
  • information about tourist services and products;
  • exchange of notifications;
  • zamovlennya dodatkovyh services.

Galileo has more budget carriers than any other global armored system.


The whole system of armored air transportation in Russia and the Ukraine of the SND. He has information about tariffs, wash their bills, availability of space and layout. Vikoristovuyuchi її, you can create matching routes with your own flights and flights of other airlines.

For the rest of the hour, tourism is a global computerized business. From new take the fate of the leading airlines, hotels and travel agencies. The choice of information technologies to make it more individual, flexible and suitable for the calm.