How to turn off the xiaomi mi5 proximity sensor. Proximity sensor calibration on xiaomi redmi, note, mi devices. What can be done to the sensor

The proximity sensor (lighting) on ​​Xiaomi is responsible for automatically adjusting brightness, as well as turning on the display for the hour of moving. Zbіy in yoga robots can cause a lot of incompatibilities, for example, the display can stop vibrating when it clicks, which will lead to a violent onslaught, as well as to an increase in the battery charge. You can power it up with a path to calibrate the proximity sensor.

Causes of zboїv can be different, that's worth it in the first line. If it doesn’t help, then let’s take a look at the options for solving the problem from the simplest to the most foldable:

What about turning on the sensor?

Turn it over to the first line - turn on the sensor. For which you open the program "Phone" and press the left touch key at the sight of three horizontal smugs. At the menu that has appeared, go to Entrance calls > Wipe the screen for an hour of moving(proximity sensor). Depending on the smartphone model and version of MIUI, name the items in the menu can be slightly changed.

We mimic the function of blocking in the intestine

Activation of this function is one of the causes of sensor failure. Well, I know that it can be turned on in a different way on different models. We marvel at us in the menu "Entrance doors"

If you don’t have such an item, then go to Nalashtuvannya > Blocking screen and fingerprint > extensions > "Kishene" mode that includes yoga.

Usuvaemo physical change

Another reason for the failure of the robotic sensor is the non-original glare or melting on the screen. The sensor itself is equipped with a front camera and a speaker. In every city, you can open up, if you don’t know anything, you need to change your swimwear or look independently.

Proximity sensor calibration

As described above, the methods did not help - varto calibrate the proximity sensor, but turn it back, so that the wines start. For whom it is necessary to call. In dialing mode, enter *#*#6484#*#* or *#*#4636#*#* and bachimo will come the picture:

Here we click on the item Single item Test, we’re talking about yoga and in the new window we’re talking about the item Proximity Sensor

There is a test, when the sensor is crossed with a finger, it will be written "Close". Yakscho tidy up your finger, to appear written "Far". If the sensor does not respond, it is necessary to carry the smartphone to the service center, and if everything is right, you can proceed to the calibration.

Pokrokov's instruction:

After the process is completed, it will be necessary to re-verify the detector for practicality. Press it with your finger, otherwise it is an opaque object: if the number "1" on the screen changes to "0", then everything is gone. Now click on the Pass item, to turn in the engineering menu, and then Finish, after which the smartphone turns off.

I’m starting the device and rechecking the sensor’s robot, push the phone to the top of the call hour - the display is to blame.

Yakscho kalibruvannya did not help

There are fluctuations, if the calibration does not help. Reasons might be:

  • Problems with the firmware, to fix it, reflash the device
  • Possibly, after the repair, the display will be replaced with a non-original one.
  • Banal shlyub - at this time you have a road to the service center or to the seller.

Smartphones are becoming more and more collapsible and are constantly being updated with new features. Zocrema, gadgets on MIUI 8 are equipped with different sensors that help the robot. For example, for the correct adjustment of the automatic brightness of the display and the inclusion of the hour of the telephone line, the light sensor (nearness) is checked. Sometimes the robots blame problems that are caused by incorrect calibrations: for example, if the sensor does not turn on the display for the hour of calls, it may be wrong. The reasons for incorrect calibration may be unknown. Although apparently resetting the smartphone did not fix the problem, let's try to fix it.

  1. Xiaomi Redmi 3 proximity sensor disabled. It’s easy to click on it (take it as a butt of a Xiaomi Redmi3s smartphone): open the dialer, then press the menu and select an item from the list "Entrance rings". You can chat there "Proximity sensor". It is necessary to increase Yogo. Through those that Xiaomi has anonymous phone models and firmware, it’s impossible to specify the exact location of this item. As a matter of fact, it’s possible to find something in another place.
  2. Also, a common reason for pardons of the robotic touch sensor on Mi Max or Redmi Note may be that the gadget blocking function has been launched, as it does not allow it to get in if the phone is in the gut. Through this, the proximity sensor of the Xiaomi 3S often fails. To enable vikonaty її turn on, you need to go to "Installations - Rings - Input rings", de vie, make a prank, which you need to put in order to turn off the function.
  3. In addition, the reason for the filthy working sensor on the Redmi Note can be physical changes, for example, it’s not good or bad. Perevirte, chi on the swimmer є special open the sensor, and yakscho nі - change the protection or open it with a hand. The most common is the fraying sensor near the speaker and front camera. I’ll create a similar problem most often in a universal way, or simply with a low slope, and it’s recommended that before buying, it’s respectful to check that you open everything in reality.

Xiaomi Redmi Proximity Sensor Calibration

What is the work, because all the same on Redmi Note 3 does not use the proximity sensor? It is necessary to calibrate the sensor - this method is one of the most widespread. For which order to turn, which sensor is used: in the call menu, enter the code *#*#6484#*#* (without pushing the wiki button). You can use the engineering menu (we checked this method on Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro and Xiaomi Redmi 3 Pro, but it didn’t work - read the article about how to use the engineering menu) with five buttons. It is necessary to press on the top right with the writing Single Item Test. Dali znaydit bottom wrote Proximity Sensor and click on it, and go to the test menu. Here you can write "Close" or "Far" when you close the sensor with your finger. If the sensor does not respond, it means that the fault is broken, and if the test is successful, you can calibrate the Xiaomi Redmi 3s proximity sensor:

  • Vimknіt attachments;
  • Press the life button +, and then press the life button. After vibration, let the buttons go;
  • Check out the Chinese menu. Press the button down right-handed at the bottom of the Download key. Mova become English;
  • Click on PCBA Test Vgorі ta bachimo іzhenerne menu. We go to Proximity sensor;
  • Put the phone on a smooth horizontal surface, wiping the light sensor in front with a soft cloth;
  • Turn on bright light on your smartphone;
  • Click on Calibration check it while the sensor is being calibrated;
  • After the end, you will write Successfully- The sensor is successfully calibrated.

To check the correctness of the robot, cover the sensor as if it is impenetrable (for example, with your finger) - a unit on the screen is liable to change to zero. After completion of the test, emboss on the key Pass, after which it is consumed in the engineering menu and embossed Finish-Power OFF. Then we will need to re-enable the smartphone as we start and check the correctness of the sensor operation: at the hour of the call, if you bring the phone to the ear, it is necessary that the sensor turn on the display.

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Side 1

Xiaomi mi a1, when I got caught, once I broke the whole charging module. Repair of the building, 1500 kr., near St. Petersburg. None of the proximity sensor is buggy. Now, when the screen is ringing, it goes out and turns on, there is no possibility. Until then, don’t worry.

The lads trapilos yaks famously, the screen goes out by itself on Сіаомі a1. Thinking about energy saving, I switched it on and robbed it a lot more, but nothing helped. Viruchiyte, give the wart a treat.

I got stuck with the wrong sensor on my device, Mi A1. I don’t react in any way, but I would like to have everything worked out, even if it’s less than a month. In the other case, the phone is more classy, ​​not skilki not shkoduvat, scho buying yoga.

I have one; The software security of these phones is buggy. Once the sensor is removed, you need to press the phone hard to the ear, so it doesn’t react.

Side 1

How to turn off or turn on the proximity sensor on Xiaomi mi a1.

Like a fire, the gadget function is turned on.
At the menu, "input dials" were selected, "proximity sensor" and the slider to the right, and that's all.

They used to glue on a swimsuit and put a non-transparent object on the sensor. The sensor is not showing correctly. Also, a pouch can fit a robotic accessory.

The sensor itself, it's rotten to try to find an additional code * # * # 6484 # * # * in the Single Item Test menu, choose Proximity Sensor and there it will show far and near the object on the phone.

If there is no such menu, the phone must be switched off and pressed the power button and + and the engineering menu will appear in the new sensor calibration. There is a lot of firmware for the menu of the day, and there is a lot of video on the Internet as a way of working.

Strongly inject programs for dzvinkіv, if you installed it like that, then you can see it better, you can stink robots.

If everything didn’t help, then it’s more likely that you have a filthy sensor for everything, otherwise it’s a fault. Yogo can be replaced with a new one, and then everything will be fixed.

Sides on Xiaomi theme

Xiaomi redmi 3s proximity sensor not working

Xiaomi redmi 3s proximity sensor not working

Schob correctly showing the size, її calibrate. You can enter *#*#6484#*#* then Singl.e Item Test to push the Proximity Senso.r check to show you how far the gadget is from the item.

Xiaomi Redmi 4x does not use proximity sensor.
Xiaomi Redmi 4x sensor fail.

Xiaomi Redmi 4x sensor fail.

On the phone, all the icons flicker and pop. Such a fun, good rok rіk protrimavsya my huawei redmi 4x. I swear by yoga. Hitting Xiaomі, on the display with a crack, it stood like a beast, already cracked I sang dolamati yogo. But then again, the touchscreen does not respond to the dot. I push harder, so nothing happens by itself.

Xiaomi redmi 4x does not download any cards.

Xiaomi redmi 4x does not download any cards.

Xiaomi redmi 4x do not download the sim card, after restarting the sim card, and inserting the sim card again, but don’t download the bag alone, what more can you do with the sim ???

Glitch, I tried it on redmi 4x, everything is fine, but after a month I decided to take it, for which I didn’t shy away from anything, on my own. Having tried to insert, viymat that nothing comes up. Lighthouse Yakas.

Xiaomi redmi 4x battery

Xiaomi redmi 4x battery

My device after 40% fluctuations, but after re-advancement everything is fine, and it didn’t work. The battery bulged, and opened the lid, ale nibi pratsyuє, troch less, ale food chi can be koristuvatisya with such an apparatus?

Discharges at grі for 2 years, bring on the charge, you can replace it and it will be good.

YAK VIBRATI correctly. Phone Xiaomi Redmi 4x Description, prices, reviews.

YAK VIBRATI correctly. Phone Xiaomi Redmi 4x Description, prices, reviews.

Functional and modern device, with a large display. The plodding 8-core processor won't let you get bored, and the battery lasts a long time. An original choice for lovers of functional flagships.

The new installations of snapdragon, which is already very cool, but the current one has a new processor. 8 cores at 1.4 GHz.

Falling into the water xiaomi redmi note 4

Falling into the water xiaomi redmi note 4

Big on the street, listening to the music, having drunk on the board and the phone in the shorts of the trim, nothing came up. Ale, having been beaten up this year, having spent a lot of money, ale, just lying by the gut. Priyshov vyinyav xiaomi and unlocked, for an hour to marvel, and vіn vkneniy. Having tried to notice, ale wine did not react to the target. It is necessary to add to it all my important information is entered, and a photo.

Xiaomi mi a1 is being re-vanquished

Xiaomi mi a1 is being re-vanquished

At the same time, there are no signs of any, non-standard programs for android, and glitches can appear in an hour. What can cause a gadget glitch. The program is not running - it does not mean that it is not working. It is necessary to clean the device from non-essential programs. It's like that one program starts Wi-Fi, and another one turns it on.

The proximity sensor on Xiaomi or the light sensor is necessary to control the automatic brightness of the screen. Being calibrated incorrectly, you may receive pardons, for example, if you don’t care for the call, for example. Prote can fix everything. On the back, try re-vantaging attachments. Is the problem gone? Let's take a look at other reasons.

Uvіmknuti yogo is simple. The problem is small in that, in the presence of the model and software of your Xiaomi, the algorithm will be modified. For the Xiaomi Redmi 3S model, the order is as follows:

  • open the phone number panel;
  • go to the tab "input calls";
  • find the proximity sensor in the list of options;
  • now you bachite yogo camp, as if you were vimknei, move the leash at the opposite camp.

In other models, the function of increase / decrease is located in another place or every other day. Unfortunately, it is impossible to give a universal algorithm, the rest of the company does not stand on its own development, releasing smartphones with new firmware.

We take away blocking

Another reason for the problem is that the function "Blocking in the gut" is enabled. Zavdannya tsієї funktsії - wiping the screen, if the phone is in the gut. Inaccuracies with the light sensor are mostly due to this function. However, it is easy to solve the problem:

  1. Open the "Parameters" menu.
  2. Go to "Dzvinka".
  3. The final point is "Entrance doors".
  4. Find out the function and put the band at the “Wimk” position.

Test sensor

Even though the front edges did not give bad results, the lightness sensor had to be calibrated. Ale, I first need to conduct a yoga practice test.

Please note: this setting has been changed on Xiaomi Mi 4 and Redmi 3 Pro models. For other devices, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the engineering menu first.

Calibrating the sensor

Pass test successfully? You can change the calibration of the proximity sensor on Xiaomi. The next algorithm is relevant for Redmi 3S.

Other causes of problems

The reason for the fact that the automatic glitch is buggy is through incorrectly picking up the screen for the screen. Deyakі sklad and plіvka not transfer special openings to the sensor, which is located near the front camera. Turn over my spit. Navit being correct behind the world, you can call out to the robot itself through the opening of the necessary openings. Especially often this problem is blamed on coristuvachs with universal swimmers and glasses.

Do not repair the sensor often after replacing the original xiaomi screen. To solve the problem, you need to go back to the service center.

Another reason for the malfunction is incorrect, or I will add an old firmware. You can correct it by switching to new firmware versions. However, do not forget that after the update, all data will be deleted by the program. Yak, vtim, i zayva chi shkіdlivа іnformatsija.

Please note that all methods of resolving problems with the Xiaomi proximity sensor may be of a recommendatory nature. In order to get rid of a malfunction, return to an authorized service center.

Why doesn't the screen turn off on the phone when it's up to wah? In this article, you will find information on how to disable the screen lock function on Xiaomi devices. Like on your Xiaomi smartphone, with the input or output of the call, the screen stops turning off and blocking, if you lift the phone to the ear, then you can turn on this function in Android settings. It could have been a strange vipadkovo and you just didn’t remember, otherwise your children went through the phone and turned off the proximity sensor. Our butt shows how to turn on the proximity sensor on the Xiomi Redmi 4X, so if you bring the phone to the ear, the screen will block and go out. Possibly, the information goes to other Android smartphones and tablets.

So that on Android, the screen is automatically blocked when you bring it up to the air, you need to activate it. Vіdkrivaєmo on Xiaomi the icon of the phone and use it to demi call the dialed number for the call. Dali pressed on the touch button "menu" at the sight of three horizontal females. (On some Androids, after opening the "menu" phone, you can also open the touch button at the top of the screen on the left side.)

Then, at the menu on Xiomi, select the item Incoming calls for a short description of possible adjustments (additional adjustments of the behavior will be attached at incoming calls).

At the nalashtuvannya "Entrance calls" on Khiaomi, we know that we select the item proximity sensor under which it will be written (switch on the screen automatically when the phone is opened until the hour of the call) and vmikaєmo yogo. Done, now, if you lift the phone up to the ear, the screen will turn off and block, and we will protect ourselves from the attacks and dotik to the touch screen.

  • We will be glad if you add some advice or share basic information.
  • Dyakuёmo for chuynist, dodatkovu іnformatsiyu and Korisnі please!

00 year. 49 min.
Dyakuyu, even korisna statya, for pіvhvilini all zrobil. She herself would have been joking for a long time at the nalashtuvannyakh.

17 year. 40 min.
Redmi Note 7 turned everything off, but the screen does not go out.

08 year. 40 min.
Information sent, redmi 3

15 year old 59 min.
Model Redmi 6

15 year old 58 min.
Thank you! Mustache is sensibly described.

08 year. 12 min.
Thank you! Redmi note 5 - everything is perfect!

11 years old 11 min.
Thank you very much. Model Redmi6 Recommendation submitted

23 years old 30 min.
Thank you very much. Helped) statya reading, everything is right.

21 years old 37 min.
The Xiaomi Redmi 5 phone was recommended.

00 year. 16 min.
Some kind of corny information.

13 year. 38 min.
If the sensor is activated - turn on intestinal blockage

19 year old 16 min.
Unfortunately. All settings are correct. Zavdyaki you want to know how to reverse it. Ale screen pіd hour romovi all one inclusions (

12 year old 43 min.
The screen does not flicker for an hour. Proximity sensor when activated

15 year old 20 min.
I have Redmi 4 A and everything is switched on, but only with great calls, and if you call with addenda (watsap, imo ...) it doesn’t work, blocking doesn’t work. How to be the same with addendums?

07 year. 47 min.
Why, if I accept a weekly call, or I’ll call whoever. My screen is flickering. When you try, open the screen for additional blocking, which is the result. The vimikati and the proximity sensor were switched on. It didn't. What work?

13 year. 36 min.
Shiro Dyakuyu!

13 year. 12 min.
At the end, it is necessary to re-advantage.

12 year old 57 min.
Dyakuyu, Korisna information