Jewish village Jewish privileges. Russian nicknames for Jews

About half of all Jewish world and middle Russian Jews lived in the Russian Empire, and the grandeur of the variety of prizvisch the fact that a person has a Jewish name is not a direct proof of Jewishness.

It should be noted that there are a lot of nicknames that are worn by both Jews and non-Jews. In this short glance, we will try to tell you only about the main sights of the Jewish names of the Russian Jews. For a report on the topic of Russian Jewish names, it is recommended to read the book by Oleksandr Beyder “A Dictionary of Jewish Names of the Russian Empire” (

Early Jewish nicknames. Assignment of Jewish titles

The Jews in their fast life, in principle, did not swear by nicknames. І at the time of the people, and upon the laying of the hat agreement, and upon the writing of the rozluchny sheet, and upon wiklik to Tori, and in the writing on the gravestone, it is customary to indicate the name of the person himself and the name of the father (when praying for the health of the - after my mother). And yet, in the middle ages, we have a lot of noble Jewish families in Europe - most importantly, Rabin's, such as Kalonimus, Lurie, Schif and others - Volodarіv nicknames "for a pure look", tobto. scho to pass from generation to generation with a stretch of riches of the century. For example, these are the caps of the rich clan of Rappoport (Rapaport, Ropoport). Irrespective of those who are the main masses of the Jews (yak and neevreys), the country of Europe is not small in name, prote until the 18th century (on the ear of the 19th), practically in all countries of Europe, the mass attraction of the name of yak єv began ray, and other hulks. Ce bulo called out the need for Russia, the Austro-Ugric region, the German princedoms and other lands in the general population for the collection of taxes and recruitment services.

Thousands of Jewish titles are stored in the archives of the Russian Empire

The nicknames were chosen by the wearers themselves, so they could be given by the ministerial officials, for this we know the superbly sweet-sounding nicknames, such as Muterperel (sea perlin), or Rosenzweig (troyand gull), or Rubinshtein (ruby stone). We also know, for example, in the Austro-Ugric region, the Jews were given figurative nicknames.

As a rule, nicknames were given to the names of batkiv: Aizikson (syn Aizik), Gіtіs (syn Giti), Minkin (syn Minki), Malis (syn Mali); for the name of the settlement, the stars of the bula people: Aizenshtadt (come from the city of the same name in the city of Brest-Litovsk), Brisk (come from the city of Brest-Litovsk, which is called Brisk in Yiddish), Vileykin (come from the town of Vileyka on the cordon of Bizh lorusієyu and Lithuania) dosit often blamed vikhodyachi z prizvisk: Sirota, Babin, Deaf; for fah: Hayat (Portniy), Sandlyar (Sweden); to borrow: Reznik, Kantor, Soifer; for trips: Katz, Kagan, Levin, Levinsky, etc.

Let's look at the Jewish names, adopted by the Russian language, we know the greatness of the names of the Germans and the Indians. Obviously, the ancestors of the bearers of these names came to Russia already with them.

National and international features of Russian Jewish names

Among the Russian Jewish nicknames, one can see a few types of some of their national-movements. For example:

German-Idisk names

As a rule, German names came to Russia from Germany and the Austro-Ugric region, and in German words or word-forms, like, for example: Klein (small), Groys (great), Miller (Melnik), Berman (literally - a witch of a man, Russian - Medvedev), Nuremberg (place in Nіmechchinі), etc. Often stinks end with the endings "-man", "-berg", "-kind" and іn, and the suffix "-єр". You can admit with great enthusiasm that the shards of the nickname in Russia were known earlier, lower in the Middle Europe, the ancestors of the bearers of such nicknames were like from the German lands: Zalkind.

Russian Jewish names

Russian Jewish nicknames, as a rule, may end with "-ін", in other words "-ів", "-ovsky", like, for example: P'yatigorsky (from P'yatigorsk), Sverdlov (from the town of Sverdli). Assigned to the Jews of the Russian Empire, it began between 18-19 century from a single method of the total appearance of the population, and especially in the recently arrived Skhidny regions of the Kingdom of Poland. It is important that the Ashkenazi Jews in Russia, the names given to them by the father and mother with the addition of the suffix “-ov”, are rarely mentioned, the Crimean Gorsky and Bukhara Jews.

Polish Jewish names

Polish Jewish names are adopted in Polish words, like, for example, Zholondz (acorn) or, as a rule, may be at their base of the settlement, or Batkiv with the addition of the ending "-ovich", "-ivich" or "-sky", yak , for example, Grzybowski.

Ukrainian Jewish names

As a rule, they seem to be busy with the people themselves, without completion, like Weaver, Kravets.

Baltic Jewish names

Sephardic privileges

The march starts from Europe in Spain and Portugal, like through Holland and Italy, Byzantium and Turkey expanded throughout the whole world, among them, in the Middle Europe, for example, June (from Zion), Luria , Toledano (from Toledo).

Bukhara ghosts

The privileges of the Bukharan Jews began to be given by the Russian government after the arrival of Central Asia to the Russian Empire. The goal is to finish the trial process - from the middle of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. As a rule, behind a red wine, Bukharian Jews can be recognized on a nickname, stored in the name of a father or a mother (at the Sephardic-Russian vim, as if they were Russian officials) with the addition of a Russian graduation "-iv "Abo" -ev ", for example, Yakubov , Pinkhasov, Gulkarov, Abramov, Moshaev, Leviev, Gavriiliv.

Mountain privileges

The nickname for the Greek Jews was given by Russian officials from the other half - for example, in the 19th century after the arrival of the Caucasus to the Russian Empire. As a rule, after a little blame, she became her father or mother with the addition of the Russian graduation “-iv”, for example Ashurov (syn Asher), Sadikov (named Zadok), Shaulov (syn Shaul), Nisimov (syn Nisima).

Georgian Jewish names

Georgian Jewish names were adopted for the advent of the suffix "shvili", like in Georgians, for example, Isakoshvili. The enlightenment for the help of the suffix "-dze" among the Jews is not used for rare vinyadka, like the nickname of Pichkhadze.

The names of the rabbis and the names of their books

As a rule, the names of prominent Jewish wise men for greater success in living, especially in books, are written as abbreviations, like, for example: Rambam, Ramban, otherwise they are named after them in their books and commentaries Tori, yak they wrote. Yak, for example: Chafetz Haim (Spragliy for life, naming the books of Rav Іsroel-Meir a-Koen z Radzin), Khazon Іsh. In lonely cases, the names are passed on to the names, like, for example, in the childish Russian writer, the Jew Samuil Marshak - the names to Morein ve-Rabein Shmuel (MarShak).

Prizvischa, connected with the Jewish religious activity

Oskіlki religiyne zhittya nerazrivy z єvrejskom way zhіttya, mid єvreyїv chastka such prizvisch dzhe temporal, yak, for example: Avreh (friendship learned yeshiva), Parnіs (Parnassus - rich stoneware of the community, yakiy її mіstit), Rabinovich (syn rabin, as well as other similar ) the adoption of this title: Rabin, Raber, Rabiner), Melamed (Jewish teacher of small children), Shames (synagogue attendant), Reznik (rizbyar thinness, and those same in Hebrew - Shoikhet), Menaker (cleansing ink), Liner, Kantorovich ( syncantor abo with a Hebrew root - Khazankіn), Lerner (reader in Yiddish), Gabay - Gabbe (the head of the synagogue).

Vіdomi ta rich єvreyї could allow
add your name to your family coat of arms

Privishcha, tied with the bones of the First Vlasnik

These people come in like a nickname that reflects the callous qualities of a person, such as Schwartz (Chorniy), Weiss (Biliy), Jaffe, Joffe (handsome), Weissburd (a white beard), Kosoburd (a scythe beard), Nosik, Superfin (better handsome) , but with the inner qualities of a person, like a Hasid, etc.

Prizvischa, approved in professions

Apparently, a lot of Jews were engaged in crafts, and Jewish nicknames often indicate the appearance of the activity of our ancestors: for example, Shevets or Shevtsiv (Sandlyar in Hebrew, Sandler in Yiddish, Shuster or Shusterman in German), Kushnir, Kushnir, Kushnerov, Kushnerenko) , Zlotnik (jeweler), Shleifman (pihov picker), Sklyar (sklyar).

As a rule, the ending of the nickname is clearly indicated on the geographic journey, for example: nicknames from the endings of "-man" - the German or Austrian journey, such as Furman, Schneiderman, Zuckerman; Ukrainian endings “-ovich”, “-uvich”, Baltic endings “-on”, “-en”, Moldavian endings “-esku”, “-usku” just.

Privishcha, pov'yazanі z pozhennyam

As you can see, the Jews give great significance to their campaign, for example, the caps of the Colin Levi chi especially sim'ї at the Collin Levi - Koeni - add their name a-Levi chi a-Koen, tobto. vkazіvku on his trip. To this, one of the widest Jewish nicknames is not only in the Russian Empire, but in the whole world - tse: Kagan, Kogan, Kaganovich, Kats, Kaan, Kaganiv, Barkat, Kazhdan, Levi, Levit, Levitan, Levinsky, Levinson, Levitans cue, Segal and etc.

Prizvischa, approved in the name of father or mother

As a rule, the census takers of the population did not think for a long time and gave nicknames to their father or mother, like, for example, in the name of the father: Abramovich, Pinkhasovich, Yakobzon, Davidzon.

The impersonal name of the Russian Jews was granted in the name of the mother. For example, Malkin, Raikin, Gitlin, Sorkin, Vitkin.


As you know, Hebrew is often called abbreviations, which we know in nicknames: Katz, Shub, Shats, Albats, Shah, Patlas, Tsatskis.

Toponymic nicknames

Mabut, the largest group of Jewish nicknames is connected with the mіstsevityu of living. Abo Tse Prіzvishchi without the Burnts Sufіksіv, so, yak Minz, Landau, Berlin, OiRbakh, Sufіx "-yi", Yak, Oblast, Zarudinsky, Warsaw Rosіysk Sufіx "-Iv", Yak Sverdlov (Zamstochka Sverdli), Abo, abstain with Yiddish endings “-єр”: Mirer (іz Mir), Logovієr (from Logovoe). Inodi - the edge of the front living, like, for example: Pollak (Polyakov), Deutsch (Nimtsov) thinly.

Names - name the creatures

Already in the Torah, we know the difference between Jews and different creatures. So, for example, Yaakov wrestles his children: Yehuda - with the left one, Issachar - with the hard donkey, Dana - with the snake, Naphtali - with the lamb of the skinny. Especially tse parіvnyannia єvreїv with creatures mi bachimo in special names: Zeєv (vovk), Tsvі (deer), Ar'є (lion), Yael (goat), Rachel (vіvtsya), Dov (wedmid), Ber (weddmіd - iddish) skinny .d.

Obviously, this is the reason for the frequent habitation in Jewish nicknames of the names of creatures, for example: Nightingale, Bik, Cancer, Vedmіd, Crow, Magpie, Hare, Bunny and the like of them, yak, for example, Solovyov, Rakiv, Medvedev.

Individually illuminated signs

Mayut, as a rule, the German-Austrian pojzhennya, which vynikli with mass attraction to the Jews of these krajn prizvisch in the obov'yazykovym order. Mayut, as a rule, two roots, obtained in one word, like, for example: Rosenzweig, and mayut root: Gold (gold), Berg (mountain), Mann (man, man), Baum (tree), Boym (tree - Yiddish ) ), Stein (stone), Stern (zirka), Stadt (misto), Zweig (gіlka), Blum (quote) and in. Tsekavo, what is the root of the same can be okremimi Jewish names.

Russian nicknames for Jews

Some of us call the purest Jews from all over the world with Russian nicknames. We can only guess about the reason for them to take away such honors, but, for example, there were more Jewish people, who were forcibly called to the cantonist service, forcibly took away Russian honors, otherwise they were sold to the recruitment service to replace other people, whose they took away the stench. For example: Romanov, Slizenev, Chesakov.

New creations of the name of modern Israel

Many repatriates were changed
own names in Hebrew

After the beginning of the new beginnings of the settlement of Yeretz-Israel, approximately from the end of the 19th century, a lot of repatriates changed their names to Hebrew. Tsei ruh rozpochav vіdrodnik of modern Hebrew Ben-Yeuda (Perelman), who actively fought for the revival of my rozmovy єvreїv іvrita against rozmovnoї movy most important єvreїv at that hour - Yiddish. After the creation of the state, the “fathers-principals” carried out the change of the “Galutian” nicknames into Hebrew.

For example, Shifman became Ben-Sira, Golda Meєrovich became Golda Meir, Utyosov became Bar-Sela, Mirsky became Bar-Shalom, Bruk became Barak, Yakobzon became Yakobi, Zilberberg became Ar-Kesef. Shneur-Zalman Rubashov, the worker of the robotic movement, was especially seen (the name of which was bestowed on the honor of the first Lubavitch Rebbe). Vіn having recognized his own new name, yak was the abbreviation Shazar. The name of the fathers, for example, Ariel Sharon, Sheynerman, and the name of the first Israeli president Ben-Gurion was Green.

Jewish nicknames and genealogy

A lot of modern Jews actively chime in their genealogy, build genealogical trees, unearth the graves of their ancestors, their distant relatives, and deacons from them turn to their roots and to their Traditions . There are other great sites devoted to Jewish genealogy, such as Avoteinu and Jewishgen.

Ale, it is necessary to signify that in the tsarist empire from the beginning of the 19th century Jews were forcibly taken into the army, the Crimea is quiet, who is the only son of the family, so many Jewish homelands were recorded a bug take care of your children under life nicknames. Also, the number of facts and the changes in the number of prizvishch pіd hіmіgratsії yak to America, Іzraїlu, and to other countries. For example, the father of Rav Itzhak Zilber, Rav Bentzion Tsyun, changed his nickname to Zilber in 1916 when moving from Latvia to Russia.


The name of Ilyin resembles the Russian form of Ill, the Jewish human name Eliyau, which means “Vin &mda

    Trainer warehouse

    Urakiv Suyarkul

    – Vishcha is medical, specialty is exuberant on the right
    – Internship in global surgery
    – Residency in medical physical culture and sports medicine

    Illness of the musculoskeletal apparatus:
    - Osteochondrosis, scoliosis (shine, thoracic, transverse)
    - Hryzhі interspinal discs
    - Put the damage, flat feet
    - Arthrosis, contractures

    Rehabilitation after injuries of the musculoskeletal system(after operations on the ridges and loams)
    Rehabilitation after surgery(Zmіtsnennya m'yazіv anterior vertebral wall)
    Correction of supramundane vaga.
    Storage of individual exercise therapy programs for: circulatory diabetes, varicose veins of the lower veins, ailment of the cardiovascular system

    Dosvid work at rehabilitation: 3 rocky (on the basis of the thirty first GKB)
    4 rocky

    Kharchenko Olga

    Institute of Contemporary Art
    Specialty: Choreographer

    MyFitLab Victoria Lil – Pilates Matwork 1
    Matrix - Functional Anatomy, Biomechanics
    Stretching Instructor, Set Correction

    Specialization: Contemporary dances (Ladies dance, strip plastic, vogue, Jazz Funk), Latin American dances, Contemporary and modern dance techniques, Classical dance (ballet), Pilates, Stretching, Twine

    Ponad 7 years

    Bodrov Pavlo

    Member of the selected Russian pankration
    CCM in hand-to-hand combat
    CCM in professional combat sambo (MMA division)
    Champion of Moscow in pankration and MMA
    Champion of Zelenograd in MMA
    Bagatorazovy winner and winner of the All-Russian tournaments in pankration, grappling
    Silver medalist of the European tournament with MMA in Italy

    Dosvid special training: more than 16 years
    Dosvid work in the fitness industry: more than 7 years

    Doroshenko Vladislav

    Graduate student of UOR-4 School of the Olympic reserve of Chekhov

    Silver medalist of the first Russia
    Candidate at Maistri Sports from Water Polo
    Chinni sportsman


    Preparing to zmagan
    Learn how to play water polo

    Dosvid special training: more than 10 years
    Dosvid work in the fitness industry: more than 1 year

    Kozliv Vadim

    Certification specialist of the international level – World Body Building Federation

    Member of the bodybuilding and fitness promotion in the Men’s Physique category

    - Gathering of m'yazovoї masi
    - Figure correction
    - Vitrivality increase
    - Functional training
    - Storage of food programs

    Dosvid special training: more than 10 years
    Dosvid work in the fitness industry: more than 4 years

    Latosha Larisa

    Graduate of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport
    Master coach of water programs.

    Fahivets іz roboti z vagіtnimi.
    Presenter of Moscow and International Conventions on Aqua Aerobics.
    Methodist for directions Aqua-Mama, Aqua-aerobics

    Dosvid special training: 23 rocky
    Dosvіd coaching work: 18 years

    Shcherbakov Oleksiy

    Lighting: Vishcha is technical
    Promotion of qualification DTSOLIFK department of swimming

    Master of Sports of the SRSR
    Record of Russia at a distance of 50,100,200 breaststroke.
    European record for combined relays 4-100

    Swimming lessons for grown-ups and children of 5 years old
    Preparing to zmagan
    Learn all styles of swimming
    Certification instructor for Aqua-aerobics

    Dosvid special training: 45 years
    Dosvіd coaching work: 25 years

    Kuchina Alona

    Vishcha sports - pedagogical
    Middle professional (physical culture and sport with recognition)

    CMS in sports swimming

    Prize-winner of Russia. Champion of Moscow and Moscow region
    Certification coach from “Baby Swimming”
    Certification trainer for Rehabilitation at the water center
    Swimming lessons for grown-ups and children of 5 years old
    Set correction
    Swimming pool for lowering the vaga
    Rehabilitation in the water environment

    Dosvid special training: 11 years
    Dosvіd coaching work: more than 5 years

    Shuvalov Dmitro

    RPK (Rodnikov Polytechnic College)
    Faculty of Electrical Engineering
    Academy of Fitness and Bodybuilding
    Personal trainer for fitness and bodybuilding

    - Gathering of m'yazovoї masi
    - Decreased adipose tissue
    – Remembrance after injuries
    - Functional training
    - Zmіtsnennya backs, polipshennya put
    – Training of people with exchanges in the health camp

    Dosvid special training: 7 years
    Dosvid work in the fitness industry: more than 2 years

    Gonchar Victor

    Graduate of the National University of Civil Defense.
    Graduate of the Ben Weider Academy of Bodybuilding and Fitness.

    Candidate for the Maistri Sports of bagato wrestling.
    Candidate for Master of Sports in Athletics.

    – certified EMS trainer
    - figure correction
    - Gain mass
    – functional training
    - Zhirospalyuvannya
    - Increased vitrivality.

    Mazur Evgen

    Awarded to the National Educational Center of the ZU for the specialty "Physical training"
    – Master of sports of the international class in bench press and national bench press WRPF and AWPC
    - Elite of Russia
    - Champion of the world
    – European Champion
    - 2-time Champion of Russia
    – Master of sports of Ukraine for dual combat
    – Champion of Ukraine 2011-2013,
    – Multiple winner and winner of international championships.

    - Storage of individual training programs,
    - Figure correction
    - Correction of problem areas
    - Masi extension
    – zbіlshennya power displays
    - Storage of food programs

    Dosvіd special training over 11 years
    Dosvid work in the fitness industry over 7 years
    performing athlete

    Ershova Olena

    Graduate of the Professional Fitness Association (FPA) for fach
    "Personal trainer for bodybuilding and fitness"

    Specialization for directs:
    – storage of individual training programs
    - Improvement of m'yazovyh obsyagiv
    - Figure correction
    - Correction of problem areas
    - Correction of eating
    – stretching with elements of yoga, power acrobatics.

    Ponad 4 rocky
    Dosvіd special training more than 5 years

    Biryukov Mikita

    – Student of Moscow State Educational Institution for the specialty “Professional education in the gallery of physical culture and sports”

    - Promotion of qualification "Ergogenika kharchuvannya"

    - Sports kinesio taping. TRX training

    Specialization for directs:
    – storage of individual training programs

    - Zhirospalyuvannya
    – functional training

    Dosvіd special training more than 9 years
    Dosvid work in the fitness industry more than 2 years

    Performing athlete.

    Trutnev V'yacheslav

    – Graduate of the College of Bodybuilding and Fitness named after Ben Vader for the specialization “Gym Instructor”
    – Advanced qualification for the specialty “Personal Trainer”
    – Fahivets of myofascial fitness
    - Winner of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the category "Classic bodybuilding"

    Specialization for directs:
    – storage of individual training programs
    - Improvement of m'yazovyh obsyagiv,
    - Zhirospalyuvannya
    – functional training

    Dosvіd special training more than 7 years
    Dosvid work in the fitness industry 4 years

    performing athlete

    Khodarev Maxim

    Graduate of the Kharkiv State Academy of Physical Culture and Sports for the specialization "Physiorehabilitation"
    With recognition of graduating from the Lyceum "Vcheniy Fitness" for the fach: Personal trainer of the gym

    In the training process for the improvement of strength indicators, fat burning and correction of zones, functional training and training for the improvement of language obliga
    Storage of individual training programs and food correction

    Dosvid special training: 15 years
    Dosvid work in the fitness industry: more than 5 years

    Voronova Oksana

    Vishcha osvіta "Russian Sovereign University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism" RGUFKSiT.
    Student – ​​Polestar Pilates Studio Pilates (Module 1-4)

    Pilates on mats (Polestar Pilates).
    - Polestar Principles. Principi Ruhu (Polestar Pilates). Polestar Pilates Getway (Mat1, Mat 2, Mat 3, Mat Props).
    - Introduction to Functional Biomechanics. Functional Biomechanics Riven 1-2 (Thirst 4 Function Academy)
    – Workshops: “Foot: from theory to practice” “Prevention and rehabilitation of knee nodule” “The mysterious pelvic floor” “Scoliosis is a practical child” extension "Practice")
    - "Put a visual assessment" (Association of Professionals in Fitness, FPA)
    - "Techniques of myofascial release in robotic personal trainers" (Association of Professionals in Fitness, FPA).
    - "Triad of the pelvis" (Wellness company Welcom, Welcom Wellness Company). 2012
    - "Functional anatomy of the musculoskeletal system" (Welcom Wellness Company).

    Galimzyanova Line

    Vishche VlSU named after A.G. that N.G. Stoletovikh (VlDU and VDGU) Applied Informatics in Economics
    Certification MFS (Moscow State School of Fitness), Academy of Wellness, Zumba Fitness, LLC member of the Zumba Instructor Network (ZIN) Dunaev Ivan


    • Vishcha. Pedagogical. Moscow Institute of Physical Culture
    • Secondary special education for the specialty "Adaptive physical culture" (AFK)
    • Candidate of Masters of Greco-Roman wrestling
    • Winner of the Moscow championships from the GRB
    • Prize-winner of the Moscow Cup wrestling on belts

    Advancing qualifications:

    • Certification instructor for the specialty "Instructor of the gym" ("Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia" (FFAR))
    • Certification child fitness instructor (“First School of Fitness”)

    Main directions:

    • power and functional training for young people
    • general physical training for children of the young school age

    Dosvid work with children over 3 years

    Tanachova Tetyana


    - Vishcha. Special (Bashkir State Pedagogical University)

    Advancing qualifications:

    The specificity of the educational activity of a speech therapist teacher.

    Speech therapy massage

    Development of motivation to creativity

    Rozmov about proper eating

    Scientific-methodical seminar "Abetka Zdorov'ya"

    Individualization as I think before practice

    Gymnastics of the brain: a tool for a speech therapist

    Literacy and eagerness:

    Honorary Diploma of the Izhevsk Municipality Education Department 2015

    An Honorary Diploma to the Center for Preschool Education and Education of the Izhevsk Metropolitan Area

    Thanks to the center for the rehabilitation of children and children with the necessary opportunities. Diplomas and podyaks from SK Platform.

    Gift of the Federation of Swimming of the UR for preparation for the promotion of the Child Swimming League 2012-2017

    Main directions:

    – tutoring activity

    - logopedic robot "Logorhythmic", "Theater of the word"

    - Individual employment with children in speech therapy. - preparation for school

    - graphomotor

    - Busy, sho koriguyut

    - Development of creative abilities in children

    - Fitness for mind

    Experience in pedagogical and administrative activities over 17 years

    Show all team

    Vereyska PlazaIII- business center class B +

    Rick wake up: 2014


    The object is located in the Mozhaisk district of the Zahidny administrative district (ZAT) of Moscow. The main advantages for motorists are the proximity of the Moscow Ring Road (5 km), Mozhaisk Highway (less than 2 km) and Michurinsky Prospekt (4 km). Vіdstan to TTK - close to 8 km, to Sadovoe Kіltsya - 11 km. From the metro station "Slov'yansky Boulevard" to the center, a cost-free bus runs from the company that manages public transport. You can get here for 8-10 hours. view of the metro station "Kuntsevska". Metro Fili-Davidkovo looks like 2018 rock.


    • Zagalna area 110,000 sq. m. For rent - blocks from 211 up to 50,000 sq. m
    • Stele height: 3.6 - 4.2 m
    • Croc colon: 6*6, 6*9 m
    • Application with trimming and without trimming (4.5, 6 on top)
    • Planning: open
    • Vysokoyakіsne ozdoblennya zagalnyh zones
    • Object - 7-surface wake-up call, inspired in hi-tech style. An atrium with a height of over 30 m - offices are placed on its perimeter.
    • Panoramic elevators LG installed near the center
    • Professional energy company

    Technical equipment: central air conditioning system, tidal ventilation, fire extinguishing system

    Telecommunications: fiber optic meshes, operator - ViLand

    Parking: ground parking for 1000 cars, underground parking for 100 cars. Parking structure 1:80

    Bezpeka: video security, access control, professional security, automated systems


    • Interior: restaurant, cafeteria, far-office, bank office, fitness center with swimming pool, dry cleaning, pharmacy
    • Zovnishnia: shopping and entertainment center, shops

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    What do we work with information, how do we choose?

    We win personal data for the purpose of giving you services, so you ask for it. If you do not inform us about those who no longer wish to receive such information, we can periodically inform you about our products and services. By informing us by e-mail or by telephone of your personal data, you, in this manner, will wait for us to ensure that your information is in order, as indicated in this paragraph.

    It is possible to carry out statistical analizi by the behavior of Koristuvach (set, analizuychi Danai Viko Vikoristannya Web-Sita, Pasive Pasivno VID Coristuvachi) with the vitality of Vyzniyani Ryvensh, Rodiliv n. Such an analysis will help us in our efforts to further improve the product.

    How do we share selected information?

    We will apply your personal data, which is subject to the law, among other things, for the inquiries of judicial authorities, for ordering the court, when calling before the courts, as certificates, or in the case of other federal, regional or municipal laws.

    We can transfer statistical data to third persons in total form without disclosing any personal data of our correspondents.

    How can you look at the information received from us?

    If you don't know if we have contacted you with any of our products or services, you can tell us about it either at the time of giving us your contact details, or at some other hour for the help of strengthening the electronic sheet on [email protected] website.

    Seeking on third party websites

    As a servant, we can give you permission on websites that are operated by third parties. Thus, third individuals victorious are in control of the data collection system. We cannot bear the responsibility for their data collection practice, as for the recognition of their sites. We respectfully respect your privacy practices on all websites, including those available from this site.

    How do you solicit zahistu vikoristovuyutsya for zahistu your information?

    All information that is stored on our web server is hosted in closed databases and protected by a number of technical access control features.