How to choose batteries for a wrist year? How can you tell if the battery at the quartz year has run down? Batteries zastosovuyutsya in a quartz yearbook looking at the parameters

Today is a rich day for us to wear a yearbook, which works on batteries. Well, it’s handy - don’t think about recharging, just change the battery. The very same - a crying round metal "buzz" gives life to the mechanism of the current electronic and quartz year. The very same “pіgulka” is a miniature strum dzherel, the titles are also a dry element, or a battery. Whether such an element is formed from positive and negative electrodes - the anode and the cathode, they are immersed in an electrolyte, so that the result of the chemical reaction between them and the electrodes will be removed by the electrostrum. In the elements for the year, the anode beats the house of various metals, the zebra sreble, and the cathode - zinc, the paste-like sum of the various salts serves as an electrolyte.

First among batteries for superiority and longevity, Japanese elements of life are distinguished, European elements sit elsewhere for their characteristics. If there is no possibility to change the voltage of the battery, then to give respect to the old look - the surface of the element is to be clean, even, smooth, without signs of oxidation.

For those who store batteries for mereness, it is recommended to burn them with paprika and put them in a dry place, but there, because the temperature does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. The battery cannot save energy forever, because the chemical speeches react among themselves and step by step. It is especially important for discharging the injection of high temperatures, so that if you cool the batteries or freeze them, you can save them for a short time for an hour, which is much more than the term of applicability. You can put the batteries in the refrigerator to keep them safe at temperatures not lower than minus 10 degrees Celsius for one to two years. The battery, drawn from the refrigerator, for the renewal of power, should be kept for 6 years at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius, and less than a second victorious.

Apply the knowledge of different types and the interchangeability of disk minibatteries of different types shown in the table. Click - for zbіlshennya.

And here is shown the staleness of the struma (smnosti) of the battery in the form of її rozmіrіv.

Try to change the battery before the year starts ringing, or stop using the attachment, otherwise you can electrocution, as I will bring the annual to a new failure, or I will attach it. How do you remember that the battery takes its life? a quartz year-old, for example, to signal about the beginning of what we start, three times with arrows. In the electronic year about the near end of the battery, the horn of the horn is switched off - when the button is pressed, the dial hangs slowly, but it becomes dark, and the numbers, which show the hour, become all bleak. Significantly, the voltage level, under which the work of the year is acceptable, is to blame but not lower than 1 volt.


How to remember the battery in the wrist year

The yearbook with a battery is handy, so it is not necessary to start it and the quartz yearbook is more accurate. Blame the power, then replace the battery. And a replacement in a main is expensive, but our main is IMchasov M. Savelovska, Sushchevsky Val, 5 building 12, Savelovsky mobile shopping center, pavilion L150. Follow our recommendations and replace the battery on your own for your birthday, call the SR626SW battery. Ale vrahuyte їsti anniversary, from whom you can open the back cover, and twist її to get help for the press.

To replace the battery in the yearbook, we first need to open the back cover of the yearbook. The lid may be twisted or pressed. It is important to wonder: if the lid is pressed, then on the body of the yearbook, it is buried and the lid needs to be capped either with a twist or with a knife. Take a small bottom or a small twist, insert the lid into the grave. The year-old needs to be trimmed, and the onslaught is firmly and carefully, so that the year-old does not break and does not get hurt.

As for the back cover of the wrist year, there are special burrows along the body, six or more pieces - then it turns out. Of the quiet tools that a home master can have, the best example is a caliper or a small humovy ball. Expand yoga according to the width of the marks and tighten the bolt. Insert a vernier caliper at two recesses and turn the cover. You can also open the lid with a small gum ball. Press the ball to the lid of the year and begin to twist and the lid turns. You need to turn it on the left side.

The leather vlasnik of a wrist year with a quartz mechanism is too early to stick with the need to replace the batteries. It’s best to be quick with the servants of the annual master, which is the right way to eat the element of eating. But most of all we buy the batteries ourselves. And already in the store it’s reasonable that we don’t know how to choose a battery. Dali mi rozpovіmo provid akumulyatorіv for quartz and electronic year.

How to choose batteries for a wrist year?

When choosing an element of life for the year, it is important to know not only the rozmіr, but also other parameters. Usі batteries may have their own technical characteristics. The stench is working behind the chemical warehouse, I'm sure, it's tense. Vіd them to lay dovgovіchnіst, yakіst roboti most I will add that price.
The main characteristic, which defines the term of battery service, is a warehouse.

    Use the following types of batteries:
  • puddles (puddle-manganese, manganese-zinc);
  • silver oxide, silver zinc;
  • powdered zinc;
  • lithium.

Luzhnі elementi zhivlennya practically not vikoristovuyut through nedovgovіchnіst. Їх vartіst richly lower for reshta, and аlе and minyati їх happen more often. The widest option for a wrist year is silver oxide batteries. The term of service of such batteries is 3-5 years on average. Obviously, the standard of excellence and longevity of mid-year-old batteries is filled with lithium, the term for robots reaches 10 years.

Elements of life can be energized from 1.5 to 3V. For a great year old, a minimum voltage is sufficient. For accessories with additional functions, select a battery with voltage indicator 1.55V-3V. The term of operation shows the capacity, which is in the range of 14-300 mAg. What is the show, then the battery is used more.

Vіdpovіdno to the technical characteristics of the batteries may be less marked, as it can be stale in the fallower.

    Most often, batteries are marked in this order:
  • warehouse: SR (oxide silver), CR (lithium), LR (luzhnі);
  • size: digital part, which indicates the height and diameter, in some models it is replaced by a three-digit coding;
  • suffix of the energy efficiency of the building: SW(LD) for low power buildings, W(HD) for high ones.

Features of batteries for a wrist year from our store

The assortment of our online store is presented with lithium and silver oxide batteries from Varta and Renata. You can buy a battery from us for any type of year. With our catalogue, you can choose the elements of life with a capacity of 14mA to 300mA and a voltage of 1.4V to 3V. If you find it difficult to choose a product, contact our consultants. For your safety, we propose different payment options for the purchase. Delivery of the order in Moscow and other regions is carried out by transport companies of your choice.

Come on, now you can easily pick up a new battery for your wrist year. And with the original products of our store, your favorite accessory will last for many more years.

Types of batteries according to the chemical warehouse

Uses three wide battery types:

  • Silver oxide
  • Alkaline (puddle)
  • Lithuania

Lithium batteries sound at a voltage of 3 volts (and large sizes), the same as silver oxide and alkaline - 1.5 volts.

Oxide silver and alkaline batteries can be interchangeable, but at the same time, keep in mind about their special features.

At the present time, the conduction of light sources of batteries practically does not produce alkaline models, due to the predominance of the preparation of oxide-siberian elements of life.

With other equal alkaline batteries, the battery will be cheaper for a similar oxide-silver, but on the other hand, pluses and fringes. Oxide-siberian batteries are the current implementation of the elements of life and override their alkaline counterparts for the characteristics of stability and durability.

Battery change

The names of lithium batteries are easy to identify by simply basing on their alphanumeric markings. The first two digits indicate the diameter of the battery in millimeters (numbers of numbers), and the other two - її tovshchina in millimeters (with ten parts). So, for example, marking CR2430 means that you have a living element with a diameter of 24 mm and a thickness of 3.0 mm.

Something foldable on the right with the marking of the marking of the oxide-silver or alkaline batteries. In order to get rid of the swindlers, we recommend that you win the table of identification with the marking of different varieties.


Batteries can be marked not only by numbers, but also by Latin letters. That letter, or letters, which are changed from marking to numbers, is called a prefix, moreover, the possible ones are not so rich, and for their obviousness, the stench indicates the type of the living element. Below we give an explanation of the possible meanings of the day:

  • BR - lithium;
  • CR, lithium;
  • L, alkaline;
  • SR - silver oxide;
  • LR, alkaline;
  • SG, silver oxide;
  • AG - alkaline;


In addition to the prefix, that digital part, the marking of the battery can be the mother of the suffix - one or a piece of Latin letters, roztashovannyh at її kintsi.

As a rule, the suffix is ​​reserved for silver oxide batteries and may have two meanings:

  • W - for extensions with high energy supply;
  • SW - for outbuildings with low energy consumption;

For example, two batteries of the same oxide-silver type and of the same physical dimensions can be marked SR1130W and SR1130SW.

If you are talking about a year old, then it is shown before the batteries are frozen with the suffix W є the presence of a dial indicator in the year old, or other energy-saving functions that are not typical for just a year on batteries.

We have enough batteries with suffix SW. Vtіm, the difference in price between them is minimal, and there is nothing nasty in the fact that there is no way to win batteries with the suffix W.

The term of appurtenance

Prote batteries, which do not vigorize, prote smartly until they use up a charge in an hour. Obyag tsikh vtrat to lay down the minds of saving that type of batteries.

At a temperature of 21 degrees, the consumption for silver oxide and alkaline batteries is between 10%, and for lithium it is close to 2% per rec.

Designated battery type

Different types of batteries can be used in different ways to mark the elements of life, for addition, as we wrote more, alkaline batteries can be replaced by analogous silver oxide batteries.

Have a connection with this yakscho You keep your old battery in your hands and you need a new one, food about those, for example, you can not choose such a simple one.

We recommend that you quizze the rating table in order to determine which element of life from our range is compatible with your old battery.

Naivazhche in life - tse chekati and nazdoganyati. Sob was less likely to check and sooner nazdoganyat the Babylonians 3500 years before ours, and we had a sleepy year. The first mechanical year of birth appeared in 966 rotations of the Roman Pope Sylvester II; The current quartz wrist and yearbook appeared only in 1937 to the efforts of Lewis Essen from the Greenwich Royal Observatory.

In this hour, a part of a mechanical wrist year, which is in operation, in which the electronic circuit is replaced by a pendulum, becomes more than 90%. At a glance, the mechanical wrist and quartz calendar does not look like anything, but if you look in the middle, then the visibility will be obvious.

The photograph shows the mechanism of the outer mechanical year with an open back wall. The right hand, similar to a ship's steering wheel, has a pendulum, which ensures the accuracy of the course of the year.

In a quartz yearbook, the speed of the second, weak and yearly arrows is safe, like in a mechanical yearbook, for the gears, and the replacement of the pendulum of the installations is a quartz generator. The spring is replaced by an electric battery.

The electrical circuit and the principle of the robotic quartz year

Quartz year, independently from the vibrator and rozmіrіv, the accuracy of the course of goiter and knitting to the quartz resonator, which ensures the stable operation of the generator at a frequency of 32768 Hz, which is on a microcircuit. The microcircuit behind the ethereal sight is a conductor crystal with darts, which enter into the sky. For the protection of the crystal, from the splendid infusions of the wines, it is filled with a compound, and in the anniversary the microcircuit looks like a flattened droplet of dark plastic.

The electrical circuit of the quartz year of any virobnik, whether it be Casio, Tissot, QQ, Geneva, Swatch or any other, looks the same. The voltage of life from the battery comes through the vimikach, mechanically tied from the winding crown of the year, as the year is called the crown. When the crown is pulled into the body of the year-old, the contacts of the vimikach are disconnected, and the voltage of life is not applied to the microcircuit. The Yearbook is ringing. At the most important quartz year-olds, a steady-state battery is installed with a voltage of 1.5 V. Alternately, models are powered by a voltage of 3.0 V.

In microcircuits, the frequency of the quartz oscillator extends up to a frequency of 1 Hz (1 Hz = one oscillation in one second), and qi pulses are fed to the electromagnet coil of the micromotor with polarity, which changes sequentially. The rotor of the rotary engine has two permanent magnets of different polarity. When the magnets of the rotor interact with the minimum magnetic field of the electromagnet, the rotor rotates 180° when the skin changes. On the rotor shaft there is also a pinion rotor, which is a gear, so that it transmits the torque to the gears to the mechanism of the year.

The electrical circuit of the quartz yearbook is presented for all types of quartz yearbook - wrist, wall-mounted and wall-mounted with a pendulum - and it only works with batteries of different capacities and pressures of the rocker motor.

If you need to change the battery in the year

It’s a good time to celebrate the year, in which a fresh battery from a brand is inserted, they start it up and it’s not hard to notice that it’s necessary to remember the battery. Deyakі models mayut function "END OF LIFE", zavdyayu yakіy in times of small surplus capacity of the battery, the second hand begins to move not to one subdivision of the dial, but to re-string through the sprat, thereby reminding the clerk of the year about those elements it's time to change your life. The term of the battery service is to lie down in the form of її єmnostі and the struma is saved by the electronic circuit of the year and to become from one year to five years.

Preparing a work space for repairs

As soon as you failed to replace the battery in the year with your own hands, then the first step is to proceed to the next work to prepare the work place. At the mechanism of the quartz year of the krіm electronic block є gears with microscopic teeth, and falling between the teeth to induce critical third-party particles, for example, powders, hairs, beat or brud, you can bring up to їx private or completely ї waste the extras. As if there is a zhorstka on top of the table, then if you replace the batteries in the distance on the body of the yearbook, you may find a sack.

For this, it was necessary to rub it in front of the saw with a damp cloth and then cover it with a white sheet of paper, or with a fleecy cloth of a sufficient size. The white color is handy, which will be like a flute, or another small detail, it’s easy to know. Put a headband on your head, for example, a baseball cap, or tie your hair with a thin coat.

I would have thought better, first of all an expensive year to replace the batteries of the anniversary, to sit in a neohayniya budtsa with uncovered hair.

Preparing a yearbook for replacing the battery

The battery, zalezhno vіd її єmnostі and models of the year, sing to serve from rock to decade. Over the course of an hour, a lot of rubbish accumulates near the ruined body of the year-old and the empty bracelet. Zabrudnyuєtsya from the inner side of that slippery belt. In order to prevent the brood from getting into the mechanism when replacing the batteries, and walking out of the hygienic washings, it is necessary to clean the yearbook and the bracelet, and replace the strap as soon as possible, so it is practically impossible to see the brood from yoga feast.

The bracelet or strap is fastened on the anniversary for the help of two thin metal tubular straps (zatiskachiv). The bar is a thin-walled tube, a spring is inserted into the yoke and two loosely fastened on one or two sides of the pin.

If you press a wand on the pin, then you will sink into the tube, and if you let it in, I will call it again. Dovzhina tube troch is less open between the ears, and in the ears open deafly. In this way, as if the pins are sunk in and then inserted into the opening of the ear, secure fixation of the slats in the case of the year-old.

At the section of the bracelet, which is fastened to the bar on the collar, there is a rib, which is specially designed for the possibility of sinking the pin of the bar when the bracelet is removed. For some planks, the pin can only be sunk from one side, so when the bracelet is installed, it is necessary to orient the bar in such a way that access to the loose pin. Otherwise, take the bracelet from the anniversary will be even more foldable.

In order to take the bracelet with a sharp object, for example, with a knife or an awl, fasten it by the ledge on the pin and sink it into the strap tube, then it is easy to get it out. The bracelet is installed in the reverse order: one pin of the bar is inserted into the opening of one eyelet, and the other pin (after the sinking) is inserted into the opening of the eyelet. After fixing the bracelet, it is necessary to change the bindings, so that the pins are hurt in the opening of the eye. For whom it is enough to pull a kіlka once for a bracelet.

When the bracelet is inserted, the next step is to correctly orientate, straightening the clasp of the bracelet on the beak of the dial for six years.

How to clean the anniversary and the bracelet from the vіd zabrudnennya

The year is well cleansed in the forest for additional help in miles water in the presence of the gentleman's toothbrush. I’ll see the difference from the bracelet is the best, putting yoga in the dishwasher. You can put the belt in the right machine, but for this yogo you need to put either in the intestines of the snake, or in a special bear for the early speeches, or in a sock, panchokha, tying them on the vuzol.

How to open the lid of a wrist year

To replace the battery, you need to take off the cover, which is located on the side of the yearbook to the hand. To fasten the lid in the staleness in the model of the year in one of the following ways. On the screws, for the flare of the slotted landing of the lid in the body of the yearbook, or on the ribbed, cut without a middle on the lid itself, or for the help of pressing the lid to the body of the retaining ring from the outer ribs.

How to take the lid, I will fasten it on the screws

To take the lid off the year, I’ll fasten it for additional screws, turn all the screws enough. For the help of a small twist with a windshield for a slot (rather than a twist with a set of twists for repairing a year old), it is necessary to let in pairs of diametrically protruding gvinti, like when replacing wheels on a car. And then, let's turn the guinty at the be-yak_y sequence.

When installing the lid on the plate, turn all the screws up to the stop, and then, with a small zusill, tighten it crosswise.

How to take the cover off, what will flicker.

The first time you see the year from the roof, depicted in the photograph, which is rubbing your strength, it is necessary to respectfully look at the place of the closure of the ribs with the body of the year.

Sound in the region of the ear for fixing the bracelet, or the ice is creased, fixed for the rahunok with a ledge on the roof, or buried in the body.

To lift the lid, it is necessary to insert a thin blade of a knife into the center of the hole and push it into the body and, as a matter of fact, lift the lid. It is unacceptable to press hard with a knife, the shards of the wines roar under the hour of the opening of the lid, you can mess up the mechanism. When you grow a year old with a lid that flickers, you don’t blame the power, often blame the difficulties when installing the lid on a large plate.

How to take off the lid, I will fasten it for additional cutting

In expensive and waterproof year-olds, as a rule, the lid is fastened behind an additional thread, cut on the edge of the lid or on the retaining ring.

In the photo you see a birthday, which has a krіpitsya for an additional thread, cut on the її ribs.

And in this photograph, the lid is pressed in with a stopper ring made of old carvings. Ribbed methods allow you to firmly press the lid through the sealing gasket to the body, and at the same time, it is superb to protect their mechanisms from hitting the saw and the water.

On an addendum, such a cover is easier to install and install, especially as a special key, for example, as in this photograph. Wrapping nuts with a socket can be changed between key pins to remove caps and locking rings of various diameters.

How to turn the lid for help with help

Not at the skin home master, with a hand, a special key for twisting the caps, and as soon as the year has risen because of the battery, then close and check, if the key does not arrive, please. That stained-glass window is pennies, so that you can get by with handy cats, it’s irrational.

The most wide-ranging tool that zastosovat home maistry, є vernier caliper with filled sponges. It is enough to expand the jaws to the width of the grooves at the krishtsi, fix the position with a screw and the caliper is ready to work. The ends of the sponges are inserted into the grooves of the cover and, with pressure, turn the counter arrows. Golovne - shake off the lid from the moon, and then it's easy to get out.

Although in reality there is no caliper, you can speed up like a kind of tweezers, having pressed the paws for an additional emery column, which shows the profile of the grooves on the krishtsi. If you carefully turn the tweezers with your hand, then you can insert a twist between the tweezers’ paws and in this way, as importantly, twist the lid.

It would be easier to twist the lid with tweezers, so as to shape the ends of the legs, as in the photograph. The width of the spreading of the paws of the tweezers can be fixed by inserting between them, for example, pieces of plywood of the necessary comradeship and securing it with electrical tape or tape. So, do not use tweezers, and you will be able to win yoga for confessions.

Turning the lid off the yearbook is richly simpler, as if the stench is fixed. You can close the year in the bream, squeezing it behind the head. To turn the undercoat off, the sponges need to bream covered with a skin or other soft material. It is not necessary to press hard, but the yearbook is trimmed, otherwise you can deform the ear.

Another video showing the twisting of the lids from a quartz wrist year for additional tweezers.

Replacing the battery in a quartz wrist year

After removing the cover, you can replace the battery. This is a clumsy robot, but it will require additional singing rules. And first, remove the battery, you need to remove the gasket to strengthen it and remember it, like it was standing there, so that you should also put it back when folded. This respect is important, as the gasket may not be round, but trapezoidal in shape.

As can be seen from the photograph, the battery is fixed in the mechanism behind the help of two pressure bars: one is not handy right-handed and the other is handy on the left side.

To prevent the battery from falling out of the socket, the bar is fixed with a screw. To that first, lower the bar of killing, it is necessary to loosen the twist for additional twisting of the anniversary, twisting it on the pivobert against the year’s arrow.

Just like a plank to jack up the battery, it will rise in the socket uphill under the pressure of the spring contact of the supply voltage of negative polarity.

Wiymati battery, sho sіv, how to install a new one, it is necessary for additional tweezers. As metal tweezers, then to turn off the flickering of the batteries on the legs of the tweezers, you need to put insulating tubes or cover them with electrical tape. If you can’t use tweezers, then you can use your fingers, having kindly washed your hands in front of your sweetheart.

After the battery has been pulled out of the nest, it is necessary to look at the negative contact pad, which is located in the center of the bottom of the nest, for its cleanliness and the turning mechanism of the year. At this year's anniversary, the contact is buv covered in bulk. I had a chance to clean it with a cloth soaked in alcohol.

Rechecking and choosing a button battery

The voltage on the windings of a button battery, a year-old one, tested with a multimeter, dropped close to 1 V at a rate of 1.55 V. The battery clearly became unreliable.

Before installing a new battery, it is necessary to reconsider, as if the voltage is out of sight. If a battery from the day of release has lain for more than one day in an unsalted warehouse, then it may show through a self-discharge unacceptable. There are no accessories that allow you to change the capacity of the button battery. For the help of a voltmeter, you can only determine the attachment of a battery for a robotic year, and if you don’t use it for an hour, you can only find out if the year is ringing.

On the case of the battery, which is immediately є і plus її viddennyam, always be applied marking її type. Due to the fact that there is no international standard for branding button batteries, the vicorist leather maker has its own branding. As a result, batteries of the same type and size with the same technical characteristics may have dozens of names.

So, for example, I put a 364A button-type alkaline (puddle) battery on the photo with a capacity of 20 mA per year, installed in this year, you can successfully replace it with any button from the next row: SR60, SR621SW, GP364, V364, D3 64, RW32, attached to diameter and tovshchina. When going to the store for a battery, it is enough to write down the type of the installed one in years, which are being repaired, and you are the seller, at the time of the day you need the type, you have an analogue. Save the record with the type of battery, so that you don’t have a chance to open the anniversary once again.

How to choose a battery

When choosing a button-type battery, a lot of people know the difficulties through the availability of systematized information on the technical characteristics of different types of batteries. The table will help you easily select the type of button cell battery according to the designations on the case.

Table of technical characteristics of button and flat batteries for the year
Cell type (batteries) Designation s PEK (IEC) Preview Mode (Strum Preview) Yearbook mechanism Voltage, V The term of saving, fate Vartist
Solova R universal be-like 1,5 1,5-2 low
Alkalinova (puddle, manganese-zinc) LR 2-3 middle
Silver-zinc (oxide silver) SR LD low level simple 1,55 2-3 temple
HD high uneven be-like
MD universal
Lithuania CR be-like 3,0 3-7

Salt battery R cheap, suitable for any type of year, the smallest term is saving, and it’s not long to serve, especially if it lay in the warehouse more than rock, the streaks of self-discharge on the river should not be less than 10% of capacity. On top of that, a salt battery is discharged, it’s capable of running out of electricity, which in a forgotten year can bring the mechanism to a state of exhaustion. Do not raja install this type of battery in the year, it’s good for a safe situation.

Alkalinova - puddle battery LR - the best choice for the price and quality. Fresh battery to serve, fallow against the folding mechanism of the year, no less than the second fate.

Silver-zinc battery from a number of expensive ones and may be all the benefits of refurbishment are higher, on the supplement may be even a low strum self-discharge. To optimize the wattage, the batteries are used in three vikonannyas. Found - tse SR-LD, which is ideal for a year-old with a simple mechanism, so for a year-old, which can only be a year, a good and a second hand. A year-book with such a fresh battery lasts no less than two years. Battery SR-HD vіdmіnno pіdіyde until the year with a folding mechanism, and SR-MD can replace SR-LD and SR-HD, but it's more expensive. If you allow yourself, then the best choice, like for a year old with a simple mechanism, is foldable.

Lithium batteries for a year old, only the flat discs of different types are allowed to be released, and this choice is not brought up. The battery is expensive, all the advantages of alkaline and silver-zinc batteries can serve at least three years. I had a chance to change the lithium battery in the year, which served nine years.

Interchangeability of button batteries

While there are recommendations from the International Electrotechnical Commission (MEC) on how to rule out the labeling of button batteries, a lot of manufacturers should override their own standards. However, for the dimensions and technical characteristics of the battery, there may be more than a dozen names. To help you find out, so that you are more satisfied with your batteries, the table of interchangeability of button batteries is shown below.

Varto signify that the transfer of button batteries, pointing at the table, is not only for work in the year, but also in any other outbuildings, for example, in cameras and video cameras for saving adjustment of the flow hour when charging batteries, calculators, light bulbs ikah, childish toys, laser displays and a lot of other electronic accessories.

Table of interchangeability of button and flat batteries for a year old
PITCH Renata, GP, Varta (V), Duracell (D), Energizer Maxell, Sony, National, Panasonic, Toshiba Seiko Rayovac IEC Camelion, Golden power, FTY REF Locality, Size ∅×h, mm Type of annual mechanism
SR43301 SR43SWSB-A8RW34LR43G12120 11.6×4.2LD
SR44303 SR44SWSB-A9 LR44 175 11.6×5.4LD
SR48309 SR754SW RW38LR48G580 7.9×5.4LD
SR67315 SR716SWSB-ATRW316 19 7.9×1.6LD
SR62317 SR516SWSB-ARRW326 10 8.8×1.6LD
SR64319 SR527SWSBAE/DERW328 21 5.8×2.6LD
SR65321 SR616SWSBAF/DFRW321 14 6.8×1.6LD
329 SR731SW RW300 37 7.9×3.1LD
335 SR512SWSB-AB 5 5.8×1.2LD
337 SR416SW 8 4.8×1.6LD
339 SR614SW 11 6.8×1.4LD
341 SR714SW 15 7.9×1.4LD
SR43344 SR1136SW RW36LR42 105 11.6×3.6LD
346 SR712SWSB-DH 10 7.9×1.2LD
350 LR42 105 11.6×3.6HD
SR44357 SR44WSB-B9RW42LR44G13190 11.6×5.4HD
SR58361 SR721W LR58G1121 7.9×2.1HD
SR58362 SR721SWSB-AK/DKRW310LR58G1123 7.9×2.1LD
SR60364 SR621SWSBAG-DGRW320LR60G120 6.8×2.1LD
365 SR1116W 40 11.6×1.6HD
366 SR1116SW RW318LR45 40 11.6×1.6LD
SR69370 SR920WSB-BN G638 9.5×2.1HD
SR69371 SR920SWSB-ANRW315 G628 9.5×2.1LD
SR68373 SR916SWSBAJ-DJRW317 29 9.5×1.6LD
376 SR626W 27 6.8×2.6HD
SR66377 SR626SWSB-AWRW329 G428 6.8×2.6LD
SR63379 SR521SWSBAC-DCRW327 G015 5.8×2.1LD
380 SR936W 82 9.5×3.6HD
SR55381 SR1120SWSBAS-DSRW30LR55G850 11.6×2.1LD
SR41384 SR41SWSBA1-D1RW37LR41G345 7.9×3.6LD
SR43386 SR43WSB-B8 LR43G12130 11.6×4.2HD
SR54389 SR1130WSB-BU LR54G1080 11.6×3.1HD
SR54390 SR1130SWSB-AURW39LR54G1080 11.6×3.1LD
SR55391 SR1120WSB-BS/ES LR55G850 11.6×2.1HD
SR41392 SR41WSB-B1RW47LR41G345 7.9×3.6HD
SR48393 SR754WSB-B3 LR48G580 7.9×5.41HD
SR45394 SR936SWSB-A4RW33LR45 84 9.5×3.6LD
SR57395 SR927SWSBAP-DPRW313LR57G755 5.9×2.6LD
SR59396 SR726WSB-BL LR59G232 7.9×2.6HD
SR59397 SR726SWSB-ALRW311LR59G232 7.9×2.6LD
SR57399 SR927WSB-BP/EP LR57G755 5.9×2.6HD
Battery Charge Mode: HL - low level HD - high nervous

Let's take a look at the butt as if we were looking at the data of the tables. For example, after removing the covers from the yearbook, V was told that they contained a battery of the SR726SW type. Now it’s enough to know in the table whether the battery is in a horizontal row, in which the SR726SW is located, for a replacement, and itself: SR59, 397, SB-AL, RW311, LR59 and G2. Irrespective of the branding, but the price of the batteries is the main parameter of interchangeability - geometrical size. But if the battery stood in the year with a simple mechanism, then a number of attachments for replacing the batteries are gradually expanding. Vіdmіnno to replace pіdіyde whether the battery is in row number 396, since the dimensions are also the same, and the correct type of battery can be in years, like іz we'll forgive HL, so it's in the HD folding mode to save the stream.

In this hour, a lot of people buy button batteries via the Internet without intermediary from Chinese manufacturers. To save the Chinese, most of the time the blister can be broken down by putting sticky tape on the molded transparent plastic. With a wiymann battery from a blister, a sticky ball can be left on the surface. For reliable contact, before installing the batteries in the year, the ball should be removed from the surface of the shoes, soaked in acetone or alcohol.

How to properly close the lid of the yearbook

After replacing the batteries, there will be no less severe crack - installed on the back of the cover.

Water permeability of the annual

In the correctness of the installation of the lid, the tightness of the annual should be deposited. On the dial of the yearbook, you can see the markings, which means the steps of their water resistance in mental meters. So in the Swiss year, the number after the letter WR means a vice in the atmosphere, a kind of building vitrimat year. For example, WR30, WR50 or WR100. And if you want to take a year-old near the water in practice, then you will spend the middle of the year-book independently from the marking. Tse svidche advertising hіd і no more. It’s good to resist a year-old with such markings for no more than breezes of water. So when bathing in the sea or in the sauna, the year is still better to take from the hands. Only in the year, which is specially issued for divers, with the number of markings WR300 and more, you can bravely get into the water.

Prote, if you insert the gasket incorrectly when installing the cover, you can save the year from winding up in the breeze of the water. There is nothing foldable here, it is necessary to coat the gaskets with silicone oil before installing them, as they are sold in aerosol packaging. If the laying of the wedge-shaped perimeter was fixed in the year, then install it, as it was installed earlier. The oil is not obov'azkovym, but let's not destroy the gasket for a month when the lid is closed and release the twisting її nadal.

To lubricate the gasket, it is necessary to put it on the arch paper and from a distance of 10-15 cm, apply a stretch of 0.5 seconds and gloomy silicone from a can.

Bathe a whole spray of silicone oil, it would have been used, not enough, but in the state it was not lost. Silicone oil is neutral and non-corrosive materials, including gum and plastic. It will retain its power in the temperature range from -40 to +250°C. Silicone oil can be used to coat everything, de-needs to change rubbing, to protect from oxidized water. If the key of an English lock is difficult to enter and wrap around, then if you throw silicone into the hole with a spray of silicone, the lock is practical. After the oil has been removed, the door seals will not freeze, the plastic parts will creak and rub, and the locks of your car will not freeze. Silicone mill in good condition and for the sealing of ceramic plates of the cartridge zmishuvach, strengthening and constipation of plastic vicons. If it is unacceptable to powder the silicone, then you can wet the fabric on the back by applying it right up to the sawing, and then I will need to smear the surface. Silicone oil is only of one type and is sold in state and automobile spare parts stores (also, at a higher price) in spray cans and bottles with a volume of 50 ml.

Ways to mumble krishok, so they don’t fall.

When the caps are installed, do not forget that the groove, which is on the inner side of the collar, is to be located exactly above the crown, otherwise the cap will not be repaired.

Sometimes they blame the difficulty in closing the lid, which is zamkaetsya, through the lack of fingertips. At this point, as if it were flat, it is necessary to lay the yearbook folded on a hundred newspapers and standing up, fix the lid, pressing on it at once with two thumbs.

In the case of a swollen fold, it is necessary to add a little more bulge to the veneer of the plywood.

Even though the strength of the fingers did not stick, you can speed up with bream. For this anniversary, it is necessary to crush with sponges through two spacers at the visible edges until a characteristic clatter appears. The twist in the mineral water from the side of the lid of the yearbook can be replaced with a gasket, after the expansion of the even lid from non-solid material: plywood, thin cardboard or shkiri. The vise can be successfully replaced with a clamp, as it is often used to screw the table lamps to the table.

If you didn’t use the strength of your fingers to install the lid of the year old, but they bream, or the clamps didn’t show up under your hand, then you can fix the lid of the year old in an extraordinary way. For whom it is necessary to spread the year-old at the bottom, which protects, a plastic cover on the bottom. Dali, stepping from foot to foot, push on the lid through the above-described gasket with a clean heel of a dressed shoe on the foot until a clatter appears. Since the force is applied only to the metal case of the year, then the mechanism is messed up and it is easy to wind it up behind the buggy. In order to distinguish the vice on the crown in case of possible deformation of the cap, it is necessary to remove a part of the plastic in it, on the contrary, of the crown.

The descriptions of the methods for installing stubborn year-old caps were practically put together by me. In efficiency, you can change yourself, having worked out on a stale old year, you will find yourself in a skin booth.

Just remember, it’s not easy to remember the battery in the year of the year, and if you read the article, you can turn around, be it a home master, who would like to take up such a robot.