Iphone se review before purchase. How to know, what are the iPhone updates? Verify the set of delivery of the iPhone - the cream of the box itself, the presence of which is also important, in the complete set of accessories

We all miraculously know that at the next hour we will take the iPhone by hand, but we will be super respected. On the right, in what the rest of the hour shows more and more practical and ideal copies of smartphones, it’s even more difficult to tease an unacknowledged koristuvach.

And just to remind you that you should know the original attachment, it may have a full warranty. How to check the iPhone for the serial number and IMEI?

In order to change the honesty of the seller, follow the official website of the Apple company https://www.apple.com/ru/, in just a few seconds you can change the attachments for IMEI or the serial number.

How to check the iPhone for correctness? For whom we need to know about our serial number, as well as IMEI:

  • on iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, the stench is located on the SIM card tray;
  • on iPhone 5, 5c, 5s, SE, 6, 6 Plus, the stench is engraved on the back panel;
  • on iPhone 6s, 6s Plus, 7, 7 Plus, the stench is located on the SIM card tray.

You can look at the serial number and IMEI on the original iPhone of the first generation on the back panel.

  • On iTunes. For whom it is necessary to connect the device to the computer and know it from the iTunes program. If you look at the Look tab, you can check the serial number. To recognize IMEI, you need to click on the “Phone Number” row.
  • In addition, since there is no more access to the iPhone, even if the backup copy is saved in iTunes, you can also see the information you need.

    It is necessary to go to "Nalashtuvannya", then - "Attachments" and hover over the backup copy of your device.

    In order to recognize, chi is a Chinese attachment, you won’t be able to find a box, as well as remove the smartphone itself.

    For which it is necessary to follow the clumsy instructions:

    What kind of information does help to recognize a storinka? Apple re-verification of the right to service and support helps to reconsider in order to apply the original, recognize, if the activations are faulty, indicate the hour of the end of the warranty, and also the possibility of retrieving the technical support by phone.

    If you think the iPhone is not yet activated, you should be aware of the need for activation. Since the date of purchase of the iPhone has passed more than fate, then Apple's international warranty is no longer valid.

    If you need more information, then behind the serial number you can also indicate: the country for which the phone is being prepared, its model, identifier, main technical characteristics (different screen size, processor clock frequency, memory size , body color), exact release date and virobnik plant.

    How to reverse, what are the iPhone updates? For the help of the serial number, you can identify the updates by the seller or by the iPhone picker (Refurbished). For such a device, the serial number starts at 5K.

    Unfortunately, the Refurbished iPhone cannot be called new again, it can’t be called for a similar repair (there are more cases), and also those that Apple gives a full guarantee for such an addition.

    IMEI - international identifier of any mobile device. For the same serial number, IMEI allows you to find out more information about the iPhone.

    You can recognize your IMEI using the same methods as the serial number of the iPhone. The simplest of them is to marvel at the nails.

    IMEI consists of less than 15 digits - there are no alphabetic characters. There are no two iPhones with identical IMEI numbers.

    You can check the correctness of the device by IMEI both on the official Apple website at the address https://www.apple.com/ru/, and for additional additional services.

    Let's take a look at two of the most popular of them.

    The website of the international identifier can be found at the following address: http://www.imei.info/.

    Under the hour of registration on this site for additional mailing screens, it is necessary to check the Spam folder, as a rule, the sheets with the proposition of the activation of the oblique record are given there.

    To check IMEI, you need to enter a 15-digit code at the end of "Enter IMEI". After that, press Check and on the screen you will see information about this gadget.

    Only those who know the iPhone at the base behind the IMEI number, talk about those who have an original gadget.

    If the received information is not enough for you, you can click the “Read More” button to look at the latest description of the add-on functionality, which is accompanied by 3D animation and photo.

    The CNDeepInfo service is universal and suitable for checking almost all mobile devices..

    Vіn dopomogає to reconsider, what is the hardware part of the gadget, what is reconsidered - often "pidpіlnі" virobniki zastosovuyut the lowest varieties of components.

    To check the smartphone, you need to go to the whole site for the address: https://sndeep.info/ru, then enter the IMEI number in the window and press the "Review" button. The negative result of the re-verification is composed of a number of parts.

    The first block is a certificate. The certificate certifies that the iPhone is not stolen by a legal clerk or stolen. Another part - "IMEI decryption".

    The entire IMEI is divided into three components:

    • TAC number (8 first digits) - displays the model and type of smartphone;
    • serial number of the gadget (6 consecutive digits) is unique for the skin device;
    • the check digit (15 behind the rachunk) allows you to check the correctness of the previous ones.

    The third part - "Detailed information". Unfortunately, during the hour of cost-free rechecking, detailed information is not available, so after pressing on the "Remove information" line, you will be asked to pay.

    For direct access to Apple services, the skin coristuvachev must register a physical record under the name of Apple ID. Vіn is accumulated from the login (electronic address) and the password, like in any other public record.

    Oskіlki koristuvachі "shine" with their electronic address forever and creaking, knowing it does not add up special difficulties. In addition, for such a great set of programs for password recovery, access to Apple ID is also clumsy.

    For this very reason, Apple is proposing to its corystuvacs a challenge that is relevant for 2019 – two-step authentication. However, for whom you need a special code, you just don’t know where to enter it.

    Where to know the Apple ID verification code and where to enter it? Let's look at the cover instruction.

    Following these instructions, you can activate two-step authentication. Now, when you log in to your Apple ID account, you will need a verification code, which you already know where to enter.

    Also, you know, how to reverse the iPhone for the help of the serial number and IMEI, you can save yourself from buying a non-original or just a problematic gadget, which after the firmware appears to be blocked or stop working.

    The high arrogance of Apple smartphones allows the masters to change them earlier, and then they become unbearable. The result of this is the presence of the secondary market, where “apple” outbuildings are sold, which were in victoria. The phenomenon of the flooring is rozvinene, that special services have appeared at the great places, which help you to buy or buy Apple equipment. If you have been called to buy without intermediary "out of hand", you need to know how to convert an iPhone to the right one.

    Before that, how to pick up a zustrich from the seller, I will definitely need an iPhone model, so that I can accurately show you how I can see it. It is possible to make a sound in the saloon by looking in detail and twirling the test eye in the hands. The first glance of the old-fashioned look allows you to change your mind, that in your hands you do not have a Chinese clone and the phone does not have any serious problems. It’s unlikely that I’ll be called wine without underwear, so I choose the acceptable riven of leather wear myself. The right "apple" smartphone is equipped with charging with a Lightning socket, but the whole body and only one slot for SIM. In addition, starting with the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus, they have a 3.5 mm headphone jack. Significant back covers, open in the case, 3D stickers with an apple, a slot for a friend with a friend or a memory card is a direct sign of a drink, before that, there is no need for high quality.

    Mind you, you look around the screen and rewire the speakers. Try calling a friend, evaluating the operation of the radio module and checking the map to see if the GPS sensor is working. Call the call by inserting your SIM card, in order to immediately reverse the lock on the operator. iOS 11 allows you to know about the battery flow mill without going into third-party programs.

    You may want to bring your computer with you and check to see if iTunes recognizes cable connections. All the same, crazy, important little things when you get a phone on the secondary market, but the stench doesn't bring you closer to originality. A finely crafted copy passed all the first tests.

    Check IMEI

    The IMEI identifier is assigned individually to the skin mobile device for one hour of release and serves as an authorization for the device in the border. For the sake of the uniqueness of the special programs, which are among the stealth operators, they allow you to know how the smartphone is to be found after stealing. In our case, IMEI allows you to change the technical characteristics of the model. For example, if you decide to buy an SE, you can switch, so you can't get 5S or 5C renewals.

    1. To look at the international identifier of the iPhone, you need to go to the settings section of the "Basic" section.
    1. At the top of the screen, select an item, with a frame.
    1. Here we know the main characteristics, the memory capacity and the in-line mill after the installation of software. IMEI, which to call us, must be specified in the field indicated on the screenshot and is a set of 15 digits.
    1. Another option allows you to assign an add-on identifier without going into the setup and passing the entered code to the service. Vikoristovuemo standard dialer at the same time perevirivshi yogo practice. On the screenshot of the readings, the process of dialing the combination *#06#.
    1. Entering the rest of the character will appear on the IMEI screen.
    1. We take away the data, we check the Internet. There are a few sites, on which you can freely view the main information about attachments online with a vowel identifier. For example, the Russians give the opportunity not only to distort IMEI, but to recognize it as stolen. The specific field can be seen on the screenshot at the bottom of the page.
    1. A similar re-verification can be vikonated for the help of an international base. You can steal telephones from any country, but otherwise you may change your mind about legality.

    Rechecking for the serial number

    An old smartphone as a whole can be sold without the original box, after swearing it at the door. If for 4S or X it is important, then 6S or 6S Plus is wonderfully included before packaging in older versions. In such minds, it is impossible to recognize originality simply by looking at the serial numbers on the boxes and in the patches.

    1. Know the serial number there, de mi knew the international identifier. At the branch “About this attachment”.
    1. Vіdkrivaєmo storіnka Apple, recognized for reverification will become an official guarantee. We enter a number at the indicated arrow of the mist.
    1. Go down to the bottom on the side and fill in the field with the conversion code. After completing the preparation operations, press the button "Continue".
    1. Storinka, scho vodkrilasya, retrieve data about the model and the status of technical support. Understanding, go through such a re-verification of the original. Here we can look at the end date of the warranty. The company hopes to buy a term for one river. Expanded for two stretches, and only for extensions "Rostest". Replacement of the life controller Tristar U2 or the batteries will be charged free of charge during this period. Of course, there’s also an internal repair program, or there’s an overpayment for Apple Care. In this framework, defective parts can be found, as the company knows the presence of the ship in all releases of the party. Obviously, the proximity of the terms of the end of the guarantee reduces the prospects for a cost-free repair. I’ll replace those batteries on a living outhouse to be used for whatever service, or else the service will be paid.

    Blocking activation

    The rules of good manners and Apple's recommendations suggest that the seller may throw off the iPhone in advance, having seen the special information and entering the Apple ID. In this rank, the buyer is guaranteed to take away the phone without locking, which can go through the activation procedure with a new vlasnik. Tim is no less, when buying "from the hands" the rule is far from constant. Yakshto vy could vikonati described more dії - tse means that attachments do not throw off and іsnuє nebezpeka yogo distant blocking.

    1. Pereviriti become even simpler. Vіdkrivaєmo nalashtuvannya that marvel at the upper part of the screen. The designations on the screenshots of the area that are shown by the App Store and the Aikloud site cannot be indicated by the name of the koristuvach.
    1. Vіdkrivshi split, what is being looked at, going down to the very end of the list of outbuildings and pushing the button assigned.
    1. The correct clerk knows the Apple ID password and can easily enter it. Obviously, be it a witch to talk about those who are with the apparatus, which you see in the hands of obvious problems. If the fault and not the locks, then the unknown data of the oblіkovogo iCloud record let us suspect that the seller is not the master.

    At the end

    After completing all the verification procedures and, if necessary, asking the old sack manager to reset the factory settings, you will not accept a new, but a fully working iPhone. Get rid of the activating yoga, tying up your Apple ID and starting to win.

    Video instruction

    In the video posted below, you can take a closer look at the method of checking the iPhone for correctness and explain how to check the test.

    A modern smartphone, especially when it comes to the new iPhone, it’s expensive to do it, no one wants to get into a cat in a bear. And through ignorance, becoming a victim of shakhraiv and becoming a master of the "gray" or, even worse, a second-hand device is even easier. Offices that trade non-exquisite gadgets today even rowing. At the same price, they are remarkably lower, lower at the official dealer, and the smartphones themselves can look perfect from the side.

    However, it is not forgotten about those that on the skin protruding koristuvach, which is known on all the subtleties of Apple smartphones, there is always a cunning one. Prote rich of cunning unscrupulous sellers can be lost, so that we can keep the information and respect it. In this article, we know how to distort the iPhone when buying, do not allow yourself to be “thrown”.

    1 We check the packaging and the box

    The Apple company is reverently put to the brink. In addition, there are up to 10 boxes, which may be crushed from thin cardboard with an embossed logo on it. On the lower part of the box, the serial number and IMEI must be indicated, so that you can match the valid numbers in the smartphone’s patches and on the first case. So boldly open the box and check it out.

    Of course, there may be a phone, documentation, a warranty card and additional accessories: darts, charger, headphones. Well, I know, not forgetting, that we are talking about Apple products, to give respect to those that all the cables and plastic joints on the wires were perfectly smooth and without burrs, and the cables themselves were soft.

    2. Visual inspection of the iPhone when buying

    Depending on the fact that the model of the “apple” smartphone was wrong, we will still respect it even with a visual look. Let it not be tricky at first glance, but if you definitely don’t get confused with other models, then buying / or / you can appear as the master of the splendid iPhone 5/6 or /. The smells are similar, and you can only know the difference with a respectful look.

    And yet, with other models of varto trim, your hand on the pulse does not relax. Chinese clones of the iPhone may look more plausible, and quickly they can be confused with the original. Especially as a salesperson for an hour of rechecking, the whole hour to drink you and vodvolikaє. Before speech, this is the first sign that you are trying to sell the "livy" device. And don’t take it to heart that in the original Apple smartphones, all the details are due to one another, without backlash and creaks, calling out to be a monolithic design.

    Sob not to lose your nose, to learn as much information about that iPhone model as possible. For example, the iPhone 5S smartphone is released in a number of variations, and it is possible to separate them only by number, which may be indicated on the back cover. If you buy an Apple iPhone 5S, then change your mind if it is marked A1456, A1507, A1516, A1529 or A1532, or else. Vipadku has an iPhone 8 - A1905. Modifications A1863 and A1906 are prepared for other countries, other numbers to talk about those that you are advised to use a different model.

    3 Revisiting localization

    Even though a visual glance did not reveal the summation that in front of you is the same iPhone model, you dreamed about it, the time has come to move on to rechecking the practicality. And that means - vmikaєmo phone. The smartphone, intended for the Russian market, is to blame for the mother of the Russian firmware, and as soon as the hour of zavantazhennya, you will see the signs of forgiveness at the crossroads of the interface - next to be on your guard. It’s possible that in front of you is an ideally victorious Chinese clone.

    It’s not easy to reconcile the battle: in Chinese programs, the voice assistant Siri is not practical, or the “Know iPhone” option, it’s very important to add the functionality of these abilities. Until then, the serial number of the shipment never passed verification on the website of the virobnik, but we’ll talk about it a little lower.

    You can also immediately go to the AppStore and look at some software store that will transfer you to the app. Before this, do not forget to look on the Internet, or on the "apple phone" of your friend, as if looking at the interface of the store, so as not to fall into oman for an hour of checking your smartphone.

    4 The same serial number and IMEI

    After notifying the phone, the next change is that the IMEI on the box confirms the one indicated on the smartphone itself. Zrobiti tse possible, having moved to "Nalashtuvannya | Main | About this attachment”, or by entering the command * # 06 # at the dialer, or by checking the SIM card tray, on which you can also specify the serial number and IMEI identifier.

    Has everything gone wrong? Chudovo. Flapped Tilki to break through IMEI on one of the numbers of servos in izonternet (on the right: IMEI.info), de Vyatovy, the nasal - chi is sold in the Rosya smartphone VID Apple, Yaki Vika Buv Vikrodeni of the Iin Smik.

    When perverting the iPhone, remember that the theft of a smart phone can be blocked in the future, after which the phone pretends to be on the line, like a carriage in a watermelon. And if such a device and the police virahuє - there will be no problems. Therefore, at the least amount of money, consider buying such an outbuilding.

    5 Change your mind, can you call someone new?

    "Sir" telephones not approved for sale in the territory of the Russian Federation may be locked, so that they can only be used with the first mobile operators. To switch to another, singly, immediately insert your SIM card into the iPhone at the stage of rechecking the tray. All you need to enter the IMEI assignment command is її presence.

    As soon as the iPhone SIM is installed, you can’t name Merezha and, apparently, you won’t give a call - the situation is extremely simple: you are forced to sell a Syrian device, for unlocking it, you will get a sum of pennies, so you don’t have a building sro beat yourself up. financial savings

    Prote is a small trick. At the tray for the SIM card, you can install a special pad made of a thin microcircuit, to allow a locked smartphone to bypass binding to one operator. The presence of such a lining on your Apple iPhone is immediately talking about those that are responsible for blocking.

    6 Revisiting the iPhone: Why is it a new device, not a used one?

    How to reverse the "apple" gadget? The final action will be like this: go to the settings of the smartphone and switch over, the “Know iPhone” option is not enabled, and in the device itself there are no traces of the Apple ID record. And also change, that in the settings of iCloud, the iTunes Store and the Apple Store, the fields of the public record are not filled in. In another situation, you are definitely being asked to sell a smartphone, which already has a Vlasnik. Moreover, it is possible that the entire iPhone has been infiltrated, as we have already written more, and the traces may not be remembered for a long time.

    As if the device has passed through your revisions - you can cheerfully cry with the seller and for the sake of getting ready. And remember that the “customer is always right”, do not let him quap you and do not let him fully understand the goods that you buy, and in addition, take care to carry out whether it is a recheck of the iPhone when buying. In the official Apple store, up to which it is definitely delivered with roses, and from small online stores you can get stuck with some incidents.

    Reading 6th century Pereglyadiv 97 Published on 09.01.2018

    The availability of gadgets in the Apple company does not always allow the purchase of accessories from the store at the official dealer. Therefore, it is often practiced to get an iPhone by hand for a more reasonable price. On this aphid, the crim of real sellers, a few shakhraivs appeared, like to sell stolen goods or to zovsim additions to the outbuildings. Let's get pregnanthow to check iPhone for correctnessbefore the purchase is completed and do not become a victim of shahrai.

    Verification on the official website of Apple

    As a rule, when you buy a smartphone in a retail store, you will receive an additional cost of zero. And the axis of the gadget's attachment from the hands, the undertaking is risky, do not look from any side. To that first, complete the purchase and transfer the pennies to a private seller, arbitrarily flip the smartphone. A respectable seller will not repair the opir and allow the buyers to perekonatisya in the form of a right outbuilding.

    Rechecking for the serial number

    The serial number will be added on the packaging in the installations. The first thing you need to get, is to be sold in a set with the original box. Tsya umova obov'yazkovo oskolki packaging is needed by the future hairdresser at the time of training for technical support.

    From the same, vmikaemo attachments, go to the setup menu, open the “Basic” section and open the “About this attachment” tab. Do you want to know the serial number and the letter with the information on the box. If the data does not match, the wart should be considered during the purchase.

    As if the numbers were spelled, follow the yogo on the official website of the virobnik http://www.apple.com/en/ . At the upper right corner of the side, you can find the division “Pidtrimka” and go to the new one. Find the tab "Warranty and repair" and check the message "Re-checking the warranty". In the form that appeared, enter the serial number of the gadget and captcha. Press “Prodovzhity” and as if the serial number confirms the original extension, you can send information about the rights of the sergeant to service and support. Opposite to the item “Daysna date of arrival” there may be a tick in the green kitchen, which confirms the originality of the smartphone.

    If the site has confirmed that the number is entered incorrectly, turn over the correctness of the set again. Like the combination of symbols is entered correctly, but the resource does not recognize attachments - you have a message in front of you.

    Checking from IMEI

    Few people know for IMEI. Moreover, far from everyone knows where to know the required number. On every occasion there are a few options.

    This code is a combination of 15 digits. Guess that the number of the skrіz is guilty of zbіgatisya. Like, for example, a tray for some other data, it’s not necessary to tell about those who have a drink in your hands. Shvidshe for everything, the gadget is just under repair.

    You can check the reference on the website http://www.imei.info/ . For which it is necessary to enter a combination in a special form and press on the re-verification. The following is the date of the gadget, which should have this number. Also, if a smartphone is found in the database, it means you have the original.

    CNDeepInfo is another service that allows you to check iPhone by IMEI. In addition, wine gives a clear understanding of the quality of the hardware part of the gadget. Enter the number next to the field and press "Check". As a result, the system sees a certificate that confirms that the gadget is original and does not appear in the list of stolen goods. In addition, the koristuvach takes the decoding of the number. And also a block of additional information, which is also available on a paid basis. At the time of theft, the thief can add his attachments to the list of stolen goods on any resource, and significantly facilitate sales to the shahrai.

    with visual inspection

    It's best to buy an iPhone from the hands of the latest equipment: in the box and with all the accompanying accessories. However, the sellers are not always able to give a new set and often sales at a low price due to the availability of packaging and components. At such furnishings, varto respectfully look around the old looking outbuilding. In addition, we will tell you a little cunning, as it is guaranteed to revise the Chinese podrobka, stay, until the speech, do not start to think clearly in the form of the original.

    1. Pіdtrimka kіlkoh sim cards. The original iPhone works with only one chip, which is obtained from a smartphone for the help of a special head.
    2. Significant battery - a correct sign of what is in front of you. The battery and iPhone are a single design.
    3. Visibility of a hanging antenna. Chinese masters, for unreasonable reasons, take care of all the deliveries to them. The original gadget of the current antennas is not available.
    4. Screen brightness. The original accessory may display, created by a special technology with narrow pixels, which ensures high clarity and clarity of the image. As if on the display, the graininess of the image is noted, the varto moves in the direction of the please.
    5. Virishiti food, how to check iPhone for correctnesshelp logo. The Chinese maisteri pidrobok apply "Yabluchko" with farboi or vicorist sticker. If it is so marked, then maєte to the right with shakhrai.
    6. The stylus in the complete set up to the smartphone is a sure sign that you are being fooled. Not only Apple, but other manufacturers have long been out of favor with resistive displays.
    7. A heavy sensor will also become a sign of pidrobki. The original smartphone may have a strange sensor, be it difficult to turn it off. As a test, you can grab a label of one of the addendums and stretch it across the screen, the icon should move freely along the entire perimeter and not appear from being buried.
    8. The presence of touch buttons is admissible only at a later time. The right iPhone has only one "Home" button and won't be physical.
    9. Please inform me of the update and in the main section, find the item Software update. As if not far away, look boldly at the smartphone.
    10. The voice helper is a reminder of the original rice, which has not yet been updated. Press the "Home" button and spend a few seconds. If the system did not appear and Siri was not activated, then, unfortunately, you will be sold a copy.
    11. Added extensions are most likely to build the Android platform or self-written software. Try vіdkriti Market I will add. The first one will redirect you to Google Play, the other one will see nothing.

    It's a pity that this year's supply of Chinese pickers flooded the market. Tse usamovleno tim, scho our spіvvіtchizniki pragmatically protect not zavzhd rozumіyuchi, yakіsny product can't be costly at kіlka times less than the type of middle-ink maritime. Navіt yakscho vyrіshili trohi to spare and buy a smartphone, scho bv vikoristanny, equalize the prices and do not rush to propositions with a very low varіstyu. І carefully read the above recommendations.

    ”) more and more often, calling to potential food buyers: what does your status mean? Badge " new yak“We’re talking not about those that the iPhone is classified as “used” and the buildings are short, that will require pennies, for no money, but about those that are attached to the back of the head turned out to be defective, but the Apple company has sunk a little and at once the gadget works “on glory." In English my smartphones are called " Refurbished».

    There is nothing wrong with buying iPhone updates- the stench of the nitrohi is not more often, the lower the sound of the iPhone. Prote the very fact of rebuying for repairs may be a guarantee of a reduced price of such a gadget - the buyer may have the right to a substantial reduction. The problem lies in the fact that the sellers are not ready to put up with the second part of the profit, and that simply does not seem to the buyers that the iPhone is new. It is the buyer himself who is to blame for the change - fortunately, I can use some of the other ways to grow.

    If you buy an “apple” smartphone from a box, then you can add new iPhone updates as easy as shelling pears: on the box, in the packaging of the gadget updates, and a special friend from writing. Apple Certified Refurbished» or « Apple Certified Pre-Owned».

    Return respect and for the next moment: box Refurbished iPhone the same was on the frontal edge of the packaging of the magnificent iPhone 5 - the image of the gadget.

    Nareshti, one more sign can be found on the back side of the box, on the sticker with the serial number and IMEI. The instruction from the name of the approved virob may be worth the RFB certificate (like a little one).

    Badge " Apple Certified» confirm that the gadget was repaired and tested on the official company's qualifications.

    The second sign is sharpened - “ Refurbished by Seller", then updates seller. Buying such smartphones should not be recommended by an expert - too big a risk, that the repair was carried out by an amateur, as it seems, "on the knee".

    Can you restore a new iPhone with a serial number and model number?

    It’s even easier to disregard renewals of attachments by model number on the little one before abbreviated RFB. For the size of the box, you can find out the model number through the adjustment of the gadget (way " Nalashtuvannya» — « Main» — « Pro tsyumu outbuildings»).

    As the model number starts from the letter M, it means a new gadget, the purpose for a separate implementation, as the first letter of the number is F, in front of you is the Refurbished iPhone.

    Buy model numbers that originate from P, but they are assigned to gadgets that are prepared on an individual basis. The two remaining characters before the slash at the model number indicate the country of sale - our butt has RU, also, the destination phone for sale in Russia (so it may be). How to replace RU cost, for example, LL (sign for the USA), the purchase of goods is put before the goods with an underestimation and check with the seller, as such a situation has developed.

    Serial numbers on the package Nalashtuvannya» Refurbished iPhone often є raznimi.

    For outbuildings released before iPhone 5, the following rule applies: If the serial number starts from 5, then the iPhone is updated. Previously, the serial numbers were formed from 11 symbols and then started from the numbers, as I saw the gadgets that were under repair. The next digits of the number made it possible to judge in which month and month the iPhone was carried out.

    At the same time, serial numbers include 12 characters and can start from letters (like in the butt). The rule of the first character at once is no longer relevant, and check for a different serial number, which is iPhone compatible, not visible.

    Can you update an iPhone like a new one using IMEI?

    There are two services that allow you to recognize information about the iPhone by IMEI - www.iphoneimei.info (Russian portal) and www.imeidata.net (foreign service). Neither one nor the other can give unequivocal evidence that the iPhone is new, however, behind the otrimanim vіdomosti, the koristuvach himself can make the visnovki.


    Go to the site and enter the gadget's IMEI at the end, then press the blue arrow button.

    After a thorough review, the following information will be available to you:

    For this information, you can create the following visnovki:

    • As a color, assigned by the service, not similar to the actual color of the gadget, as a sign of replacing the case. Obviously, the smartphone has been repaired.
    • On new Apple phones, the " Find My iPhone» (« Know iPhone”) is deactivated - set the status to “ off". Status " On"- Prikmet "like a new" smartphone.
    • Yakscho on the contrary " Telephone Technical Support» (« Telephone technical support”) and “ Repairs & Service Coverage» (« Warranty service") means " Expired» (« Finished”) I realized that the phone is not new.

    Informativeness of the program iPhone IMEI I spent a lot of time in the rest of the hour - earlier you could find out, for example, the date of activation of the gadget, which also made it possible to judge the novelty of the device. However, the obvious sign is enough to accurately calculate the Refurbished iPhone by IMEI.


    The principle of the foreign service is the same: first you need to enter IMEI, then confirm by clicking that you are “not a robot”, and finally press the button “ Check».

    The result will be like this:

    It seems that there are more data, lower having pressed the front service, but for pardon - really less: may be all the correct data should be taken away by the way of additional revisions (“ Free Check Now"). You need registration.

    Offending services allow one-time cost-free revision. Blacklist- Tobto specify, chi not є gadget we will use or we will steal.

    It is true, we strongly believe it, we take away from such a method, not varto - the verification is carried out more importantly among the Western operators of the mobile connection.


    When buying an iPhone from a great retailer, there is no reason to check if the renewal is carried out - those that the iPhone is “like new” are written on the price list. The same information appears on the product cards in the online stores:

    Booway Refurbished iPhone are not particularly popular with the middle of the widows of life, there are two reasons for this: Persian, richly spozhivachіv not able to understand exactly what is behind the term refurbished, and continue to classify gadgets on new and used ones, differently, a discount, how to give retailers, is already insignificant - for example, in the “buyer of an “innovated” iPhone, save only 2-3 thousand rubles.

    At official dealers, call “like new” iPhones may have a “biting” price- tse zmushuє spozhivachіv zv'azuvatisya іz dumnіvnіvnymi "dіlki". With this kind of practice, it’s important to take into account the pointing at this article, it’s time to add respect to the revision of the smartphone for originality - about those who carry out such a revision, it’s said.