Managing additional components of Windows 10. How to enable or disable Windows components. Change of rights of koristuvach

The Programs and Components section of the Control Panel, in addition to remote programs, provides another opportunity to speed up your computer. We are talking about enabling non-Victorian components of the operating system.

At the same time, please pay attention to the fact that in the operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8, components are not removed from the computer at all, but rather operate in a way that allows you to utilize computer resources. At the same time, the Windows XP operating system transfers a number of components from the disk and in this way helps not only to free up processor resources and RAM, but also to increase the available disk space.

Whether you include these or other components, be careful not to over-mix anything else you may need. If you are not sure that you need to connect any other component, rather, fill in everything else.

To enable components on Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems, run Control panel, And then click on the icon Program and arrange. At the window, click on the message Turning on or off Windows components.

In the Windows Components window, you can install or uninstall system components that are installed or subdivided. You can select the various components by clicking on the + icon to easily open the list of components included in that group. These components can also be turned on if necessary.

Without harm, for the efficiency of the system, you can enable the following components:

  • Internet Explorer (if you do not use this browser, you can safely turn it on);
  • Telnet server;
  • Windows Search (if you do not use Windows search, you can easily enable this component);
  • Telnet client;
  • TFTP client;
  • Tablet PC component;
  • Windows gadget platform;
  • Unix add-on subsystem;
  • Chergi server notified to Microsoft;
  • Windows Activation Service;
  • Indexation Service;
  • Other document service (can be turned on if there is no connection to the computer or the printer is not enabled).

After selecting the required options, press the OK button. At some point the system will need to turn on the components, after which you will enter a dialogue on the screen with the option to restart the computer. Click the Re-Loan button now and wait until you re-Loan. The computer is ready for work.

Enabling components in Windows XP

This is how components are enabled in the Windows XP operating system. To enable the components of this system, select the following menu items: Start>>Control panel>>Installation and additional programs. At the window, press the button Installing Windows components.

The Windows Component Master window opens. Here, knowing and installing proportions, you can turn on and off various components. All components are in stock. If you click on such components with the mouse button, the button will become active stock. By pressing this button, you can increase the number of parts that make up each other component. And obviously, turn on all the parts.

So, if the vibration component Standard and Services programs, And then press the button stock, The window will open Standard services programs What will be the various elements that go into the components? These elements are also warehouse-like. For example, in element play includes many standard Windows games.

Without extensions, you can enable advanced elements of the Windows XP operating system.

  • Internet Explorer. If you use alternative browsers, this component can be disabled.
  • Internet Information Services. This may be beneficial to certain web developers, but, as a rule, they vikorize other software products. For other users, we can recommend including this component.
  • MSN Explorer. You can turn it on.
  • Outlook Express. If you are not using this email program, select this component.
  • Windows Messenger. At this time it’s practically impossible to vikorist, so you can turn it on.
  • Other services for accessing files and printers are included. If you do not work with operating systems of the UNIX family, then feel free to turn it on.
  • Please let me know. This component may be needed by web developers or network administrators. It is recommended for primary buyers to view this component.
  • updated packages. If you are currently using the Windows XP operating system, you are submitting your own safety information, as reported by the developer of this system, Microsoft Corporation. The right thing is that this system is no longer supported by the retailer and no updates are released for it. All current updates are still available for download and installation in the system. Once complete, this component can be safely turned off.
  • Windows Media Programmer. If you choose alternative programming, these components can be turned on.
  • terminal server. First of all, this component is connected. If you don’t know why you include this track, then don’t bother.
  • indexing service. If you don't like to search for searches, you can turn on this service.
  • fax service. Please don’t bother with vikoryism, you can turn it on.
  • Features of control and security. This may be of benefit to system administrators. It is recommended that the first user turn them off.
  • Standard and service programs. The functions of this folded component can be switched on. for example, play, You don’t play in them. About the inclusion of storage parts of the component is written more in this section.

Once you have obtained all the required proportions from the components, press the button far. When the system completes all necessary operations, a window with information about the process will appear. You need to press a button Ready. If necessary, the system can ask you to restart your computer. Allow her to earn some money.

Windows 10 has a lot of new features and all sorts of handy things, but you can also include some specific tools that are not so popular and therefore not included in the standard set of software.

You can add it or take it away, if you don’t need the stench. Here, for example, there are a lot of extras for working with the measure, so that admins can find some cool things, and maybe you will find them worthless, because you are really “fiddling around” with them =)

Before speaking, behind this axis at the end you can actually see Internet Explorer, just uncheck the box and press OK, Then it turns out in advance that some programs can work with glitches..., please, don’t lose your respect, because then you can turn everything back in the same way (otherwise you have a Windows 10 installation disk just in case, below I’ll write about it later). If you still know that... if you don’t have any other browser, then Internet Explorer Do not dare to delete it in any way!

With the IE drive, it is not initially visible, but is turned on, which is good. If you see it in direct sense, then there may be real glitches, because this browser is not part system. Its “core” (or, more precisely, its object) contains a wide range of programs.

Let's go to the right, press the right button on the Start icon and select this item there:

To show up, we press on this point:

A small window will open under the window, the trick here is that if the checkbox is Warto, it means the component is installed, but if it is not Warto, then there is nothing in the system, you can check the box and press OK And there will definitely be a decision.

If you want to enable some components immediately, then when you turn it back on, you may need to install the Windows 10 installation disk (as a result, files will be downloaded, just like when you change the command yu sfc /scannow), Just a note for you.

By writing this article with a few instructions, I am writing the basic information about how to properly uninstall add-ons in Windows 10 using our own methods and using other third-party add-ons. Along the way, the user will become familiar with the methods of clicking a tool designed to remove unnecessary programs from the system.

In general, despite the same changes, the procedures in Windows 7-8 and in the “ten” are similar, and there are no fundamental changes, and there are actually no innovations, except for the updated interface assigned to the user interface. Please note that a quick click on the Applet panel applet will appear, which will indicate the uninstallation of the software. Let’s see how to go to the interface for managing remote installations in the add-on system.

How can I find out which tool is responsible for uninstalling programs in Windows 10?

An applet or Control Panel element, which is a kind of add-on, integrated into Explorer, under the name “Installation and Remote Programs” is located on a place familiar from previous versions of the OS.

1. Click on the Toolbar window, for example, through the new menu Win → X.

There are plenty of ways to earn money in the “ten”, read about them in the following article.

2. Since the value of the “Perspective” field is indicated as “Category”, the “Download of programs” is stamped in the “Programs” section, in another category the element “Programs / components” is found.

This will deny access to the applet, where a list of software products installed on the computer is collected with the possibility of uninstalling them or fixing problems (for example, one of the components of the software has been accidentally deleted).

It is possible to use any component that has been added to the mix of installed additives. The number will be slightly larger, but you can also display shortcuts in Start. The remote program can be operated by sending an additional command by clicking on its icon. Look for the additional “Delete / Change” button in the toolbar, as well as for the additional context menu of the selected element. After this, the system starts to enter the distribution package with the program uninstaller, giving the user the ability to specify settings for the installation (for example, disable the settings of the utility).

You can also gain access to the applet through a thorough search, which effectively copes with tasks.

New interface for uninstalling add-ons in the Settings menu

The settings were divided as the replacement of the Control Panel, and unless the users who called before it were quickly transferred, the Settings menu is deprived of an alternative to the Control Panel. It has its own tool for uninstalling add-ons from Windows 10. How to enter the uninstallation interface through Settings will be discussed in more detail.

1. Open the menu using the additional Win → I key or through the Start context menu.

2. Go to the “System” section.

3. Click on the “Add-ons/opportunities” tab.

As a result, a mix of manifestations in the program system will appear. Their operation is carried out in the same way as the previous method: the addendum is visible, the “Delete” is stamped and the action is confirmed. Next, launch the integration installer or Windows installer, you just need to click a couple of clicks.

This method, apparently, has nothing complicated or new, but is also easy to use and can easily complete the task.

Additional steps for accessing the dialogue with other software in Windows 10

We took a look at the classic method of opening the “Programs / Components” applet, now it’s time to get acquainted with the quick way to use this tool.

1. Click on Win → X using the same combination or right-click on Start.

2. Select an additional item from the list.

Also, for most programs, there is the following option: open Start, right-click on an unnecessary component (only third-party programs are available) and select “View.”

In this manner, we will complete the list of installed add-ons. Already with this help you can get rid of an unnecessary component of the system.

accompanying reports

Most installation utilities create folders with shortcuts to launch the uninstaller (the add-on itself, add-on, etc.) in the Start section “All Programs”. By clicking on this shortcut, you can launch uninstall.exe or uninst.exe and install the program files into the root folder.

Certain supplements may be used unstably. For example, there are emulators that add drivers, antiviruses, and peripheral device drivers (video adapters) to the system. In many cases, you will simply have to restart Windows 10. If problems arise with uninstalled antiviruses and video adapter drivers, you will soon need to install an uninstaller for them.

For a comprehensive system cleanup, regardless of any program, you should rely on such add-ons as Revo Uninstaller and similar ones. The program will not only launch the installer of the add-on, but will also perform a superficial or deep scan of the file system to determine if the remote file utility has lost its operation and will find the relevant registry keys.

If you do not see any product in the installation list, this may mean that the program you are looking for is portable or the entire software product is cheap. To reduce this speed, use an antivirus or anti-spyware, for example, AVZ.

The new version of the operating system from Microsoft is literally chock-full of various components and services. And if some of them can be taken into account mentally, then the actions should have been turned off and no longer thought about them. And whoever wants to attract and try it in the right way, means the same thing. The fragments of skin activity in the middle of the operating system, the skin entered word will soon turn into advertising. In this way, Microsoft is trying to extract maximum benefits from the power of the intelligently cost-free Windows 10.

It’s easy to collect all the information that can be combined with your actions and analyze them. Moreover, this creation is possible absolutely at any moment. There’s no point in worrying if you didn’t immediately turn off unnecessary components.

During the system installation process

To use this method, during the installation of Windows 10, go to the settings, follow the steps and click on the marked “Adjust settings”. Vaughn appears at the very bottom of the apparent text.

In this section you will find all the components that may be harmful to you in the current Windows 10 robot. To avoid this, you must turn them all off by moving the button to the “Evil” position. All you have to do is enable two sides of the function.

It is also important to enter your username and password registered on the Microsoft website during the installation process. This step can simply be skipped, but it doesn’t matter at all. For this purpose there is a small inscription at the bottom: “Skip this time.”

To achieve this with minimal benefits, the new operating system will practically not provide any information about the client. It simply won't have any special functions for anyone. All the required components are simply connected. Well, you can use it easily and without fear.

If the operating system is already installed

On an existing operating system, it is not very difficult to enable all active components that may interfere with a quiet and anonymous life. You will only be able to disable certain functions of Windows 10 that are particularly important to you. And to yourself:

  • Windows nerd.
  • Context search.
  • Advertising ID.
  • Bad services.

For skin transfer, there is a different method of connection.

Windows Defender

To get started with this tool, you need to go to Settings, then go to the “Updates and Security” section. There is such a tab as “Windows Manager”, which we need to work on. Next, enable the functions that provide for sending data and eliminating frost, as in the screenshot.

By the way, if you don’t want to get into trouble, just install some other antivirus. Tse vimkne Zahisnik automatically.

Contextual search and Cortana

These two instruments are connected together. Of course, in the Russian Windows 10, the rest does not work for translation, since they did not come up with Russification for it. However, it’s better to play it safe.

Next, click on the search in the bottom row of the desktop, and then click on the very bottom icon in the left column, displaying Settings. And there you need to enable both Cortana and Search on the Internet.

Advertising ID

To enable this functionality, you need to go to the already known Settings, go to the Privacy section. For advanced settings, set at the very top of the left column, you will have to unset the setting to “on.” in the first three components.

Now comes the tab we need - “Word, handwriting and text input”. Here you need to protect Windows 10 and override your language in order to improve the functionality of Cortan. All the same, we’ve already turned it on.

After completing these steps, do not close Confidentiality - you will still be in good hands.


To begin transferring these parameters, you will need to program a little. For this purpose, use a tool called PowerShell. To use it, you need to switch your PC to console mode using the Windows + X key combination.

A command line will appear, in which you need to fill in the combinations listed in the screenshot.

In short, these commands display the already collected telemetry data, enable the operation of this service and also enable the ability to record any new data.

After this, open the Privacy Policy again, and go to “Diagnosis and Diagnostics”. It is necessary to completely block the formatting of the data (select the appropriate item from the drop-down menu), and then in the “Diagnostics and search data” select the “Basic data” item.


To avoid this terrible monster, do not bother with your account records when working with Windows 10. To do this, you need to find the section in Settings that allows you to manage your account records, and then go to the section Il “Your cloud record”.

You can access your local account on the Microsoft website by logging in to your local account. To do this, just click on the corresponding entry and enter the data. In this way, you can remove only those components of the 10th generation system that are needed.

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The skin version of Windows contains a new set of installed programs, functions and add-ons, in which you can enable (remove) unnecessary features, or add those that are required, but not installed baths. By removing unnecessary functions, programs or programs, you can get plenty of disk space, which is especially true for the 100-dollar tablets that are currently flooding the market.

We will show you how to add or remove components in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

All necessary actions will be displayed in a window called “Windows Components”.

How to open Windows Features in Windows 7

The “Windows Components” window can be opened from the “Uninstall or change programs” section (also known as “Programs and Features”). The easiest way to open Windows Features is from the Start menu. To do this, you need to open the menu, enter “enable components” in the search row and click on the relevant element in the search results (div. Screenshot below).

How to open “Windows Components” in Windows 8 and 8.1

On the desktop, press the Win + S keys, enter “turn on components”, and then in the search results click on “Turn on or off Windows components”.

In addition, there is another method that also works in Windows 7. Open the “Control Panel” and in the “Programs” section, click on the “Remote programs” link.

As a result, you will open the “Windows Components” window.

How to view Windows components

The “Windows Components” window is a list of all functions, programs and add-ons available for a specific version of Windows. The components specified by the ensign are already installed and available on your computer. To view additional information about a component, simply move the mouse cursor over it.

To delete a component or program, simply remove your ensign. You can select a number of components at a time. After that, press “OK”.

When you remove the proportion, you will gain the advantage that the enabled functions can be integrated into other components, programs or settings. To find out more, you can click on the message “Details on the Internet” at the bottom of the page. If you are happy with the results of your choice, press “Yes”. Otherwise, click “No” and the deletion (disconnection) process will be terminated.

Windows takes an hour to make the necessary changes. Some functions can be deleted or disabled without the need to restart the system. Depending on the function you have selected, you will be informed that Windows has changed the power supply.

After deleting certain components, Windows may inform you that you will need to restart your computer in order for the changes to take effect. Click “Restart now” and wait for the process to complete. Please be aware that restarting your loan will take more than an hour, but be aware that parts of the operating system will need to spend an additional hour setting up itself according to your entries.

How to add Windows components

Adding components to Windows consists of the same actions as those that were removed. The only difference is that instead of removing the proportions, they need to be installed.

During the installation process, depending on what you have chosen to install, Windows may ask you to transfer files from Windows Update to other devices. Allow the operating system to complete the installation successfully. And in some cases, Windows may ask you to install the operating system installation disk.


How do you feel about the number of unused components and programs that you are running out of disk space? Vіdpovid - Yes!

For example, if you, being a Windows 7 user, do not use gadgets, Windows Media Center, DVD Studio, “Internet Games”, “Other Games”, as well as a fax and a scanner, other components allow you to save a total of 0.24 GB ( 245 MB). This is a decent saving if too much disk space is a real problem.

Have a wonderful day!