What is the optimal size for the windows swap file?

Smart TV


Proper optimization of the computer allows you to quickly cope with the assigned tasks, without much effort.

One of the most important aspects of optimization with low RAM usage is choosing the optimal size for the Windows swap file. Most computer users leave it up to Windows to choose the size of the paging file so that the computer runs perfectly.

This approach is completely wrong, and independent adjustment of the swap file can improve system productivity.


What is the size of the Windows download file? What is the Windows swap file and what is it needed? Each computer has RAM installed, which is used to save data for quick access to the processor at all times.

A hard drive can also be a barrier for fast access to data, but its speed is significantly lower than that of RAM. Same

the swap file is called

area of ​​the hard drive that is used for time-to-hour saving of information. When the free RAM runs out, the computer will write the information to the swap file, and then save it. How can you look at the swap file on your phone?

An upcoming scenario can be identified.

  • When you start many applications that actively use the RAM, some will be inactive (burned out). In such a situation, there is no sense in saving them in RAM, thus, in the best case, the Windows operating system will transfer inactive programs to the swap file.;
  • Active programs will remain in RAM for faster operation. If the user opens a previously inactive program, the data will move from the swap file to RAM, and the information from RAM will go to the swap file. If the computer does not have RAM to save data, and the swap file is not installed or configured incorrectly, malfunctions in the work of programs or the appearance of;
  • "blue screens of death" If the user opens a previously inactive program, the data will move from the swap file to RAM, and the information from RAM will go to the swap file. Try to launch a productive program within an hour.;
  • If we take the average numbers for the size of the paging file for computers, we can name the following values: 1 GB no swap file required.

How to enlarge the swap file or change it?

Customizing the swap file can be done on any version of the Windows operating system.

For this you need to go to the virtual memory settings menu:

  1. Type a phrase in the windows search bar "Control panel" and go to her;
  2. Then set the rewatch mode "Great Icons" and click on the item "System";
  3. After which, select the setup menu on the left side;
  4. The current menu appears on the tab "Dodatkovo" you need to select an item "Parameter" at the subtitle "Shvidkodia";
  5. Next, you will open the menu for setting up virtual memory. Here, to independently set the values ​​for the swap file, you need to uncheck the box"Automatically select the download file"

. After this, the settings will be available.

It is necessary to set the size of the paging file before the recommendations indicated in the statistics.

Important: If your computer has a number of hard drives installed, it is recommended that you create the swap file not on the system drive.

This rule may be even more problematic because the system storage device is a high-fluidity solid-state drive (SSD), similar to other hard drives on a computer. To change the size of the paging file, you need to restart your computer. Well, that's all for today!

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Meals about those

Windows is very conservative in its adjustments, but this is not a problem, since they can be replaced in the future as a means of increasing productivity.

Please note that it is advisable to experiment with these adjustments because the system may consume more space in order to save more disk space for virtual memory. And also don’t forget Reduced speed code through standard settings can cause a number of reasons, and one of them is the growth of the swap file, which gradually becomes smaller and even more fragmented.

To avoid such problems, you should know:

, to set and record the song in the file. And also don’t forget Fixation obliges the file to ensure stable storage of the empty disk space.

  1. Whenever the hard drive restarts, you should stop Windows from taking over the remaining bits of free disk space.
  2. The process of increasing the load on the swap file
  3. In Windows, you can create the swap file on all drives at once, but this will not speed up productivity.
  4. Therefore, there is a trace of understanding,
  5. and fix your obligations.
  6. For this purpose, proceed according to the following instructions.
  1. For example, the paging file is located in the system drive Z:, and it needs to be moved, say, to D:.

That's right. And also don’t forget Right now you need to get the file from C:.

Go to drive C:, tick the “No swap file” row and click “Task”.

If you show up ahead of time, type “So.”

To get excited about the dialogue at the end, you must see D:.

Place a “birdie” on the “Show size” row.

Please note that the primary duty is responsible for avoiding the physical operative memory, and the maximum duty is responsible for twice over-extending it.

After that, press “Assign.”

Since you got divorced,

If you have changed the size setting, please mark the change immediately.

If your RAM has six or more gigs, you can simply insert the swap file into the living room.

  • To do this, check the “Without swap file” row, click on “Task”, wait (“OK”) and restart your PC.
  • Now you know how to increase the load on the swap file and you can adjust its value yourself.
  • If you need to increase disk space on your device or simply change the size of the image, you need to know how to change the size of a jpg file.
  • This photo format is the widest.

The compression of jpg is supported by all devices and allows you to save the information of the picture without wasting it.

The image of the jpg file can be found in photo authorities, and the actual image can be easily downloaded using additional software editors and online services.

  • Method No. 1.
  • Changing the size of the picture in the Paint.NET program
    Paint is the simplest standard program for editing raster and vector images.

Available for all Windows operating systems. Main tools available in the program:

Method No. 2.

Change the size in Photoshop

  • The size of the photo file can also be changed using a professional program for editing raster images - Photoshop.
  • Follow the instructions:
  • Open the program and import the necessary graphic file for further work;
  • Find the Image tab on the main toolbar and click on it.

Select Image Size from the list, as shown in the picture below;

Change the image size parameters (width and height), and also select the checkbox for Adjust photo proportions;

Try changing the photo by 10-15 pixels.

In this manner, the end of the line will change.

Method No. 3.

Wikoristannya MS Office programs The test processor version of Word 2010 and earlier versions have an image compression function.

This function has been removed from newer versions of the program.

Add a picture to the document side, then select “Seek Help” from the tab, and then select the MS Picture Manager program.

In the window, click on the “Image” tab and select the “Squeeze picture” item.

The greater the compression ratio, the smaller the end file size will be.

Save your money.


After compression, the brightness of the illustration may be lost.

Method No. 4.

Wikoristannya online services

A wonderful web service for working with photos is the resource irfanview.com.

  1. It allows you to work with a large number of different image formats.
  2. To change the size, you can open the image menu and adjust its height and width.
  3. Also in the resize window you can select additional parameters for precise compression: sharpness increase, sharpness filter, special keys for changing/increasing the size separate pictures.
  4. The saving settings can also change the size.

The optimal option for their adjustment is shown below.

In this video I show 2 simplest ways - how to change the size of a JPG file (image)

JPEG (JPG) file size can be changed

For this video you will learn how to change the size of a JPEG (JPG) image using simple programs.

How to change the size of a jpg file, change the size of a photo

From whose video we learn how to change the size of a jpg file, change the size

If you've noticed that WordPress doesn't allow you to upload a file larger than the maximum size, don't worry.

The maximum size of files that can be stored in WordPress can be increased in several ways.

The maximum size of WordPress files can be installed on different levels - on the WordPress configuration level, on the PHP interpreter configuration level, and on the web server level.

The upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini

In the php.ini configuration file, behind the additional upload_max_filesize directive, the maximum size of files that can be uploaded to the server is set.

If you have access to the php.ini file on your hosting platform, you can change this value:

Upload_max_filesize = 20M

Please note that in PHP the maximum size of POST requests is set behind the additional directive post_max_size , which is larger or equal to the maximum size of files, which is interesting:


Depending on the server configuration, new values ​​may take effect immediately after changes are made, or you will need to restart the web server or PHP interpreter.

PHP directives via .htaccess

If you do not have access to the PHP configuration file, you can try setting values ​​behind the additional .htaccess file of the Apache web server.

If you work with Apache, then in the root directory of your WordPress site there is already a file.htaccess, to which you can add the following values:

Php_value upload_max_filesize 20M php_value post_max_size 20M

Change the .htaccess files so that you can type in the details immediately after saving.

Before speaking, nginx uses the client_max_body_size directive, which specifies the maximum size of data transmitted in HTTP requests.

It also applies to the maximum file size that you are interested in.

To properly change the nginx configuration file, the web server must be restarted.

For the additional function ini_set()

The upload_max_filesize and post_max_size directives can also be changed using the additional PHP function ini_set() in the wp-config.php file or using an additional plugin, which is allowed in the configured interpreter:

Ini_set("upload_max_size", "20M");

ini_set("post_max_size", "20M");

Filter upload_size_limit WordPress has a special filter, upload_size_limit, which is used in conjunction with the wp_max_upload_size() function. This filter ensures the maximum file size that can be captured.

The values ​​for the settings are the least in the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in the php.ini file, and you can select this filter only within the limits of this value.

If you have increased the size of your files, you will need to use the methods described in more ways, and WordPress still shows you the values ​​less set, be aware of the presence of plugins that can interfere with this filter and deactivate them.

Before speaking, you can use this filter to zmenshiti maximum file size that can be stored in a small plugin: zmenshiti Function my_upload_size_limit($limit) ( add_filter("upload_size_limit", "my_upload_size_limit"); return wp_convert_hr_to_bytes("5M"); ) zmenshiti If you have tried all the methods and are still unable to increase the maximum file size of WordPress, please contact us for help.

Most often, the file contains information.

  • Vaughn is compressed to a format with the method of change
  • size

the object is often consumed until the juice is lost.

1. At times small , vikorist such files manually, the fragments of the stink will soon become entangled and destroyed. But who has a gateway - some file sharing services may not accept our file through those that are too small

2. To change the size of the audio track, you need to open it through the editor. , vikorist such files manually, the fragments of the stink will soon become entangled and destroyed. After you open it, you will save it by specifying a higher bitrate in settings, but at the right moment.

3. Yakiness , vikorist such files manually, the fragments of the stink will soon become entangled and destroyed. do not change, but through the program settings the audio track size will change.

You can also save a track in the stretched format ".wav", which is not a compressed format, like the ".raw" format, obviously, for the size of which its size also increases.

If you need to increase the video size
You have to open it through a special editor, and then save it with higher luminosity settings and a lower compression level.

You can also change the compression in which you save the file to one that maintains the lowest level of compression.
Video on the topic