Description of the commands of the Russian language. Why are AT commands needed?

AT command Serve the active functions of the modem. Commands can be entered using special programs, much simpler than those used in Windows XP hyperterminal. For which you can hijack programs: or Before you hijack these programs, you need to close all other programs that can hijack the modem. For Huawei modems you need to connect to the COM port 3G PC UI Interface", for modems ZTE MF on COM port "ZTE Proprietary USB Modem As I marvel at the pictures, everything is easy to understand. If the commands are kilka, firstly we enter one - embossed Enter, then I will come and emboss it again Enter.


entice: (Password on the archive: 12345 )

Huawei Terminal- a terminal program for direct operation with Huawei wireless modems, as well as other modems.

Let's launch. You need to select from the window HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G PC UI Interface Onslaught Connect (Connect)

To confirm that you are truly connected, type the command AT and press send: As in the output to the modem OK. Now, you have done everything correctly and everything is ready to work with the modem.

AT^CARDLOCK="NCK Code", de NCK Code 43963141 AT^CARDLOCK="43963141". We insert the command AT^CARDLOCK="43963141" then press the button ENTER keyboard

entice: (Password on the archive: 12345 )

DC-Unlocker client The first program in the world has begun to specialize in unlocking wireless 2G\3G\4G modems in the USB\PCMCIA form factor. Over the years, the model range has begun to expand with mobile phones, smartphones, and WiFi routers.

Download the program DC-Unlocker client then install it. After what we launch.
1. Next we change the language to Russian. Onslaught Options and selectable Ukrainian

2. Select your modem or router from our selection Huawei. Pressing on Magnifying glass as shown in the picture and information below. Respect! Some programs running on the modem may be closed). After reading the information you will gain SIM blocking status - Blocked

3. Now we need to lead the team AT^CARDLOCK="NCK Code", de NCK Code- this is the code for unblocking, which is what we got. For example the code 12860791 then our team looks like this AT^CARDLOCK="12860791". We insert the command AT^CARDLOCK="12860791" at the bottom, read the information and press the button ENTER keyboard

4. After pressing on ENTER You will be prompted to enter a code into our device and receive a notification. OK

5. We press again on Magnifying glass to read the information again. I vi bachimo, de SIM blocking status- wrote Unblocked

That's all. Our device has been successfully unblocked.

AT^CARDLOCK="NCK Code"– enter the blocking release code (8-digit number). NCK Code- This is the unblocking code. Command butt AT^CARDLOCK="12345678"

Introduction to AT-command

Technically, a modem is a kind of computer, like a microprocessor, a persistent device that remembers, etc. We need to remember that, due to their “calculative strength,” today’s modems can be compared with computers ten years ago, for example, ZyXEL modems use a Motorola 68000 microprocessor, the same one that served as the “heart” of the first Apple Mac computers intosh, Amiga and the number of workstations first generation Sun Microsystems. Today's technical innovations have also found their place in modems: for example, USRobotics Courier modems, which are becoming increasingly popular (not the same thing), can replace ROMs based on flash memory, which allows є “on the fly” modernize all components with microprograms. Still, what is important for the user is not the microcircuits installed in the modem, but the ones that work:

Speed ​​and reliability of data exchange, as well as ease of use with modems of other devices. To find out these parameters, as a rule, there is no need to disassemble the device - just look at the standards that it supports.

The so-called hayes-team or AT-team must meet high-level standards. You can use your modem almost instantly: change register values, dial a phone number, and much more. So, for example, the team ATDP123-45-67 means that the modem must dial the number 123-45-67, using the standard pulse dialing system for Russian telephone exchanges, and the command ATN Please note the need to sever the connections. It is important to note that these commands begin with a prefix AT, It is true to everything assigned to the set that one gave the name to the standard.

For the first time, such a system of commands appeared in the Smartmodem modem, released by the company Hayes(the reason appeared other names) and shvidko has become the official standard among Galusi. After about an hour, it was significantly expanded, and the basic core, which contains the necessary functions, was preserved.

Command the modem

The modem supports standard and extended Hayes command sets. The AT (Attention Code) prefix can be followed by one or more commands. These commands are written according to the industry standard and allow you to communicate with the modem. Your modem will always be in either command mode or in direct control mode (online mode). As soon as you connect the modem, you will switch to command mode. This means that AT commands can only be sent to the modem if it is in command mode. The input of commands as a direct operation of the modem is recognized by the modem itself as the input of data. However, AT commands can be sent to the modem and in terminal mode using additional software.

If the AT command is entered into the modem, it will be automatically lost, so the docks will not be activated or the modem will not be connected.

Command row for AT commands

All AT commands, including two, must begin with symbols. Blame the escape sequence +++ and repeat the command/. The command string prefix (AT characters) is not case sensitive. You can enter one or more commands on one row. Otherwise, all commands can be separated by spaces, which are ignored by the modem through its AT command interpreter.

You can enter up to 39 characters for the command line, including A and T, including the clearing and turning of the carriage. If you enter more than 39 characters, a syntax correction message will appear on the screen.

AT command confirmation

Most AT commands typed in the command line are confirmed by the modem. As soon as you enter the remaining character of the command and press carriage rotation, the modem will display a short message: OK

Basic AT commands

These basic AT commands are only available in the terminal mode of your modem.


All AT commands begin with this prefix.


Dial the number. You can use this command by dialing the phone number directly from the command line. Offensive command format:


The string parameter can contain up to 45 characters. Do not use round arms or hyphens.

ESC-sequence. This is one of two commands that does not differ from the AT prefix. Once you are connected to another modem, you may need to switch to command mode. For this you can type the + sign on your keyboard. After this, the modem reports OK and returns to command mode.

A/Repeat This command does not match the prefix AT and you don't

It is necessary to press the carriage to turn. Entering this command causes the modem to repeat the remaining AT command entered. Dosit koris is a command for redialing a phone number.


Pochatkov installations. Qia team (n=0 or else n=1) It changes all the parameters of the modem that were set by the new device.


Put the ear on. This command sends a signal to the modem after it is ready to connect to the line.


Online robot mode with modem. This command turns the modem into centerless mode. Be sure to check with someone to renew the connection after introducing the +++ escape sequence.


Change the modem. Qia team (n=0 or else n==1) reinstalls the modem and resets it to the settings that are stored in the modem’s flash memory (non-volatile memory).

Command modifiers for dialing

Modifier! Commands for dialing a telephone number allow you to set additional parameters such as setting the modem to automatically disable other functions. Command modifiers for dialing a telephone number are only available if you have already issued the AT command D, then. On the screen there is a row to dial a phone number.


ATO (modifier) ​​1234567 Main modifiers for dialing a telephone number:


Pulse dialing This modifier is entered after the command D and sent to the phone number. Butt:

ATDP 3243781

Set of tones. This modifier is entered after the command D and sent to the phone number. Butt:

ATDT 3243781

It is necessary to say that tone and pulse methods of dialing a telephone number can be combined in the dialing sequence.

Return to command mode after dialing a phone number. If you need to dial a long (more than 45 characters) telephone number, you can use this modifier to separate several rows from the dialing row.

All commands, in addition to the rest, can use this modifier.

Pause before dialing. This modifier causes the modem to slow down dialing. The modem will pause for the number of seconds specified in the S8 register and then continue dialing the number. If you need a pause, simply enter another modifier. At the next step, the command goes up to the external (huge) telephone line with “nine”:

ATDP 9, 5551212


Phone call forwarding. This modifier is stuck because several modems share one telephone line. Butt:

ATDP! 268


This means the telephone exchange will come back. This modifier will be disabled if you need to find a line at the telephone exchange and continue dialing the telephone number. Butt:

ATDP 8W 902 6810085

Phone calls

The next example demonstrates how to dial a telephone using additional AT command modifiers for dialing a telephone number.

ATD 1234567

Here the modem dials the phone number 1234567 and then checks for a response from the station or the remote modem. If the line is not detected, the modem automatically (through the S6 register register for an hour) displays the notification NO CARRIER, tobto. It’s impossible to get together. If the line is detected, the modem shows the notification CONNECT and begins to communicate with the remote modem. The connection between the two modems is interrupted immediately if any of the modems perform any negative actions:

The output modem is not recognized this way

ranks is a constant signal from the remote modem.

The command H (hang up) is transmitted.

The DTR interface is opened between the output DTE and the modem itself, whenever the commands are activated &D2 and D3:

AT&F1DT9, P5551234

This command updates the settings, dials the number, vikory and tone dialing, now accesses the outside line through the “nine”, pauses briefly and dials the telephone number 555-1234.

How to dial the phone number, vikoryst and your phone, modem and AT command

You can manually dial the phone number. To do this, you must go to the command (terminal) mode of your modem, pick up the handset and simply dial the desired telephone number. Now:

Enter command ATN1, and press Enter To connect to your modem.

Enter command ATO, and press Enter in order for the modem to send the robot online.

Manually verified

Since the auto-send function (S1 register) is not enabled, you can respond to all input calls yourself. For this, simply enter the following command:

ATA Modem confirms and switches back to online mode.

NVRAM memory programmed by koristuvach

All settings for the modem are carried out until the values ​​of the NVRAM registers are set correctly. NVRAM - a memory programmed by the computer that saves data during active use. NVRAM is used in modems to save the configuration behind the components that will be transferred to the RAM when turned on. NVRAM programming is carried out in any terminal program using additional AT commands. A further transfer of commands can be seen in the terminal program through the AT$ commands AT&$ATS$ AT%$.

Write factory settings to NVRAM with hardware data control - command AT&F1, then make adjustments from the setup of the modem together with a specific telephone line and write them to NVRAM behind the command AT&W.


This command will set the robot mode to the modem:

= 0 (Installed), Data transfer mode. = 1, fax mode class 1. = 2, fax mode class 2.0. = 8, robot mode with voice. Meaning that rotates:


The modem has successfully switched to the required operating mode.


The modem does not support robot mode.


The modem switches to flow mode.


The modem switches between possible operating modes:





The modem connects to the telephone line and switches to dial-up mode, immediately turning the result code VCON.


The modem connects to the telephone line and dials the telephone number.

Meaning that rotates:


The modem rotates this value when the remote station picks up the handset.


The modem sees this result code, since over the course of an hour entered in the S7 register, more beeps are continuously displayed.


The modem sees this result code through short beeps.


The modem rotates these values, as soon as the station signal is on the line after going off-hook.


Upon this command, the modem hangs up and switches to transmit mode, but does not destroy the desired voice parameters. The modem also installs a telephone line as an input/output device.


Set the speed of data exchange between the modem and the computer using the following scheme:

= 0 (Inserted), Automatically assigned. = 1, set the exchange speed to 2400 bps- = 2, set the exchange speed to 4800 bps. = 4, set the exchange speed to 9600 bps. = 8, set the exchange speed to 19200 bps.

= 16, set the exchange speed to 38400 bps. = 24, set the exchange rate to 57600 bps. Meaning that rotates:


The modem has successfully reset the exchange rate.


The modem does not support data transfer speed values.


The modem turns on the set exchange rate.


The modem rotates possible values ​​for speed of data exchange:




This command sets the encoding method for voice data:

= 2, set the 2-bit encoding method, which will provide the highest level of compression with sufficient sound quality.

= 3, set the 3-bit encoding method, which will provide a medium level of compression with a medium loudness to the sound.

= 4 (Installed), install a 4-bit encoding method, which will provide the brightest sound at the lowest level of compression.

Meaning that rotates:


The modem has successfully reset the coding method.


The modem does not support this coding method.


The modem turns on the current method of encoding the voice data, followed by the result code OK.


The modem supports various methods of encoding voice data:



The skin row ends with symbols .


This command installs the necessary speed for the computer to create and read voice data:

= 8000 (Installed), Set the recording speed to 8000 Hertz.

Meaning that rotates:

OK The modem has successfully installed the required bandwidth.


The modem does not support the speed value.


The modem turns on the installed speed and reads voice data.


The modem rotates the possible values ​​for the speed of processing and reading voice data: 8000.


The skin row ends with symbols .

AT#VTD=, ,

This command controls various types of signals for their detection and replacement of necessary computer codes in modes for voice, voice recording and during connection to a telephone line.


This command is intended for enhancing or activating specific actions in voice recording mode:

<п> = 0 (Installed), The modem is active. <п> = 1, The modem does not mean communication.


The modem installs an input/output device to enable and record voice data.

The following input/output devices are available:

= 0, (Installed) Telephone line.

= 1, Telephone, connections to the "TELCO" socket. = 2, external speaker. = 3, microphone. = 4, Internal speaker. Meaning that rotates:


The modem has successfully reinserted the input/output device.


The modem does not support this device's I/O.


The modem turns over the input/output stream, followed by the result code OK.


The modem changes the permissions of the input/input device:



The skin row ends with symbols .


The modem turns on the voice compression mode.


This command is to switch the modem to voice data creation mode.

The modem begins the voice creation process by sending the resulting CONNECT code to the computer. Then the modem checks the symbol , to increase the voice data from the secret stream. The computer can, at any time, interrupt the voice creation process by sending characters to the modem . After completing the printed process of creating voice data, the modem transmits the resulting VCON code to the computer:



The skin row ends with symbols .


This command is to switch the modem to the mode of recording voice data from the streaming input/output device.

Voice recording begins when the modem returns the resulting CONNECT code to the computer. Then the modem transmits the symbol to the computer , to increase the voice data from the secret stream. The computer can interrupt the process of recording voice data by sending any symbol, admin input, to the modem і . Having completed the voice recording process, the modem continues to complete the voice data This rotates the resulting VCON code:



The skin row ends with symbols .

AT#VTS=[ ,,]

This command is assigned to the DTFM signal. The order of signal generation consists of three numbers, which are due to the separation of the comas and the placement of a square arm. DCE interprets the first and second numbers as the frequency of the two-tone tone, and the third as its frequency.

The frequency range lies between 200 and 3300 Hz, and frequency 0 means frequency. The frequency range is between 0 and 255 and lasts for 0.1 seconds.

Meaning that rotates:


The modem successfully entered the command.


Parameters , or else do not lie within the permissible boundaries.


The modem turns up the model ID.


The modem displays the manufacturer's identifier for which production line.


The modem rotates the revision date.


This command sets the validity of the DTMF signal. Vikorist simultaneously with the AT #VTS team. The parameter of this command lies in the range from 1 to 40. The duration of the signal is measured in 0.1 seconds.

Meaning that rotates:


It is important that the modem rotates as the Wiconan command moves away.


The modem rotates this value as a parameter do not lie within the permissible boundaries.


The modem turns the frequency of signal generation DTFM.


The modem converts the possible generation values ​​to the DTFM signal.


The skin row ends with symbols .


This command is intended for checking the call ID.

= 0, (Inserted) Select the number.

= 1, Data formatting. = 2, unformatted data. Meaning that rotates:


The modem has successfully changed the caller ID values.


The modem does not support this parameter for the call ID.


The modem rotates the values ​​for the call ID.


The modem rotates the values ​​​​that are supported for the call ID: i



The skin row ends with symbols .


The modem adjusts the size of buffers for input and output voice data:

TX BUF= 512



The skin row ends with symbols . <

Description of the key viruses of the BISYNC protocol ^

This symbol is used to strengthen the voice data in the original flow, from which the process of recording or creating the voice begins. With special respect goes to the success of this symbol with symbol<ЕТХ>: These two characters are automatically added to the end of the voice data at the time of voice recording, they are also used to interrupt the voice recording process. Sixteenth meaning of the symbol є 10.


This symbol is vikorized at the same time as the symbol To interrupt the voice recording process, two characters are automatically added to the end of the voice data. Moreover, the beginning is followed by the symbol , and then<ЕТХ>. Sixteenth meaning of the symbol<ЕТХ>є 03.

Hacking USRobotics modems

Everything below is true only for Sportster modems with a working command A.T.G.W. It’s very easy to verify - you just need to write in any terminal ATGWO,55 then press Enter. How is the modem confirmed? OK, Well, this team is working. Please respect the team ATGWO,55 itself does not give anything.

So, you can simply set two secret commands to transform your modem into a larger USR Courier modem. This, unfortunately, is only possible for one model, which has a control sum of ld51 or ld52. Yaka you have suma you can communicate through the command ATP.

Sportster and Courier modems: main features

1. I'll name it.

2. Adaptive Speed ​​Leveling (ASL).

3. Voice/Data switch with programmable functions (external models). It may be soldered into the modem after it was converted to Courier.

4. Call duration reporting (Clock operations). This function alternates between two modes: the modem operates like a stopwatch and keeps track of the hour in years, minutes and seconds from the moment of its termination; or it shows the triviality of the remaining (or streaming) session.

5. Automated redialing (the ">" command). When you enter the AT command, the modem will repeat the remaining command until you press any key.

6. Leased 1MF operations. Leased Line - A pair of wires either rented from the telephone company or installed by you.

7. Three additional levels of^call progress reporting (X5, X6, X7). Behind these inscriptions, the modem turns when dialing a number, not only CONNECT, BU^Y, but also VOICE (as at the end they answered with a voice. Most unacceptably: the modem picks up whatever sneeze is on the line as a voice, so on our lines the function does not work ) and HINGING (for a long beep; works only with digital stations and some old, analog ones.) Set X7.

8. Stored command execution (AT&ZC). Vikorist at Voice/Data switch. The necessity of this function is doubtful.

9. Selectively enable/disable transmitter for receive-only (monitor) mode. This is for setting up the modem.

10. Touchtone recognition (%T). Most modems do not work at all through a fix in the firmware.

11. More dialed number memory locations.

12.Compatabile with USR"s Total Control Management System. Praporets "MSK" with AT17.

13. More "AT" commands and "S" registers.

14. Several more command/connect responses.


ASL – Adaptive Speed ​​Leveling – is an extension of the v32 protocol, in which the modem will increase speed when the line speed is reduced. This protocol also includes Quick Retrain.

On the entire family of v32 protocols, retrains take place in 4-6 seconds, instead of 15 initial ones. This lotion also allows you to install asymmetrical coupling fluids, which helps when connecting on lines that better transmit (receive) people in one direction). On the other hand, when expanding the noise, the modem connects to 7200, and then increases the fluidity.

Historically, during the development of v32, so-called standard and optional provisions were introduced. It is important to protect the modem that supports v32, so that you can reduce the speed itself or power up the remote modem, so that you can avoid fallback. As for Falforward, which is part ASL, it is not necessarily binding. Why, for example, when connecting a USR Courier modem to a Vos modem, the Courier can request Quick Retrain and Vos simply to send a message.

The same goes for Enhanced mode. You can develop one wide-ranging mode: a modem with ASL will only work, depending on the speed, it’s better to turn it on on bad lines. However, this is not the case. The fluidity changeover takes approximately one second. You can be careful by going into command mode (+++) when connecting to USR Courier and typing the command ATI6.

ASL is also used for the USR Terbo input, too. v33terbo at speed 21600, which only uses USR modems (in terbo mode). Before speaking, ASL is not the merit of the USR company. This is the same idea that is tired of advertising, like those that SREJ is a Zyukhel feature. Not. Neither SREJ nor ASL is the virtue of these companies.

Unfortunately, the implementation of ASL by USRobotics suffered from a bug, which led to the fact that after the first long retrain the possibility of short retrains disappears. And this can be corrected to save money from the original, then. Incorrect ASL.

In reality, ASL helps on bad lines.

What types of modems are there?

So, you may be wondering if your Sportster modem is one of these models:

Sportster 9600

Sportster 14400

USRobotics Courier v.32bis

USRobotics Courier HST 16800

USRobotics Courier

USRobotics Shared Access, all

Gateway 2000 Telepath

You can also turn on or turn on Fax Class I, regardless of whether you have a license or not. You can also change the country code to US/Canada, Japan, Finland, Sweden, U.K., Swiss, International.

You can also change the mounting type: Internal, External, Rackmount, PCMCIA.

It is still possible to tell the modem that it is not possible with the USR Total Control Management System. Tse ensign MSK.

And yet! You can change the clock frequency of the 80188 robot processor to 13 or 16 mHz. More precisely, not the clock frequency itself, but those that the modem follows the command ATI7. Also, if you set the wrong clock frequency, the modem will not function correctly in low speed conditions if you know your clock frequency.

Sportster 9600 is the same as Sportster 14400, only the performance of the 9600 is protected. at&n8, and then switch to the Sportster 9600, then the connection will be at 14400!

Courier HST 16800 = Courier Dual Standart HST 16800. It will only work if you tell the modem that it doesn’t support the V32 protocol.

USR Courier Broken System - this modem indicates that it does not support either HST or V32.

USR Courier Broken System = Sportster 9600.

Gateway 2000 Telepath = Sportster. The same regime, the same possibilities.

USR Shared Access - a network modem with extended access. It will beep when the Sportster modem in Sportster mode says it is MSK. There are no new teams showing up yet. This mode does not work, because all the control is carried out by the modem.

How to fool a modem

Hey, the modem has a command A.T.G.W. This command allows you to enter your own meaning on the modem puzzle. And there are bytes there that tell the modem what it is. Then you will write a description like “and the address xxx is located...”. You need to fold a byte and write it down like this for the riddle:

ATGWxxx Ozhe, scho mi maєmo:

1. The address 562 is the class of the modem. Bit 7 of the byte behind this address describes the class of the modem. If it is turned on, the modem is Sportster (this mode is called Sportster mode); What is selected is Courier (this mode is called Courier mode).

Bytes 1-4 of this byte describe the type of installation. Better not to change:

Bit 1 when turned on says that the modem is PCMCIA.

Bit 2 when turned on says that the modem is External.

Bit 3 when turned on says that the modem is Rackmount.

Bit 4 when turned on says that the modem is Internal. You need to turn on at least one bit out of these four.

2. Behind the address 563, bit number 1 is for every modem that is MSK, bit 4 is for Gateway 2000, not USRobotics.

3. Behind the 564 bit address number 1 is the modem that receives the fax.

4. At address 778 live the following proportions:


3 - HST

6 – for processor speed. It is also important that the processor will operate at 16, if it operates at 13 mHz

1 - forever guilty of doping one. If the value is set to 0, then the modem will say that it is a Broken System. You don’t know at what frequency the processor operates, so you don’t have this option, and you also have to accept all commands ERROR, Let's get rid of them!

5. Behind the address 565 is the country code.

1 - Japan (this mode has a daily command >, a daily Guard Tone, and bit 1 of register S27 descriptions as “Reserved”).

2 - Finland (there is no Guard Tone here, bit 1 of the S27 register is described as “Reserved”).

3 – Sweden (same as Finland).

4 – U.K. (no commands " in dialing a number using the command ATD"On hook" descriptions as well as "Offline" and likewise; no > commands, not supported by Leased Line, no commands &P, AT&T1. The descriptions as “Analogue”, and not as “Analog”, bits 1-4 of the S15 register are not described at all, bit 1 of the S27 register is described as “Reserved”, and the bit of the other register S32 in the HELP of the two descriptions:

2 = Reserved 2 = Disable Enhanced V32 mode

5 - Undefined (?; no guard tone, bit 1 register S27 descriptions as Reserved (this code is set to Norway).

6. - Swiss (no commands! in dialing, no guard tone, bit 1 register S27 values, as reserved).

7-10 – Undefined. If the modem is disabled, do not install it: the modem may be destroyed.

11 – International. There is no need for help, Help is not available

It turns out that there is no way for him to know what’s going on there. Ale, however, for ati7 You can select information about those from International. Why register? s39 vzagali does not work.

To put a tick, you need to quickly sign up with this sign:

1 - 1

2-2 3 -4 4-8

5 ~ 16




Just add up all the values ​​of the right-handed bets of your chosen bets and find out the values ​​in the sixteenth form! For example, if you need to write down the numbers 1 and 7, then the value will be 65.


There is no difference between the Gateway 2000 and USRobotics Courier modems - choose the one that is more like you. There is also a lot of difference between the Gateway 2000 Telepath and USRobotics Sportster modems. The ensign of MSK gives nothing.

The difference between the Sportster 9600 and Sportster 14480 modems is only limited. There are no differences in Sportster 9600 and 14400 faxes/modems. There is a difference in installation. For External Courier DS HST there is register S32 – talk/data switch. For the internal one, there is no need to view help in the External mode and then access this information in the Internal mode - you only need to know the place on the board where to solder this switch. Moreover, if you installed the installation incorrectly, the modem’s speakers are not installed correctly.

Shared Access

The USRobotics Shared Access modem is an external modem with shared access. There is only one thing that turns on in the Sportster, but I think the Sportster mode has a lot of connections that make the lights pop out. This mode is like this every day - most of the modem is located in the hardware.

How about it be simpler?

For internal modems (1D51), enter the following:


For external modems (1D52), enter the following:


Once again about USRobotics modems

Sportster 14400

Signs: Firmware date 1994 Clock Freq: 16 MHz. Upgrade Mozhliviy RC 21600 (HST/AON/Voice).

Problems: LJTR's decision (rejoices like this:


Sportster 14400 Vi

Signs: Firmware date 1995, Clock Freq: 16 Mhz, black body.

Upgrade: possible self-upgrade.

Problems: Chronically does not receive the BUSY signal (this is due to the installation of an additional resistor).

Sportster 14400 P"n"P

Signs: Supervisor firmware date 1995, Clock Freq: 24 Mhz.

The upgrade is incredible!

Problems: Chaotic hanging (for example, Drop DTR during Dialing), problems with FAX reception.

Sportster 14400 Si

Signs: RPI modem, three-piece board of small size, very cheap.

The upgrade is incredible! Problems: Lack of hardware correction of errors.

Russian Courier 21600.

Signs: presence RHST, Terbo, AON, VOICE. Low number of new features. Prepared for the Sportster 14400 model.

Upgrade: not required.

There are no problems (you just need to tune them), modems with older firmware versions may have problems when working with modems IDC.

Sportster 28800

Signs: Clock Freq: 20Mhz.

Upgrade: Upgrade from 100% great flash courier V.EVR, Due to the possibility of attracting corporate SDLs.

Problems: deafness of some models, so they can’t catch a signal BUSY.

Sportster 33600

Signs: Clock Freq: 92Mhz

The upgrade is incredible!

Problems: Chaotic hanging, problems with FAX reception.

WinModem 28800

Signs: Internal, does not use the COM port, works only through its driver and only under Windows.

Upgrade: installing a new driver (the same driver for 33600).

Russian Courier 33600

This is the work of the upgrader team Robert Agababyan & Grisha Rusanov.

Low number of new features. Prepared for the Sportster 28800 model.

Upgrade: Apply new firmware versions to upgraders.

Problems: no such problems have been noted yet.

33600 Enhanced Courier V.Evr

This is the work of the upgrader team of Volodimir Dodonov. Low number of new features. Prepared for the Sportster 28800 model.

Upgrade: New firmware versions power the upgraders. If your modem has a FLASH-ROM, it is USR SDL Compatible, then. in new place SDL.

Problems: no such problems have been noted yet. t

Statistics options

Biers (Block errors).Blok's mercy. Pardons in blocks of data and protocol. Since there are a large number of block errors, problems in the reception of your modem are related to the telephone line. The volume of Biers with a small hour on the line is especially high due to the fact that we are using a decade-long PBX. /

Link Naks. Subject to confirmation. The number of days to confirm the receipt of one or more blocks.

Speed. Shvidkist. Remaining smooth, they performed the receiving/transfer before breaking the connection.

Disconnect Reason. The reason I’ll tear the link apart. Normal \ completion and exit from notifications: DTR dropped (transition of the DTR signal to logical zero), Then, the computer or terminal switches the DTR (Data Termiani I Ready) signal to the logical state \ zero, having completed the call session.

SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio). Improved signal/noise. Measured in decibels (dB). The greater the value of this parameter, the less noisy the line, and therefore the higher the fluidity when connected to modems. So, for example, the minimum acceptable SNR for a speed of 2400 is 14 dB, and for 19200 – 30 dB. So, if the SNR is less than 30 dB, then the V34 protocol will not provide high performance.

Recv/Xmit Level (-dBm). The number of signals that are received/transmitted. The more numbers are subtracted from the module, there are fewer equal signals. The skin care professional may ask you to remove the gears and change the ratio.

Near Echo Loss (dB). The rhubarb fall of the nearby moon, then. How many times is the near moon (short loop) quieter than the output signal? This parameter is not very important, since the near moon is extinguished by the system against the moon by 100%. Ale, in any case, the larger the number (the lower rhubarb of the near moon), the better

Far Echo Loss (dB).Rhubarb is the fall of the distant moon. This number is much more important: the far moon (long loop) is extinguished much more intensely, here it is necessary to suppress the extinguishing signal on the line, which greatly increases the output signal and, as a result, after extinguishing the noise is lost.

In this article we will look at how to unlock a Huawei modem using additional AT commands, and also how you can interact with the modem using their additional help. For example, a very popular model is the Huawei E3272... As we wrote earlier, you can interact with the modem using AT commands through special terminal programs, for example HyperTerminal, PuTTy, Huawei Modem Terminal etc. Let's take a look at how it works.

Entering AT commands into the Huawei modem using PuTTy

After the modem is installed in the device manager, the following additional devices will appear:

In the Modem section - Huawei Mobile Connect - Modem, in the Ports section (COM and LPT) - HUAWEI Mobile Connect - PC UI Interfac (COM5) (you may have a different port number, remember it, so we will connect through that one to the modem for entering AT commands) and in the section Merezhevy adapters - HUAWEI Mobile Connect - Network Card. Apparently, the modem is identified both on the COM port and as an NDIS edge adapter. Now we launch PuTTy and set up a connection to the COM port. Please note that all processes that occupy the COM port of the modem must be closed as soon as we connect to the modem using PuTTy. This section includes MegaFonInternet.exe and MegaFonInternetService.exe. We go to the task manager and complete these processes:

You can also do this from the console (Win+R -> cmd -> Ok) using the following command sequence:

net stop "MegaFon Internet Service"

taskkill /f /im MegaFonInternet.exe

Set up Putty as soon as possible and press the “Connect” button:

How can I find out the modem’s IMEI and firmware version using additional AT commands?

The IMEI modem and firmware version can be found using the additional command ATI or AT+CGSN. We enter two commands into the modem sequentially and listen to its response:

ATI+CGSN Manufacturer: huawei Model: E3272 Revision: 21.436.05.00.209 IMEI: 867503013090647 +GCAP: +CGSM,+DS,+ES 867503013090647 OK

Apparently the IMEI of the modem in this case is 867503013090647, the firmware version of the modem is 21.436.05.00.209. available on our service. At your confirmation, you will receive the unlock code and the code that will be asked for when flashing the modem firmware. For whose IMEI we remove it from the following:

IMEI: 867503013090647 201 Algo Unlock Code: 72033153 Flash Code: 34262301

Incl. The unblocking code for our modem is 72033153. Enter this and check the blocking status.

How can I enter the modem unlock code using an additional AT command?

Why do I issue the command AT^CARDLOCK="72033153" and then check the blocking status using AT^CARDLOCK? :

Apparently, the modem is supported by ^CARDLOCK 2,10,0 - which means that without being unlocked, you can now use SIM cards from any operator. Now we’ll look at how to earn money through DC Unlocker.

How to enter the AT command modem, vikoryst and DC Unlocker?

The simplest way is to use the PP DC Unlocker like a terminal program. Download the remaining version DC Unlocker Client for the next steps forward. Don’t press any other buttons (no unlocking, no connecting to the server, we don’t need anything else), just press the button from the magnifying glass image so that the client recognizes your modem:

On the little one, this button is marked with the number 1. DC Unlocker log (log All information is at the end, where your modem model, firmware version, etc. are displayed and the number of attempts to enter the unlock code that are lost. If you failed to enter the code, you will no longer be able to unlock the modem with the code. Enter the command below AT^CARDLOCK="nck code", de nck code – you will remove the unlock code. After that, the modem displays Ok - it will not be unblocked.

Before using DC Unlocker as a terminal client, you also need to reconnect, as we have already done with PuTTy, so that the processes and services do not access the COM port of the modem (as long as you have an open program for Internet connection included with modem - you definitely need to close it), and even better, end all “calls” of processes that are communicated to the modem through the task manager.

What's wrong, since DC Unlocker does not mean the modem does not use the COM port?

Please check that the software that comes with the modem for Internet access (for example, Connect Manager or Megafon Internet, etc.) will be closed because In the meantime, the COM port to the modem will be used. Also, don’t forget to go to the plant manager and download all the processes that are related to your software. Then run DC Unlocker again and try to identify the modem again. If the COM port does not leak, there is one trick in this case. Download the official firmware for your modem (you can get it on the operator’s website or on one of the many mobile forums around the world, for example, 4pda and others) and run the firmware (DC Unlocker may be closed at the moment). Get to the point where the flasher downloads your Flash code for flashing. Chi don't enter yogo! When the flasher asks you for a Flash code - the modem has already registered on the COM port, close the flasher and run DC Unlocker. The COM port is causing problems and the modem is failing.

AT commands are used for communication with modems. Essentially, a series of symbols that begin with the letter AT and end with carriage rotation signs. However, in the initialization series, the elements that are closed are formed automatically. AT command symbols can be either large or small. Clearings can be placed between other teams.

Additional possibilities

In addition to identifying the main actions associated with modem mode switching, AT commands can be used to connect S-registers. There is a variety of service information required to ensure the operation of the modem. For example, the S-register can store constants that indicate the wake-up hour, the types of protocols to be set, the levels of input and output signals, and so on. The number of registers is determined by the modem, although their number is usually hundreds. Prote is accepted, the first 13 such nodes retain the recognition assigned by the manufacturer. Regardless of the fact that instead of S-registries, skin cells can be modified and considered at the discretion of the authorities, do not forget that there is a very complex interconnection between them in different nodes of the system. However, a sufficient change of any registers can lead to the fact that it will be impossible to use standard programs for working on the Internet.

Basic AT commands that are most often used in modems

1. L0-L3 – means the loudness of the speaker. The numbers indicate minimum, low, average and maximum levels.

2. In - means loading data from the permanent memory of the modem, where n indicates the number of the first command.

3. M0-M3 – dynamics station, de:

0 - device is turned off;

1 - the speaker switches on during “picking up the handset” until the connection is established;

2 - the device is always jammed;

3 - the speaker will turn off only after pressing the remaining digit in the number, and will turn off after the session has been connected.

4. P and T - indicates the frequency of pulse (PULSE) and tone (TONE) dialing.

5. S – work with registers to the modem. SO? It shows the entry instead of the SO node. SO=1 means that this register will be assigned to one.

6. Z - it is important that instead of all nodes it is installed on the cob rack.

7. &F - indicates updated information in the S-registers of the modem with a permanent memory device. This data is recorded by the modem and can be changed by the modem.

8. &W - means recording instead of all registers in a special non-volatile memory with a method of saving the adjustment of the user.

AT commands for GSM modems

Conforming to GSM 07.07 standards, control based on “context” requires the following form: +CGDCONT=[[, [,[,[,[,[,[,…[,pdN]]]]]]]]]. Let's take a look at what this entry means (AT command):

1. cid – this is an identifier for the context. First of all, the number is marked with a “+” sign. The maximum value is assigned to the device model.

2. PDP_type – means the protocol type.

3. APN - the name of the access point, set by the operator of the connection.

4. d_comp - means compression of PDP data, where 0 - compressed, 1 - compressed.

5. h_comp - indicates compression of the PDP header, where 0 - disabled, 1 - compressed.

6. pd1 ... pdN - takes into account the row parameters specific to this type of protocol.

We collected a board with a module and checked it for feasibility. Today we will try to talk to the module and ask him to work. To merge with the module, we will have to learn its language, and then type AT commands. To connect to the module I use a different adapter USB->RS-232->UART. Since the module is powered by a voltage of 3.3 V, an adapter will be required RS-232->UART based on series microcircuits 3232 . I soldered the line, and the ready-made board costs for the price of the parts, so I bought the ready-made one. It looks like this:

Having connected everything and served food, restarted, everything is fine, we launch the program PuTTY. Why the same? That’s just for my money, as it works adequately with the module. If you need some other terminal, a Windows one, for example, work in a new one, but I can’t vouch for adequate work. After starting the program, select the connection type Serial, number COM port, fluidity and called session SIM900D.

Well, now we can start. The first command to connect to the module can always be AT. Like the module vidpov OK Well, everything is correct, anyway, I’m sorry.

Before tim yak, go to the commands of a little bit of balakanini. As I understand it, all teams are divided into three parts.
Persha looks like: AT+? rotate the parameter value.
Another looks like: AT+=? turn around or OK or the meaning of this parameter.
The third one looks like this: AT+= insert the parameter value.
Now let's move on to the teams. Here I will look at the main commands required for the operation of the module. For further information, read the manual. Ale! I'm in the Dovidniki section, let's make a glass SIM900D And here I’ll put together commands with a description of the world’s experiences.
Turn three rows. Persha company is a virobnik. Another module identifier. Third firmware version.

Please see the information about the thickness of the boundary. The first number is from 0 to 31 hours 99. 99 means that the signal is active. Another figure didn’t make sense to me, but on one forum they told me that what’s less is better for you. Let's take his word for it.

This is an information command, there is an operator of any module connected to it. Zokrema, I have Beeline.

This command turns the exact hour and date.
This command sets the date, hour and time zone.

This command turns on the moonlight mode. Working with MK, it’s better to turn it on.
x = 0 Vimknuti
x = 1 take a bite
This command indicates the type of mercy option.
x = 0 For any mercy, write ERROR.
x = 1 Turn the pardon code. Handy for robots from MK.
x=2 Turn the report on the amends. Manually for robots via the terminal.
This command sets the broadcast format.
x = 0 Turn the text back. Manually for robots via the terminal.
x = 1 Turn back the dial-up code. Handy for robots from MK.
This is the command to call the module and dial the number. Often there is no need to insert a dot at the end of the number; without it you cannot call.
Pick up the phone as soon as it rings.
This command sets the number of rings before the handset is automatically picked up. Yakshcho x = 0, I only lift it manually.
Disconnect all connections.
This command turns on Caller ID mode. When working with MK on my unnecessary mode.
This command allows/disables input calls.
x = 0 Allow.
x = 1 Zaboroniti.
This command reads the SMS.
X Serial number of the notification.
y=0 Change to read status.
y=1 Don't change your status.
This command displays the SMS.
X Serial number of the notification.
This command overrides SMS. After entering the command, the module prompts you to enter text.
After entering text, you need to end the text with a symbol to make it stronger. Ctrl+Z
And the team is still funny but very important.
I hope you already guessed it - it’s a balance. Let's immediately look forward to nourishing the kidney # . On the right in what yakscho vikorystuvati * , then you select the text from the HEX format, and everything is OK.

That's all. At the next stage we will screw the module to the MK.
Good luck!
Kos 05/24/14

The fate has passed, but they haven’t screwed it up to MK?)))))

Oleksiy 05.24.14

So why am I hitting on someone))) Khustka hit me with a saw. Whoever wants to monitor the temperature in the booth on this basis has changed his mind, but I don’t need to. If it’s better to screw it to the MK, then you can think about it. There's nothing foldable there.

Kos 06.06.14

It would be great to see the firmware releases)))

Oleksiy 06/07/14

I'll try to throw some thread in the future

Oleksandr 06/13/14

Why screw the microcontroller tightly? You don't need embedded AT for help. I haven’t figured out yet how you have the report information, please send it by mail ( [email protected]).

Aaaaand 06/14/14

Correct the code

Oleksiy 06/14/14

Koduvannya de?

Timm 07/02/14

Power supply - since the RX and TX pins are closed on the MAX3232 board, the moon may not come to my requests at the terminal? Tobto. The scheme is as follows: Putty is running on the computer, a USB-COM converter is connected to the computer, and the MAX3232 is connected to it. There is no further connection, only RX and TX are closed. I don’t have a MAX3232 or a USB-COM converter, I’m trying to get one.

Oleksiy 07/02/14

Let's go in order. To check the USB-COM, simply jumper 2 and 3 contacts on the adapter. When sent to the port via Putty, you may return the same way. Well, you'll be wondering if you're just copying a text file. If nothing is displayed, the adapter does not work. Ale is not enough. It is important to check the correct wiring of the MAX3232. Do not forget to connect 3.3V and tie the ground wire.

Timm 07/03/14

Everything worked out! After suffering for many days, there was no one to sleep in. The problem is that I am not supplying food to Vcc on the MAX3232 board, because... I think that the payment itself lives on the COM port. You can supply 3 to 5V to Vcc, but not necessarily 3.3V. My output is 2.9V. Thank you for your confirmation.

CrazyPit 08.10.14

It’s ugly to hide copy paste on the side, I had to save the side and open it in Word.

Oleksiy 08.10.14

I repent. I'll correct it. I got fed up myself.

Andriy 09.10.14

Command A/ kosher - Repeat the previous command.

Andriy 10/19/14

I can open a thread for the commands for SIM900D. I immediately downloaded the FTP file from a freshly purchased hustka, and spent a couple of evenings hanging out with the teams on the forums. Wondering who needs it. For the note about the point at the end of dialing, a great performance. On other sites, there was no emphasis on respect for her, so it’s not to say that she suffered greatly, but NO CARRIER did not bring joy at all.

Oleksiy 10/19/14
Oleksiy 10/19/14

You can rewrite everything there and group it by topic.

Andriy 10.20.14

“Here” you can continue to live on the site. On the same side we are good, so that we don’t come out with a flood-filled witness. On the other hand, if there is a food problem, there is no way to discuss them. You can upload it to the forum, with input and open comments, as working material. And after checking with at least one more person for the feasibility of entering “here” in the tablet