Setting up WI-FI routers in Zyxel Keenetic of another generation on the Giga II buttstock on L2TP with DHCP. Setting up WI-FI routers in Zyxel Keenetic of another generation on Giga II buttstock on L2TP with DHCP

to connect to the border Smile

In front, you need to connect all cables to the main roses:

  • Eating.
  • Who comes the provider's Ethernet cable (to the WAN port.)
  • An Ethernet cable like a mesh card to any LAN port on the router. (Ring out the numbers.)

For Windows XP:

Go to the menu , .

At the vіknі merezhevyh plug (figure 1) press the right button of the mouse on " »I choose« authority».

Malyunok 1. Vіkno zdіysnyuvati podklyuchennya to merezі in Windows XP.

At the vikni " Authority Connected by local measure"(Malyunok 2) select item" Internet protocol tcp / ipauthority».

Malyunok 2. The power of connection to the local barrier.

At the vikni " Authority Internet Protocol TCP / IP»(Malyunok 3) choose:

  • « »
  • « »

and press the button " OK»

Baby 3. TCP / IP protocol

For Windows 7:

Go to the menu , , .

At the vikni " "(Malyunok 4) press .

Malyunok 4. Vіkno "Merezha i zagalny access control center" in Windows 7.

At the vikni " "(Malyunok 5) know" Connection by local measure”, Click on the new one with the right mouse button and select the item“ authority».

Malyunok 5

At the vikni " Power connection by local measure»(Fig. 6)) select item« Internet protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)"(DO NOT check the box) and click on the button" authority».

Malyunok 6. Local connection power in Window 7.

At the vikni " Authority: Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4)»(Malyunok 7) choose:

  • « Take IP address automatically»
  • « Take the DNS server address automatically»

and press the button " OK»

Baby 7. TCP / IP protocol

Go to the command line (Malyunok 8) (Start \u003d\u003e Vikonati \u003d\u003e enter the "cmd" command and press the "OK" button).

Malyunok 8 Launching the program

At the command line (Malyunok 9) type the command "ipconfig -all". Check that the IP addresses are recognized and are in the same range as the IP addresses of the Internet router.

Malyunok 9 Command row

Type the command ping and change to see if packets are exchanged with the Internet router.

Next, you need to go to the web interface of the router management. For this, open the browser, enter the ip address of the router in the address bar (for locking and go to the address (Malyunok 10).

Baby 10. Browser address bar

When you first try to log in, you will be prompted to change the password of the router administrator (Malyunok 11). say " New administrator password»І« Enter password again". Press zasosuvat.

Baby 11. Setting the administrator password

To access the web interface of the router, you need to log in. Indicate the name of the koristuvach (for absurdity admin) І password (for locking 1234 ), After what to press " OK"(Malyunok 12).

Improved access to the Internet

To set up Internet access:

Nashtuvannya bezdrotovy merezhi

To set up a streakless sieve:

Your Zyxel internet router is a work in progress Smile

Setting up a router for robotic IP-TV

For robotic IP-TV:


So you yourself may need data from the log (beam) of the router. In order to take away this information, click on the icon " system»Select tab« Magazine"(Malyunok 18).

Baby 18. Magazine

The Zyxel Keenetic Giga II Internet Center is a richly functional extension, for the help of which you can create a home or office environment with Internet access and Wi-Fi access. The cream of the basic functions of wines has a low additional capacity, which goes far beyond the scope of a great router, to work its attachments for the most powerful coristuvachiv. In order to realize the capacity as fully as possible, the router needs to be set correctly. About tse and pide mova dali.

Before the beginning of the installation, it is necessary to prepare the router before turning it on for the first time. Such training is standard for all outbuildings of a similar type. It is necessary to choose a place where you will unpack the router, unpack it, attach antennas and connect to a PC or a laptop, and the cable from the provider should be plugged into the WAN socket. If you have a connection up to 3G or 4G, you need to connect a USB modem to one of the available sockets. Then you can go to the setting of the router.

Connection to the web interface Zyxel Keenetic Giga II

To connect to the web interface, no special tricks will be needed. More than enough:

After the vykonannya tsikh dіy at the first connection, it will turn out like this:

The further heading of the setting will be delayed depending on which of the two proponed in the same choice of options in the choice of coristuvach.

NDMS - operating system for the Internet center

One of the features of the products of the Keenetic model range is those that their functioning is under control not just of the firmware, but of the entire operating system - NDMS. The very appearance and transformation of banal routers into a richly functional Internet center. Therefore, it is important to update the firmware of your router in the current state.

OS NDMS will be behind the modular type. It is made up of components, which you can add or see for the bazhanny koristuvach. You can see the list of installed and available components before installation in the web interface in the distribution "System" on deposit "Component"(Abo on the deposit "Renewal", The version of the OS is added to the distribution).

By ticking the required component (or by unchecking the icon) and clicking on the button "Zastosuvat", You can install or see yoga. However, it is necessary to work more carefully, so that you do not accidentally see the component that is necessary for the normal functioning of the add-on. Such components ring out the sign "Critical" or "Important".

The presence of a modular operating system makes it possible to set up the Keenetic add-on with an oversized button. To that, in the fallow time, the web interface of the router can be likened to a coristuvacha, and the tabs (with a little bit of the base ones) are completely different. Having saved this important moment for yourself, you can proceed to the pointless setting of the router.

Shvidka setting

For those who are short-tempered and don't want to delve deeply into the subtle configurations, the Zyxel Keenetic Giga II has the ability to set the basic parameters and add it to the clicks. But for all that, all one thing is necessary to look in advance at the agreement with the provider and find out the necessary details about your connection. In order to launch the firmware of the router setup, it is necessary to press the button on the login button in the setup window, as it is the next step after authorization in the web interface of the add-on.

Dalі vіdbudetsya coming:

Yak bachimo, I’ll build the setting, it’s smart, it’s very fast. If you need additional functions for the internet center, you can continue in manual mode by clicking on the button "Web configurator".

Manual setting

Fans of digging in the parameters of the Internet connection will not independently oblige to cheat on the function of a smart router setup. You can immediately go to the web configurator by clicking on the exit button in the pop-up window.

Potim is necessary:

After that, you can proceed to create an interface for connecting to the Internet. For which you need to select the required type of connection (signed with an agreement with the provider) and click on the button "Add interface".

Then you will need to set the necessary parameters for connecting with the Internet:

After entering the parameters, it is necessary to click on the button "Zastosuvat", The router will accept the new settings and may connect to the Internet. It is also recommended to fill in the field for all types "Description", For which it is necessary to come up with a name for this interface. The firmware of the router allows you to create and select decals, and in this way you can easily separate them between yourself. All creations of the connection will be displayed in the list on the default tab in the Internet settings menu.

From this input, if necessary, you can easily edit the configuration of the created connection.

Connection up to 3G / 4G networks

Availability of USB-ports We can connect Zyxel Keenetic Giga II up to 3G / 4G merezh. This is especially convenient, as it is planned to win in the countryside, or at the dacha, because there is no wired Internet. The only reason for creating such a connection is the presence of a mobile operator cover, as well as the installation of the necessary NDMS components. About those that are so, check the presence of the tab "3G/4G" in retail "Internet" router web interface.

Like this tab daily - you need to install additional components.

The NDMS operating system supports up to 150 models of USB modems, so problems with these connections are rarely blamed. Connect only the modem to the router, so that the connection is established, so the main parameters should sound already written in the firmware of the modem. After the connection, the modem is guilty of appearing in the list of interfaces on the tab 3G/4G and in the main list, joining the first deposit of the distribution "Internet". If you need to specify a special setting, you can change it by clicking on the name of the connection and set the required settings for that field.

However, practice shows that the need to manually configure the connection to a mobile operator is rarely found.

Setting up a backup connection

One of the advantages of the Zyxel Keenetic Giga II is the ability to simultaneously connect to the Internet via different interfaces. With this one, the connection acts as the main one, and the reshta is the reserve one. This function is more convenient if you have an unstable connection with providers. To implement її, dosit set the priority of the connection on the deposit "Connection" distributed "Internet". For which it is necessary to enter a digital value in the field "Priority" list and press the button "Save the Priorities".

More value means higher priority. In this way, from the butt pointing at the screenshot, the main one is connected to the wired network, which has a priority of 700. When you spend the day, the router will automatically install the connection with the 3G network via a USB modem. And if you change your wines, you will gradually renew the main connection, and as soon as I can, I will switch to the new one again. It is possible to set up similar bets on two 3G-days on different operators, as well as setting a priority for three and more connections.

Changing the parameters of the dart-free line

Zamovchuvannyam Zyxel Keenetic Giga II already has a Wi-Fi connection, as a whole practical. Having named the password to it, you can marvel at the stickers that are found on the lower part of the annex. That is why, in the majority of cases, the adjustment of the arborless line is brought up to a change in these two parameters. To be sure, it is necessary:

We took care of the mesh more often with new parameters. Їх qіlkom enough for more coristuvachiv.

At the end of the review, I would like to add that in the article the topic was destroyed, but the key moments in the upgraded Zyxel Keenetic Giga II. However, the NDMS operating system still has limited additional capabilities for the installation. Description of the skin of them meritorious status.

  1. AntennasWiFi Two all-straight antennas. The recommended position for additional antennas is vertical.
  1. ButtonWiFi) The button allows you to quickly and safely connect to a protected Wi-Fi router, a wireless Wi-Fi 802.11g / n device that supports the WPS standard, for example, computers and laptops with the Microsoft Windows operating system.

short squeeze Launches the wireless connection (WPS) function
Pushing more than 3 seconds Vmikaє or vmikaє bezdrotov merezha

  1. Button "Skidannya" (Skidannya nalashtuvan) Press this button, as it is necessary to set the router again or the password to access to the new destruction. To reset, press the button with a sharpened object and hold for about 10 seconds, until quiet, until all indicators of the router go out. An indicator of liveliness is becoming clearer, and through the pivkhvilin Internet center, you can get involved in installations for locking.
  1. FN Button (Programmed Function Button) In the web configurator, the Internet center can be assigned one or more functions to each button. When locked, the button is recognized for the safe connection of all connections to the USB-storage router.
  1. Merezhevі roses "0 ... 4" Five rozmikacha for connection of home extensions and facilities of the Internet. For locks, yellow roses "1 ... 4" are brought to the home line, and blue roses "0" - to the Internet.
  1. Vimikach and roses "Kharchuvannya" Vimicac of life and roses for connection of the life adapter are included in the delivery set. The router of payments for a permanent job and does not require a free connection. If necessary, unplug the router, for example, interrupt operation for an hour, it is also recommended to plug in a power adapter to the power outlet.

2 Powerful USB host socket - Located on the back panel of the router. Connector for connecting other USB devices, such as USB modems for 3G / 4G mobile Internet, USB storage devices, USB printers. You can find the current list of USB storage devices on the side of the Keenetic Omni router by visiting the ZyXEL website.

8. Indicator Kharchuvannya (Status)

9. Indicators 0, 1, 2, 3, 4

10. Indicator (Wi-Fi wireless)

12. Indicator (pіd'єdnannya to "USB")

router connection

  • Choose a suitable location for the router. It is recommended to place the router in the center of the arborless fence.
  • Adjust the position of the antenna. Most often, the best is vertical position.
  • Connect the computer to the local tier via the LAN (home tier) ports of the router (if you already have a wireless tier adapter, and if you want to speed up the connection via the cellular wire, you can skip this part)
  • Connect the input Ethernet cable to the INTERNET port of the router
  • Connect the adapter to the router's mains socket, and plug the other end into the socket.

Setting up a computer for connecting to a router:

  • In the settings for the TCP / IP protocol of your computer, select.

To configure the router, you will need a computer with a networked Ethernet adapter or Wi-Fi, set to automatically change the IP address (in the settings for the TCP / IP protocol of your computer, select Take IP address automatically).
1. Connect the router to the electrical circuit through the food adapter included in the delivery set. Check until the router's FOOD indicator stops glowing and stays on.
2. Connect the router to the computer, from which the configuration will be carried out. For this connection, socket "1" on the router with the computer's Ethernet adapter, with a wire rope. Turn on your computer and check out the operating system. If the connection to the computer is correct, the indicator “1” will light up on the router.
To install the router, open a web browser and enter the address for the lock in the address bar and then press ENTER. It will appear in the window with the choice of the type of router settings. In this window, it is necessary to select an item Web configurator.

Once you select the required parameter, you will be prompted to create a password to enter the router to prevent unauthorized access to the system.
In both windows it is necessary to enter the same password, in different versions you will be informed about the password.

After that, you will spend on the main page on the improvement and diagnostics. In this veknі vіdobrazhaєtsya zagalіnіfаєіya іnformatsіya pro stіnіklyuchennya, аnd menu item itself nalashtuvani.

DHCP setup

To configure automatic IP address retrieval (DHCP) by the router, you need to click on the button
Then you need to choose the type of connection Broadband connection a kind of p_dlyagaє settings (dvichi pressing on the new left button of the mouse):

After selecting the type of connection, the new connection can be set up in which it is possible to configure the automatic removal of the IP address.

Vikoristovuvaty roses: In this branch, you can choose the port that will be the main one for communicating with your ISP. In case of a default, the port for locking "0" is to blame. Navpaks of other ports are due to be filled with empty cells.
pass tagsVLAN ID: This field can be left empty.
description: In this field, you can specify the name of the connection, then it will be displayed in the router's name field. It is possible in this field to remove the name for locking (broadband connection) or change it to DHCP.
measure ID(VLAN ID): Lock out parameter 2
Adjustment of parametersIP: In this paragraph, you can select the type of IP control, but it can be selected automatic.
Pdmerezhi mask: not available (with automatic IP settings)
Main gateway: not available (with automatic IP settings)
DNS 1,2,3: These fields will be left blank, because When you automatically remove the IP address, your router automatically removes the possibility.
MAC-addresses: In this item, you can select the method of choosing the MAC address (unique identifier of the merging outbuilding). The value can stand For zamovchuvannyam.
Im'll add: In this paragraph, you can change the name of your router so that it will be displayed in the Internet.
RozmirMTU: Guilty worth the value of 1500
Chi do not changeTTL: In this menu item, the sight is guilty, but it is taken.
After the introduction is completed, it is necessary to press get stuck. After that, you can go to the Wi-Fi connection.

Nashtuvannya PPOE

If you have a successful connection through the PPPoE protocol, then you should choose
after that, choose a bookmark for customization PPPOE/VPN and in this week press the button Add payment

In the event of a new window appearing, it is necessary for you to configure the connection to the PPPOE protocol.

Notice: This point is subject to buti requests (activating this type of connection).
Vikoristovuvaty for access to the Internet: This item is guilty of buti vibranium. If the view is taken, then the router will not choose the view port for communicating with the ISP, but will choose this port as a local port (for communication in the middle of the local network).
description: In this field, you can specify the name of the connection, then it will be displayed in the router's name field. It is recommended to select a PPPOE connection.
Type (protocol): In this paragraph, it is necessary to select the type of tunneled PPPOE connection. (PPPTP, L2TP options are available in the same way - they do not win at your network)
Connect via: In this paragraph, it is necessary to select the connection to the boundary, as it will be selected for the installation of the connection. must choose Broadband connection (ISP)
Name of service:
Hub name: This field is guilty of being left unfinished. (not victorious)
Service addresses: This field is not available with this appearance of the connection.
Im'ya Koristuvacha: Login connection provided to you by your provider.
password: In this paragraph, it is necessary to indicate password connection to you by your provider.
Authenticity verification method: In this paragraph, the meanings are guilty auto .
Data encryption:
vicoristCCP: Denmark punt with such a connection is inaccessible.
Adjustment of parametersIP: This item is valid for the type of IP address selection. Guilty worthy auto .
IPaddresses: Denmark punt with such a connection is inaccessible.
in the distanceIPaddresses: Denmark punt with such a connection is inaccessible.
DNS 1,2,3: Data points are given for the instructions of specific DNS servers. Ale, in connection with this, that all settings are assigned automatically, there is no need to specify values ​​in these fields.
autopilotTCP-MSS: The Danish clause vouches for the autopilot construction of data fragments. This item is guilty of buty inclusions.
After you have configured the connection via PPPOE, you need to press the APPLY button, after which you can proceed to the Wi-Fi network setup.

Setting up a dartless connection

To set up a wireless connection, you need to press the icon in the main menu
Vіknі povinna buti has a tab Access point.

Enable hotspot: This is the destination for turning on / turning off the movement of the radio module. Denmark point is guilty of buty inclusions.
im'ya merezhі(SSID): In this field it is necessary to enter the name of your measure (the name of your measure will be displayed in the list of available measures). Behind the lock, in this field, the name of the router model is written.
attachSSID: If this item is not seen in this item, then naming your link will be visible in the list of links, if the item of vision (activation) then your link will be attached, and connecting to it will only be possible with the help of manual input, name the link. Denmark point is better left without seeing.
Protector of the fence: Here you can choose the type of encryption that will be vikoristovuvatisya. WPA2-PSK is based on the Danish encryption type, the most advanced and supports the 802.11n motion standard (the most recent).
Measure key: Here you can enter a password from 8 to 63 characters in ASCII encoding (it is permissible to change the letters and digits of the Latin alphabet great and small).
Key 1,2,3,4:
Lock key: With this type of encryption (WPA2-PSK) is not available
standard: wrap mode 11bgn. This mode allows all 802.11b, 802.11g and 802.11n wireless stations to connect to the router.
Channel: In this field, the operating frequency is set, so you choose to win. Behind the castle stands the regime auto, in this way, the access point automatically in automatic mode will have the largest open channel . This parameter must be disabled in Auto mode.
Signal pressure: In this item, you can set the intensity of the radio transmitter's motion signal. It is necessary to put 100%.
After setting it up, it is necessary to press the APPLY button. If so, your router will be upgraded for work in our measure.

It has become absolutely significant for companies that develop advanced technology, launch new product series from time to time, and perform the necessary minimum changes.

Modern telephones of the remaining rokiv are practically zmalovanі one from one, and brown modernization is practically not mentioned.

On what aphid the products of the great Taiwanese company ZyXel Communications Corp are seen to look - in the basis of their own, that they do not marry the wide-ranging updates of models, and try to maximize their farther creativity.

Axis and їхнє child - Keenetic giga II- vіdrіznyaєtsya vіd svogo opednik nastіlki, scho buv gіdny okremoї seriії i name.

In addition, in the supply of the company, the product to enter the warehouse of the line Keenetic II, Keenetic Giga II and Keenetic Ultra - and the cream of the bagatioh may be more software-safe and hardware platform.

Maybe, the company wanted to reveal a new attachment, having won good fame with the Keenetic brand - and at the same time, it lost the credit to its many positive principles.

Key characteristics

Unpacking and complete set

Router dimensions 158 x 110 x 32 mm, 270 g.

Tim, who is familiar with the previous Keenetic models, the first thing you see is a sharp change in design.

Although the front models were vikonan, it is more important in white color, then it is given in black gloss.

Definitely tse and beautiful - the black color goes practically for any kind of interior, unremarkable and does not throw into the eyes; but the crime is not so STICKING to the saw - wait a minute - it won’t be leather to change the router properly, only through those that the yogo corps is waiting for the saw.

On the lower panel I will add, also vikonan from glossy black plastic, pasted information about the virobnik, a series and the rules of vikoristannya (a report about it can be read in the Russian part of the instruction).

From one side you can see an eyelet for fastening, I will attach it vertically to the wall, from the other side - a pair of humic bottoms against forging.

Attach attachments with this functionality you only see in one position - antennas and ports down.

Also, add roses for the best antennas - the best antennas are attached to them, as if looking like a good knitting needle.

You can send it to different sides (div. Fig. 5) which can significantly increase the signal strength.

As you can see in the photo, roses for attaching antennas to the rear panel, and - to the front (div. Fig. 6)

Add a beautifully corrugated top panel, chipped with glossy black plastic, rounded edges.

From the sides also open small ventilation for the cooled outbuilding.

Buttons on the front panel.

On a small niche of the animal and closer to the right kut, there is a great control key - the same for the rest of the brown innovations.

In addition, they handily made a different color marking of roses for wires of different colors - it would not help to get lost when connecting roses. As can be seen on the little one below (div. Fig. 7), two colors are stuck - a yellow marking for some roses with a method of connecting a home line under numbers from 4 to 1; and blue - for connecting to the Internet under number 0. Right-handed - a round nest for eating food, and from the other edge - a gap for dropping and reloading the annex. Port the roses among yourself, so that you don’t hesitate when connected to the building

Fig.7: rear panel

As you can see in the picture (div. Mal.8) on the front panel, I will also add light indicators, practically connected to the back panel of roses.

Zlіva to the right - indicator of robotic equipment (on\\ off), internet connection, home network roses, Wi-Fi signal strength, USB connection icon.

Obviously, the black color scheme, sidewalls, embossed from matte plastic and more stylishly embroidered, adding an element of elegance, and vіn looking richer than its price (and obviously, it’s true).

Set when zamovlennі

What do you take away when praying?

The kit with the router includes:


How to set up

Preparing to finish.

Before the cob of the robot, it is necessary to connect the router to the electrical network behind the auxiliary socket. Connect one end of the cable to the cable, and connect the other to the computer.

Where you know the skin of roses, you can once again marvel at the little one below.

The button on the top panel is the Wi-Fi settings button. If you click on it briefly - authorization will start, and after pressing for more than three seconds, turn on or turn on the Wi-Fi module. Press on it for a long time and increase attachments.

Now everything is ready for the cob of sewing merezhі.

Improving access to the Internet-merezh on the operating system

Internet access via LAN cable

Login to the Zyxel web interface:

  • Switch to your personal computer or laptop, to which one you connected the cable to the router.
  • Vіdkryte be-yakie nayavny browser (it can be Opera, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) - which is the most fundamental value can not.
  • enter in the address bar to the animal:, as shown in the photo:

  • enter the name of the koristuvach, set a password, press "OK"
  • see if you set the name and password earlier
  • if you see it, let the picture come (to turn respect to the upper right corner - you are guilty of the Russian language, if you have another one - click on the icon of the movie - div. fig. 13, and choose the Russian language):

Improved access to the Internet

  • Let's start the measure setup- press the merge button there, it is shown in the small box below:

  • wrap 'yatachi IPoE

  • wrap ISP option

  • to be set next, in which case it is necessary to set the next indicators: 1.setting the IP parameters: "Automatic"; 2.MAC addresses: " Take from your PC”.
  • press the button "Zastosuvati".

That's it - for what, setting up an Internet connection via a cable is completed.

Improving access to the Internet via Wi-Fi to a wireless network

  • click on 7 forward paragraphs from the text above (column " Login to the Zyxel web interface”)
  • select the Wi-Fi link icon, it is circled in the photo with a chervonim:

  • you have a new vіkno. The new one will have a sprat count. Check the box next to "Enable"
  • Im'ya merezhі (SSID) you ask whether you want to be tempted. It will be visible to people who try to connect Wi-Fi. Vikoristovyte Latin or figures.
  • Below the field Zahist merezhі - choose.
  • create a password and enter yoga in the column " security key". Write down and save inventing a password in a quiet place.

  • press the "Shut down" button

mustache- you have improved your Wi-Fi wireless network and you can enjoy the vastness of the Internet and surfing in the region.


When rewiring the router, tests were performed to evaluate the throughput of routing with a wired connection, as well as the speed of the operation of the wireless interface and the functionality of the NAS.

Behind the tests, the ZyXEL Keenetic Giga II turned out to be more productive than its predecessor, especially in tasks that heavily stress the processor.

Also, the speed of reading and writing, received via USB, grew up to 15 MB / s - from the side you can say - a modest amount, but let's not forget that the main feature of the router is packet routing, but not the functions of NAS, the robot works with disks. on the hardware level. To the point, let's say that in the outbuildings of the previous generation, the show was on the level of 3-5 MB / s. And the productivity of the BitTorrent-client Transmission, embedded in the firmware “for locking”, becomes close to 5 MB / s, which allows you to capture a movie with a 1080p distribution for about a year.

Other Important Changes in NDMS 2.0- here you can see the fully functional NAT support (the ability to win over decal calls), support multiple PPP tunnels and supply more additional physical WAN interfaces on the port of the installed switch.

To try and explain in simple terms, it shows the possibility of a "hot backup" Internet connection, and the possibility of switching to another option in case of a malfunction of the main provider.

It also turned out to be possible to switch to the command line interface - it helps, by connecting to the router for the help of the Telnet program, to overcome various subtle adjustments (that and the main one), which are not available in the shell of the web interface, and it is easy to access through text file.

In vikoristan Zyxel keenetic giga II little winds up in similar outbuildings, and it is not difficult to connect and install it. press the “reset” button, and then proceed with the standard login and password (admin / 1234 - login to access any Zyxel products).

It would be less necessary to reconsider that the range of the IP-address of the computer and router's boundary card is in the same subdivision.

We also tested the Keenetic Giga II in connection with a laptop (testing an HP TX2-1210er laptop and miniPCI-Express with a Broadcom BCM94322MC adapter, IxChariot testing software).

The devised program was framed as an unspoken standard of vimiryuvan of a similar kind.

In the process of testing, the cob was taken in the same room in the immediate vicinity, one in the same, and then they were placed in different rooms, between them there was a wall of a standard panel booth.

So, as is typical for a metropolis, in this zone, signals were fixed from other towers and base stations, which created a level of average noise.

Briefly, the test results can be seen in the table:

Comparison with other models

This router was paired with three random routers of the same price category, available for purchase in the online store.

Choose three routers that work in the same frequency range.

Їx photo to marvel at the little one more.

  • Upvel UR-515D4G
  • Mikrotik RB941-2nD-TC
  • ZyXel Keenetic Giga II

As you can see from Fig. 22, we looked at the keenetic giga II model in the statistical model, which turned out to be a lot of rock in order to take advantage of current routers:

  • є 4 LAN-ports (one more, lower for MikroTik RB941-2nD-TC) - this is the number of ports in the average that is beaten by vibrators in routers;
  • high speed (1Gbit \\ s - more lower for the other two different models);
  • 2 USB sockets (there is only one in the Upvel UR-515D4G model, while MikroTik RB941-2nD-TC has the same one);
  • also zvnіshnі znіmnі antennas, yakі polyuyut signal;
  • complies with some security standards (security standard 802.1x present only for keenetic giga II).

  • Upvel UR-515D4G can be a Web server and, otherwise, the characteristics of Upvel UR-515D4G and ZyXel Keenetic Giga II are identical in terms of functionality. ZyXel Keenetic Giga II supports CLI (Telnet) functionality. The MikroTik RB941-2nD-TC router strongly differs from the other two in its functionality.
  • for the dimensions, the annexes are practically the same.

Pluses and minuses

  • guaranteed stable internet, good signal,
  • the presence of ovnіshnіh znіmnih antennas, scho pіdsilyuyut signal if necessary,
  • vіdmіnna funktіonіnіst i will add,
  • ergonomic design,
  • Intuitive interface, availability of Russian language setup and ease of setup,
  • vodpovidalnaya and really help service support and cost-free technical assistance online,
  • the company has positively recommended itself in the past,
  • attach beautifully to vikonnі and design,
  • I will repay the stained glass windows for a new penny.
  • deyakish coristuvachi guess that the power of the Internet is not strong enough for a richly furnished apartment - but we care that the thought of deakikh coristuvachiv is subjective,
  • I will attach legs for fastening on the rear panel, allowing you to fasten only in one position,
  • available only in black color,
  • corrugated top cover with grooves can accumulate saws.

Zyxel Keenetic Giga 2 adds to its heavy hardware storage and ease of adjustment procedure. Below is a description of the router, a description of the connection, updating the software and setting it up.


This compact outbuilding of Virobnikov has a little bit of simplicity, good productivity and wide functionality.

At the same time, the variability is less than insignificantly blown up in front of the front model.

It is not surprising that this WiFi router has become more popular among the middle class. For a shvidka and an extra connection to the merezha, a gigabit port is charged. The standard number and the majority of the owners of small apartments for the creation of a home with a large number of computers.

The amount of RAM should be set to 256 Mb and allow three hours of operation without failure and suspension, and the internal flash memory (16 Mb) is sufficient for software and regular updates.

In times of need to cover a larger area with a droto-free signal, it is possible to easily replace both antennas with an element with a higher strength coefficient. Ale, you need to use the tightness of the complete translators for a comfortable connection to Wi-Fi in a two- or three-room standard apartment.

How to connect?

Dosvіdcheni koristuvacham vіdomo, scho pochatkovu pіdklyuchennya priklyuchennya to PC dotsіlnіshe carry out for the help of a wire connection. The procedure does not differ in any way from the front models and is now standard, but for people, first of all, it’s better to count the numbers, below is a description of the skin cut.

It is necessary to viscount the coming days:

  1. In roses, marked with blue color and signature "Internet", it is necessary to insert a cable from the carrier of the call;
  2. Insert one plug into the patch cord (included in the kit with Zyxel Keenetic Giga II) in the back of the nest of yellow color and with the inscription “Home merezha”. Connect the other plug of this cable to the PC tether card socket;
  3. For the help of the complete block of life, connect the attachment to the electrical supply and press the button "Kharchuvannya".

Discounted parameters until weekends

If your "Kinetic" was already in operation earlier, then, on the other hand, it will be necessary to throw it off in front. For a new device, this paragraph of the instruction can be skipped and immediately proceeded to the next step.

Algorithm dіy is composed of a total of dekіlkoh advancing stages:

Procedure for logging into the web interface

Virobniks "Giga" with the index "Two" conveyed the possibility of a simple stitching, as if it were awkward to make a cobweb.

To open the menu for entering parameters, you need to enter the following:

  • Launch an Internet-observer, which is the main source for the computer manager, and try to check one of the three sides in the global dimension, for example, from the “Vibrane” folder. When you hear it, the menu of the swedish adjustment is displayed.

If you are a beginner, you can simply click on “Shvidka setting” and the master will quickly run through all the stages of introducing the main parameters, so that they correspond with the contract with the provider.

Installing new firmware

Manual setting

With the method of introducing parameters in the measure, it is necessary to carry out the steps:

  1. Open the "Internet" tab (the parameters entered are different for different types of business);
  2. As soon as DHCP wins over to IP assignments in automatic mode, then you need to enter:

Introduction of Wi-Fi settings

Next vikonati oncoming stages: