Program for updating mbr windows 7. Console utility MBRFix

One of the reasons why the computer does not start on the Windows 7 operating system is the risk of advanced recording (MBR). Let's take a look, in what ways you can restore, and, also, turn and the possibility of normal work on a PC.

An exciting recording can be disrupted for impersonal reasons, including a system crash, sudden power outages or power surges, viruses, etc. Let's look at how to deal with the consequences of these unacceptable factors, which led to the vindication of the problem described in this article. You can correct this problem either automatically or manually through "Command Row".

Method 1: Automatic update

The Windows operating system itself provides a tool that corrects an interesting entry. As a rule, after a recent start of the system, when the computer is turned on again, the windows will be activated automatically, it is only necessary to wait for the procedure in the dialogue window. Alternately, if the automatic launch did not work, it can be activated manually.

  1. In the first few seconds of starting the computer, you will feel a beep, which means that the BIOS is being captured. You need to immediately press the key F8.
  2. The description will be made up to the point that it depends on the choice of the type of system entanglement. For help buttons "Uphill"і "Down" select an option on the keyboard "Usunennya inaccuracies ..." and press Enter.
  3. We see the middle of inspiration. Here, in the same order, choose the option "Launch Commendation" and press Enter.
  4. The next time the automatic renewal needs to be started. Check out all the vkazіvkas, as they will be displayed in yoga vіknі in different appearances. After the completion of the assigned process, the computer will be rebooted and, if the result is positive, Windows will start.
  5. If, according to the method described above, you do not start navigating the middle of the update, then you will be given the operation by choosing from the installation disk or a flash drive and selecting the option in the start window "Innovation of the system".

    Method 2: Bootrec

    Unfortunately, the descriptions of the other way to help do not start, and then you have to manually change the entry to the boot.ini file for the help of the Bootrec utility. Vaughn is activated by the path of entering the command in "Command Row". But since the standard launch of this tool is not visible due to the impossibility to take over the system, then it will be possible to activate it again in the middle of the renewal.

    If this option is not supported, then there is one more method, which is also available through the Bootrec utility.

    Method 3: BCDboot

    Even if neither the first nor the other methods work, then it is possible to innovate for another utility - BCDboot. Like a front tool, it starts through "Command Row" at the vіknі vіdnovlennya. BCDboot replaces or creates an active hard drive partitioning environment. This method is especially effective, as a result of the failure, the bula was transferred to the next section of the Winchester.

    Іsnuє kіlka ways vіdnovlennya zavantazhuvalnogo recording in Windows 7 with її poshkodenny. It is sufficient for most patients to carry out an automatic resuscitation operation. And yet, її zastosuvannya not lead to positive results, special system utilities come to the rescue, which are launched from "Command Row" in the middle of OS renewal.

Hello, dear readers.

Sometimes, as a result of other events, it may turn out that the computer is allowed to enter the operating system. І in such vipadkas it is similar to the damage to the work of an important instrument. Solutions to update Windows 7.

Use of the main sign that indicates the need for a “turn to life” of the main element of the operation:

bootrec( )

To turn your computer into the working camp, it is necessary to turn a row of numbers. In addition, for the procedure we need Windows files. So, without a disc, we can’t get in trouble with the data. Problyaemo next:

The command is given to show all possible parameters, with which they won't work.

Description of Bootrec keys( )

Teams in the middle cmd.exe can be launched in the standard version, or with special add-ons. So, for example, how to write " bootrec.exe / FixMbr”, The program will add an interesting entry to the head section. At the same time, the rest is summed up with Windows 7 and Vista. Tse dopomozhe turn pratsezdatnіst pristroy. In addition, before this trick, you can also add a non-standard code to the specific segment. With this, the table of distributions is obvious, it becomes too large.

At the time of choosing the key "", the program will enter a new exciting sector. Vіn also summіsny z vishchevkazanimi operating systems like Microsoft. This option is victorious in decal modes:

    Zavantazhuvalny file of replacements for non-standard.

    Vіn poshkodzhenii.

    After a new version or Vista, a previous collection was posted. So, for example, after installing XP, Windows NT wins.

Tsіkavo know! The same effect can be attained for the rahunok using the program " bootsect.exe". Vaughn is also known on the disk. For whom it is written " bootsect / NT60 SYS". Z'appear zavantazhuvalny sector, what sumіsny z "". For reporting information, it is necessary to run the utility with the key " /help».

When written " bootrec.exe / ScanOs”, The add-on scans all current disks for OS 7 and Vista. As a result, the reporters will make a list of all known systems that are not registered in the collection of data, which are entangled.

Vikoristanny key " /RebuildBcd»Run a scan of all disks for the location of the installed operating systems. A list is being made, of which one can be added to the collection. Moreover, the command was given to allow the base to be re-awakened. It is true that before it, obov'yazkovo is necessary to see the past data.

Vishchevkazan utility may wide functionality. Ale, if you don’t help me, it’s like a file to start the system every day. In this direction, it is necessary to go to another instrument.

Varto indicates that it works in automatic mode. So that the coristuvachas need only reach the singing instruments, write down the command and everything works independently - there is no need for the hour of the process itself to work.

BCDboot( )

Tse zasіb appointments for creation or novation zavantazhuvach, which is in the head division. The program also allows you to transfer files between hard disks. Navіt akscho on the rest is not visible to the system.

For the cob of work, finish writing " bcdboot.exe C:\windows". The operation restores the original data, including the files of the treasure.

The process of water dekilcoma parameters:

    Dzherelo - roztashuvannya directory, which contains the Windows distribution. Our device has a plastic disk or a USB flash drive. Danish parameter є obov'yazykovim. Reshta is indicated in time of consumption.

    « / I"- asks the language of the middle. Just do not change, the English victorious.

    « /s"- specify the drive letter where the required files will be placed. Behind the lock is the place, as the BIOS is assigned or the new system is UEFI.

    « /v»- the mode of presentation to the appearance of the robot is started.

    « /m"- aggregation of the parameters of the actual record and only the created one. Everything is written to the new system area.

Turning after Linux( )

Varto reveal the situation, if you previously had an operating system like Microsoft. І after installing Linux by raptom, the first one stopped running. Tse became as a result of some pardons.

If you don't run Windows after installing Ubuntu, don't panic. The problem can be solved simply.

dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/linux.boot bs=512 count=1

The code above allows you to copy the acquisition sector from the distribution " sda2»In linux.boot.

Warto means that in this operating system for the launch of the root element " / ". As in your particular situation it is not so, for the cob it is necessary to know, as it is enchanting from the main areas.

The recording was copied into the folder of the koristuvach. To that, it is deleted in the same directory and the file is transferred to the partition, where Windows is already installed.

As a result, appear " Command row”, In which all two rows are prescribed and after the skin is pressed“ Enter»:
Bootrec.exe / FixMbr
Bootrec.exe / FixBoot
After that, we restart the attachment and bachimo, as everything works in our OS.

A broken laptop or a stationary PC running on the Windows 7 operating system is often troubled by the problem of interception, the system freezing or a “blue screen”. The main causes of these problems can be viruses, corrupted system files, and inaccurate software. To solve these problems, do it fast system recovery points.

Qi points of renewal are recognized for renewal, I will become OS at the moment of the hour, if not worked steadily. The skin hotspot is created automatically when there is a change in the system. For example, when installing the driver or software security.

We give special respect to this material command line, For help, we will be able to update Windows 7. By updating the OS through the console, you will significantly speed up the process. Our article will be especially helpful to system administrators and to poked out PC bugs.

Launching a system update in the console with a normal OS attack

As in Windows 7, if the job becomes unstable, programs do not work, freeze and do not process system components, then in this case it is necessary vomit to the front saved point. Let's launch the console as Administrator. For which we go to the menu " Start»I will dial in a joke« cmd". Then we click on the found result with the right mouse button and select the item “ Run as administrator».

After the end of the console run in administrator mode. Enter the rstrui.exe command at the zanedbanom console

After the command has been completed, the master of the system's renewal must be observed. Click on the Next> button to go to the selection of control points of inspiration.

viberomo vіdpovidnu point of departure, under Windows 7 it functioned normally and is continued.

We press the button Done and confirm the notification. After confirming the notification, we will launch the system until the renewal point is reached. As soon as the notification passed successfully, then you will continue to be informed.

Well, it's not easy to run an update through the console.

Informing through the console in safe mode

The descriptions gave a way to update it, because Windows 7 cannot start in a natural way. To go to the Windows alternative menu, press the F8 key when the system starts (there may be other options, for example, Del or others). For this menu, you need to select an item, the indications in the image below.

Selecting this item, the operating system will be taken advantage of without graphical interface, And in one way, through the yake it is possible to control the system, console. At the open console, enter the command rstrui.exe, which we already know

After winning the team, we are the master of system renewal. I will select an access point in maistra.

From the butt it is clear that the wine is identical to the front. The only authority is the launch Windows in safe mode with a supportive console. Call out which method you use to practically start, navit how the system heavily infected by viruses, So when you start the OS, only the main drivers are captured, and there is no access to the Internet.

Launching system update in the console behind the help of the Windows 7 installation disk

If the other way does not help the system, then the only option is to run the update behind the help console. installation disk otherwise it is enchanting flash drive. Let's turn on our PC and get it from the Windows 7 installation disk.

Now let's go straight to the console itself. For whom it is pressing hyperpositive " System upgrade”, to start a system search.

Let's choose the operating system we need and let's move on to the coming day.

For whomever you choose, choose the item “ Command row”, After which it is obov'yazkovo guilty to start up.

In the console, we will type the command rstrui.exe, which we already know, After the command has been completed, the master of innovation will start. The work of the master is identical to the above description of the applications. That is why we skip the description of the work of the master of inspiration.

Reimagining the exciting recording of Windows behind an auxiliary console

Vicorous PCs with the Windows 7 operating system are often troubled by the problem of interception and take care of this type at the start of the OS.

Abo so.

The main culprit for the problem is the poshkodzhen zavantazhuvalny record MBR or the config is broken BCD. You can solve this problem with an additional utility bootrec.exe. For the help of teams " /FixMbr»І« /fixboot»The utility can create a new exciting entry and correct it.

To speed up with these commands, we need to start from the installation disk and run the command line, like in the front butt. Speeding up with the first team " /FixMbr»utilities bootrec.exe.

Having beaten our team, we have corrected our lucrative record MBR. If the team is not able to help, then we speed up with another team " /fixboot»utilities bootrec.exe.

Having completed this command, we will create a new exciting entry, so as to allow Windows 7 to start.

From the butt it is clear that vikoristovuyuchi bootrec.exe in more vipadkiv, you can either restore or fix the opportunistic entry in Windows 7. So you want to indicate that the main reasons, like ears, or overwrite the opportunistic entry, є:

  • Changing the size of the local disk with an operating system for additional special software;
  • Installing old Windows OS over new. For example, installing Windows XP on the same PC with an installed SIM card;
  • third party recording avantage sector, Kotriy does not support Windows. For example, linux zavantazhuvach GRUB;
  • Various viruses and software security.

Zvertayu respect for the cause, like ears, or overwrite an exciting record, you can save the working camp of your PC.

BCDboot utility

At the warehouse of the Windows 7 installation disk, there is another miracle utility, for which you can upgrade the OS. Zavantazhivshi also from the installation disk in the command line. After that, we enter the command, shown below.

Our keyboard has Windows installed on the “E: \” drive, which we indicated the way for the command “ e:\windows". Having completed this command, we will update the configuration files BCD, as well as the zavantazhuvach file bootmgr.

By entering the bcdboot.exe command in the console, you can see a description of the utility, as well as a list of additional keys, which can be tweaked at startup.

Console utility MBRFix

This console utility is included with the Multiboot Disk Hiren's Boot CD.

Hiren's Boot CD tse disk with dozens of programs that help computer scientists and system administrators with a lot of money. head managers MBRFixє Windows update. disk image Hiren's Boot CD you can get it on the official website zavantazhivsya s Hiren's Boot CD, We are consumed in the yoga menu of the adventure.

For this menu, you need to select the item “ Mini Windows XP»I press Enter. We have developed a portable version of Windows XP with the necessary utilities for diagnosing and repairing the system, including our utility MBRFix. Now let's go to HBCD Menu»From the shortcut on the Work Table. Potim in the menu " Programs»Let's go to the points« Partition/Boot/MBR/Commandline/MBRFix».

Why let us open the console utility MBRFix. At the open console, enter the command MBRFix.exe / drive 0 fixmbr / win7 / yes

what team renew an advanced entry and an advanced entry To allow Windows 7 to start.

vicorist disk Hiren's Boot CD with utility MBRFix especially handy, as there is no original disk with a sim card.

pіdvodimо pіdbag

With this material, we tried to look at all the ways to update Windows 7 using the help of the command line. Therefore, having become familiar with this article, you can, without suspense, confirm the practicality of the computer under the protection of Windows 7.

So if you want to know that if the system files of the OS are greatly damaged or erased, then restore the system or else you won’t get lost. Because you have the same vipadok, then make a backup all important information on Winchester and reinstall windows.

We hope that our material will help you to introduce the system or її zavantazhuvalny record, and also allow you in the future uniqueness of similar problems or virishuvati.

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The Windows protector may be affected as a result of system failures, viruses, and other unsafe ones. However, yoga can be tried out to turn the operating system into a practical state.

How to renovate Windows 7 from a disk or a flash drive

In some vipadkas varto go into what method? The installation disk or another portable device can fix the "Bootmgr is missing" \ "Non system disk or disk error" warnings, blocking access by viruses, and possibly redeem pennies, other problems that occur before the desktop appears. In the first hour, we need a ready-made distribution of Windows 7 on any available nose. dali:

  • connect a flash drive to a PC or insert a disk into the cd-rom tray;
  • zavantazhuєmosya from them (by setting in the BIOS, or by hotkeys Esc, F8, F9);
  • after the choice of the movie is consumed in the menu with the "Install" button;
  • at the bottom, there is an attack on the item "Innovation of the system";
  • if we need to call on the connection of the ropes of opportunity - let’s skip this crock, we don’t need the stink;
  • for the choice of nalashtovuєmo movu and reassign the letters of the disks, or leave them without change;
  • vkazuєmo operating system, whose zavantazhuvach need to be updated - press on our Windows 7;
  • if a list of operations appears, click on the item "Automatic startup notification";
  • pass a deaky hour, the system will either start up, or you will see a pardon;
  • yakscho method is not spratsyuvav - go to the offensive.

How to restore Windows 7 via command line

Viroblyaemo all ti f dії, scho and in the front paragraph of the article - vantagemos from nose, we can reach the menu with options for dіy. Here we select the command line, in it:

  • We type the bootrec / fixmbr command - there is a call to overwrite the MBR capture in windows 7.
  • If something is missing (for example, the computer is infected with special mbr-viruses), we can add bootrec / fixboot to it - creating a new exciting sector.
  • If the offended teams said that the victors were successful, the computer was rebooted and vantaged in normal mode, from the hard drive.

Yak vіdnoviti zavantazhuvach Windows 7 - variant z vikoristannym console

The bootsect.exe utility is also on the flash drive, so it can help you fix the troubleshooter, so bootrec does not work. For whom:

  • bootsect / NT60 SYS is typed in the command line - it will overwrite the vanishing sector;
  • as a file of the zavantazhuvacha poshkodzheniya or physically in the daytime, vikoristovuёmo program bcdboot.exe, as well as enter the distribution warehouse;
  • to update the victorious command bcdboot.exe e: \ windows, de e: \ windows - way to your OS on a hard drive;
  • To report more about understanding the meaning of commands, run them with the -help parameter.

Describing more manipulations, as if the stench is broken virno, it can be used to fix any problems with the bootloader. As soon as a pardon occurs after the Windows 7 working style appears - the incompatibility is in some other way.

Needed a good glad, like a robitiWindows 7 update, Even though the launch of the SIM card for the additional installation disk did not help. I’ll briefly explain why on the right: Windows 7 was installed on the computer, then Windows XP was installed on the other system, after the installation, it was naturally launched alone, for the capture of two operating systems, using the EasyBCD program. Nadalі XP became not needed and split it up, I tried to format it with Windows 7. At the same time, when the black screen was occupied, nothing happened. What can you do in such a vipadka? More details are possible. Sergei.

Windows 7 update

Hello friends! Don't be so arrogant, your problem is incoherent and, in principle, a simple zasib "Initiation of Windows 7" is described in our article to help, hello! If the article is not given to help you, then it is your responsibility to help two others:

These articles describe a few good ways to make your operating system attractive, but there is one more, so try it and don't give up just like that.

I’ll tell you that you can’t install an older operating system after a younger one, Windows 7 will never be taken advantage of after installing Windows XP on a computer, so when you install it, it overwrites the head of the upgrade record (MBR) on itself. Therefore, you have installed an advanced asset manager, which is victorious for setting up the security of dekіlkoh operating systems and may be your own agent.

  1. I also want to say that often in the undisturbed Windows 7 winn system pardon, you can fix it in that case if the operating system is not taken, all the details in our other article " "
  2. Friends, in this article we will work with the Windows 7 update medium, and more precisely with the command row of the update medium. I will give you the necessary commands, but if it is important for you to remember them, you can. Tse greatly facilitate your work.
  • Head Advance Record (MBR) - the first sector on the hard disk, in which the distribution table is located and the small avenue program, as it is read in this table of data from any partition of the hard disk, the operating system is occupied, in the lower information is transferred to the operating system for її zavantazhennya. If the information about the system expansion is incorrect in the head of the entry, it means that if the change is taken away, the axis is one of them "BOOTMGR is missing press CTR-Alt-Del for restart" or we will display a black screen. fix the problem Windows 7 update.

If you saw the old XP all at once with EasyBCD, then you deprived your computer of the unreasonable block and win as a sign of gratitude, you see a black screen. To correct the situation, we will conduct download update Windows 7 checkbox, and itself again the main entry for the additional utility Bootrec.exe, which can be found on the update disk or on the Windows 7 installation disk (friends, if you have a netbook and if you want to win the update on a flash drive, then read the comments below) . So by the very given utility, we will write down a new exciting sector, the intellect of Windows 7.

Windows 7 start-up update automatically

Starting from the installation disk or the Windows 7 installation disk, in the early phase of the computer start, when the proposition appears, it will be taken from the disk “Press any key to boot from CD ...”, embossed for 5 seconds on the key of the keyboard, otherwise, don’t get carried away from the disk

There is a recent search for installed Windows systems and an analysis of problems that are important to them

Sound the problems quickly, find out and find out the middle of the discovery, pronounce them automatically. Click on the "Repair and restart" button, after which computer is rebooted and Windows 7 will be updated.

If the problems from the troubles of the system continue, otherwise you will not be prompted to fix the problems automatically, which means that in the future it is necessary to choose the operating system, it is necessary to renovate, you have more money for everything and then.

In the first place, choose zasiblaunch announcement, You can also solve problems with Windows 7 bugs

Manual update of Windows 7

Yakshcho i tsey zasib not help, choose zasib Command row

Enter commands:


lis vol (visible list of partitions of the hard disk and Bachimo, that “Volume 1” is attached by the System Reserved partition (reserved by the system), total 100 MB, Windows 7 capture files are retrievable on the new side and the most necessary to keep active). I also split it up with the installed Windows 7, it has the letter D :, the volume is 60 GB.

sel vol 1 (Volume 1 is selectable)

activ (robimo yogo active)

exit (probably from diskpart)

bcdboot D:\Windows (de D: parted with Windows 7 installed), command given to update Windows 7 capture files (bootmgr file and capture directory (BCD) configuration files)!

"Files of interest are successfully created"

Manual update of Windows 7 (method #2)

At the window of the command line, enter the Bootrec and Enter command

to get more information about the utility's capabilities. We select the header entry for the bootrec.exe / FixMbr entry.

Operation completed successfully. A new exciting entry has been recorded at the first sector of the investment section.
Another command Bootrec.exe / FixBoot writes a new vanishing sector.

Operation completed successfully. exit. Let's try to get our Windows 7.

Friends, like the commands Bootrec.exe / FixMbr and Bootrec.exe / Fixboot You can't help, don't fall for it, one more zasib.

method number 3

enter the command bootrec/scanos, You will scan all your hard disks and divide them into operating systems and if they are found, then you will see the advance. Then we need to enter the command Bootrec.exe / RebuildBcd, This utility will prompt you to enter the knowledge of Windows into the menu, wait a minute and enter Y and press Enter, everything is known Windows is added to the menu of the advance.

I have found two operating systems in my mind. Everything is visible on the screen.

In the above mentioned way, there is one more, entered in the bootsect / NT60 SYS command line, the main enchanting code, so it will be updated itself.


So the axis, pardon in the fact that we have on both zhorstnyh disks owe buti, the first ensign of the first ensign distributed System Reserved (reserved by the system). On Windows 7, it was possible to set such a distribution to 100 MB, and on Windows 8 350 MB, the same attributes could be divided: System. active These distributions themselves contain the configuration files of the capture directory (BCD) and the file of the system capture manager (bootmgr file). And we have to go out and wear other attributes. Through tse Windows 7 and Windows 8 are not vanquished.

Select the first hard disk 1, click on the first partition System Reserved (reserved by the system) to the right mouse and select "Notify about active"

The "System Reserved" volume will be set to active. Press OK.

The same works with Disk 2. Acronis Disk Director is running in the added operation mode, for the changes to take effect, click on the "Stop check operations" button


Like a bachimo, after our changes became active, they divided it like it was necessary.

Apparently with the program and re-vantaging. The result of the work is positive - for the sake of zavantazhuyutsya offending operating systems.