How to post a story on Instagram. So, how do you add a story to Instagram? If there are too many photos

How can I add more history to one page?

Who has nothing foldable. Nowadays, social measures are becoming increasingly simpler and simpler in the country. For example, there are a lot of children who haven’t yet cleaned up after themselves, who are already making their way in social circles, who want to create a separate profile for their dog (otherwise, don’t lie to such people anymore, dilute stinking hot tea with cold water, served and such trimmings required, not enough). Well, axis, closer to the point. In your subjective opinion, people really need to know how you got from point A to point B (or how you put on your pants), but after the past 2 video stories, they already know how you got out at home, we love one more story. There you go for the first one, which is very handy.

  • open the page on Instagram;
  • embossed on your front story;
  • The upper left corner has a camera icon, embossed;

  • We are probing the same ones that you were afraid of with the beloved old one.

In fact, this option creates more positive emotions, which requires you to contact the entire gallery if you notice the main page.

How can I add a few photos to my Instagram story?

It’s acceptable if someone respects himself with his own particularity (respect, don’t be IMPRESSED, but he respects!) and wants the skin to spread across the earth, to be published on the Internet. They've revealed this human being, right? Suitable for you, he doesn’t recognize evolution as a fact, but his brain has grown in connection with unemployment. It is strictly not recommended to spam stories. If you know such people, you can send them this article.

We will show you how to add 2, 3 or more photos to one story.

  • you need to go to the main page of Insti;
  • On the top left corner there is a camera button, clicking on it;

  • If the photo is already taken, then swipe up the screen and the gallery will open;
  • select the required photo and click on the plus with the inscription “your story”. The story has been updated.

Next, try the same operation. Photos will be shown not simultaneously on one screen, but across them. In this way, we can encourage you to display a video so as not to give away your page.

How to add multiple stories to Instagram?

No matter what, let the workers think about their friends. We were told that this function was developed, first of all, so that: do not bother with a number of other posts, in other words, do not ruin your life for your prepaid employees. They are always struggling with unnecessary content on the page, and there, they are powerless, trying to cram all the boring content into one place - in history.

Therefore, we are not able to work outside of our Instagram story. From the very beginning, sitting on a ceramic horse, you are amazed at the story where the same person is showing up. It’s good if you can show it off, but also if you take a picture with a reasonable quote and insert your music there! And not in one story, but in a bunch. And such stories will continue to come! It's motoric, isn't it?

And the reaction to this may be in your ears...

The above is a concern for all homeowners, whether you have an Android or an iPhone.

Final word

We told you how to add a story to Instagram. We wonder what the food is: “how to get it”, “how to add it?”, “how to earn money?” you have fallen. Don’t forget that your posted page will be admired by your prepayers, your friends. There is no need to post it there, just publish a short video or something like that. Don’t publish more than two or three reports, otherwise you’ll start to wonder. Not everyone uses high-speed Internet, but you will be attracted to too many stories, although you may not be able to marvel at the newly given story. Before speaking, you can marvel at the results of your developed stories (so many people and who themselves marveled at them) by clicking on the number of views under your stories.

Have you run out of food on this topic? Ask them

Hello, I'm calling for Igor Zuevich. Instagram retailers are constantly delighting their followers with unique opportunities. The biggest innovation was the appearance of a function literally called “Instagram Stories.”

This is not just a function, but a great expansion, like for the authorities of regional records. With this help you can share the heads that have become a drag of the day. Stories are in a simple slideshow format. They can be looked at by all interested traders, as long as there are no problems. You can add both photos and videos at the same time.

Watch the video: Typical Pomilki on Instagram

It’s very easy to review the history of a cloud record. All you have to do is log into your account and click. The rozheve colo lights up on your logo.

That's what we're talking about when we talk about history and we can look at it. Prepayers can recognize it as new and new. The stories are displayed on the entire screen, making them easy to watch. Such stories can be added to anyone you wish. There is nothing complicated about the given story. We present a detailed algorithm for adding posts to Instagram Stories.

Pokrokov's instructions for creating stories on Instagram

Creating a story on Instagram is very easy. All you need to do is go to your regional account. At the bottom of the head profile photo there is a plus on the black aphid.

You need to click on it and go to the menu for adding photos and videos to History.

In the window you need to click on “Unlock the camera”.

Vlasnik oblikovogo record immediately go to the camera.

New possibilities open up before him. Here you can print “Live broadcast” and add media from the gallery to your mobile gadget.

If you wanted to take photos from existing ones, then in the lower left corner you need to click on the button.

The program immediately opens the “Gallery”.

From the presented photographs, select and click on the next one.

Before downloading, you can edit the story. For this purpose, various parameters are presented in the upper right corner.

Once the post is ready, you need to click on “Your Story” and you will be automatically saved.

When a new story appears, it will immediately be visible both on the main page of the profile and other members.

Main features of Instagram Stories

  • You can add stories at any time;
  • The duration of the video does not exceed 10 seconds;
  • The history will be shown for up to 24 years and will be automatically deleted after that;
  • You may also want to take videos and photos for the story. You can add any media from the gadget gallery;
  • Retailers have shared a variety of content, texts, filters and emojis. For the creation of babies, penzlik options are used;
  • All stories are automatically saved on the gadget and, if necessary, you can post them as a post in a cloud recording on the main page.

What should koristuvach do with stories?

The main feature of the innovation is privacy. You will only be able to comment on a video or photo in a post through the Direct notification service. As soon as 24 years have passed, the post will be seen, but the list will be lost. In Stories you cannot put “likes” and disable public comments. Koristuvach, yak viklav qiu posad, you can also follow the glances.

If you have a closed profile, then new items may not be available to prepayers. Stories are also closed for blocked users. Instagram retailers have shared all the nuances.

As you know, you already know that there are instructions for publishing a story on Instagram, then attracting videos and photos does not cause everyday problems. Follow stories on Instagram to give yourself more opportunities to listen.Activities are more efficient and at the same time with those people who already have evidence and results. Come to our programs, immediately and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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Stories on Instagram appeared recently - at the start of the 2016 sickle. And within this hour they became an invisible part of public records on Instagram. For the most important people, this is a way to show what they need to do at a specific moment, and for people who are victorious, this is a social measure through earning money and growing an audience, this is a way to create a position simultaneously for all prepayers. And there is food in connection with this: how to add more stories to Instagram?

Stories – the sunshine appeared as a string of assorted buns. Let us consider one more of them: .

Instagram Stories: what is it?

A story on Insta allows you to avoid being seen by an intrusive crook, and also eliminates the fear and hassle of being charged for home photos, since your entry will be available to everyone in a nearby block. The line at the top of the page is the “place where the story lives.”

Tap at the end to open the recording (photo or video) so that it is displayed for 10 seconds, then in the morning you can pause the timer.

One of the advantages and disadvantages, as you may wonder, is those who will reveal your story. To do this, you need to open your story and swipe your finger until it burns. If you don’t want to be tagged, it’s better not to expose them.

How to get multiple stories from Instagram?

Instagram on Android has a smart design, so only lazy people can put it in the “How to add a story to Instagram” guide. There are at least 2 ways. First of all, by clicking on the program logo and the icon that looks like a plus, you will open a window similar to the window for adding a new photo to a page. In other words, you just have to swipe your left hand at any part of the news page. Easy and simple! And the mechanism for adding photographs/videos is absolutely similar here. At the top right corner there are icons added to the text or a small one. Moreover, when adding a baby, you can choose the color and type of line. By swiping the icon, you can apply different filters to the recording.

Then all you have to do is tap on the icon with the arrow and the skin, which you can access the added history.

How to post a bunch of photos on Instagram Stories

Looking at the stories of other people, you melodiously noted that in the events in history you can see a number of posts created over the past 24 years. And in which there is no magic, on Instagram you can post a lot of history - no one yet knows the boundaries. To add a few photos to your story, you can simply add one photo at a time in order. If you have taken advantage of a number of photos or videos, all of them will automatically be combined into one story. Then, before review, your prepayers will have access to a single story, which consists of many photos or videos. It is not necessary to add entries later or all at once; you can update the history at any time. Please note that when a new plant is published, the cover of your icon in the stories section again becomes colorful and Instagram users can add the posted photo.

Well, we’ve learned about how to add multiple photos and videos to the history of your phone. Now you know how to create one, two or more posts in your story. Publish the story right away, make yourself known to the world. And to consolidate the knowledge, take it here, let there be at least two of them.

In the Instagram section, we looked at some of the stories on Instagram or, as they are called, stories. Another of our materials is about those How to add a photo to Instagram story. In the previous article, we discussed the same things, but today we look at our reports and more closely, trying to see the most important points and nuances. Read us - you will enjoy it. Without a doubt, stories on Instagram are a huge innovation that will appeal to all social media users. The stories will help you show off all your talents and skills as a director. It’s completely obvious that these stories will get even more followers to your account. If nothing happens, you will increase the army of your rogues. Now let's, as it seems, get closer to the point. Well, you decided to create a great story about one cheerful day in your life. To realize your idea, open the Instagram program on your mobile device.

On the main page of the program you will see a camera icon. Click on it, as shown in the first screenshot above. As always, in such situations the phone’s camera turns on. Now you need to take some ideas. To do this, press the release button, as shown in the screenshot under number 2 above. You also have the opportunity to take a video clip by swiping the screen with your right hand. After you take a photo, the program will redirect you to the next screen (3 - in the image above). As you can see, two icons have appeared at the bottom of the screen. You need to click on the icons with the inscription: “To History”. These were shown schematically in the remaining screenshot of the top little one. Now your photo has become an invisible part of the plot.

Everything is clear in one photo. Now I'm in awe add photo to Instagram story And the more beautiful shots there are, the more interest there will be in your story among pre-payers and friends. More moments - more likes obviously. You can add as many likes as you like with one click here: . It is still impossible to see a lot of photographs in order to attract them into a new story with one hand. There’s no point in being angry, even if you can add a few frames through it. The hour is approaching, but you can think carefully about what to include in today’s story, and what you might not want to share with your followers. At the beginning of the publication, we added one photograph, thereby starting our own story. Now on the main page of the program you can update your history (screen 1 on the bottom page).

Having stuck to history, we will get to it. Now, following the analogy with the added first photos, we can add the next ones. Robophoto, sticking icons: “Into History” (another little one above) - photo added. It's a really bad shot - let's add something to the plot and so on. We can add our own story using a rich description of photographs.

We separated from them. Now we need to understand what is possible add old photo to Instagram story And how to earn it. It is clear that the stories are designed in such a way that they “live” for more than 24 years. For this reason, the plot has the ability to add new photographs that have already been taken. Sometimes you just need to embellish your story with an “old” image, so the relevance of this food is beyond doubt. To add a photo you took earlier, swipe down on the active camera mode in your Instagram story. A window with thumbnails of the remaining photographs will appear (you will all become wiser if you look at the bottom picture).

The first thing that comes to mind is to take a new photo or a screenshot of the same one. Find out on the Internet how to take a screenshot of the screen directly for your smartphone model. iPhone users must immediately press the lock and “Dome” buttons, as shown in the bottom picture. Owners of Android phones are required to press the lock button simultaneously with the volume control button (in most cases). After which your screenshot of an old photograph will become a new, beautifully captured photograph, and you can add it to the plot.

Another option for adding an old photo is to change the date. The third option is a third-party program called: “Storied For Instagram”. Be aware that this program is paid, and not everyone will benefit from it, but as an option, it may be of benefit. To make your stories more lively and creative, add music to your videos. Yak tse zrobiti, .

Instagram has one of the most popular features today, and its function called “Story” continues to gain popularity. Today we’ll talk about how to add photos from your smartphone gallery to Stories.

It will be useful for those who regularly use this function and want to contribute more useful material. I think it will be even cooler and cooler.

What is Stories on Instagram?

First of all, let’s move on to the main part of the material, I would like to briefly talk about what happened in Stories on the social network Instagram.

In essence, it’s like a line of new items that are sorted in chronological order as the day progresses. Whoever acquired the material later will be in first place.

This page consists of photographs and short videos. As you have put it into history, it is available for 24 years.

Before you submit the material, you need to review it with a standard editor and add different stickers, writing, etc., which can make the photo special.

First of all, this topic was confusing and in the future it would be possible to prevent only a few people who are actively vikorist. Not a lot of time has passed and now she’s already trying to gain popularity.

Those people, who have never been afraid, begin to become selfish. What increases the amount of useful content is simply at a glance.

How to add a photo to Instagram story from a gallery?

Basically, everyone knows how to post a photo in Stories, as you have done in the program. But not a lot of people know that you can add photos directly from the gallery.

First of all, how to do it, I want to say that this function is covered by current material. In a little while you will understand why I didn’t guess.

Let's start looking for the Wikoristan gallery:

As you know, you can’t put away this old photograph, because you saved it a week ago. You will only need the remaining and current photographs.

Zagalom tse melodiously on the best. If you want to share some moment from the past, you can now grab it from your standard profile.

Also, most often people do not post photos, which allows them to admire their idols from another side. Sound like everything is perfect, but then you realize that they are the same people as we are.


The axis is so short and I’m sure the story came out for you. Now you know how you can add a photo to your Instagram story.

I myself recently learned about this and immediately decided to share this information with you. Check out the new functions of this wonderful social network.