Excel does not work with formulas in the middle. Why bother, because Excel does not value or it incorrectly values ​​the sum. Tributes of one type are put out individually in different stacks

Maybe they copied the table into Excel, but the numbers are not important in it, formulas do not work inExcel. One of the reasons may be that the meaning of middles in text format. Apparently, Excel has two formats - the middle format and the value format. Read more about this in the article “Convert a date into Excel text.”
Well, let's take a look, why inExcel doesn't work with formula.
You need to add the top numbers in the middle. In the middle, the meanings are written in text format with non-directional signs placed between the rows. We need to convert the text value format into a numeric one and see the first number in the market. We have copied the same table from 1C.
First stage.
Converts the values ​​of middles into a number format.
We can see the commercials. On the “Head” tab in the “Editing” section, click on the “Find” button.
In the dialog box, put “whom” in the “Know” row. We do not put anything in the “Replace” row.
Click on the “Replace All” button. Viide so.
Another stage.
In the “Know and Replace” window (we didn’t clean it up and lost the middle of the video), put a dot in the “Know” row. And in the “Replace” row we put someone. We press “See everything”.

It turned out like this.
Select the “Find and Replace” window.
Third stage.
How to see the first number in the marketExcel.
In the middle of B1 we write the following formula. \u003d LEFTSYMBOL (A1; SHUKATI (SYMBOL (10); A1) -1)
With this formula we saw the first number in the middle. We copy the formula from the counter. It turned out like this.
In the middle of B4 we wrote the folding formula. \u003d B1 + B2 + B3
Autosum does not work, but formulas written manually work.
In Excel, you can insert a message into the middle of a message on another ark, range, middle, site, etc. When you click on a message, Excel will follow it. Ale, how can you see the middle itself, so it’s not overpowering? Read the article about this "

You can customize the display of zero values ​​in the client, or you can select a set of formatting standards in the table that allows you to capture zero values. You can display and accept null values ​​in a variety of ways.

Acquisition or display of all zero values ​​on the arkush

    Oberit file > parameters > dodatkovo.

    In the group

    • Show zeros in the middle to prevent zero values.

Prikhovuvannya zero values ​​in the seen middles

These will include zero values ​​in the visible cells using a suitable number format. The entered values ​​are displayed only in the row of formulas and are not displayed on others. If the values ​​in one of the middles change to zero, they will be converted to the middle, and the format of the value will be similar to the original numeric format.

Images of the worshipers meaning.

    See numbers with added zero values.

    You can press the keys CTRL + 1 or on deposit Golovna click Format\u003e Cell format.

    To set the number format assigned to the procedure, select Number\u003e Zagalny and press the button OK.

Prikhovuvannaya zero values, rotated by the formula

    on deposit Golovna Washroom format And select “Rules for seeing middles”\u003e “So it is.”

    In the left field enter 0 .

    In the right field select Appointments for koristuvach format.

    In the field commercial format open the tab font.

    In the list color select white color and press the button OK.

Display of zeros in the view of clearings or dashes

For the best results, use the YAKSCHO function.

If the box contains zero values, to reverse the empty bucket, use a formula, such as this:

YAKSCHO (A2-A3 \u003d 0; ""; A2-A3)

Axis how to read the formula. If the calculation result (A2-A3) is equal to “0”, nothing is displayed, including “0” (which is indicated by the sliding tabs “”). In the other case, the result of calculation A2-A3 is displayed. If you need not to leave the middle empty, but to display something other than “0”, insert a hyphen “-” or another symbol between the folding tabs.

    Select from the given table.

    on deposit analysis at the group The table has been created parameters and select the item parameters.

    Go to tab Layout and format

    • Change of variety of pardons In the field format install ensign For mercy, display

      Changing the display of empty cages install ensign For empty cages, display

The need to display zero values ​​(0) on arches will not arise again. You will need formatting standards for either the formatting or processing of null values, and there are a number of ways to implement all of these possibilities.

    Oberit file > parameters > dodatkovo.

    In the group Show parameters for the stepping sheet Select a sheet, then select one of these actions.

    • To display zero values ​​(0) in the middle, set the ensign Show zeros in the middle to prevent zero values.

      To display zero values ​​in the appearance of empty cells, remove the proportion Show zeros in the middle to prevent zero values.

    You can press the keys CTRL + 1 or on deposit Golovna click Format\u003e Cell format.

    In the field Type enter 0;-0;;@


    When you arrive, the values ​​are displayed only in the row of formulas or in the trade where you edit them instead. It’s important not to fight.

    To display the received values ​​again, see the checkboxes, and then press the keys CTRL + 1 or on deposit Golovna at the group middles move the mouse cursor over the element format and select cell format. To add the number format to the list Category Oberit Zagalny. To display the date and hour again, select the appropriate date and hour format on the tab number.

    See the box to set the value to zero (0).

    on deposit Golovna at the group styles Click on the arrow to select an element Washroom format, Hover over an element Rules for seeing middles and select an option Just like that.

    In the left field enter 0 .

    In the right field select Appointments for koristuvach format.

    In the dialog box cell format open the tab font.

    In the field color select white color.

To complete this task, you need to quickly use the function YAKSCHO.


YAKSCHO function.

Adding zero values ​​to this table

    on deposit parameters at the group Table parameters Click on the arrow and command parameters and select the item parameters.

    Go to tab Layout and format, And then conclude the upcoming events.

    In the field format install ensign For mercy, display. Enter in the value field the value you need to enter instead of the benefits. To display the information on empty cells, remove all text from the fields.

    install ensign For empty cages, display. Enter in the field the value you need to enter in empty boxes. To ensure that the stinks are no longer empty, remove all text from the field. To display zero values, remove this order.

The need to display zero values ​​(0) on arches will not arise again. You will need formatting standards for either the formatting or processing of null values, and there are a number of ways to implement all of these possibilities.

Showing or capturing all zero values ​​on the arkush

Adding zero values ​​in the visible cells to an additional number format

These actions allow you to add zero values ​​in the visible middles. If the values ​​in one of the numbers become non-zero, the format will be similar to the original number format.

    See boxes that contain zero values ​​(0) that need to be added.

    You can press the keys CTRL + 1 or on deposit Golovna at the group middles click Format\u003e Cell format.

    In the field Type enter 0;-0;;@


Prikhovuvannya zero values, rotated by the formula, with the help of mental formatting

    See the box to set the value to zero (0).

    on deposit Golovna at the group styles Click on the arrow with the button Washroom format And select “Rules for seeing middles”\u003e “So it is.”

    In the left field enter 0 .

    In the right field select Appointments for koristuvach format.

    In the dialog box cell format open the tab font.

    In the field color select white color.

The correct formula for representing zeros in the appearance of clearings and dashes

To complete this task, you need to quickly use the YAKSCHO function.


To make this example easier to understand, copy it onto a blank sheet of paper.

copy of the butt

    See the butt of this article.

politely: Do not see the row or column headings.

Seeing the butt in the end

    Press CTRL + C keys.

    In Excel, create an empty workbook or sheet.

    Look at the A1 button and press the corresponding key CTRL + V.

politely: To ensure that the buttstock is properly assembled, it must be inserted into slot A1.

    To switch between viewing results and viewing formulas to rotate results, press CTRL + ` (vocal sign) or on tab formulas in the "Formula Locations" group, click the button Show formulas.

Having copied the butt onto a blank sheet, you can customize it as you need.

Additional information about the use of this function of the div. In statі Function YAKSCHO.

Adding zero values ​​to this table

    Click on the created table.

    on deposit parameters at the group Table parameters Click on the arrow and command parameters and select the item parameters.

    Go to tab Layout and format, And then conclude the upcoming events.

    Change the method of cultivating cakes. In the field format install ensign For mercy, display. Enter in the value field the value you need to enter instead of the benefits. To display the information on empty cells, remove all text from the fields.

    Change the method of displaying empty cells. install ensign For empty cages, display. Enter in the field the value you need to enter in empty boxes. To ensure that the stinks are no longer empty, remove all text from the field. To display zero values, remove this order.

Have you encountered the problem that Excel does not respect the formula? If this is so, then it is easy to divide this problem into two main reasons:

The first option - you entered the formula, it is displayed, but not entered.

Another option is that you entered the formula, it is applied, and then the result is obtained.

More details about skin lesions below:

You entered the formula, but it doesn’t show up, what’s on the right? Shvidshe for all middle format swidshe for all Text (right mouse button - Middle Format - Number tab - Text)

Set the format to Zagalny or Chislovy. Now you need to go to the middle and activate the formula - select it, go to the middle (F2) and press Enter.

“Hah,” you say, “So I have a thousand such rows.” Reasonable. For the first type of problem, there will be a green trikulet in the upper left corner of the middle, as Excel will ensure that the text entered in the middle is converted to a number format. Then, when choosing such a middle order, “The number is saved as a text” will appear at the end:

Now see all such middles and click on the menu item - turn it into a number. Ready. This same tool is available in Formulas - Checking the authenticity of benefits.

It turns out that the green trikutniki are not popular and will not come out. Exit also.

Just multiply each number by 1 in the middle / middle (for example, \u003d A1 * 1), you will get a number. Now you have numerical values ​​that you can copy somewhere for the future;)

Excel takes into account the formula, but it looks like a mistake

Yak buti here. I’ll first read about the pardons -. This statistic has a lot of problems. To deal with the formula, if there is a mixture in the structure, you need a special tool - Calculate the formula (Formula - Section of Formulas - Calculate the formula)

Once you select this command, a special window will open, for which you can enter the formula step by step. for example

Click Calculate and step by step you will see the results of the calculation. It’s even easier if you have 10 or more minds or formulas!

The formula doesn't work. Other types:

So, I’m stuck with the episodes, if the formula is not released, because when I switch on the mode, I’ll look at the formulas (Tape - Formulas - Section of Formulas - Show formulas)

Dosit often looks like a meal

Based on the evidence, such amends may be allowed. But most often the blame comes down to the fact that you put the bow in the wrong place - turn the arms over and put them in the right place - the stench for which is seen as a color.

Function mean()

A formula with such a function can also be used to convert text into a number. Report

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Excel cannot correctly evaluate a formula or worksheet function; It is not possible to represent the meaning of the mercy - for example, # IM'YA?, # NUMBER!, # mean!, # N/A, # EMPTY!, # POWERED! - in the middle, where the formula is known. rosebero tipi pardons in Excel, There are possible reasons, and how to solve them.

Mercy # IM'YA?

Pomilka # IM'YA It appears, if I, as a result of the formula, has been removed or has not been previously indicated.

Cause the blame pardons # ІМ'Я?:

  1. If the formula has names, it has been seen or not indicated.
Formulas in Excel - Variation of names for formulas

susunennya pardon: Please signify my name. How to earn money is described in this.

  1. Correction in the written function name:

Pomilki in Excel - Pomilka in the written function SEARCH

susunennya pardon: Check if the function is written correctly.

  1. There is a double sign (:) on the blanks sent to the range of omissions.

Compliments in Excel - Compliments in the written range of comments

susunennya pardon Adjust the formula. At the induced place \u003d SUM (A1: A3).

  1. The formula has a text that is not placed in the folding feet. Excel looks like a mess, So it accepts such text as it is.

Pardons in Excel - Pardons in combined text with a number

susunennya pardon: Place the formula text in the folding feet.

Pardons in Excel - Correctly arranging the text

Pomilka # NUMBER!

Pomilka # NUMBER! in Excel displayed if the formula contains an incorrect number. for example:

  1. You use a negative number if you need a positive number.

Corrections in Excel - Corrections in the formula, depending on the value of the argument in the Korin function

susunennya pardon: Check the correctness of the arguments entered into the function.

  1. The formula rotates a number that is either too large or too small, so that it can be displayed in Excel.

Compromises in Excel - Completion of the formula through too much significance

susunennya pardon: Adjust the formula so that the result is a number within the range of Excel.

Pardon # mean!

Dana pardon Excel is to blame for the problem if the introduction formula has an argument of unacceptable value.

Cause mercy #mean!:

  1. The formula is to remove the gaps, symbols or text, but the number is to blame for it. for example:

Calculations in Excel - Adding numeric and text values

susunennya pardon: Check the correctness of setting up the type of arguments in the formula.

  1. The argument of the input function is a range, and the function is passed the input of a single value.

Fixes in Excel - In the VLOOKUP function, a range is used as an argument, instead of one value

susunennya pardon: Insert the correct arguments into the function.

  1. When you select a formula in the array, press the Enter key and Excel enters the formula, so it accepts it as the original formula.

susunennya pardon: To complete the entry of the formula, use the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

Pardons in Excel - Wikoristannya formula masivu


Compliments in Excel - Compliance with the formula, through remote operator A

susunennya pardon: Change the formula.

Pardon # REFERENCE / 0!

Dana pardonExcel It is triggered when divided to zero, then if in the container of the accomplice, a message is sent to the middle, so as to place zero values, or sent to an empty box.

Pardons in Excel - Pardon # REFERENCE / 0!

susunennya pardon Adjust the formula.

Pardon #N/A

Pardon #N/A in Excel means that the formula has no available values.

Reasons for mercy #N/A:

  1. When the VLOOKUP, GLOOKUP, LOOKUP, SEARCH functions are selected, the invalid value search argument is selected:

Pomilki in Excel - There is no such value in the viewed array

susunennya pardon: Set the correct argument to the shukane value.

  1. Options for vikorystanny functions VPR or GPR.

susunennya pardon: Div. Ordination

  1. Grinding in robots with arrays: selection of unconventional size ranges. For example, the arguments to an array are smaller in size, and the resulting array is smaller:

Compounds in Excel - Compounds in the array formula

susunennya pardon: Adjust the range of the formula from the type of rows and columns or enter the array formula in which middles are rejected.

  1. The function does not have one or more required arguments specified.

Options in Excel - Options in the formula, no obligatory argument

susunennya pardon: Enter all required function arguments.

Pomilka # EMPTY!

Pomilka # EMPTY! in Excel It occurs when the formula has non-crossing ranges.

Calculations in Excel - Varying non-intersecting ranges in the SUM formula

susunennya pardon: Check whether the formula is written correctly.

Pomilka ####

Cause mercy

  1. The width of the sleeper is not enough to accommodate a bed.

Adjustments in Excel - Increasing the width of the sleeper to display the value in the middle

susunennya pardon: Increased width of sleepers / sleepers.

  1. In the middle, apply the formula that rotates the values ​​when expanding the date or hour. The date and hour in Excel are positive values.

Reminders in Excel - The difference in dates and years is not to blame for the negative

susunennya pardon: Check if the formula is written correctly, the number of days or years was a positive number.

How to find out the value in Excel

Let's say you have a lot of money and you need to know how much it is. The simplest way is that you can see the required calculations in the lower right corner of Excel, in the row, you add the amount of the value, their quantity and enter the arithmetic mean of the value.

If you want to withdraw the sum, you need to vikorize here or simply put it into the wallet, using the SUM function. You can operate either in manual mode or in automatic mode. See the required fields and click the “AutoSum” button, located in the “Head” tab. The formula with a breakdown will be able to appear in the next phase below what you have seen. To insert the sum in the right place, see any free box and type “\u003d SUM” in it without tabs, then use the mouse to see the required range and press Enter on the keyboard .

Why can't you save money in Excel?

And two of the most compelling reasons.

1. Incorrect shot separator. For example, in Windows there is a coma, but in the table you have a dot. Try replacing the sub sign for the value pair and adding them up. To ensure that you are logged in, go to the “Control Panel”, select “Local and Regional Standards” -\u003e “Additional Settings”:

2. Your entries are in text format and, in addition to numbers, they also contain signs, for example, gaps. See them and press the right mouse button. Select “Cell Format” in the menu and select the “Numeric” format, as this is not the case. Please note that besides the numbers in the middle there is nothing.

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