What can be done from a stun gun. Self-confident shocker in household minds. Pushing electric shock vlasnoruch. Preparation of a simple stun gun

Virіshiv prodovzhit doslіdzhuvati nutrіshchі druzhnі pristroїv, yakі you can easily buy in the online store. (Dakuyu magnad.ru for nadan obladnannya.)

Trochs of history

In 1852, Albert Sunenberg and Philip Rechten patented a technology for which a harpoon was hooked with a wire from the hands of ships, after which the creature took off a strong discharge of an electric strum. 100 years passed, but far away the whales on the right did not break.

A distant relative of electric shockers can be used for electric whips for creatures, patented by the American Henry Dickson in 1915. The other culprits brought up the idea at their electroshock outhouse, until, finally, John Cover did not give the entirety of the present-day electric shocker to his stun gun. In 1974, roci wines filed a patent for attachments under the name “Zbroya for the irritable and zatrimannya”, which transmits the damage of a person with a changing stream of high voltage.

About what I thought about it, if I had consumed a stun gun to my hands?


About those that you can get a live bastard

Nostalgia for UFO

Weakly paralyzed comrade?

Below is a copy of the photo and a description of what is in the middle of the stun gun-lichtarik plus how to use the stun gun yourself and how to use the bulletproof vest against the stun gun

(Before the hour of evolution, the Decepticons and electric shockers learned how to disguise themselves under various objects)

(My stun gun (Bliskavka Premium) is unscrupulously “sewn in” by a lіhtarik)

(Go through Hackspace with the proposition, just take care of the wiring)

(The all-aluminum case is not refurbished, so that it was unrolled, but is there anyone else to screw up?)

(Without the "happy" adhesive tape. On the right is a "window" with a transformer, in the center - a windshield with a jumper, and a windshield - a windshield with capacitors)

All the modules are filled with resin, until they have opened, having become a paleontologist at the excavations. Below - those who were far away to pull for help with pliers, twists and hacksaws for metal.

(Coils, capacitors, diodes, feromagnetic tricks)

Principle dії

The stronger the speed of the m'yazіv in the area of ​​contact with the electrodes, to bring it to a swedish vysnazhennya afterward spreading of the tsukra in the blood. These processes in constriction with subdued pain sensations and a strong psychological influx lead to a short-hour suspense of m'yazyv and timchasovoj insufficiency of the attacker. (I think that the girls will understand what kind of m'yaz varto zneruhomiti / exasperate us in front)

A sharp sound (“trip”) should be made to a halt for a few seconds, which can be accelerated.

Bulletproof vest against shocker

There were smart people who built a lining under the jacket from the carbon fiber sling, which protected the view of the stun gun

Zrobi himself

One more comrade was embarrassed by the small push for shockers, yakі є for a free sale, and virіshiv your Shocker.
Like the author, “it’s forbidden for mortals to wear / wink a shocker with a power greater than 3 watts” and easily solder a shocker with a power of 70 watts from an excess of a player

similar components

Video tutorials for choosing the toughest shocker

Being a schoolboy, one of the coolest electric toys is the p'zoelement іz igniter. Feeling like not Raiden, then the Joker from the old Batman. Plus, after spending a couple of last minutes, de clack yourself, so that the singing finger folded.

Just as the creator of FidoNet teaches children to slander cars, and a skateboarder to teach Afghan children physical and history for an hour of riding on doshts, then why not work practice / life safety / electrodynamics in the best way and do not create funny things?

It was clear that it was worth the food for safety / adequacy and reliability (ale I, from a medical harness in the 5th grade, picking up a slingshot like a kulei from Makarov, pierced the lining, which is richer than a shocker and far-reaching), then yak lads will be.

Tsikavo, why will the “Trudoviks” of the new generation tell schoolchildren how to choose a shocker or a laser independently?

The security of the people's safety plays an important role, even more so whoever chooses the right to protect the defender. Pneumatically, or, for example, a firearm is not always available, it’s still not safe. The stun gun is used for self-defense purposes, for which a license is not required. That is why such a type of zahistu koristuєtsya dosit great popularity already stretching out rich rokіv.

Choose a wide range of similar attachments at once, or you can build a stun gun with your own hands. The scheme, presented below, will help you to easily understand everything. A self-contained stun gun does not carry any harm for the sick and can only be used for self-defense. In the article, we’ll talk about those who are attached, like they’re not. Krіm tsgogo, peacefully, as if robit in chomos the specialness of yogo vikoristannya.

See stun guns

Modern factory stun guns have different types. Sounds of stench can be different rozmіrіv, vіdznyatisya for sweating and wind the mother's body at the sight of such objects, like a lighter, a pen, a pistol, lipstick, etc. Living in the annex can be for the rahunka of batteries or an accumulator. Living elements are installed in smaller models. The sparks in stun guns can be either low-frequency or high-frequency. An extension with a frequency of 50-80 Hz should be set for about a second, but not for a strong shkod. As a rule, the stench can be more nalyakati. Adjustment with a frequency of over 100 Hz allows an attacker to be outside for one hour. Electric shockers strike among themselves, which low-frequency see crackle, high-frequency - dzizhchannya. It is possible to self-determine, a kind of electric shocker in front of you, and in the following way: you can use the tighter extensions of the building to burn papers.

Such attachments are used for self-defense with the help of an attacker for an additional supply of an electric discharge. The stun gun creates a strong pain effect and affects the mind, paralyzing the attacker for the singing hour. Vykoristovuvat tsey pristriy is allowed only to persons who have reached full age. Bring a stun gun to a specialized store, or pick up yoga independently - the skin is different individually. Buy ready-made attachments to finish the costly, but simply. An alternative option is to try out a stun gun with your own hands. The scheme of such an attachment will show at first sight why we should get stuck.

The selection of such outbuildings is already great. The stench is not only for the cold look and the tightness, but also for the art. The scheme of the simplest stun gun does not require high knowledge of the electronics store, the necessary details are also available for the bath. The preparation of such a defense for self-defense cannot be called even forgive, moreover, the attachment is guilty of a number of victories. The electrical circuit of the stun gun is guilty of a well-thought-out, sob attachment:

  • compact, incomprehensible, that does not lead to incompetence in Russia;
  • we will strain, build up the enemy’s attacker and give you a few seconds to get used to when you come to the front;
  • with the possibility of recharging, so that no one needs a disposable tool.

As you have proven yourself to work a stun gun, remember that the attachment of a simple design is not to blame for saving a lot of energy. Yakіsno vykonaniya prilad z urakhuvannya usіh nebhіdnih rekomendatsіy properly serve a long time and secure the right defense against evil-doers.

What is needed for independent preparation of a stun gun:

  • Soldering iron for alloy parts.
  • Peretvoryuvach.
  • Ferite haircut.
  • Capacitor.
  • Discharger.
  • Drit.
  • Transformers.
  • Epoxy resin.
  • Isolation line.

Robotic principle

What is the principle of a robotic stun gun? The circuit, induced at the stat, transfers to the foot: a capacitor, which is fired, passes to the transformer, as a result of which a spark is produced, as if it breaks a sprat of centimeters in a row. The condenser at this moment without interruption uses all its energy. The use of a wire channel allows you to carry out a charge without great expenses, with which you save not only the tightness of the outbuilding, but also the handy dimensions. How do you get a stun gun in your home minds? Let's get to work.

The transformer is the main part of the device, one of the most convenient in the preparation. For robots, you need an armored core B22, Viconanium with ferita 2000NM. It will be necessary to wind enamel wire (0.01 mm) on it. You need to wind it up until you have enough space in the heart, close to 1.5 mm. Vіdmіnniy result vide, like winding іz іz іzоtumu. The result has 5-6 balls.

The next step is to indicate that for non-professionals it is easy to finish the stun gun with a hand. The scheme can be completed simply, but at the same time it is prepared and there are a lot of details, as it is necessary to obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvati. Insulation is especially important. It is necessary to insulate the winding of the drіt with one ball of electrical tape, and then 6 turns, and even more with a drіt with a diameter of about 0.8 mm. The robbing of the third turn, it will be necessary to wind up and twist, after which you can continue and add 3 more turns. It is possible to secure the structure of the structure with additional superglue. At the end of the work, the cups need to be glued or wrapped in electrical tape. Contacts are not guilty of mother dotik to the navkolishny middle, otherwise we are risky to replace the defense of the head of the strum sob.

Dali for robots need a tube with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 5 cm, vikonan from polypropylene. In a stun gun, this part will be a sectional frame. For which it is necessary to fix the bolt for the additional drill, which is the diameter of the pidide to the tube, and carefully groove the grooves for the additional emery cloth. It is important for the hour of work not to damage the pipe and take it as a result of sections with a size of 2 by 2 mm. After that, with a clerical knife, it is necessary to cut up to 3 mm of the crown of the frame, without damaging the pipe.

Another stage

Otzhe, continue to look at how to kill a stun gun with a hand. For further work, you need a wire, the diameter of which is 0.2 mm. Yogo needs to be wound on all sections of the frame, with which the wine is not guilty of going beyond the boundaries. The cob of dart for a handy robot should be soldered, or better fixed with glue, the end of it is filled with free.

A ferrite shear with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 50 mm should be processed with the help of an emery stake. As a result, the round part is to be found. Feritovy shearing must be wrapped with electrical tape and rob the beast 20 turns. Vykoristovuvaty provіd such sami, yak і for the first transformer, tobto 0.8 mm. Wind up the obov'yazkovo in the same straight line, after which it is necessary to insulate the wire in the sprat of balls.

The main part for a self-propelled stun gun

To prepare the shear, it is necessary to insert in the middle of the frame, the HV-winding ends on the side, and two windings at the same time. The next transformer should be placed in a cardboard box and filled with hot paraffin. Yogo needs to be melted, but not heated to a high temperature. It is necessary to fill in the paraffin from the reserve, the shards after catching the wine, the troch settled. I’ll take a part in a simpler way. Now we have the main detail, how to allow the electric shocker to be broken with our own hands. The scheme shows the distribution of the main elements.

I'll build a charger

The powered conder is charged through the mist, and the combat one - through the additional diodes. Zavdyaki tsyomu is not created by one lansyug. The transistor can be vikoristovuvaty whether it be, especially vimog before the resistor and it is also impossible. The condenser ensures the cooling of the strum, which will serve for the conversion. As the stun gun folding circuit transfers the installation of a high-voltage transistor, the capacitor can be omitted.

Batteries are installed in size AA for a quantity of 6 pieces. Transistors are mounted on radiators. Bazhano, shob vіn mav іzoluyuchi gaskets. We are restoring all the details prepared. Naygolovnіshe - it is necessary to fix HV-visnovki, between them may be over 15 mm. Otherwise, the stun gun may quickly catch fire.

Charge frequency

Vykoristovuvaty charger attachment for stun gun chi nі lie down in vіd vlasnik's bajan. How alive is the best fit for batteries. Pevnogo nalashtuvannya the stun gun does not work, wines can be sent immediately. If the batteries are indicated, then the frequency of the discharge is due to become close to 35 Hertz. If this indicator is lower, it may be wrong, or the transformer is wound up badly, or else choose other transistors. Dosvіdchenim way next pick the frequency of discharges. Tse to fight for help separation of contacts. It is necessary to test the frequency of discharges for 5 seconds. Vіdstan is not guilty, but as much as possible, otherwise the stun gun can burn out once. Significantly, scho on probіy povіtrya dіє tisk, vologіst i іnshі zovnіshnі mind.


What is needed for a self-made stun gun? Like a body, I will build a solid cardboard on which you can paint all the details, and then proceed to install that fastening. Fold the material over with pliers. The glue is applied to the ovnishnіy bіk. It is important to ensure the tightness of the seam. Details in front of the front are better placed in the middle of the case, and then we fix them.

Designate a place for charging the battery and the start button. The stun gun should be made with heat shrinkage, to help you drown the elements in the middle and provide a good protection from the outer middle. After using heat shrink, it is necessary to re-verify the operation of the stun gun again. How to zahisnі elektrodі slid vikoristovuvat аluminієві rivets.

The final stage of preparation

After rechecking the robotic stun gun and the tightness of the entire system, you can proceed before filling the annex with epoxy resin. After that, it is necessary to kidney for 6-7 years. At this stage, you can cut the folded parts, give a handy shape, until the epoxy has caught. You can add attachments with emery and then cover the finished case with varnish. The instruction for the operation of the stun gun does not require special explanations. Whose attachment wins with the method of self-defense, does not lead the great shoddy to health and does not require a license.

Potuzhnіst stun gun

Even though the spark between the contacts I will add is small and there are doubts about the efficiency, you can її overdo it. How to reduce the tension of a stun gun? For the sake of it, it is enough to vicorist the most important helper of the merezhi, which is necessary to spread between contacts, without creating direct interactions between them. If it’s safer to burn out, then it’s better for those that have a strum at the exit already need to be above 250 mA. As a result of a competent work, a compact and superficial zasіb zakhistu with the necessary effort comes out.

Shooting stun gun

Let's take a look at how we see such attachment. more folding at the vikonnі. For some reason, it’s too much trouble to give a superior model to the building. Pratsyuє tsey pristrіy advancing rank: a special unit was installed in the new one, which is without intermediary and tie-ups with high-voltage wires to the electrics; at that moment, if the block hits the stone, the voltage is applied to the electrode, and the blow is struck by the strum. The design itself is foldable in preparation. For robots, you need a shooting system and special darts. Before the shortfall of such a stun gun, we could also see those that need to be reloaded after a victorious. As if there will be a sprinkling of attackers, the deacons can be blamed for the difficulties, and the electric shocker cannot provide a reliable attack.

Bezpeka with vikoristanny stun gun

It is important to remember that victorious attachments are only necessary for confessions and in case of guilty insecurities. A shock from a stun gun is not lethal. Ale, if a person suffers from heart disease, she might die. A blow with a strum to the chest area brought harm to a healthy person. It is safe and effective to win over in the area of ​​mass press, de nahodyatsya v_dpovidalnі for the coordination of movement. Such a zastosuvannya is allowed to lead the violator out of harmony for some hour.

Incorrect use of a stun gun can lead to a shkodi vlasnik. For example, for the time being, you can take the Electric stun gun off the water, beat it in the fire, as well as nearby vibration-resistant objects. The tovshchina of the attacker's clothes does not fit into the robot and I will build it. It is important to wait for an hour to pour a stun gun on people. 1-2 seconds are enough to complete the orientation and the response of the pain sensations. Trivale yoga stagnation is unacceptable, shards can bring up to the point of striking a strum with deadly traces. The effect of vikoristannya will be built on an average of 20 hvilin. With any trace of unique contacts with such zones:

  • Breast area. The heart can be moved, and to those who, having zastosuv іncriminating the necessary self-defense, who caused death.
  • Sleepy gossip. The person might choke.
  • Head. Mozhlivyy bloody in the brain.

The ways of creating a stun gun in the minds of the home are rich, and the world looked at just one of them. In the skin case, it is necessary to heal the special features and subtleties, so as not to comprehend the details and not to rework the work according to the kilka times. The material for the preparation of a stun gun and the result of the suspense lie in the presence of a master and the knowledge of a specialist. You can supply the necessary details or the availability of other non-standard equipment. Dodatkovo attachment for clarity can be equipped with a lighter. Tse vzhe lie down in the form of special pobazhan.

There are a large number of different models of stun guns on the market, as they are also worried about sweating. For self-defense, it is allowed to use a stun gun up to 3 W, and only after reaching full power. Attachments with more high intensity are allowed only for special services. Now you know how to build a stun gun in household minds. Let's hope, our article will become a crook and help with your own hands to work like a zasib self-defense, which in turn will confirm your honours, and serve for a long time.

At Merezhi you can find a few video clips and text materials prepared. Prepared more from them with the help of chimalih koshtiv that knowledge. With this material, we can look at the way of preparing one of the found and simplest stun guns. As a result, we matemo disregard for self-defense.

Learn from the video about the preparation of a stun gun

Oh, we need:
- electric fly swatter;
- two finger batteries;
- box;
- clear hoses;
- self-narration.

On the basis of more analogues, which are prepared on the basis of p'zoelements, this stun gun will be made from serious materials, it is necessary to protect it. Let's get started.

We take an electronic fly swatter and take it apart. After a successful selection of the flyswatter handle, we see all the electronics in front of us.

Everything we need is the price, as if stitched at the top of the handle. On the board there is the transformer itself, the life, the start button, which is the name of the last name, the led indicator, which shows that the attachment is turned on, as well as the capacitors, which can be found on the back of the board.

So, as the factory solution for the location of the button may not be so easy when the payment is installed in the box, you can change the contacts of the button and install the power button or the button.

More precisely, the place of the button needs to be selected for your own judgment, depending on the type and size of the box.

As a contact, we will win the zvichayní self-tapping. When you ask for a joke, it’s necessary to tell about those, so that the stinks are as similar as possible. If there are hoses, then we will beat them for isolation of contacts.

On the box, you need to open two contacts. Like a box, like the author's, it's metal, then the obov'yazkovo needs to be taken care of about the isolation of contacts.

Come on, you can start a stun gun that is charging. For whom you can replace finger batteries with rechargeable batteries.

It is also possible to replace the factory capacitor on the board with a capacitor, removed from the camera's hull, which is not protected by a computer.

Isolute the inner part of the box, to avoid the flickering.

Vikonuemo open on the front part of the button, on the upper part of the self-tapping screw and farbuyemo її.

Glue double-sided tape to the bottom of the box and pick up the entire design of the board, together with the battery and contacts in the box.

In the meantime, I helped the self-defense electric shock attachment (ESHU) - not in the rest of the city, especially because of the power of the psychological impact on the evildoers. However, it’s possible to think of a chimala, which spurred radioamators to create a stun gun with their own hands and their analogues.

Without claiming to be original, that super-novelty of ideas, I propagate my own development, repeat like a power to anyone, who wants to just live on the right with the winding of a transformer and by installing the simplest attachments like a detector radio receiver with a switch on one or two transistors.

The basis of the stun gun that I have propagated with my own hands is to be made (Fig. 1a) by a transistor generator, which converts the constant voltage to the electric power supply to the Krona type of galvanic battery (Korund, 6PLF22) or the Nika battery to the changer, with a typical multiplier YESHU is a self-contained transformer (Fig. 1b and Fig. 2). The magnetic conductor for the new one is a ferite core with a diameter of 8 and a length of 50 mm. Such a core can be beaten, for example, in the form of a magnetic antenna of a radio receiver, by sawing the edges of an abrasive stone forward along the stake. A more efficient transformer is used, which is like ferit - a type of television TVS. True, in the right way, it will happen from the base P-like magnetic circuit to see the cylindrical shear of the necessary expansions.

The tube-base of the frame for placing on the new transformer windings is to serve as a 50-mm diameter plastic case in the form of a felt-tip pen, which has already been used, the inner diameter of which is similar to the above-named ferrite rod. Sheets with a size of 40x40 mm are seen from a 3-mm sheet of vinyl plastic or orgskl. From the tube-winding body of the felt-tip pen, it is necessary to put it in front, having smeared the landing area with dichloroethane in the front.

For transformer windings, the windings are twisted into a medium conductor in high-quality enamel insulation based on vinyl flex. Primary 1 revenge 2x14 turns PEV2-0.5. At the winding 2 їх mayzhe vdvіchі less. More precisely, in niy - 2x6 turns of the same dart. Then high-voltage 3 May 10,000 turns of thin PEV2-0.15.

In the capacity of the interball insulation, the replacement of the smelting with polytetrafluoroethylene (fluoroplastic) or polyethylene terephthalate (lavsan), according to the recommendations for such windings, is generally acceptable to use 0.035 mm of the interelectrode condenser paper. It is enough to stock up on it in advance: for example, 4-microfarad LSE1-400 or LSM-400 in the old old fittings for the lamp of day light, it has long been virobable, it was given, its resource, and cut exactly according to the working width of the frame of the future transformer.

After the skin of three "darker" balls in the author's version with a wide pencil, the "lubrication" of the winding, which came out, with epoxy glue, lightly diluted with acetone (so that the "epoxy" was not too viscous) was constantly fixed, and a capacitor was laid in 2 balls. Dali, not hardening, winding up trivalo.

In order to hide the shaved dart after the uneven wrapping of the frame during winding, PEV2-0.15 was passed through the ring. The rest hung on a spring from a steel rod with a diameter of 0.2 - 0.3 mm; Between the high-voltage and other windings, an anti-probing protection was installed - 6 balls of the same capacitor paper with "epoxy".

The ends of the windings are soldered to the pins, passed through the opening in the cheeks. However, the visnovki can be rolled without opening the winding wires, in addition, PEV2, folding in 2, 4, 8 times (deposit in the diameter of the wire) and twisting them.

The finished transformer is wrapped with one ball of cloth and filled with epoxy resin. The windings of the windings during installation are pressed up to the cheek and laid with the maximum separation of the ends one in one (especially for the high-voltage winding) at the top of the case. As a result, with a 10-minute robot (and more than a three-wheeled, uninterrupted alternative to a do-it-yourself electric shocker, it is not necessary) breakdowns at the transformer are turned off.

In the first version of the design, the YESHU generator was developed with the orientation of the KT818 transistors. However, the replacement of them on KT816 with a letter index in the name of the radiator installed on small plate parts made it possible to change the scale and size of the entire outbuilding. To this end, it also took a turn in multiplying the voltage of the KTs106V (KTs106G) diodes, which they have proven to be good, with high-voltage ceramic capacitors K15-13 (220 pF, 10 kV). As a result, practically everything was accommodated (without fixing the outer walls and pins of the discharger) in a plastic case of the type of a mill with a size of 135x58x36 mm. Vaga zahisnogo YESHU at the collection - close to 300 rubles.

At the case, between the transformer and multiplier, and also at the side of the electrodes, the necessary baffles are soldered, with the addition of plastics - like the world according to the design, as a whole, and protection, which allows you to avoid the very slippage of the spark from one radio element, for installation on the same radio element, type of breakouts. From the outer part under the electrodes, the brass is fastened with a change in the middle of the electrodes, which makes it easier to establish a bad order.

Zahisna іskra utvoryuєєtsya and without "usіv": between the pins - working bodies, but if necessary, the failure of the breakdown of the transformer, "firmware" installation in the middle of the body.

Somehow, the idea of ​​"usiv" is behind the "firm" models and it's rozrobok. It is taken, as it is called, on the basis of a design and such a technical solution, as a victorious vimikacha of a non-mandatory type: in order to avoid self-inclusion, if the electric shock zasіb zakhistu calms down, say, in the chest or in the intestines of the yogi.

Don’t ask, let’s go, ahead of the radioamator, the need for protective encouragement, we’ll save YESHU, just like during the construction period, we’ll prepare a stun gun with our own hands. Remember that the guilt of directing against a hooligan, malice. Don't wander between the necessary self-defense!

The impersonal ways to feel it are in the dark courtyard or on the narrow, unlit streets, and more of them are either illegal, or they mean a great deal of time. Not skin can easily spend 20-30 thousand rubles for a traumatic injury and spend a few months for obtaining and withdrawing a license. Those same fights and fight mystetstv - a sprig of rock in the practice of receptions by the hall does not guarantee a defense, but it’s impossible to learn to fight for a month.

One of the best options for zakhist yourself and those close to you zizhan evil-doers is a stun gun. Wines do not hold licenses for carrying and do not apply for registration in the MVS, they easily fit into the swarm of women's handbags. You can buy yoga if you are a full-fledged citizen of Russia, but not everyone is in the gut. Let's look at one of the numerous ways how to pick up a simple electric shocker with your own hands, with diagrams and pictures that illustrate the process of creation.

Before the cob

Self-contained stun guns are practically fenced, shards of the territory of the Russian Federation are allowed only outside the Russian manufacturing industry, may be licensed. The very fact of volunteering in such a way can screw up the respect of law enforcement agencies.

What is a stun gun

A typical representative of an electrical building for self-defense consists of five nodes: a life element, a voltage switch, a capacitor, a surge arrester and a transformer. The mechanism of work is as follows: a capacitor with a periodic discharge of charge accumulates on the transformer, at the output of which a discharge is discharged - that spark itself. The problem with such a design is that the transformer, which is created in factory minds from special materials behind a secret scheme, cannot be known on the Internet.

Therefore, the scheme will be deshcho іnshoy - based on a pair of sub-flying and combat capacitors. The gist is this:

  • By pressing the button, the capacitor, which is fired, die just like that, as in the original scheme, it is discharged to the transformer, and that one - gives a spark. Tsya іskra - ionization ball again, with a richly smaller support, lower splendidly.
  • at the moment of the appearance of a spark, a combat capacitor, which would be all the accumulated exhaustion through this channel, may be without waste.

As a result - with a lesser exhaustion and savings on transformers, there will be such a stun gun, which is not the worst, with it a second time less.

How can you build the simplest stun gun booth: why start

Preparation starts from the most convenient - transformer. The reason for this is the folding of yogo winding, so if the choice is not to endure and choose the simplest way to build self-defense (yogo purchase), then there will be no energy spent on the preparation of other elements.

The basis of the camp will be a magnetic armored core B22 from feritu 2000NM. Armored wine is called the one that is closed from the sides of the piece from the two with visnovki. It looks like a big cat, it looks like it is inserted into a sewing machine. True, instead of threads, a thin varnishing wire with a diameter of approximately 0.1 mm is wound on the new one. Yogo can come to the radio or get away from the alarm clock. Before the cob of winding, solder the whiskers to the ends, so that the design of the mitznishoy and the stitch to the shave is completed.

I will need to wind it by hand until the free space on the coil does not run out of about 1.5 mm. To achieve the best effect, it is better to wind the balls, insulating them one by one with electrical tape and another dielectric. And if you know the PELSHO wire, then you won’t need any kind of insulation - it’s already in the design of the dart: just wind it in bulk and drip the troch with machine oil.

After the winding is completed, insulate the turns with a pair of coils of electrical tape and wind 6 turns of the same thread (0.7-0.9 mm) on top. In the middle of the winding, it is necessary to make a winding - just make a twist and enter your names. It is better to fix the whole drіt with cyanoacrylate, and fix the two halves of the coil one by one with cyanoacrylate or tape,

Robimo outgoing transformer

The best part of the creation of a stun gun with your own hands. If a standard spherical transformer cannot be used at home, then, simply, the design is sproutable as a sectional one.

As a basis, we take a sizable propylene tube with a diameter of 2 centimeters. If you don’t have enough after repairs at the bathrooms - it’s time to hurry them up, if not - buy from a plumbing store. Golovnya, so that she won’t be reinforced with metal. We will need an airbag with a length of 5-6 centimeters.

It is easy to build a sectional frame from it - fix the workpiece and cut along the diameter of the groove with a width and depth of 2 mm through the skin two mm. Be careful - the pipe cannot be cut through. After this frame, cut a groove with a width of 3 mm.

Only a little winding was left. Vaughn is wound around a dart with a diameter of 2 mm, which is wound on all sections between the tubes. To the cob, the dart should be soldered and fixed with glue, so that the high-cut shave will disappear.

Like a core for a transformer, a pidide ferite shear with a diameter of 1 centimeter and a length of approximately 5 centimeters. Appropriate material can be found in transformers of a small size in old Radyansk televisions - it is only necessary to sharpen it to reach the form, hair, shear. It’s worth it to kill a robot who has been washed down, it’s not possible for him to beat him at home and without a respirator. There is no such thing as a master or a garage nearby - hurry with ferite rings, gluing them together with you, or buy it on a radio link.

It is necessary to wind the strirzhen with electrical tape and wind it on the new winding with a core of 0.8 (it was necessary to wind it for the other winding of the transforming transformer. The winding should be wound along the entire length of the core, not reaching the edges of 5-10 mm, and fixed with electrical tape.

The winding of the core is wound in the same bik, which is the winding on the propylene tube - for the year's arrow or against.

Then, insulate the core with electrical tape, and then follow the diameter - you are to blame for passing through the tube. From that side, where there is no soldered wire at the winding on the tube, solder the two windings (the ring and the inner) at once. In this order, you have three visnovkas - two windings and a dot.

If the process is unreasonable to you, you can look at the video on YouTube about those how to build a stun gun with their own hands in home minds.

The final stage is filling with paraffin. Come on, don’t boil yoga, so that the damage to the internal elements of the transformer is lost. Build a small box with a height of troch more than the height of the transformer. Place the transformer next to it, enter the names and fill the exit points with glue. Then pour the paraffin into the box and put it on the battery so that the paraffin does not cool, and all the bulbs come out again. We need a margin for height through the shrinkage of the touching paraffin. Zayve tidy up with a knife.

Do-it-yourself stun gun from hand-me-down materials: soldering

Now the hour has come to look at the principle of the stun gun circuit. Vaughn looks like this:

  • through one place the capacitor is charged, which is charged
  • through the additional diode, the combat capacitor is charged.

For a conversion, it’s practical to use MOSFET transistors of 330 ohms each, the choice of resistors is also non-critical. Capacitors for 3300 picofarads will require an exchange of power for a strum for an hour when I start the add-on, so that it will turn over. If you use power transistors (for example IRFZ44+), such a switch is not needed. and can be dispensed with without installing such capacitors.

The scheme has one peculiarity: in case of a short zamikanny of contacts (for example, with a dot to the shkiri, and not a garment), the shocker does not work correctly, so the combat capacitor does not get charged. If you want to spare such a short time - put another discharger in sequence with one of the exits.

The whole scheme (with the correct layout of the elements on the board) is completely laid out on a square 4 by 5 centimeters. For living, we take 6 nickel-cadmium batteries with a capacity of 300 milliampere-years. In this rank, the entire attachment is placed in the building with the size of a cigarette pack.

For contacts, it is better to take aluminum rivets. The stench can be enough strumoprovіdnіst і can steel steel core. We give two wins: the number of contacts significantly increases and does not cause problems with aluminum soldering. Even if there are none, then there will come and zvichayny steel dresses, be it any form.

Folding work can be either on a stained textolite board, or you can solder the elements with wires. Ale, it’s better to pick a brother on the layout so that you don’t waste your strength and pay for an hour for reworking, as it’s not so. High-voltage visnovki varto fix on a small stand (nearly two centimeters) so that the transformer does not burn.

After soldering vmikaemo attachments. It is necessary to take one day of life from batteries - not a trace of victorious blocks of life. It is not necessary to install it, and it is necessary to charge it once a day after switching on, the frequency of illumination is about 35 hertz. It's definitely less than that - the reason for everything is wrongly wound transformer or in the wrong transistors.

If everything works correctly, separate the external contacts by a centimeter and run the attachment again. A standard shocker can fit between contacts 2.5 centimeters. If everything is working correctly, spread the contacts a centimeter apart and protest the attachment again. As if everything is good, move them back to the standard 2.5 centimeters. Such a supply of tension is needed in order to get a grip on any mind and vice.

If the details do not smoke and do not melt - all is well, you can solder the elements on the board and proceed to the rest of the stage - folding the case.

Housing for a stun gun in household minds

So, as stamping the case in home minds is not available, and 3D printers are not accessible to anyone, but rather to the people's way - epoxy resin. Forming such a box is a difficult process, but such a material can have a number of advantages:

  • solidity;
  • tightness;
  • electrical insulation.

For folding, you need epoxy resin itself, cardboard as a frame, a glue gun and deuce dribnitsy.

The process is quicker to start with a view of the back cover from the cardboard to the body with a cross-cut plan of the details, after which you glue the cardboard along the perimeter with the aid of a glue gun. Wives are to blame for the full width of the shocker (approximately 3 centimeters) plus a margin for a sticker. It is necessary to glue from the outer side of the base, with which you respectfully follow it, so that the seam is airtight.

In addition, if all the ties are glued, place in the middle of the circuit element and evaluate the correctness of their layout. Also, make sure you have a start button and a rose for charging batteries. Like everything is sovereign, turn the correctness of the elements in between yourself and the shocker robot once again. Particular attention should be paid to the tightness of the body - epoxy can penetrate into the unfamiliar cracks and overflow with patches, which is important to be seen on the surface.

The hour has come to proceed to pouring the form with epoxy resin. I will fill in the form and check it out for 6-8 years. After all, you won’t become hard, but you’ll be plastic enough to give the bazhan body an ergonomic shape. After a new zastigannya, coat the epoxy with an emery paper and varnish it with some sort of varnish, for example, zaponlak.

As a result, you take away the superfluous and militant attachment, which is not afraid of blows, falling and water. How to protest? Take a 0.25 amp switch and switch between contacts. After I start the fire, I’ll show you that I’ll add 250 milliamps, which is a significant sign, as you can call the most important and overall attacker.

How to kill a stun gun?

If you want to look at self-defense from the point of view of efficiency, clarity of attachment and victoria, then you can recognize a stun gun. Vіn not vimagaє licenses and permits in the bodies of the MVS, and zavdyaks to small sizes and vases of yoga are carried by hand in the intestines and ladies' handbags.

At this article, we can see how the power of a stun gun, and describe how you can make these attachments with your own hands.

Why is a stun gun made up

The main elements of the stun gun are the knots of the peretvoryuvach, the arrester, the capacitor and the transformer. Dіє vin is even simpler. When pressing on the button, the charge, accumulations near the capacitor, come near the transformer, for which the tension moves, and between the two contacts you can start a discharge.

Folding of independent preparation of the stun gun is carried out at the transformer. It is practically impossible to make it in the home minds, shards for what you need special tools, materials and clothes, which are simply not available to the public. To this, we can look at the way to prepare a stun gun for another scheme.

Our stun gun is foldable with:

  • capacitor
  • output transformer;
  • combat capacitor.

Yak zrobiti transforming transformer

The transformer is a folding part of the fold, for that matter. Winding the rod on the core of the transformer is a long, one-many and delicate process that requires patience and accuracy. For the cob, we need a B22 armored core with feritu 2000NM.

Armored core - this is a closed structure, in which case open only for drotiv. It looks like such a core, like two small filigree women, like a bobbin, like a sewing machine. Wind on a new thin enamel wire with a diameter of 0.1 mm. You can know Yogo, for example, at the electronic alarm clock. Wind up as needed carefully, the docks will not run out of close to 1.5 mm of free space.

For greater efficiency of the robotic transformer, it is better to wind it with balls, laying a thin electrical tape between them. In this order, you have close to 5 - 6 balls. Then, it is necessary to insulate all two balls with an extraordinary electrical tape and wind 6 turns of a rod with a diameter of 0.7 - 0.9 mm. On the third turn, robimo vydvіd i domotuyemo reshtu three. At the end, we glue the cups between ourselves, or wrap them with electrical tape.

Robimo outgoing transformer

For whom do we need:

  • 5 - 6 cm polypropylene pipes with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • rіzak;
  • wire with a diameter of about 0.2 mm;
  • ferite haircut 2000NM with a diameter of 10 mm and a length of 5 - 6 cm;
  • insulating line.

According to the stake of our pipes, it is necessary to make grooves with a depth of 2 mm and a width of 2 mm. They gave a wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm and wound yoga on all sections. It’s better to glue the dart on the end, or solder a rich wire for a handy one. z'ednannya.

Now it is necessary to take a ferite shear with a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 5 - 6 cm. It is necessary to wrap this shear with electrical tape and wind 20 turns of a dart with a 0.8 mm peretina. We fill in the edges of 5 - 10 mm and insulate everything with electrical tape in a sprat of balls so that the veins entering the middle of the tube are finished off.

Now it is necessary to connect two windings at once from that side, where the HV-winding ends. In this order, we have 3 viyde instead of 4: a bright point, the end of the first winding and HV-visnovok.

It is better to place the transformers in a box and fill it with paraffin. Golovne - do not fill the transformers with hot paraffin, but after pouring it is necessary to put boxes for a fan heater, so that you can see the bulbs again.

How to choose a stun gun?

We need a radiator from a computer, on which one you need to install a transistor. It is necessary to insulate the radiators, and if there are two radiators, then it is necessary, so that the stench does not stick one to one. How the elements of life can be vikoristovuvati NicD batteries type AA. We connect our battery to the capacitor, then to transistors and transformers. We transfer the push/pull button and put everything in the epoxy housing. The material itself is the best way to help you build a stun gun of the highest dimensions, so a mini stun gun.

Can you turn back the insurance after the loan is repaid?

Insurance of life, income, as well as the outpost of mine, which a person should lie down, as if he took a loan, it is one of the minds of the implementation of a credit program of numerical banking organizations. When tsimu bagatioh pozychalnikov tsіkavit reasonably nutrition - chi can l

In the meantime, I helped the self-defense electric shock attachment (ESHU) - not in the rest of the city, especially because of the power of the psychological impact on the evildoers. However, it’s possible to think of a chimala, which spurred radioamators to create a stun gun with their own hands and their analogues.

Without claiming to be original, that super-novelty of ideas, I propagate my own development, repeat like a power to anyone, who wants to just live on the right with the winding of a transformer and by installing the simplest attachments like a detector radio receiver with a switch on one or two transistors.

The basis of the stun gun that I have propagated with my own hands is to be made (Fig. 1a) by a transistor generator, which converts the constant voltage to the electric power supply to the Krona type of galvanic battery (Korund, 6PLF22) or the Nika battery to the changer, with a typical multiplier YESHU is a self-contained transformer (Fig. 1b and Fig. 2). The magnetic conductor for the new one is a ferite core with a diameter of 8 and a length of 50 mm. Such a core can be beaten, for example, in the form of a magnetic antenna of a radio receiver, by sawing the edges of an abrasive stone forward along the stake. A more efficient transformer is used, which is like ferit - a type of television TVS. True, in the right way, it will happen from the base P-like magnetic circuit to see the cylindrical shear of the necessary expansions.

The tube-base of the frame for placing on the new transformer windings is to serve as a 50-mm diameter plastic case in the form of a felt-tip pen, which has already been used, the inner diameter of which is similar to the above-named ferrite rod. Sheets with a size of 40x40 mm are seen from a 3-mm sheet of vinyl plastic or orgskl. From the tube-winding body of the felt-tip pen, it is necessary to put it in front, having smeared the landing area with dichloroethane in the front.

For transformer windings, the windings are twisted into a medium conductor in high-quality enamel insulation based on vinyl flex. Primary 1 revenge 2x14 turns PEV2-0.5. At the winding 2 їх mayzhe vdvіchі less. More precisely, in niy - 2x6 turns of the same dart. Then high-voltage 3 May 10,000 turns of thin PEV2-0.15.

In the capacity of the interball insulation, the replacement of the smelting with polytetrafluoroethylene (fluoroplastic) or polyethylene terephthalate (lavsan), according to the recommendations for such windings, is generally acceptable to use 0.035 mm of the interelectrode condenser paper. It is enough to stock up on it in advance: for example, 4-microfarad LSE1-400 or LSM-400 in the old old fittings for the lamp of day light, it has long been virobable, it was given, its resource, and cut exactly according to the working width of the frame of the future transformer.

After the skin of three "darker" balls in the author's version, with a wide penzel, the "lubrication" of the winding, which came out, with epoxy glue, lightly diluted with acetone (so that the "epoxy" was not too viscous) was constantly fixed, and a capacitor was laid in 2 balls. Dali, not hardening, winding up trivalo.

In order to hide the shaved dart after the uneven wrapping of the frame during winding, PEV2-0.15 was passed through the ring. The rest hung on a spring from a steel rod with a diameter of 0.2 - 0.3 mm; Between the high-voltage and other windings, an anti-probing protection was installed - 6 balls of the same capacitor paper with "epoxy".

The ends of the windings are soldered to the pins, passed through the opening in the cheeks. However, the visnovki can be rolled without opening the winding wires, in addition, PEV2, folding in 2, 4, 8 times (deposit in the diameter of the wire) and twisting them.

The finished transformer is wrapped with one ball of cloth and filled with epoxy resin. The windings of the windings during installation are pressed up to the cheek and laid with the maximum separation of the ends one in one (especially for the high-voltage winding) at the top of the case. As a result, with a 10-minute robot (and more than a three-wheeled, uninterrupted alternative to a do-it-yourself electric shocker, it is not necessary) breakdowns at the transformer are turned off.

In the first version of the design, the YESHU generator was developed with the orientation of the KT818 transistors. However, the replacement of them on KT816 with a letter index in the name of the radiator installed on small plate parts made it possible to change the scale and size of the entire outbuilding. To this end, it also took a turn in multiplying the voltage of the KTs106V (KTs106G) diodes, which they have proven to be good, with high-voltage ceramic capacitors K15-13 (220 pF, 10 kV). As a result, practically everything was accommodated (without fixing the outer walls and pins of the discharger) in a plastic case of the type of a mill with a size of 135x58x36 mm. Vaga zahisnogo YESHU at the collection - close to 300 rubles.

At the case, between the transformer and multiplier, and also at the side of the electrodes, the necessary baffles are soldered, with the addition of plastics - like the world according to the design, as a whole, and protection, which allows you to avoid the very slippage of the spark from one radio element, for installation on the same radio element, type of breakouts. From the outer part under the electrodes, the brass is fastened with a change in the middle of the electrodes, which makes it easier to establish a bad order.

Zahisna іskra utvoryuєєtsya and without "usіv": between the pins - working bodies, but if necessary, the failure of the breakdown of the transformer, "firmware" installation in the middle of the body.

Somehow, the idea of ​​"usiv" is behind the "firm" models and it's rozrobok. It is taken, as it is called, on the basis of a design and such a technical solution, as a victorious vimikacha of a non-mandatory type: in order to avoid self-inclusion, if the electric shock zasіb zakhistu calms down, say, in the chest or in the intestines of the yogi.

Don’t ask, let’s go, ahead of the radioamator, the need for protective encouragement, we’ll save YESHU, just like during the construction period, we’ll prepare a stun gun with our own hands. Remember that the guilt of directing against a hooligan, malice. Don't wander between the necessary self-defense!

For be it a human being, I’ll zahist myself and those close to me should be finished off. I want the market to propagate impersonal options for yoga cherry, you can’t rule over them, but it’s necessary to follow the path of yoga cherry independently. One of the good options for your safety is an electronic shocker, which other fahivtsy contrive to create in handicraft minds.

The concept of "stun gun"

A stun gun is called a special electric attachment, zastosovuvannya as a self-defense znaryaddya, so that you can zupinit or zneshkodity a person who attacked, or a creature with a path of supplying an electric discharge of high tension. A similar order calls out the aggressor's aggressor's aggressor and a strong pain effect that paralyzes the attacker for a deaky hour. Let out all the attachments of different forms, tensions and price categories. It is allowed to carry a stun gun with a voltage of up to 3 W to persons only if they have access to full power, if they do not need to present any additional documents, dovіdok chi is allowed. Bigger fittings are recognized by the special services.

The most important, of course, are extensions of the factory assembly, but individuals, who are well known in radio engineering, can try to build a stun gun with their own hands, the benefit of assistance and schemes is sufficient, and the necessary details are also not difficult to store.

Parts required for choosing a stun gun

The main part of the outbuilding is the changeover of the voltage, the winding up to the circuit of the blocking generator. In this case, one pole transistor with reverse conductivity of the brand IRF3705 is used (you can take the transistor IRFZ44, IRFZ46, IRFZ48 or IRL3205). It is also necessary to ensure the presence of a gate resistor of 100 Ohm with a declared voltage of 0.5-1 W, high-voltage capacitors, which may have a capacitance of 0.1-0.22 μF (for the last connection of two capacitors of 630 V each) and with a working voltage of 1000 a spark arrester of a commercially made or artisanally milled one with two slits one over one shmatkіv 0.8 mm bolt, with a gap of 1 mm), a direct diode KTs106. Like a mother of all the necessary warehouse elements, a manager, like a stun gun, not like a hard worker in a right hand.

How to properly build a transformer

In order to pick up a convert, it is necessary, in a proper rank, to build a head warehouse - a transformer that moves. For whom to take, for example, angry with the impulse block of life. Relatively zvіlnivshi yogo vіd old winding, carefully wind the new one. Winding the primary winding with a dart with a diameter of 0.5-0.8 mm, turning on 12 turns and turning it in the middle (winding 6 turns, twisting it, winding another 6 turns at the same straight). Then it is necessary to insulate її through the adhesive tape, having made 5 balls with it. A secondary winding is applied on top, having made 600 turns with a rod with a diameter of 0.08-0.1 mm, applying two balls of adhesive tape through the skin 50 turns for insulation. Tse to protect the transformer from breakdowns. Obidv_ windings should be wound strictly one straight ahead. For the best insulation, you can fill the entire structure with epoxy resin. Before mounting in the secondary winding, it is necessary to solder the wires from the rich-core insulated wires. Removing the transistor is recommended to be put on a heat sink for aluminum.

The procedure for choosing a self-propelled stun gun

After preparing the rework, try it out, choosing a circuit that does not include a high-voltage part. If the transformer is selected correctly, the output will be a "baking strum". Let's solder and increase the voltage. Capacitors are selected with a voltage of at least 3 kV and a capacity of 4700 pF. Install high-voltage diodes in multipliers, brand KTs106 (this is the case with multipliers from old radio televisions).

By following the scheme, multiplying and converting, you can turn on attachments, which wiyshov, the arc is to blame, but with additional characteristics of 1-2 cm and a little more loud clatter with a frequency of 300-350 Hz.

Like a life, you can use a lithium-ion battery, like in mobile phones (their capacity is not less than 600 mA), or nickel batteries, which can generate a voltage of 1.2 V. The capacity of such batteries can be attached to a doorless robot voltage up to 7 W and voltage on the arresters more than 10 kV.

Mount the circuit in what is supposed to be a plastic case, covering the high-voltage plate of the circuit with silicone for durability. In the quality of bagnets, you can beat a cut fork, flowers or screws. The scheme is also guilty of revenge vimikach and the button without fixation, so that there was no self-confidence. As you can see from the above-said, folded yakіsnogo, nadіynogo and pogozhny prilad vymagaє to dosit serious navich, that about those, like zrobiti stun gun independently, it is the responsibility of the first for all people who are known on radioelectronics.

How to make a stun gun from a battery

For example, a more simple method of choosing a stun gun is needed, you can literally build yoga from handy radio components. For whom you need: a nine-watt battery of the “Krona” type, a transformer (you can take it from a wire adapter or a charger attachment), an ebonit haircut with a length of 30-40 centimeters. The stun gun is taken with one’s own hands in an offensive rank: before the end of the ebonite thread, behind the additional electrical tape, attach two pieces of steel rod with a length of about 5 cm, connected by wires with a transformer, which I change, and with a Krona battery. The battery is connected to a two-contact transformer output (to output a stream of 6-9 V). Before the Inshogo Kinzya Strizhnya is a small button to the Seemikach, with a native of the Yaki Mizh, the vaniki viniki is a temporal arc (the roseman of the lancyu is a bit of the same time, the Tobto for the barrel for the barrel of apparently a trigger for the trim. . Regardless of the great voltage that is created in this design, the power of the strum will be even small, so such a stun gun can become a better zaslyakuvannya, lower zakhistu.

Yak zrobiti stun gun with electric igniter

As you know, like a stun gun, then a small, low-power attachment to fear can be picked up and a simple electric igniter for gas stoves. How to build a mini-taser for її help, it is described further.

The cream of the electric igniter itself will need metal bonding and glue, as well as a soldering iron, and everything you need for soldering. Nasampered її razboryat and vіdrіzayut for the help of the linen on the metal tube, leaving only the handle with two wires to wash. Bite them with small pieces to a protruding length of 1-2 cm. The whiskers of the troch are bent with wire cutters and glued for insulation, the entire finished structure is glued in front. A similar shocker is low-power and not suitable for serious self-defense.

Electric shocker from electric igniter for gas stoves

Knowing the attachment of an electric igniter and a larger-less razbirayutsya at radio engineering, you can understand how to make a stun gun from an igniter. For this, it is necessary to take a couple of electric igniters (more precisely, high-voltage coils and a switch), three finger batteries or accumulators, a case with a lighter or a tube with a diameter of 25 mm. Umіltsі proponuyut z'єdnati dani і details among themselves, add to the scheme the arresters and vimikach, so that you can take the stun gun with your own hands without much trouble. The leather from the transformer is connected with up to two contacts, and the whole place is placed in a plastic case. It is believed that with this method of picking up at the dischargers, it is possible to come out at once chotiri spalah.

Electric shocker from a plive camera

To come up with, how to make a stun gun with your own hands, you can guess about the old uncommon slicker camera - the “mill”. Yogo can be turned into an attachment that sees one-fourth of the energy of a professional shocker. For whom it is necessary to unscrew the camera, screw out the batteries and find out a small light bulb. After that, let’s go to the wires, and on the back of the bed to these wires, add two pieces of a middling dart - with a thick ball of insulation and a dove of 8-10 cm - for additional soldering. It is necessary to sew, so that the wires, what to wash from the camera, did not stick. Batteries are placed on the plate, and the body of the camera after some manipulations is insulated with plastic covers, so that only dischargers can be seen at the sight of the middle arms and the button of the shutter and the shutter. Now, by releasing the shutter, it is possible to remove sparks from the surge arresters.

In such a rank, using a few methods, like building a stun gun in household minds, everything lies in the knowledge of radio engineering, mastery and obvious visual material. When working on shoes, it is necessary to trim the safety equipment, as the work is connected mainly with an electric jet of high voltage and strain.

Electric shock attachments are one of the best ways for self-defense.

You can know the current day for a viable sale for civil cases from the pressure of no more than 3 watts. The civil code of suvoriy, ESHU for fatigue is available only to practitioners of organs, and for mere mortals, fatigue is surrounded by 3 cotton wool.

Definitely, the regular 3 watts are clearly not enough for real defense, so it is often necessary to construct electric shock attachments with your own hands in home minds.
In fact, the design of a self-contained YESH is simple, with multiplier voltages it is possible to implement harder schemes with minimal vitrates. The model has been reviewed for a safe working voltage up to 70 watts, and the price is 13 times higher for the power of a promissory stun gun.
The design consists of a high-voltage inverter and a multiplier voltage.

Inverter vikonaniya for a simple circuit of a multivibrator with two half-width keys. The choice of field transistors is great. You can install keys from the series IRFZ44, IRFZ48, IRF3205, IRL3705 or any other similar ones.

Winding transformer on a ferrite W-like core. Such a core can be found in low-power Chinese ETs, as well as in domestic televisions.

The windings from the frame need to be taken and winded new. The primary winding is wound with a 1 mm wire and is made up of 2x5 turns. Then it is necessary to insulate the winding with 10 balls of transparent adhesive tape or other plastic lines and wind the winding, which moves it.
The winding is wound with a dart of 0.07-0.1 mm and is made up of 800-1000 turns. The winding is wound with balls, the leather ball is folded with equal windings of 80 turns. After winding, a transformer is selected, it is not necessary to fill it with resin.
The multiplier voltages of the victories are high-voltage capacitors for 5 kV 2200 pF - you can find it in domestic TVs. Capacitors can be taken at 3 kV, but the problem of their breakdown is great.

The impersonal ways to feel it are in the dark courtyard or on the narrow, unlit streets, and more of them are either illegal, or they mean a great deal of time. Not skin can easily spend 20-30 thousand rubles for a traumatic injury and spend a few months for obtaining and withdrawing a license. Those same fights and fight mystetstv - a sprig of rock in the practice of receptions by the hall does not guarantee a defense, but it’s impossible to learn to fight for a month.

One of the best options for zakhist yourself and those close to you zizhan evil-doers is a stun gun. Wines do not hold licenses for carrying and do not apply for registration in the MVS, they easily fit into the swarm of women's handbags. You can buy yoga if you are a full-fledged citizen of Russia, but not everyone is in the gut. Let's look at one of the numerous ways how to pick up a simple electric shocker with your own hands, with diagrams and pictures that illustrate the process of creation.

Before the cob

Self-contained stun guns are practically fenced, shards of the territory of the Russian Federation are allowed only outside the Russian manufacturing industry, may be licensed. The very fact of volunteering in such a way can screw up the respect of law enforcement agencies.

What is a stun gun

A typical representative of an electrical building for self-defense consists of five nodes: a life element, a voltage switch, a capacitor, a surge arrester and a transformer. The mechanism of work is as follows: a capacitor with a periodic discharge of charge accumulates on the transformer, at the output of which a discharge is discharged - that spark itself. The problem with such a design is that the transformer, which is created in factory minds from special materials behind a secret scheme, cannot be known on the Internet.

Therefore, the scheme will be deshcho іnshoy - based on a pair of sub-flying and combat capacitors. The gist is this:

  • By pressing the button, the capacitor, which is fired, die just like that, as in the original scheme, it is discharged to the transformer, and that one - gives a spark. Tsya іskra - ionization ball again, with a richly smaller support, lower splendidly.
  • at the moment of the appearance of a spark, a combat capacitor, which would be all the accumulated exhaustion through this channel, may be without waste.

As a result - with a lesser exhaustion and savings on transformers, there will be such a stun gun, which is not the worst, with it a second time less.

How can you build the simplest stun gun booth: why start

Preparation starts from the most convenient - transformer. The reason for this is the folding of yogo winding, so if the choice is not to endure and choose the simplest way to build self-defense (yogo purchase), then there will be no energy spent on the preparation of other elements.

The basis of the camp will be a magnetic armored core B22 from feritu 2000NM. Armored wine is called the one that is closed from the sides of the piece from the two with visnovki. It looks like a big cat, it looks like it is inserted into a sewing machine. True, instead of threads, a thin varnishing wire with a diameter of approximately 0.1 mm is wound on the new one. Yogo can come to the radio or get away from the alarm clock. Before the cob of winding, solder the whiskers to the ends, so that the design of the mitznishoy and the stitch to the shave is completed.

I will need to wind it by hand until the free space on the coil does not run out of about 1.5 mm. To achieve the best effect, it is better to wind the balls, insulating them one by one with electrical tape and another dielectric. And if you know the PELSHO wire, then you won’t need any kind of insulation - it’s already in the design of the dart: just wind it in bulk and drip the troch with machine oil.

After the winding is completed, insulate the turns with a pair of coils of electrical tape and wind 6 turns of the same thread (0.7-0.9 mm) on top. In the middle of the winding, it is necessary to make a winding - just make a twist and enter your names. It is better to fix the whole drіt with cyanoacrylate, and fix the two halves of the coil one by one with cyanoacrylate or tape,

Robimo outgoing transformer

The best part of the creation of a stun gun with your own hands. If a standard spherical transformer cannot be used at home, then, simply, the design is sproutable as a sectional one.

As a basis, we take a sizable propylene tube with a diameter of 2 centimeters. If you don’t have enough after repairs at the bathrooms - it’s time to hurry them up, if not - buy from a plumbing store. Golovnya, so that she won’t be reinforced with metal. We will need an airbag with a length of 5-6 centimeters.

It is easy to build a sectional frame from it - fix the workpiece and cut along the diameter of the groove with a width and depth of 2 mm through the skin two mm. Be careful - the pipe cannot be cut through. After this frame, cut a groove with a width of 3 mm.

Only a little winding was left. Vaughn is wound around a dart with a diameter of 2 mm, which is wound on all sections between the tubes. To the cob, the dart should be soldered and fixed with glue, so that the high-cut shave will disappear.

Like a core for a transformer, a pidide ferite shear with a diameter of 1 centimeter and a length of approximately 5 centimeters. Appropriate material can be found in transformers of a small size in old Radyansk televisions - it is only necessary to sharpen it to reach the form, hair, shear. It’s worth it to kill a robot who has been washed down, it’s not possible for him to beat him at home and without a respirator. There is no such thing as a master or a garage nearby - hurry with ferite rings, gluing them together with you, or buy it on a radio link.

It is necessary to wind the strirzhen with electrical tape and wind it on the new winding with a core of 0.8 (it was necessary to wind it for the other winding of the transforming transformer. The winding should be wound along the entire length of the core, not reaching the edges of 5-10 mm, and fixed with electrical tape.

The winding of the core is wound in the same bik, which is the winding on the propylene tube - for the year's arrow or against.

Then, insulate the core with electrical tape, and then follow the diameter - you are to blame for passing through the tube. From that side, where there is no soldered wire at the winding on the tube, solder the two windings (the ring and the inner) at once. In this order, you have three visnovkas - two windings and a dot.

If the process is unreasonable to you, you can look at the video on YouTube about those how to build a stun gun with their own hands in home minds.

The final stage is filling with paraffin. Come on, don’t boil yoga, so that the damage to the internal elements of the transformer is lost. Build a small box with a height of troch more than the height of the transformer. Place the transformer next to it, enter the names and fill the exit points with glue. Then pour the paraffin into the box and put it on the battery so that the paraffin does not cool, and all the bulbs come out again. We need a margin for height through the shrinkage of the touching paraffin. Zayve tidy up with a knife.

Do-it-yourself stun gun from hand-me-down materials: soldering

Now the hour has come to look at the principle of the stun gun circuit. Vaughn looks like this:

  • through one place the capacitor is charged, which is charged
  • through the additional diode, the combat capacitor is charged.

For a conversion, it’s practical to use MOSFET transistors of 330 ohms each, the choice of resistors is also non-critical. Capacitors for 3300 picofarads will require an exchange of power for a strum for an hour when I start the add-on, so that it will turn over. If you use power transistors (for example IRFZ44+), such a switch is not needed. and can be dispensed with without installing such capacitors.

The scheme has one peculiarity: in case of a short zamikanny of contacts (for example, with a dot to the shkiri, and not a garment), the shocker does not work correctly, so the combat capacitor does not get charged. If you want to spare such a short time - put another discharger in sequence with one of the exits.

The whole scheme (with the correct layout of the elements on the board) is completely laid out on a square 4 by 5 centimeters. For living, we take 6 nickel-cadmium batteries with a capacity of 300 milliampere-years. In this rank, the entire attachment is placed in the building with the size of a cigarette pack.

For contacts, it is better to take aluminum rivets. The stench can be enough strumoprovіdnіst і can steel steel core. We give two wins: the number of contacts significantly increases and does not cause problems with aluminum soldering. Even if there are none, then there will come and zvichayny steel dresses, be it any form.

Folding work can be either on a stained textolite board, or you can solder the elements with wires. Ale, it’s better to pick a brother on the layout so that you don’t waste your strength and pay for an hour for reworking, as it’s not so. High-voltage visnovki varto fix on a small stand (nearly two centimeters) so that the transformer does not burn.

After soldering vmikaemo attachments. It is necessary to take one day of life from batteries - not a trace of victorious blocks of life. It is not necessary to install it, and it is necessary to charge it once a day after switching on, the frequency of illumination is about 35 hertz. It's definitely less than that - the reason for everything is wrongly wound transformer or in the wrong transistors.

If everything works correctly, separate the external contacts by a centimeter and run the attachment again. A standard shocker can fit between contacts 2.5 centimeters. If everything is working correctly, spread the contacts a centimeter apart and protest the attachment again. As if everything is good, move them back to the standard 2.5 centimeters. Such a supply of tension is needed in order to get a grip on any mind and vice.

If the details do not smoke and do not melt - all is well, you can solder the elements on the board and proceed to the rest of the stage - folding the case.

Housing for a stun gun in household minds

So, as stamping the case in home minds is not available, and 3D printers are not accessible to anyone, but rather to the people's way - epoxy resin. Forming such a box is a difficult process, but such a material can have a number of advantages:

  • solidity;
  • tightness;
  • electrical insulation.

For folding, you need epoxy resin itself, cardboard as a frame, a glue gun and deuce dribnitsy.

The process is quicker to start with a view of the back cover from the cardboard to the body with a cross-cut plan of the details, after which you glue the cardboard along the perimeter with the aid of a glue gun. Wives are to blame for the full width of the shocker (approximately 3 centimeters) plus a margin for a sticker. It is necessary to glue from the outer side of the base, with which you respectfully follow it, so that the seam is airtight.

In addition, if all the ties are glued, place in the middle of the circuit element and evaluate the correctness of their layout. Also, make sure you have a start button and a rose for charging batteries. Like everything is sovereign, turn the correctness of the elements in between yourself and the shocker robot once again. Particular attention should be paid to the tightness of the body - epoxy can penetrate into the unfamiliar cracks and overflow with patches, which is important to be seen on the surface.

The hour has come to proceed to pouring the form with epoxy resin. I will fill in the form and check it out for 6-8 years. After all, you won’t become hard, but you’ll be plastic enough to give the bazhan body an ergonomic shape. After a new zastigannya, coat the epoxy with an emery paper and varnish it with some sort of varnish, for example, zaponlak.

As a result, you take away the superfluous and militant attachment, which is not afraid of blows, falling and water. How to protest? Take a 0.25 amp switch and switch between contacts. After I start the fire, I’ll show you that I’ll add 250 milliamps, which is a significant sign, as you can call the most important and overall attacker.

Technical characteristics of self-propelled stun gun
- voltage on the electrodes - 10 kV,
- Impulse frequency up to 10 Hz,
- voltage 9 St (battery "Krona"),
- more than 180 gr.

Attachment design:

Appliance with a generator of high-voltage impulses, connections to the electrodes and rooms in the housing with dielectric material. The generator is made up of 2 consecutive voltage changes (scheme in Fig. 1). The first peretvoryuvach is a non-symmetrical multivibrator based on transistors VT1 and VT2. Vіn vmikaєtsya button SB1. The bias of the transistor VT1 is to serve as the primary winding of the transformer T1. Impulses, which are taken from the secondary winding, are rectified by a diode bridge VD1-VD4 and charge the battery of storage capacitors C2-C6. The voltage of the capacitors C2-C6 when the SB2 button is turned on is life-giving for another switch on the VS2 tripod. The charge of the capacitor C7 through the resistor R3 to the voltage of the switching of the VS1 dynistra leads to the switching of the VS2 trinistru. At the same time, the battery of capacitors C2-C6 is charged to the primary winding of the transformer T2, inducing a high voltage impulse at the secondary winding. Oskіlki razryadki wear kolyvalny character, the polarity of the voltage on the battery C2-C6 is changed to the protilezhna, after which the re-discharge starts through the primary winding of the transformer T2 and the VD5 diode. When the capacitor C7 is recharged, I re-energize the VD1 voltage switch, the trinistor VS2 is switched on again and a high-voltage impulse is formed on the output electrodes.

These elements are installed on a board made of foil-coated cloth, as shown in Fig.2. Diodes, resistors and capacitors are installed vertically. The body can be a transparent box with material, which does not let electricity through.

Electrodes are shattered with steel halves up to 2 cm long - for access to the shkiri through the clothes of a person or the wool of a creature. Width between electrodes is not less than 25 mm.

The device does not require any adjustment and it is less winding if the transformers are wound correctly. Therefore, follow the rules of their preparation: the transformer T1 is on a ferrite ring of type K10 * 6 * 3 or K10 * 6 * 5 with a ferrite of the brand 2000NN, the first winding I should be 30 turns on the wire PEB-20.15 mm, and the winding II - 400 turns. mm. The voltage on the primary winding can be 60 volts. Transformer T2 wound on a frame with ebonite or orgskla with an internal diameter of 8 mm, an external diameter of 10 mm, a back of 20 mm, a diameter of a cheek of 25 mm. As a magnetic circuit, serve as a brad in the form of a ferite strand for a magnetic antenna with a length of 20 mm and a diameter of 8 mm.

Winding I to replace 20 turns of the PELSH (PEV-2) rod - 0.2 mm, and winding II - 2600 turns of PEV-2 with a diameter of 0.07-0.1 mm. Winding II is wound on the frame, a gasket with varnished fabric is placed through the skin ball (obv'yazkovo can also be a breakdown between turns of the secondary winding), and then the primary winding is wound on top of it. The windings of the secondary winding are resolutely insulating and connected to the electrodes.

In the meantime, I helped the self-defense electric shock attachment (ESHU) - not in the rest of the city, especially because of the power of the psychological impact on the evildoers. However, it’s possible to think of a chimala, which spurred radioamators to create a stun gun with their own hands and their analogues.

Without claiming to be original, that super-novelty of ideas, I propagate my own development, repeat like a power to anyone, who wants to just live on the right with the winding of a transformer and by installing the simplest attachments like a detector radio receiver with a switch on one or two transistors.

The basis of the stun gun that I have propagated with my own hands is to be made (Fig. 1a) by a transistor generator, which converts the constant voltage to the electric power supply to the Krona type of galvanic battery (Korund, 6PLF22) or the Nika battery to the changer, with a typical multiplier YESHU is a self-contained transformer (Fig. 1b and Fig. 2). The magnetic conductor for the new one is a ferite core with a diameter of 8 and a length of 50 mm. Such a core can be beaten, for example, in the form of a magnetic antenna of a radio receiver, by sawing the edges of an abrasive stone forward along the stake. A more efficient transformer is used, which is like ferit - a type of television TVS. True, in the right way, it will happen from the base P-like magnetic circuit to see the cylindrical shear of the necessary expansions.

The tube-base of the frame for placing on the new transformer windings is to serve as a 50-mm diameter plastic case in the form of a felt-tip pen, which has already been used, the inner diameter of which is similar to the above-named ferrite rod. Sheets with a size of 40x40 mm are seen from a 3-mm sheet of vinyl plastic or orgskl. From the tube-winding body of the felt-tip pen, it is necessary to put it in front, having smeared the landing area with dichloroethane in the front.

For transformer windings, the windings are twisted into a medium conductor in high-quality enamel insulation based on vinyl flex. Primary 1 revenge 2x14 turns PEV2-0.5. At the winding 2 їх mayzhe vdvіchі less. More precisely, in niy - 2x6 turns of the same dart. Then high-voltage 3 May 10,000 turns of thin PEV2-0.15.

In the capacity of the interball insulation, the replacement of the smelting with polytetrafluoroethylene (fluoroplastic) or polyethylene terephthalate (lavsan), according to the recommendations for such windings, is generally acceptable to use 0.035 mm of the interelectrode condenser paper. It is enough to stock up on it in advance: for example, 4-microfarad LSE1-400 or LSM-400 in the old old fittings for the lamp of day light, it has long been virobable, it was given, its resource, and cut exactly according to the working width of the frame of the future transformer.

After the skin of three "darker" balls in the author's version, with a wide penzel, the "lubrication" of the winding, which came out, with epoxy glue, lightly diluted with acetone (so that the "epoxy" was not too viscous) was constantly fixed, and a capacitor was laid in 2 balls. Dali, not hardening, winding up trivalo.

In order to hide the shaved dart after the uneven wrapping of the frame during winding, PEV2-0.15 was passed through the ring. The rest hung on a spring from a steel rod with a diameter of 0.2 - 0.3 mm; Between the high-voltage and other windings, an anti-probing protection was installed - 6 balls of the same capacitor paper with "epoxy".

The ends of the windings are soldered to the pins, passed through the opening in the cheeks. However, the visnovki can be rolled without opening the winding wires, in addition, PEV2, folding in 2, 4, 8 times (deposit in the diameter of the wire) and twisting them.

The finished transformer is wrapped with one ball of cloth and filled with epoxy resin. The windings of the windings during installation are pressed up to the cheek and laid with the maximum separation of the ends one in one (especially for the high-voltage winding) at the top of the case. As a result, with a 10-minute robot (and more than a three-wheeled, uninterrupted alternative to a do-it-yourself electric shocker, it is not necessary) breakdowns at the transformer are turned off.

In the first version of the design, the YESHU generator was developed with the orientation of the KT818 transistors. However, the replacement of them on KT816 with a letter index in the name of the radiator installed on small plate parts made it possible to change the scale and size of the entire outbuilding. To this end, it also took a turn in multiplying the voltage of the KTs106V (KTs106G) diodes, which they have proven to be good, with high-voltage ceramic capacitors K15-13 (220 pF, 10 kV). As a result, practically everything was accommodated (without fixing the outer walls and pins of the discharger) in a plastic case of the type of a mill with a size of 135x58x36 mm. Vaga zahisnogo YESHU at the collection - close to 300 rubles.

At the case, between the transformer and multiplier, and also at the side of the electrodes, the necessary baffles are soldered, with the addition of plastics - like the world according to the design, as a whole, and protection, which allows you to avoid the very slippage of the spark from one radio element, for installation on the same radio element, type of breakouts. From the outer part under the electrodes, the brass is fastened with a change in the middle of the electrodes, which makes it easier to establish a bad order.

Zahisna іskra utvoryuєєtsya and without "usіv": between the pins - working bodies, but if necessary, the failure of the breakdown of the transformer, "firmware" installation in the middle of the body.

Somehow, the idea of ​​"usiv" is behind the "firm" models and it's rozrobok. It is taken, as it is called, on the basis of a design and such a technical solution, as a victorious vimikacha of a non-mandatory type: in order to avoid self-inclusion, if the electric shock zasіb zakhistu calms down, say, in the chest or in the intestines of the yogi.

Don’t ask, let’s go, ahead of the radioamator, the need for protective encouragement, we’ll save YESHU, just like during the construction period, we’ll prepare a stun gun with our own hands. Remember that the guilt of directing against a hooligan, malice. Don't wander between the necessary self-defense!

I came up with the idea of ​​creating a stun gun with improved efficiency after I tried a lot of such attachments of industrial preparation on my own. At the walk, it was clear that the stench would relieve the enemy of combativeness for less than 4 ... 8 seconds, and then you should spare :) It’s necessary to say that as a result of a real zastosuvannya, such a shocker, more for everything, lean in the back of the Vlasnik’s mist.

Info: our legislation allows for mere mortal shockers with an output voltage of no more than 3 J / s (1 J / s = 1 W), for an hour for UVS practitioners it is allowed to use an intensity of up to 10 watts. Ale navit 10 watts is not enough for the effective neutralization of the opponent; Americans in the course of experiments on volunteers went overboard at the extreme inefficiency of shockers with a power of 5 ... 7 W, and they failed to create a device that would specifically extinguish the opponent. Such a device was created: "ADVANCED TASER M26" (one of the modifications "AirTaser" of the same company).

The attachment was created with EMD technology, but there is more wear and tear. Same - 26 wat (what is called, "watch the difference" :)). Zagalom has one more model of this device - M18, 18 watts. It is connected with the fact that the taser is a remote shocker: when pushing on the descent from the cartridge inserted into the front part of the annex, two probes appear, for which the wires are pulled. The probes do not fly parallel to each other, but disperse under a small kut, for which at an optimal distance (2 ... 3 m) you can stand between them at a distance of 20 ... 30 cm. . That's why they let out a small amount of tension.

On the back, I robbed stun guns, for the efficiency of analogy to promissory words (for ignorance:). But if I recognize the information, I’ll point it out more, then I’ll solve the REAL stun gun, which is called ZBROY self-defense. To say the least, electric shockers are still PARALLIZERS, but don’t stop the stench, they paralyze it only in the contact zone, moreover, the effect is far from reachable, strike with great tension.

The external parameters of the MegaShocker are often behind those of the ADVANCED TASER M26. For obvious reasons, the device generates pulses with a repetition rate of 15...18 Hz and an energy of 1.75J at a voltage of 50Kv (because the lower the voltage, the more the strum at the same strain). Oskіlki Megashoker - after all, a contact attachment, and also from turbot about the health of health :), the energy of the pulse was equal to 2 ... 2.4 J, and the frequency of its investigation was 20 ... 30 Hz. Tse at a pressure of 35 ... 50 kilovolts and the maximum power between the electrodes (not less than 10 cm).

The scheme, the truth, the viishla is decho foldable, prote:

Scheme: On the DA1 microcircuit, a power generator (ShIM controller) is selected, on transistors Q1, Q2 and transformer T1 - the voltage changer 12v -> 500v. If the capacitors C9 and C10 are charged up to 400 ... 500 volts, a threshold vuzol is used on the elements R13-R14-C11-D4-R15-SCR1 and a stream pulse passes through the primary winding T2, the energy of which is calculated by formula 12 (E2). (J), C - capacity C9 + C10 (μF), U - voltage (v)). At U \u003d 450v and Z \u003d 23 microfarads, the energy will be 2.33 J. Rezyuk R14 sets the threshold for work. Capacitor C6 or C7 (deposit in the position of the jumper S3) - I will close the building, otherwise there will be inconsistency, and the circuit will burn.

Capacitor C6 ensures maximum tension ("MAX"), C7 - demonstration ("DEMO"), as it allows you to use an electric discharge without the risk of burning attachments and putting the battery in :) (when the "DEMO" mode is on, you also need to turn off S4). The capacity of C6 and C7 is covered by formula 1.1, or simply selected (for an intensity of 45 watts at a frequency of 17 KHz, the capacitance will be close to 0.02 microfarads). HL1 - a fluorescent lamp (LB4, LB6 or similar (C8 is selected)), put for masking - a device similar to the tricks of a lighter and not calling for a diagnosis of a different type of medical practitioners of other types (otherwise you can choose similar attachment). Obviously, you can do without a lamp. Elements R5-C2 set the frequency of the oscillator at f = ~17KHz. Rіzok R11 is between the external voltage, you can do without it - just come R16-С5 to the body. Diode D1 protects the circuit from error when connected to the wrong polarity. Zapobіzhnik - be it protipozhzhny (for example: if you de-no close - you can tear the battery (were vipadki)).

Now, according to the selection of the attachment: you can select the entire attachment on the breadboard, but it is recommended to solder the pulse circuit (C9-C10-R13-R14-C11-D4-R15-SCR1) by hanging mounting, with which wire, to connect C9-C10, SCR1 and T2 are more likely to be shorter. Elements Q1, Q2, C4 and T1 are priced. Transformers T1 and T2 after roztashuvat submitted one to one.

T1 is wound on two folded ring cores M2000NM1 at once, size K32*20*6. The winding is wound on the back 3 - 320 turns PEL 0.25, turn to turn. Windings 1 and 2 are 8 turns of PEL 0.8 ... 1.0. The stench is wound at the same time in two darts, the coils are slid evenly along the magnetic circuit.

T2 is wound on a core made of transformer plates. The plates need to be insulated one kind of one with a slab (paper, adhesive tape, etc.). The area of ​​the core web is to be blamed for not less than 450 square millimeters. The winding 1 - 10 ... 15 turns is wound on the back of the winding of the PEL 1.0 ... 1.2. Winding 2 vengeance 1000...1500 turns and wound with balls turn to turn leather ball winding is insulated with dekilkom balls with scotch tape or condenser heating it can be like a guide (the device can be out of tune, or it can be done with a strum of a hairdresser. Moreover, it’s not good for you ...). strum not less than 10A.

The peculiarity of the scheme is that the skin can be fixed for yourself (in the sense for the opponent:). Vihіdna potuzhnіst pristroyu mozhe buti in between 30 to 75 vatіv (robit less than 30, IMHO, not enough). And more than 75 is just bad, because with a slight increase in tension, the efficiency will not be richer, but the risk will be significantly increased. Well, I’ll add some dimensions to see the troch.). Output voltage - 35...50 yew. volt. The discharge frequency can be no less than 18...20 per second. The recommended parameters are 40 W, the energy of a single impulse is 1.75J at a pressure of 40Kv. (Yakshcho Zniziti Podruuhu, can be visible to the il yergiy izpulsi, ethnicity to be filled with such a 1.75j at 40kv, an approximately yak 2.15j at 50kv. Ale Robity Menchet Nedotovnaya, Tobo Strim, Tobo Strushi, ).