Car radar detectors: how to select, set up or update. Guest - How to use StreetStorm radar detectors? How to update the japan glass pro radar detector

By updating your radar detector. This guide is intended for users of Windows-based computers.

STR-9950BT, STR-9750BT,

STR-9550BT, STR-9950EX GL,

STR-9750EX, STR-9550EX, STR-9350EX

2. Before connecting to the computer, press and hold the PRG button on the detector. Once connected, the button is released.
When updating models STR-9950BT, STR-9750BT, STR-9550BT before connecting to a computer, replace the PRG button to press and release the volume control.

STR-7010BT, STR-6000BT, STR-9900EX GL,

STR-9030EX GL, STR-8040EX GL, STR-8030EX GL,

STR-7040EX GL, STR-7030EX GL, STR-6030EX GL,

STR-9540EX GL, STR-9540EX, STR-9530EX,

STR-9520EX, STR-9510Plus, STR-9040EX GL,

STR-9040GPS, STR-9030GPS, STR-9020GPS,

STR-8040GPS, STR-8030GPS, STR-8020GPS,

STR-8010GPS, STR-7700GPS, STR-7100EXT,

STR-7040GPS, STR-7030GPS, STR-7020GPS,

STR-7010GPS, STR-6600GPS, STR-6030GPS,

STR-6020GPS, STR-6000GPS

1. We collect archives from the software, extract all files from the archive and save them on the desktop of the computer.
2. The detector is connected to the computer. On all detectors, except the STR-9540EX GL, press and hold the DIM, MUTE and CITY buttons for a couple of seconds, first on the detector display of the word UPDATE. On the STR-9540EX GL detector, entering the Update mode is carried out by selecting the appropriate item in the Setup Menu.
3. Check until the computer connects the installation and confirms its formatting. The proposition is supported.
4. Launch the program (download the file UMSPTUpdater_vX_X_A_.exe, instead of X_X - stream version), click the Update button in the program window.
5. After the process is completed, close the program and turn on the detector. When connecting the detector to a car, it is recommended to reset to factory settings (via the menu).


For your convenience, in the interface for updating the additions, select the ARROW item. If you want to download a new database that includes Strelka complexes, then you need to uncheck this box. If you use an external GPS in tandem with our detector, equipped with a module assigned to the Strelka complex with a special signal (models with the EX or EXT index) - you can check the box and Strelka radars will not be uploaded to the updated database.
1. We collect archives from the software, extract all files from the archive and save them on the desktop of the computer.
2. Using the included USB cable, you can connect the GPS module to your computer.
3. Check until the computer connects the installation and confirms its formatting. The proposition is supported.
4. Launch the program (UMSPTUpdater_vX_X_D.exe, instead of X_X - streaming version), click the Update button in the program window.
5. After the process is completed, close the program and connect the module to the computer.




1. We collect archives from the software, extract all files from the archive and save them on the desktop of the computer.
2. The detector is connected to the computer. We press and release the DIM, MUTE and CITY buttons for a couple of seconds, first on the display of the word UPDATE detector.
3. Check until the computer connects the installation and confirms its formatting. The proposition is supported.
4. Launch the program (download the file UMSPTUpdater_vX_X_E.exe, instead of X_X - stream version), click the Update button in the program window.
5. After the process is completed, close the program and turn on the detector. When connecting the detector to a car, it is recommended to reset to factory settings (via the menu).


Good afternoon colleagues!

I’ve been wanting to write for a long time about the firmware of my radar detector, which I bought before it was released. I took a bunch of screenshots, but everything seemed to have gone wrong. I'll try to earn some money now. Well, before the release it was purchased at MVideo (the cheapest one there) Supra iG55SVT:

Ranges: K / Ka / X
Channel for receiving laser signals 800-1100 nm, 360 degrees
Mode Location Є
Number of Rivne Places 2
Route mode Є
Number of regions Route 1
Smart mode
Revealed by Strilka Є radar
GPS Є (including highway)
Protection from VG-2 detection
Protection against milk supply Є
Display LED panel
Adjusting the brightness of the display Є
Volume control Є (mute program, turned on as an option when installing the firmware)
Voice notification
Turn on sound Є
Strum 12V - 15V constant strum, 200 mA
Operating temperature -20 to +50 ° C

Shouts: “Treba bulo brothers Sho-ME 700/800/900/1000...” into the firebox. Whether the radar detector will be bright, if you haven’t configured it correctly.
To correctly install devices in a robot, you need to bring it up to date: update the firmware to the current version and add data about radars. If at first there are no problems, then at the other there is a nuance that is spent a lot and instead of an assistant, the radar detector turns into an evil nothing for everything and the whole enemy is at risk.
That's why everything is correct:
1) go to the virobnik website Supra to the section Auto \\ Radar Detector with GPS, Let's look at our model iG55SVT, And not i55GVST or even i55XYZ. Firmware changes between such modifications are not crazy and are completely unimportant. Go to the “Files for downloading” section and download the available files to your computer: ig55.rar- firmware, UpdateTool_Converter.rar- software for collecting the database and updating the radar detector; - KSS Avtodor database. Let's look at the "download files" for iG68SVT and download the firmware - iG67-68-77VST.rar(The file may have a different name.) In case we need someone else's firmware, I'll give you a simple answer: we need an audio file for it. ZI: File names change periodically.

2) Unpackable UpdateTool_Converter.rar and install software for collecting databases and updating software. After installation, select the new Supra folder from the Windows menu, and there are 2 programs in it: DB_Navitel- with his help, we will collect the radar database in the view we need without hesitation and UpdateTool4GPS- database and firmware update program:
3) We unpack and stack files from the archives: ig55.rar- firmware, Navitel_20XX-XX-XX_Autodoria.txt- KSS Avtodor database, s iG67-68-77VST.rar From the Voices folder we take the file GPS_FemaleFull_Voice_150807_00.voh - a complete voiceover of everyone in front in a woman’s voice (by default, in the 55th we have a man Gunda on the main points and that’s all).
4) In order to flash the current data, we need only one file - the file with the radar database. You can get it from the “files for downloading” section from the Supra offsite, but it’s not a task, there is a database with a lot of data, and we won’t need it forever, and most often it’s just an enemy, because to take revenge on the great quantity of information and unnecessary data, - For such a radar detector we will have a headache. So let's go to the site SpeedCamOnline. Here we select the following data:
- cards - strelki
- Filter - Camera type We uncheck all the boxes, including: stationary radar, video unit, low-pressure (we don’t need anything else, since dummies are dummies, we’ve already been attracted to highways, and the solution is to catch a radar detector)
- export - Speedcam for Navitel embossed "Tilki are filtered" And we obviously need a friend of ours to assemble the radar database, without further ado:
5) We collect the base for inclusion in the radar detector - we launch DB_Navitel, We indicate the route to the fascinated falamas with information about the Highway and radars and emboss the button " Conversion", As a result, we select the base for the firmware: Login with programs.
6) Now it’s starting UpdateTool4GPS, We indicate the route to the firmware, voice and radar base:


radar database

We connect the radar detector to the computer with the cable included in the kit, after identifying the device, we adjust the parameters of the City1 / City2 / Highway / Smart modes. Then we set the radar detection parameters:
- ranges (check the boxes): X, K, Ka (I have the first 2))
- Rivni "Arrows" - Reduce
- permissible movement - from 0 to X - I put 8 km / year behind the old traffic signal))) - don’t let it beep for the first time, otherwise they threaten to turn 10 km / h
- GPS alerts: since our database is optimized according to the estimate - we select everything
- GPS alert range - recommended within 500m
- notification priority - detector priority
- voice - included
- mute - on
- time zone - choose yours
- hour format 12/24 - on our version it doesn’t matter, everything is shown in 12 mode.
That's it, let's emboss the button.

STR-9900EX, STR-9540BT, STR-9530BT, STR-9520BT, STR-9510BT

STR-9540EX Signature Edition, STR-9030EX GL Signature Edition, STR-9000BT Signature Edition

STR-8040EX GL Signature Edition, STR-8030EX GL Signature Edition, STR-7040EX GL Signature Edition

STR-7030EX GL Signature Edition, STR-7010BT Signature Edition, STR-6000BT Signature Edition

2. For Signature Edition, check that the serial number of the device corresponds to KM17 ********

3. Launch the update program and follow the instructions.

STR-9950BT, STR-9750BT, STR-9550BT, STR-9950EX GL

STR-9750EX, STR-9550EX, STR-9350EX

2. Before connecting to the computer, press and hold the PRG button on the detector. Once connected, the button is released.

5. After the process is completed, close the program and turn on the detector.

Why does your browser block the file because it’s bad?

STR-9020BT, STR-9000BT, STR-8040BT, STR-7010BT

STR-6000BT,STR-9900EX GL,STR-9030EX GL, STR-8040EX GL

STR-8030EX GL, STR-7040EX GL,STR-7030EX GL,STR-6030EX GL

STR-9540EX GL, STR-9540EX,STR-9530EX,STR-9520EX

STR-9510Plus, STR-9040EX GL,STR-9040GPS,STR-9030GPS

STR-9020GPS, STR-8040GPS,STR-8030GPS,STR-8020GPS

STR-8010GPS, STR-7700GPS,STR-7100EXT,STR-7040GPS

STR-7030GPS, STR-7020GPS,STR-7010GPS,STR-6600GPS
STR-6030GPS, STR-6020GPS,

1. We collect archives from the software, extract all files from the archive and save them on the desktop of the computer.

2. The detector is connected to the computer. On all detectors, except the STR-9540EX GL, press and hold the DIM, MUTE and CITY buttons for a couple of seconds, first on the detector display of the word UPDATE. On the STR-9540EX GL detector, entering the Update mode is carried out by selecting the appropriate item in the Setup Menu.

4. Launch the program (download the file UMSPTUpdater_vX_X_A_.exe, instead of X_X - stream version), click the Update button in the program window.


For your convenience, in the interface for updating the additions, select the ARROW item. If you want to download a new database that includes Strelka complexes, then you need to uncheck this box. If you use an external GPS in tandem with our detector, equipped with a module assigned to the Strelka complex with a special signal (models with the EX or EXT index) - you can check the box and Strelka radars will not be uploaded to the updated database.

1. We collect archives from the software, extract all files from the archive and save them on the desktop of the computer.

2. Using the included USB cable, you can connect the GPS module to your computer.

3. Check until the computer connects the installation and confirms its formatting. The proposition is supported.

4. Launch the program (UMSPTUpdater_vX_X_D.exe, instead of X_X - streaming version), click the Update button in the program window.

On this page you can download the updated radar database or software for SHO-ME radar detectors.
Radar and camera databases are updated at the specified intervals for the skin model. We recommend that you check out the databases that only appear on the site, so as to provide you with up-to-date information about stationary radars and cameras.
Software updates are updated 1-2 times per week (more often if necessary) and are associated with the addition of new functions, incl. s urakhuvannya pobazhany koristuvachіv devices.

Subscription to the newsletter updated

The SHO-ME company regularly releases cost-free updates for radar detectors. You can subscribe to a newsletter about updates to camera bases and radar detector software and receive email notifications about the release of new updates

Respect! Subscription for G-475STR, G-525STR and G-520STR

For these models, the database is updated once a month

You can enter information about new cameras in your region, as well as remove outdated radars. Please provide as detailed information as possible about radars and cameras that you would like to add to the database for radar detectors and combination devices SHO-ME. After verification of the added points by our clerks, the stinks will be available in the databases.

Editing the database of radars and cameras

View information about firmware versions and GPS base

Hold down the device while pressing the MUTE button: on the display of the radar detector, first the radar database version is shown, the other shows the firmware version. The database and firmware version is displayed in the format PPRRMMDD. (For example 20150828)

This procedure must be followed in the car when the device is connected

Increase your respect!

If you have installed \u200b\u200b firmware 2015 Rocky (2-point base), then you need to install the camera database with firmware 2015 Rocky ("2-point base"). If you have installed the 2014 firmware (1 - point), then you need to install the camera database with the 2014 firmware ("1 - point"). To update the camera database, go to the section "3. Updating the camera base".

You can also update the firmware to 2015 (2 dots) or turn back to 2014 (1 dots), for which you need to go to the section
"2. Firmware update". After updating the firmware, you must first update the camera database.

Now there is no need to install drivers or update programs in the EXE view.
The main thing is to turn on your antivirus before updating.

driver installation

The driver is installed on your computer to automatically configure the radar detector. Download and run the latest driver on your computer.

The driver must be installed on the computer before connecting the radar detector to the computer via a USB drive.

If the driver is not installed on the computer, then when you try to download the database, the message “Fail COM Port” or “Fail COM Port Connect” will appear. Install the driver again. Please double check that you have selected the correct driver file (32 or 64 bits).

If you don’t know what OS it is (32 or 64-bit), it’s easy to check:

If your computer is running Windows XP, check the following:

  • 1. Click the Start button
  • 2. Right-click on “My Computer”
  • 3. Select the item “Power”
  • 4. Since the window is blank, the computer runs on a 32-bit version of Windows XP. If “64-bit operating system” is listed in the System section, the computer is running a 64-bit version of Windows XP

In order to determine the type of operating system for Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you must select the following steps:

  • 1. Click the Start button
  • 2. Select “Computer” and right-click to display the menu
  • 3. Select the item “Power”
  • 4. In the System section, you can change the system type

Firmware update (software security)

Firmware update for radar detectors with GPS. Select a radar detector model from the list below:

Select radar detector model ... SHO-ME G -1000 STR SHO-ME G-900 STR SHO-ME G-800 STR SHO-ME G-700 STR SHO-ME G-475 STR SHO-ME Q520 STR SHO- ME 520 STR SHO-ME G-520 STR SHO-ME G-525 STR SHO-ME Z77PRO SHO-ME Z55PRO

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. Before updating, you must check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE). The firmware version indicated is V4.3. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • The archive with the update program, downloaded from the site, must be unzipped and the .exe file (for example, G475_SHO-ME_Updater_V4.3_V0417_20170508.exe) placed on the desktop of your computer.
What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:
  • The archive with the update program, downloaded from the site, must be unzipped and the .exe file (for example, G-520STR FW.exe.exe) placed on the desktop of your computer.
Update instructions:
  • The archive with the update program, downloaded from the site, must be unzipped and the .exe file (for example, 520STR FW.exe) placed on the desktop of your computer.
  • Launch the program. It is necessary to show up for the update program, which is responsible for “SHO-ME 520STR connections”.
  • Click the “Update” button and wait for the update process to complete (the scale is 100%, “Done” is under the scale). Click the “Exit” button.

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. Before updating, you must check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE). The firmware version must be entered - 170601. If the firmware does not match the designations, you must update the firmware.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the device to your computer. The display will show “USb”.
  • The archive with the update program, downloaded from the site, must be unzipped and the .exe file (for example, G-525STR FW.exe.exe) placed on the desktop of your computer.
  • Launch the program. It is necessary to show up for the update program, which is responsible for “SHO-ME G-525STR connections”.
  • Click the “Update” button and wait for the update process to complete (the scale is 100%, “Done” is under the scale). Click the “Exit” button.
What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE? The version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • Download the firmware, unzip it and run the update program
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • In the SmartDownloader program you can install the necessary settings
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed
  • After whom turn on the device

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE? The version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • Download the firmware, unzip it and run the update program
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • In the SmartDownloader program you can install the necessary settings
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE? The version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • Download the firmware, unzip it and run the update program
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • In the SmartDownloader program you can install the necessary settings
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE? The version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • Download the firmware, unzip it and run the update program
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • In the SmartDownloader program you can install the necessary settings
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed

Updating the database of traffic police cameras and radars for radar detectors with GPS. Select a radar detector model from the list below:

Select radar detector model... SHO-ME G -1000 STR SHO-ME G-900 STR SHO-ME G-800 STR SHO-ME G-700 STR SHO-ME G-475 STR SHO-ME G-520 STR SHO-ME G-525 STR SHO-ME Z55PRO SHO-ME Z77PRO

Update instructions:
  • Connect the device to your computer. The display will show “USb”.
  • Click the “Update” button and wait for the update process to complete (the scale is 100%, “Done” is under the scale). Click the “Exit” button.

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. The database of radars and cameras as stated below is not suitable for older firmware versions. Before updating, you must check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE). The firmware version must be specified - 170316. If the firmware does not match the designations, you will need to update the firmware immediately.

Update instructions:
  • Connect the device to your computer. The display will show “USb”.
  • The archive with the update program, downloaded from the site, must be unpacked and the .exe file (for example, G-525 database at may.exe) placed on the desktop of your computer.
  • Launch the program. It is necessary to show up for the update program, which is responsible for “SHO-ME G-520STR connections”.
  • Click the “Update” button and wait for the update process to complete (the scale is 100%, “Done” is under the scale). Click the “Exit” button.
What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:
  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. The database of radars and cameras as stated below is not suitable for older firmware versions. Before updating, you must check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE). The firmware version indicated is V4.3. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware immediately.

Update instructions:
  • Connect the device to your computer. The message “Download” will appear on the display.
  • The archive with the update program, downloaded from the site, must be unpacked and the .exe file (for example, G-475 database at may.exe) placed on the desktop of your computer.
  • Launch the program. It is necessary to show up for the update program, which is responsible for “SHO-ME G-475STR connections”.
  • Click the “Update” button and wait for the update process to complete (the scale is 100%, “Done” is under the scale). Click the “Exit” button.

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. The database of radars and cameras as stated below is not suitable for older firmware versions. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button pressing MUTE, the version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware immediately.

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. The database of radars and cameras as stated below is not suitable for older firmware versions. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button pressing MUTE, the version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware immediately.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • Download the radar and camera database, unzip it and run the update program
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. The database of radars and cameras as stated below is not suitable for older firmware versions. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button pressing MUTE, the version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware immediately.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • Download the radar and camera database, unzip it and run the update program
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. The database of radars and cameras as stated below is not suitable for older firmware versions. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button pressing MUTE, the version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware immediately.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Connect the radar detector to your computer
  • Download the radar and camera database, unzip it and run the update program
  • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
  • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed
  • After whom turn on the device
  • The message SEARCH will appear on the display - search for files. If you find the camera database file, immediately contact DB (Database). If you press a button, you'll feel attracted. The display shows START. Relax 100%. Write COMPLETE to confirm the availability of the new camera database. If you do not press the desired button, PASS will appear on the display. In a similar manner, the firmware and voice file are updated (FW or SOUND lights up on the display)
  • Complete your order and continue your purchases

    your cat is empty

    Add to the goods that you have earned a lot of money

A radar detector is a device used to suppress vocal vibrations. When a song frequency signal is detected, the device turns on a stronger signal with twisted modulation of the same frequency. Since it uses a powerful force of radio signals and can destroy the operation of many radio devices, it is necessary to comply with the laws of almost all countries and entail punishment in the form of a fine, criminal record or Any other entries are subject to the laws of the region.

In fact, only radar detectors are sold for sale, as a lot of people, behind the scenes, call them radar detectors. Radar detectors are passive devices that operate in the mode of detecting signals from the singing ranges, which have been tuned. The legislation of these countries is not protected by the legislative base of most countries.

Lie with two officials. The first factor, without a doubt, is its internal electronic filling, which includes the processor, antennas and other structural elements. Another equally important factor is the hardware and software part, or the firmware of the radar detector, which indicates the ability to recognize different types of radars, sensitivity to other changes. Even the skin model of radars has its own characteristics, and it is likely that each skin type requires its own signal processing algorithm. So, it is possible for the firmware of the radar detector to contain the presence of various additional functions. The same model with different firmware can significantly differ in performance and capabilities. Virus manufacturers are gradually releasing new firmware versions for their detector models. You may need to reflash the radar detector when a new type of radar appears, if the manufacturer releases a new version of the software for your model.

The firmware version can be determined in different ways, depending on the detector model. For example, the Whistler Pro78 and XTR-695 models require trimming the City button. When this happens, the firmware version number will appear on the screen. For models SHO-ME 685, Sho-Me 720, Sho-Me 785, you need to open the detector cover and look at the inscription on the head chip.

Unfortunately, reflashing the radar detector is, in most cases, important at home, since this procedure requires special interface devices. However, some clever people still manage to prepare the necessary devices and flash the radar detector, but there are many faults with the rules. The change of firmware is decided by the manufacturer himself in the factory minds. To do this, you need to send your detector to the manufacturer through the dealer service line. Moreover, without delay, in order to flash the radar detector, it takes 1 - 2 days, after which the detector turns around.

Updating the database of traffic police cameras and radars

  • Launch the program for updating the radar and camera database. Please follow the instructions below for your radar detector.

In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. The database of radars and cameras as stated below is not suitable for older firmware versions. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button pressing MUTE, the version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware immediately.

What's new in the firmware?
Update instructions:

  • Download the radar and camera database, unzip it and run the update program
  • 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
Updating the radar database via OTG-zavantazhuvach

This radar detector allows you to install a new camera base or firmware using the additional USB downloader included in the kit, directly into the car. Why do you need a USB flash drive?

  • Write a camera database file or a firmware file with a voice file onto it. Increase your respect! The files are probably written in the format SMDBxxxx.bin, SMFWxxxx.bin and SMSDxxxx.bin, obviously, where xxxx is the file version.
  • After whom turn on the device
  • Turn it off, then remove the flash drive.
  • Firmware update (software security)
    • Before starting the update process, turn on your antivirus. Files downloaded from our site do not contain viruses; the antivirus may block the unpacking of update files, as a result of which the update process will not complete correctly.
    • Connect the radar detector to your computer only using the additional USB cable included with the device. Using a different USB cable may cause the device to fail.
    • Launch the software update program. Please follow the instructions below for your radar detector.

    In early 2017, we updated the firmware for this device, which includes a new format for the radar and camera database. Before updating, you need to check the firmware version of your device in the radar detector menu (turn on the device with the button that presses MUTE? The version of the radar database is displayed, and then the firmware). The firmware version must be specified - 2017xxxx. If the firmware does not match the instructions, you must update the firmware.

    What's new in the firmware?
    Update instructions:

    • Connect the radar detector to your computer
    • Download the firmware, unzip it and run the update program
    • The driver for the device is installed automatically after starting the update program (if the driver is not installed for any reason, then it can be downloaded separately - for 32-bit systems, for 64-bit systems)
    • In the SmartDownloader program you can install the necessary settings
    • Press the button "Watch" and wait until the update is completed
    Firmware update via OTG-zavantazhuvac
    • Format the flash drive (it is not necessary, but the flash drive does not need to have other versions of the updated files)
    • Write a camera database file or a firmware file with a voice file onto it. Increase your respect! The files are probably written in the format SMDBxxxx.bin, SMFWxxxx.bin and SMSDxxxx.bin, obviously, where xxxx is the file version
    • Connect the flash drive to the radar detector via the USB adapter included in the kit
    • After whom turn on the device
    • The message SEARCH will appear on the display - search for files. If you find the camera database file, immediately contact DB (Database). If you press a button, you'll feel attracted. The display shows START. Relax 100%. Write COMPLETE to confirm the availability of the new camera database. If you do not press the desired button, PASS will appear on the display. In a similar manner, the firmware and voice file are updated (FW or SOUND lights up on the display)
    • Shut down, then remove the flash drive

How to update StreetStorm radar detectors?


0) For Win10:. Please check first and enable support for .NET Framework 3.5.

1) Kits for whistles STR-GP One, STR-GPS Uni: For correct operation of the program update, it is necessary (only once) to first download the archives in which the StretStorm library installer is located (832 KB), unzip it and run the installation. If these libraries (drivers) are missing, launching the update program will end with a message about the problem, similar to this:

2) For correct operation of the program, you need to use Internet Explorer or additional plugins for other browsers.
See the description options on Recommended option - Chrome with Meta4 ClickOnce Launcher add-on

1. What and when:

When updating from this service instead of the method officially recommended by the manufacturer - the database is no longer removed from the device, and work with other RD firmware files is carried out in the same mode.
In this manner, if necessary, the modification of the firmware itself will be removed by the manufacturer and when updating is carried out on the site.

Here is the data for StreetStorm devices - obviously, the coverage area is similar to the official one, minus Kazakhstan. Hire, bye bye.
The frequency of updating data in the database is at least once a day. The hour of formation of the database available for downloading is displayed above the button to start the update and in the update program when it is launched (see screenshots at the end of the page). The change log, which makes it easy to evaluate the changes in data in the plot region, is available by clicking on the informer about the Alt version of the database for Conqueror. (Point to the informer below to marvel):

To clearly inform the curators of the database about the need to make any changes to it, in the upper right corner of the page there is a direct message sent to the special section of the site

2. Yak viroblyati update:

First of all, obviously, you need to register for the service:

After registration is completed, you will be prompted to enter a login and password in the appropriate fields; if selected, you will check the procedure to make it easier to log in the next time and press the “Log Out” button:

We would like to remind you to change the layout of the buttons in the upper left part of the page, the block for launching the StreetStorm update is located below:

After the details are described in the beginning (in paragraphs 1 and 2), after pressing the “Start StreetStorm update” button, the process of registering the device on the service begins, repeating the procedure for the official update of the StreetS RD torm. When you launch the update for the first time, three windows appear sequentially:

At this stage, you must click the “Launch” button to install and install the update program on your computer:

When the update starts again, this step will be skipped and the program will be launched immediately. If you connect the device and do not switch to update mode, the program is in the state of recovery.
Respect! In cases where the device is locked before pointing on the right side of the models (6000GPS EX - 9020GPS EX) - the appropriate checkbox must be checked before your connection to the computer.

04.03.2019 | The firmware (0_2_3_7_FW) has the following changes made:

  • Updating the camera base
  • Incorrect notifications in rich zone CSS have been corrected. The end of the KSS (finish) will now be announced beforehand, regardless of the passage of the “KSS start” point

11.02.2019 | The firmware (0_2_3_6_FW) has the following changes made:

  • new SilverStone F1 Updater v4.9
  • updating the camera database, which includes the new “Safe Place” system in Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek.
  • Adding a shorter version of the human voice in the firmware

21.01.2019 | The firmware (0_2_3_5_FW) has the following changes made:

  • updating the camera base
  • put a message in the voice notification of the KSS speed limit

25.06.2018 | The firmware (0_2_3_4_FW) has the following changes made:

  • updating the camera base
  • Added voice notification “Parking or parking control” (“Street Falcon”)

04.06.2018 | :

  • updating the camera base
  • The “Video block arrow” alert has been replaced with “Video block”.

07.05.2018 | The firmware (0_2_3_3_FW) has the following changes made:

  • updating the camera base
  • for the type of dummies, the voice-over “fluidity limit” and other signs from the base have been removed (directly, control in Uzbek)

19.03.2018 | The firmware (0_0_2_9_Voice) has the following changes made:

  • updating the camera base
  • new universal Updater v4.6
  • re-sounding certain voice files in a stripped-down version of the voice acting

07.03.2018 | This firmware (0_0_2_8_Voice) has the following changes made:

  • Updating the camera base
  • New universal Updater v4.5
  • Voice files are voiced in a human voice

03.01.2018 | This firmware (0_0_2_7_Voice) has the following changes made:

  • Updating the camera base
  • New universal Updater v4.4
  • Ranges are no longer audible in the reduced voice file (the Geiger sound notification and display indication are no longer available).

25.12.2017 | This firmware (0_2_3_1) has the following changes made:

  • Updating the camera base
  • New universal Updater v4.3
  • Add an additional speed limit of 90 km/h in adjusted AUTO CITY.

27.11.2017 | This firmware (0_2_3_0) has the following changes made:

  • Updating the camera base
  • Added Vic. in the maximum speed settings
  • The robot was informed about the movement of fluidity in the motorway zone
  • Add additional distances in GPS settings (100 - 1500m)
  • Add additional speed limit in MOTOR CITY mode (90 km/year)
  • Supplied to the robot in the KSS zones
  • Robot algorithm adjusted to Smart GPS mode (100 - 1500m)

Universal Updater v4.9 Updates 3 files (firmware, voice and camera database). Before doing this, it checks the software and downloads only new files.

Yak onovity radar detector SilverStone Leman

  1. Please read the archived instructions carefully before upgrading your radar detector!
  2. Download the latest archives.
  3. Connect Leman to your computer via a USB cable.
  4. Turn off antivirus, firewall and firewall (they block the program)
  5. The program has been tested for OS Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. On other operating systems it may not work or not work properly. Try to find a different PC.
  6. Unpack the .zip archives. Right-click on the archive icon, then select the menu where “Extract” / “Extract” appears. You need to run the program from the unzipped folder!
  7. run "SilverStone F1 Updater v4.9"(Two clicks with the left mouse button at the end of the program). The acquisition process may take 1-2 minutes.
  8. If the connection was successful, a notification about updating the version will appear on the screen.
  9. Once the verification is completed, information about the software version of your radar detector will be displayed: firmware version (FW), voice file version (VOICE) and database version. How to write the program Version: POMILYKA, DB Version: POMYLKA - do not respect respect and continue to love further. It is possible to continue blocking the program, but at this stage it is no longer important.
  10. The “Check” checkbox is placed in the box if you need to check what data was recorded (even after updating).
  11. The equipment is ready for renovation.
  12. Select a file from the archive. The file is guilty of looking like this. Vantage this file only: Leman_Fxxxx_Vxxxx_Dxxxxxx.bin
  13. Click “Enchant in the device”
  14. The program will update only those files that do not avoid existing ones. Those who want to update only the camera base may not worry about the fact that the firmware will be broken.
  15. At the end it will say “Updated” and at the bottom there will be a green smudge with a 100% indicator
  16. Update radar detector. You can go! Have a happy journey)

Changing parameters Menu via SilverStone F1 Updater v4.9

1. Press the “Adjust Menu” button.
2. Set the necessary parameters in the Menu.
3. Press the “Save” button.
4. Press the “OK” button, after which you will exit the menu.
5. Place a dot in the circle on the Menu item.
6. Click the “Enchant” button
7. Only after this you can exit the Updater v4.9 program
8. Your settings are included in the RD
9. And finally download the firmware file (Leman_Fxxxx_Vxxxx_Dxxxxxx.bin) into the device. Then you will lose your savings.

For reading 4th century. Pereglyadiv 3.9k.

Not all car owners are satisfied with the performance of their radar detectors; sometimes they freeze, “glitch”, etc. Therefore, water should be removed as soon as you update the radar detector to avoid problems, and its operation will be reliable and clear.

How often it is necessary to update the database

At the same, the Base of Dani (BD) of the Radar Complex (RK) I cameras in extensions, the equipment of the GPS module, cannot be self-stained, and the carpet control is practical to be practically puppy, then for the yaki roboti, it is not good to carry out the Yaki. more often possible.

It is necessary to update the taxiway database when there are signs of unstable operation:

  • There is an unclear protection from overflow (increasing milk supply).
  • Failures in work during non-interruptible trival vikoristan.
  • It does not provide range statements to the received signal.

Varto frequently updates the RD firmware:

  1. To improve stability, I will add robots. It is necessary to ensure that manufacturers first optimize the work of the device after the start of sales.
  2. For the designation of new RK and cameras. The operation of the RD with a continuously updated base guarantees clear robot operation, suitable for all types of RD and cameras.

What is necessary

To update the RD, it is necessary to connect to the power supply with normal voltage (220 V). For work you need:

  1. Personal computer or laptop running Windows OS. Turn on anti-virus programs.
  2. USB cable (included with the device).
  3. Radar detector.
  4. Program for radar detector.


Drivers are automatically installed on your computer. It may be that automatic driver installation is blocked by Windows, in which case it is necessary to disable the following steps:

  1. Download the driver as required (if necessary, enter password 123). What matters is the capacity of the computer's OS.
  2. Install the required driver: for 32-bit OS - win8_; for OS 64-bit. -
  3. Connect the RD to a personal computer and launch the updated file.