How can you look at the host. Original hosts for Windows operating systems. How to edit the hosts file

The problem of problems and the entrance to the SAIT, if you can’t go to classmates, in the contacts, your fault, your obscure records for the piddozy on evil, ask the phone number, Potim code, and in the result of the Groshi Zhunka, I found it. due to troublesome changes to the system Hosts file.

There are literally no ways to edit the hosts file in Windows, and everything is easy to do. Let's take a look at three of these methods that are most likely to be enough to get this file in order. Update 2016: (how to change, update where to find out).

Another simple way to fix hosts is to use the AVZ anti-virus utility (you can do much more than that, but within the framework of these instructions you will also look at fixing hosts).

You can acquire AVZ freely from the official website of the retailer (check the right-hand side).

Unzip the archive from the program and run the file avz.exe, then in the main menu of the program select “File” - “System Update” and select one item “Cleaning the hosts file”.

Then click “Exit scheduled operations”, and when completed, restart your computer.

Microsoft Fix it utility for updating the hosts file

The only other way is to go to the page dedicated to the updated hosts file and install the utility there Fixit to automatically bring the file to the output page.

In addition, on this page you will find the original hosts file for various operating systems.

System hosts file- this is a text file that contains a local database of domain names and its IP address. The hosts file has higher priority than the requests to the DNS servers. This is where various viruses and bad programs are exposed, replacing them instead with data.
Where is the hosts file located?
For promotion system file hosts roztashovaniy at katalozі .
To get started you need to go to the menu StartViconati or press the key combination WIN+R. At the window that has opened Launching programs enter the address:
or else
Pressing the button Enter.

To open it, click on it with the right mouse button and select the item in the menu Use another notepad
What does the hosts file need to do??

Hosts file for Windows XP:

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.# # # Space. # # # For butt: # localhost

Hosts file for Windows Vista:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp. # # This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows. # # Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one#Space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name '#' symbol.# # For example: # # # source server # # x client host

Hosts file for Windows 7:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp. # # This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows. # # Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one#Space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name '#' symbol.# # For example: # # # source server # # x client host localhost ::1 localhost

Hosts file for Windows 8:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp. # # This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows. # # Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one#Space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name '#' symbol.# # For example: # # # source server # # x client host # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.# localhost # :: 1 localhost

The statistics indicate the following information: where is the hosts file in Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10; change the hosts file to edit it; how to save the hosts file, as indicated by access

Hosts file - what is it, why is it needed

What is it

hosts - a file that contains the IP address base and domain names associated with them. For example, for the popular site VKontakte the profile will be like this:

The hosts file on Windows can be accessed by other programs Notebook.

Everything is needed

Letter addresses of sites are entered inclusively for people, because people are so easy to remember. Computers know the site behind the numbers. On the VKontakte application: is the letter of the address (or, apparently, a URL), and is a numeric letter (or an IP address).

Turn my words around. Enter in the address bar of your browser
You are responsible for visiting the site

All relationships between IP addresses and URLs are stored on DNS servers that the browser contacts and displays the required site for us.

First, don’t contact the DNS server, the browser will first check the hosts file. We can block certain websites or change the visibility of IP addresses and URLs.
This is what viruses do on a computer, replacing types, adding other rows to the same file, etc.

How to look at the hosts file. Change to hosts file

The hosts file has the following:

For Windows XP:

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.



# For example:
# localhost

For Windows Vista:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.
# This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows.
# Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host

# localhost
# ::1 localhost

For Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10:

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.
# This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows.
# Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each
# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should
# be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name.
# The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one
# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual
# lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol.
# For example:
# # source server
# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.
# localhost
# ::1 localhost

Where to find the hosts file for Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

The hosts file is located in all versions of Windows at the address
Watch the screenshots:

How to open the hosts file

This file can be opened using the Notepad program. Known in the start menu of the program. Click the right mouse button. From the menu, select “Run as administrator”. In the Notepad window, through the “File” → “Open…” menu, open the hosts file, writing the address of the file in the address row of the window or moving from folder to folder until it is found.

How to edit the hosts file

1. Update

To update the file you need:
  1. Open the file using Notepad as administrator.
  2. Copy instead of the file with this article, paste and save.
The file can only be opened through Notepad running as administrator. You won’t be able to save your life any other way. If you save the extension.txt in the file name, it is deleted.

The tricks of changing the hosts file

1. Actions for viruses to mask your changes after rows localhost
::1 localhost

remove empty clearings and then add rows.

Therefore, when replacing, see instead (hot keys CTRL+A).

2. Admissions file
If the specified package does not have a file, then it may have been accepted and assigned the “Admissions” attribute.
In the menu Viglyad → Settings → Viglyad we put the option “Show saved files, folders and drives”.

Now, if a file has appeared, the authorities will take away the title of “Admission” to the file.

3. Cannot be edited
The file was given the attribute “Only readable”. The authorities have taken away the top warrant from the file.

U folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc place the file under hosts and extensions .txt(hosts.txt file) either without an extension, like the hosts file, or with other names, like host.

2. Zmina

To block access to any site, you need to enter the rows at the end
(Skip row) (number of spaces) (name of the domain that is being blocked) (a number of spaces) (Name of the blocked domain from www.)

On the application of the same VKontakte and Odnoklassniki:

Let's save. We check our work by entering the URLs of these sites in the address bar of the browser. The websites do not open. Bingo!

In this way, you can block computer gambling sites, casino sites, pornographic sites, etc.

To redirect, we do everything as before, except we give the required URL to another IP.

butt. Please, when you log in to VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, the site will open.
We write rows:
(Skip row)

2.3. Popular sites and their IP addresses

To assign the IP address of any sites on the Internet, there are many services. Google it.

hosts approved for access - what to do

If you save the file, you cannot and it is not authorized for access. Robimo is in order, making sure to save the file after the skin point.
  1. Opens in Notepad as administrator.
  2. Copy the file to your desktop. Change yogo. Hosts file that was lost from dad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc Rename it to hosts.old. Copy the hosts file to the folder on your desktop C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
  3. Turn on your antivirus. Antivirus programs often monitor this to ensure that no changes are made to this file. Upload the file to Windows Defender. Starting from version 8 of Windows, make sure that this file is not changed.
  4. We set access rights to the file in the authorities on the “Security” tab.
  5. If you can't see it, go to Safe Mode and try to remove it.

What will you do to view the hosts file?

There will be nothing. There may be problems with Internet connections. Before connecting, the IP address will have to be entered manually. It is possible that programs will use the localhost name rather than the address, which would create another problem.

Recently I needed to edit the hosts file, and where to find the hosts file, without knowing it, he happened to search in search of the required type. Fortunately, a wealth of information has emerged, but I have decided to forgo the answer to my post on the pages of the Computer Malfunctions blog.

Where is the hosts file for Windows XP?

Find the HOSTS file in Windows XP at the address:


Open the hosts file You can use any text editor, for example, Windows Notepad.

What does the hosts file look like?

What is your manager - update to the hosts file, then the typical one can be copied below instead of the hosts file for Windows XP. As a matter of fact, instead of the hosts file, you can only have one line “ localhost”. Anything else is just an explanatory comment. For Windows XP hosts file looks like So:

# (C) Microsoft Corp., 1993-1999
# This is a reference to the HOSTS file, which is used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.
# This file contains the IP address of the node names.
# The skin element is guilty of growing out of order. IP addresses are to blame
# is in the first column, followed by other names.
# The IP addresses and host names of the guilty party should be separated with one pass.
# In addition, comments can be inserted in certain rows
# (such as this row), they must follow the names of the node and strengthen themselves
indicated by the "#" symbol.
# For example:
# # exit server
# # client's college x localhost

Well, finally, if your system is not Windows XP, then I recommend that you read the updated hosts file for Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 on the official Microsoft support website: / kb/972034/ua.

So what? hosts file? This kind of food should be given to all newbies who know very little about the existence of such a file. Few people know that this file is abused by a virus writer, and even fewer know that this file is abused on their computer for their own benefit. And this time it’s even more important that you want to know about the file hosts And it’s even more important that any mercenary of minds behave correctly with him.

Such problems as: “ I can’t log into VKontakte." or " Why not visit your classmates?» And similar to them in half of the errors (and no more) are related to the changes in the file hosts. Other food, who makes such changes? In most cases, this is viruses How to replace the original one hosts file on your computer or add your information further. Everything is covered in this statistic.
We'll tell you about the file itself soon. hosts and about those for whom we serve.

Hosts. What's this?

Essentially hosts- This is a text file in which the database is located domain names is set from them IP addresses. So the address of any domain initially looks like an IP address. One IP address can host multiple virtual servers, and one IP can host multiple websites. IN hosts there is less than one prescription for the Promvchans ip addresses (, which reservations for localhost, then. for the local (your own) computer.
Myself hosts file on your computer, go to the following address: (table table: Wikipedia)

Operating system Versions Roztashuvannya
Unix and Unix-like /etc/hosts
Windows 95, 98, Me %windir%\
NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7 %SystemRoot%\system32\drivers\etc\, which can be re-assigned in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Tcpip\Parameters\DataBasePath, which is the route to the folder.
Windows Mobile Registry folder \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Tcpip\Hosts
Mac OS 9 and earlier System folder: Preferences or just in the system folder
Mac OS X and iPhone OS /private/etc/hosts or /etc/hosts (/etc on Mac OS X - symbolically on /private/etc)
Novell NetWar SYS:etc\hosts
OS/2 and eComStation "bootdrive":\mptn\etc\
Symbian OS 6.1-8.1 C:\system\data\hosts
9.1+ Z:\private\10000882\hosts
Android /system/etc/hosts

Hosts file There is no extension, but it is easy to edit with text editors (for example Notepad)

Hosts. History of wine.

When computers were very large, and the Internet was still very small, then, for the convenience of the users, hosts were assigned names. There are only a few hosts. To update text names to IP addresses, it was necessary to send a request to the head host, which would add a list of all names and addresses. This file ( host file) regularly sent to all computers connected to Merezha. As the Global Network develops and expands, the number of hosts, servers, and vendors has grown exponentially and host file. The delay values ​​were changed during the hour of registration and the removal of the name by the new computer that connects to Merezh. A lot of hours have been spent on the power supply host file...For the most important problems, it was created DNS- Domain Name Service. About hosts files I forgot for an hour...

Hosts. Robotic principle.

Wash down to hosts the file has priority over downloads until DNS-Servers. On the administration page DNS, instead of the file, it is entirely controlled by the computer administrator. What happens when an Internet user types the website address (url) in the address bar of his browser and presses to go ( Enter) ?
The browser communicates with DNS server, which converts the original address to the IP address of the requested server. At this moment the browser line will write: Poshuk vuzla..." If you are a student, that you need to ask, knowledge, then the text “ Vuzol of knowledge, check out the confirmation...”, it is installed TCP connection via the standard port for this service. Pokrokovo, the most popular food " What happens when an Internet user types the website address (url) in the address bar of his web browser and presses go (Enter)?» you can confirm that:

  1. the browser restarts to hosts It checks the file and does not match the name of the site with the authority of the computer name ( localhost) tobto. which IP addresses are not similar to the local IP addresses of the site ;
  2. If it doesn’t compare, it re-verifies hosts file for the presence of the requested address (host name);
  3. How the addresses (host name) are requested are in hosts files, then the browser will go to the specified file host (ip address);
  4. since the addresses in hosts files not found, then the browser crashes to the DNS recognition cache ( DNS cache) ;
  5. The requested address (hostname) is found in DNS cache Yes, then the browser will probably open up to DNS server y;
  6. If such a web page (site) exists, then DNS server translates URLs V ip addresses And the browser will access the requested side of the site.

Axes and we found out why and how it works hosts file . Now let's marvel at what there is to take revenge on.

Original hosts files. Replacing the hosts files for the producers.

Below I will place the text, which is guilty of trying to hosts files for umovchannyam, tobto. original hosts file.

Windows XP

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.


# source server

# # x client host localhost

Windows Vista

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.

# This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows.

# Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one

# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name '#' symbol. localhost

Windows 7

# Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.

# This HOSTS file is a Microsoft TCP/IP file for Windows.

# Map this file mappings IP address to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and host name should be separated by at least one

# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name '#' symbol.

# # source server

# # x client host

# localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

# localhost

# ::1 localhost

Use the hosts file for your own purposes.

Hosts file can be used to change the number of drinks to DNS server for frequently shared resources, and in turn to speed up traffic and speed up the attraction of frequently shared resources. For example: you are often attracted to the sites and Vidkryvaemo hosts file for additional programs Notepad and after the row localhost add:

First add the following, read below the rules for editing the hosts file

This action allows the browser to immediately, without contacting the DNS server, establish a connection with the sites and
Crimea hosts file You can use it to block access to unnecessary resources on the Internet (sites for adults, sites that send spam, sites with free software, etc.). It’s so easy to work out, let’s finish writing immediately after localhost offensive row url_of_blocked_resource.
In this way, the resource’s address is assigned to the IP address of this computer, and the resource will not be acquired.
After all changes, when exiting the notepad, the result is saved.

Rules for editing the hosts file

  • The skin element must be placed on the adjacent row, so. When a new address is added, we immediately move to a new row (embossed Enter);
  • IP addresses must start from the first position in the row (Let's say this to the beginning of a proposition), it (in the same row) may be followed by the corresponding resource address (host name);
  • IP addresses and resources responsible for separation among themselves would like to be one pass;
  • Comments at fault will be separated by a symbol # (lattice);
  • When comments appear in rows of domain name types, they must follow the host name and be followed by the symbol # (lattice);

The rules of editing have been agreed upon. Now we can see that virus writers use the hosts file for their own purposes.

Vykoristana hosts file virus writers, viruses.

Those who write viruses have long since appreciated the possibilities hosts file and actively vikorist them to their own advantage. Viruses are changing your hosts file Or edit it in such a way that when you type in the correct address (usually the addresses of popular sites), it opens not the site that you respect, but the one that is similar to the other one, but in reality it is a site of scammers and expands unfair codes . They redirect you to their sites and then block access to the site, extorting money from you to re-open access. It is important for blockers of evil-doers to profit from social boundaries.
On the Internet, on many forums, you can ask thousands of koristuvachs on the site: “ I can't access Contact. What is it timid?" or " Why don’t you bother going to see your classmates?" or " I can't access Facebook. Profile is blocked. What is it timid?“. All these problems begin as a result of the fact that you bought a computer here virus And you have edited your file hosts. I already wrote about this in the statistics and will not repeat it, (Thankfully, it describes how to fix everything, and I hope you read this article to the end), but I’ll describe the situation with this file hosts It is not possible for us to find out the address on the computer. I’ll explain it clearly with an example windows 7. Let’s say you went to the folder and see this picture:

As you can see from the picture, this dad has hosts file day ( file lmhosts no need to scrub). In fact, it’s not there, it’s just that the virus changed the file attribute Prikhovany" or " Systemic“. I wrote about the attributes of “Prihovanii” and “Systemic”.
Behind the modification of folder parameters there is an ensign, on the contrary, of adjustment. Do not show downloaded files, folders and drives“. We need to change this parameter to Show downloaded files, folders and drives“. For whom is it embossed? Start-> further Control panel-> further Folder options View“. Here, finally, we rearrange the button from " Do not show downloaded files, folders and drives" on " Show downloaded files, folders and drives«.

Now go to the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc mi bachimo scho hosts file on the spot.
Inodi hosts file It is not possible to interfere with the activity of viruses on your computer. In such situations, you can simply delete the hosts file and then create it again yourself. To create hosts file, in papa C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc we create a simple text document and call it hosts(I hope everyone knows how to deal with it). Exit text document from extensions .txt(hosts.txt). And we already know the hosts file has no extension. This means that the extension is taken from its name. There are no file extensions in the name because the system configuration requires extensions for registering files. Well, let's face it.
For whom I know it is embossed Start-> further Control panel-> further Folder options(in XP "Power of Folders"). At the end, what has happened, go to another tab “ View“. Here (a little more than the line “Do not show saved files, folders and drives”) uncheck the " Get extensions for registered file types“. Zrobivshi tse mi pobachimo I will name the file hosts at once from the extensions .txt. Now we change the name and delete the application, and .txt.
IN windows 7 x64, to know the hosts file can be placed in the row “ Start - Viconti» (Details about the commands) type the command:
cd\windows\system32\drivers\etc\ And then launch notepad with administrator rights and open hosts.
Those who cannot or do not want to create the hosts file themselves can visit it on our site. Axle position:
Original file hosts For
Original file hosts For
Original file hosts For

Phew... The volume came out. I think it will be useful to you, both in terms of theory, you know the basis, and in practice.
That's all. I look forward to your comments.