Beeline tariff “Zovsim Everything”. Tariff “Call ALL”: description, connection methods How to connect “Everything” to Beeline

For clients who like to communicate a lot by phone, as well as constantly use text notifications and access to the Internet, the Beeline company has developed a new tariff plan. Tariff 2016 rock “All” is allowed, do not hesitate to pay for fees with the connection of various services according to the tariff. The plan is being developed on a permanent basis. And at first glance, you can, at first glance, impress subscribers with your money, as well as with the proposals that are included in the package, even if added.

This tariff is suitable for business people, clients who do not like to be separated from a foreign connection, as well as subscribers who need to travel extensively across borders and borders.

Before looking at the tariff plan, be sure to note that all data for the best services and packages are available for Moscow and the Moscow region. Residents of other regions should check the operator's details by contacting or on the company's website. Even the stench can vary greatly, on both sides.

Report description

The expected subscription fee for a package of services will be 6,000 rubles. This amount is required for the monthly payment. For such a high price for the package, subscribers will receive a wide range of options. They include packages of fabrics that can be used for bonding with other places on the edge or threaded for bonding with other edges. In addition, the package of services includes a special duty for traffic, which can be avoided when traveling beyond the border.

In addition, using this tariff, all clients receive an additional bonus from the company. This bonus is based on the obtained Moscow phone number. You can also connect to the new one from calls to a federal number.

What do clients get for 6,000 rubles?

  1. Operation of cat-free calls throughout the entire territory of Russia. There are 6,000 monthly allowances for exit calls.
  2. There are 600 pieces of splicing with other edges. In addition, you can purchase this package not only in your home region, but also abroad.
  3. To exchange text and multimedia messages, 6000 messages are available, which can be spent anywhere in Russia.
  4. The amount of traffic that is expected is 60 GB.

In order to be bound outside the cordon, you are required to receive a special package of services, which includes:

  • Cost-free Internet, which is charged for a monthly fee of 100 MB.
  • 100 cat-free payments for making calls to any number.
  • 100 cat-free notifications per month for exchanging text data to any number.
  • In addition, you need to stock up on 30 catless quills for the entrance doors.

Once the sick days are over, SMS and Internet

The premium package “All Everything” includes a great service. If you go with such a package there is a risk that there will be complaints or notifications. If this happens, then clients will need to pay for services connected to Beeline according to the tariff schedule.

Once the costless expenses have been spent, payment for the advance will be as follows:

  • To contact subscribers in your region, the exit call in the warehouse is 2 rubles;
  • Calls generated for clients in other regions (not home) – 2.95 rub./xv.
  • The call quality is fixed and is not shared with the call operators. Obviously, the prices shown are both for internal boundary splicing and for calls to other operators.

If we talk about information, then the price will be like this:

  1. Text notification by home region – 2.95 rubles/sms.
  2. Text notification to Beeline subscribers across home boundaries, incl. SND and subscribers of the Kyivstar operator, in the territory -3.95 rubles/sms.
  3. One text message about Russia and foreign countries – 5.95 rubles/sms.
  4. As soon as you send an MMS, the price is fixed and becomes 7.95 rubles.

Once all traffic is consumed, the Swiss threshold will be reduced to critical. Set to 64 Kbps. Further on, you can search for additional additional options that you can enable. They will help stop heavy traffic and restore the Swiss regime.

Calls for roaming

If a subscriber who is a member of the “All All” service is located outside the home network, then for the speed of calls for packaged services you will need to pay:

  • Making a call across the territory of Russia to any operator - 9.95 rubles. / Hv.;
  • Spoiling with bags from the SND and Georgia, as well as those who use the services of the Beeline connections, as well as people who buy from the services of the Kyivstar operator – 12 rubles/xv.
  • Calls to SND residents and other call operators – 24 rub./xx.
  • Spinning from European countries, Canada and states - 35 rubles/xv.
  • Spilled pine is combined with other light edges – 55 rays/min.

All exit calls to Russia when outside the border will cost 9.95 rubles/xv. Please note that price information may be subject to change. Therefore, it is advisable to detail the information using manual methods.

How to activate the All ALL tariff

To subscribe to the “Zovsim Everything” tariff plan, new subscribers just need to come to the Beeline brand store and pick up a starter package from an already active plan. The price for a package of services is 500 rubles. After activation, this amount will be transferred to the client’s balance.

Clients who subscribe to the company can switch to a tariff. Before activating, please note that there is no connection fee, and subscribers who subscribe to tariffs from the “Everyone” family, as well as other plans, can make the switch. In addition, after the transition, the telephone number is no longer unchanged.

To make the transition you need to proceed quickly in some way:

  1. Contact the company salon via Beeline, then fill out the agreement for the replacement tariff and the accountants can proceed with the transition independently, according to the given data. Please note that this method respects the visibility of passport data.
  2. If you have a computer and free access to the Internet, you can switch to a tariff from a special account. To do this, you need to go to the company’s website and go to the office. After registering, you will be able to activate the “All Everything” plan and control the service packages and number by register.
  3. It is also possible to telephone the call center operator, who will accept the application for connection to the tariff for the given number. To call it, you need to dial 0611. For this method, you will need to specify the code word or passport details. If the operator is unable to activate the tariff himself, he can provide advice on how to correctly switch to a package of services. Perhaps, before the call, you will need a piece of paper and a pen for notes.
  4. It is possible to quickly contact the company with a description of the premium tariff “Everything”. After going to and going down, you need to press the connect button. In the following field, enter the required data and check if the operator itself calls and accepts the application for subscription to the tariff.

The transition and connection to the tariff can take three hours, but not more than 24 years. The amount of the balance is due to the subscription fee, and after the transition you can find a text notification about successful activation.

Yak vimknuti

You can activate the “All Everything” package if you have signed an agreement by visiting the Beeline company showroom. You can also switch to a new tariff from your company. The information that is being vicorized will appear in automatic mode. For both methods, start by choosing a new, suitable plan.

The Beeline “Absolutely Everything” tariff offers current and new subscribers a new and maximum range of services that may be needed for people who keep up with the times. You can use all the benefits of the largest telephony operator every day and not lose your phone, SMS, or Internet traffic. This postpaid tariff is especially appreciated by active subscribers who often travel beyond their home region, in other places and countries where they do not want to waste high-cost service.

Important! Specific tariffs for each region are presented on the official website, they vary depending on the amount of the subscription fee, service packages and other services.

Detailed description of the “Zovsim All” tariff

The price per thousand per month benefit from the tariff is 6,000 rubles. At the beginning of each month, this sum is going to be spent, otherwise the proposal from the Beeline company will not be dealt with quickly. Each subscriber can obtain insurance for:

Premium rates

We also offer a special package of services for those who travel by train due to international roaming:

  • Internet capacity 100 MB.
  • Package of goods for roses directly from the operator – 100.
  • Povidomlennya – 100 packages.
  • It’s best to stock up on 30 quills for cat-free entrance connections.

Excellent washrooms for mandrivniks

Important! Appointed minds can be withdrawn for a monthly fee of 6,000 rubles.

Other tariffs:

  1. Type of telephone number – Federal chi Moscow. The first cost is 495 rubles, the other is 499 rubles. The Moscow landline number can be used to forward incoming calls.
  2. Connection – 500 rubles. This payment is relevant for new subscribers or those who want to connect another Beeline number.
  3. You can switch from any other tariff at no cost.

When the SMS and Internet service have ended

This tariff is determined after payment, in most cases of the designated package it is more than enough to avoid cutting off your Beeline mobile connection from your local mobile phone provider. If you still spend a package of emails, SMS/MMS or the Internet, you will be subject to other tariffs. More specifically:

Calls for roaming

If a subscriber regularly navigates between home regions, then it is important for him to know the workings of domestic and international roaming calls. The “Zovsim Everything” tariff package appeals to the following ideas:

*tariff is assigned for 11 days per month. First 10 calls for calls on Beeline, Kyivstar – 3 rubles/min., calls between SND, in Europe, USA, Canada – 5 rubles/min., direct payments – 40 rubles/min.

Important! Customers should remember that all outgoing calls are charged at 9.95 per hour. Payments may be subject to change, so you may want to provide more detailed information manually.

How to activate the “Zovsim All” tariff

Subscription to the Beeline “Zovsim Everything” tariff is available to all existing and new subscribers. The fee for the package for new subscribers is 500 rubles, after activation, this amount will be transferred to the subscriber’s balance. As long as there are no active subscribers, the transition to the tariff is available to all subscribers who are served on tariffs, “All inclusive” and others.

Important! This tariff for subscribers who are active does not change the phone number, only the service level is changed.

Methods of connecting to the “Zovsim All” tariff:

  1. Provided service to the office. You will need your mother's contract and passport. A new contract is signed for the subscriber, and all actions before changing the tariff are carried out by a specialist.
  2. You can manually switch to a tariff from a special Beeline account. If you need access to the Internet, go through a simple registration. Through the self-service account, you can easily control excess supplies, SMS, Internet, and connect additional services.
  3. Call the call center at number 0611. In this case, it is important to remember the code word and keep your passport in hand to give these data to the operator. As soon as possible, the operator will accept the application. Also, if you have a paper under your hand, you may have to write down some information.
  4. The subscription to these services can be activated by opening the official page of the “All All” tariff. Once there, you need to go to the bottom of the page and click the “connect” button. A field will appear in which you need to enter data to be queried. It was impossible to get through to the operator to check the information and accept the application.

The recovery period does not take more than 24 years, but is most often required for the treatment of illness. Those who have completed the transition will be notified when an SMS arrives.

Yak vimknuti

Activation of the tariff is only possible if the service contract has been renewed. For this purpose, please contact the service office with your passport and previously signed the contract. If you are not satisfied with the service, you can switch to a different tariff. In this case, the “All” option will be activated automatically.

To choose a favorable tariff, read the report on the current Beeline tariff plans in Moscow and the region in 2018.

A family of prepaid tariffs. The tariff plan includes packages of services with a different number of units, per megabyte.

Number of options for calling all numbers in your home region and Beeline in Russia 300 500 1200 2000 5000
Number of lines for calls to all numbers in Russia
Mobile Internet, GB 3 15 22 30 30
Number of SMS to numbers of all operators in your home region 300
Subscription fee, rub. 13,33 20 30 50 83,33
Total monthly subscription fee, rub. 400 600 900 1500 2500

A report about the line can be found.

All for 1800+roaming

Tariff with subscription fee. It includes a large package of information about what is happening in Russia, as well as Internet traffic for travel in Russia and beyond the border.

Service Umovi
Number of SMS to numbers of all operators in Russia 3000
Mobile Internet, GB 15
Access to social media and instant messengers with the “#possibleALL” option, GB 10
Charged subscription fee for additional services, rub. 60
Total fee per month, rub. 1800

*Data effective as of 07/31/2018

You can get to know the minds behind the tariff in the report.

At all

Tariff for more expensive light. The subscription fee includes a large package of services in Russia, as well as Internet traffic for those who travel abroad.

Service Umovi
Number of calls to numbers of all international operators 600
Mobile Internet, GB 60
Number of items for weekend trips around the world per month 100
Number of connections for entry points when traveling by light 30
Number of SMS for trips around the world per month 100
Mobile Internet for trips around the world per month, MB 100

*Data as of July 28, 2018

You can find out more about the price and tariff.

Zero doubts

Tariff plan without upfront payment. The services are paid less due to the fact that they are vikorstan.

Service Vartist
Calls to numbers of all operators in the connection area, rub./xv. 2
Calls to Beeline numbers in Russia, rub. 5
Calls to numbers of other operators in Russia, rub. 12
Number of SMS when activating the “Package of 100 SMS per day” option 100
8 rub. on dobu

*Data as of July 28, 2018

To get to know the minds behind the tariff plan in more detail, click .

Second by second

Tariff without subscription fee with per-second tariffing for all local calls.

Service Vartist
Calls to numbers of all operators in the connection area, rub. 0,05
Calls to numbers of all operators in Russia, rub. 3,9
Number of SMS when connecting the “My SMS” option 100
1 SMS to the numbers of all operators in the connection area without an option, rub. 2,5
1 SMS to numbers of all operators in Russia without an option, rub. 3,95
Mobile Internet with the activated option “Internet package 1.5 GB” 1.5 GB per month for 8 rubles. on dobu
Mobile Internet without option, rub. 9,95

*Data as of July 28, 2018

More detailed description of the tariff.

Linea "Everything"

Postpaid tariffs. The subscription fee is charged after the end of the month of subscription. It includes a package of messages, SMS and megabytes.

Service All for 500 Usi for 800 Usi for 1200 Usi for 1800
A large number of calls to the numbers of all operators in the Galusi connection and Beeline in Russia 600 1100 2000
3300 (total)
Number of calls to numbers of all operators in Russia
Number of SMS to numbers of all operators in the connection area 300 500 1000 3000
Number of SMS to numbers of all operators in Russia
Mobile Internet, GB per month 10 14 20 30
Guarantee deposit, rub. 500 1000
Subscription fee per month, rub. 500 800 1200 1800

*Data as of July 28, 2018

The guarantee deposit is paid upon the hour of switching to the tariff. For prompt payment of the first 3 months of payment, the guarantee deposit is transferred to the subscriber's account.

Don’t worry, that’s what Beeline called their new postpaid tariff. For a subscription fee of 6000 rubles. For a month we will encourage you to watch “All That” in your mobile phone. Both at home and on trips abroad and abroad. Another important topic is the “Highway 1 GB” and “My SMS” options on prepaid tariffs “No doubts”, “GO!” and “We kindly ask”, now these options will be activated automatically.

That's all

It turns out that the lucky subscriber to the “Everything” tariff removes from the mobile connection everything that you can afford, for a less tedious subscription fee. With serious restrictions in international roaming, but without them the tariff would definitely not be slow. You can practice your vigor and search for a service call that is not included in the subscription (the content is not included), I only know ringing calls on satellite phones. The name, of course, is clever, and people are already freaking out about the upcoming gains of marketers. Like “Exactly EVERYTHING, I swear by my mother!” to "Povniy Vsets".

The size of the subscriber is impressive, although the fate of the 10th is that such a structure looks completely extraordinary. But today, for a subscriber, it’s about 1,500 rubles/month for the insurance company to waive the tariff to complete a free subscription, and 3,000 rubles/month, I’ve mentally considered it to be another psychological threshold. For this price, the client is already paying for new unlimited comfort and, ideally, additional “buns”. It’s amazing what Beeline promotes in its “Absolutely Everything”.

Another “no frill” is the absence of additional payment for the so-called “forwarding service” to the additional mobile number, on average 400 rubles. depending on the identity of the direct number. On the “All Everything” tariff plan of Beeline, this traditional “rent” from the authorities of the local numbers cannot be collected:

“The Moscow number is given in addition to the federal one. The indicated subscription fee includes the subscription fee for the tariff plan, as well as the availability of local telephone calling services from the additional subscriber number and local telephone calling in the geographic area code of ABC numbering and forwarding service data. ї to the subscriber number with the code of the non-geographical numbering zone DEF in boundaries of VAT "VimpelCom". The price of these services is determined by the local telephone operator and the additional subscriber number of the local telephone service that is assigned to them, in the code of the geographic area of ​​ABC numbering. Prices for the services of other local telephone operators can be found in Appendix 1. VimpelCom offers a 100% discount on the value of these services.

The exchange rates (already known calls on satellite networks) and prices for telecommunications/SMS included in the package can be read in the complete pdf-described tariff. The best thing is that you are given a 60 GB internet package. In lower regions of Russia, the package is not valid and mobile Internet is paid at separate prices. In addition, the Internet is cost-free (automatic speed is not transferred, per package - 64 Kbit/s) in Russia for the Amur region, the Jewish Autonomous Region, the Trans-Baikal region, the Irkutsk region, the Kamchatka region, the Magadan region, Morskoy region, Republic of Buryatia , Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Sakhalin region, Khabarovsk region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. In these regions, the price for 1 MB traffic is 9.95 rubles. From rounded sessions up to 153.6 KB on the larger side.

The tariff, of course, is beautiful and has a rare exception, if you don’t really need to go to the report description and read the notes in a different font, since everything is clear and obvious because of the many rows of hidden parameters. International roaming has its own needs for calls and the mobile Internet, so you have to pay for the package, but the balance is reasonable. And 600 calls for a month of international calls from all over the territory of Russia look like a miraculous proposition for those who need such calls.

Proposition tsikava. Although the tariff, apparently, is not massive and covers a relatively small target audience. Similar to the ideology of the proposition, one can guess the tariff of MTS “European” zrazka 2011 or 2010 with a subscriber of 10,000 rubles/month, but everything there was furnished with a park of notes. International roaming has no additional charges in Europe, SMS packages have no additional charges, international calls are subject to a fixed fee, etc. But the hours/prices were different, and MTS still closed the tariff, which is very important.

"Highway 1 GB" after 1 MB

On prepaid tariffs, Beeline has successfully replaced MTS, adopting the scheme for automatically connecting additional services for a subscription fee. The steps in another hypostasis, but the ideology and principle are similar. News about auto-connection to the mobile Internet, quotes:

“On the 16th of April 2014, for clients who have connected or switched to the prepaid tariff plans “Go!”, “Zero Doubts” and “We kindly ask”, to change their minds to the Internet option “Highway 1GB”. If a subscriber, having connected to a designated tariff plan, uses the Internet speed, and the consumed traffic becomes more than 1 MB (the first MB before connecting the option is free), then the “Highway 1 GB” Internet option will be automatically connected. The availability of this option allows active Internet users to benefit from traffic. With the “Highway 1 GB” option, the subscriber receives 1 GB of Internet traffic per month at maximum speed for a monthly fee of 7 rubles per addition. If you have consumed less than 1 MB of traffic, the “Highway 1GB” option will not be activated. The next month, the subscription to the Internet for the subscriber is repeated - the first MB before activating the option is cost-free.”

To put it simply: the first megabyte of traffic for a month from the moment you connect or change the tariff is available free of charge, more than a megabyte - an Internet option is connected for 7 rubles/addition. After a month, the doctor restarts on their own minds. In principle, if you have the right to use this menu, you can enable data transfer up to a megabyte after the SIM card gets into the smartphone, and the number of active Internet users is now growing faster.

"My SMS"

І "banquet extension" with auto-connection of the SMS package for a subscription fee of 5 rubles/add. The same is the same as before, as it was divided into MTS, with minor changes. You can read the new description, quote:

“From January 1, 2014, when connected and switched to the tariffs “Zero Sumniv”, “GO!” If you send 4 or more SMS to numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region throughout the calendar month, the “My SMS” option is activated automatically. As an option, as many as 100 SMS are available for delivery to all mobile numbers in Moscow and the region. In this case, for the first five days after subscription, the option is available absolutely free of charge, the subscription fee starts from the 6th day of the stock option at only 5 rubles/day.”

In simple words: starting from the 5th sent (and, perhaps, paid) notification, the service is connected to the subscriber for 5 rubles/addition, after a month the doctor is dropped and restarted. As in MTS, it’s unfortunately impossible to turn it on in advance, you’ll have to check for activation and then don’t forget to turn it on. It’s still unclear to me how it will behave after being disconnected. When will you get back to “My SMS” and will you have to turn it on?

"Stay in the know+"

Another new thing about the paid service, which recently became “Be in the know+”, a description of the service. The subscription fee is 0.5 rubles/day, but the joy is not automatically connected on all tariffs. Quote from the description of the service:

“Subscription fee for service per day for tariffs of the prepaid system of tariffs: lines “ALL!”, “All inclusive”, “Doctrine 77”, “Internet for tablet”, “Tenderly requested”, “No doubts”.

Now your minds have been adjusted, please respect them. Quote from the news:

“... from January 1, 2014, when you are connected and switch to the “Please kindly request” tariff, the “Be in the know +” service is included in the warehouse tariff. The fee for the service for clients who connect or switch to a tariff plan after June 30, 2014 is 50 copies.”

It’s surprising that it’s becoming increasingly difficult to “get involved” in services that require a subscription fee. The obvious accessibility of some of these services lies in the fact that they cannot be activated when the SIM card is activated, you have to check for autostart and then turn them off. Hours passed before it was possible to buy a girl a chocolate bar in the salon and ask her to include everything in the starter package. In one fell swoop – the entire “bouquet” can only be taken away when activating a new SIM card or switching to a different tariff. Operators no longer offer paid services to active subscribers under the Try & Buy scheme.

If you of these subscribers have not decided to limit themselves to the combined and provided Internet resources, and do not at all worry about those who will be charged, then the “All” tariff is suitable for Beeline these are the ones that will suit you. If the information is current, please read the description of the tariff plan in more detail.

Tariff “Call ALL”: description

Although we want to present tariffs and provide additional benefits, it is still not cheap at all compared to the richness of other packages of services. The payment will now be 6,000 rubles.

A significant sum transfers significant packages of services both for cross-border residents and for entrepreneurs. And to yourself:

  • 6000 units on the exit links in the middle of the edge;
  • 6000 cash for payments for the cordon, possible both from the Moscow region and from any region of Russia;
  • 6000 SMS notifications;
  • 60 GB Internet.

Cream of overinsurance services, the operator of the Moscow region, as well as other regions, gives the new subscriber of the applicable tariff a Moscow number. From now on, you can redirect incoming calls from your mobile phone number to a new one.

The “All Everything” tariff is postpaid, so the cost of your payment is written off after the package of services has been paid and spent.

Calls, SMS and the Internet after the limit has been exceeded

The possibilities that are hoped for are entirely sufficient for the complete success of a Beeline subscriber. If the operator's customer spends all the packages or if he wants 1 before the end of the month, he will have to pay for additional services at the established tariff.

  • Variety of weekend exits in the middle of the region – 2 rubles;
  • Weekend khvilina on mizhmisto - 2.9 rubles;
  • SMS to local numbers - 2.95 rubles;
  • SMS to the numbers of the Crimean operator “Kievstar”, Beeline in other regions – 3.95 rubles;
  • SMS to foreign numbers, as well as to numbers (not Beeline) to other regions (Moscow) – 5.95 rubles;
  • mms notification - 7.95 rubles.

Interconnection and roaming

Owners of the “All Everything” package of services may be able to continue uninterrupted use of the Internet, even while roaming. For this purpose, Beeline has transferred a special service package.

So, when leaving the cordon the following is required:

  • 100 SMS notifications per month;
  • 100 cash on weekend calls for 30 days;
  • 100 MB Internet access;
  • 30 inputs for skin benefits.

When prices rise in Russia, the subscriber will step up:

  • cost-free entrance calls;
  • 6000 cat-free calls for calls to all numbers in Russia;
  • 600 unpaid charges for weekend calls to international numbers;
  • 6000 SMS sent from any territorial point;
  • 60 GB of Internet at the edge.

The services presented are relevant for residents of Moscow and the region. In other regions, the service may be slightly different.

Connection “Call EVERYTHING”

If you no longer use the services of the Beeline operator, and if you want to join the large number of customers, and also become a member of the “All Everything” tariff, then you will have to come to the nearest Beeline sales office, keeping your passport with you. The price for the package of services becomes 500 rubles. At home, mobile phone providers activate a SIM card with the number you choose, and securely deposit 500 rubles on your phone. Warto note that you can switch to the service of this operator with your old number, which belongs to another mobile connection. In this case, all numbers are saved.

If you already subscribe to “Beeline”, but would like to change your current tariff plan to “All Everything”, then speed up in one of the following ways:

  1. Please contact the Beeline office so that their security guards can safely transfer you to a new mobile service.
  2. Go to the official website of the company under the “Special Account” section and activate the required tariff yourself.
  3. Dial the hotline number – 0850 – and ask the operator to transfer you to “Call All”.
  4. Speed ​​up your mobile app "Beeline".

When switching from a service to a new one, there is no subscription fee.

Subscription to tariff

Connection to “All That” is possible in two cases:

  1. Once the contract for the provision of services in one of the company’s salons has been terminated.
  2. When switching to a new tariff.

additional information

The benefit of the “All Everything” package of services is to highlight the range of possibilities that subscribers can quickly access:

  1. Cost-free SMS notification to the client’s phone. This means that SMS information is sent to the subscriber’s number about the payment system, about the term for making payments, about the amount of money spent on calls, etc.
  2. There is a monthly payment for a package of services. In this way, the operator gives its customers the opportunity to pay the tariff not just before the appointment, but within 20 days after the appointment.
  3. The system of rozrakhunku, which allows you to use all the services of the tariff without being taken over by the production line rakhunku.
  4. Special manager. This service gives the owner of the “All Everything” tariff plan the right to withdraw information that is provided to a particular manager.
  5. “Make a connection” is a service that allows those with a zero or negative balance to face the possibility of being deprived of a connection. To do this, apply to any amount of the limit (200, 300, 450 or 750 rubles), which will include a number of calls, SMS and gigabytes of Internet access.
  6. “Possibly Everything” is a service that allows you to listen to music on VKontakte, Yandex.Music and Zvooq services through official programs without spending traffic, in other words - no cost. If you are in roaming, the proposition does not work.

Tariff plan “Call ALL” - description, subscriptions Tariff “All in one 1”: description, connection Tariff “All for 1200” - description, connection