How to secure the work table. Creating a shortcut on the desktop for Microsoft Office. If you didn’t find the required program in the Windows main menu

To make it easier for you to set up and organize fast express, you can access your favorite website pin the Odnoklassniki icon on the panel (PZ).

This article will show you how to put the social media label on the PZ.

How to install the Odnoklassniki shortcut on the dashboard

To install a shortcut (icon) of Odnoklassniki on the taskbar you need to:

  1. Create a copy of the browser shortcut on your desktop.
  2. Reveal the power of the new label and, for example, the “Object” field, add a message to Odnoklassniki:
    You should go something like this:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
  3. If you click on this label, you will immediately go to the Odnoklassniki website. P_pravvi zrobleno. It was impossible to change the picture and add a shortcut to the dashboard.
  4. Let's finish with the icons. Preserve the archives of Odnoklassniki icons - ok-icons. Placed on a work table so that everything was at hand. Unpack immediately.
  5. You will need to re-open the power of the browser shortcut. І click the “Change icon” button. A window will open with no icons, but of course there will be no Odnoklassniki among them. So you need to click on “Look” and select one of the pictures that you have saved on your desktop. Install and save changes.
  6. The last step is to attach the classmates label to the assignment panel. Just squeeze and press the browser shortcut with the left mouse button and drag it to the panel.

That's all, in this simple way you can get express access to the Odnoklassniki website from the Quick Launch panel.

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Before installing Microsoft Office, you can create shortcuts on your desktop. However, if you don't create a shortcut before installing Office, you can easily make it later.

Note: The article explains how to create a shortcut on your desktop. In addition, you can add the program to the panel in advance. If you are using Windows 10, click on the name of the program or right-click on the tile and select Dodatkovo > Pin a task to the panel. If you are using Windows 8 or an earlier version, click on the program name or right-click on the tile and select Pin a task to the panel.

Creating a shortcut on the desktop for Office programs

For Windows 10

    Click on the name of the program with the left mouse button and drag it to the desktop.

For Windows 8

    Press the Windows key and find the Office program that requires you to create a shortcut on your desktop.

    Click on the name of the program or tile with the right mouse button and select Open file saving location.

    Right-click on the name of the program and select commands Submit > Working table (create a shortcut).

    A program shortcut will appear on your desktop.

Create a shortcut on the desktop for a document or Office file

You can also create shortcuts for multiple Office files and documents on your desktop.

    In Explorer, select a document or file for which you need to create a shortcut on your desktop.

    Right-click on the document name and select the command Create a shortcut. For Windows 8, press the button send to > Working table (create a shortcut).

    A shortcut to your document or file will appear on your desktop.

Note: This side is translated automatically, so the text may contain inaccuracies and grammatical errors. It is important for us that this article should be cinnamon for you. Was the information in brown form? For clarity, also (in English).

After installation, any Windows 10 software may prevent you from changing certain aspects of your monitor screen. Through this change, the icons on the desktop will automatically move to the left side of the monitor. The entire order that was previously established by the koristuvach is being destroyed. Such chaos can occur when the TV is connected to a computer or other device. To pin program shortcuts to your Windows 10 desktop, please read the recommendations below.

We pin icons on the Windows 10 desktop to additional programs

Before Windows 7, pinning icons to the desktop was easy. It was necessary to press the right button on the mouse on the desktop and select the appropriate activity. Now, by clicking on options and selecting “View”, you can now arrange program shortcuts (they will be located on the left side of the desktop).

That's why people often have to worry about pinning shortcuts on the Windows 10 desktop so that changing the screen size doesn't change.

For this task you will need the ReIcon utility. We are collecting it and unpacking the archives. From the father, select an exe.file, depending on the capacity of the system.

In other versions Windows 10, including the Fall Creators Update (Redstone 3), there is a bug that affects the placement of icons (shortcuts) on the desktop. Whoever is stuck knows that if you try to move the required icon on the left side of the screen, you will end up in failure - at the moment of “landing”, your mittev will turn around on the wrong place. The topic of the “anomalous zone” has been raised a lot on computer forums, read below for more information on the most pressing problem among popular experts IT-portals Deskmodderі gHacks.

I'll give you a simple life hack for the command right away. They noticed that when the label was retightened, luck laughed more often at those who placed the mouse’s order in the left part.

One of the authors of the articles and the founder of the website Martin Brinkmann ( Martin Brinkmann) having flared up the problem of “striping icons” in Windows 10. There is nothing complicated: you need to enable the “Verify by site” function, based on the hours Windows XP. To do this, right-click on a free place on the table and select " View" ("View") → further, voiced " Follow the icons on the website"("Align icons to grid").

After fixing the elements of the desktop, one more “inconsistency” may appear - there is a great difference between them.

There is no need to rely on additional adjustment of the operating system through this option, but the interval can be easily adjusted through the system registry. To change the position between desktop icons (shortcuts):

  • press the key with the logo Windows() → enter search field regedit.exe → "Enter";
  • open the checkbox for the registry editor HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics ;

  • in the section WindowMetrics parameter IconSpacing means the horizontal distance between the icons (the values ​​for the alignment are “-1725”, in Windows 8.1 / 7 The default value was "-1125", then. the labels were close horizontally), set its value in the range from "-480" to "-2730";
  • parameter IconVerticalSpacing This means the vertical distance between the icons (the value behind the settings is “-1725”), which is the same minimum and maximum value as IconSpacing.

Having set the optimal position between the elements of the desktop, restart the computer or close the Primus and restart Explorer. About those how to implement this practically, I wrote in " How to reinstall shortcuts on the Windows 10/8/7 desktop": via key combination" Win +R" Open the "Viconaty" window and enter cmd → "OK→ type in the console taskkill/I.M.explorer.exe /F → "Enter(to launch Explorer, enter the command in the console explorer →"Enter"). Final!

Dmitro dmitry_spb Evdokimov

If you have programs installed on your computer that you often use, you can put them in the task panel. You can speed up access to them, and also change the hour for searching for a shortcut to this or other programs.

Once the installation of most programs is complete, you will be prompted with “ Create a shortcut on your desktop», « Create a shortcut to the Start menu"ta" Create a shortcut on the Wi-Fi access panel" Just like that" Wi-Fi access panel This is the task panel, or rather the area near it. You can find it from the Start menu.

As you can see in the image, there are 3 shortcuts in it: Yandex browser, Explorer, Microsoft Word text editor. We'll try to add another program to the panel in advance. For example, please use the Paint.NET graphic editor. For whom you are responsible:

1. Right-click on the program shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu.

2. The context menu will open, in which you need to know the option “ Pin a task to the panel».

After this, the program shortcut will be added to the Data panel, and you will have easy access to it. This operation can only be carried out with program or igor shortcuts, but with photographs or documents it is not possible, so you do not need to call it.