How to recognize, how to attach, may have access to your merged accounts. What is an account on the Internet and what is the wine for? How to create an oblique record? How to protect an account from an evil one

Today is the great impersonal shakhraiv and swindlers, how to sleep and drink, what better way to come up with in order to extort a penny from a person. Naturally, they came up with options for how to win a special mobile phone number. Think about it yourself, if you receive SMS of this kind on your mobile phone: your MTS account has no entry, call 111 764.

Naturally, if you want to know who to work in a similar situation, whose number, which you can find shakhrai, as a way to deny access to the special office of a koristuvach.

Why do shakhrai try to create evil

In most cases, the operator's account of a mobile phone is hacked in order to make it possible to perform operations on it. For example, can you do this:

  • Try to take the money, as the special office of that other operator allows you to be shy;
  • To draw up various paid subscriptions for a person, for which a penny will be charged permanently.

So, as soon as the message “Vikonano logged into your MTS account, call 11764” came, then it’s obvious that you need to think and be wary.

Who manages similar SMS and what does it mean?

Otzhe, what number is shown in SMS? Vіn dіysno lie down MTS, that in tsomu planі not varto hvilyuvatisya.

What about obov'yazkovo podіbne povіdomlennya means that becoming evil? Ni. I have more options, if you can make a similar one:

  • The subscriber has failed to enter the system from a computer that has been assigned to a different IP address;
  • The subscriber has entered the “Incognito” mode on the PC or VPN;
  • The Internet provider independently changed the IP addresses of the koristuvach.

Tobto, after omitting this kind of information, it is recommended to think about - why did a person recently enter his special office, and what is the same rank? It is important to note that a similar text can come in the same time, as if the coristuvach had not opened his account for a long time, or to rob it for the first time.

Recommendations to follow in such situations

Persh for everything - respectfully read that text, which is the letter of the messages in the reminder. This is the standard way of informing a company. Ale and yogo can be victorious by evildoers. For example, to proponuvati to go by force, as if you were leading to the resource you need. Or call on a trio with another number, which, as a whole, will be paid.

Tobto, everything is easy to finish. I tse confirm the opinions of quiet people, as they have already been in a similar situation.

Good day friends. Today, I'll tell you about the term "account" - what is it for, why is it necessary, how to create and how to correctly win, to protect the evil from evil-doers.

What is an account

The word account came to us from the English language and appeared a long time ago before the advent of the Internet, there "Account" has a small meaning, but the later translation is uninformative and needs an explanation. In the Russian language, the term vikoristovuetsya exclusively in the IT sphere, that means coming:

Account - the purpose of collecting special data for the entry into the database of a personal computer, server (website), smartphone or other electronic device, necessary for yoga identification.

The data of the oblіkovogo record is subdivided into 2 types:

  • Unique - cannot be repeated by different correspondents within the same system (login, phone number, etc.);
  • Chi is not unique - they can be the same for different coristuvachis (im'ya, date of birth and in.).

Identification of a koristuvach in the system is carried out for unique data, to that, the stench of obov'yazkovymi for filling it does not change in the future, but it is difficult to change it. Chi is not unique data, as a rule, can be changed by a chirpy at any hour.

At the skin service, a list of obov'yazkovyh data of their own and deposited in the recognition of the service, but the minimum dial, present creak - tse im'ya and password.

Obov'yazkovі danі whether it's oblіkovogo record:

Іm'ya koristuvachа (User Name) - tse unique іm'ya koristuvach in the middle of the service is necessary for authorization, as a rule, publicly (to download the system, other koristuvachі, administration, etc.), and sometimes the UserName is logged in Login (login), Nickname (nickname) or Nick (nick);

Password (pass, password) - the number of characters required to enter the system, which confirms that the master of the oblique record is vi, the login is secret and inaccessible to any crim of the master. Most secure services use such encryption that programs cannot recognize it, no matter how administrators and other coristuvachivs are.

Mayzhe is also often like a login and a password, in the form of a language victorious email address, often carrying the function of a login. E-mail is an emergency communication channel between the system and the courier, as well as a way to restore access when a password is entered.

Depending on the level of seriousness and official service of the service, they can be upgraded to this profile, so, on state-owned sites, such as state services or the site of taxation, all data are 100% due to your passport in real life. Unofficial resources have no such powers, and you can say what you want.

What is the account for?

The presence of an account is not obligatory for work with the Internet, but it is the only way to create a connection with a person, that is special. For example, you can incognito look over more sites on the Internet, or else you want to make a purchase in the Internet store, leave your comments in the social network, or play in the online game - you will "get personal".

The presence of a system for identifying coroners on the Internet is as good for services that win authorization as it is for people who are crooked by them.

New account koristuvachevі:

  1. Otrimannya access to the main or additional possibilities. For example, a robot with an electronic or special account in an online bank is impossible without personal authorization, it’s funny to see what would happen with your finances, as if you had access to them, be it a kind of passable passerby.
  2. Possibility to close the access of third parties to your special data. Please note that the secret listing was saved, as a password is not required to access your e-mail.
  3. Possibility to take personal data and analytics. So, as I deal with sites, I’m the closest example of statistics on the sites of Yandex Metrica - I can keep an account in my add-on sites in dynamics the sides are not suitable and require additional support.
  4. For the help of a visual record, it is possible to do a double-string interaction between the core system and the system, so you don’t interrupt when you leave the site or the Internet. For example, for sharing on the Internet, I use vicorous, with which I only set it up once, robbed all the settings, added contacts and all friends together with listings are saved in my account, navigate when the laptop is turned off.
  5. The ability to easily manage the settings of your devices and change their parameters remotely. For example, a Google public record, connecting to a smartphone allows you to comfortably install, upgrade and remove programs through Google Play and do not fool around with downloading and transferring to your phone.apk files of other programs.

About the account for site and service managers:

  1. Your presence makes life easier for customers, which is positively signified on their promotion to service - loyalty is promoted.
  2. Possibility to collect behavioral statistics and on the basis of this, carry out polling.
  3. Possibility of a quick call with your clients (via mail or telephone) for the transfer of important terminology information, for example, about new functions, promotions or technical robots.
  4. Possibility of distribution of koristuvachiv for equal rights / access to arrears on the basis of merits (for example, ranks on the forums) or on the basis of payment (services with lower tariffs).

How to create an account

The created accounts have 2 ways, which lie in the policy of the service, de vine is guilty of stating:

  • Self-registration, if you specifically provide data and deny access (social security, mail services, etc.);
  • The registration is closed, if the public records are created exclusively for the administration of the resource (special office in the tax office, online banking, etc.).

As an example, let's take a look at the process of creating an account on Google - it's one of the most accessible services, where you can go through registration, be it a person, be it, be it, remember it, give it.

I googled it in a not vipadkovo way.

First, a Google account is required to connect an Android smartphone (the most popular mobile operation) to the Google Play app store.

In another way, creating an account in Google, one hour, creating an email in Gmail. And e-mail will be in your favor not only for listing, but also for future registrations in other services.

Thirdly, all Google services are connected under a single link login-password and to deny access to them you will not have to register any more, just connect the other service. The Google group includes Blogger blogging services, Youtube video hosting, Google Docs online office services (such as Word and Excel), Google Drive data collection and others. So the Google post will be skin-colored.

How to create a Google post

Krok No. 1. Let's go to the side -\u003dru

Krok No. 2. Save your data on this side

Krok No. 3. Otrimati confirmation and more often koristuvatisya

Krok No. 4. (Neoobov'yazykovy) More different settings

At this point, you can vouch for all your Google profile data.

The mail screen will be available for the address -, and the login will be named after the Koristuvach, shown on the first crochet.

In Google, you can create anonymous accounts, but on the other hand, if you link a phone number, its availability is checked. For important accounts, I recommend that you enter the correct data, so that you can restore access when you deposit.

How does registration on Facebook look like?

The process of creating cloud records in most services is similar, for example, the registration form in the Facebook social media looks like this:

The principle rule of Google here is that it is obligatory to indicate the address of the electronic mail or the number of the mobile phone.

Account registration through social networks

In the rest of the hour of the robot, the rich sites will be asked and for the creation of accounts, the data from the already created profiles of Vkontakte, Facebook and other social networks will be collected. You can instruct either under the standard registration forms a special button for this purpose, for example, the axis is broken in the Serpstat service:

You can create an account in the traditional way via email and password, or you can simply click on the social media button (as you have an account there).

When you press the button, the service will send a request to your account on Facebook, Twitter or Google+, after that, as you give access to the social media, the registration form will take the required data (mail, name, password) and on this basis, create a profile in yourself .

Behind the fact, with such a registration, it is easy to copy these profiles from one service to another - easily and manually.

How to protect your account as evil

Evil and theft of special data is a real problem of the current Internet. When you lose control over your account, you don’t only lose the ability to work with the servants of the service, but you also give the opportunity to the evildoer of the child in your name - for example, to take money from your known contacts list.

If the language is about more serious services, such as Yandex Groshi, then by 99% of evil you will be free of all your money on gamants.

To avoid such situations, it is necessary to take into account a number of rules:

  1. Wikoristovuvat maximally foldable passwords. No PIB and dates of birth, only stupid typing of letters in different registers, numbers and valid symbols (however possible). Dovzhina minimum 8 characters.
  2. For the skin service, enter a unique password. In case of theft of one, everything else is saved.
  3. Change your passwords periodically. What is more important is service, what is more often varto care.
  4. Do not save your passwords in securely accessible areas (stickers on the monitor, a sticker under the keyboard). I use WinOrganizer special program for these purposes, de passwords are saved in encrypted form.
  5. Use an anti-virus with a regularly updated database so that your logins and passwords are not downloaded directly from your computer.
  6. Carefully follow the addresses of the Internet sites on which you enter data. Often shakhrai copy the old look of the official service and give the coristuvach an untruthful side for the introduction of data (for example, rozsiloyuchi leaves, nibito in the name of the administration).
  7. Enter the data in your account to renew access, as the system allows (reserve mail, mobile phone, code word).
  8. Chi do not voice the data for entering your account with telephone calls, so you were introduced to the administration.
  9. For important resources, please provide reference data so that you can renew access with a passport.

Important visnovok. If your account is still hacked, try to inform about the people, with some faults and to whom shakhrai can get into trouble.

To get to a special page (electronic mail, social media or another site) you need an account.

What's the account?

An account is a ceremonial record that can be used for a passport in an extraordinary life. T_lki for the site on the Internet. For a skin site, you need your own account (as there, in principle, registration of accounts).

On the right is that not all sides of the site are available for the koristuvach. Acts are available only for additional oblikovogo record, so that the stench of revenge for the skin of the people.

For example, on the website for buying leather tickets, you can check the layout of the leather, or you can add your special data to the ticket and remember them before the next visit to the site, you need an account.

Call the account is created with email and password.

You go to the site under your account, you go to a special page, because you can’t succumb to someone, you’re (just as long as you don’t take away the data of your public record - im'ya that password).

An account can be created practically on any site - a site for buying tickets, a social network on VKontakte, in classmates.

Special page - the main page of the site that is accessible to the public, but with a password. You hand over the sides of your data, so that the outside knows that you have done it for you. I saw your mail itself, your own page with your photos in classmates or VKontakte, etc. There is only one page for the site, but there is a lot of koristuvachiv. How can you individualize? For additional oblіkovogo record.

Retail between a globally accessible and special side

Let's look at the butt of the Rambler-mail. If you don’t win an account, then at the address you just go to the side with news and a little help to “get out” of the mountains. Ale, if you want to create an account and see it, you can help your side with the mail, so don’t scribble more than anything. You can close the site, open it on your other computer and re-enable it under your account to gain access to your mail, and nothing else. A screenshot of the site at the moment you log in to Rambler under your account (alternatively, you need to create an account). There is only one account, but to enter you need to fill in two fields: login and password.

What is the login and password and how to do it

Why is an account made up of two parts: login and password? Login is inaccessible, it is not accepted to accept yoga. At times Rambler-mail - tse e-mail addresses. How will you hang leaves on the new one, how will you attach yoga? Vіn is guilty of being greedy accessible. Alas, no one was able to get to the site under a public record, it’s his fault and the secret part is the password. Wine is only for you.

If you open the safe, then the password is the key that allows you to open the safe. And the login is the name of the safe, which allows you to view all other safes and show that your wine is yours.

For example, a login on some site can be vasya, like a little more. And in the time of the electronic mail, the login must be replaced by the “@” sign, so it is accepted. for example, [Email protected] . Whose login (addresses) you call everyone knows, and send stinks to you on a new page. When someone reads your mail, they can’t stink, even if for whom you need a password, and VIN is secret information.

When the login and password are created, it is not possible to spell Russian letters, so it is accepted. Vikoristovuemo English alphabet.

Raju is about to create a mail account. Therefore, when creating all other accounts, ring out the required mail (or phone number), and a sheet for registration confirmation will be sent to you. So the postal account is the same as the first physical record, through which the registration of all other accounts is made. You can send a mail, whether it be (on any domain - mail,, gmail and so on).

When you create a formal record, you will invent your own login and password and remember them. The stench you need for a distant entrance. Sound on all sites when you create a password yogo (the same password) you need to enter two. Why? So you yourself did not have mercy. Tse secret data, and if you enter the password, not symbols, but stars are displayed. In order to secure pardons, the password must be entered and entered twice. Ale ce to fight only once when creating an account. Done, forgot the password. When entering the Rambler mail, as you saw on the first screenshot, only one field is displayed for entering the password.

Now often a phone number is needed to create a public record. It's obviously a recent tradition, it didn't happen before. And there is no such thing on rich sites. This was done so that spammers could not create pardon accounts for their vile inquiries. No phone - no account. In addition, the phone number will help you to change the password, so you will forget it.

Why do not you need to enter login and password

Since you have an account, you could remember that you often enter your side without entering a login and password. How to get out like that? On the first little, de indications of entry to the site, there is a small tick "remember me" under the login and password. He has everything on the right. It means that for a certain hour the browser will remember those that you have already entered: login and password. Tse yakscho b vy zalivali key directly in the safe. And if you go to the site on someone else's computer or on a new attachment, then all the same you will have to re-visit under your account in order to spend on a special page. So login and password need to be remembered.

In today's world of shahrai, they practically penetrated into the world of IT, which is like a great coristuvachi. At the same time, spam is showing activity everywhere, the end of the meta as a way to take money from you. Also, koristuvachs can often receive reminders “Vikonano logged into your MTS account. If not Vee, call 111 764 (free of charge) // IP addresses. After all the “bad news” it is entirely logical that the subscribers are blamed for the power: what is the short number 111764 for the MTS type and who is being charged by the special office?

Special office and security in MTS

The special office is a convenient and practical service for subscribers of the MTS company. With the right yoga victoria, you can win a lot of successes, the most common of them - the ability to win vitrati and connect services.

  • The MTS operator ensures the protection of the highest levels of special data. It is necessary to understand what evil-doers can get into the special office only if you give them access yourself, having learned the password. First of all, it’s necessary to remember about it - you can’t tell anyone the password in the form of a record. Tim more, edit yoga in SMS.
  • Another important point. At the assistant, you may have the power to enter the special office. We won’t go over them, obviously. Often shakhrai vikoristovuyut similar name to the site for the introduction of ordinary subscribers in Oman. It is noteworthy that the scheme is still up to date. Having entered your data on such a cloned site, you can say goodbye to a penny for a rahunka, and since the phone is tied to online banking, it is guaranteed to cause problems.
  • Well, thirdly, just take a look at the number of the official and turn it over in the MTS database. If the number is not up to service, then it's better for everything, tse shakhrai. At the exit with the short number 111 764, you can get on the right with the official service to update the MTS.

What is the number 111764 for MTS?

For the idea, the notification “Vikonano logged into your MTS account” is the standard notification about those who log in to the special office. Notifications will come every once in a while, including you, having successfully logged into the system. The system can remember the standard IP of your computer (phone) and add it to the list. All other addresses are considered potentially unsafe. When you can receive SMS:

Behind the fact, a message has come to 111 764 - it’s supposed to be a dependent defender of your data, as it is costlessly propagated by the service to the defender of MTS. The defender will promptly notify you that someone has entered your office, additionally indicating your IP. Before speech, I telephoned to the whole number, ale vin appointments as incorrect dialing.

What needs to be done, how did such an SMS come?

As soon as you received this information, please turn over your IP address beforehand, as soon as the wine is checked, then install your own. Don't get confused - just call your Internet provider and specify the standard settings of the network. If you have gone through another attachment, then just ignore the reminder. If you didn’t log in, then you’ll have to step forward:

If you do not want to remove such notifications, then in the same settings you can enter the SMS alert item, two items will be active there - check the box in front of the first one. In front of you - turn on the service in the region without a bag, it’s more that it’s free of cost.

Inclusion of a message in the MTS "Vikonano logged into your account"


Now you know why Vikonano is logged into your MTS account. If you don't want to, call 111 764 to come to your phone. Let's understand that in most cases there is less advance, and by no means an evil account. Required password and security on the extension check for viruses - this is a guarantee of full protection of your data and security for excess.

The largest social network VKontakte introduced two-step authorization on the site. Now, for the sake of a koristuvach, after entering a login password, you can protect your account by entering a PIN code. Pin code Vkontakte to secure the best defense of your data against the evil one. How to activate and correctly configure the "Login Confirmation" function VK. And also, how to properly rank for this function - you can find out by reading our article.

What is the PIN code for VKontakte?

Otzhe, we will introduce you to the course. Rozrobniks have been seriously storming the problem of defending the special data of their koristuvachs VK for a long time. The back of the head was as simple as it could be, but after an hour the methods of the defense became more and more collapsible. And now, in the battle of zlomshchikiv against Contact, becoming a serious advantage in the end of the rest.

After linking the account to the mobile phone number, the retailers were able to significantly change the list of sides. Nezabarom those retailers optimized everything with the help of rock - the introduction of the PIN code for VK. Now, if you have a VKontakte account, you can set up the PIN code function. Tim himself koristuvach otrimu nibi podvіyny zahist his oblіkovogo record.

To authorize the Crimea, filling in the login and password fields, you will need to enter a special code, which will be sent to you through a free SMS notification. Naturally, this SMS will be linked to the number of your mobile operator. If you don't want to bother with SMS notifications, then you can use a special add-on for your smartphone - a code generator for VKontakte. So it is strongly recommended to copy your own list of backup codes, so that you can beat it in different numbers under the phone. In order to calm down some “ledachic” coristuvants - the PIN-code will come only at your request and only after your activation of the function.

How do I turn on confirmation of entry with a PIN code?

In order to enable “Login Confirmation” in Contact, you need to go to the menu on your side "My nalashtuvannya". at the contributor "Zagalna"- know the group of people "Safety of your side". on the other hand "Entry Confirmation" need to press the button "Connect".

Now, when you enter your VK account, you will be prompted to "Enter the code." Well, it seems to be good, you should be born.

Alert: "Trying to login to your account with IP"

The pin code will only work once. One entry - one pin code. For example, “evil people” should try to get your PIN-code and login with a password in “VKontakte”, then they won’t be able to speed up the stench. And you should take away the message that appears to be merging “A test was made to enter your account from an IP in which the IP address of the computer will be hidden, from which it was illegally attempted to enter your account.

In such a state of panic, there was no trace of the fact that Contact was already ahead of your evil side. And you can calculate and punish if you hit a hot person by the IP address of your computer.

"Remember the browser" VKontakte or how to turn on the entered pin code

If you don't want to win the Pina entry function, so, for example, you are at home and log in from your PC. Then you should speed up the “Remember browser” function, for activation, you just need to check the box in the drain at the end. The function to allow you to remember the place and your old browser for which you are logged in and you no longer need to enter a pin code for this browser on your PC. At some point, you can reset all settings either on the in-line attachment, or on all overturned attachments.

IMPORTANT! You will not be able to simply turn on this function of confirming the entrance with a PIN code. When you first log in from your browser on a computer, laptop, smartphone or telephone, enter the PIN code once and obligatorily check the "Remember browser" checkbox. For that reason, you will not need to enter the pin code once when entering VK from any of the outbuildings.

If your SIM-card is ruined, otherwise it will be all right, and the PIN-code confirmation function will be activated, you can speed up the confirmation form via email. The introduction of two-step authorization will allow you to steal your personal data, and your account will be protected by the "security service" VK.

The practice of introductory introduction is already successful in many great social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google. Many Internet banks are also confirmed with a PIN-code. І axis nareshti then tezh having put in effort the defense of our special danichs with you.