People have that information from the suspіlstvі. Initial project "People and Information" Presentation on the topic of People and Information

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People that information. Vikonav: Student of the 125th group Galikhanov Almaz Fidanovych Specialty 09 02 03 Programming in computer systems Kerivnik: Salitova Katerina Andriivna

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Information - information about objects and manifestations of the superfluous middle ground, their parameters, power and state, as if they change the steps of non-significance, incomprehensibility of knowledge about them. *

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To the understanding of the information, it is so clear, like a signal, to remind that data. A signal is a process that carries information. Notification - all information submitted in the singal form and recognized for transmission. Data - this information, submitted to a formalized person, is recognized for processing by technical methods, for example, EOM. *

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Classification of information: Under the sign "vinification area" the information is subdivided into: 1. Elementary - reflects the processes of the phenomena of inanimate nature. 2. Biological - reflects the processes of the growing and living world. 3. Socially - driving the process of human welfare. *

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According to the method of transmission, that spriynyattya separates information: 1. Visual - transmitted by visible images and symbols. 2. Tactile - transmitted by the senses. 3. Organo-leptic - transmitted by smells and relish. 4. Machinery - what is seen and captured by the means of computational technology. *

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The information, created by that victorious person, for the sake of public recognition is shown: 1. Masova: suspile-political, popular science. 2. Special: scientific, technical, economic, management. 3. Specialist: individual. *

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According to the form of representation, the information is divided into: 1. Discrete form - a sequence of symbols, which characterizes the variable value, which is changed 2. Analogue or non-interruptible form - a value that characterizes the process, which cannot be interrupted or interrupted *

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Possible operations with data: the selection of data - the accumulation of information with the method of ensuring a sufficient amount of decision; formalization of data - bringing data, which should come from different dzherel, to the same form, so that they can be equal among themselves, to increase the level of accessibility; filtration of data - the incorporation of "zayvih" data, for which there is no need to make a decision; at the same time, the “noise” may change, and the reliability and adequacy of data may increase; sorting of data - ordering of data according to a given sign with a method of victoriousness; increase the availability of information; *

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data archiving - organization of collecting data from a handy and easily accessible form; to serve as a reduction in economic costs from the savings of data, and to raise the headliness of the information process; zahist danih - a complex of calls, directing to save money, making changes and modifications of danih; transportation of data - acceptance and transfer of data between distant participants in the information process; transformation of data - translation of data from one form to another and from one structure to another. The transformation of data is often associated with a change in the type of wear, for example, books can be taken from the original paper form, or you can wink for this electronic form, and microphotography. *

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Let's take a look at the power of information: Relevance - the building of information to meet the needs of the caregiver. Povnota - the power of information to characterize the object that is being looked at. Svoєchasnіst - zdatnіst іnformatsії vіdpovіdat іn necessities spozhivacha і opіbrіbny hour. Reliability - the power of information is not the mother of pardons. Availability - the power of information, which characterizes the possibility of otrimannya given by a gentleman. Protection - power, which characterizes the impossibility of an unauthorized victorious change. Ergonomics - power, which characterizes the efficiency of the form and obligation of information at the glance of this gentleman. *

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The peculiarity of information - won't be in a static or dynamic state. The static state of information is related to її trivial savings accumulated in information funds and data bases. Dynamic camp - constant movement at the sight of streams - primary information, which is implemented in human-machine, automated systems, in such exchanges of information, it is used for additional iconic symbols. *

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Suspension informatization - tse? Everywhere the achievement of the complex of entries, contributions to the security of the new and timely achievement of reliable information, the knowledge of which is more important in all socially significant types of human activity. *

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Signs of the information sector 1. Most of the information sector (about 80%) is occupied by the information sector, that is. spheres of information production and information services. 2. Provided technical, technological and legal access to any member of the partnership practically in any point of the territory and at a reasonable hour to the necessary information (for the vinnyatka of military and state secrets). 3. Information is the most important strategic resource of the economy and borrows a key place in the economy, education and culture. *

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The scientific foundation for the process of informatization of the industry is a new scientific discipline - informatics. The main impersonal purpose of informatics, which is connected with the richness of its functions, capabilities, and methods. Informatics - the whole area of ​​human activity, is connected with the processes of transformation of information for auxiliary computers and їhnyoї vzaєmodії іz the middle ground of zastosuvannya. *

Wise men seem: "Whoever knows, that light of the world!" This thesis with such success itself can be zastosuvat and for the removal of information in the current human society. Today people have that information closely related to each other. And here is a good rule of thumb: whoever is the first to know, that one wins, and whoever is the least - the program.

People and information

Knowing the real thing, people always stick to the cob, at the first stage of mutual modality, they try to choose and help (and sometimes confuse) correctly assess the spirits that are in the support of that world. Later, another stage of interrelationship is the analysis of data, their analysis of the brain. And then we already have a special thought, a judgment about the podium, what is going on. As a result, people that information, taken away by him, get angry as much as possible, gaining a special aspect.

Similar meaning of the word

The very concept of "information" is similar to the Latin word information (roz'explaining, zvedennya). Tse understanding is a category of deep science, as it can be impersonal appointment and interpretation. If it’s not necessary to delve into a variety of readings, then we can say that in everyday life, information is distinguished from the omitted information, knowledge in the oral, oral, written, electronic way (in our days, global computerization). Information plays an important role. For example, it allows you to raise the knowledge of the singing food, what to say about the individual. And the exchange of information form about the statement about the subject of discussion.

Information from the life of the people

Volodinnya information has long been respected by the share of the obedih. It's no secret that in some of the most recent spilnots, the common people were not allowed to learn, but everything was done in order to make knowledge more accessible. Priests and high priests, priests in secret monasteries, sorcerers-saintniks forcibly attached information to commoners, not allowing holy saints.

Today, a person in the world of information denies access to any kind of dzherel, what to say. The openness of information is one of the main minds. People, that information in the material world of the modernity of mutual pov'azan is richer, lower in the earlier era. I be-like an average statistical bulker in the countryside may have the right to free access: you don’t want to sew in a bear!

Collect mass information

In the lowest social sphere, the most important role of people is played by ZMI. With their help, people learn about the main and other rows of podії in science, culture, politics, and other galleys. There were newspapers and radio, and they published articles in oral form about what happened. Then TB appeared as the most important thing, which adds to the wealth of mind. After all, with the development of the Internet - electronic information, which can be called truly massive: deyakі statti and rollers gain millions of glances, but it means that they have speeded up faceless people at rich countries їnah light.

The meaning of that power

In our swedish world, which is not casually called the age of information, it is rich to lie in it: the development of prosperity, economic and political, the very life of people, their safety and health. Analyzing otrimana from different sources (sound out, informed journalists, for example, vikoristovuyut at least three confirmations), the correspondents assess the intelligence, relevance of this stage, the value of the society, ethics, worthiness irnist. Moreover, in different situations, different powers of the dans themselves come to the fore. For example, a new broadcast on TB is obliged to achieve maximum reliability and relevance about the next day or last week. And the popular science article in the electronic newspaper contains a maximum of corny and clique information, confirmed by scientific denim.

In today's world, that "information" is as close as possible. It can be said that without information there is no information, and without people - there is no information, as it is processed, published and analyzed by people!

Plan 1. Information. 1. Information. 2. See the information. 2. See the information. 3. Functions of information. 3. Functions of information. 4. Submit your information. 4. Submit your information. 5. Movie talk. 5. Movie talk. 6. Transfer and exchange of information 6. Transfer and exchange of information 7. Scheme of information exchange. 7. Exchange scheme. 5. Visnovok. 5. Visnovok. 6. List of victorious literature. 6. List of victorious literature.

1. Information about the flooring is more profound and more understandable, which cannot be explained in one phrase. The whole word has a different sense of technology, science and life situations. For some information, they call whether they are given data, whether they are someone to sing. For example, a reminder about whether or not they are going to, about what kind of activity it is. Іnformuvati" in this sensi means "become familiar, never before." t, for example, reminders about be-like podії, about chiyu diyalnіst then Inform in this sense means "become more, not earlier". information systems (living organisms, electrical machines and 2. Information about the objects of the environment, their parameters, the power of the state, how to accept information systems (living organisms, energy machines, etc.) in the process of life and work 3 4. Information - the intermediary between the subjective and the objective world, information to serve as their foundation, spiraling on some subject of choice є ways to change your honed, on which stained glass is found in new material and energy resources. To that "the essence of the infusion of information is once and for all in the building of control over the speech-energetic processes, the parameters of which are in many orders of magnitude for the information itself"

See information Information can be used as: Information can be used as: texts, small prints, armchairs, photographs; texts, small prints, armchairs, photographs; light and sound signals; light and sound signals; radiohvil; radiohvil; electrical and nerve impulses; electrical and nerve impulses; magnetic records; magnetic records; gestures and mimics; gestures and mimics; smells and savory smells; smells and savory smells; chromosomes, for the help of which, signs of the dominance of organisms are transmitted from the recesses, and so on.

Behind the form of organization of the table, the list is unordered without a line Prіzvishche01/0202/0203/02 Ivanov I.11 Petrov P.1112 Sidorov S.0012 Ivanov I. Petrov I. Sidorov I. Fedorov F. Avdeev V. Gagarin Yu. A, B, C, G ... Yu, Z

By zastosuvannyu all the information can be subdivided into the following: Mathematical information - whether it be information, connected with numbers and formulas, or maybe, in the light of mathematical, physical and statistical information. Mathematical information can be obtained with the help of various rachunk machines and devices and saved on paper from looking at records and books. Textual information can be written down on papier in the hand, or for the help of Drukars' typewriters and Drukars' possession and saving on papers (manuscripts, documents, books, newspapers, etc.). Graphic information can be processed using additional various image-creating techniques and methods (image-creating art, photography) and taking pictures, little pictures, sculptures, photographs, etc. Sound information can be processed for additional tape recording and saved on magnetic lines, plates and audio CDs. Video information can be processed for additional video equipment and savings on filmmakers and video cassettes.

Functions and power of information Dії z іnformatsiyu: Dії z іnformatsiєyu: Information can be: create, transmit, accept, vicorist, memorize, accept, copy, formalize, rozpov syudzhuvati, peretvoryuvati, combine, revise, divide into parts, ask, pick up, pick up , shukati, Vimiryuvati, ruinuvati, that in. You can: create, transmit, accept, vikoristovate, memorize, accept, copy, formalize, expand, rework, combine, process, divide into parts, ask, take, take, take, shukati, in imiryuvati, ruinuvati, and others. All these processes, which are related to the simple operations on information, are called information processes. All these processes, which are related to the simple operations on information, are called information processes. Authority of information: reliability; fullness; value; ownness; intelligence; availability; style and in. Powerful information.doc Powerful information.doc

Submission of information figuretext diagramdiagram table You can encode information in a letter. For whom, a deaf drum beat Significantly with a black circle, And a twinkling beat with a light Trikutnik Scheme of words _O_ Words: KIT CODE COM MOT XID DIM Krugova Stovpchikova Code table sign code of the sign TOVO DOO1 KO1O MO11 P1OO C1O1
bagattya bagattya tam- tami tam-tami morska praportseva alphabet semaphore, svetlofori semaphori, svitlofori telephone, telegraph, telebatchennya telephone, telegraph, telebatchennya mail mail transmission between computers

1. INTERNET resources: M. Ugrinovich's guide to computer science 3. Methodical guide to computer science (N. V. Matveeva, N. K. Konopatova, L. P. Pankratova, E. N. Chelak) home tutor (O. E. Makarenko, O. M. Makhonko, V. O. Mashurtsev, R. A. Yuzbash'yants)

Informatics is a science that has evolved quite recently. Її development of applications with the appearance in the middle of the XX century of electronic counting machines, as they became hard universal tools for collecting, processing and transmitting information.

Coils of informatics can be shukat in the depths of the world. The need to learn and memorize information caused a lot of this before the advent of language, writing, and rahunka. People tried to find wine, and then dodoskonalyuvaty ways of saving, collecting and sharing information. Dosi saved the samples of our distant ancestors to collect information - primitive on the rock little ones, records on birch bark and clay tablets, then handwritten books. The appearance in the 16th century of the Drukar verst made it possible to significantly increase the ability of people to acquire the necessary transportation. Tse has become an important stage in the development of humankind. Storing information from a hand-me-down person became the main way of collecting information, and it continued to be left out of it right up to the middle of the 20th century. Only with the advent of EOM have been called fundamentally new, richly efficient ways of collecting information.

Transmission methods have evolved. The primitive way of transmitting a message from person to person was replaced by a progressive mail call. A postal call was given to get the best way to exchange information. Forget the next thing, that such a rank could have been passed on only messages written on paper. And the smut - the speed of the transfer of the bula was por_vnyanna only for the speed of the transfer of the people. Vinahid to the telegraph, to the telephone gave a fundamentally new possibility of processing and transmitting information.

The advent of electronic computing machines made it possible to process, and at the same time transmit information to people.

Electronic computing machines and systems are the basis of informatics. To this end, informatics should be widely occupied in different circles of everyday life: gener- alization, science, enlightenment and others.

Let's apply. Today we take the forecast of the weather, we don’t zamislyuyuchis, like a rank of faults. The truth of the forecast is just a little more foldable and laborious. Sob її virishiti, it is necessary to select, and then analyze the information that comes from meteorological stations, satellites.

For whom the methods and mathematical modeling of processes in the atmosphere and oceans are being developed, the folding systems of rivers are violating. Then we will take away the results and present them in a form that is understandable for a person. All these stages are impossible to grow, not corrosive using the methods and techniques of informatics. Tim is bigger, not zastosovayuchi EOM.

The development of modern science transfers complex and expensive experiments, such as, for example, in the development of thermonuclear reactors

Informatics allows you to replace real experiments on machines. This saves colossal resources, giving you the opportunity to take advantage of the results using the most modern methods. In addition, such experiments take a lot less than an hour, less real. And in the real world of science, for example, astrophysics, conducting a real experiment is simply impossible. Here, more importantly, all the follow-ups are carried out by looking at the number of experiments.

It is possible to induce impersonal applications of computer science in various spheres of life. Let's take a look at just one example. A lot of fates, and you can say a hundred years, the education was taken for the uninterrupted intercourse of the students with the teachings. Nadalі z'appeared in absentia form of training, which allowed to learn the necessary material independently. Ale and she went ahead, zreshtoy, folded іspitіv without intermediary vikladachevi. From the same principles of their innovations, the Galusian health of enlightenment did not wait for a long time. Changes began to be afraid only with the advent of computers. First, try to beat the computer with the navchanni, they were broken in the seventy years of the twentieth century and were not successful. This is explained by the low productivity of technical and software benefits of that hour. In addition, the programs did not allow the vrakhovuvati vrakhovuvati іndivіdualnyh osobennosti uchnya. The initial programs of the current generation show the user the anonymous options. And then, after learning the first hour of mastering the basic material, he himself sets up such speeches, like the speed of education, comprehends the material, the steps of the folding of the course.

Numerical studies show that the method of learning with additional computers is more efficient than the old traditional methods. Por_vnyuvati tі methodi smoothly, prote brought, scho scho with a computer program poslyuєєєєє, and the hour to take skorochuєєєє approximately 30%.

For a long time already, a connection was revealed in a similar way, for the help of which the material is mastered and the building is remembered. So from, when listening to lectures, less than a quarter of the perceived material is lost in memory. If this material is taken seriously, then the memory is left up to a third of the taken away records. Zastosovuyuchi combinations of methods of training, part of the acquired material is half. Only if the student takes an active part in the process of developing the material for additional computer programs, only then (as it seems to be the rest of the scientific research), a part of the acquired material reaches 75%.

The next step is to designate what the initial programs are used for training in the initial mortgages, and also the training and retraining of the personnel of various companies, and to learn how to qualify the tests.

A further development of informatics, as if it were another science, with new achievements, vіdkrittya. And, then, and new areas of zastosuvannya, yaki, it is possible, it is important to allow this day.

"informatics" (Franz. informatique) look like French words information(information) that automation(automatic) i literally means "information automation" .
  • information theory
  • cybernetics
  • programming
  • mathematical linguistics
  • theory of algorithms and int.

The development of informatics was taken over by the EOM (computer).

The computer is a universal technical tool for working with information.

Informatics is a science that develops laws and methods for collecting, saving, transferring and processing information from different computers.

    "information" look like a latin word " information " what does it mean Vіdomosti , Rose's clear , viklad .
  • Information is more clear and more understandable, which cannot be explained in one phrase. The whole word has a different sense of technology, science and life situations.

Chosen by the people and the information that is saved in the books is called the sheets.

Reading books, we take information from them. Vidobuta information is processed and stored in the brain of a person that becomes knowledge.

Learning from schoolchildren is the goal of directing the process of taking away knowledge, tobto. retrieval of information.

Known people can be divided into two groups:

  • declarative (“I know that…”)

Two by two chotiri.

  • procedural (“I know, like…”)

Pratsiuє phone.

Bringing information to the people (informatively), as well as to the knowledge that they are moving in the new, for the people they are new and understandable.

See (form) information:

  • textual
  • symbolic
  • graphic
  • musical

Please send that information

People receive information from the outer world for the help of all their bodies sensitively. Organize sensitively with information channels that will lead a person from the outer world. Writing is the most important way to save that transmission.

Forms of writing:

  • sound
  • warehouse
  • ideographic
  • pictographic

Movie natural and formal

  • natural (Russian, English, etc.)
  • formal (mathematical, notes toschoo)

Mova is a symbolic way of presenting information. Spilling with movs is the process of transferring in sign forms.

Signal ta sign

Signs carrying semantic information in social and communicative systems.

Signals by carrying information in technical, sociotechnical and biological systems and environments.

  • Transfer (exchange) of information
  • Processing of information

  • Internal memory (brain, PZP)
  • Zovnishnya memory (shchedennik, disk)

Transfer (exchange) of information

Telephone, radio, television, Internet and internet.


channel zvyazku



Processing of information

Processing of information - the cost of changing the form of submission of information without changing it.

Information processing methods:

  • billing
  • logical mirror bath
  • coding
  • translation of the text

  • books
  • dovidniks
  • abstract
  • The Internet is thin.