Yak pass the group in approx. How to untwist the group of classmates. Why do you need suvannya in Odnoklassniki?

Promotion and promotion of a group in Odnoklassniki independently and without costs is a cumbersome, but at times labor-intensive process. To achieve effective results, use paid services and various advertising channels. Here we will look at all the options for drying, which ones you choose.

The current guru of reality, Bill Gates, said something about business:

“If you can’t be found on the Internet, that means you can’t sleep...”

Let’s briefly paraphrase this word and say:

“Since you are absent from Odnoklassniki, you allow yourself a great audience.”

The time has come to overcome stereotypes and begin to show up in Odnoklassniki, and at the same time to deny the opportunity to tell millions of people about yourself and your products. Let us not be rich in words and marvel at the reality of the speeches.

Initially, as in all social settings, the promotion of groups in Odnoklassniki was not great, competition was small, and people themselves looked for thematic themes and entered there out of satisfaction. Many companies, owners of information and important resources, did not immediately realize the full potential of the platform and were willing to invest their resources there. Over the years, the social network has gained millions of permanent members, a lot of effort has been created, and promoting a group has become increasingly important and costly. Today, hanging out in Odnoklassniki is a whole science, let’s get rid of it and try it.

How to promote the group in Odnoklassniki shvidko

Since the appearance of the first services for promoting groups in social networks, there was a need to look for a resource that involved dealing with Odnoklassniki. The situation is serious and it is difficult to find such sites. There are other problems here, such as choosing a service that provides clear services for a small amount.

Axis one of the market leaders for 2017

Literally a number of services have been promoting the cheating of robots, and social monitoring algorithms began to easily identify such prepayers and blocking groups. Nowadays, employees work with real money-makers who create fake accounts specifically to make money. This technology is also not ideal, and there is a risk of saying goodbye to sleep, at least in less peace.

Before you start promoting the group in Odnoklassniki, check out a number of robots:

  • add an avatar, description, post to the site;
  • fill the group with relevant content.

Unfortunately, no one can guarantee you a hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-year success, and the scammers will not show any active activity. This method seems to be the only one in the world, and now the partnership does not seem to be empty.

If you want to shorten the risk of blocking and are ready to pay more than two rubles for one prepayment, use the services of exchanges as quickly as possible.

Services provide the ability to create reports indicating the capabilities of cloud records:
place, century, become, number of friends, visibility of avatar, hundreds of advertising posts on the wall. Here you can also see different scenarios for joining the group. For example: “go to the group from the advertising area, and then enter it.”

Prosuvannya in Odnoklassniki through advertising

It will not be possible to remove a live audience through promotion, and the advertising axis can be reduced to a group of paid advertisers. For the correct approach, you can deduct the prepayment of 3 rubles from insurance. Due to the complexity of the topic, the price may be 50 or more carbs.

  • targeted;
  • in thematic stories;
  • leaders have thoughts.

You can secure a post in groups either directly or through specialized services. Axis one of them:

  • number of prepayers;
  • dividing the group for the day;
  • burial for the day;
  • geography and demography;
  • price;
  • comparison of all these indicators.

If you realize that a million people are subscribed to the group, and the number of unique distributors does not amount to 5 thousand, do not insure yourself for a colossal result.

Check with specialized exchanges to see the statistics of all groups that may require advertising. If you remove the admin, you will have to pay for everything, and the administrator will have to take care of everything.

Targeted advertising- This is an important tool for finding the audience you need. By experimenting with customized targeting, you can share your sleepiness with a specific audience. Everything can be earned through the advertising platform in Mail Group myTarget.

Prosuvannya competitions

Regardless of those that competitions with skin rock give less effect, they will be deprived of an important tool for obtaining prepayments to the group. If you organically introduce pranks from a life of luxury, you will cut off an important channel for recruiting koristuvachs to Odnoklassniki.

Competitions are a great place for creativity, and the formats have long been revised, which we collected from the article “8 great ideas for competitions on social media.”

Mutual PR

At the beginning stage of drying, this method will not work, but at the same time select materials with a similar theme. Get to know each other, share ideas and news with the administrators of the public pages that interest you. If the group grows to 5 thousand people, kindly encourage the exchange of posts. Remember that it is not only you who are stuck in growth, but other groups who want the same. Overcome anxiety and everything will work out.

When choosing a partner for mutual PR, pay attention to:

  • number of prepayers. It may be just as much as you have a little more;
  • audience activity. If you propagate the exchange of a dead group, you do not take away the desired result;
  • similar topic. People are willing to switch to your sleep, because the stench will be concentrated in the content.

If everything comes together, feel free to write to the administrator or accept the proposal that may be against you.

Posilannya to the site

If you have a website, post the message to the group there. Here you can follow two routes, add an icon to the site or install a widget. Small icons should be placed in the header or footer of the site. To avoid more transitions, choose the first option. If your resource is popular, think about a widget, otherwise you won’t go wrong. The widget must look organic on the page, which may not be appreciated by your mentors.

If you were planning on promoting your group on the site, think about how it will appeal to your audience. Let’s say you sell bean bags, and on Odnoklassniki you publish both the story of the saints and corporate information. Such a group is not guaranteed to be popular with your clients. Then you don’t want to spend a lot of money on the social buttons.

Passing the group through sound systems

By opening a group in Yandex and Google, you can definitely get coverage for two things:

  • your partnership will appear at another or third place to promote your brand;
  • The group will be filled with correspondents who can collect mid-frequency signals related to your topic.

The first step is to include the company name in the group header if you want to see any activity in it. It is important here that people look out for their competitors and other sites in case they are looking for you. Unusual consequences, if behind the branded drink in the first ten years there are only the company's resources and this need to be fulfilled.

With mid-frequency supplies it will be more complex:

Most often, messages sent to a group in Odnoklassniki can be inserted directly into the card or account of your organization. Since there is no such possibility, add the riddle directly to the articles. It is often difficult to transfer the oil, the stars will come from the pumps, but if you try your best, you can find your gold mine.

Don't forget about content

Many group administrators forget the main truth when you publish other types of content, all forces are lost.

Today Odnoklassniki sit in another place for popularity in the territory of the largest SND after VKontakte. There are a lot of people registered here, including potential buyers. Naturally, a lot of people ask: how to promote a group in Odnoklassniki without costs or for pennies. There are so many ways to earn money, and all of them are effective.

The main methods for us are costless. The stinks are based on the content of the correspondent and the content received by him in such a rank. It’s important to place advertising on the group’s pages and take money from it.

Before you begin to develop a group, you need to complete the most important task - be aware of its topic. For example, there can be a discussion about active repairs and tourism associated with trade, animals, humor or even mysticism.

Let's, for example, dedicate our group to a turbot about creatures and everything that is connected with them. We can post thematic photographs, video materials (for example, videos about unusual animals, simple domestic animals and other birds, woolly, furry and cuddly people).

Bezkoshtovne prosuvannya

In order to promote the group cost-free, we first need to specify the target audience by analyzing competing groups in similar areas. In other words, it becomes clear for whom our content is being created: for adults and young people, men and women, for people of advanced age or otherwise.

It is also important to beautifully and manually design all the pages of your group. In order to get started, ask all your friends before sleeping and ask them to do the same. However, the speed of promotion depends largely on factors such as content intensity. As it turns out, the group is simply destined for success and the number of members will steadily increase.

If you get around without costs, you can find a partner and work with him. Just select a similar group with a similar topic and number of participants and exchange advertising. You can also invite people on your own. Be careful to follow your profile and pages - we need more than 100% traffic (from those who may click on our content). Cheating of prepayers is a big deal, and the stink will go away later.

Also, for effective promotion, it is necessary to publish “viral” content. This means that there is no risk of infection by useless software. These original posts, which are clicking before the day, have since been expanded by the classmates themselves.

Platne prosuvannya

For full-fledged promotion, you need to acquire new target distributors, and not dead robot accounts. If you want to advertise in other groups, choose those that have 100,000 people and a completely similar topic. The virtuousness of such voices lies in the presence of many agents, and it is necessary to deal with it directly with the group administrators.

If you hand over the development of the powerful Maidan into the hands of specialists, it is obligatory to handle them correctly. The measure has tens of thousands of propositions, but only one can really help.

Most of all, such assistants are attracted to the entire audience, and they will continue to do so. There is a stench of different servants, who obviously stand in different ways. Ale people's skin is most often paid for. It works like this:

  1. The company you hired has a lot of resources (dozens, or even hundreds of thousands of cloud records in OK) - through them they themselves encourage the public to come to your group.
  2. Most of the audience should rightly move on, but all the strength is with those who ask, be it the self-interested ones, and not those, for example, the clucking creatures.
  3. As a result, more people are subscribed.

However, in order to reach your target audience, you should constantly replenish your pages with clear content. Don’t forget about promotions and exciting entries with prizes – try them more often. Analyze your competitors, add those you don’t want, to build your group better.

No one can say for sure how successful your group is in promoting itself. The price will be approximately determined and adjusted as the work progresses. It may have taken an hour to sing, but then fate would come. Paying helps even better: this method makes it possible to get a large audience much larger.

For example, you may need to create a group and get a lot of buyers to it if the brand releases a new product. Advertise this very thing in sleepiness. So, there are a lot of ways to promote it. Protect our needs, add accuracy, respect and patience, and through the river you will have a powerful group with great confidence.

Pokrokov's instructions from unwinding

Below we will briefly describe the creation of the group and its primary setting for drying. By focusing on our butt, you can outline the diagram and yourself.

Lesson 1: Creating a group

We need to create a group right away, because it’s time to get through.

  1. Go to the “Groups” menu and create a new group by pressing the button marked with the number “2”.

  1. Now you need to select the group type. If you need it to promote an online store, advertise a brand or product, select the “For business” type. If the partnership becomes thematic, we would like the “Behind the Interests” option.

  1. We write down the names of the groups, their descriptions, the topic and the age-old association. If necessary, enter your contact information.

As long as you have 30 people in your group, the standard URL needs to be changed to something special, thematic and memorable. Zrobiti can be done in the settings.

Lesson 2: choosing a design theme

For now, until the number of your participants reaches 10,000 people, you can change the standard topic. You can find it by clicking on “More” and selecting "Theme design".

Once the number of your prepayers exceeds 10 thousand, you can also install an individual design theme:

The table of dimensions and obligations is shown for the design of the size:

Krok 3: keywords for searching

Now is a very important moment - we need to add joke phrases to attract cheaters. We proceed to additional setup and register the keys through a coma.

Lesson 4: adjusted publicity

Adjusting publicity also helps to reduce sleepiness.

Remember these rules:

  • If you have a thematic page, you need to allow contributors to create their topics and take photos. So go ahead and replenish your group with content. Of course, modernization is needed here.
  • adjust the checking and checking of the created sections before the smell hits the wall.
  • Protect your subscribers from commenting on posts. Please consider them members of the council.

Lesson 5: add photos before posting

A picture is the strongest stimulant for reading content. For the most part, people can ignore the previous information and start reading the text. If there was no image, then simple text rows could be ignored.

It is best to use a picture size of 640 x 480 px when publishing a vikory. This size looks good and is not hampered by a small screen.

Croc 6: add hashtags

In Odnoklassniki you can use hashtags, which can also attract new guests. To do this, open the publication you have already created and click on the letter marked on the screen.

After which you will have additional targeted traffic from search.

Lesson 7: stimulate the activity of students for additional education

The most important aspect of group promotion in Odnoklassniki is education. It’s very easy to create one: create a new topic and select the item indicated on the screenshot.

Then enter nutrition and dietary options. If necessary, you can do this so that the buyer can choose from several options, or, ultimately, protect it. You can also set the final result to be displayed after the voting is completed.

Krok 8: go hard on the group

  • on e-mail sheets;
  • on thematic forums;
  • in statuses in social dimensions;
  • on your website;
  • on business cards, leaflets etc.

Croc 9: publications behind the schedule

We will never again be able to instruct you to moderate your group from the PC. However, for additional functions “Publications at a glance” Your presence will become unnecessary. If anything, a new product can be launched on the air automatically at one hour.

Setting the time for a post to appear on the wall is very easy. When creating new ones, you need to press on the message and install it. Then we press “Save”, and go to the drawing room and wait for the appointed year.

Croc 10: toastmaster for the group

Promotion of a group in Odnoklassniki is inconceivable without a ringleader troll who can earn more money from them. As a result, the number of co-payers in the partnership is increasing. Since you don’t have anyone for such a role, you can resort to cunning and create a fake cloud record, taking the place of trolling especially. One day we would like to replace you, but in the meantime the public will have to respect you on their own, and even more so.

Also, check the intensity of the troll’s cloud recording. No one is to blame for doubting whether this is a real profiteer. As an avatar, create a unique photo that cannot be found by joke. For example, you can scan your grandfather’s analog photo. Then add your friends and join the group. Then go back to your group and start “firing.”

The fake is responsible for getting new members of the group and always not provoking conflicts. The troll is responsible for bringing positivity and heat.


As a result, we discussed with you how to promote and make money on groups in Odnoklassniki. It is clear that this is just the tip of the iceberg, the most important information that could have been placed within one article, you have been omitted.


To consolidate the removed information, the thematic video is presented for re-watching.

How to equalize Odnoklassniki website with other social resources, then in terms of commercial promotion, as well as advertising of your business and services, this social measure looks more attractive. The audience of this site consists mainly of older people, and this audience is also paid. In addition, this resource can detect fewer fake account records. Otje, How can you promote your reputation among your classmates?

Promote a group to make it popular. The popularity of a group is assessed by the number of people who joined before it, as well as by the massacres. In order to promote all your performance, it is important to publish content that people will enjoy and want to share with their friends. Therefore, it is important to determine what will be relevant to your target audience. If you have a commercial group, and you intend to sell your services or products through it, then the content is for the right people. It is necessary to mix advertising posts with posts on neutral topics. For example, there may be useful information related to the goods you sell, experience, etc.

Publish posts regularly so that prepayers don’t become angry that the group is dead. At the same time, it’s not too often to water the page of new prepaid subscribers with posts from your group. As the audience size increases, more posts need to be published. At the first stages of promotion, if your group has more than a thousand participants, you do not need to publish more than 3 posts. Whenever you publish a post in a group, so that people have the opportunity to show new respect, be careful about what you post.

At the first stages of group insertion, you will receive a valuable leather advance payment. However, since people are not your target audience, they are still needed for good measure. So, to begin with, it is necessary to collect a thousand or so prepayments. You can earn a dekilkom in the following ways:

1. Build an audience through the services of boosting prepaid subscribers. Not all services support cheating in Odnoklassniki, but there is still a trick that allows you to cheat likes, comments, reposts, and prepayments. There are paid and free services;

2. Prepaid cards can be purchased. There are a lot of sites with companies that promote the promotion of groups in social networks. boundaries. As in the first case, these prepayers will not be correct, but at the very least they will be fakes. If you use this paid method, you must be careful that some sites deceive their clients. For example, you can buy 1000 pre-payers, and only 800 to join the group, otherwise you will pay, but there will be no pre-payers. Therefore, the more valuable the services, the greater the chances that all your efforts will be successful and you will not be fooled;

3. Another way to gain an audience without costs is through “mutual engagement.” There are groups in classmates, where participants are encouraged to mutually subscribe to each other. As a rule, the activity in such groups is high, which is why people like you are eager to promote their popularity among their classmates. Therefore, in just a few years you can grow up to a group of hundreds of audiences.

If your group wants 3,000 prepaid members, you can promote the group to your target audience.

What is needed in order to
untwist the crowd at Odnoklassniki?

1. No cost, but it is still possible to push the group through fake records. Nowadays, when you give them to other people for a daily limit, you ask them to join the group. This method is suitable for those who have a lot of free time. You can also send spam to people. Request them from the group through special notification. If in this situation, your account records will often be blocked;

2. You can promote the group through advertising in other groups. The effect of this method is not to change too soon, but to increase the likelihood that more people will subscribe to you by carefully selecting a platform for advertising. Here it is important to highlight the theme of the group, this century, become, hour, if the audience is active;

3. You can insert groups through mutual PR with other splints. This will only be effective if the group already has an audience of thousands;

4. Put the groups behind the shells of competitions;

5. Advertise sleep in Odnoklassniki It is also possible through other social networks. boundaries. The most suitable resource would be VKontakte, since most of the members over 30 years old have accounts on both VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

And they said that technically, it’s all about the cob. Next, the administration is faced with a very difficult task - promotion to get a large number of participants. Why is it important? Because the audience itself and its activity determine the success of your “entry”. This article will show you how to promote a group in Odnoklassniki, and you can learn the basic methods of developing publics.

Methods for unwinding splints at OK

Vlasna, there are two options for expanding your audience:

  • independent;
  • for help from an SMM agency or SMM agent.

In terms of financial injections, methods are divided into two categories:

  • without cats;
  • paid.

Varto immediately note that it is independent and cost-free – there are no equal stories in the conflict with promotions. However, if you expect to do everything without hiring specialists, most people will end up spending quite a few pennies. This is related to the fact that Odnoklassniki already has a lot of different publics, and so on. untwisted and attracting the respect of the audience to your group becomes even more difficult. There is a need to pay for advertising or a paid set of prepaid agents.

Warto understand that the interest in sleepiness in the eyes of the judges becomes the number of most important moments:

  • the coloriness/colorfulness of the published content;
  • activity of prepayers.

In this case, “importing” is not so much publication as getting the audience to work with the public. As you may have noticed, the most “likes” are not the most useful and informative ones. The top publics and reposts have a lot of volume and reposts. Zvidsi head vysnovok - effective promotion of the group in Odnoklassniki will be provided with advertising. Well, advertising, as you yourself understand, will require financial injections anyway.

As soon as the fahivts are captured, this is the simplest way. You simply engage the services of professionals and monitor the growing number of participants, “Classes” and comments. Albeit, as you understand, it is clear that the money is worth a few pennies, so this method is hardly suitable for a business start.

We are promoting the group in OK independently

So, you wanted to start a group on Odnoklassniki yourself from scratch in order to save your money. The goal is to maximize the target audience in the group. The strategy includes work in several directions:

  • design of sleep + content selection;
  • requests from participants;
  • achieving a high level of activity of koristuvachs;
  • Interactive communication with participants and guests of the site.

Of course, only the page that is based on useful information can become popular. Also, the side does not need to be closed, otherwise all the sense will be wasted. Consider the topic, choose a design theme, first write a content plan for the material that will be published, and don’t forget about the visual layout. It is important to “read” your target audience by providing them with information in such a way and in such a form that participants will benefit from it. As soon as the publications are interesting, the popularity of what they share increases significantly. Do you remember that in OK.ru the “Class” badge is as old as a repost? Axis - get rid of it!

Of course, the content behind the fact is based on the activity of the participants. A person needs to be stopped and put off, and also get rid of feedback from her, so that the response will be heard. “Dead Souls” can no longer be played. If your partnership, apparently, has thousands of participants, and with its publication they can collect 5-10 “Classes”, then everything suddenly becomes clear - prepayments are stupidly bought. Naturally, this method of adding prepaid subscribers to the group is being introduced, or all the promoted publics have been introduced in due course. Do it carefully, so as not to raise any suspicions.

Reaching a new audience can be done in a number of ways:

  • request from the public;
  • widgets on websites;
  • vikoristanny of special services for cheating;
  • Advertising.

In order to efficiently and quickly request participants, one account record will probably not be enough. Create a few pages, or better yet, buy ready, updated with information and contacts. Remember: if you actively gain an audience, the system may mistake it for spam, so you can add no more than 50 accounts from one account.

You can also quickly use special services that allow you to recruit people into a group for a small fee, remove additional “Classes” and comments. There are a lot of such resources on the Internet today, so it’s not important to know the one that’s suitable for you. There are real people on these sites, but most often there are a lot of fake account records. It’s not easy to resign your treasures to a small wine town, and it’s not easy to get real activity from such profiteers. Before boosting up-payments and likes, this method allows you to get right to the very beginning of promoting the public to create a working base for the client.

Another way is to send a message to a group of classmates on the official website or other social networks. What’s great is that in some cases, users will be able to switch to external sites. You can select the information from this page in OK and, if possible, make arrangements there regarding online stores. Most often, this is done by blocking social media to prevent these transitions from being alerted to possible bad sites. At this point, please consider creating a group on Odnoklassniki as an official outlet for your brand.

  • targeted;
  • in public places;
  • popular koristuvachs.

The Mail.ru Group company offers a comprehensive service that focuses on creating targeted advertising campaigns on its resources. It's called "myTarget". This is the most effective way to advertise your strength in terms of effectiveness. However, you first have to figure out the target audience and plan the budget.

Advertising posts can easily be placed in public pages on OK.ru. Naturally, the more popular the advertising platform, the more expensive it will be to publish. It is entirely possible that you will be able to catch advertising without any harm if you are able to negotiate a mutual relationship with the administrators of other departments. Again, you can’t forget about the target audience, so choosing a public place for advertising must be based on who you want to contact before you die.

You can try to get a place for an advertising publication from some popular Odnoklassniki correspondent. The rewards for this loss, more than for everything, will be even more significant.

Well, your group has already accumulated a decent number of pre-payers, but their activity in this case is deprived of the short story. What is it timid? Try to get participants before the meeting. And what’s important here is interactivity. Build a connection with your audience – create awareness campaigns, hold photo contests, try to get as much engagement as possible with your posts.

Of course, it’s not easy to figure out how to unwind the herd on your own, and it took an hour and almost a pittance for everything. If you have correctly prepared a program for the development of sleepiness, then the result will be clear. Golovna – don’t rush and trust your power and the power of the Internet!

The promotion of the group in Odnoklassniki is a part of the work on the creation of its special brand in Merezhi. Gather people based on their interests and topics. Respect, get started, and most of all, make money on your popular groups in this social network! The hour has come!

A lot of people go to the social level of Odnoklassniki as a way of promoting their business or in order to gain special popularity, promoting other content within the created community. In order to make your work popular and get a large number of participants to join it, you need to know the principles and methods of insertion in social media and the specifics of the skin of them. Otherwise, your group will drown in the sea of ​​other unsolicited sites on the Internet, and the content will not bring you anything.

Before you create a group in Odnoklassniki, you must clearly understand its topic. Next, conduct an analysis of your target audience. After this, think about possible competitors, find out what is obvious in them in the Odnoklassniki group and carefully consider them instead. At the stage of immediate development, it is first necessary to come up with a name, an original name, that is exactly imaginable in its place. Then it is important to create an attractive and competent description in the information section about the group. And don’t forget about installing the necessary settings. Most often, the group is recommended to work secretly.

Before we speak! All the services for cheating prepayments from a group in Odnoklassniki have already been combined into one great rating.!

Basic principles of work with groups in Odnoklassniki

The basic principles of work with teamwork in Odnoklassniki are as follows. Vlasniki and group administrators post new content, which then appears in the page of new items that are included before it. They can like the post (in Odnoklassniki they call it “classes”), showing them that the information is appropriate for them. Their friends, in their own way, can like and accept any posts as recommendations. Thus, publications lose sight of a large number of people, including those who do not subscribe to this publication. Such people will already be its potential members.

Manual cheating

In Odnoklassniki there are a number of methods that allow you to create groupings, including both paid and free ones. You need to know that in this social network, as in others, you can ask people to join your groups manually. independently. There is no shortage of these tools, although it may take up to an hour. The main exchange rate is: 30 koristuvachs per bag – as many people you can ask for until you are ready to sleep. And, obviously, they are far from being fit to enter into anything new. So, you will have to gain patience: so that the crowd is filled with a sufficient number of people, you will have to fulfill such requests for many days.

Since previously this was the main method of training new koristuvachs to full maturity, today it can be seen as an additional one. Trying to exploit manual requests can lead to suspicion of spam activity and cause additional sanctions from the side of the Odnoklassniki administration - right up to the blocking of communication or your special page.

Viral content

Another way to leak viral content. Under him they suffer in respectful positions, as people truly do: to cheer them up, to think and laugh spontaneously, to motivate them. Communists want to share such posts one after another, and therefore your publications are likely to spread widely and rapidly. Before this kind of content, there should be specific informative publications related to your activity. Representatives of social media relations recommend that you always introduce diversity among the members of the group, so as not to irritate the participants, allowing them to change their respect at any time, to raise their spirits.

  1. Most often, publications of a humorous nature can be entirely relatable. Especially since this humor is connected with the theme of your sleepiness.
  2. It’s also good to practice the practice – practice shows that the stench is more suitable for people. In addition, if the experiment is carried out correctly, their results can become a miraculous help in low sleepiness, even if you know the thoughts of your prepayers from these and other problems. But get ready before this method will not immediately bear fruit: it will take an hour and patience.

And, smut, we need to report to you, so that we can create the kind of content that will be properly useful. But without anyone there is no way to achieve success in your lost group.

Comparison with other drugs

Regardless of what kind of work you are involved in, and what topic your partnership will be devoted to, in Odnoklassniki you will have a lot of competitors. We have already talked about those who wartly twist their stories, roblyach vysnovki and take over the evidence. You can also make friends with your competitors! Pushing for additional sleep can be an even more effective way of unwinding, allowing you to significantly increase the number of prepayers. To fight like this. If you know groups that have a large number of people and are involved in this topic, become their members and then get in touch with their administration. You kindly ask that you post information about your group or your group on your pages.

The more buyers there are in the area who are in your direction, the more likely it is that such advertising will appear. As a rule, in groups with millions of participants it is only possible to promote their strength on a paid basis. With groups in which there are not so many prepayers, you can find out about affiliate networks: you post their publications, they will post yours. People try to advertise their splendor in comments under posts in popular groups. If you don’t want to work without the knowledge of their leaders, you may be banned from these groups early and be threatened by Odnoklassniki administrators.


This method does not look any different from bribery, but it works the same way. You can ask members of your group to ask their friends for gifts. For example, for virtual bouquets of colors. Please be aware that it is important to get serious people in this way and you can, in fact, get them out. In the same way, this way does not make the administration of your classmates love you. Vіn is respected in any sense. This vikoristan can be brought to the blockade of sleepiness.

contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is an effective way to attract new participants, and even such advertising is directly targeted at those people who really might not be interested. However, the Odnoklassniki website, unlike other popular social networks, is not equipped with a system for serving contextual advertising. Otherwise, you can quickly use the mechanism of targeting the Mail.ru resource associated with Odnoklassniki.

To seriously expand your audience using this tool, you need to report loudly. The headlines, texts and photographs you choose for such advertising will be bright, stimulating and motivating. First of all, before proceeding with advertising advertising, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the principles of its work. In addition, you must consider your target audience: regions of residence, age, interests of potential prepayers.

To achieve the best results from your group at the cob stage, it is better to use the described methods in a complex manner. Over time, you will understand which one is most suitable for your specific situation. Remember also about those who should not go to extremes. If the harmony is carefully created, in a short time it will be replenished by even a large number of participants, which may raise suspicion on the side of the administration of classmates and cause unacceptable inheritances.