How to shop on Taobao - good intermediaries, please contact us. How to buy on Taobao - good intermediaries, please read about YoyBuy

First of all, at its own cost. Prices for goods vary from super low to high, or even lower than ours. Every once in a while.
For example, the price of a jacket on Taobao is 109 yuan. The price is approximately 17 dollars (1 yuan - 0.16 dollars). Of course, before the exchange rate was cut, prices were better, but it was so bad.

Although the price is not the lowest on Taobao, the price is average.

In a different way, assortment. Taobao has everything, including details of popular and popular brands. Hundreds of VKontakte groups that promote Chanel and other luxury brands cheaply often buy their goods on Taobao.

Thirdly, exotic. I bought teas, kava and cool drinks for my home from Taobao. An axis like this:

Chim filthy Taobao. Disadvantages of shopping from this site

  • Delivery rate from China the road often outweighs the nominal value of the product itself. Therefore, most Taobao buyers from other countries make a lot of speeches, since postal tariffs are such that with the increase in price, the cost of shipping increases insignificantly. And with the additional kilogram of skin, the value per 1 kg changes. The more, the cheaper.
  • Language and communication. Taobao - I will publish it in Chinese, and more recently we will close the site and take until the registration of only residents of China with their regional phone numbers. Shukati consumer goods It’s not easy, it’s important to talk to sellers.

Yak kupuvati on Taobao. Independent agreements with Taobao

The infection can be purchased from Taobao independently, the system accepts until the registration of foreigners, but it is difficult to do so, since the site is in Chinese language, all sellers speak Chinese, and sometimes English.

Not all Taobao stores are ready to send goods overseas. And not a buyer who buys for himself, who is ready to buy a lot of goods from one seller, so that this compensates for the risk of international shipment. As I already wrote - single speeches (words) turn out to be expensive For myself, I found a way out - contacting an intermediary who provides services to a warehouse in China (mailing addresses), verification of packages and delivery to Ukraine. So, I only pay for the delivery (the price is free), but I don’t pay the middleman for the purchase of the product itself on Taobao.

Thus, I have the opportunity to purchase goods from various sellers, and then collect them in one batch at the intermediary’s warehouse, and then send them all in convenient batches to Ukraine.

Making a deal through an intermediary on Taobao

Until recently, on Taobao you could only buy goods through an intermediary who could purchase the goods for you.

  • minuses- This is the intermediary’s commission, which can reach up to 20% of the product’s value.
  • pluses- you are not dealing with Chinese sellers, it is difficult to translate the site, as well as making a purchase in Chinese - the translation recognizes the language even in the middle. Save an hour when you need to buy a lot of speeches. And make sure you have plenty, otherwise it will be expensive. First of all, everything is mental, my loads were never more than 7 kg.

How to find a good Taobao intermediary and my testimony

There are private intermediary individuals who deal with negotiations and transmission of speeches from Taobao, as well as the entire company. Each person has his own committee and rules of work.

I give preference to companies that have an Internet presence with functional websites and a history, just like everyone else. intermediaries work on a full prepayment basis And it would be morally difficult for me to trust my honest earnings to a “private person,” even if there were no rumors about him on the Internet.

Video about Shopotam

I started my prayer on Ebaytoday, which today began to be called It seems to me that I changed my mind not for nothing, as the number of negative influences has now gone off scale. This can be explained by the great popularity of the service, more clients - more users.

My thought is that it is possible to negotiate with them, but there are no more advantages.


They have their own course for hryvnia-dollar-yuan conversion, and it will be much more expensive. The rich have their course, but they whisper as if it were completely invisible. Delivery rate The price is higher than that of competitors, but I was betting on the popularity of the middleman and his reliability. “When ordering a group with more than 4 products, the minimum commission for leather goods from a group of stock is 15 ¥”. Plus, the minimum commission for transactions is about 10 dollars. Then their cheap goods will become gold, if they add 15 yuan to the sum of the leather goods.

My package left China for about 3 months. Possibly, it’s not their fault, but the unacceptable siege remains. The pluses are a normal functional website, a manual search system, technical support that resembles Russian, high and standard phrases. Review about YoyBuy

After Whispering, I switched to the middleman, with whom I have already had a lot of success - YoyBuy

video about YoyBuy

Why yoybuy? The commission is normal, it may change later. Like on Shopotam, there will be 10% depending on the amount of purchase, it does not matter how many units there are of the product.

If I buy 20 units of rings, bracelets and other items, everything is finally redeemed. By the way, there are a lot of middlemen out there who don’t deal with cheap junk. YoyBuy - working. If 10% of the whole transaction is less, less than 5.74 $, then you have to pay 5.74 $, so it is important to select the goods for the amount so that the commission to the intermediary is more than 6 dollars for the entire transaction, so as not to overpay.

The website has its own delivery cost calculator - it’s easy. Shipments arrive steadily throughout the month, I choose air first (by sea, go further). Payment in 2 stages, First of all, the goods are posted on Taobao, then, if all the goods arrive at their warehouse and are checked (without damage), it is believed that they can begin to be molded into a parcel for shipment. You pay for the transfer fee, a commission to the intermediary for the value of the goods, and about a dollar for the clearance fee.

On Yoybuy there is an option - pay immediately for everything and send it, but it’s easier to follow the old scheme if I clearly pay for what I pay. In this situation, I can formulate the orders myself, as soon as possible to deliver the goods. With this support, everything is in order, in the purchase mode, the goods can be asked for food, clarified if there are any changes in prices i. I can deprive them of my comments if I make a request (like “ Buy only if the seller confirms that the size will reach 170 "). Call the stinking English one, otherwise you can understand the Russian stench. minus Yoybuy

Vibachte for directness - ale stupid translation into Russian Their site is far from native language. Sometimes it can be funny to read their news, even rude jokes. They also have a YouTube channel, where their specialists “speak Russian” and like to read verses. I created the site itself and translated it =) For me it’s not critical, it rang. Yoybuy search system It does not reflect the discounted price, so the full price is shown, and even all sellers on Taobao have some discounts. The purchase of the product itself is at a real price with a discount, and the seller offers an additional discount for VIPs, which Yoybuy honestly buys at them (which I have not heard from other intermediaries).

Ale through Qiu technical assistance you have to throw a bag at the rakhunok for the goods without a discount. After purchasing goods for storage, pennies are lost. you call to go to the crossroads, otherwise they can be taken back. Zagalom, it’s not very convenient. It’s impossible to use the search system on the Yoybuy website, you can’t see the real prices. I always search for myself on Taobao for additional help from Chrome and downloaded site transfer, And then I add the order for the product to the YoyBuy system

Prote, I haven’t found a stronger and more convenient intermediary for myself, so my opinion is about Only positive.

Since people buy goods on their own, Yoybuy freely provides warehouse services and packaging for goods, paying only for delivery. I think so, that the transfer price already includes their commission, and the price for the transfer is competitive. What can you buy from Taobao

On Taoabao it’s especially easy to buy speeches that can be heard even in the slightest, and, of course, there are a lot of them.

It is also advisable to buy even expensive items, if the amount for delivery at the same price as the price of the item itself turns out to be symbolic.

As far as possible, get the best deal with the waste, since it won’t cost you much and will cost you less. An example of one of my promises - a phone and a lot of jewelry:

About the Yakiness of Taobao

Nowadays, you can buy goods from Taobao either through intermediaries or directly. In our article, we see different ways of making arrangements.

Transactions with Taobao through an intermediary.

For a long time, the Chinese online platform Taobao was focused on the domestic market - registration on the site was only possible for those with a Chinese phone number, payment was made inclusive of an additional card issued by one of the banks in China, and the seller And goods were distributed throughout the territory of China.

Moreover, all the buyers from SND, who asked how to buy food from Taobao, came as a result of the needless search for a middleman. The services of the intermediary included a new cycle of procurement - such as assistance in choosing a product on the site, collaborating with the seller with a size drive, transporting the goods to its warehouse in China, inspecting the purchase for defects and then forwarding the goods directly to the buyer. In this situation, two intermediaries took part in the process - one was in China, paying with their cards for all transactions and taking them back from the sellers to their address, and the other was in the same region with the buyer, accepting the transaction, and then goods and goods, or passing them on to buyers.

This is a simple way to make an order on Taobao, relevant to this day, since intermediaries not only deal with the purchase and delivery of goods, but also check the goods for consistency, and all sorts of problems arise at the same time And their guilt - for example, to return an unclear product to the seller, Nutrition with mitnitsa tends to be different. The profit of the intermediary's services usually amounts to 10-15% of the amount of purchase without arranging delivery, which, wait, is not so rich for your participation in the purchase at the stage of selection and removal of goods.

On the website of the skin company - the intermediary there is an instruction on Taobao, which explains how you need to make a request in this form - or fill out the form, indicating on the new product sent to you, as well as the necessary colors, sizes and quantity, or select a product on their website , adapted for the Russian audience.

Dealing with Taobao without intermediaries.

Since the beginning of 2014, Taobao has slightly changed its policy and now buyers from all over the world can register on the site - if you use a phone, you need to enter your mobile number- when you arrive, you will be notified of the activation code for your cloud account on the site.

Payment is made by Visa and MasterCard cards. What is the problem with delivery - Taobao has introduced a new service - forwarding international shipments. To put it simply, the Alibaba company, the official leader of the Taobao website, has created its own warehouse in China, where shipments from sellers arrive, and from which the company’s employees send shipments to buyers overseas. The rate for forwarding services is 18 yuan for the first kilogram and 3 yuan for each additional 500 grams (without regulating the rate for international delivery). You can read more about the process on the Taobao website itself.

In this way, the agreement with Taobao is no longer a myth, but a complete reality. Of course, at this stage the process is not yet complete, but during the process of completing the order, the forwarding button does not work, and the order is issued as a final one.

It is also unclear how to proceed with the refund of pennies for defective goods - the pennies are received by the seller on the 9th day after payment - with the arrangements for local delivery in China, which is expected to fit into a whole number of days. However, the very fact of such changes in the policy of the site gives hope to those who will be able to move non-bar food from Taobao to Russia without intermediaries.

Let's look at how to buy a product on Taobao, how to find the product you need, choose it and how to contact a seller on Taobao.

Taobao instructions.

Before you can communicate with Taobao, you must register on the site. Registration allows you not only to contact sellers, but also to view the entire assortment of products presented on the Maidan - on the right, some stores can only register as a customer, and in others without registration via the screen There are a number of pages and for further viewing you will need to enter a password. on Danish moment Registration on Taobao is open to users from all over the world and takes no more than 10 minutes. For clarity, we will highlight in the statistics screenshots from the version of the Taobao site transferred to English language For more help, please switch the browser Google Chrome.

Registration on Taobao.

1. Go to the Taobao website and click the button Register Free (register free of charge), Roztashovana in the upper left corner of the side.

2. In the window, select the country you are in, enter your number mobile phone and the code from the picture, which confirms that you are a human and not a bot, and press the button Next. Please note that the phone number is valid, since you will receive a confirmation code for registration on the site.

3. Next to the window, enter the code that was sent to you telephone number, Instructions during registration. Please return - if the code is not needed within 15 minutes, the registration will be cancelled.

4. In the new window, enter the details of your cloud account - your account name and password 2 times. To restore your respect - the user's name will be used as a login on the site, and the password must be reliable - to place both letters and numbers in different registers.

6 . At the window, select Overseas(Overseas lands), your place, addresses, index, property owner, mobile number. If you want to vikoryst your address as your main delivery address, check the box Set as default shipping address (Set your main delivery address). Review all entered information again and press the button Save.

You can enter a maximum of 20 delivery addresses per account.

Select product.

You can search for the product you need on Taobao in the following ways:
  • behind the categories displayed on the left side of the main page of the site;
  • Having entered the name of the product in the search row (you can enter it in English, but this will reduce the relevance of the result, it is better to quickly translate Google Translate and translate your search into Chinese).

You can also select only products with cost-free delivery ( Free shipping), Products with delivery outside China ( Overseas Goods), popular products ( Popularity), Products from the resale category ( Sales), Arrange products by increasing or changing prices (with or without delivery arrangements) and set the required price range.

Having selected the product that we have received, we go to the page and describe it.

Here we will provide you with information about the product:

  • 1 - photos of the product from different angles;
  • 2 - Name of the product;
  • 3 - the price of the product in Chinese yuan (in this category the price with a discount is also indicated);
  • 4 - number of products from previous buyers;
  • 5 - the number of goods sold during the remaining 30 days. When you hover over the number, you will be able to see the number of sales for this product and how many of these sales were lost;
  • 6 - information about delivery - here you need to select from the Overseas list (overseas countries). The option of delivery within the territory of China is also indicated here, as this is especially true.
  • 7 - options for choosing product characteristics (in this case - color);
  • 8 - quantity of goods that are being ordered (edited) and quantity of goods in stock;
  • 9 - button to add product to the box and button for quick purchase Buy now
  • 10 - confidential information about the product - the possibility of return within 7 days from the date of purchase, information about the seller’s donation of a portion of the money received for the product, payment methods;
  • 11 - button to add a product to the product list;
  • 12 - button to add a product to the ranking list.
On the right side of the page there is information about the seller. You can read more details about the seller's rating in our statistics.

Given below on the page povniy description product with photographs, details of past buyers, actual number of sales, as well as more detailed information about the terms of shipment and return of goods.

Please read the product description carefully - the picture may not be representative of what is actually being sold. Also, be careful when choosing the size of the garment - do not forget that Chinese sizes are 1-2 smaller than Russian ones. If you have any doubts or questions about the product, contact the seller. You can earn a decal in the following ways:

Through the activation of the chat - the icon is located on the page of the product description in the section about the seller with the word Contact. Click on the field with the hieroglyph and a chat window will open in front of you. The program does not require installation, but it does not save your browsing history, and you will not receive confirmation from the seller that the chat window will be closed.

For additional WangWang programs - you need to click on main page website. The program adds an icon to the tray that lights up when you receive new information, saves browsing history, and also maintains a permanent contact list. The program itself will be written in Chinese language. With this additional program, you can choose to supply food with delivery of goods to a forwarding warehouse, which may also result in failure.

How to fill out an order on Taobao.

Select parameters (color) and quantity of product and press the button Buy Now.

Confirm your cloud data again:

Then you will put it in the box, where all the information about the purchase of goods is indicated:

  • 1 - the name of the store on Taobao where the contract was made;
  • 2 - name and parameters of the selected product;
  • 3 - primary price of the product;
  • 4 - quantity of goods shipped;
  • 5 - information about the promotion or discount;
  • 6 – New price for goods;
  • 7 - field where you can deprive the seller (for example, ask him to carefully pack the goods);
  • 8 - availability and choice of delivery type within the territory of China;
  • 9 - o'clock, when the seller promises to send the goods;
  • 10 - residual quality of the product according to delivery arrangements;
  • 11 - confidential information - residual information and delivery address.
At this stage, at the very top of the page under your address, a checkbox will appear to forward the request to the forwarding warehouse, which is expected by Taobao. Perhaps this functionality has not yet been implemented, since we have not been able to remove the side with the desired result.

When you press this button, a list of forwarding companies will appear, allowing you to forward the order to your email address. Select one of them by first reading the words in the far right column.

At this stage, the cost of delivery is due either Free or not very high (it is not necessary to overestimate the cost of the product itself, such as the fee for transshipment at the border. Remember that the seller delivers the goods across the territory of China to the forwarding warehouse, then at this stage a fee will be charged for transportation in the middle of the country).

Turn over all the information on the page again and press the button Confirm Order(Confirm the agreement).

What the system asks you to do is log in to AliPay. Then pay for the transaction using a Visa or Master Card. The system charges a 3% commission for payment by card.

Confirm payment and you will receive notifications of this type, informing you about successful transactions:

Let's go! Your purchase is complete - now check for the goods to arrive at the forwarding warehouse. To see the list of your orders on Taobao, follow the orders My TaoBao -> BuyBaby (List of requests).

Transfer of goods from the forwarding warehouse.

As soon as the purchased goods arrive at the Taobao warehouse in China, you will receive an SMS with notifications. Items can be safely stored in the warehouse for up to 20 days - this is easy if you make a purchase from various sellers and check until they all arrive at the warehouse in order to send them with one force and protect and on resilanni. When all your orders arrive at the warehouse, go to the order list on Taobao ( My TaoBao -> BuyBaby) And press the green button under the price of any product to send the package to your country.

Click on the blue button for the product to combine all orders into one package. Regain respect - only statements marked with a symbol can be credited 已入库 (Є in stock).

Having collected all the goods you need, you will finally receive your shipment and a deposit for delivery.

Press the orange button Combined orders(Communication of the contract) in order to send the contract to your country. The most important day of preparation will appear before you. Return your respect - the address must be your home.

Pay the delivery fee (there is again a 3% commission for payment by card).

I will inform you about the successful payment.

Now there is no need to wait until your order arrives at your place.

Happy shopping!

Online shopping will continue to become increasingly popular. Initially, it was much cheaper to buy speeches in Merezhi, lower sales at offline outlets, and later the sellers simply became extremely convenient for such shopping. This has led to the fact that today it is no longer so easy to buy goods on the Internet cheaper. That’s why it’s a good idea to spare the efforts of Chinese Internet traders. One of the most popular among them is Taobao. However, making purchases using this resource is no longer so easy. The people are facing serious difficulties. How to transfer from Taobao to Russia without intermediaries? Instructions will be presented further in this article. Be respectful.


It’s difficult to figure out how to transport goods from Taobao to Russia. For example, it is possible to purchase goods from the resource you are looking at without registering with a new one. Of course, for such koristuvachs, interchange songs have been established. So, they do not allow access to those pages that contain the most inexpensive and at the same time clear products. That's why anyone still wants to register in the system before transporting goods from Taobao to Russia.

How can you earn money? You will need to create two accounts at once. Moreover, one of them is at fault on this site, as well as on the resources of the Alipay payment system. Payments for purchases will be made through this process. But here there is one source of the forge. To register, you need a Chinese phone number. This nuance truly complicates the purchasing process for foreign clients.

How to fix it?

However, you don’t want to fall into despair and forget about the site you were looking at. There are a lot of possibilities on how to get from Taobao to Russia by registering yourself. For example, through digital intermediaries that promote your services on the Internet, you can add a Chinese SIM card and create an account with it. Otherwise, specialized resources can help you with this for a small fee. Let's talk about how to use the services of intermediaries in order to make purchases on this resource.

For help from intermediaries

It is very difficult to figure out how to transfer from Taobao to Russia through third-party organizations. To get started, you need to select an intermediary site and register on the new one. To do this, just go to the registration page, enter your address by e-mail, Choose a password for yourself and confirm it. These simple steps allow you to access a special account on this site. After this, it is recommended to create a cloud entry by going to the secondary tab and entering all the necessary special information. Important: the tributes must be real.

It is necessary to be vigilant in the process of entering information Latin letters. In certain situations it is necessary to indicate personal information, What should be included in documents. For example, in order to fill out the “Personality Identification” form, you must write the passport number, as well as its series, in the appropriate column. Please read all entered information carefully before saving your data. It will be possible to change this from the designated one later with the help of a special account.

Balance update

Once you complete the registration process, you will see that the status of your account and account is listed as “Not Paid.” Opening an account on such resources usually costs a fee. For this you will need to deposit an amount in the range of three hundred yuan. You can change the status of your account in the “My Accounts” tab. This type of payment can only be made in addition to the balance on this site. Therefore, before you transfer from Taobao to Russia, please ask carefully to replenish your balance. To do this, you need to go to the “My account” tab and click on the “Renew account” button. Please fill out the form in which the amount was indicated and confirm by clicking on “Pay”. You can add cash in different ways:

  • through a mobile operator;
  • for additional bank card assistance;
  • through various payment systems.

In addition, as the balance is replenished, it is necessary to pay for the fact of account registration. This can be done from the “Unpaid Accounts” tab by selecting the required one and clicking “Pay”. In accordance with these recommendations, it will be necessary to update your account also on the payment system website.

About those how to buy on Taobao independently to Russia, we will tell you a little later. It’s important to ask now, which is so attractive for buyers to look at trading maidanchik, What can you do there yourself?

What to sell?

A complete overhaul of what is being implemented on the Taobao website simply does not seem possible. There you can find out absolutely any product that is produced on the territory of China.

What type of product is the most popular among those offered by the online store you are looking at? Zvichaino, tse odyag. Moreover, what is important is the large number of goods promoted by the Chinese resource in this category; they cannot in any way be classified under the category “shirvzhitka”. Why can you say this kindly? Competition, which continues to prevail, dictates that manufacturers of their minds are increasingly focused on the needs and benefits of the market, pushing the quality of their products.

Moreover, it is no secret that fashion designers, clothing designers and fashion workers have expanded their professions and professional activities in China. This means that local factories are steadily producing products of popular brands. Moreover, it is not just counterfeit, but original. Why are you so excited? China is famous for its cheap labor resources, as well as its richly democratic tax policy. The situation is similar with folded computers and other miscellaneous electronics. Of course, there is no chance of finding a deal, since the production of low-quality, cheap equipment in China is also woefully poor. How can I revise the original as a detail? First of all, be guided by your skill.

Products for children

A category of products that deserves great respect - these are children's toys and clothes. Often, through these products, they swear a lot and try to get started in order to get on Taobao on their own to Russia. The site demonstrates the great variety of children's clothing for any season and for any relish. Since the speeches on the resource can be purchased without fear, then the games will obviously be common. Sometimes, when they are prepared, such words, materials and pharmaceutical warehouses are produced that are absolutely disgusting for a child’s body.

When clothes are running low, buyers from various countries are buying them in bulk due to their satisfaction. Moreover, you can find suitable products not only for babies, but also for toddlers. The trading platform has already announced a wide range of such speeches: whiteness for children, bright words from knitwear, scarves, tights, colorful T-shirts, casual jeans, business suits, in which you can go to school or kindergarten. The dress is available in all sizes and for children of both sizes.

If you want to buy products in this category from the Chinese Taobao, you only need to select the “Coats for Children” catalog tab on the Russian version of this trading resource.

How to spell it correctly?

Not all the information on the Russian version of the resource about how to get from Taobao without intermediaries to Russia is clear to the correspondent. Moreover, on the pages themselves, in order to avoid the name of the product, all information about the product is posted in Chinese language. Previously, the majority of buyers gave preference to online transfers. At once there will be much more simple options. So, it is important to note that registered traders do not have any difficulties with how to move from Taobao to Russia.

The instructions are still for the benefit of those who still encounter problems during the purchasing process. The Russian version of the resource is extremely limited in information. For example, it tells you how you can register, who you can contact, and the like. And the main thing to tell buyers (product characteristics, prices, sizes, varieties) is described in Chinese language.

If you need to talk to the seller (discuss the details of the contract, ask for a discount or bargain, clarify the terms of delivery or other terms), you can only do so through chat. How can I deal with such a counterparty? English will suit you completely. However, unfortunately, not all sellers are based in English. Actors decide to quickly access the available online translations and use them to compose the text into Chinese language. However, it is obvious to everyone that such systems see a ready-made text that is completely comprehensible. This can really complicate the negotiations. There are plenty of people who go to great lengths to obtain the services of competent intermediaries.

Purchases through intermediaries

People are afraid to profit from this resource because they don’t know how to get money from the Chinese Internet auction “Taobao”. Of course, any purchases via the Internet are important to you. There is a price for this site. Why knit a vest of this kind?

In order to deal with this, it is enough to read about how to get money from the Chinese “Taobao” without intermediaries, what problems such buyers have had, and how the site administration reacts. Often the goods had to be turned around. Why? The most common reason for this is the lack of consistency in size. As a rule, on the side of the product there are sizing lines for China, Europe, Russia and the USA. often on email addresses When the buyer arrives, you will need to carefully select the size and adjust your parameters. However, the tone of the speech does not correspond to the type of images in the photograph. Sometimes the sweetness of the product takes away from the goodness. This is the case because the buyer cannot particularly marvel at the product or touch it. How can we overcome such difficulties?

Informing about how to transfer money from Taobao to Russia, the instructions recommend contacting competent intermediaries. Of course, they should be carefully chosen, with utmost respect for reputation and sacrifice. In addition, similar services are also provided by Chinese logistics companies. What can a middleman do for you? If you know the product you want to send, specifically contact the specific buyer, check the contents of the product, and whether the product matches the parameters specified on your page on the site.

How do you engage in the resale of speeches and why do you make wholesale purchases, how do you move from Taobao to Russia? It is also good to go to the services of intermediaries. In this situation, you can still create a video or take a photo and send it to your deputy. Or send a small quantity of goods by express mail. Since everything is under the control of the manager, it is important to make purchases and distribute all the goods using the optimal method.

Is it clear?

In what circumstances would it be appropriate to purchase this type of purchase yourself? In this case, it is also necessary to think about how to get out of the Chinese online auction Taobao. This is the same if you have decided to add a whole series of necessary speeches. Purchasing one product on this resource is unlikely to be much cheaper. It is also important to know that the easier the delivery, the more expensive the delivery will be. But this, of course, is completely invisible.

Therefore, before moving goods from Taobao to Russia, it would be best to follow the following recommendations:

  • It is important to familiarize yourself with the entire range of this group of products to get you started.
  • Consider some more pleasant propositions (read the guides, look at similar propositions of other post-graduates).
  • Don't lose sight of the characteristics of your products.
  • Make one special purchase of what you deserve.


So, it is possible to bring goods from the above-mentioned resource to Russia. However, as the instructions show, for which it will be necessary anyway outside help. So, the buyer will be hesitant to get a Chinese SIM card or simply turn to the services of intermediaries to deal with the whole complex of services related to registration, procurement and delivery. Who cares enough to sensibly turn to such fakers and sing in the rage of the goods that are being bought.

Make purchases that you will never end up doing wrong. Happy shopping!

Affordable prices and pleasant variety of goods from China have made them popular in our region. In order to determine the price of any product, we will have to go through a whole process - until the product itself is released, costs for delivery and trade mark-ups are added. In order to get goods “from the manufacturer”, you don’t have to go to China yourself.

On the Internet you can browse and buy Chinese goods without leaving your home. The most popular Internet resource with Chinese goods is (Taobao), which is respected by the largest Chinese store. It presents all the goods produced on the territory of this region. The only downside for guides is that all information is presented in Chinese. The rich are guilty of a natural diet - how can their goods be dealt with from taobao?

Of course, the bar'er is seriously wrong. Alas, not for the residents of our land! Let's look at the problem from the other side - the sellers of the stores where we buy Chinese goods, Do you know Chinese language? Of course, there is no way, but there is no problem for them to buy and bring goods from China. And that means, even if you are on the Internet, it is difficult to figure out how to buy goods from taobao.

First of all, you need to go to the Tao Bao website. Among the great diversity of hieroglyphs, you can easily find a row where you can enter a brand or brand for a product. Take some of the things you have in your home - they have printers' stamps on them. Visually align the pictures with the original example.

Another way is to speed up by automatically moving the side out Google service. Why bother with their search, and after attracting taobao, Google asks you to translate the page into Russian language. And how do you stand up? Google browser Chrome, then just type the search for the Taobao address in the row and press the button for automatic page repositioning (it's located high up under the address row). In the browser Internet Explorer In the menu of tabs there is a section “Storinka”. For this help, activate “Translate for help Live Search”, first selecting my translation - Russian.

The third method lies in the fact that private companies on the territory of our region are engaged in the purchase and delivery of goods from China via Taobao. Their addresses are on the Internet. Select the products yourself and arrange delivery from them, or you can easily find and deliver the goods you need. Moreover, most of them have catalogs of Russian language.

Shopping in China is often associated with the Taobao website, which is one of the largest online auction sites on which everything is based. Of course, everything is sold at very high prices, but there is one drawback - the site is only in Chinese language. If you want to buy something new, you need to go to the middlemen, but fortunately, there is already a lot of information, the headache is to choose the best minds for yourself.

Intermediary website in English and Russian languages, with a Russian catalogue. Let’s just say that the catalog here is incomprehensible: the product categories are in Russian, but then you are still redirected to Taobao in Chinese, and you won’t read anything about the product, only marvel at the photos. In addition, having clicked on the message on the sofa, you can go to the side with some socks.

By airmail, the goods will arrive from 10 to 40 business days, and delivery will cost 18 yuan (98 rub.) For the first 100 grams, and 15 CNY (81 rub.) If the shipment is large - 170.5 CNY (930 rub.) for 1 kg.

For those who are in a hurry, you can pay EMS for 201.5 CNY (1098 rub.) Per 500 g. Delivery within 10-20 business days.

There is no difference in the amount of the contract, and there is no verification of the goods- first you pay for delivery, your goods will be checked for signs of damage, photographed and repacked in their warehouse, so that the risk of removing damaged goods is lower. Three days after sending, you will receive the tracking number and can monitor the delivery.

For services, you will pay 10% of the transaction amount, and you can pay money both for the goods and for delivery in different ways: PayPal, with bank cards, WESTERN UNION, WebMoney, etc.

Which intermediary has a normal catalog of products: there is a translation (even if it’s a little clumsy), the product is easy to find, and you can read its characteristics. In addition, prices here are in rubles, there are a lot of filters, you can like or navigate by them.

Delivery here costs approximately 1181 rubles. for 500 g via EMS i 1120 rub. for 1 kg. via China Post.

The choice of payment methods is very varied:

The site regularly hosts all sorts of promotions, for example, You can deduct a 10% compensation for the cost of purchase and a 90% reduction on packaging and services.

Here is a list of Russian goods, and again, lame translations from Chinese, but it’s not difficult to get back.

The commission for services is a little less - 9% of the transaction fee, or not less than 70 yuan.

The advantages of an intermediary - 50% discount on delivery by EMS. To cancel your speeches in 10-20 days, you need to pay only 298 yuan or one thousand three hundred fifty-three rubles. for 1 kg. Delivery by airmail costs 215 yuan (976 rubles) for 1 kg, otherwise it will cost more.

Whose intermediary also has no commission for verification and processing, as well as Russian technical assistance by phone, Skype, e-mail and VKontakte. Payment through Privatbank or Moskomprivatbank, Privatmoney or YANDEX penny, Qiwi, Sberbank of Russia, WESTERN UNION. U " special office» Current exchange rates.

From whose intermediary you can negotiate not only latest list services, like others, but only delivery. This service is called Mail Forwarding, and its essence is that you make and pay for the purchase in the online store, after which it is sent to the intermediary’s warehouse. There, your purchases are combined into one or more packages and sent to you. In a special office, you can marvel at how many speeches have arrived at the warehouse and independently combine them into a package.

If you don’t want to worry about purchasing on your own, the intermediary offers a basic set of services with a standard commission of 10%. You can read about the services, report about the delivery.

There is a Russian support service, you can insure your shipment - 2% of the product price, delivery by EMS, China Post, Light Airmail.