The boundary has been removed. Local LAN networks and global (regional) WAN networks, network networks or combined networks, local networks, network detection

An interconnected network (internetwork) is a combination of several networks,

They are created by adjacent fence structures, which function as one large fence. The concept of a joint network includes technologies, devices and procedures that allow the task of creating and administering a joint network to be completed. On the,; ShhS. Figure 1.1 shows how a number of different types of networks can be connected to each other using routers and other network devices to create a single network.

History of joint measures

The first networks worked in a sub-hour mode and consisted of mainframes with terminals connected to them. Such environments were based both on the system architecture of the IBM network (Systems Network Architecture - SNA) and on the basis of the Digital network architecture.

The rise of local networks (Local-Area Network - LAN) is due to the widespread use of personal computers (PCs). Local borders allow decal

Koristovacham, located in a relatively small geographic area, exchange files and messages, as well as heavily exploit hidden resources, such as file servers and printers.

Small 1.1. Measures that combine different technologies can be connected to each other and create a single measure

Divisions of networks (Wide-Area Network - WAN) unite local networks with each other in order to ensure connections between clients located far from one another. To integrate local networks, technologies such as T1, T3, ATM, ISDN, ADSL, Frame Relay, radio communications and others are used. Every day new ways appear to connect remotely one type of local network.

Currently, the area of ​​high-speed local networks and commutated networks continues to expand, with some operating at high speeds and supporting such applications as multimedia and video conferencing. Greater Smuha transmission may occur.

Consolidated networks have evolved to address three main goals: consolidation of isolated local networks, elimination of resource duplication, and more efficient management of networks. The isolation of local networks from each other makes it difficult to exchange electronic information between offices and departments. Duplication of resources means the installation in the skin office or the same hardware and software, with additional technical support personnel. The lack of effective control of the control system means the absence of centralized control systems for control measures and the detection of faults.

Problems of creating interconnections

Functional implementation of the combined measure is a difficult task. This raises a lot of problems, especially in terms of secure coupling, reliability, effective control of the edge and flexibility. The skin from overprotection is critically important when clear and effective measures are taken.

When different systems are connected, the problem arises of exchanging data between layers that rely on different technologies. For example, in different nodes for transmitting data, there may be different transmission media that operate with different fluids, or different types of connections between which data exchange is required.

The remainder of the efficiency of a company's work largely lies in the exchange of information, which is responsible for ensuring the highest level of reliability. Merezhev's middle is richly in which it is not transferred, so in most of the great common measures the so-called is transferred. arrogance, which allows you not to interrupt the exchange of data whenever problems arise.

In addition, the management of the network and the detection of faults in the network are likely to be centralized. In order for the system to operate without failures, it is necessary to select the correct configuration, adjust the security system, achieve maximum productivity and manage other nutrition. The security system is an invisible part of the integrated security system. Many people appreciate that a security system is only necessary to protect your privacy from external attacks. However, it is no less important to protect the barrier from internal attacks, especially since the system most often collapses in the middle. Therefore, it is also necessary to protect against the corruption of internal barriers as a means of attacking external nodes.

Since 2000, many large Web sites have fallen victim to Distributed Denial Of Service Attacks (DDOS attacks). Such attacks became possible through those who had a lot of private networks connected to the Internet, were not required to be stolen and served as a means of attack.

While everything in the world is changing, it is necessary to provide sufficient fluidity so that they can be changed accordingly to new possibilities.


Kerivnitsvo behind the technologies of integrated measures, 4th edition. : Per. from English - M.: Vidavnichy house “Williams”, 2005. - 1040 p.: ill. - Paral. tit. English

Hello, dear readers of the blog site! Today we will talk about different types of networks, such as local networks (LAN), which can be used in organizations, primary campuses or at home, global or regional networks (WAN), which can be used in the best way Internet, edge systems or about Single measures, so that, for example, a number of local measures are combined into a larger regional measure. You will also find out what an intranet is and become aware of the network phenomena.

Local Merezhi (LAN)

Merge infrastructures can be varied in terms of:

  • Size of hemstone cover
  • How many kosts are connected to koristuvachev
  • Number of costs and types of available services

It means that it extends across one geographic area, providing services and benefits to people in the middle of an organizational structure, for example, one enterprise, campus or region. This type of barrier is called. The LAN network must be administered by one organization. Administrative controls that manage security and access control policies operate at the edge.

Regional (Global) Measures

If a company or organization operates across large geographic areas, it may need to use a Telecommunications Service Provider or TSP. to connect one by one LAN connections located in different locations. The services of telecommunications service providers operate across large regional boundaries that can span large distances. Traditionally, TSPs have transmitted voice and information across multiple channels. Now, in the wider world, providers are demonstrating the services of their clients.

For your organization, make sure to rent a connection to your telecommunications service provider. These networks that connect LANs in geographically dispersed locations are called Regional or Global Networks (WANs). However, the organization maintains all policies and administration of LAN networks x sides of the connection, politics in the middle The communications service provider's arrangements are controlled by the TSP.

WAN networks are specially designed to connect local LAN networks one by one. Due to the importance of these devices for measurement, configuration, installation and maintenance of these devices involve invisible skills for measurement.

LAN and WAN boundaries are even more important for other organizations. The stinks of korystuvachev in the middle of the organization. They include the exchange of electronic sheets, corporate learning, and the exchange of other resources.

Internet - Merezha Merezha

Although we want the benefits of using a local LAN or WAN, most of us need to interact with resources across boundaries beyond our local organization.

Applications of this type of communication include:

  • Sending electronic sheets to goods from other countries
  • Restricting access to new news and products on the website
  • Retrieving the file from your computer
  • Exchange with a relative from another place
  • Keeping an eye on the progress of your favorite sports team by phone

Merezhevi Complexes (Community Merezh)

A global web of mutually interconnected boundaries (boundary complexes) serves. All of these mutually related measures are the responsibility of the great joint and partial organizations, such as government agencies or industrial enterprises, and are also recognized for their influence. The most well-known and widely used secretly accessible network is the Internet.

The Internet is made up of interconnected boundaries, which are the Internet Service Providers (English: Internet Service Provider or ISP). These ISP networks connect one to another, providing access to millions of customers around the world. The guarantee through this diverse infrastructure emphasizes the stagnation of conveniences and confidentiality, as well as the indifference of frontline administration agencies.


term intranet often used to establish private connections between LAN and WAN networks that belong to the same organization, which are designed so that they can only be accessed by members of that organization, workers and others authorized by the organization h.

Respect: The terms can be used interchangeably: combined measure (boundary complex, united measure, complex of mutually interconnected measures), data measure and simply measure. The union of two or more measures of these data forms a single measure - a measure of a measure. It is also popularly customary to call a common measure a measure of data - or simply a measure - when considering communication on the most important level. Several terms depend on the context, in connection with which the terms can be used interchangeably.

Merezh phenomenon

When transporting complex information, such as when securing a boundary connection and the operation of a large boundary, the visual appearance and graphics tend to be distorted. As if it were a different language, my measure is vikorystovaya's behind-the-scenes set of symbols (values) to represent different ones, i. The importance of recognizing the logical manifestations of physical boundary components is crucial for the understanding of the organization and work of the boundary.

In addition to the appearance of special meanings, special terminology is used when discussing how the skin of these devices and connections is connected one to one. It is important to remember the following terms:

Merezhevoy Interface Map(English Network Interface Card or NIC) or LAN adapter, will provide physical connection to a computer or other device host. , Connects directly to network cards (NICs).

    ob'ednana measure- Two or more switched networks with switching of packets (they may be of different types), connected via routers in a logical network. Topics of measurement EN internetwork ...

    Integrated rozrahunkov system- “United Rozrakhunka System” (ORS) is a non-banking credit organization that unites ATMs, food service points (POS) and payment acceptance of various banks in a single manner. Today, the OPC includes over 100 Russian credit institutions. ... ... banking encyclopedia

    academic measure has been consolidated- Merezha is intended for the exchange of scientific information between academic organizations. [E.S. Alekseev, A.A. Myachev. English-Russian dictionary of EOM system technology. Moscow 1993] Topics of information technology in general EN Joint Academic ... ... Adviser of technical translation

    ob'ednana koslyuvalna servisna mezha- - [[English-Russian dictionary of short transport and forwarding and commercial terms and expressions of FIATA]] Topics of transport and forwarding services EN ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network ... Adviser of technical translation

    combined local computational measure- A set of local computational boundaries connected by bridges to control access to the middle. [GOST 29099 91] Topics of computational measures Usual terms of interconnections between local computational measures EN bridged LAM ... Adviser of technical translation

    energy limit has been consolidated- All common power transmission lines, regardless of voltage, between one or several enterprises, between one or several geographical areas, between one or several countries. [English-Russian glossary... ... Adviser of technical translation

    - (Al Gumhuriya al Arabiya al Muttahida) (UAR) holds in the northeast of Africa and partly in Asia (Sinai Peninsula). Area OK. 1 million km2. Nasiv. 30 million Ch. (1966), ch. arr. Arabi. OK. 99% of us. lives in the delta and valley of the Nilu, in the oasis of Fayoum and in the Suez area ... ... Radyanska historical encyclopedia

    PACKAGE DELIVERY SERVICE IS INCLUDED- (U.P.S.) (UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, UPS) is one of the largest carriers in the world that offers a package of services for delivery of various types. the importance of linear and volumetric characteristics (strengths, other amendments, etc.) and their consolidation. ... ... Key parameters for transportation, logistics, and customs clearance

    Integrated local computational measure- 1. The totality of local billing measures connected by bridges to control access to the middle. Lives in the document: GOST 29099 91 Local billing measures. Terms and meaning... telecommunications dictionary

    STO 70238424. Unified national electrical network. Wash the rozvitka. Norms and benefits- Terminology STO 70238424. 2012: Unified national electrical boundary. Wash the rozvitka. Norms and benefits: 3.1.4 balance flows: Flows that are included in the by-product or output part of the balance sheet and show what part ... ... Glossary of terms of normative and technical documentation

    The library system is equipped with: the number of assignments; organizational decisions; densely united signs: ownership of the singing territory, founder, galuzia, etc. For English: Library network Div. Also: Library systems Financial ... ... Financial dictionary


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