How to find out the page ID in VK in different ways. How to find out your VKontakte ID Check your VKontakte ID on your phone

Today we will talk about how to recognize the ID of any VKontakte page.

For those who don't know:

VKontakte page ID - This is a unique identification number of any account registered in social media,as well as Public, group, posts and add photos with videos in it.

“Id” will always be assigned when VKontakte is created. You can’t change it - just change the page address to “human-understandable”, for example, However, in this case the page ID will not be changed, and you will no longer have to hesitate to register.

This is what different VKontakte identifiers look like:

  • Koristuvach's profile - id 78563931
  • public - public 13675315
  • group - club 2505625
  • zustrich - event 4552624

Where the numbers are at the end - ce i є ID.

The easiest way to find out the ID of one is to open the required account in the browser and look at the address bar, more precisely, at the numbers that come after

However, it turns out that the ID appears to be logged in, because people were forced to remember in the settings the address of their page for a short time - for example, “ meowmeow1»Substitution of primary digits.

Why be timid in such a situation?

Option one: LinkApp add-on

Another option: avatar

Click on the profile avatar of the person you need and return your attention to the address bar. Numbers that are found between the word “photo” and the symbol “_”, and the searched number.

Option three: wall

If you can see the posts on the wall of the accountant and the smell there, click on the date of any post and between the words “wall” and “_” you will need the accountant ID.

Option four: information

As soon as you press “send information” to the person you need, then when you open a dialogue with the correspondent, you will see something like this: or, for example, like this:

The remaining numbers are “go.”

How to find out your ID in VK

They try all the above mentioned methods, and they come up with one more.

  • go to the “Customization” menu of your page;
  • there go to the “Zagalne” tab;
  • go down to the item “Site Addresses”;
  • If you already have a short address, just click on the new one - you will be prompted to change it, and at the same time show the row “Side number - such and such.”

How to find out the ID of a group, public or member on VKontakte

Here you can also immediately recognize “go” from the address row, or again come across “nice” addresses - replacement, Where are the remaining numbers - the searching number, please

Good morning, dear friends. Today we will recognize you as the identifier of other sites in the VKontakte social network (id). And, as you know, each side of the VK, be it a group or a special side of a person, is assigned a unique number. We will now figure out how to recognize him.

How to find out the id of the person Shvidko

On the right, after all, how only people create their own page and do not change anything during the current hour of being in the social network, which does not attract any nicknames, which can be added to the address row ku browser, at the end of the address itself. Look carefully at the screenshot, and you will understand everything:

If you replace the id with any name in the address bar of your browser, the identifier will not be recognized in this way. In the connection with tzim mi we move to the offensive method.

The ID of one or another VK accountant is recognizable. Method 2.

We go to the account’s page, look at his wall and click on the link “All entries”:

All posts on this page will be opened in a new tab. Now I’m amazed at the address bar of the browser. At the very end of the address there is the word wall, and immediately after it the page identifier. These are exactly what we needed:

Another way to recognize the identifier is to click not on the wall, but on the photos, so that you see all the albums and click next to the deposit:

Now I’m amazed at the address bar of the browser. At first you will see the user's name, and then after the word albums your id will appear:

How to find out your ID

All the best ways to approach your own side of the world, and there is one more way that I would like to show you for the hidden development.

Embossed on the menu in the upper right corner and from the drop-down list, select the “Customization” item:

In the settings we find the page addresses and, on the contrary, click on the “Change” button:

We have a bunch of text fields burning up. Enter the “Story Number” field, and this also includes our identifier:

So, we settled on both sides of the kristuvachs. Let's now move on to groups.

VKontakte group id

In principle, the approach here is exactly the same as before. On the head side of the group, we need to find which element and click on it. These can be written on the wall or discussed:

Most of our readers are registered and actively participate in the largest social networks in Russia and SND on VKontakte and It’s also good to know that any page (be it a profile page, group page, public page or network page) has its own unique identifier - VKontakte ID.

And since the digital ID has already appeared in the address row of the browser, then for a long time for any page you can set a beautiful name using letters and numbers, which will appear instead of the “sequence number”. Although in some situations we still need the digital identifier of both this and other sites, it is not so easy to know at first glance.

About those What is the VKontakte page ID?, Like stinks, How to recognize your own or someone else's ID address in VK, As well as the ID of the public/group/client, you will be recognized according to this report and statistical instructions.

What is the VKontakte ID and what does it look like?

First of all, we need to understand that how to find out id an object you need in the social sphere VKontakte ( We would like to briefly inform you about those who have entered the same ID in VK, and there are certain types of this identifier.

VKontakte ID is a unique identifier that can be used on any VK page: profile of a member, public page, group or partner. The IDs of these sides are slightly different. The ID is assigned when the page is closed and cannot be changed in the future.

Let's first take a look at what we need to know and how to identify them. id 1234567890 - ID person's profile public 1234567890 - ID public page (public) club 1234567890 - ID groupies event 1234567890 - ID zustrichi

ID includes only one of the meanings of words in Latin and numbers (and only numbers, not letters!).

How to find out your VKontakte ID

Most often, users need to check their own ID in Making money is as simple as shelling pears. You can find your profile ID in the address bar of your browser (if you haven’t installed a username), or in your profile settings.

I will erase all accounts on VKontakte with only a digital ID, and there are no problems with recognizing yours, but if you have been waiting for a long time, you can set your own unique name, which will show the replacement ID in the browser.

If you haven’t been intimidated, then just press on the message "My side" on the left side of the screen and you will add your ID in the address bar of the browser.

If you replace the digital ID with English text, it means you have set your personal address for your profile page. But it’s no big deal, you can see the ID in this configuration in just a couple of clicks.

Click on the VK profile name in the upper right corner and select the item in the drop-down menu "Nalastuvannya".

A few minutes below on the main screen you will be able to set up your website address. Press button "Change" order with him.

Under the "Story Addresses" row, a field with a name will appear "Story number"- this is your ID in the VKontakte social network.

You have found out your ID. If it’s easy to get your number, then in order to get another person’s ID, sometimes you may need to do a little work (just a little bit), and sometimes it’s not that difficult to earn a little bit, without identifying your ID.

How to find out the ID of another merchant VKontakte

In order to recognize someone else's ID, you need to sign in first. Open the profile of the person whose ID you want to follow and simply hover your mouse over his avatar. In most browsers, in the lower left (or right) corner there will be a merge row with the address, where you will find the person’s ID.

In this box ID is typing numbers after words photoі in front of the lower armchairs, Tobto 1234567890.

If your browser does not show a leaky notification when hovered, then this is not a problem. Click on the avatar of the client and in the address bar of the browser and also add the ID of this profile, similar to the above option, after the words photo and in front of the lower armchairs will be exactly the ones you were looking for.

Everything can be done even more simply, if you have a list with your VKontakte account, the ID you want to know. For this option, simply open your dialogue in the “Confidence” tab and in the address bar of your browser you will find the ID of your profile immediately after the letters. "Im? Sel=".

As you know, it’s absolutely not easy to know the identity of any kind of koristuvach. However, you won’t be able to use any of the above methods (as well as the rest) if you are with someone on the black list. Why bother in this situation? We recognize it.

How to find out the ID of a mailbox on the black list (blocking)

Sometimes a situation arises where you need to find out the ID of the person you are on the blacklist, so they are blocked. You can also see your ID in this section, but in a slightly simpler way, you will have to open the page code for your VKontakte profile.

Open the page, access to any area for you, select the context menu on the right mouse button in any place of that page and select a new item "Look at the code" / "Look at the code for the element" or similar, in the location of your browser.

Enter the search code behind the page text in the search row "User_id". As a result of the search, you will add this text to the page code, and after it the digital ID of the VKontakte account manager, which is what we need.

As you know, it’s easy to find out the ID of any VK koristuvach, find out if you’re on someone’s black list.

How to find out IDs of publics, groups or members

The simplest thing about this whole instruction is to find out the public ID, group ID or VKontakte member ID. There are a number of different methods you can use, and there are a couple of the simplest ones.

Click on the avatar of the public / group / community and you will add an identifier in the address bar of your browser immediately after the word "photo-"і in front of the lower armchairs.

Does the group have no avatar? No problem. Open any entry on this wall and you will find the required ID there, in the address row, so numbers up to the lower armrest and after "Wall-".

You can see the ID in a similar way by opening albums or group videos. As you see, there is nothing complicated, one of the described methods will definitely help you find out the required identifier.

For various reasons, you may need to know ID(Id) your page or another VKontakte account. For example, you want it, or you want it in the name.

ID- digital identifier of accounts, and other sites in the social network VK, and not only.

Swedish navigation:

How to find out your VKontakte ID.

The task is really quite simple, since you did not change the message sent to your page from numbers to letters, nicknames or names. You need to go to and admire message from the office your browser address.

There will be a value of several digits, which will be your number id.

How to find out the ID of another VKontakte contributor.

By analogy with this method, you can find out your ID, you can go to the person on the page and if you don’t change the message to a letter, then the numbers in the address of that page, after and there will be yogo go. (Wonder at the image above).

How to find out your VKontakte ID is changed to your name or nickname.

If you have previously changed the display of your page address to Name: Nickname or else Nick.
For example:

became:, Nik - rulelik. No ID!

In order to see which id is in the renamed addresses, you need to open the avatar of your page or whose id you want to recognize. I was amazed at the message in the address bar of the browser. A series of numbers seen in the image will correspond to the ID values.

There are no photos.

Find out the ID of the renamed page forever no photo, If it’s a little more complicated, there are a lot of options.
Go to the video recording of the stink, sent to such a plan, 189912365
Obviously the numbers sent will be your id. At the correspondence, marvel at the message.

Marvel at the VKontakte ID on the phone.

On any phone, you can copy the address of the page, image, and then paste it into the empty notification field. So you can marvel at the ID through your phone. The first part from the number sent will be the page ID to the photo address you copied.

Cool VKontakte ID numbers!

Pavlo Durov, as the founder of the social network VKontakte, especially deserves the right to have his page under identification number 1.
Having left the VKontakte network in 2014, its founder Pavlo Durov, as previously available for inquiries

Hello, readers of the blog site! I was recently asked by mail how to find out my ID in a contact with food, so I wanted to get instructions on how to find out my ID in a contact. ID - this is the identification number of your page in the VKontakte social network. It will be assigned upon registration. Also in this regard, we will figure out how to recognize the IDs of friends in contacts.

At the same time, with the introduction of the innovation, of course ID, if you change your skin, you can contact your personal page, only to your reasonable address. It’s easy to do this manually. You can, for example, choose your nickname, nickname, or you can easily remember a combination of numbers. In fact, having had enough of this good fortune, they finally, if necessary, cannot guess their digital ID and do not know where they can get more.

Just in this article, we’ll talk about how you can see your ID in contacts. It’s easy to find out your ID for real.

How to find out your ID in contacts

To get started, first of all, go to your page in Contacts. Return it to the address bar in your browser. After the slash “/”, this is the ID that we needed to recognize.

Below I will recognize other methods, since there will be some changes in the contact.

Go to your Contact page, now find the “My settings” tab and click on it.

After this, the settings were expanded to the very bottom. Find the rows: “Site number” and “Site address”. The right-hand numeric code is assigned to you when registering an ID.

So that you don’t forget it again, remember it or write down these numbers more quickly. Even if you get to know someone, it’s easier to give your ID, so that you can quickly know you in contact, and not among hundreds of your namesakes - it’s a good idea.

How to find out the ID of friends in contacts

If necessary, you can recognize the IDs of other people. The best way to find out the ID is to look again at the browser's address bar - only to find out a little more. But there is a small step here, allowing contacts to change their ID, for example, to their name or no one. In this case, we read further.

Let's go to the page of the person whose ID we want to know. Next, you will open the exit code of the page. To add the side code, press the key combination “CTRL” + “U”. (If this does not help, then press the right mouse button and find the row “Look at the page side”).

І remaining method, Once again we go to the side of the people we need. Click the left mouse button on your avatar. After this, the address row changes to: - here we are, what is the ID of the person, but also here it can be like this: - not the ID, then let's go further. photo178253494 - we are surprised by another number, which is the ID of the merchant.

Please note that in this way you can recognize your ID. And in the “Gack” box, whichever ID is recognized, you can play both music and video. Here our actions do not differ in any way due to the manipulation of avatars, the game by analogy with the given instructions.

Before speaking, about how to recognize ID in classmates, read the article.

That's all!