Prometheus in VK yak practices. How do you use a smart line on VKontakte and an intelligent algorithm to look for Prometheus content? Who is more likely to watch "Prometheus" VKontakte

The technology of piece intelligence is developing at an even higher pace, and already at the same time your page on VKontakte is periodically submitted to analysis II.

VK retailers have created a mechanism that sorts the content among all correspondent authors, and bestows a badge on the largest of these and unique authors "Vognu" entrusted to them. Having commemorated such a pictogram from a koristuvach or a group, you can be sure that this koristuvach or a collocutor is creating the author's and similar material.

"Prometheus" the letters of the divisions themselves with the method of supporting the coristuvachs, laying out new and suffocating material. So, the sign "fire" is seen for 7 days, but you can take it off without limiting the number of times. Moreover, since you have already become a happy keeper of the mark, the "Prometheus" mechanism will remember you. ІІ you will scan your side more often and evaluate your chances of being re-listed in the "TOP".

"Prometheus" regularly gets better. With the skin at the same time, we more carefully select materials, match them and distribute reminders. In the mobile version of VK "Prometheus" show your content to people who don't know about your work, but you might as well.

How to take away the mark of fire?

VKontakte should cherish your coristuers, and especially those who post authoritative content on the sides of the site. Behind the words of representatives of the social merezhі - "Without people, like 11 years ago, remind the site of stories and creativity, VKontakte with a set of code and graphics."

Rozrobniks perfectly understand who to create such a popular brand, and they try their best to promote such authors. In the algorithm of "Prometheus" lays the mechanism "zahistu pershogerel". Tse means "Prometheus" to get a unique material, without any interest in VK. If you share content on other resources, and if you copy it into contact, then "Prometheus" will ignore you. So, II itself cannot distort the material from the old posts.

A sign can be taken as a personal side of the author, so it is a side of the future. Rules for otrimanny vognik for all the same. In order for "Prometheus" to gain respect for you, it is necessary to follow the advancing rules, which were laid down in the algorithm when it was created:

First, i, maybe, most important - uniqueness.

Generate only unique content. Upload good photos, share stories, play videos without intermediary in VK. Conduct streaming and other live broadcasts. Regularly update your entries and put in what is not yet available in the range of visibility of the "Prometheus" system. Let's guess that the algorithm works only in VKontakte, at the moment.

So you yourself need to stitch for the quality of the material.

Here we are to take the information literally. That video with a quality of 1080 will be rated second as more than the same video, but with a quality of 720px. The only one in his family is an image of a high quality. Personal musical arrangements. So "Prometheus" itself marvels at the design of your text, it is recommended to divide the text into paragraphs, to improve the rules of punctuation and spelling. In addition, the VKontakte measure rules are included in the algorithm. In this way, you will break the rules of VK, otherwise the rules for placing advertising voxels will be significantly lower.

Thirdly, to please the rozrobniki algorithm - get rid of yourself.

Do not copy popular material, and just reshape yoga in your own way. "Prometheus" easily recognizes your idea and gives a mark to someone else. Be yourself. Rob those that suit you and the algorithm will not deprive you without respect.

What is "Prometheus"?

The algorithm allows the authors to be more thorough in placing their material on VKontakte. Zavdyakov distributed "Recommendations" Your creativity will be seen by more people. When tsimu viklyuchenno tim whom your content mozhe zatsіkaviti. If you write about the cryptocurrency business, the system will not show it to women over 50 years old, but actively wikidate your post to young people who are interested in bitcoin. Technology "Prometheus" allows you to increase the number of audiences and turn in new payers. As before, you needed to declare yourself about yourself, and to generate more stained glass content an hour and a penny for PR. Then at once "Prometheus" is ready to take part of the work on itself.

Crim of dodatkovogo hoarseness, seeing the soft fire of the coristuvachs, take themselves into the wake of the colony bot-consultant. This is a specially trained robot, which shows how better it is to interact with the audience, how to correctly sing the songs in VK tools. The retailers guarantee dynamic changes in the statistics of the population after a connection with such a bot. Before we speak, if you want to promote sales on Vkontakte, I recommend that you watch the video "".

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Algorithm "Prometheus" to help popularize the cіkavih koristuvachіv i їх groups in VK

The system is broken up specifically for the search for good and famous authors, their content will now be marked with a red icon for the day. As in the upcoming tyzhnі content will be satisfied with the help of "Prometheus", it will be lost and the algorithm will be shown to the reader or the author, to other short-sighted people, based on their achievements in the news.

Such a pedigree of retailers, directing to stimulate authors, work for cicavia content.

Vognik Vkontakte to increase earnings

The name of the vognik gives a significant increase in the income of the parties, and also the increase in the income of the security. Winning, the author wins the Bazhan audience of pre-payers. VKontakte itself will see advertising and what is more important, coristuvachi will be provided with the same content.

Reworked the function "Spochat tsіkavі".

As a matter of fact, "VKontakte's call", the beginning of the evolution after the function "", to an ever more thorough selection of personalized information for us is with you. Even if you marvel at the line without any kind of choice, it’s just a blank plate with a house of a rich madder. Why do I have to guess Twitter.

I haven’t written about the Prometheus algorithm yet, although I want a self-respecting author to tie in with the subject of SMM, I’ve already told you a thousand times about the secrets of the omnipresence of the omnipotent vognik - I don’t want to let you know about it!

"Prometheus" - the whole algorithm, creations for jokes and pidtrimki of cіkavih authors and spіlnot. Piece intelligence to constantly know the creators of unique content and follow their achievements.

Is it necessary for skin SMM-fahivtsya to take away the mark?

    The mark is seen all over this day, at this hour your posts will take a thousandth of the middle of the coristuvachi VK absolutely without cost.

    Spillota to spend in the list of supplements "Pantheon of Authors".

So in one day, you can increase your sleepiness tens of thousands of times absolutely without cost!

The mitka is seen all day long, you can pick up the "worn" one at a time.

Why did the dossi I tremble in the wake of the rhetoric about the algorithms?

I think, first of all, talk about the methods of yoga work and ways to get rid of “fire”, it’s necessary to become a volunteer of this badge.

What can I do to please someone who hasn’t pragmatically taken the bastard?

Otrimati zapovitnu mitku not warehouse difficult. Moreover, it is unimportant, how many people in your spivtovaristvo people: 10 or 5000. Golovne - the uniqueness of the content. "Prometheus" in the first season wants authors who create creative non-commercial projects. And it’s worth dosit honestly - I say like a person, like a long time chomping on photography. It is important to earn money on creativity, so it is costly and unhandy to invest in pushing. As it seems, "the artist is guilty of being hungry." VKontakte with the authors to do good on the right, helping to break through to the first talents.

Create on a fast basis, try to make a fasting day, and take away the commandments, do not worry yourself for a long time.

Another category, which is also easy to take away from Prometheus, is mandrivniki.
Travel blogging with a skin day is gaining wraps and gaining more and more popularity among people. If you often raise prices and keep your blog posting, posting notes about the culture and life of different countries, making video calls and beautiful photographs, then you will not find it difficult to take a note.

    Create unique content - it's the principle that you can't see it. Forget about rewriting, ask your own SMMs, how they can write (what is the most heady) and work on your topics (so that your company sells psychological trainings, the sms is a goiter and learns in psychology).

    You will need a lot of unique texts and unique pictures of high quality: photographs, illustrations. Hire a photographer or find yourself an illustrator who can provide you with unique images according to the specification.

Small comics and illustrations before the skin post

    Create content, which will get the speakers in the discussion. Tse can be ambiguous posts on different topics. Don't go overboard with the smut, it's easy to get caught up in negative trolls on the Internet :) Fight negativity, never ignore yoga.
    For example,

Prometheus VKontakte is available to 10 authors and 10 contributors. Ale otrimati yogo can only be on that side, on which already high activity is indicated. How to create a new side, how to move on about a new beginning, or the statistics are not yet so good, how would you like to? Well, it’s better to boost likes, comments, VK reposts!

Prometheus VK is an alternative way to promote social media through social network administration. The best thing is that you can’t win a bezkoshtovnu audience of VK without winning for the “animation” of the party or the side.

In the expanses of the All-World's Web, there are impersonal joys about those, how to take such a rich bagatma with coristuvachs the fire of Prometheus on VKontakte. "Prometheus" of inventions for a joke and promotion of active talents and talent specialities. This is an algorithm that allows you to view unique accounts and identify their developments.

Do you need this mark?

  • Zvіtniy vognik is assigned to a koristuvach for 7 days. This is an unprecedented opportunity to capture the majestic hooliganism of the coristuvachi in the social network of VK. Tse that vipadok, if a prominent post can be included in the number of the most popular publications. І everything is absolutely cost-free;
  • Koristuvachi, who vikoristuvayut mobile supplement VKontakte, will be aware of the data in the section "Recommendations";
  • Spillota to spend in the list of addenda "Pantheon of Authors".

After taking away the fire of Prometheus, you will be able to increase the cost of sleeping in impersonal times without paying a penny for the price. It is possible to scorch with fire with a stretch of tyzhnya, but without fencing a lot of times. The І axis here blames the logical question: “How to take the mark?”.

Who often views "Prometheus" on VKontakte?

  • creative specialties

Even if you are engaged in popular or extraordinary creativity, you have every chance to win VKontakte fire. Vlasnik spilnoti navitt does not need to worry about the number of prepayers. Tobto, the public may not be promoted. The most important moment lies in the uniqueness of the posted content. What do you want to show people? Algorithm do not pass by. Piece intelligence wants various non-commercial ideas.

Prometheus is a magic wand for those who do not show their life without their beloved creativity, but they cannot be able to engage in PR. To learn how to take such a job to bring additional income, do not start to spend a lot of stained glass for hanging. Social network Vkontakte ide nazustrich creative specialties. VK helps young and unknown talents to break through absolutely free of charge.

To increase the chances of catching fire, it is necessary to regularly update the content. I, obviously, put your soul into those that you are engaged in.

  • mandrivniki

It is impossible to bypass such a popular activity as Travel-blogging. It doesn’t matter to the baked mandrivnikov to take the fire. If you love it right and you can beautifully present to people the “fruits” of your zusil, “Prometheus” is practically in your gut. The quality of content can be equal. Photos - only the best. Video - with cikavi montage. Recordings - zmіstovnі і pіznavalnі.

  • Participation in commercial projects

Schob zatsіkaviti vyborchy algorithm, to report chimalo zusil. All the same it's possible! You have the right to try, oskolki є the anniversary of the social measure. VK is used for the money of advertisers who are ready to pay for those and other services. But why not apply for cost-free advertising?

SMM is a complex and rich activity. Weekly sleep has ceased to be a copy of fun, it is separated by posting cute pictures. Now everything is much more complicated. Tse kropіtka pratsya, hour nevdyachna. Ale, even if you take care of your mind, the result is not to worry yourself for a long time.

The number of social networks is growing. In 2018, the world has a few hundreds, and the number of registered and active coristuvachs has exceeded 3 \u200b\u200bmillardi. A majestic obsession with information is easily ruined. And even if only a few years ago, spent in the service, giving deisno cіkavu іnformatsiyu, then now and a little more than a year will not be stained with stubbornness. They appeared and not zovsіm priєmnі speech - dominating business and sales, which was expressed in greater advertising directness to content. Let and not see the sale "on the forehead", but in the form to sell posts and publications. Tse begin to appear on the activity of people and the citizens spend their free time in social services.

Ale, everything is changing, and social barriers don’t stand on the ground, constantly pleasing your followers with new tools and perfection. One of these is the Prometheus algorithm on VKontakte. Let's take a closer look at "Prometheus" VKontakte: what is it and how can it be shown.

What is the algorithm "Prometheus" VKontakte

The social network of Vkontakte is the most popular on the territory of Russia, and one of the 10 largest in the world. In early 2018, the number of registered accounts is approaching 492 million. More than 5 billion updates are published every day. Having subscribed once to the songs of the group, the subject, the person will take into account the materials from them and look at the recommendations in the new line.

With the growth of activity, the number of publications is growing, it is important to look over everything. With this, reading the recommended materials (or commercial, as well as consuming in a line), do not reach the new ones on the right in front of you. I want a lot of other, in a good way, classy materials. A kind of “informational bulb” is being formed - it transfers primary content or commercial (prosuvny for pennies).

Asking and helping in the promotion of creative and talented authors is one of the goals of promoting the "Prometheus" algorithm. Since the beginning of spring 2017, the fate and richness of what has turned the zvichnu work of social media.

The whole piece of creations is the intellect, which transmits the mechanics of the search for cіkavih authors and splnot machines and neural networks. We analyze novelties in content, search for materials, turned the respect of the audience. Their authors either spit out a special sign in their publications - “the fire of Prometheus”. You look like this:

The fire of "Prometheus" VK otrimav name for analogy with the old Greek myth about the titan Prometheus, which robbed the fire from the gods and gave it to people. It has become customary for these stable phrases to mean exercising to high achievements in the very spheres of life. Vogon is a symbol of the dignity and greatness of the people and yoga right. So the creators of social media behind the algorithm of "Prometheus" VK, designate visible materials and grant the opportunity to get to know them to their koristuvachs. As a matter of fact, the whole function appeared to the material on the lines, similar to the type of the back of the head.

  1. Shvidkіst a set of likes (there is more, this material is more popular).
  2. In the interests of friends - in the recommendation, having consumed that material, which friends read or marveled at the service.
    I’ll look at how fast and how small the sign “Like” is, or the interests of friends (especially those who are rich) may be even more in the middle to what it’s like for you, the result is so so. Mass of propositions and content of sumnіvіnі for you tsіnnostі.

VKontakte with the Prometheus algorithm sent a different way. At strіchtsі z'yavlyayutsії recommendations, yakі not in zvichnyh groups і do not wish to contact friends. Tse can be commercial materials and not. It is important that those who have been updated \u200b\u200bstrіchka VK recommend to marvel at the new, priming especially on the melancholy of a particular coristuvach.

What does a wagnik mean VKontakte

Vognik is not just a pretty badge. The first for everything, tse zbіlshennya okohlennya showings at rozdіlі, pushing for the same system of authors or groups. So, there is a sharp increase in the chances of seeing creativity by new people, and not only by those who pay more. And what is especially important - timi, such as they are potentially maє zatsіkaviti (going out of their interests). The badge and support for the audience's enthusiasm are given for this day, but you can take away a number of times (including sleep).

A semi-lumen note about the high assessment of creativity and slowing down to further activity. Tse vіdmіnna mozhlivіst for tyzhnіst (or more, yakscho mіtka be deprived) turn respect, take away new payers and friends. Merezha VK, for the help of a special robot, suggests to the “fiery” authors, how to cooperate with the audience, to set up tools for the resource, statistics of the page.

Vogon "Prometheus" VK - the principle of robotics

So how is the system of understanding, what and who needs it? The principle of work: choose the same material for the sake of interest. Є two components for the robotic algorithm: koristuvach and content.

Interests of the participant of the social measure

For information from retailers, a special neuron network is used to create a kind of dossier on the skin koristuvach. In the algorithm, there are no number of options for ranking interests. Now the system remembers the subject matter of the reviewed materials, what the person is more interested in, what he writes himself. It is important to call the hour, if respect was most often given to those. For example, as on Saturdays, vrantsі you shukkaete far away recipes for homemade stravas, then the same way you will be encouraged to cook materials.


For the yoga assessment of VK, having selected two main criteria:

  1. The quality of the content - the text itself is being re-verified - its uniqueness, including on other resources. Tobto repost or copy someone else's material is no longer a sensation. Photos and video materials are being revised - their consistency with the text.
  2. The reaction of the audience - chirp on the post, look over again, like it, change the standard hour, look at photos, read those other parameters. Moreover, not one material is analyzed, but the whole side. The more good publications there are, the more chance you have to win the Prometheus VK badge.

Later, the best authors and publications are known, with a high frequency of imovirnosti, the system knows to whom it is worthy. It has lost its association, which is broken down in the Recommendations, where good material is selected. I win everything: authors win rating, prepayers and recognition. Koristuvach - new publications to the soul.

Vognik "Prometheus" VK can be taken as a side without a large number of pre-payers, or by looking, there are advertisements, selling plantings, as if the stench is written well. If the topics are discussed in small groups, then it is completely true and does not destroy the strategy. It will be necessary for someone from the millionth army of participants to get straight straight materials. For example, with a little earlier Vlasnik vognik, you can judge a teacher of a secondary school, with a group of 30 students (inclusive):

Yogo themes: work on oneself, folded skirts, small little steps forward to the best, the rich know the best and now 652 participants have been signed on the new one. I whole cob. There are a lot of such stories. The algorithm gives a chance for success to everyone, and not only to promote and promote SMM strategies for accounts. І tse spravzhnіy breakthrough!

"Prometheus" club

  • New authors.
  • Artists.
  • Get expensive.
  • All about games.
  • Photos.
  • Music.
  • Ovіta.
  • Theater and cinema.
  • Humor.
  • Bloggers.
  • Cosplay.
  • Sports and health.
  • Budyok and beauty.
  • Handmade.
  • Inshe.

How to take the Prometheus badge in VK

Just as the presentation of the Prometheus retailers took place, the system began to work - the food chain became one of the leading ones. The interest is absolutely mind-blowing - social media is a tool for business. There is a large number of pre-payers to click on anyone who wants to show their blog, group and know new contacts. The benefit is obvious - the potential customers. Tim more, now in the information to spend up to the target audience, tobto tim, hto tsіkavleniy in nutrition. First cooler, lower orientation to display ads for the target audience.

Before the implementation of the algorithm, good results could be reached for a fee, for an additional SMM strategy. Now VKontakte has shown the possibility for a successful, cost-free passage.

How to get the Prometheus icon on VKontakte? There are no exact instructions to give retailers, and there are no ready-made solutions. Ale, relying on their words about the principle of work and the algorithm and practical experience, try to achieve success with different methods, and have seen a number of joys. The main ones:

  1. Unique, author's content photo video and text character. Creations independently! The re-verification does not take place only in VK, and if plagiarism is detected, the chances of a "conversion" are scanty.
  2. Key words before publication. Not so accepted in SEO-optimized texts, but you can see the main topic of the material behind the keywords.
  3. Relevant hashtags - so that you can see the most important publications. For example, as for the material about the new collection of summer clothes, there will be hashtags such as: #supermother, #spring_came, #I_love and so far, then you won’t take it. Previously, hashtags did not give special attention to content in VK. Now the stench is just helping the system to understand, about the best material, to help you understand the number of interests.
  4. The algorithm for recognizing what is shown in the photo. Ideally, the image is guilty of confirming those posts and keys.
  5. Quality of materials (photo and video). Wimoga is absolutely logical - the video of a good permit is much more beautiful, and not kalamutny, splitting pictures.
  6. Exchange of commercial words in the hashtag and headings (like buy cheap, promotion ..).
  7. Unique post-announcements. It is better to write less, but more material.
  8. Focus on a few topics, and not write about everything in a row. So, the system can take you to the song segment.
  9. Get koristuvachіv in splkuvannya: something that allows them to react to the material, and not just read it. In "Prometheus" it is not the number of likes that is important, but the hour that a person spent on the side: marveling at the photo, reading the text. So they spend the sensation of banal purchases of likes (for example, through freelance exchanges) like it used to be earlier.

Important after the appearance of the algorithm - there are no peaks in the activity of publications. The system itself chooses an hour, if a similar topic is requested. And as before, there was a binding before the hour of publication, then now, if it hadn’t been broken, show it at the optimal time for the hour. For example, on Saturday of Lies, you are recommended to watch the video reception with the "vognik", to watch as if the stench was on the air a day ago. In this world, I will ask the robot for content.

Є th those, yakі "vognik" do not take away, yak bi did not try. All that is related to violence, zhorstokistyu, scenes of a sexual nature, chickens, alcohol and other similar benefits, which can lead to politics. The exchange does not violate the global rules of VKontakte.

Pіdvodyachi pіdbags, pіdkreslimo іnnovatsіynіnіst "Prometheus", yogo equal opportunity for all and turbulence of retailers about their audience. How to take “Prometheus” on VKontakte, you already know, you have lost the opportunity to take away the skills in practice and lead like-minded people. Breathe, create and be original - now it's in fashion.