Unit of uninterrupted life: the recognized specificity of the work of the everyday life-saving unit. Dzherelo uninterrupted life (DBZ). See that robot. Yak vibration without interruption of electrical life

The advancement of electricity today is a completely natural process. We can help you figure out the standards for furnishing two warehouses. Before the first step, it is important for everyone to protect themselves as much as possible from emergencies in the power system. Another warehouse is connected with the minds of robots navantazhenya. Here we can see the benefits of stable and uninterrupted operation of intelligent and power electrical equipment, reduced costs in terms of life, etc. One of the effective technical solutions to the problem of power supply is an uninterruptible power supply system (UPS).

The main task of the DBZ is to ensure a constant supply of electricity at the moment when the luminosity parameters go beyond the norms that are regulated (supply, voltage displacement, shape value...). Vikonuyuchi ce zavdannya DBZh can:

  • connect to the measure of life and convey the tension to the vantage, vikory and power of the dzherelo;
  • live in a vantagement with a tight-fitting measure of life.

In road DBJs, the function of supplementing the energy consumption with electrical energy can be implemented (integrating the stress factor corrector).

Types of "uninterruptible"

There are three basic types of BDZ.

  1. Reserve DBZ(standby, offline, back-ups). The simplest and cheapest technical solution (for example, the popular APC Back-UPS CS 500). In times of significantly increased or decreased voltage, the DBZ is switched on to the 220V voltage and switches to the battery-powered operating mode. The main elements of offline DBZ: batteries (battery), charger, inverter, transformer, what moves, control system, filter (Fig. 1).


    Rice. 1 Normal mode of operation (a) and mode of operation with batteries (b) The advantage of offline DBZh is low output and high efficiency per hour of operation during the period. Disadvantages: high output voltage resistance (high harmonic ratio, ≈30% for a direct-current signal), lack of ability to adjust input voltage parameters. The characteristics of the output voltage will be discussed below.)
  2. Interactive DBZ(English line - interactive). Є intermediate type between cheap and forgive offline DBZ and expensive, richly functional online DBZ (for example, ippon back office 600). In the offline mode, the DBZ interactively operates an autotransformer, which allows you to maintain the level of output voltage between 220V (+-10%) when the boundary voltage subsides/increases (Fig. 2). As a rule, the number of voltage levels of an autotransformer varies between two and three.




    Rice. 2 Operation of interactive DBZ with normal voltage limit (a), with decreased voltage limit (b), with increased stress limit (c), with low voltage limit or significant shift (d) Output regulation The voltage is realized by means of over-micking on the output side of the transformer winding. In case of deep sagging or significant shifting, or permanently increasing voltage, the DBZ class functions similarly to the offline class: it is connected to the circuit and generates an output voltage and energy cumulators Depending on the shape of the output signal, it can be either sinus or rectangular (or trapezoidal).
    Advantages of line – interactive when aligned with a backup DBZ: less hour of switching to autonomous operation from batteries, stabilization of the output voltage level. Disadvantages: lower efficiency per hour of operation during the cutoff, higher price (combined with the offline type), poor surge filtration (impulse overvoltage).
  3. DBZh with sub-dilutions(English: double-conversion UPS, online). The most functional and expensive type of DBZh. Uninterruptible operation before switching on at any time. The incoming sinus stream passes through a rectifier, is filtered, and then again inverted by a changer. A DC/DC converter can be installed at the end of the stationary jet. Since the inverter is always running, the delay in switching to the battery life mode is practically zero. Stabilization of the output voltage during voltage sags or dips is more clear, as opposed to stabilization line - interactive DBZ. CCD can be in the range of 85%÷95%. The output voltage often has a sine wave form (harmonic ratio<5%).

    Rice. 3 Functional diagram of one of the online options DBZH in Fig. Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the online DBZ option. In Merezheva, the tension here is straightened like a straightened straightener. The impulse voltage is filtered and then inverted. Online DBZ schemes may have one or more so-called bypasses (bypass switches). The function of such a switch is similar to the function of a relay: switching the current supply for operation in a battery or directly in a circuit.
    Based on the online structure, not only low-power single-phase, but also triphasic DBZh industries are created. The uninterrupted power supply of large file servers, medical equipment, and telecommunications operates also on the basis of the online structure of the DBZ.
  4. Special types of DBZ. Other specific types of DBJ are being explored. For example, ferroresonance did not guarantee uninterrupted life. In this DBZ, a special transformer accumulates a charge of energy that can be drained for an hour of switching life between the batteries. In the same way that the energy of the DBZ elements is generated, the mechanical energy of the superflywheel is generated.

Main characteristics of DBZh.

  1. Pushing. Units of voltage: volt-ampere (VA), watt (W), volt-ampere reactive (VAr). It is clear that S is active, P is active and Q is reactive. Ribbon, which connects with tension
    Pushing active(W) is spent on the core work, reactive (VAr) is not spent on the core work. Apparently, the full pressure is the maximum pressure, as the mother’s body is responsible for providing the necessary energy. The setting of active exertion to the maximum shows the intensity of the available electrical energy and is called the power factor (PF):
    (Lamps for frying, heating) is PF=1, the intensity is still active. PCs, microfiber stoves, air conditioners are toweled.
    Get an uninterrupted life supply for your computer (two PCs + two monitors). The complexity of the PC is easy to evaluate, knowing the complexity of the insurance plan. Let your PC have 450 W power supply units installed (power is active). With an unknown PF for a PC with a life block without PFC (Power Factor Corrector), PF can be taken equal to 0.65. Similarly, the PF of the monitor is taken to be equal to 0.65. Active pressure is 50 W. As a result, the work force of the co-worker is actively active (two work places)
    Р=450+50+450+50=1000 W
    Full tension (from formula 2):
    S = P / PF = 1000/0.65 = 1538 (VA).
    If the power supply units (BP) of the PC and the monitor are equipped with a tension factor corrector (PF=1), then the full tension S is more active.
    S=P=1000 (VA)
    To achieve the desired appearance of the PC, you can insure the DBJ without reserve of effort, based on the current facts:
  • Computer blocks of life are protected from vantage. In other words, a PC cannot handle the pressure greater than the stated pressure of a power supply.
  • Pressure on the life block – maximum pressure. In fact, in the unattended mode (immediately after startup), the PC maintains about 50% of its capacity.

Also, the required minimum parameters of the DBZh:

  • for PCs with life blocks without PFC - 1 kW/1540 VA.
  • for PC with living blocks with PFC - 1kW/1kVA.

For the first option, choose an uninterruptible power supply unit apc Smart-UPS C 2000VA (line-interactive DBZh 2 kVA/1.3 kW). For another - DBZh Ippon Smart Winner 1500 (1.35 kW) or Eaton 5SC 1500 VA (1.05 kW).
In case of degeneration, it is important to call for a short period of effort for such an operation as an electric motor. At the moment of starting the jet, Istart is five, seven times higher than the nominal In:

Features of stagnation.

The uninterrupted life cycle for a combustion boiler, as well as the uninterrupted life cycle for gas boilers, may be specific due to the operating modes of the neutral conductor. Most often, boiler automation will require connection to the neutral limit. On the right, the lancet control of the half-pin of the connections to grounding and in the four-conductor circuit 220V neutral conductor and grounding of the boiler in the terminal frame are short-circuited through physical ground. However, when the neutral is broken or when the zero is mechanically connected to the zero of the life measure (autonomous robot offline DBZ), the half-control lance appears to be broken. Possible solutions to solve this problem:


The first point in choosing a solution for uninterrupted life is the nature of the environment (DBZ for a computer, for combustion boilers...). For general use and devices that replace the electric motors of the alternating jet, you should choose roads and functional online DBZ. For PCs and office equipment, use cheaper line-interactive or back IPB. The next step to choosing is calculating the workload and hours of work on the DBZ batteries. It is also important to note the possibility of vicorising a scratchy zero. When forming the final solution, the popularity of brands in the market is determined: the leader APC accounts for approximately 50% of all sales, followed by Ippon, Eaton Powerware, and Powercom.

It is difficult to bring the electrical lines of Russian places up to date. The installation is outdated, repairs are not carried out, power surges have become the norm. All defects and problems have a negative impact on the work of employees. Unknown electrical life is especially bad for computer and microprocessor devices, causing not only a failure, but also a further waste of productivity. Unfortunately, power supply due to such fluctuations is often not protected and the problem can be solved in the course of uninterrupted life. According to the configuration of the phases of outputs and inputs, DBZ are divided into two types: single-phase input-output and three-phase input-output.

What is needed is DBZh

Our first priority with these devices is to ensure that the equipment is damaged and that electronic systems do not malfunction. They allow you to correctly complete the work if the electrical connection is unsatisfactory.

In addition, DBZ is successfully followed by interruptions and electrical faults, which periodically fail at home and work circuits. Among them, the most common ones are:

  • Voltage failure. In this case, the entire voltage decreases raptically by a significant amount. To update the required different hour intervals, in some cases - tens of seconds. The reason for the failures is most often associated with the limited work of the substation, especially the collection, as well as with the launch and further work of the hard work. Physically, low voltage is manifested by the appearance of flickering light bulbs.
  • Voltage impulse. In this case, the voltage changes sharply, with an amplitude of up to 2000 volts, and then reaches its peak level in just a short hour. This requires no more than 10 milliseconds. The main reason for the importance of the work of industrial equipment, air conditioners, elevators, lightning discharges, etc.
  • Sustained tension for a short hour. This interval should be no more than 20 milliseconds and practically imperceptible. Tim is no less, there is a negative flow on the electronic device
  • There was a lot of tension for three hours. This period can range from 20 milliseconds to several years. The reason is excessive ventilation, unfavorable weather conditions and physical damage at substations through which power lines are connected.
  • Change the frequency for a short period of time until more power is connected. Negative influx and radio frequency noise are generated when radio transmissions, generators, generators and industrial equipment are connected.

Companies that produce electronics conducted research, as a result of which it was clear that every month, a personal computer at least 120 times succumbs to various negative influences, as well as other problems associated with ugs in electric merezhs.

Main functions of DBZ

It is obvious that problems that regularly arise in electrical circuits require uninterrupted life to carry out a number of important functions aimed at their elimination and avoidance of negative influences.

The purpose of uninterrupted life lies in the offensive actions:

  • Filter live voltage, reduce noise.
  • Short-term tensions fade, they are intense and insignificant.
  • Protect from short flashing and revanting.
  • Depending on the voltage, the circuits will ensure the availability of backup power for the specified period of time.

The most advanced models of uninterruptible power supply units can work in addition to specialized software designed to control these devices:

  • Navigation is activated and follows the commands of the internal timer exactly at the set hour.
  • If the voltage fails, the device will be automatically serviced and restarted after normal operation is resumed.
  • Emergency situations are observed and various warning signals are seen.
  • The display of the device shows the voltage and frequency of the alternating current in this range, as well as the output voltage and tension that is associated with pressure.
  • Monitoring and recording of data will be carried out to the fullest extent possible. This includes battery temperature, charge level and other performance characteristics.

The original scheme of robotic devices for uninterrupted life

Most DBZ are equipped with the following components consistent with their operating circuits:

  • An inverter, which helps form a sine wave.
  • Rechargeable batteries that store electricity.
  • Electronic circuit for controlling all processes.
  • Security software.
  • Device for charging the battery.

Whenever you need a device, you can organize remote access using additional local barriers. The reliability and feasibility of the scheme is determined by the way it is reserved.

Uninterrupted life can be achieved in the following operating modes:

  • Charging period. The sinusoidal circuit at the input and output is transferred to the structure of the internal jumper of the device. The rechargeable battery is connected to the rectifier and is charged until the optimal capacity is restored.
  • Ready hour. After the charging of the battery is completed, the internal jumper of the device will automatically close. The battery goes into buffer mode and maintains readiness until further use.
  • Discharge period. The battery is automatically switched to live mode, leading to continuous discharge.

Technical characteristics

All devices for uninterrupted life have a wide range of technical characteristics. The smells vary depending on individual parameters, depending on the design and modification of any other equipment.

Each of them has different input voltage ranges if the DBZ operates without affecting the used battery. As a reminder, larger ranges reduce battery operating hours, thereby increasing their service life. In addition, they continue to supply life to the vantage point at a time when, with a smaller range of DBZ, they switch to the battery, they quickly discharge it and cancel the vantage.

For all UPS, the output voltage changes whenever the input voltage changes. Then you need to be careful on such a level, so that the connected equipment can work normally. Reduced output voltage can often lead to robot failures and data loss. Translation gives the same results, and is complemented by the release of victorious vantage.

Of great importance is the ability to switch between the transition processes on the battery and back, since you don’t have to pay attention and switch correctly in a short period of time. The UPS frequency is correctly synchronized to the current main frequency. In times of emergency, a special signal is given along with additional light and sound indications. The device itself becomes unstable during operation and the battery becomes unstable, and the operator is responsible for changing the voltage at any time.

Many devices can be turned on in the so-called cold start mode, if the voltage is the main mode of life. This function depends on the power supply if it is necessary to terminate any operation with electronic equipment.

Single-phase input - output (1ph/1ph or 1:1)

Single-phase uninterrupted life supply units were divided for single-phase power supply. They reliably destroy the electrical system, which requires changes to the extent of electrical life, in case of any problems with the circuit (for example, lack of activity and voltage imbalance, suppression of high-frequency transients).

This maintains the output voltage, as there are problems with the input voltage due to the vicarious energy of the rechargeable batteries (depletion, loss, distortion). Single-phase DBJ stagnates with many information technology devices and connections.

Triphase input - output (3ph/3ph or 3:3)

Triphasic types of uninterrupted life cycles require continuous celiac work. The devices are suitable for three-phase power supply, which are rated for 3x380 V and for single-phase supply voltage, which operates at 220 V. Three-phase UPS maintains the necessary output voltage. Stinks are found in banks, billing centers, medical centers, transport, etc.

See your uninterrupted life

Based on its type, the environment for uninterrupted life is divided into three categories.

Interactive DBZ (line-interactive)

This is the best option for the home, where the voltage is unstable and often disappears. The comparison with other species has two important aspects. First of all, they have a lot more speed, in 2-5 milliseconds. On the other hand, first of all, try to adjust the voltage so that it works effectively with small cuts. As a result, the battery life is shortened, saving a lot of money. This is an ideal option for home cooking.

These devices have a more foldable circuit that includes a voltage stabilizer with an autotransformer, which has a step-frequency regulation function. They should also adjust the value of the output voltage, otherwise they cannot control the frequency of the signals. Complete stabilization is impossible with few adjustments.

More expensive types of models are equipped with inverters with transfer switches. When switching to battery life, they produce a higher level of liquid compared to other devices.

Offline service for uninterrupted life DBZ (off-line)

Cheapest type. The principle of operation is that once the voltage is cut, the voltage supply is transferred to the battery. This type has significant shortcomings. The first, after an hour of application, will be around 10 milliseconds. Another, if you have a constant voltage surge in your home, the UPS often switches to battery life, which will significantly reduce its resource and have to be replaced after a few months.

Online DBJ (on-line)

The most expensive and most effective means of uninterrupted life. In real time, it regulates the voltage, switching to the battery only in the most difficult situations. It is often difficult for servers that require high-quality life. The battery is permanently connected to the circuit and does not require any additional switching.

How to choose a preferred DBZ

Before choosing a device, it is necessary to determine which electrical problems will be most pressing.

For residents of new areas, located in great places, the simplest offline devices will be sufficient. In these places, new lines have been laid, so the voltage seems to be stable. Therefore, in addition to the DBZ, it is recommended to add a hemlock filter whenever possible. It cannot be connected before the output of the uninterruptible network, in order to avoid interference with the flow signals. When choosing options for uninterrupted life for offices and large local networks, you can choose from any of the options considered above, depending on the minds of operation.

By selecting a system of uninterrupted life (USL), you should take into account the following parameters and technical characteristics:

  • The amount of output pressure
  • The hour required to switch from battery to battery and back.
  • The hour of work in offline mode depends on the capacity of the batteries and the strength of the equipment connected to the UPS.
  • The width of the input voltage range, if it is possible to stabilize the life without bridging on the battery.
  • The term of operation of batteries should be set to an average of 5 to 10 years.

Electrical power supply can be characterized not only by the magnitude of the voltage, but also by the high reliability of its supply. This itself is the main power and strength. Power outages, both in everyday life and in power generation, lead to waste. Since the information on the computer may not be saved, then in the industry this can often lead to material costs and a decrease in the quality of products or to a loss. It is clear that all electrical systems are divided into categories based on the reliability of their power supply, and the third category of residents cannot boast of uninterrupted power supply. In order to protect the gap from power outages, special uninterrupted life devices were installed.

What is it about uninterrupted life that they see?

A source of uninterrupted life is a device designed to ensure the safety of people living in the event of a short-term shutdown of the main power supply. Additional requirements also include protection from the overload of the lanyards of the changeable flow, and a strengthening of the characteristics of the life stress in the required boundaries. For small apartments and buildings, a short-term voltage supply in the middle of the body is a waste of data, which would not be saved. Even if you spend a whole day writing your thesis, all your work may be reduced by stress or reduced voltage by at least a little bit. Unfortunately, if the power supply is turned off, it can lead to freezing and damage to the entire system. There is a need for water scorching, spraying, and robotic pumps to ensure water circulation. An uninterrupted life cycle protects the remaining electrical energy by connecting to the installation of rechargeable batteries, which ensures that the voltage level is maintained at the required intervals for a short period of time. In this case, the stench is also equipped with a signaling light and sound mechanism, in order to immediately alert those entering before escaping an emergency situation. For people who work on a computer, it is trivial to save data on a hard drive or flash drive.

Providing uninterrupted life will also help solve other electrical problems, such as:

  • Reduced voltage frequency. The voltage frequency at all ends of the SND is 50 Hz. Not a lot of people know that when you change this parameter, the electrical equipment will not work stably or may go wrong.
  • Reduced stress or increased activity. This is the most extensive option for power supply reduction. And as the sun rises, the total pressure of all electrical appliances gradually increases in the skin, which, undoubtedly, affects all levels of electrical supply.

Uninterrupted life systems are divided into:

  1. centralized, installed to ensure the reliability of food storage of the whole cabin and on top;
  2. divisions that will ensure the work of a particular booth or electrical installation.

The design and operating principle of the DBZ are divided into:

  1. Off-line UPS or backup. The principle of operation of such a device is directly based on the reconnection of the reserve autonomous device for life in case of an emergency situation. Because of the supplied battery and the inverter, the inverter itself converts the constant voltage, which is seen as a battery, into the necessary supply for the operation of electrical appliances.
  2. Linear-interactive type. There is also a stabilizer in its discharged state, which operates during all operation and includes rechargeable batteries only at the same voltage level or when it decreases to these values, when the Elimination is no longer possible. The stabilizer, in its turn, can be mounted on an autotransformer or on conductor devices. Stabilization on the conductor devices is enhanced by noiseless operation and large regulation intervals. To switch the windings of the autotransformer, relays are used, which, when applied, produce sound and therefore almost human hearing.

Dzherelo uninterrupted life 12 Volt

However, uninterrupted food supply may be necessary to ensure voltage protection of the singing systems:

  1. Control systems and access management. Such as electric door drives, gates, etc., which can demarcate or allow people access to the territory that is protected;
  2. Video security systems;
  3. Fire extinguishing systems;
  4. Carnage security systems.

All these types of stench are intended for use under a constant voltage of 12 Volts. In order to ensure uninterrupted life of this nature, we can provide the necessary systems and devices, especially in the event of a complete breakdown of the entire facility. Recharging of the supplied batteries is carried out steadily under normal voltage conditions. Due to the design of the 12V uninterruptible power supply unit, batteries can be connected to the robot at different voltage drop intervals. The hour of such interruption may be subject to the operation of the systems that are in use, and it is clearly indicated in the DBZ passport. Most often video cameras, electromechanical switching mechanisms can easily withstand high voltages for 1 ms.

Activation of the offline mode of life may be triggered not only by disconnections or decreases in voltage, but also by other shifts. This feature prevents electrical components from burning out and going wrong. One of the required additional functions of fire safety systems is notification of personnel by an alarm signal and interaction with other security systems. One of the great features of all autonomous 12-volt power generators is their compact size, which allows them to be wall-mounted. A housing for which it has special fastening elements or openings.

When servicing such devices, be sure to ensure that the batteries are not damaged enough. Some models are equipped with a battery testing mechanism, while others require replacement of the skin. Dzherelo of uninterrupted life 12In this particular type of this property, which is due to the vitrimuvati trival of electrical life.

Promislove dzherelo uninterrupted life

In the vibrator industry, vikoryst is used for life not in a single-phase, but in a triphasic mode, which has greater vigor and a shorter coefficient of koris action. Three-phase lancets are used to power most electric motors installed in many industrial systems. Therefore, in such situations, in order to change the circuit when the voltage is lost or changed, triphasic DBZ is used, of course, at a voltage of 380 Volts. The power of such devices is significantly higher than that of single-phase systems, so the dimensions also begin at 10 kVA.

Three-phase voltage generators for uninterrupted life can be connected to input three-phase or output single-phase voltage. With the dimensions of such a device, the tension is significantly less, and here the result is the daily effect of phase imbalance.

In order to ensure uninterrupted life of the industrial product, it is also necessary to obtain a high room temperature, even in hot workshops it can reach more than 50 degrees.

Vibir for uninterrupted life

Just as before purchasing any electrical installation, so when choosing a DBZ, be sure to choose the right power supply carefully. Aspen criteria for choosing yours can be called the following parameters:

  1. The tension of possession that connects;
  2. The input and output voltage, and the possible variations in the magnitude and quantity of electrical energy that is supplied;
  3. Trival of robots in offline mode;
  4. Interval of increase in autonomous life when the voltage drops or when the voltage drops permanently;
  5. Functional and additional devices;
  6. I will adjust the size to fit your dimensions;
  7. Battery service term;
  8. The ability to turn it on without supplying an input voltage;
  9. The company is a virobnik.

The main components of a good DBJ

To ensure uninterrupted life at home, mothers have the following benefits:

  • Low level of noise both in autonomous and emergency mode;
  • Reliability;
  • Easy to use;
  • This is the most advanced robot mode in offline mode.
  • Compactness.

Expanded DBZ models

The market is dedicated to the uninterrupted life of good apologies and this device cannot be called scarce. Among the popular models, I would like to see a number that have shown themselves to work reliably and there are no particular complaints about their work:

Dzherela livestock of the STARK brand. The devices are not too heavy, so they can comfortably operate up to 3 kVA. Vikonani is based on a microprocessor, which is controlled by the robotic device. Switching from the operating mode is automatically initiated in 2-5 seconds. For one unit of equipment it is shown.

Luxeon. Their power is tens of kVA, so they can provide electricity to an entire apartment or small house with an hourly change in the voltage value.

SVEN is divided into DBZ of the RESERVE HOME series. This device has optimal characteristics for organizing uninterrupted electrical supply to an apartment or home. The use of vinaigrettes is known both to support the constant readiness of burning systems and for the organization of security and video precautions. I will install a good battery for uninterrupted life, so that you can provide backup food for your companions for a difficult period of time.

Video about IPB


The stable operation of computers and other office equipment depends on the existence of life within the limits before any connection. In the event of a power outage, the equipment simply stops functioning. In modern minds, this problem is easily resolved by connecting an uninterrupted life source. That's why there is a lot of food, if there is a need for food supply for the computer: why should you invest in the purchase of this equipment. What parameters and criteria should be used?

It is recommended that you first use this device for any purpose. If the problem lies solely in stabilizing the voltage limit, you can get by much simpler and cheaper. However, in case of regular power outages, you will definitely need a DBZ, which will need to be selected correctly for a particular computer.

Zastosuvannya DBZh u pobuti

Before the basics of non -betrayals, the resource of the permissions of the crush, the reality of the ears of the Impulsi Pereshkoda, the short -standing of the trigger, the bosocre Pereshkodi, for the vicoroster, Vicoristani DBZh, is. These devices ensure uninterrupted operation of computer technology for several days up to one year.

The scheme for uninterrupted life is selected depending on the operation, the time of switching between the power supply to the battery and back, as well as the service life of the battery itself.

DBZ for home computer

First add the same device to see how DBJ works. This block has a sensor installed that continuously checks the characteristics of the flow and voltage levels. As the parameters begin to increase or fall quickly, he turns on the computer in the middle and immediately switches it to the spare power supply.

When the spare reactor is re-microcircuited, the DBZ emits light and sound signals. In addition, most importantly, DBZ is a program that allows you to automatically turn off the computer when the battery charge is depleted. When the power supply comes back on, the sensor signals the power supply and switches the computer to live mode and recharges the battery again.

Rechargeable batteries that are used in devices are rated for low voltage. To extract the operating value behind the additional inverter, its transformation is converted into a sine wave. At the same time, the battery voltage moves and aligns with the rated voltage. In this way, the battery is always ready for operation and is switched intermittently, if necessary.

During operation, ensure that DBJ at nominal pressure can only last for a short hour. During this period, you can save your data and turn on your computer correctly. During operation, re-vandalization is not allowed; in these cases, the lock immediately turns off the output to the device. These problems are easily caused by increased battery capacity and inverter load.

What kind of DBZ vibrati for a computer

There are different types of devices for the uninterrupted life of computer technology. Stinks are classified according to the principle of action and are divided into three main types:

  • Reserve DBZ. It will become stagnant if there is a strong drop in voltage, or it will happen every day. In this case, there is a re-miceration on the batteries of the backup DBZ. The interruption occurs even quickly - for 10 milliseconds or less, which does not disrupt the uninterrupted operation of the computer. When overmicking occurs during voltage cuts, it is recommended to replace the stabilizer. This allows you to increase the service life of the battery. The main thing is to choose a source of uninterrupted life, a trace of memory, so that this device has a wide expansion and therefore equals low noise, high efficiency and low noise level. The device can be used offline for 5-15 minutes. When choosing a purchase, it is recommended to keep a reserve of no more than 20-30%.
  • Linear-interactive DBZ. The design of these devices is supplemented with a voltage stabilizer, which makes them more functional and expensive. The reconnection to the batteries is only possible when there is no electricity, so the operation of the batteries is more problematic. In offline mode, linear-interactive DBZs work up to 20 times. The smells are distinguished by increased economics and a higher level of protection. From a short distance, notice the noise generated by the stabilizer cooling fan.
  • DBZh with double voltage reversals. Lies to the category of the most foldable and shortest road devices. During the robotic process, the changeable flow is transformed into a permanent one, and then again into a changeable one. The output voltage becomes 220 V and is characterized by an ideal sinusoid. The batteries are constantly present when the power is turned on, so there is no need to switch the power supply. Most importantly, if you choose DBZ for your computer due to its tightness, it is necessary to ensure that the device ensures the uninterrupted operation of expensive equipment that must fail for a short hour. In short, there is a low efficiency factor, high heat output, and a high level of heat and noise.

When purchasing this or that device, it is necessary to pay attention to its main authority. The voltage of the DBZ itself is expressed in volt-amperes (VA), and the voltage of the connected computer is expressed in watts (W). You can convert one value to another using an additional coefficient of 0.7. For example, if the voltage of the device is 1000 VA, then you get 1000 x 0.7 = 700 W. In order to maintain the voltage reserve up to this DBZ, the voltage can be connected within 500 W.

In addition, the problem of choosing a DBZ for a computer is due to the lack of respect for the triviality of an autonomous robot at maximum intensity, the visibility or absence of protection from short circuits of the DBZ itself and the connected equipment. It is recommended to check with the dealer for information regarding the possibility of replacing the battery, checking the visibility of the display and other specific elements.

How to select a DBZ for a computer for tension

It’s often the diet that’s to blame, why is the mother DBJ to blame for the tension? The more energy the computer has, the more tension is to blame for the mother’s life block and, apparently, the DBZ. Most models show voltage in terms of watts and volt-amperes.

It is easy to increase the tension of the DBZ for the computer, multiplying the tension of the monitor and the living block at 1.6. Let’s assume that the energy consumption of your monitor and the power supply unit is equal to 200 W. In this case, you will need an uninterrupted power supply with a power rating of 320 VA (1.6x200). For greater reliability, increase the value by one third. The result is a value of approximately 400 VA. Then just look for the model yourself with such effort.

Some business owners have a problem with the breakdown of tension on the computer. For this purpose it is necessary to calculate the tension of the thrust, which is not responsible for 70% of the pressure of the BDZ at the exit. For example, the power consumption of the processor should be 65 W, the video card – 170 W, the motherboard – 40 W, the DVD drive – 20 W, the HDD – 40 W, and other devices – 30 W. The amount of potential waste is mentally taken to be 20%. Thus, the power of the computer without spending will be up to 365 W, and with spending – 438 W. Therefore, the source of uninterrupted life that is bathing is subject to voltage pressure in the range of 500-620 W.

Connecting a device for uninterrupted life for a computer

Sometimes computer equipment owners run out of power, how do you install the power supply? It is necessary to connect the uninterruptible power supply to the mains power outlet, and then insert the fuse plugs of the devices that you intend to protect from power outages into the sockets located on your body. . In order to ensure uninterrupted life, the automatic shutdown of the computer and other functions of the computer that operate on an additional PC are supported, which is also connected to the system unit, usually using an additional USB cable.

There are a number of connection options via volts, which compensates for differences from 140 to 260 volts. This method is the most frequently used, so we will look at it in the report. Stabilizer cream, a mesh filter is required. Before connecting, please clarify the parameters of all warehouses. The tension of the stabilizer and DBZ are approximately equal, and the tension of DBZ is responsible for the tension of the computer life block.

Connection procedure:

  • The voltage stabilizer is connected to the edge, after which the edge filter is connected.
  • After this, the DBZ itself is connected to the mesh filter. There is a button on the body of the device that presses and releases until the power indicator lights up.
  • Next to the DBZ, a computer is connected, either a system unit or a monitor. If additional outputs are available, you can connect stoppers, a printer, or other equipment.

The systems for uninterrupted life are equipped with software that needs to be properly configured after connection. On the heating panel, in the “Electrical life” section, after installing the device, the DBZ window will appear next to it. You need to adjust all the necessary parameters depending on the complexity of the computer and the mind of its operation.

The article looks at the types of DBZ, the principles of operation of DBZ, and also shows the output voltage using real oscillograms.

For starters, there’s not a lot of fancy terminology. We also call the uninterrupted life supply unit (abbreviated as DBZ) UPS, from the English shorthand Uninterruptable Power Supply (uninterruptible life supply unit). To those who think it is better, UPS and DBZh. I statistically call it this way and that way.

What you need is UPS (DBZ)

The principle of operation of the DBZh is revealed in the name - this is the same device, at the output of which the voltage is always. But here we have gathered the technologists-realists and understand that nothing is eternal, so let’s understand the principle of the matter below.

DBZ is mainly used there, where power loss can cause negative consequences. For example, the life of computers and servers, the life of devices connecting and distributing signals (routers), the life of devices, the automatic restart (restart) of which is impossible without human participation.

As my reader, I further examined the DBZ for a strategically important system (2 servers, etc.). In addition, by improving the circuit and adding the ability to replace a primary car battery.

For everyday speeches, here we are in front of the computer and systems of scorching.

It is understood that DBZ are selected for the hour of work on the 10th-15th, rarely until the afternoon. It is expected that the food service will show up within this hour, or the person (operator) will carry out the necessary actions (saving data, call the energy service of the enterprise, complete the technological process).

DBZh cannot be seen as a reserve dzherelo zhizhvennya. It is also an emergency device, and in the shortest period it occurs only rarely, in general no more than 10 drinks per river (a few times, for an hour no more than a week). Since it’s a busy time, it’s time to think about the increased power of electricity.

As a backup source of life, you can use such elements as can replace your main meal at a critical time, from several years to several days. This could be another line (amazing article about), a wind generator. Theoretically, DBZ can be used for these purposes, but for this purpose batteries of high capacity are required, which is in line with the price of such a system.

See your uninterrupted life

You can see (types) DBZh have an anonymous name, but there are three of them. Let's figure it out.

Well, there are three main types of BDZ:

Back UPS

Other equivalent names - Off-line UPS, Standby UPS, standby UPS. The most advanced UPS available for most types of consumer and computer equipment.

Back simply interrupts the voltage supply to the batteries when the voltage goes beyond the boundaries. The lower limit for some models is close to 180V, the upper limit is close to 250V. Switch to the battery and back - with hysteresis. For example, with a reduced transition to the battery it will be at 180 or less, and back at 185 or more. The same principle applies to all types of BDZ.

Chimos guess, yake turns on navantazhenya, but Back UPS does not turn on, but mumbles battery, which allows it to be used for many hours.

Smart UPS

Other names – Line-Interactive, DBZ interactive type. They didn't go far to follow the principle of back.

Smart UPS operates smarter, as the name suggests. The internal autotransformer also over-micerates, thus stabilizing the input voltage. It’s best to switch to a battery.

Thus, the output voltage rate is maintained at higher input voltages (150...300V). The autotransformer has a number of stages of reconnection, so the Smart UPS continues to reconnect the autotransformer circuits, turning on the battery at the same time. This allows you to protect the battery by including it in the robot without permanent loss of life.

This device is responsible for the gradual alternation of autotransformer windings. With this difference, when leaving the work boundaries, the stabilizer will be powerless, and our “wise one” will insert a battery into the robot and life will not be lost.

Online UPS

Other names - online, a source of uninterrupted life with advanced transformations, inverter. A completely different principle of action for lovers of pure sine. The energy from the input is converted into a constant voltage and goes to the inverter, which generates a pure sine wave. І overnight – maintains the battery at 100% readiness. If necessary, the inverter will continue to operate on its own, as long as it remains connected to the battery.

Used for emergency use of equipment that is sensitive to the shape of the output voltage - for example, gas boilers, servers, professional audio-video equipment and other strategically important equipment.

There are two downsides to online DBZ – price and cash register. EAC is low, because such DBZ of inclusions in the robot is constant, which stands out from the name. To be replaced by two other types.

There are different types of online UPS, which are called “short zero”, for the correct operation of gas electric boilers. This is due to the fact that such boilers are sensitive to real zero, for proper combustion.

Follow-up of DBZ with the help of an oscillograph

And now - it’s perfect.

Output voltage Back UPS

Checking the data from the Fluke 124 oscillograph. Oscillograms (pulse shape and vibration at the ups output) and comment below.

What can be seen from this hourly diagram? Period 20ms, frequency 50Hz, amplitude 315V. Varto means that the phase of the sine and the pulses that are generated is avoided, which is better. When the boundary voltage is lost, the BDZ interferes for 5-7 ms, and then pulses occur, which are called “quasi-sine”. Stink Axis:

Back UPS. The output voltage is during the battery life.

The oscilloscope measured the RMS voltage (mean square), and it corresponds to the norm. However, if I measured the voltage with a multimeter, I found a value of 155 V. Why is there low voltage at the UPS output?

On the right is that the multimeter vibrates the first harmonic with a frequency of 50 Hz. For the sine everything is smooth. If you want to reduce the voltage of such pulses, you need to measure the RMS itself, mean square, otherwise the attack harmonics - 100, 150, 200 Hz - will not be protected. And the smell increases the energy level up to 30%. UPS generators know this feature, and so as not to be fooled (and not to inflate the price of their devices), they see on our devices such pulses with an amplitude of approximately 370V.

More details about the value of mean square non-sinusoidal voltage in the video:

The axis of the enlarged graph shows that the voltage, after the re-mixing, initially moves for a second to 400V, and then stabilizes:

Back UPS. Exit, duration 2 seconds

And the axis changes the shape of the voltage at the output of the Back-UPS at the moment of transition from the battery to the grid:

Back UPS, – Voltage at the output of the DBZ during the transition from the battery to the boundary. Pulse shape at the ups output

The current phase does not change, everything is miraculous. By connecting the DBZ to the output, switching the life modes back and forth - the trigger of reliably drawing in everyday problems.

How to test the DBZh APC Back-500-RS, parameters in the photo below:

Back UPS parameters - rear panel

Output voltage Smart UPS

Now, to complete the picture, I’ll use oscillograms to show the voltage at the output of the Smart UPS. Tested using UPS Ippon Smart Power Pro 1000.

Smart UPS_Merezha-battery

The mixing hour is also for all daily faulty equipment - less than 7 ms.

I did not hesitate to smoothly change the voltage at the input, since there was no such mark. I appreciate that in this situation the Intelligent DBZ operates in the same way as a relay voltage stabilizer.

These investigations were carried out within the framework of the industrial refrigerator project.