How to add a credit card to a contact. How to open a VKontakte side? All ways

In this article, we don’t stop cheating for an hour of their time - even more often, the replacement of the official prizes of their participants doesn’t take anything away.

Let's look at improving the security of your side in the social media, the shards at the rich contests need to gain access, for example, to the sides of your friends.

Vkontakte side: how to get access

What else can you need?

It doesn’t suit everyone, as if their special life was exposed to an open look.

For such people, retailers have given the opportunity to exchange access to these parameters, like a koristuvach can’t show us to everyone.

For example, you don't want to look at your photos for a moment, or, more importantly, leave comments under them. everyone has been looking at your photos and I can comment on them.

For whom it is enough to know how to change the privacy settings so that the pictures could only comment on your friends.

What is the possibility of grabbing?

My side

At this point, it is possible to attach basic information, photographs and video materials, on which you have been recognized by other authors.

You can also attach your groups, audio recordings, gifts, cards, on which your photos are marked, a list of your payers and friends.

Whom has been given the opportunity to regulate the access of corylists on VKontakte to the records on the wall, as they have blocked other coristuvachis.

It is also possible to stay quiet, who may have the right to deprive entries on your side, and also the ability to deprive comments on your entries, so I will write down other correspondents.

Here it is possible to fence, or let us call the koristuvachs, or the singing group of the koristuvachiv will guide you, work on the request, supplements, sleep or the group.

In addition, you can collect requests from friends.

With whom you have spread, you can build up resources, and those who can help your side.

Tobto, chi bachitimute your side of search resources ( , і etc.) or else Vkontakte koristuvachi.

Yak pratsyuvati z nalashtuvannyami

To go to the side with the privacy, you need to press the button, I will put it in the upper right corner of your side.

On this button there is a thumbnail image of your main profile photo and your name.

If you see something small, in which you collect "Nalashtuvannya". Then choose the "Privacy" section (on the right side of the page).

If so, choose the most suitable option for you and change the necessary settings with a tick.

Find out how to bachel you іnshi koristuvachі (marvel at your side of the eye of a third-party koristuvach, who is not in the lists of your friends), you can click on the side of the hyperposity at the bottom.

Vibravshi z pіdmenu, scho vplivaє, their friends, you may be able to talk, as your side looks for skin z them.

You squawk food, ? Really, it’s simpler, and today we see food again, once and for all.

As it is written on the main side of the site VKontakte is the most popular site in Russia and Ukraine, which is true, really. On this site you can find people who you started out with, made friends, worked together, and looked at each other.

You can meet your new friends, find out about these people, they will make you feel like you, and spend a good hour, even if they talk together, you can watch videos on VKontakte, listen to music, watch different public pages, a group of your rich.

Let's take a look at once how to create a side on VKontakte. Now, let's get started and first, we need to go to the site Before us is revealed Main side site, demi vkazuyemo its own name and press the button " Register».

At the upcoming vіknі zі lists vbiraєmo kraїnu i sto de navchalis, as well as the school number and rіk graduation. After that, everything is ready to press Jump up to the stepping croc».

In the coming century, we will remember similar information, only here we choose, where the school started after. I sweat again on the onslaught " Jump up to the stepping croc».

Now we need to choose the country in which we live, and enter the number of your mobile phone. Obov'yazkovo sim-card of this number is to blame, and not to be vigadanoy, the confirmation code will be sent to this number.

After that, as given in the order, press “Remove the code”.

Descho below, there was another field for entering the confirmation code. After a few seconds on the instructions, the number of the code is guilty of coming. We enter yoga and tysnemo "Give the code".

There is one more password field. It’s safe for your VKontakte side to have a foldable password so that they don’t break us and press “Enter the site”.

Tse, maybe, and everything, VKontakte registration completed! We have spent on our already registered page, and here we are once again told to put our photo.

For whom it is necessary to press the button " Select photo”, and enter on your computer where you need a photo.

Now, when you enter the VKontakte website, you need to win the form presented at the upper left corner. Just enter your phone number, then enter the password and press the "Submit" button.

In order to zdіysniti revisiting the linked sides in contact, you need, in the first place, to recognize the id of the person we need, id is the unique number that is assigned by this resource to the skin registered coristuvach. Go to closed side, in the mountains there will be an id of the coristuvacha like a little lower:

now just enter your id in the online form, I'll review it and you'll see if you sent closed photos, albums and other data for review

You can also review closed photos on VKontakte in the coming rank - you need to know one of the friends of the koristuvach, from whom you want to look at the attached photographs, go to the distribution of photographs marked by other koristuvachs, there will definitely be a photograph, like a friend of the image. Having pressed on this photograph, two arrows on the beast, for the help of which you can burn the whole album, wanting wine inaccessible to outsiders. To do this, you can turn on the acceleration mode for viewing photos (it turns on at the bottom on the side with the photo!). - This bug has already been covered up, but there is another way to look through the sides through the site

Close photos

1. Go to the website and enter your login and password (just like on the website

Do not hesitate to enter your login and password there. site project created by Pavel Durov on VKontakte old look site іnshiy.

2. We know the id of the person, the photos that you want to marvel at. Behind the bags you are guilty, take the side of your mind
3. Press the Photos with user button: the button to be recognized as an avatar

4. Hooray! My bachimo close the photographs of the people, wanting the stench and protection from looking ahead!

Status history of the correspondent:

1. Yak and at the front point go to
2. Curve the side of the necessary coristuvach mind 7777777 - ID of the required postal worker)
3. in the address line replace insert:

javascript: showActivityHistory()();

and emboss Enter
4. Everything! They appear at the end with arrows, in which you can see the status of the koristuvach, the status can be shrunk back and forth.

Look over some of these data through

1. Go to by entering your login and password
2. Curve the side, de 7777777 - caller ID with attached side
3. You can see some of the classified information, but for yourself:
- Avatar in original version
- Family camp
- Krajina Misto
- Misce navchannya
- Status history