No-cost digital TV broadcast is available for skin. What is digital TV broadcasting and why should you eat it? About switching to an analogue television signal

Development of TV and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015

Translating ethereal TV traffic to digital technologies is the largest infrastructural project of the telecom channel in modern Russian history. The global meta-life of the digital dimension is the liquidation of informational inconsistency and the improvement of the quality of life of Russians.

At the end of 2009, the Ryad of the Russian Federation approved the federal program "Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009-2015". The creation of digital broadcast television was entrusted to the federal state unitary enterprise "Russian Television and Radio Association" (RTRS).

RTRS is eligible for the FTP to be a digital measure in 83 regions of Russia.

The digital infrastructure created by RTRS is to ensure the broadcasting of two packages of digital TV channels (multiplexes): RTRS-1 and RTRS-2. The warehouse of RTRS-1 includes 10 internationally Russian language and internationally accessible TV channels. The RTRS-2 package is made up of 10 popular commercial TV channels. The future number of multiplexes may grow.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On Russian nationally available internationally accessible television channels and radio channels”, the retransmission of television channels, general language channels for expansion throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and cost-free for residents of the Russian Federation was approved: First Channel, Russia 1, Russia 2, NTV, Petersburg-5 channel,Russia-K, Russia-24, Carousel, Hromadske television station*.

* The public television broadcasting of Russia was switched on before the transfer of the Russian public broadcasting of publicly accessible television channels by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on April 17, 2012.

On April 20, 2013, Volodymyr Putin signed Decree No. 367 “On making changes to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 24 March 2009. No. 715 "About the foreign Russian obov'azkovy globally accessible TV channels and radio channels" and before the translation, approved by the cim Decree":

a) at paragraph 2 of the Decree:
in paragraph 5 of subparagraph "b" the words ", as well as regional TV channels in a particular traffic zone" should be switched off;
z subparagraph "g" of the word "which can be awarded by the federal state unitary enterprise "Russian television and radio network" is also switched off for digital terrestrial broadcasting of regional TV channels";
b) divided the first transfer, supplementing it with paragraph 10 of such a change:
"ten. TB CENTER - Moscow (open joint-stock company "TB Center").».

On December 14, 2012 Roskomnaglyad named the TV channels, which won the competition for the right to include another digital TV package. On the entire territory of Russia, wines will become available without a subscription fee until 2015, and in other regions - even later. The following channels became candidates for the competition: "Ren-TV", "Spas", "STS", "Domashniy", "Sport 1" VDTRK, "NTV Plus Sport", "Zirka", "Svit", "TNT", "Muz TV " ".

However, earlier VDTRK called the "Sport" TV channel from the package. November 18, 2013 Roskomnaglyad announced that there is a vacancy for another multiplex on the TV channel "TV-3" for the bags of the competition.

At this stage, the package of TV channels RTRS-2 may look like this: Ren-TV, Vryatuvav, STS,Homemade, TV-3, NTV Plus Sport, Zirka, world, TNT, Muz TB.

After the completion of the implementation of the FTP, there will be approximately 5,000 traffic points available for digital television.

The part of the population of the Russian Federation, which can receive foreign Russian television channels at the warehouse of the first multiplex, is 98.3%.

Part of the population of the Russian Federation, which can receive 20 TV channels from the warehouse of the first and the other multiplexes, is 98%.

The federal budget of the FTP is over 120 billion rubles. Nearly 90% of these costs are directly related to the provision of 40% of the population of Russia, located in remote and importantly accessible areas, villages and villages.

In the skin region of Russia, RTRS has opened a center for consulting support (CKP) of the population with a digital TV connection. Spivrobitniki TsKP give the televiewer some information about the "figure", the primary possession of that yogi.

The federal program under the name "Development of TV and radio broadcasting for 2009-2015" was approved by Prime Minister Volodymyr Putin. In spring, the concept of a program was adopted, and the main method was the transformation of on-air television and radio broadcasting with additional digital technologies. Approximately 122.5 billion rubles will be spent on the final transition to digital broadcasting. Of these, 73.6 billion will be allocated to the state budget, which will be taken away from the programs themselves and the state enterprises “Space Call” and “RTRS” (Russian Television and Radio Communications).

The official statement about those that the state does not provide financial support for the most expensive part of the program - the purchase of digital television adapters for the population - has turned respect. In this situation, the state respected for the need for us to fight for the security of the ability to receive a clear television signal for the population. And the technologists, TV sets, receivers, tuners and antennas for digital TV are to blame, depending on the characteristics of the received signal. The task of re-enablement of analog telecom is not worth it all at once. With the "digitization" of television broadcasting in the United States, it would be necessary to completely replace analog TB, so that the necessary frequencies would be picked up. The program in Russia is followed by other tasks. In this case, the state should not be able to secure all its citizens with the possibility of receiving radio and TV programs from any point of the country.

Residents of Russia can listen to 8 federal channels in front of the digital channel: Rosiya, First Channel, NTV, Sport, Kultura, Visti-24, Child Channel and Channel 5. Qi channels to establish the first multiplex, which will be seen on the frequency of RTRS. For the other and third multiplexes, frequencies can be taken by RTRZ, or by other companies. Selection of all additional frequencies is financed by operators. For the first time, the channels of both the first and the distant multiplexes will be available for a cost-free review. The program transmits three channels of high-definition video (HDTV) and about 10 channels of TV for mobile devices in the DVB-T MPEG4 AVC format (the same digital TV format for Ukraine). The launch of these channels will not hit the budgetary expenses.

Otzhe, є the main visnovki. As a result, digital telemovement will be paid; Little advance: it seems that a lot of plasma and RK panels, which are used by the faceless citizens, do not allow for the reception of a digital signal. At the same time, on the mittens, the import of TV equipment with primaries from the MPEG-2 format has been blocked, and the shards of the new movement are planned from the MPEG-4 format. But regardless of the price in the country, sales of "new" old models of televisions are being carried out at the same time.

The package will include 8-10 free federal channels; Do not lie in rozpovidi about those that everything will be cost-free, really cost-free get rid of the good old analog TV, like, unfortunately, do not dare to marvel at the wide screen. There is no sense to swell the TV panel and not reveal its full potential. Another novelty is not so good: the diva does not get drunk and in quiet regions, where analog TB is received badly, digitally, emovirno, it is accepted even faster. So there is no sense of checking the roki rokiv, it’s easier to get a package of satellite TV at once and enjoy the visual images.