Faulty televisions supra and their repair. So robiti, like the Supra TV doesn’t get in

Pіdbіrka porad shkodo pokuku and usunennya malfunctions in the schemes of televisions of the company Supra, allow you to quickly and accurately repair your ill television.

SUPRA STV-2084E3. Under the hour of raising the TV without a signal, such a picture emerges. The lower part of the frame is present, the upper part of the day is not clearly pronounced, the day is clearly pronounced, the smuga is below. When a signal is given, the image appears normally, but a little more in the middle of the screen, there is a black smuga at the sight of an arrow on the edge. It turned out that an inconsistency had come to the head of the personnel department, the condensers of the electricity coming out of the coil must be replaced.

SUPRA STV-1484 The image on the screen is in'yale (the graphics are displayed normally) in two or three years, according to the declaration of the sergeant, they are renewed. I didn’t have the strength to revise my statement, nothing has changed through the work of the work. Incorrectness was felt at the LZYA test. After that, replace the dart with a shmat, the normal operation of the TV set was aroused. The clarity of the picture completely satisfied the client.

Supra STV-2084DK When you turn on a little squeak to get out of the living unit, TV does not start. When reversing the second lances of the BP, it turned out that +12v and +18v is normal, and the replacement is +115v in total +28 - 30v. When life was turned on, the voltage rose to + 115v. Rechecking the SPLIT transformer and that second lance did not give anything. When the row is connected, the voltage is re-applied to + 30V. Having measured the pulsations on the D8075 diode with an oscilloscope, it appeared that the constant temperature here is close to +30v, and more often the pulsations change. After replacing the diode, it did not help, then replacing C8075 33.0x160v and everything returned to normal, TV started up.

SUPRA STV1484DK Shasі PC04 It's darker, you can't see the image, OSD is beyond the kinescope's threshold. On cathodes of 220 st. Life pressure VVU 240 st. Deputy 180 Art. Appeared: in the lance of life, 3 split tr-ra up to L804P 118 st. and cleanly, but after, on the output of 3 pulses of low frequency. Reason: loss of capacity C807S 47 uF 160 std.

SUPRA STV1484DK chassis PC04 When the button is turned on, the TV enters the black mode and does not respond to commands from the remote control and the front panel. It appeared that the voltage of STENDBY 12 was not filtered. Reason: loss of capacity C804S 1000 uF 16 tbsp. After replacement, it turns on normally.

DAEWOO DMQ-1427/1457/2027/2057/2127/2157; SUPRA STV-2024; SHIVAKI STV-2012M4; NAM DMQ-2046 (Chassis: C-50); DAEWOO DTK-2053 (Chassis: C-52).

1. Checking the frequency of the adjustment. PL prompts on TA8701N. The most faulty circuit is L124 (connections up to vi.22), similar to circuit AFC AKAI CT-1407/2007/2107D. Replace the replacement capacitor 47-51 pF. It can be used for the contour L125, its parameters are similar to those of L124. After replacing the capacitors, the procedure for the subsequent rebuilding of the circuits to normal work auto-storage systems of stations

2. Spells, weak sound. Vinen circuit L128, connections up to viv. 9TA8701N. For my danimi, when a capacitor is used, the nominal value is close to 15 pF. Change yoga and adjust to the optimal sound.

SAMSUNG CK-3351/3362/5051/5314/5342/5361, SUPRA STV-2094 (Chassis: P68SA/SC), SAMSUNG CK/CW-3335/5035/5041/5081/5082/5318/531 telemaster devices :-).

Do not trim the frequency of the TV programs. These devices are based on a rich-functional microcircuit TDA8362, as there can only be one tuning circuit at the IF frequency, connections up to 2, 3 AFC DET (T104). I'm starting a new wine capacitor with a capacitance of about 68 pF. Change it to the overhead and consequently boost the circuit to the normal auto-storage of the stations (setting up the gas station).

Supra STV-20 on STR50103A- does not enter into the dredge mode without warming up 30 min. Minify C4.7 * 50v to (+16v), set no more than 10.0

Supra CTV1485 MC-41A chassis, but Goldstar GF-14/20/21A80 MC-41A/B. SECAM has a daily blue color, everything is OK in PAL. SEKAMI contour blue B-Y core L504, does not react to wrapping. Do not rush to change the TA8750AN microcircuit, change the circuits L504 and L502, connected through capacitors to 35 and 29 TA8750AN. In my opinion, after the rearrangement of the circuits, everything worked out, obviously, the soldering of the lower (in the middle) contour was given as a sign, after the need for a small installation of the contours.

SUPRA STV-2084. Є temple and sound, kіnescope of closures. Approximately for pіvgodini z'yavlyaєtsya picture. Visokh C416 50.0 X250V.

SUPRA STV2128. Change the raster size for the hour Change the contrast ratio. High capacitor 1.0x160 in the PSU.

Supra STV-2017. From the block of life, when the moon is turned on, a characteristic squeak. For five minutes of warming up, a squeak is attached. At the hour of the peep, deak programs are zbivayutsya. Having soldered the PSU and SR and changed the PSU capacitors - everything is OK.

Supra STV 2112W wine is Shivaki STV-2017M4. Defect varty respect. Priyshov u repair s beat HOT. After replacing, over the evening, when the charcoal mode was removed, the transistor vibrated on a new one. With a little repair, the cicava was marked as special. When switching the device to the drawing, the row is not included. When turned on, like in the American cinema, the television broadcast began to mitigate. In the dredge mode on m / s TDA2579V (set) in the dredge mode, the voltage is daily. Having shorted out the m / s to the mass on the side. r.-ku, all the same Ryadkova pratsyuє. Having planted the basis of the forward transport on the masa, one bisa works in the new mode. The defect was leaning on the food at 115 volts. It is broken up just like the old GoldStar, two spaces, one after the diode, the other after the throttle. The other one was dry. The life of TMS is taken as equal to 115, and the induction from a small ridge was to stimulate the generation on TMS.

Supra STV-2128MS and other televisions, selected on the C-50N (C-50AN) chassis, as the main element of the live block, the STR50103A is victorious. The raster of sounds is both vertically and horizontally, at the upper part of the screen there is a twist on the frame, going to the channels. When vimіrі vihіdnoї nagruzki block zhivlennya poserіgaєmo 60% vіd nominal. When replacing electrical capacitors in the power supply C832 C830 (1mkF / 160V), an error occurs.

DAEWOO, SUPRA, ELEKTA (Chassis C-50NA) Defects appear in different ways: no startup, screen sounds horizontally and large vertical expansion, vertical twist. And there is only one misfortune - the power supply voltage is low. Change C830, C832.

Supra STV-2900XT. No launch small / no high. When switching on IC803 (7812) at the input of 6 volts. It turned out that channel 12v overlapped with channel 27v, and when the personnel microcircuit breaks through, we can do that. Replace TDA3654Q.

Supra, STV-2024. There is no color, buzzing in sound. Impossible to nail UCHI. From the IF generator it works normally. Faulty transistor Q503 (2SC3198) in the lancet switch SYSTEM.

Supra STV-2900XT. Fault: after replacing a burned-out capacitor 1000 pf 2000 When switching on IC 803 (7812) at the input of 6 volts. At the exit of the stabilizer - an adventure. It showed up broken for eating TDA8145.

SUPRA STV2024 Incorrectness: the black mode does not light up, the TV does not turn on, it does not light up 103v., Probe C453 3.3x250V on the kinescope board.

Supra STV2128. Chassis C-50N. Incorrectness: even quiet sound. The work was normal after an hour, replace the IMC TA8701N.

SUPRA STV-2062DK (C500 chassis) The main life was selected on STK73410II. Incorrect: does not fit into the draft mode. Replace її і two letters C808 and C810.

SUPRA STV2084DK. (Scheme y for TV sets GOLDSTAR). Fault: the screen is dark, when the voltage is added, sooner, the image appears in the upper part of the screen, when the voltage is added, the image + disappears in the smuga, the image becomes brighter. The live voltage of the videoopidsiluvachiv was increased to 224v, zamіst 180v. Faulty appearing C8065 47.0 x160v. Naturally replacing the capacitor C406 1.0x160v.

Supra STV-2017. Incorrectness: raster sounding horizontally and vertically, crease on the image frame by frame, live block screeches. The voltage under the voltage drops to 70V. Faulty C830 (1.0 x160V)

Propratsyuvavshi in the kitchen three years, Raptom went out and stopped turning on the axis of such a small Supra PC-TV. I didn’t react to the onslaught of buttons on the remote control and on the TV itself. The light on the TV is not stable, at times flickering from red to green and navpak.

Zrobiv small animation. Approximately so tse wondered at the real.

On the back of your hand, you yourself dig into the new, to those who sometimes went into favoring the televisions with their own strength, though those televisions were trumpets. Having taken yoga zі stіni, vіd'єdnav zvnіshіy block zhivlennya that antenna. After that, having opened a self-contained bracket, not to bother when disassembling the case.

Tse vlasne yogo markuvannya, model, number that іnsha kalamut.

Having turned ten self-tapping screws along the entire perimeter, they stink, not all are the same, so I remember the stars.

After that we take the cover. As if marveling at the photo below, then you need to win the z-pіd tsikh roses, so it’s like it’s lightly squeezed by them.

This is how the fillings of the TV model look like. Block of life at the new ovnishnіy, and in the middle of the TV set there is only a small amount of circuit boards. Since I'm not an electrician, I'm far away. Then virishiv himself look around yoga, and then already click on specialists. On a daily basis, I gambled yoga, relying on those who break down in a filthy or weakened state. Having checked the voltage on the block with a tester, change it to a smaller one, with a strum, three less, lower required. Vіd'єdnuvav on cherzі z osnovї pay usі plumes. So it was up to me to know that I suspected that I was warming up, that the paths on the board burned out, and so on. etc.

At the result of this television set, there were messages on x ... (to the master), vernishe, I called out to the new master. Fortunately, the sharashka was stashed not far from the booth, the top meister is not far away, because the stench is better for everything in the districts, and the maisterna itself is devil-de. Priyshov vin shvidko, more here, give me a piece for marveling at. The tester was able to win a small amount of money for a small fee (pictured below). After reviewing the life block, then pointing a finger at the processor (I think so) on the main board and saying that it needs to be replaced. Let's follow the price list and give an approximate price for this upgrade, about 3000 rubles (the price of such a TV at that time was about 5000 rubles). After what I wrote down the direction to the main, so that they didn’t rob the diagnostics suddenly.

We decided not to sponsor the company for the repair of oil-and-gas equipment, for the family's sake we decided to buy new TV to the kitchen. So the very same thing they picked up and closed yoga in the online store. But the shards of prayer fell on weekends, then the checks on the new one were left for three more days. For the whole hour, having tried to know in the circle of friends for misfortune. The first axis on the forums I know is similar, de people ruined the topic of inadequacy with approximately the same symptoms as mine. There, in the comments, people asked for a voltage stabilizer, at the output of which they are straining. Therefore, the TV does not turn on and does not react to anything.

To know the wine of the white pad to the beast, under the black harness. Vimiryavshi the tension between the first and the other visnovka, it turned out that it was lower than the second one 0.6v. I want to say on the forum what can be 1.26v.

This is how the monster (BM1117-ADJ stabilizer) looks like, the expansion of the veins has three more sirnikova heads :-) Having sorted out the compartment near the apartment, you know it’s similar, but there are three more markings. To that virishiv z'їzditi on the Tsaritsinskiy radio channel, to know such one yourself. Ale didn’t know such a stabilizer there. Quiet, who purely sells details, did not have yoga. And on the used boards, I’m sorry I didn’t get caught.

On bezrib'ї virishiv put the one that you know on your own sound card from the computer, then AMS1117.

For accuracy, I added a diagram about the Vikonan robot (photo below). After the installation of AMS1117, the voltage on pins 1 - 2 became 2.2v. But the TV set, like before, did not turn on. By using the tick method, having tried to reduce the voltage, falling into the resistor at the opening of the third winding. I have about 3-4 ohm opir viishov. After what the TV miraculously started.

I’m not an electrician and I’m not a radioamator, all the same I tried out for sports interest, with a rozakhun for those who still don’t like yoga, then I’ll go to the window :-) Because if you’re afraid to burn yourself or the TV, then you don’t have to do everything in the same time. Or ask for the original stabilizer, or bring it to the repair.

Since I don’t have a support for 3-4 Ohms, I had a chance to fold it with four resistors of 10 Ohm leather, connected in parallel. The results of the viishov have such a cartridge belt, which they melted into the rib of the TV case. And kіntsi vіd nyogo stretching already to the stabilizer that pay. Through tightness, I had a chance to solder the stabilizer itself with the butt to the board. Zagalom in the pictures below, you can see the whole city :-)

Zagalom had a chance to say a promise for a new TV set, the shards are still working today. If you have the same TV, or the same signs of illness, try to find out which stabilizer on the board and measure the voltage on your visnovkas. It is possible for your TV set to be similar and it is necessary to replace this detail. The most embarrassing were those that the master once rejected the TV set. Navit without becoming a prodzvonyuvat lancers zhivlennya processor, well, but if you want a boa constrictor, what is wrong. Practically hit right in the forehead, take it to the main station and there you can see 3000 more. In my opinion, all of the diagnostics were done up to the check of the life block. The devil knows, everything is right on the skils, but so far everything is working miraculously. Perhaps, with an hour of fahіvtsі svoєї do it in the comments.

9 March 2016

The recently active reader of my blog, Meister Sergiy, wrote a story about his successful repair of the RK TV Supra STV-LC2622W. Yogo TV ceased vmikatisya And I came back to me for a consultation. What did it mean to read below.

Also the output data:

Model PK TV SUPRA STV-LC2622W version V1J03
Inverter + PSU - MIP260B
Main board-B.LT918C:
The processor is not broken, the chips are found under the radiator,
flush - 25L4005A MC
video processor - TDA8890H1/N1B
Matrix: M260TWR1.

The cause of the malfunction and the repair of the Supra RK TV

Sergiy rozpochav repair RK TV Supra - rozіbrav ta reverbіv vіvі trіzhki - zdaєtsya tsіlimy, then vіvіrі vіlієvі condensers. Having called the details, the PWM microcircuit was not worthy of a flicker, because two bottoms flickered in it.

Tse chip OB2262, analogues - OB2263, SG6848, SG5701, SG5848, LD7535, LD7550 Sergiy replaced PWM - putting LD7535, as shown in one of the diagrams on a similar TV.

When the TV is turned on, it becomes blinking like a worm's light and a little clatter in the speakers. From the remote control, it went like this: if the voltage was on, the chergovy mode would light up and a few times pressing on the remote control could be spent in time with the inclusion and turn on the TV.

I pleased Sergiya to replace the small electrics, which are hung around the PWM microcircuit, because in my practice I periodically fix such defects. Ale is similar to the culmination of the problem later.

Sergiy bought for 100 rubles. another microcircuit OB2263 And everything worked out - the voltages are normal.

Having opened the TV - it works well, the remote control is heard, but it doesn’t click on the buttons on the TV. Details pereviriv on both boards do not heat up. It is possible to clean the boost button. Repair completed far away and Sergiy wrote offensive

The products of the Supra company are known for their superiority, durability, and authoritative quality of folding. Alas, the problem is that the Supra TV does not turn on through the yak, you can turn it into a master of technology. You can also speak about the inadequacy of the fittings, with such coristuvach you can get in self-harm, so about a serious breakdown, for which you will need additional help from a qualified master. service center"Repair!"

This problem can be caused through the voltage cuts in the electrical circuit, software failure, failure of the power supply unit, burnout of the capacitor, malfunctions. system fee or the exit from the fret of other parts of the apparatus.

Why does the Supra TV not fit?

Depending on the cause of the malfunction, the TV set can behave differently:

  • a light bulb on the panel priladu bleeds a little razіv - a specific number of migotin signals about the wrong injustice (self-diagnostics);
  • the indicator is constantly lit with a chervonim - it’s not worth talking about those who have a strum on the block of life, the prosthetist of the block does not allow the device to be turned off;
  • the indicator is off - you can talk about the inadequacy of the life block;
  • the TV set can see uncharacteristic sounds: clattering, crackling and in.

Diagnosis, as our facsimiles at the first stage, will show the real reason for the incorrect behavior at the first stage. Ale, first get back to our service center, we recommend the masters of the technology to improve the attack:

  • turn on the TV and try to activate yoga from the buttons on the panel, and not from the remote control;
  • loosen the attachment for 20-25 quills;
  • check the quality of the batteries in the remote control;
  • outside of the TV outside external accessories.

If you have spent qіdії, but the Supra TV does not turn on, if not earlier - feel free to call our company and send us your caller, which is the shortest term for repairing the house.

Professional repair of televisions Supra

Inspection of the results of diagnostics, fakhivets ready to repair or replace the advancing components:

  • living block;
  • inverter;
  • microcircuits;
  • condenser;
  • other components.

Modern televisions Supra may have foldable attachments, so it is practically impossible to repair on your own. Company "In repair!" Always ready to help our clients. We give services to Moscow and St. Petersburg.