Registration of lists of children in the garden. Templates. How does it work

Vikhovatel MADOOU No. 203 “Children’s cage of a combined type”, Kemerovo.

This work is intended for teachers of the Children's Health Sciences, the formation of the group and the primary ones.

A children's garden is a special setting, practically a different home for children with disabilities and children. And from now on I want to make my home quiet and warm. The marriage of goods to the addition of various possessions, and the development of creativity of the inventors.

I use a different river in my group. The group remained unnoticed. But I tried to do everything possible so that the children would be comfortable and happy, so that they would remove satisfaction from every day in our group.

Design “Our group”. The egg white and parasol are made from slabs, coated with water-emulsion farbe with added different colors.

So in the most appropriate way when preparing a stand for children and fathers, “You cannot bring it to the kindergarten” (as practice shows, even useful information).

To greet the children on the day, the people prepared a cake with candles and corrugated paper.

Algorithm for dressing (clothes are most likely seasonal) and folding the clothes into a hat.

This is the design “Merry Olive” for a bunch of artistic creativity.

I’m already paying too much attention to unattributed material. A pencil in a bundle of imaginative mystique (from rolls of toilet paper).

These are the attributes for the plot-role games “Shop”, “Daughters - Mothers: dumplings, dumplings, eggs, cakes, pastry, sausages, sausages, lokshina, carrots.

The design of the play area is also made from frame slabs and coated with water-based emulsion.

The cut is twisted and secured by the PDR.

Kutochka “We Cherguemo” and “We Serve the Table.”

Kutochok “Ryazhenie” and “Perukarnya”.

This is our “Likarnya”.

Decorated little “Nature” bunk.

Educational zone and mine - Burenushka Museum.

Decoration of the center of knowledge.

1. Select a picture. 2. At the end, insert text. 3. Unwind. And that's it!

A current teacher is a designer, director, actor, author, psychologist. This series can be continued, the skin from the hypostases emphasizes knowledge, intelligence, talent and, most importantly, time. In order to transform brilliant ideas into the material form of posters, folders, layouts, lists, memos, menus, announcements and greetings, our donors have 24 years to submit.

MAAM offers your respected “Templates” service, which allows you to design your other materials in a neat, stylish and professional manner.

Advantages of "Templates" website:

Vbudovanov text editor. Vibrated the template - entered the text - unzipped.

Professional style. Whether the material is designed or not, it looks like it came from the hands of the designer. This makes it possible to design the interior, entrance, and sound in one style.

Update and creation of new materials. Before confirmation, call, papa-re-suspended and any other other kind of information, you can add new pages, update, change the title page or the page has lost its relevance.

Author's text. Materials with ready-made text, which can be found in abundance on the Internet, often do not correspond to the time and taste of the teachers themselves. The use of the author's text will make your work replaceable and unique.

Editing and changing sizes. The template service allows you to select the desired design, change the font size, choose left or center alignment.

Availability of programs. To use the service effectively, you do not need knowledge of special programs: Photoshop, graphic editors. Anyone who can type the text can easily fit into its design.

Saving time.

savings potential the finished document on your computer or immediately download it from the Internet.

Here's how it works:

The program is intuitive and does not require any preparation.

1. Select frames. Our designers created 6 sides in a single template: a title page, a frame, three types of frames with horizontal lower pictures, a frame with a vertical picture.

2. Addition and editing of the text. Hover over the template and click on the text area to add your text and title. If the header is not required, it can be enabled on the template.

3. Either save the finished document.

Having entered the awkward terms, you will receive a convenient document, saving time and money.

▫ I guessed it. And I can still hear the tea trojan. Did the tea trojan manage to do this? And the red-red sisters were moving in the dreams. Vaughn was mischievous, tea Trojan. We were encouraged by the leaden gloom... Oh! I kiss the vologger, the tea trojan... the violet and babbling of the tea trojan came to the forest's breath... The tea trojan sang in their chests. I. Severyanin 6655173-a151550
▫ Nina Mikolaivna, I still don’t smell like that. ALEI, I don’t want to mess with this drive, for what is less important is the information first and foremost, and then the visualization is secondary.))) You have correctly noticed about the elegance. I respect the best gifts of the tea Trojans.))) I laugh at the one who is a symbol of innocence, first of all wickedness, of wickedness... Such Trojans are most often bestowed by people who dare to say something about their feelings. Women, as befits the tea Trojans, admire modesty, sobriety, simplicity and purity.
▫ Thank you, Igor Vyacheslavovich, for a piece of knowledge on my page! Galinochko! And THANK YOU for the courage and patience that befell you during the hour of my presence on the portal, for supporting the growth of faith. I smelled a lot of good things from your lips. I agree with you in general, especially in this regard, that every person has the right to his own powerful thought. I thought that during the quarantine days I would be visited on the portal for more than an hour. Alas, I had mercy! We sit with our boys at online lessons and there is no end to it. Singing to all readers! Ran away, like always, into the hvilinka. GOOD EVENING everyone!
▫ About the genius of music! The tree is growing tight! Send me a lively combination: I haven’t drained my fresh cup to the bottom. I have not driven endless suffering into my heart! More, more, I pray! Like a loud waterfall, send a sparkling cascade from the sparkling streams! The tender violet melancholy checks the fog, So that its cup is filled with dew, So as if I will sprout the wicked deception of the unearthly songs with their wondrous beauty. And the axis of the stench is ringing... I'm getting angry with them again... I'm happy... I'm chattering... I'm crying... I'm choking... Persi Bishi Shelley Thank you, Marina Yosipivna! Friends! In the evening I will definitely immerse myself in the musical world, forever alive and full of classics! I wish everyone a GOOD EVENING at your beloved piano! 6605206-a151550
▫ Thank you, Igor Vyacheslavovich. The topic of this post resonates deeply with my soul. Of course, I didn’t find any pictures, which my post and comments cannot do without. Like, before speech, lyrics and music are the same. Ale we are making these amendments (with a laugh) This will be taken from the rest of the commentary about the Russian Trojans. The Trojans of Rozhev are a symbol of elegance and luxury. The russet color is varied by a wide variety of shades, combining which vicors to create complex, richly informative and often red-colored messages. You can appreciate it by presenting a bright horn or cherry color to the Trojans as a gift. At the same time, it is possible to detect a feeling of sympathy, having given the tender erysipelas to the Trojans. 6568289-a151550