Get Photoshop with the dds plug-in. Introduction to working with .dds format

The choice of special add-ons - plugins allows you to significantly speed up the work in Photoshop. Some plug-ins allow you to change the same type of functions more, others add different effects or may have other additional functions.

Let's take a look at some of the costless brown plugins for Photoshop CS6.

This plugin allows you to quickly select HEX and RGB code colors. Pratsyuє in zv'yaztsі z іnstrument "Pіpetka". When clicking on any color, the plugin places the code in the clipboard, after which the data can be added to the style file or another document.

Size Marks automatically creates a size mark from a rectangular view. In addition, the mark is placed on a new background and assists in the work of the designer, allowing the designation of elements without zayvih manipulations and rozrahunkiv.

It's also a corny plugin that gives you the ability to search, capture and insert pictures into a document. Everything looks right in the working space of Photoshop.

Support for this plugin has been pinned.


Distributed by Nvidia. DDS plugin for Photoshop CS6 allows you to open and edit textures in DDS format.

Another plugin for web designers. Yoga has a warehouse to include anonymous templates and standard grids (grid). The built-in modules allow you to quickly create repeating elements of the sides.

So the titles are "ribi generator". Riba - stupid text for filling paragraphs on web page layouts. It is an analogue of the online generators "ribi", but it works directly in Photoshop.

Support for this plugin has been pinned.

It's more than a drop in the sea of ​​plugins for Photoshop CS6. Know for yourself the necessary set of additions, which will allow you to increase the efficiency and speed of work in your favorite program.

It worked! After decades of fate, Nvidia was honored to upgrade its NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and got into the new version CS4, CS5 and x64 systems (I would like to say more correctly - 64-bit software versions). Now amateurs and professionals alike can stop jumping from the 64-bit version of Photoshop to 32-bit and back to create normal maps.

Nvidia Normal Map Filter and DDS Plug-in for 64-bit Photoshop (x64)

NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop have two main components:
  • NormalMapFilter- a filter for Photoshop, building to transform the image into a normal map (Normal Map). The algorithm is based on the principle of Height2Normal, so in the original document the dark areas are due to the depths, and the lights are the heights. In other words, for correct processing, you may need to manually edit the visual image (you, obviously, appreciate the quality of the result). For the filter, there are no options for customization, and there is also the possibility of revisiting in 3D View.

  • DDS plug-in- allows you to create and save textures, stisli for the help of the DXTC algorithm (, select the stippling profile and int. The DDS (Direct Draw Surface) format is widely used for rendering games and often used for embossing the textures of game models.

On the NVIDIA Developer Zone website, you can download Nvidia Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and other colors tools, Or send a direct message to download the plugin version 8.5:

NVIDIA Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop (32-bit) (8.51.0301.0345)
NVIDIA Plug-in for Adobe Photoshop (64-bit) (8.51.0301.0345)

P.S. Stay safe before all manipulations with your textures and keep your job before you stop one of the filters. Save more often and in different files - a good tone.


All textures for games like Bethesda, i, zokrema, Skyrim are presented in the format .dds. This format can be used in your own space of rozmіrіv one and the same texture. It’s impossible to vicorate the texture, no matter how: 8 , 16 , 32 , 64 , 128 , 256 , 1024 , 2048 and so far. All resources are packed in .bsa archives with common names. Textures are also called maps. skin diffusion map(Color texture) is supported, at least, normal map - normal map , Vinyatok to create textures for effects and similar ones. Good is written about normal maps on Wiki. To put it briefly, normal maps allow low-poly models to look high-poly, adding all sorts of bulges and bulges, and even more buzkova and a marker _n(Im'ya otherwise, now, _msn So, with її іdentifіkatsії it is impossible to have mercy. More glow map - glow map , How to indicate how areas on the texture will be glowing, and how - no, may marker _g. And also, including for Skyrim, a new map has been introduced - a glossy mask, a marker _m, Vyznaє, with її vikoristanny (tobto, if її do not add, then the gloss will not shine anywhere on the model), as part of the texture will be sharpened and in a similar world. The Oblivion engine itself knows and captures the correct marking of the cards, and, for Skyrim, it is necessary to add all the cards to the primus model, moreover, the skin is in its own slot, specially for it. Axis, then, and that's all.


1. Adobe Photoshop
2. Plugin for Photoshop like Nvidia for working with .dds format and creating normal maps.
3. Some sort of unpacker.bsa archives. For example [b] BSA Browser
by Fawzib Rojas .
4. Important! Straight arms.
5. Troshki know English language. Let's have a little.


Let's say that Photoshop is already installed, and we can deal with it more or less sternly.
Install NVidia plugin , Vіn add zdatnіst to Photoshop work with .dds format and menu item Filter -> NVIDIA Tools -> NormalMapFilter.
shob extract texture from BSA-archive , View downloads BSA Browser, In the new window (Menu -> File -> Open ...) we need BSA-archives (Ways to the Skyrim \ Skyrim \ Data \ Skyrim - Textures.bsa), Apparently we need the files and extract them. The Danish unpacker propagates two options: to a specific folder (Menu -> Action -> Extract To ...) or to the Data folder (Menu -> Action -> Extract). Folder hierarchy, in both folders, will be created automatically.
Curve the texture in Photoshop. When you open it, the plug-in will show the reading settings in the following window:

In short, it’s all the same, as in the image, the rest of the jackdaw, here it’s up to you: if you want leather once you shave it all, leave the jackdaw, if you don’t want it, take it. paragraph Load MIP Maps Vіdpovіdaє for vіdkrittya vsіh or one razmіru textures, I recommend vimknuti yogo. We don't need anything else, the stench is automatically generated when the texture is saved.
We change the texture. I won’t gouge this point at once, we’ll only be ticked by the settings.
now take care . Here the crumbs are more foldable to jump out:

Let's take a look at yoga in more detail:
Upper visibility to change the optimization settings and the presence / visibility of the alpha channel and the second type. All points do not tickle us, only 4

DXT1 RGB- yoga selectable for all textures without alpha channel
DXT5 ARGB- for all textures with alpha channel
8.8.8 RGB- saving without squeezing and alpha channel ARGB- no squeezing of the alpha channel

Remain 2 points to exploit especially not varto, because the textures are wider, the stench is true for textures with even smooth color transitions on large areas (for example, a normal map for osib, in order to save zі stisnennym, then ugly artifacts appear on the faces of characters)

Generate MIP Maps- s add. rosemaries (widest option)
Use Existing MIP Maps- choose additional reconcile independently
No MIP Maps- without additional rozmiriv

When saving with the generation of additional rozmіrіv you can choose in the list, what you can get instructed: All (all possible) or indicate the number of Bazhan. I always put All.

Everything else, as if you weren’t nailed on the experiment, we’ll leave it as if on a given other image, for our purposes it won’t be required in the nailing.