How to clean your computer without causing damage. How to clean your computer without damaging it

The use of a computer will inevitably lead to a decrease in your productivity. No matter how modern the components are, installed on the computer, early and late, the system will start to malfunction. To turn the cob speed up, you need to find out why it is decreasing.

Cause the blame

When purchasing a new computer or after reinstalling the operating system, the programs run smoothly, and the system instantly responds to the customer’s commands. Over the course of an hour, short-term freezes, overheating, and interruptions begin to occur.

This is due to several reasons:

  • obstruction of the body by saws;
  • the presence of useless programs;
  • clogged registry of the Windows operating system;
  • robot running unneeded programs in the background;
  • the presence of a large number of time-sensitive files;
  • Save your money on your hard drive.

It’s easy to solve all these problems on your own.

How to clean your computer without damaging it

To begin with, it’s easier to physically clean the system unit with a saw. Most often Also, it is estimated that cooler fans are clogged and this causes significant air exchange in the middle of the system unit or the laptop case. As a result, the temperature rises and productivity drops. When sawing, you can rely on yourself with the help of a standard saw cleaner and gancher.

You should also check how well the fan wraps above the processor, as well as in the middle of the video card. With a slight touch with a finger, the stench is to blame for easily wrapping around. If the stench is difficult to turn, it’s best to think about replacing it. Its temperature is quite low, and it is equalized by the ability to repair after overheating.

The best option would be to pull all the components out of their slots and wipe them thoroughly one at a time.

First, remove all the cables, then carefully pull out the components. This will help to do cleansing in those places where it is easy to penetrate the ganchir in the chosen camp. This is especially true for laptops. Yakshcho you are unsatisfied If you can correctly collect and return everything back, then you don’t have to go through this method. A simple saw for the help of a saw will be completely sufficient.

Wipe all components with a dry cloth.

Another problem is overheating, but the wick can dry out. Between the processor and cooler for faster heat transfer apply special paste. In the future, it will become unattainable and will have to be done again.

Respect! Before any actions in the middle of the system unit, turn off its mode of life.

Please note that the laptop can overheat regardless of the internal temperature. Sometimes, workers use laptops in such a way that important power lines are blocked, which can reduce the performance of the work.

One of the most common reasons for wasting too much data is the discovery of viruses. Today, the skin virus is far from making itself known. They can penetrate the system when files are imported from the Internet, as well as through important devices. Therefore, in the system you can without receiving any free programs, which penetrate into the car and waste processor time, and also occupy RAM.

For these reasons, you can quickly use paid or cost-free antiviruses.

Also specially for this purpose the company DR. Web has released the Cureit utility. It is completely cost-free and only requires 160 MB. You can download them from the official website, after which you can scan the disc. Tse take a day's time, stored in space on the disk. After the scan is completed, the program will show all detected threats and register their malware or generate them automatically after adjustment. After restarting your computer, any unwanted programs will be deleted.

How to clean your computer of unnecessary programs

After physical cleaning and removal of viruses, unnecessary programs and files will be completely removed. Some of them can be installed without the knowledge of the user, for example, during the installation of other programs. The stench takes up a lot of space on the hard disk, and is often prescribed to your car. In this manner, working in a private mode, they take up RAM. hour to start the operating system It's going to get bigger.

To look at the list of all installed programs in Windows, you need to go to the Windows panel, select the item “Installed and installed programs”. Here you can find out how to delete these programs, so as not to be victorious.

View of Smith's files

Another problem that affects productivity is excess and Smithy files. The stench will disappear after the program has been completed. In this case, empty folders and temporary directories are stored on the hard drive there are no longer any additional additives. You can wake them up using standard Windows methods.

For whom is it necessary:

  • go to “my computer”;
  • Reveal the “powerfulness” of the required hard drive;
  • Select the item “clean up hard drive” and confirm.

After this, Windows analyzes the disk and removes unnecessary programs.

Cleaning the Windows registry

In addition to the presence of all files and programs in the system, the operating system registry itself will also be visible. To clean it, you can quickly use the simple and cost-free CCleaner program. This program finds and cleans timely and unnecessary program installation files, such as browser cache.

After clicking on the analyze button, CCleaner will collect all the information and show which files can be deleted. All these programs run automatically, and you don’t need to delve into the fine details of the registry. In case something important is deleted, the program creates a backup copy of a large version of the registry, so that everything can be updated.

For similar purposes, you can also use the RegCleaner and Norton WinDoctor programs, otherwise they are suitable for prosperous users.

Hard disk defragmentation

All programs and data are recorded on sectors of the hard disk. Over the years, programs are updated and become larger, and programs disappear. This will lead to uneven filling of the hard drive.. It turns out that one program is recorded in many distant places on the hard drive and the readability is significantly increased. Defragmentation takes all the data from one program and records their instructions so that the data is read sequentially. This really speeds up the work.

The Windows system has this function built in. To run it, you need to sign out the following actions (on Windows 7):

  • go to “my computer” and use the right mouse button to click on the required disk partition;
  • in the list select “authority”;
  • Next, go to the “service” section;
  • Click the “defragmentation” button.

Moving files Take an hour, after which the laptop will be ready for use.

After completing these simple steps, you can achieve the same type of software system as a new computer. It is recommended to uninstall them regularly so that your computer can enjoy the smoothness and reliability of its work.

Hello everyone! Now I’ll try to write a bombastic article about those How to clean your computer or laptop without damaging it! I will show you everything that works on the Windows operating system on the Windows 7 application. The results obtained can be repeated on other operating systems.

Sequence of cleaning a computer (laptop)

1. We can see everything from auto vantagement

Why put this as the first point? That's why computer slow down Consider through the defect of operative memory, and how can you work now? That's why I appreciate everything purely avtozavantazhenya.

Of course, the first reason may be in, but there may be a maximum of 3% in such problems, so depending on the temperature, I will show a little lower...

To clean your computer's auto-vanity, you can quickly use special programs, but we will use standard methods, because We only need to disable unnecessary programs from auto-enablement and standard features allow us to add non-standard ones that also need to be enabled in order to enable auto-enablement.

Press the WIN + R keys or start - exit. Or you can open the task manager and select the file - login... Otherwise, I’ll simply press WIN + R...

10. Rozbittya hard drive

Now we are expanding the hard drive to 2, as it is not yet broken. I won’t bother you with Acronis, I’ll show you how to do it in Windows. Again we press the right mouse button on my computer - management.

From the left we go to the disks and press the right mouse button on system disk - select shrink volume(If you see a crash, the disk defragmentation service is disabled).

Now more respectful. I got lost right away, because it’s not written in the highest rank!

The size of the space that is being squeezed will be the new disk, and not the one you are squeezing.

If you squeeze drive C, then on my butt, drive C will be 36477, and drive D will be 23895.

When you choose everything, you press and squeeze. Then an undivided space appears. Then press the right mouse button and select to create a simple volume. Farther we press on further - farther everything is according to the standard. The disk is created under the ntfs file system and formatted.

11. Optimization of the desktop

People are really embarrassed when they throw all their files onto their desktop.

There are 2 minuses in this:

  • The desktop is located on drive C, and with fewer files on the system drive, it is easier to use the operating system.
  • Icons on the desktop are constantly becoming more popular.

To avoid this, delete everything unnecessary from the desktop, and transfer important folders to drive D, which we created in step 10. If these folders are necessary on the desktop, simply after moving, press the right mouse button on skin folder and select send - work table (create shortcut).
12. View unnecessary programs

If unnecessary programs do not interfere directly, they can invade the registry, browsers and take up RAM in services. Therefore, you need to delete all programs that are not needed.

So that the programs do not deprive the most important traces, let us introduce the program below:

It's portable, so you won't be able to install it. Just press further, further and select the folder where to unzip the program.

Let's launch... Initially the program is in English, but also in Russian. To do this, go to Options and select Russian language from the list.

Initially, the program will be uninstalled with the installed uninstaller.

After removing the program with the installed uninstaller, the program will again look for elements that are missing.

However, not all programs lose personal files. It is possible that in the first program there were no important elements, but in the other there were no files. And it happens that a lot of registry keys are lost.

As there are application files, please look at them for any problems. If you really notice, you are pressed to select everything and delete it.

That's all. Confirm all operations with all kinds of interesting programs.
13. Cleaning the registry

This is a wonderful program that will literally chew on your computer.

There are 2 programs in the archive. Tse CCleaner and Wise Registry Cleaner. We need a friend. Again, I don’t see the installation. Let's launch.

This program can be arranged. After starting, we press to scan.

After scanning, the program will show the benefits found. Clean the embossing.

The remaining tab is registry-constrained, most effective. We press the analysis.

And after the analysis, a squeeze is applied. Ask the computer to restart. Let's re-invent ourselves.

This completes the cleaning of the registry.

14. Disk defragmentation.

This point is relevant if you do not have an SSD drive, because... An SSD drive stores information like a flash drive and does not have a disk to spin up.

And with a standard hard disk, reading information is obtained by unscrewing the disk and reading from the head that is reading. Defragmentation at its level collects all the information almost one by one as a result of which, the head that reads begins to get to the information and wears out less. Therefore, this procedure is very important for the primary disk.

The program is still portable, Russian language. I'm obsessed.

Let's launch. As I said, defragmentation for SSD is not required, but you guessed it, it’s cheap! The SSD takes up a resource and it is necessary to move files to a new one many times. However, this program does not present SSD defragmentation, and does not optimize any movements. Therefore, if you have an SSD, select it with a check mark and click next to the defragmentation button on the trikutnik and select Optimize SSD.

SSD optimization

This program also has the function of defragmenting adjacent files.

І very handy SMART disk. Why did I write this?

Defragmentation of the primary disk can be done the same way. You can see the checkmark on the side of the initial disk and press it defragmentation button.

After defragmentation, the following message will appear in the status field: Defragmentation completed.

15. Officials of the rescue, who contribute fully to the work of the computer:

  • High CPU temperature
  • The temperature of the video card is high

If the temperature of the video card is within the normal range, then the computer may not be correct and may be re-enabled. And when I lost power, if the client brought the system unit, we unplugged the system unit and from the video card, I turned on the dim, and if the system unit was removed from the socket, a fire broke out! Zhah! I also wrote about this in the statistics.

  • Bit sectors on hard drive

Another reason for excessive computer performance is the hard drive. The data simply cannot be saved to the hard drive and in short the computer crashes, and in the worst case the operating system is likely to become corrupted. How to check the hard drive on the bit sector I wrote, and check the drive of the hard drive.

  • Random access memory tweaks

Computer glitches become very rare. The blue screen may appear, but it may still happen. How to verify the RAM, I wrote.

16. System assessment

It is possible that your computer is not balanced... If you pump one arm, then you won’t get any gain, but if you pump all the muscles in a complex, then you can achieve good results. So the axis... The computer itself is the same.

To see the balance on your computer, right-click on my computer and select Power.

If you have never tried to evaluate a computer, then you will have write system rating not available. Or the system will automatically evaluate it. Then let's go to the Windows Productivity Index.

As you see, everything is balanced for me, only the processor shows a lower rating, but at that time I bought the remaining i7... Buy extreme, it’s not logical, it stinks too much... For any reason, click on repeat the rating, bottom right. Once the analysis of the climb is completed, it will be surprising that there is no significant difference in the ratings. In fact, this is a good reason to think about upgrading this element.

And before speaking, I noted that after evaluating the system, the computer began to work faster.
17. Interest widget(for Windows versions, home is expanded and more)

Well, finally, we can say a bonus... To constantly control the computer’s activity and know when it’s busy, and if it freezes, install the widget...

Press the right button on the desktop and select gadgets:

Now an indicator of the importance of the processor and RAM is displayed on the desktop.

At the moment when I took a screenshot, the processor utilization was 0.2%, and the RAM utilization was 47%. If these arrows go to the red zone, you know that the computer has not frozen, but is busy with certain processes. And in this case, you need to think about either an upgrade, or you have opened a lot of programs, or the programs must be important.

That's all. These are all the ways that I have figured out that will help you earn money so that you don’t damage your computer, or even your laptop.

Let me know how to clean your computer after cleaning. I am a blogger and I access a lot of materials on my computer, install programs, test patches, etc. The system accumulates a lot of information that normal work requires. I’ll look at a few tricks on how to clean and speed up your computer with your own hands.

In just this short time, maximum flexibility and optimization are ensured. Having asked the people I knew about the program, one young woman showed up and started joking herself. Let's finish cleaning the hard drive.

How to clean your computer from scratch: hard drive

To find out how to clean your computer from the mess, go through all the details in the statistics. Do not use the standard uninstaller, the Revo Uninstaller program will help. The process of saving money on a hard disk is carried out in two stages.

First stage: standard

Few people know that Windows has a standard utility for cleaning up hard drives. To do this, open “my computer”, and on your local drives, right-click the mouse and select “authority”.

We know that there is an onslaught of “purification”.

I agree with my decisions.

Go through the process, after which you will be able to fill the disk with a lot of space. I’m writing this article from my work computer, I’ve been using it for two years, and in two years I’ve accumulated a lot of 6 GB.

Another way: program

A standard cleaner is only good for the system itself, since it also requires cleaning the hard drive tray. For these purposes, I use the CCleaner program, axis ii official website. To seduce without catastrophe anything folding and dumb. We open it most always with the Russian program.

  1. Select the “cleaning” item.
  2. Let's start analyzing now.
  3. You will see all the unnecessary files, so we can delete them.

This completes the cleaning of the hard disk. I’m going through the list of alternatives without any costs.

  • Advanced Disk Cleaner
  • Blank And Secure
  • Freespacer
  • HDD Cleaner
  • Moo0 Disk Cleaner

Cleaning your computer as follows: registry

Cleaning your computer by checking the registry using the Wise Registry Cleaner program, you can entice here, the program is absolutely cost-free. We want it and install it. When you start it for the first time, be sure to make a backup copy of the registry. We choose a deep cleansing to get rid of all the jambs, so that everything has a Russian appearance.

Let's move on to the optimization section.

  1. I divided it myself.
  2. That means I checked all the boxes.
  3. We are under pressure to optimize.
  4. After the robot programs appear, the writing is optimized.

The remaining section of the tight registry, class of river. It is necessary to carry out an analysis on the beginning. The computer has been unresponsive for several hours now, no matter what.

Now we are pressing on the pressure. The registry is more tight, the Raja is not to be bothered with anything at this hour.

After the squeeze and re-engaging, it’s ob’yazkovo. Another file was created, the registry was optimized, and the cost-free utility Wise Registry Cleaner helped. As an alternative, you can also use programs, you can enchant without costs and without registration.

Add-on for the registry under windows 7,8 and 10

  • Auslogics Registry Cleaner.
  • Vit Registry Fix Free.
  • Reg Organizer is a cost-free program for Windows 10 and is tested.
  • Avira RegistryCleaner.

Cleaning the system volume information folder

About a month ago, I began to really become obsessed with my computer for about 35 minutes. I thought that the hard drive was over, but it didn’t work out. On the right is that the system volume information folder saves backup copies of the update point, and the smaller ones were on 253 GB, and started cleaning them. To begin with, you need to reduce the visibility of the saved folders. Login to the menu panel and know the folder parameters.

  1. Walk to the panel.
  2. Large icons are displayed.
  3. We press on the folder parameters.
  4. View tab.
  5. We uncheck the box.
  6. We can change the check box.
  7. Onslaught bl.

Now this folder has appeared on drive C, but you can’t open it because you have configured administrator rights. To clean up, you need to go to drive C, and find the system volume information, right-click and select power.

To give the administrator access, click on Add.

Enter your business record and emboss the name.

All entries were made with embossing approx.

As time progresses, there will be forces of forward movement, we ignore them.

To clear the update point, go to the control panel and take a screenshot.

  1. Way to the program.
  2. In the left section, select “system protection”.
  3. Select drive C.
  4. We are pressing to adjust.

Because there was a problem, the number of buttons was set to 50%, so all the memory was filled. I placed it at 5 hundreds, let there be specks. To clear the memory, emboss it.

On this account, the hard drive is clean and smudged. Let's move on to the rest of the crocus.

Hard drive defragmentation: windows 7, 8, 10

Following the standard method, it works however on all systems, including Windows 8. We go into my computer and select the disk to defragment.

Defragmentation is the transfer and clustering of system files by type.

  1. Press with the right button.
  2. We know the authorities.
  3. Add a service and quit defragmentation.

In the next window, select a local disk. We are now pressed for analysis, just as we are about to undergo defragmentation. These are analogues of standard programs; I won’t go into them, because they all work on the same principle.

List of programs for Windows 10 and all others.

  • Auslogics Disk Defrag.
  • SuperRam
  • Advanced Defrag
  • Ashampoo Magical Defrag
  • ScanDefrag
  • Memory Improve Ultimate

Don’t worry about checking the estimate for other online tools, you won’t be able to help, it’s better to do it manually.

The article shows how to clean your computer, including: hard drive, registry, update points and defragmentation. Use your computer as much as possible. For example, video.

How to clean your computer without damaging it. You can clean it manually, although cleaning is not necessary, or with an additional program. Let’s take a look at the most beautiful cost-free programs and show you how to make them with your hands.

Hello everyone!
Today we will clean the computer from serious infections, literally and figuratively.
I often have a problem with my galmuvannyam.
For the most part, everything about it is mostly normal, you don’t have to clean it often, but the axis of the laptop has problems).
The nutrition becomes more logical.
How can I dull my computer and make Windows 7, 10 work?
After eliminating the inconsistencies, or rather, buying a moth from him, you can come to life).
Let me show you how to do it yourself first, and then we’ll look at some of the more cost-free programs used for these purposes.

How to clean your computer without messing it up, clear cookies, browser cache, and probably don’t need any programs

Quite often, especially a laptop, begins to hang due to overheating.
Why is it heating up?
Let's face the standard problem - chain. The laptop is especially sensitive to it.
Is it possible for your computer to run Windows 7, 10?
To remove this, there are two options.

The first step is to create it yourself. You can open it and clean it, you can use a vacuum cleaner, just watch the buttons, especially the laptop, otherwise you will be left without them).

Another option is to send it to a computer repair service.
I will be happy to give my laptop to the service without knowing any problems with the heating of the river.

That's all there is to the saw.
The reason for the computer’s galvanization has become even broader; you have accumulated a lot of information in your browser.
All your activities, including clicking on websites, and your searches in the search system will be lost in the cache memory of your browser. You can get stupid through this.
That's why, friends, you need to clean your cache and cookies if you want to use them.

How to clear cache and cookies on your computer?
Everything is as in the screenshot.

Click – tools – data storage – internet.
It looks so obvious.

Here you can choose to clear cookies and cache from your browser for a certain period of time, set it for the entire hour.
Check the box below and you don’t have to clear your passwords.
Then click “clear history.” At this point, cleaning cookies and cache in the browser is completed.
If you have never been robbed before, your machine, when working on the Internet, must work much faster.
Another option is why your friend is galling - you don’t have enough money on your new one, or rather, the memory of your hard drive will run out, in this situation your horse will become very dull.
Remember that you still have a lot of memory, even if you have dozens of gigs of data clogged, it will still be glitchy.
In order to prevent your laptop from sticking, you need to remove some of the unnecessary motor from the new one.
Perhaps you won’t be rich anymore and you won’t be.
We clean your computer by hand, you won’t need to remove everything.

1. Press the right button of the bear on the start label.
This label you know is evil, right in the hole.
2. Select the caravan panel.

3. All yak on the little “vidalennya program”
Everything that is installed on your PC will open on your PC.

More food.
What is there to do if the PC simply opens up all sorts of programs, games, and even fun?

Cleaning your computer with an additional cost-free program

Vzagali often find out that your laptop has a mess in the registry, you saw, for example, a game, but here it’s lost its smіtya, it’s difficult to joke about it yourself.
How can I dull my computer and make Windows 7, 10 work?
For which there are special supplements.

Having found such people on the Internet, it’s a shame that the main disadvantage of these programs is that most of them are paid.
We will look at two cost-free programs for cleaning our PC.
One of them has long gained popularity among the Koristuvachs.
I know people on the Internet just recently, having checked my satisfaction with my work.

Let's start with the classics.
The first program is ccleaner.
You can attract attention by searching for
Before you start flirting, don’t forget to vibrate. This can be chanted as if it were my world, just as Russian language is not surprising in the prose of the present).
CCleaner has the following capabilities in its arsenal: cleaning any browser and correcting the registry of your horse. I am especially befitting of a friend.
With this program, after thoroughly cleaning your computer, you will forget what you did wrong.
Before speaking, she is absolutely catless.

Verified. Raju, don’t harm me).
Let's move on.
All that I have described really helps to clean your car, remove it from galvanization, and what else can you do if your computer galvanizes through leaking windows, banners, advertisements?
Of course, that's what antivirus software is for, but the problem is that antivirus doesn't always catch targets.
To find out the virus, you need to turn on scanning, and it’s not 1:00 and still, you won’t know for an hour.
I wonder if they have given a program to save you from your illness.

We can see that we are dumping advertisements and banners for additional cleaning

Another – ce chistilka.
There are no problems on the Internet.
What is the advantage of this program?
While CCleaner cleans all kinds of dirt on desktop computers and laptops, corrects errors in the registry, cleans your browsers, then Cleaner cleans your computer of viruses, removes windows (banners) and annoying advertisements. You can read it yourself in the image below).

It’s easy to work with her. It’s enough for you to attract her. Open up. Press start. The program will scan your computer if it finds any bad code and can clean it up, or rather, it will promptly delete it.
I have a lot of viruses on my laptop, such as mail ru.
I don’t know about you, but for me, any product like herbs is a virus, well, the axis of my situation with him and their products was formed).
After these procedures, your friend and assistant must stop being a glitch.
That’s all for me, far away cleansing!

The appearance of galm under the hour of computer operation, melodiously, is one of the sick foods for rich wealthy people. People are wondering what could have happened to my computer, even after we bought it, and it worked miraculously, without freezing or other glitches. Therefore, today we will try to tell you how to clean your computer so as not to bother and speed up your work. I run all this on my computer with the Windows 10 operating system; in previous versions everything works in the same way.

Regardless of your operating system, it is very important to clear the dirt that accumulates after installing various programs, as well as to clear the programs themselves.

So, first of all, we go to the Windows autostart menu and turn on the auto launch of programs that we don’t need. First of all, stinks occupy a place in the world, but otherwise, since we don’t need stinks, we turn them off.

Who is asking you: Where is auto-enablement in Windows 10? In earlier versions, to enter the auto-enablement menu, you need to press “Start” and enter “msconfig” in the search row, the “System Configuration” window will open in this window, select the “Auto-enablement” item, in Windows 10 there are additional auto menus zavantazhenya was moved to the Dispatcher. Therefore, press the keys Ctrl+Shift+Esc

The dispatcher appears. Next, go to the “Automatics” tab. In the list, we turn on unnecessary programs. I’ll take a screenshot of what it looks like in me.

In order to turn on auto-enable programs that we need, we select them from the list and press the “Turn on” button. If you have a large list of such programs, but your computer is weak, you can install all the programs. Tim, please give your place to the OSP, and help Windows work faster. After you finish your work, you will need to restart your computer.

Unnecessary Windows services are removed

After we've dealt with auto-related issues, let's move on to the services, the actions from them also occupy a place in the RAM, but for us they do not carry any value.

So let’s go to “Start”, find the “Computer” item, click on it with the right mouse button and select “Management”. At the computer window, go down and open the item “Services and programs” - “Services”

You will see a list of services. There is no need to uninstall everything quickly, otherwise any fragments may cause Windows to not work properly.

On my computer and on my clients’ computers I enable the following services:

Windows Update Center (you can leave it turned on, otherwise the updates will not work correctly, but will not lead to problems and crashes in the operating system)

Security Center and these two services even interfere with the computer’s work, so if you are using the same antivirus, you can safely turn it on

- Windows Firewall - this will take you to the list of services that are enabled.

For all the main services that can and should be turned on when Windows is configured, also look at the list carefully, and if you want services in programs that are not subject to malware, turn them on yourself.

To enable the service: you must right-click the mouse. Select the power item, press the “Zupinity” button and set the launch type to “Vigned”. The computer cannot be re-installed.

Visual effects of Windows are affected.

This point will be useful for those who may be using a weak computer.

To enable visual effects, open “Start”, then right-click on “Computer” and select “power”. The “System” window opens, selects the “Advanced system parameters” item, opens a new “System Power” window, selects the “Additional” tab and presses the Widcode settings button.

Click on the “Visual Effects” tab, when you open it, you will see the item “Ensure the fastest speed” and the settings will be locked.

Now your computer will work a little better.

System update is enabled.

All versions of Windows have a unique system update feature. As a rule, the cost is zero, and the computer resource axis is growing. Not only the space on the hard drive is clogged, but also the RAM, which is why this service monitors all activities on the computer and records information.

Press the “set up” button and select the “turn on” option, then work as shown in the picture. After this, we re-install and most importantly, we now have additional free gigabytes on our hard drive.

Cleaned by the disk cleaning service

If you find that there is very little space on the system disk, you will need to run the standard disk cleanup program. You can clean your computer without worrying and delete unnecessary system files.

In order to launch this program, go to Start - All Programs - Windows Administrative Tools - Disk Cleanup.

A window will open asking you to select a disk to clean. Select drive C: and press OK

The program will analyze the data and display a window with files that can be deleted. You won’t be able to get any help by pressing the “OK” button.

Cleaning time clock files from CCleaner

During the course of its work, the operating system saves time log files in its folder, which can become abundant after an hour. As a result, the system searches for the required files for more than an hour, and as a result, the computer’s illegal operation increases.

As you read from the title, we now need the wonderful program Ccleaner. You can download it from the official website

I downloaded the Portable version so as not to install it. When prompted, launch the program. By selecting the Cleaning item and pressing the “Analysis” button, the program itself will determine what can be cleaned.

How do you look lower? The program found about 3 GB of unnecessary files on the computer. Emboss the clean button. The program will remove all unnecessary clock files.

You can see files and shortcuts from your desktop so you don’t want to get rid of them.

I often see the computers of many rich people whose work desks are full of labels and various files. I would like to avoid unnecessary shortcuts on your desktop. Delete the others and move the files to another disk. Since everything that is on the desktop is saved on the system disk of the computer, you obviously first take up the space that Windows might need, and in another way, the shortcuts are gradually edited, thereby galvanizing the system.

If there are folders with files on the desktop, I recommend moving them to another partition of the system disk and creating shortcuts for them, as they are absolutely necessary.

Clean the Windows registry

Since we have already installed the Cleaner program with you, we can immediately see all the tails that are lost in the registry of remote programs.

To launch the program, go to the Registry tab and click the “Check for problems” button. The program will quickly analyze the system registry and suggest correcting problems. You will need to press the button and tick for a few seconds until the robot is displayed.