How to turn on the plug of the multimeter. Plug navantazhennya for pereverki akumulyatorіv do it yourself. Checking the battery with a fork

Timely control of the correctness of the car battery is necessary for the hour of carrying out routine and repair work on the car. A lot of avtovlasnikov for which vicorist a multimeter or another vimiruvalny _instrument, which vimiryuє naprugu. Qi accessories do not allow to control the main parameters - the charge rate, the capacity and the starting jet. When carrying out the control, a plug for the battery is required.

Attachment includes a voltmeter and navantazhuvalny opir. According to the ranges of the vimiruvalnyh values ​​of the voltmeter, the scales can be changed:

  • within the boundary of vimiriv 2 - 5 Volt control of the skin bank battery;
  • from the boundary 15 - 30 At the control of the battery with a fire.

So, as such batteries for passenger cars in most cases are sold in vikonann, which are not serviced, it is important to choose another option for the replacement plug.

For the type of fork wiping attachment, the following are available:

  • zі strіlochny vimіryuvalny prilad;
  • with a digital voltmeter.
Fork of interest

Arrow tool is the best, but it helps to bring vimiryuvalnyh robots. Krіm tsgogo, vіn easily ushkodzhuєtsya under the hour of the fall. The digital multimeter is simple in most cases, but less durable.

We need more

Appliances necessary for vimiryuvannya and assessment of the upcoming parameters in the battery:

  • voltage at idle (without boost);
  • battery charging stage;
  • voltages of the storage battery under voltage;
  • generator robot process;
  • starting battery jet;
  • technical state of the car battery, the stage of wear, the need to replace.


Structurally, the Vikonan fork consists of several main components:

  • frame;
  • vimiryuvalny voltmeter (arrow chi digital);
  • navantazhennya (sound like a spiral of a stitched curved plate, wicked from metal from a high pet support);
  • special contacts and probes for connecting to battery terminals.

Before him, as if you were cursing yourself with a tool, you should become familiar with the peculiarities of staging


Rechecking the battery with a fork of tension is carried out to work with the improvement of the level of safety. Under the hour of mitigation, it is possible to blame unsafe factors:

  • іskrіnnya when connecting probes to the battery terminals;
  • transcendental temperature rise of the heated navantage (spirals);
  • poshkodzhennya tsіl_snostі battery to yogo vibuhu.

When vikonannі vymiryuvan it is necessary to wait for outside entries. Vikonannya control z vіmknenim vantazhennyam sled carried out for a short hour.

Battery rewiring with a plug

Rechecking is carried out at the kilka stages. At the first stage, the instrument is vibrated in the mode of a sonic voltmeter. Before Tim, how to reverse the battery without a plug, charge it. How to take the car out of the car, which is at the station, which is not heated in the winter hour, to give it a warm day.

Reducing the voltage

Rechecking the battery without charge

The following parameters can be controlled by the video camera in the “no vanishing” mode:

  1. Battery voltage. Normal charge is equal to 12.3 to 13.5 volts. A voltage lower than 12 volts is possible with a worn, undercharged or discharged battery. For vikonannya distant deaths, it is necessary to charge the battery. It’s better to win on a special charger attachment. For the presence of this, you can charge a working engine. The voltage control is connected to the “no tension” probe to the positive terminal. The minus terminal for the hour of vikonannya vimiryuvan may be connected to the water probe. Before the vicons, they will clean up the traces. For vicorification, a fork of vanishing with elemental control (skin cans) is used to vicorate, sequentially conduct vigorization for the skin element. Then the voltages are added together. With such forks, you can easily fix a faulty jar, and then fix the repair. Just like that, repair more for hard-wired batteries for special and high-voltage equipment.
  2. Controlling the operation of the auto generator. Vikonuetsya on a running engine. It is important that the generator is working normally, so that the voltage on the winding instrument (without voltage) should be set to 13.4 to 14.5 Volts. When the voltage is less than 12 volts, there is an undercharge (otherwise, the battery is charged), over 15 volts - overcharging (not safe).

Rechecking the battery

The next stage is robbed of the connections to the ventures. The tool is connected with another probe (marked with the letter “H”) to the positive terminal of the battery. The stress drops when navigating. If the battery charge is less, then the value of the display is less significant. For a comprehensive control of the battery charge, there are special tables.

Do not start manually with special tables. More concrete result to give such practical recommendations. Even if the probe is connected to the voltage, the indications of the battery will be lower than 9 Volts, the charging battery is less than the critical level, and it is necessary to recharge it. As soon as the charging picture does not change, the battery may have a great wear.

However, with a short-hour connection in the "with voltage" mode, the display is more than 9 Volts, the battery is practical. In the event of a repeated decrease in voltage in the “no tension” mode, the indication can practically be extended to the cob mill. Tse means that the battery capacity is not used. If the indications are strongly irritated, it means that the capacity of the building has been spent, perhaps, there may be sulfation of the plates.

The fork of the vanity is a basic vimіryuvalny tool in the set of the car driver. Vaughn allows you to immediately detect problems with the battery, eliminate unacceptable situations when starting the engine, operating the car and charging.

The power plug is an important accessory for an auto electrician and is necessary for competent testing of a car battery. Vodії, yakі vvazhayut for the best service to your own car, often want to know, like self-study tsej pridot at home minds.

Self-preparation of the fork of the venture is not a folding task for the obviousness of the necessary knowledge, tools and details. In order to correctly select a tester, it is necessary to find out what kind of device it is and how it works. Read more about the secrets of fork making.

The fork of vanishing is the whole device, for the help of which the robot of the car battery is analyzed, sometimes it is called a rozvantazhuvalny fork, but there is no difference between them. The classic attachment is composed of a voltmeter and one or two support spirals (resistors), to which two probes are connected.

At certain taps, an ammeter should be inserted to the fork storage. The appearance of this unit is a metal box of a small size, to which the darts and zatiskachi arrive:

Older models of vanity plugs are equipped with analog voltmeters. In the complete set of new models, digital voltmeters and RK-displays are already more important. In the same way, we use navantage forks, as if we can make a complicated scheme, in which there are spears of change supports (spirals).

These attachments, which are recognized for varying voltage ranges, are vicorated for diagnosing both acid and pool batteries. For testing okremi cans of batteries and special navantage plugs.

These attachments can be changed not only for re-verification of the practicality of the battery, but also for the removal of these robots and whatever details that enter the electric lance. The main function of the tension fork is to control the voltage. Vimiryuvannya naprugi can be carried out with varying electrical shock force under stress, as well as if the EPC lances are open.

For the help of this extension, you can change the parameters of electrical appliances. All fall in vіd komplektsiї specific outbuildings.

Assigned to the annex

  • Designate the hour that the battery saves a supply of electricity. Tse lie in the capacity of the battery. If the battery has a capacity of 50 A / year, then it can take a charge for approximately 141 days, so that it does not overcool and trim at a positive temperature.

If the battery is in the car and plugged in to the battery, then the hour of saving the charge will be shortened. On the right, in the fact that electricity is able to instill in a non-working station. For the presence of signalization in a car, a coil of strum (in the region of 0.02 - 0.05 A / year) is activated if the battery is rested.

The charge for such an expenditure of energy on the battery will be discharged in 10 days, even if the temperature is positive, the hour of discharge in the warehouse is close to 20 days.

  • Vimiryat the charge. If the voltage on the battery is 11.7 Volts - the battery is discharged; vіd 12.1 to 12.3 Volt - half charge battery; 12.7 Volts - fully charged.
  • Find out how long the battery can be charged. It is important to know when you need to charge the battery. By default, the battery needs to be charged if the battery voltage drops below 12 volts. With a charge of 11.9 Volts, the battery capacity is overfilled by more than 40%. On this occasion, it is better to charge the battery in a warm place, not in the cold.
  • Pereviriti, chi є zamikannya mizh plates. The zamikannya іsnuє yakscho when tested with a plug: the voltage drops below 9 volts; electrolyte boils at the closed bank; under the hour of supplying a voltage of 14.4 volts, the electric boils in a closed bank, or in all banks, the crim is closed.
  • Set the generator output voltage value. The voltage output at the output may be stable. The car battery is sensitive to such changes. If the voltage level is lower than the norm, the battery does not charge to the required level.

Through similar problems, you can blame the problems with starting the car engine. In the opposite direction, if the plug fixes the voltage, the battery is recharged and the battery is worn out.

For additional locking, the device is connected to the battery terminal of the car or to other parts of the electric lance. As an addition to the equipment with an ammeter, it is possible to control the power of the strum.

An important indicator is the number of spirals at the storage fork of the warehouse. Rivne skin support from them - 0.1-0.2 ohm, the stink is 100 A. (24V).

Different models are tested one by one according to the following parameters:

  • readability of otrimanih data (hiatus vimiryuvan sound to lie in the interval of 2.7 to 2.9 sec.);
  • type of voltmeter (digital, analog);
  • opіr spiral (0.1 ohm, driving 100 amps);
  • temperature, at which it is possible to turn on the fork fork (universal attachments sound at temperatures from +1°C to +35°C, tightening forks can be worked in the range from -30°C to +60°C);
  • range, for which a voltmeter is used (when the voltage is switched off, set 0-15 Volts);
  • the power of the struma is perverted;
  • area of ​​operation (acid and pool batteries).

A digital voltmeter is good, because visually it’s easier to show that the voltage is increasing, so that it’s growing, as a rule, it’s unfamiliar to the eye of a person in a similar situation with an analog voltage monitor.

Do-it-yourself preparation of a navantage fork

Plug prepared independently for use with 12-watt batteries. The scheme of folding the attachment can be modified by nuances. The essence of the fitting is the cost of the rheostat, connections through the mic.

Inconsistently prepared and inexpensive when buying, the accessory will appear brown in the garage of a motorist. The choice of the fork of the voltage will show how much your battery is “switching on” and how the generator of your car works. If you don’t need to take a bath (it’s not surprising, there are a lot of money out there), you can make this tester with your own hands.

Important! Proceed to self-preparation of the plug of the vantage only in that case, if you want the minimum access to the work with electric power.

Materials for preparation


Fork navantage with one spiral

R - opir, V-voltmeter, S-vimic.

Fork navantage with two spirals

For testing batteries with a capacity of 15 to 100 Ah. one connection (100 amperes) is connected for rechecking the battery with a capacity of 100 to 240 Ah. two voltages (200 amperes) are connected.

Pokrokova instruction: how to grow yourself

Vishche described the simplest scheme preparation of a self-contained navantage fork. The preparation of such a rank of attachments can become the basis of the design, to which you can add, for example, an ammeter, a yearbook and so on.

Important! Usі elementi mayut buti good z'ednani! Have tsomu dopomozhe zvaryuvalny apparatus.

Korisne video

By preparing a self-made fork of vanity, you can speed up these short videos.

  • Can't beat the battery as the battery terminals are coated with oxide. It is necessary to clean them up before the victories.
  • You can change the voltage less after the battery is switched off in the car and less than once 6 and more years after the engine is turned off. The battery can also be spent all 6 years at the coiled station before connecting to the plug.
  • Connecting the probes to the skin jar Okremo!
  • Yakshcho connect the fork of the tension to the lifeline more, lower for 6-10 sec., zіbraniy prilad shvidko viyde z fret.
  • Rivne elektrolitu for diagnostics can be on a normal level. When reduced, distilled water is added.
  • zaboronyaetsya Take care of the attachments with batteries and similar attachments.
  • After victoria, it is necessary to ventilate the admission well.


The battery charge with a low charge in the car is threatening with important legacy and trivial innovations. For normal work transport zasіb vodіy is responsible for regularly rechecking the battery. The fork is an accessory that helps to predict the practicality of an important part of the machine.

Hello, motor vehicles and water of all types of transport! Tell me, do you know about your battery? Not everything to know. І richly someone does not suspect that it is attached, as it is called a navantage plug for a battery. Today, I would like to talk about what it is like, how it works and how it functions.

Zagalom such a plug is an alternative to a larger external voltmeter. Parallel to you, they add an adventure. Even though there is no need for navantage, it is necessary to turn on the fork itself, like a fortune-telling accessory. Stop the voltage plug to determine the charge and discharge levels of the battery. Such attachments help test the batteries, install the battery as it works and the battery is ready for operation.

Ale AKB is not the only place where you can win a video. Z її to help diagnose various elements of the onboard railings of the transport system. Scheme of the simplest plug, let me tell you more, who wants to understand a little about robotic electrical appliances. There are impersonal different types of vane plugs, which are importantly different from the design, but with the magnitude of the vane and the range of voltages, in which they are vibrated.

For different types batteries are supplied with different plugs. The stench is okremo for puddle batteries and okremo for acid ones. For example, the re-testing of a puddle battery is subject to a maximum voltage of 12 Amperes. Under an hour, the positive terminal of the plug should be plugged in from the very same battery terminal. On the case I will add a minus bar - the terminals of the “-” of the battery are stuck to it, and the next one is guarded by the voltmeter readings.

Features of the victoria

And now we marvel at how to fawn with such an awkward accessory. Let's check the battery back, so we don't change our minds. Turn on the voltmeter plug. We control the voltage on the battery. We re-verify the voltage according to the stresses. Indications, at this point, are taken after 5 seconds of dying. For dermal s of these steps, a separate table with the values ​​has been given.

What else you need to know about the process of conducting vimiriv:

  • the stench is not to blame for more than 6-8 seconds after sleep - you can cause rewaving the accessory and a further departure from the fret;
  • if the battery charge is not the maximum, then it is necessary to start it up a little, and then check it again;
  • even though it didn’t help, it means that the battery is just filthy trimming the charge. It is necessary to start by establishing the reason for wasting the capacity and investing time for the next day (maybe the hour has just come and it is over).

Robimo with your own hands

Vrahovyuchi, scho elektronіka koshtuє not cheap, є sens zrobiti fork navantazhennya independently in home maisternі or garages. For the purpose of this method, I take an attachment and call it a “microammeter” and, therefore, it is with a resistor. In order to ensure that the insurance is correct, it is necessary to insure the capacity of all cans, and not more than one. I will build the scale of the future by graduating, priming on the readings of the voltmeter, applying to it changing voltage fast struma.

Opir of a self-made accessory is secured by vihodyachi from the strength of the stream. It is necessary to take the tension in such a way, so as not to allow the obladnannya to burn out. Resistor of the following type is of the rod type and is protected by our pressure, but with a small reserve. Dali vrakhovuemo, that the probes of our plug are guilty of vitrimuvat that strum, which is passed through the resistor.

Z'dnannya need to be well soldered, and all the okremі details and knots should be fixed on the frames, which makes the metalwork and zhorstkistyu look different. At the ends of the probes, polarity is noted, and the time of the day is insulated. I’m guessing that I’m not ready to bring the plug in the collection, or to wind trimmings near the batteries that are charging. Connect for vimiriv to a skin jar on a cherz.

I will turn over the battery on the right to do it foldably. Even if the battery is in contact, it will show normal voltage without tension. The only way to effectively change the size of the battery is to change the tuning fork. From the statistics, you know how to practice these attachments, how the processes are carried out under the hour of rechecking such a recheck of the battery and learn how to correctly vicorate the fork of the charge.

How to use the battery

In order to change the battery, it is necessary to understand how the vіn power and how the processes are carried out every hour of the day. Electricity is created as a result of a chemical reaction, in which two contacts and that electrolyte take part. In the process of converting electricity into electrical energy, the power drops.

Chim lower, tim less strum, like a building battery. Therefore, the discharge of the battery is not possible to start a dvigun - a struma, which vin viroblya is not enough for the starter to effectively wrap the crankshaft.

A car battery is not just one attachment. In one building, there are 6 or 12 batteries, connected in sequence, so the whole attachment is called a battery. The leather battery is made up of several blocks that include a plus and minus electrode. These blocks are connected in parallel, due to which the maximum strum increases, which can vibrate the battery (battery). I will become a skin block to lay down the battery and all batteries.

Battery diagnostic method

The main problem that is to blame for the hour of rechecking the battery is the impossibility of assessing the size of the other blocks and batteries. Aje all electrical installations between them are attached to militia corps. To that it is necessary to pereviryati the whole battery. In order to work, to guess the basic law of electrical engineering - Ohm's law, which sounds like this: the power of the struma in the lance is directly proportional to the pressure and turned proportional to the support. For this, a voltage resistor is connected to the battery, whose opir is used to connect the struma i. If the battery is in good condition and charged, then the voltage when connected to the charge is not good. Even though the electric power, the mill of the plates or the contacts, if one battery is not enough, then the voltage drop on the battery output will be significant.


The basis of the fork of the tension is an intensifying resistor made of sheet steel. Yogo opir lie in the stream. For car batteriesєmnistyu 45-65 ampere-year vin to become 100 ± 20 amperes. For which opir resistor can become 0.125 ohm. In parallel, the resistors are connected to a voltmeter, the scale of which allows you to change the voltage at ten parts of a Volt. For connecting to a car battery, the plug is equipped with a contact and a wine probe. If the touch probes are connected to the battery, the resistor is connected to the battery, ensuring the strum is close to 100 amperes.

The voltage of a properly charged battery with such a stream does not fall below 10 volts. The variety of inexpensive models of commercial plugs, which are suitable for rechecking car batteries, is 400-700 rubles, so there is no sense in preparing this tool independently.

Checking the battery with a fork

To recalibrate the battery you will need:

  • charger attachment;
  • distilled water;
  • tester;
  • navantage plug with a 100 ampere strum and a voltmeter up to 15-20 volts.

Turn the rive to the electrolyte, top up with distilled water if necessary. Charge battery. About those how to charge the battery correctly, read the article (how to charge the battery correctly). After 3 years after the end of charging, the voltage on the battery outlets is not guilty of less than 12.6 volts. Connect the plug to the connection to the battery, adjusting the polarity. The hour of the re-verification is not more than 3 seconds, otherwise the navantazhuvalny resistor will fry and the plug will not be safe to burn. If the voltage at the battery outputs does not drop below 10.2 volts, then the battery will be in good condition. A drop in voltage up to 9 volts is to talk about a decrease in battery capacity by at least 50 volts.

The fork of ambition is simply indispensable in the arsenal of any motorist. And the victory is won for the restoration of equal to the charge of the battery. Є plug element of an electric lance of great tension, equipped with a voltmeter and two clamps. Tse, maybe, the most everyday variant of the device. Larger foldable models are equipped with an ammeter, as well as the ability to change other parameters. You can buy a ready-made plug for the battery from auto shops, but for the sake of interest, you can work it yourself. The instruction, how to write it correctly, will be described below.

How to vikoristovuvat pristriy correctly?

The default plug is suitable for recalibration of 12 W batteries, as well as for recalibration of a high-capacity battery. In the first variant of pracyuvatime, there is only one navantage spring, and in the other, two. To recalibrate the battery with a similar attachment, it is necessary:

    Carry out voltage measurements on the terminals without fixing the navantage supports. Robiti ce is necessary after about 6 years after the engine has been shut off.

    Zatyskach, which is a “plus”, is connected to a battery terminal, but it is not necessary to connect a battery.

    With a minus grip, the terminals with the meanings of “minus” stick around, so why wonder what the voltmeter shows (div. photo).

    So the voltage of the open-circuited lancet of the battery is changed. Otrimani results are compared with the data described in the instructions, after which the visnovok as a charge capacity of the battery should be tested.

    As soon as the battery is fully charged, you can go to її recheck for the interests. For whom, before the annex, a necessary effort is added, for which all those who have been described above should be shy.

    Show the attachment for about 5 seconds after the plug is connected.

Varto signify that at the first hour of the arrival of the minus pressure to the minus clamp, sparks can go, but there is nothing terrible in it. Accumulator plugs under the hour of re-checking the obov'yazkovo are guilty but are burnt. The zatiskachs themselves can heat up, then after the completion of the vimiryuvan їkh take it with your bare hands, not varto. It’s better to give them a cold sprat of chills.

The voltmeter display of 9 W is considered as the result. Other results may indicate that the battery needs to be either charged or replaced with a new one. So, as a similar method of mitigation, the effect is small, but it is not recommended to stop the battery, but it is not recommended to stop it often.

Stages of folding

Before that, as you go to the folding of the navantage plug with your own hands, it is necessary to freeze the voltage of one fully charged jar of the battery. It is also necessary to reconsider, so that access to the skin jar is OK. In the fall, in the presence of the removed voltage, the scale is graduated, so that under the hour it is possible to show the charge equal to the charge for a particular accessory (div. video). In the instruction to the accumulator battery, the minimum and maximum values ​​of the navantage jet are indicated. Їx is also required to vrakhovuvati.

Opir of the navantage element of the electric lancet is secured according to the following formula:


de R - tse opir (Om), U - tension (B), and I - struma force (A). Please note that in the presented formula it is necessary to enter the values ​​​​only for one jar, and not for the entire battery.

The tension of the element of the electric lance is protected by the following formula:


de P - tse tension (W), U - tension (B), and I - struma force (A).

Zatyskachi for the fork of the tension of obov'yazkovo owe to see the great strum, which we pass through them. Before the element of the electric lansyug, you can come with your own hands for additional darts, as you can also pay for the great strum. All the duties of obov'yazkovo are good to solder (divine photo), so you can also work for the help of the emergency apparatus. A voltmeter was connected to the finished building. All the elements of the navantage fork for transparency can be placed on the frame, so as not to bend, it can be done with a handle. If so, the frame of the obov'yazkovo is due to zastosovuvatisya materials, if you don't burn it, as if instructing you to fire, tobto. the tree is no longer pіdіyde.

The power plug is not in any way guilty of coming to the battery, as in given moment charge. Also, you cannot store the battery or other similar accessories near the battery. After the completion of the work with the annex, it is necessary to thoroughly air out the premises.

    It is necessary to apply the additive to the skin jar of Okremo.

    It is important to correctly pick up the tightness of the struma, so that the elements are hidden.

    The element of the electric lancet sings with a drotom, connected with the middle of ceramics.

    Zatyskachi is the best way to work with your own hands from nichrome, or steel, like, for example, in the photo.

    At the extension, you can twist as one contact per terminal, as well as two contacts.

    The apparatus, especially the one that was able to work with its own hands in the distance, is guilty of connecting to the battery only for a short time. In a different way, problems can be blamed.