Put the doctor on. A doctor on a smartphone: how much does an online medical consultation cost? Renewal and rehabilitation

Do you need to consult a doctor, but you can’t come to the clinic?

Take advantage of the online consultation quickly and contact EMC doctors from anywhere in the world through your Special Account.

Online consultation options:

    Consultation before the prescribed treatment.

    Interpretation of quilting results.

    Maintaining a different thought from leading EMC leaders - experts from the USA, Western Europe, Israel, Russia.

    Removing the nutrition facts about health.

For the patient’s needs, a remote written consultation is also possible – based on the recommendation of a specialist based on the results of the analysis of medical documentation.

Advantages of online consultation:

    Reliability: you can get a consultation from a qualified EMC specialist without visiting a clinic anywhere in the world (at home, at work, on a business trip or at a travel destination).

    Confidentiality. We are the world's most reliable source of data and information.

The duration of the online consultation can be changed.

The online consultation service is available directly from:

How to benefit from an online consultation with a specialist

    Online consultation is carried out through a special EMC patient account. If you do not have a Special Account, register with the Google Play/App Store mobile app or .

    To sign up for an online consultation, go to the call center or sign up in the EMC Special Patient Account. Go to your regional account, select a specialist, type of appointment – ​​“Video consultation”, date and hour of appointment.

    In order for the doctor to access your medical documents (diagnostic images, test results, etc.) during the consultation, we ask you to attach these documents to your Special Account and allow the doctor’s access to your medical record.

    At the time of appointment, the doctor will contact you, for consultation and obtain the doctor’s recommendations from your Special Office.

about telemedicine, which is not possible to make a diagnosis within an hour of an online consultation. The first step is to be carried out by the patient in person. If you are tired, if you take the doctor online again, it is already possible to speed up the prescribed treatment.

During an online consultation, the doctor can:

    take a medical history of the patient and, based on the collected data, recommend that the patient be referred to a qualified specialist;

    information on how to prepare before diagnostic visits and before a visit to a specialized accountant;

    help to understand the analogues of drugs, the meaning of the purposes of drugs;

    help decipher the analysis data.

If the diagnosis has already been made and treatment is prescribed, the citizen has the right to contact a doctor with supplementary nutrition online.“For example, patients with chronic illnesses can now pick up prescriptions electronically, which will immediately lead to doctors and eliminate the need for diagnosis and treatment,”– reveals Clerk of telemedicine directing of the DOC+ mobile clinic Elizaveta Ivakhnenko. Shchopravda, Doctors will be able to view proofs and prescriptions electronically if the Ministry of Health publishes additional regulatory and legal acts.

Telemedicine assistance is available for a fee- both within the framework of the supplementary health insurance system and without costs- rakhunok of the Federal Fund for Obligation and Language Medical Insurance. To access telemedicine services, patients will need to log in to the State Services website.

On a thought Manager of management of individual insurance products of IC "Sberbank Life Insurance" Natalia Belova,Online consultations will be especially relevant for residents of remote regions, where there is a shortage of doctors, especially highly specialized ones.

How does it work

All telemedicine services follow a similar principle.

1. You need to use your mobile app and register.

2. Select a doctor, date and hour of consultation.

3. Pay for consultation.

4. Skip the consultation if the doctor contacts the appointments within an hour.

5. Doctors' reports about their health, and we are preparing reports for more precise nutrition about our state.

How much does it cost

There are currently 4 paid online services in Russia, which you can use quickly- Doc+, “Doctor Poruch”, “Online Doctor” and Yandex.Health.

Z The quality of service on each of them will be based on their principles. On some- related to the qualifications and certification of a doctor, on other- The quality of service is established regardless of additional factors.

Online consultation services with doctors

*The price depends on the experience and qualifications of a doctor

The most democratic tariffs- from the Yandex.Health service. First consultation costs 199 rubles (among some doctors- 299 rubles), availability- 499 rubles. Behind the wordsmanager of the Yandex.Health service Grigory Bakunov,The prices depend on the doctor's specialty.

The Doctor Poruch service has one of the lowest tariffs- Regardless of the doctor’s profile, the consultation price is fixed- 1200 rubles. For cleaning- A special consultation at the same clinic costs 1,550 rubles.

Grigory Bakunov h "Yandex.Health"This means that the difference in the price of online and offline services lies in different places and clinics, but in the average online consultation is still cheaper two-to-three. “At the future prices, which are higher than for everything, are equal to the fact that doctors online and offline are consigning to the same robot,”- expert predicts

The specifics of consultation in clinics today are really dear. For example, the first appointment with a general practitioner, as well as specialized doctors (gastroenterologist, ophthalmologist) at Medsi clinics on Solyantsi, Polyantsi or Prechistentsi costs 1,800 rubles. At the “Medicine” clinic, an appointment with a therapist costs 4,300 rubles, and with a specialized doctor- At 4990 rubles.

Along with other services, the “Capsule” cooks a little. While no one can talk to a doctor via video chat, they can only do so by letter. The Comparative.ru correspondent wrote about how to avoid getting sick during the cold winter, and gave up the cat-free diet after only 3 weeks. Doctor, who was online at that time, Vіdpov, scho“To prevent illness, it is necessary to have a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and the absence of supernatural stress (physical and emotional).”

To continue the dialogue with the doctor, you need to replenish the storage in a special office. How it is indicated on the site,A doctor’s report for 2 years costs 200 rubles, but if you want to call a mini-consultation and find out the opinion of 3 doctors about the food that is affecting you, you will need to pay 500 rubles iv.

What other services are there?

Insurers have long begun to actively include online consultation services in their voluntary medical insurance programs. For example, the “Renaissance Insurance” group and the “Doctor Poruch” clinic network have already been created. Oschadbank recently bought about 80% of the DocDoc project, within the framework of which it is also planned to develop telemedicine directly. Also in 2017, the company “AlfaStrakhuvannya-Zhittya”, together with the “Online Doctor” service, launched the “Mitsne Health” product.

“Insurers view telemedicine as an additional option to the classic VHI, which allows them to regulate insurance claims, and as a service option to other special insurance contracts (for example, life insurance), which increases the client’s price There are products",-

Before giving food to the doctor, he needs to thoroughly understand the approach of his beast. Sometimes an incorrectly formulated nutritional plan for a patient provokes an inaccurate or unbiased response from the doctor. Based on what principles does a doctor follow nutrition? How to correctly ask about symptoms and treatment so that a paid or cost-free consultation becomes effective?

When a person seeks out a doctor and avoids consultation, he is guided by the following principles and needs:

  • I want to understand the reasons for my illness and illness;
  • I want to know the history of the illness, how to say it;
  • I would like to know about current methods of treating illnesses, what to say;
  • will require the removal of recommendations for your self-perceived illness;
  • I would like to consult about the illness of my relative, child;
  • It is important that treatment methods that are stagnant are not effective;
  • I would like to make recommendations within the boundaries of the diagnosis - lifestyle, food, lifestyle, side effects, clothing prospects;
  • It is important to seek advice regarding alternative methods of treatment;
  • I would like to know about the side effects of the medications I am taking;
  • will require a developed plan of preventive visits for alarming symptoms;
  • I would like to know how to avoid difficulties after a diagnosis has been made.

Since a person has health problems, she, through anxiety, may experience various things, for example, anxiety, fear, worry. Supported by the negative, people can choose the wrong strategy when trying to supply nutrition to a doctor online or in case of special needs. Instead, in order to be objective and proactive, the patient is more likely to talk more about his experiences, less about nutrition, as he really suffers. So, you are inadvertently tempted to experience anxiety, as it will overwhelm you.

Therefore, first of all, you can provide nutrition to the doctor through online services at no cost or for a fee, so you can calm down, overcome anxiety and fear. If you have a prophylactic episode, there is a risk of paying for a consultation, but do not dismiss the necessary symptoms after spending an hour treating your anxiety.

Today, people may be able to get a doctor online, work freely and without prior registration. Prote, in which people sometimes refuse to consult with the Likuvannya drive. This is true for many reasons:

  • One is almost afraid that falling ill will require great financial expenditures, strength, and a change in the way of life. Motion and inactivity, in such cases, will not lead to a good result, however, physical fitness may deteriorate, and we do not know about this and cannot give our current recommendations for treatment;
  • they do not trust the doctor for various reasons - they doubt his competence, evidence, and methods of treatment;
  • Respect that you are ill or the symptom will go away on its own, and the need to get sick is not important. At this time, a person is not ready to accept her illness, perhaps because she is afraid that she is ready to give in to treatment or that it will require a change of mind in her way of living, but she is not ready for that.

There is no need to be afraid and rely on specialists. When a doctor interacts with a patient and responds to his nutrition, hunkering songs are formed between them, which is how people receive information about their health, and the doctor can avoid the development of complex Yes, provide timely assistance and confirm your professional competence.

In addition, at the time of treatment, the doctor can almost see the patient in detail, which will make it easier to make a diagnosis and explore treatment methods.

There are no serious problems before it is necessary to avoid clear medical advice for health, self-prevention and prevention. The patient can ask the doctor for a meal online, in case of special needs - at no cost or by paying for the necessary hour of consultation.

The doctor provides information about symptoms, illness and diagnosis, relying on his knowledge and evidence. In addition, depending on nutrition, wines can be treated with stews, which have confirmed their effectiveness in both medicinal practice and objective practice.

During the medical consultation, the doctor will provide a medical history of the person’s illness, history, mental health and individual characteristics. Only with an integrated approach to health and self-awareness, it provides objective and clear information.

Today, there are a lot of Internet platforms where people can ask for a cat-free meal, like giving a doctor without registering on the site.

Nutrition for a specialist via the Internet

The more specific the nutrition is, the greater the certainty that the doctor’s message will be inflamed, consistent and satisfy the patient’s needs.

Sometimes, it is necessary to ask about illness or symptoms that are alarming, caused by unknown processes of specialness. For example, people are afraid of the consequences of their diagnosis and the fact that they will undergo surgery, and this fear will fill everything. In this case, people tend to behave less objectively - they, having paid for a consultation with a doctor, do not understand what they are talking about or writing, because they care about anxiety and fear. Psychologically, people want their anxiety to be reasonable and require some negative feelings, but a doctor who pays for food as part of an illness does not suspect such internal processes.

Fahivets, in the face of such confusion, may appear incompetent, because they will not be able to satisfy the patient’s need for safety, calm and reason.

Therefore, the nutrition that will be given to high school doctors and doctors must be well thought out, informed, simple and not harmful to the secret, secret sense.

This possibility is evident on many sites on the Internet. In order to obtain information about illness, what to download, consultation about the prospects for treatment, side effects of medicines, alternative methods, development of symptoms, you need to immediately register on the site, which is registered without I will definitely help a doctor within the framework of medical services. For this you need to enter your details and email.

The next step will be to choose a doctor and direction. For most types of online help, you can choose from such specialists as: therapist, dermatovenerologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, cardiologist, neurologist, psychologist, psychiatrist, oncologist, gynecologist, urologist, allergologist, orthopedist, surgeon, endocrinologist, ologist, mom.

Please ensure that the site’s services provide their clients with complete information about doctors who can quickly contact you online and find out the type of illness that is affecting you. Therefore, people may be able to first ask and get acquainted with the short medical portfolio of the selected doctor. Most often, no one can guess the details of work, education, scientific level, specialization, and other aspects of a similar professional path. So, a koristuvach may be able to convert a doctor on his own.

Specialists who have already provided a large amount of food, which is openly accessible to all readers, are given special confidence. Having become familiar with them, a person has the opportunity to learn about the individual and professional characteristics of the doctor, his objectivity and competence. Having written the nutrition, send it to the doctor and check the turnip. Please send confirmation to the email address provided at the time of registration.

How to avoid cost-free consultation with a doctor?

This service is popular on many medical portals. In addition, on some sites you can make inquiries for any doctor without registration. This is difficult to do - you just need to follow the instructions on the site. As a rule, this involves selecting a filer, describing the problem, and reporting to the department.

Some patients become dissatisfied with their interactions with the doctor and experience strong negative feelings after trying to find out about their health or illness. One of the reasons for this is improper nutrition. In order not to become disillusioned through disinformation, it is necessary to know what not to ask the doctor about.

List of food reserves:

Why does a doctor care about a sick patient? You can express your own particular opinion, however, without the history of illness and the results of complex treatment, the risk of the mildew type is growing. That being said, the patient may become very disappointed if the doctor’s words are not confirmed. If there is an incorrect negative outcome, the person will also become disappointed with the doctor and will begin to judge his competence unobjectively. At the same time, it is clear that in addition to the diagnosis, symptoms, depression, and age should be taken into account, so that the patient can do his best to improve his health.

Please take care of yourself so that you can definitely get back on your feet. Such guarantees cannot be asked from a doctor, since treatment with him takes place in the format of video consultation or online browsing. This food option is acceptable for special needs, however, in this case, it may be problematic to cancel the long-term warranty on clothing.

Nutrition about the special thought of the doctor so that any other illness cannot be accepted by the patient as to the causes of the illness and the methods of its treatment.

Encourage people to eat the “wrong” diet and get angry if their interests are not satisfied or a medicinal mercy is obtained, in the same way: for the evidence of severe anxiety and fear. It is likely that patients with serious illnesses will be rehabilitated, which will threaten their lives and require physical, emotional and financial expenses. Therefore, in combination with medical treatment, people with serious diagnoses, which sometimes sound like a virus, are recommended to receive obligatory assistance and support from a psychotherapist.

What to do if the doctor’s symptoms are not understood?

It happens that people rejected the testimony from the fakhivtsa, prote, it is difficult for her to understand the terminology of what kind of doctor he was, if he wrote and spoke the testimony. Actors, sensing the foolish words, blurt out their diagnosis and even more symptoms. In order to understand this, the patient is recommended, since this is the format of the list in consultation, to get acquainted with the opinions of other people about the faker who he wants to fight. You can also read this type of information to other merchants. Thus, it became clear in what form the fakhivets testifies, how accessible this language is for people far from medical people to understand how inflamed and again it gives evidence.

If a person wants to supply a doctor online, those who have earned it impatiently check for confirmation. If you go to the doctor without cost, without a registration procedure, you will have to wait an hour until your food is collected by the site administrator and a confirmation is given. The more nutritional specialists have and the higher their activity on the site – today they provide advice on dozens of nutritional options – then it is possible that it will take more than one day to wait for confirmation. This format of consultation is suitable for non-urgent nutrition, as the treatment method does not lie and the patient’s self-esteem is not compromised.

In case people need a doctor - they want to get help, recommendations or call him home - the procedure for contacting a doctor online is not suitable. In this case, it is better to be able to install a powered doctor on the Internet, without registration. Please call the clinic and make an appointment with the required specialist, or if the symptoms are unsafe for life, call the Swedish Aid team.

Finding a qualified medical specialist who can give you cost-free consultation is not only important, but also practically impossible. Since you do not have a known doctor, it may be even more difficult for you to refuse professional consultations. However, there are always alternative options that are subject to our service. With our help you can ask for a doctor cost-free online and select the professional options you need.

If you want to find out whether it is correct for you to receive treatment at your clinic or in a hospital, find out about the necessity of going to the doctor or taking treatment yourself at home, and also to cancel your diagnosis If there is any other medical food, then just feed one of our doctors free online. In conclusion, you are giving up professional advice that will allow you to praise the correct decision.

Our doctors, however, are committed to providing professional advice to everyone who seeks help. Supplying a doctor without cost online means turning off a lot of risks associated with your health.

How does our service work?

  1. Ask your doctor freely online for additional special forms on our website. All our fakhivts have a great proof of practical work, so for their sake, in any event, they will be useful to you.
  2. Take adequate professional certification. You can receive your meal confirmation by e-mail or by phone. In any case, you will be able to supply additional power and turn off the ignited voltages on them.
  3. Guarantee of success. In order to please our fakhivs with the truth, give them as many truthful facts as possible.

Why varto vibrati site?

Based on this power supply, you can see a number of main factors. First of all, our doctors are proven doctors who have the slightest evidence of work in this or any other field of medicine. Otherwise, by supplying food to the doctor cost-free online, you can reject the same kind of faker who had already encountered similar ones in his practice before your episode. Well, and thirdly, our resource operates even more quickly, which is why our suppliers are quickly selecting food options to pump them out.