How to clean the mozilla firefox browser - you can remove unnecessary passwords and cookies. How to delete your browser passwords How to clear your cache and save your passwords

You can often find a recommendation to “Clear your browser cache.” This is mainly necessary if the browser starts to work too hard or some sites are not displayed correctly. For example, the formatting of the page is completely out of order and instead of the website, it appears to be unintelligible.

In such situations, we recommend that you simply update the side (F5), but if that does not help, then update it using the additional combination “Ctrl + F5”. This technique allows the browser to re-attach the page from the Internet, then. Do not use your internal cache. If it didn’t help, then you still need to delete the cache. I will show you how to work with popular browsers, as well as universal solutions using additional special programs.

How to clear Google Chrome browser cache

In Chrome, click on the top right button and select “History” from the menu, or simply press “Ctrl+H”

In the coming week, you need to choose what you want to see. To clear the cache, uncheck one box “Images and other files saved in cache.” Don't forget to vibrate "All hour". Press "View data". All is ready.

Microsoft Edge

The Edge browser does not accept IE, but the menu is completely different. Let's go to "Parameters"

Scroll to the “Clear browsing data” section

I press “Select what needs to be cleaned”

Only “Cached data and files” are deleted.

Maxthon Cloud Browser

The popular Maxthon browser is gaining popularity. The chrome and richness of the engine makes it look handy and bucky. Cash can be cleaned here in the same way. Go to the menu and select “Clear browser history.” Well, now it’s clear

Universal cleaning method – CCleaner

We go to the website, download and install the CCleaner program.

In principle, you can use the portable version and then installation will not be required, you can run it immediately

A tab opens behind promotional items “Cleansing -> Programs” This is what we need. The program works with the main browsers: Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer. On the “Add-ons” tab, uncheck all the boxes, except “Internet cache” and “Cleaning”. For IE, go to the Windows tab and delete only the Time Clock files from the Internet. After all, CCleaner is a very useful program that allows you to remove a lot of money from your computer, and that’s the topic of the whole article.

Do you need cache yet?

When a browser accesses a site, it saves it in its cache storage. When you visit this site again, the browser will not retrieve anything from the Internet, but will go back to the files already saved on disk.

Don’t think that without access to the Internet you can go to sites you’ve looked at before, you won’t succeed. For this purpose you need to go back for additional special programs. However, you can still extract some information from the cache, for example.

Or a computer, used for saving timely files. Everything you know on the Internet is saved: web pages, pictures, videos. Of course, they are not saved all the time, but only frequently, so that you can then make it easier to access this information if you want to look at it again. Otherwise, this data accumulates and can become hundreds of megabytes, as all the processes associated with the work program are affected. It is important to know how to clear your browser cache.

There is nothing foldable, you go through the process so that you can quickly and easily delete the applications for timely savings. The only axis of skin programs: Yandex, Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome - the stench must be cleaned with a song. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know how to clear the browser cache that you use most often.

Today's most advanced browser, it would be logical to start by clearing cached data from Google Chrome.

Everything about him is very simple:

  • Go to the "History" tab (ctrl+H).
  • Press "Clear history".

  • We select only the item that saves files and images.
  • Period "For the whole hour".
  • Press "Clear history".

We are pressing to clear the history

Everything! We were able to clean up Google Chrome's saved files in five easy minutes.

Timing files, as well as all site data through the program, are not saved at all if you use the Incognito mode. This is also true for other browsers. On Google Chrome, this mode is activated by pressing ctrl+shift+N. In other browsers, the key combination is almost always the same. However, using the “Incognito” mode, it is difficult to use the device continuously, since no data will be saved: login details, passwords, cookies.


Yandex.Browser is another popular browser for Chrome, which sometimes outdoes it. On Yandex time clocks it’s just as easy to clean, the instructions will be the same, although the buttons are called a little differently.

  • Press the button up with three sticks.
  • Select the "Addatkovo" tab.
  • Then "Clear history".

Dodatkovo Clear history

  • The period is “All hour”, and there are only a few rows of cached files.
  • Press “Clear”.

To get to the tab where you need to clear the history, you can use the combination ctrl+shift+delete.

There is also a new Yandex.Browser, but the algorithm for cleaning cached data does not change.


Current versions of Opera allow the same easiest way to delete cached data as in previous add-ons. With Opera, just like with Chrome or Yandex, you won’t have to worry about clearing the browser cache.

  1. Ctrl+shift+delete, the history clearing window appears.
  2. We set the required period, next to almost a row with cached images and files.
  3. Embossed “Clear...”.

Opera 12

It's easier to do with Opera 12. There, in order to clear the time data, it is necessary:

  • Go to the zagalnyh and tune up the programs.
  • Open the “Extensions” tab.
  • Item "History".
  • Opposite the "Disk cache" row, click the "Clear" button.

Clear cache in Opera 12

There you can also check the box next to the corresponding entry, so that all unnecessary data will be cleared when exiting the program.

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is also one of the most popular add-ons for surfing the Internet, it hosts a lot of dossi, and also has low advantages. Thanks to the daily design in Mozilla, the timely information can be cleared by any koristuvach.

  1. The menu has a customize button.
  2. We open “Privacy”.
  3. We press the button that indicates recent history.
  4. We put the marker on “Cache” and remove it from three points.
  5. We are pushing “Visibility at once”.


Like on Opera 12, Mozilla Firefox can be configured so that the program cleans unnecessary data on its own.

  1. On the “Privacy” tab you can see “Settings for sharing history”.
  2. We tick the “Cache” box and press “OK”.

Now Mozilla will automatically remove the time data after exiting the program.

Internet Explorer

10 and 11 versions

In new versions, cached data is deleted in the same way as in most older programs.

  1. Ctrl+shift+delete.
  2. We put a marker on the item that contains timely files.
  3. Onslaught of "Vidality".

With installed programs, you can also turn on the automatic cleaning option through the “Browser History”.

8 and 9 versions

In Internet Explorer 8/9, the cache can be cleared in a similar way. However, the buttons and options will vary slightly in name.

  1. We open “Service” from the menu, a rotten beast.
  2. We know "Vidality magazine look around".
  3. We select the item that contains the hourly data and mark it as well.
  4. Onslaught of "Vidality".

Automatic storage of cached data is enabled on its own.

Now you realize how easy it is to fail such an operation as clearing the browser cache. It is necessary to cancel them periodically, so that the speed of software programs, which contribute to the speed of work on the Internet, is no longer as high as possible.

This note will be dedicated to nutrition - how to clear the cache in the Chrome browser and everywhere else, What is cash and what is it used for?. We recommend that you read the note on how to install Google Chrome without problems.

You can view the history of websites by pressing Ctrl+H in the browser you need.

  • Cleaning the history of sites (informative article about what such a site and what they are like). This is necessary in certain situations, for example, at work, because you don’t want your boss to bark at you for opening unnecessary sites during working hours.
  • Or you just want to earn a gift and now you choose on specialized sites, so that your team (person) does not mark anything - you need to clear the history of the sites, which is saved in the browser cache (specially Convulsion of the two sides).
  • Also, passwords are saved for sites on which you logged in or otherwise entered your login and password. So it’s not particularly difficult for wicked people to steal them from the cache. Finally, we need to know how to clear Chrome's cache on your own.
  • In addition, it takes up additional space on the hard drive and it may run out early and late, so cleaning will begin every hour.

It’s also not a big surprise if you open the page by pressing the Ctrl+Shift+N key to open the title “incognito mode”

Nothing saved on this page will be saved after it is closed. It’s really handy if you need to quickly search for something on the Internet in an unknown place, but then don’t want to bother with clearing the cache (otherwise you might forget about it).

And so, we need to press the Ctrl+Shift+Delete keys - the history window of your browser will appear:

As a matter of fact, there are several parameters here:

  • For what period of time you can create a view (it is possible for the entire period of the browser’s operation)
  • You can view the same files and elements. Here it’s up to you to decide, if you want to, obviously, see everything. Please be aware that you have to log in to sites that log in automatically, for example, social media and so on. So, change your mind immediately. Do you remember all the necessary passwords!

You can also set your browser to automatically delete the cache. For this, let’s move on to setting up Chrome:

Just a little bit lower to say “Adjusting the content”. On the first axis, in the “cookies” menu, select “Delete local data when the browser is closed” (although you can also “Save local data only until the browser is closed”):

Although, of course, when we configure it, we see not the entire cache, but only cookies - just a part of the elements of the Chrome browser. To clear all special information from the “memory” of the Google Chrome browser, you need to install the Click&Clean extension.

Installing the extension is simple. For this, go to settings and select there - “Tools” - “Extensions”:

Then, at the very bottom, select “More extensions”, so the Google Chrome store will open and we can take the extension there without any costs. Having searched the store in a row, we enter our extension - “Click&Clean”:

At the results of Zhauk, if the krim nashogo is not called Rosshirenn, but by the Click & Clean App (in the dedication, the dedication of the attachment to the bore for his own dannia), and the same rods are brushed to the rods, and the same can be the same as reading the ї ї description.

Everything that is available here can be installed without any problems, since there is nothing wrong with the official Google Chrome store. Now let’s take a closer look at this nutritionist. The cache is a place for time-sensitive files, where the browser (informative article, what is a browser) places everything that is on the right side on the Internet.

Everything means, literally everything - including all the pages you access in your browser and all the videos and audio files you hear or watch in your browser, as well as the passwords you access all the information from Internet. What is needed? On the right is that Internet speed is limited, and files, for example, films, are of great size, on average a gigabyte.

In order to watch a movie without delay, you need a very high Internet speed. But at the same time it is expensive and simply does not have such technical capabilities in a particular locality.

The axis in this situation is supported by the cache - a place on the hard drive of a computer or laptop, where all the information that we look at in the browser is stored

When you start to see a movie in your browser, it will immediately end up in the cache and appear as just a movie from your hard drive.

When you re-access or open a file or page, the process will be much faster, since some of the files will be downloaded from the cache on the hard drive. It’s so much easier and more effective.

And so, if you look up any file, you might just be interested in a picture - it will still end up in the cache. It would seem that all is well, but on the right in that the space on the hard drive is not endless and it is too late to end. This makes it easier to clear the cache. This can be done either with third-party programs or in the browser itself.

In this article we looked at how to clear the chrome cache. This is an important topic even now, especially in our hour of electronic payments and the rampant spying and spying.

People use different browsers for the Internet. This gives the advantage to simplicity and ease of use for those who need it if rich and fine-tuning is available in the browser. However, there is a browser that allows for hands-free adjustment, otherwise you will continue to lose your friendliness to the user, and its interface is even more user-friendly. We are talking about the Yandex browser, and this article highlights its ability to remember passwords, manage them, and also how to delete them.

Most modern browsers have a password saving feature. This is necessary in order to remember all the data from the password fields, saving them in an encrypted file accessible through the directory where the browser itself is saved. This function is convenient for those who do not like to write down their personal data on a piece of paper and do not care about their memory. A similar function exists in the Yandex browser.

If you need to make sure that your website does not forget the password and does not add it to “savings”, then the first time you enter it, you can click “No for this website”. Thus, the browser will no longer ask about saving for this site, but it can be done in adjustments. This function is useful for those passwords whose value is too high to save them in memory and give priority to entering them manually.

View passwords

The current algorithms describe the procedure for removing the password from the current version of the Yandex browser, they may be slightly different from older versions or, perhaps, from the ones that come from the new one, or the hidden principle become deprived of such things yourself.

There are two ways to view:

Why should I delete passwords?

There are many reasons why you should delete passwords and save them in history. For example, this is not necessary if there are a lot of them, and they begin to notice the cache in the browser, rather than being victorious by the user himself. A lot of data can significantly improve the work, and simply highlight confusion and inability to work.

In addition, this is dictated by certain safety principles. And although the Yandex company has kindly thought about the security of customer passwords, having developed an extensive system of anti-phishing mechanisms, there are workarounds that can be used to remove information saved in the cache.

In addition, Yandex Protection will not help you steal your personal data if it is stored on a public PC that can be accessed by many people. It is better to use a private tab on a public device to ensure that your data is not lost in the device’s memory when the browser is closed. This will save you from spending and will be a completely safe way out of the problem.

Also, sometimes there are consequences if you know that your computer will be accessible by third parties. Let’s say you’re going to the exit, but at your work place you need to do something else. Or you take your laptop in for repairs. As it seems, it’s better to be on the safe side than to be unwell. In all such situations, it is better to clear all special information beforehand so that it does not fall into the wrong hands. Or you can install