Yake slo vibrati for smartphone? Yake zahisne sklo best: porivnyuemo options. It is necessary to choose a handy slope

From a long time ago, the most popular way to protect the display of a telephone was a squirt. At the hour, if the touch screen is more resistive, the plastic upper ball is rubbed off, scuffs were picked up on it, and if it falls, the sensor can be damaged and become unacceptable. However, the spit is frayed, it can’t be 100 percent clear, look around, that finger on it doesn’t lead to good. With the appearance of a thin and translucent sealed fold, as well as the development of technology for applying an oleophobic coating, they began to pronounce as an alternative to swimming zahisne sklo. Like the vibrators sing, so they cover the screen in the form of cracks and blows. Ale chi do you need more money for your phone? Find out about the help of the material.

Trochs of physics

Zahartovane sklo є zvichayny sklo, as it passed the physical and chemical processing. In the process of preparing yoga, high-temperature heating is applied, as well as vitrified with special reagents. In the course of the process, the structure of speech in the skli changes, and some ions (weak) are replaced by strong ones. For rahunok tsgogo mekhanіchna mіtsnіst kіlіє dvіschuєєє, іrіstіє - zbіshuєєsya, it's nabuvaє stіykostі to podryapinі і іbіbіv.

Chi need zahisne slo on the phone?

For all the victories, there is one important little man at the hardened warehouse. With increased resistance to impact at the flat, it will take the building to resist impacts at the butt. Tom touch screen smartphone, which you see falling flat on the asphalt, you can break apart under the hour of the blow. The memory of the author of the article saved more than one fall, if the phone's sensor was broken when it was hit in central part. In the illustration - the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 phablet, which fell from the heights on the stone. After ushkodzhennya touchscreen saves practice.

Dozens of broken touchscreens, as if crawling up to the hands, small cracks that come out of the edge - coal (like in the photo below). It is worth mentioning about the nebuval mіtsnіst of hardened rock and stіykіst to flat impacts. Yoga nadіynostі sіlkom suffices, schob to resist the great vipadkovy falls. Itself on tsomu ґruntі and blaming the law of nutrition: what do you need for your phone? Aje touchscreen and you can resist the blows yourself.

Schob pvіdpovisti on zapitanya, varto vrahuvati іnshі osoblivosti modern mobile technology. Universal vouchers for all dates are not possible, shards modern displays smartphones vibrate on different technologies, the methods of their hardening are also updated.

The only 100% effect is from a worn-out warehouse - a tse zakhist from a scuffed and abrasions. It’s also out of the question (for the obviousness of the oleophobic ball) to rob the receiver with a smartphone. However, it’s worth more inexpensive phones So, like a flagship and underwear, it’s good to stand up, and you can see oleophobic filings.

Chi helps to heal the slope of the fall?

It is impossible to say unequivocally that it helps to protect the phone during a fall. Here, everything can be deposited according to the type and method of installing the sensor. About leather from the most popular types of reports - below.

OGS displays with 2.5D touchscreen

OGS displays - all touch screens, the matrix of which is not wet sloppy cover. Yogo wins the role touch sensitive, strongly glued, let's see through the glue to the screen module. 2.5D - the same type of touchscreen, which has no small edges, so that chamfers are chamfered on its edges. One of the first OGS and 2.5D technologies was implemented by Apple in their iPhones.

These receptors are not framed by the body and smoothly move into the smartphone frame. For some reason, it’s hard not to come out beautifully to stick on: it’s either hanging over the beveled edges, fixing the gaps there, or covering not the entire area of ​​​​the screen, filling the edges (I’m spilling part of the sensor) without zakhistu.

Behavior of a hard rock, pasted on a 2.5D screen, to deposit in terms of hardness, as well as in terms of impact characteristics. As if falling from a great height and the phone will hit the flat of the display - a low slope (less mіtsne, lower "rіdne" slope) lusne, leaving the touchscreen untouched. Without a new blow, such a force and so there is no mav bi slіdkіv, scho ruin, for details.

Zahysne slope high capacity in case of a fall, you may lose your cilim, but the sensor under it is a lusne. It is due to the fact that it lies close to the back, it has more strength, a lower touchscreen, and the temple hardness does not allow shock absorption to be dampened, which is transmitted to the screen all the time.

Butt: Yakshcho put a leaf on the shmatok and hit it on the new (leaf) with a hammer - it’s folded, having left the steel sheet neushkodzhenim, that’s why it’s worth it.

Two warehouses and plastic plіvka:

Before the end impact (the most secure) 2.5D sensor is filled with a spill under the shield, the shards of the edge of the glued layer do not curl the ends. With a ruinous blow to the edge - a touchscreen lusne, regardless of the presence / visibility of the cover.

Beyond what has been said above, we ask for a visnovok: a 2.5D display does not need much. Kleїti yogo varto is less for zakhistu in the form of underdogs, the one who vryatuvat vіd ruinіvі blow out of it is not possible.

OGS displays without 2.5D

In case of a sharp sensor slope (without polished edges), it is necessary to power on “What is the need for a phone?” be practical like yourself, like in a frontal vapadka. The only difference is that the cover also protects the edges of the sensor. Zavdyaki tsomu is of little use to a new one, to that, when you hit it in the kut, you can simply get out of it, or splurge, and the screen itself will be left untouched. That's why it's hard to glue on such a screen. Tovk vіd nоgo hoch i small, ale vіd deykih blows zakhist є. That kind of scuffs and scuffs are also covered tezh ryatuє.

11 months ago

Modern telephones may have different displays. And yet, to secure your device, put a cover on the case. For display zahistu, they glue zahisne slo or plіvka. What is shorter?

Zahisna plіvka. What is it? Plivka for the screen is by no means a high-tech product. Plіvka - tse three balls of a special material, z yakikh і є є zahistom. The middle ball is for polishing the ultraviolet vibration on the phone. The lower ball is made of silicone - in order to stick to the screen.

See zahisnoy plіvki

Є 3 main types of tiles: matte, glossy, mirrored. І skin from these plіvok can have its own dominance.

* Glossy plіvka

It’s rich whoever wills it himself, if you choose between sklom for a smartphone and plіvkoy. As a rule, such people value practicality. Zahisna function vikonuetsya here effectively. Attachment to such an accessory guarantees the clarity of the image. Minuses are also. In some cases, glossy plіvka shines strongly. On nіy shvidko z'yavlyayutsya podryapiny and zalyshayutsya vіdbitki fingers.

* Matte finish

Such a swim is so very popular. Її main trouble - near the building there are clay vіdbliski. Likewise, you will follow your fingers. However, often the image is degraded, the shards may have an unaltered structure.

* Dzerkirna plіvka

D-mirror plastic can not be used to protect the display. І він building vіdbivati ​​ob'єkti. Tse means that if the screen is blinking, then it becomes a mirror. Similar to matte plіvki, such an accessory also creates an image.

Zahysne slope

More current option for a zahistu display. Robbing yoga from a hardened warehouse. The slope in the pov_vnyannі zі zvichaynoy plіvkoy more solidly. You don’t care for the new one by following the fingers and winding the underdogs. Protects from blows. Don't skip the water. Colors, brightness of the display, and yogo sensitivity are saved. Sklo tovstіshe (0.25-0.50 mm), shards may be sprat balls.

The first ball is based on silicone, which sticks to the screen for the ribs of some kind of wine. Let's sweat a creaking ball, the winds of such tricks do not rise up, if the integrity of the rock is broken. The third ball is an anti-blisk. For the light of the new, with a bright light, the visibility of the image is taken. Zahisny ball ryatuє in the fall, hitting, falling and other ears. And the oleophobic coating protects the vіd vіd vologі, vіdbitkі v paltsіv.

Look after, like a girl

Plivka m'yaksha for the slope, and that won't serve less. Varto is less likely to touch it with a host, or with a hard object, as they say podryapini. The first bath is already unacceptable, it is necessary to buy a new one. Zovsіm іnsha on the right - slope. Zahisny ball ryatuє in the impact of that fall. Brood of the display is oleophobic coated, as if only rubbed with a ganchirka. However, this cover is not forever. It's pissed off.

Before the cleansings, it was necessary to reconsider yoga wholeness. Pour on yogo the surface of the water. Everything is fine, as if she were going to be picked up in the raindrops. If the water rises, it points to those that are covered. Possibly, yoga vzagali mute.

Remember that alcoholic beverages, like and і і інші used for cleaning, are not suitable for cleaning. It is best to make a difference based on water. Apply it on the fabric, and then gently wipe the screen of the device.

The situation can be corrected after the occurrence of an oleophobic ball. It is better to buy special sets of oleophobic coating. The set has soft speech. And also - especially ganchirochki. The stench is needed in order to apply yoga and spread it. Zasіb hangs on the eyes, and that needs to be practiced at the pace. Bazhano already the next day, carry out the procedure again.

You will inevitably have to choose between these accessories. In case of whom it is necessary to protect those who are not needed by the spitting zakhist. Ale y dіє little. Otzhe, happen often. Sklo - obviously, the accessory is more durable. However, it’s not easy to waste your power, so as to exploit it is not enough. Sklo vimagaє special sight. Bagatiom, who mobile attachment take care of cym no watering. However, the one who cares, you can make sure that it is possible to serve you even more.

Visnovok work yourself!

Plivka chi zahisne slo? Chose what? Finding out which is better is not so simple. The thoughts of anyone can be different. I need to know what skin of these two contenders for the title of "best" can have its pluses and minuses. Otzhe, the whole sense of choice is for those who prioritize the results without pardons.

Buying a swimsuit is cheaper. Plivka vіdrіznyaєtsya for the texture. Won to serve a spate of months, as before it is put up dbaily. Unfortunately, swimming cannot be protected from serious damage. It’s not so easy to stick it on your own to everything.

At the warehouse there is an impact-resistant ball, fatty cover. It can last approximately 2 years. Editing is more than enough to receive damage. True, it is necessary to keep an eye on the oleophobic coatings. Koshtuє slo richly more, lower plіvka.

Today's smartphones have one difference - a majestic screen. Virobniki permanently work on the screen of the display, so that it is more effective than thefts from falls, hits and cracks, prote the fact that the screen may occupy the entire front panel and from the sides often does not protrude into the case, leaving yoga in the risk zone. If the phone is expensive for the sackmaster and may be of great importance, then you will have to think about buying a sack warehouse.

Why is there no other solution

There are only two other ways to protect a smartphone - hoods and screen protectors. When you choose a chohol, do not forget to secure garniy zakhist in the event of a blow, that phone from the new one periodically winds up, even as the smelt constantly protects the screen only from the cracks, and the shock of the sound is not possible. looking tovstim and cumbersome, then I can increase my mentality, I don’t know without the need to replace and build a vitrimati to bring the fall to the hospitable kut!

The specifics of choosing a warehouse

Virobniki promote such products in the assortment, depending on the model may have some other characteristic features. In other words, it is possible to come to the defense, or spend a penny for nothing. How to choose those that are necessary?


Such a slope is mіtsne, narіzat yogo, like a vapadku іz zahisnoy plіvkoy, do not see. For good reason, you need to know the solution for your smartphone model, so that the overlay covers the screen without violating behind it, and that it has the necessary holes for the speakers and microphone. Virobniki indicate on the same model of the phone that the whole product is released.

Warehouse type

The cost of the retail price, and the need for a solution, is also presented in two main options:
  • Glossy cost is cheaper, but it protects the display only in case of shock, but it’s also not enough for the screen to be bright, it’s the same, like it’s for a great screen cover;
  • Matte koshtuvatime is a trifle more expensive, then the bank is not less than a blow from a fall, and a y from a vіdbliskiv. In addition, as a result of the image, a little bit can be caused by the effect of merrymaking.


And the axis is the first factor, which pours in directly on the defender. If all other characteristics are equal, then for promoted security rather, take a future bar'єr, prote straight lines of fallow between comradeship and like a defense of nemaє - everything should be deposited in the quality of the material. If the community is significant, then the gadget visually creates the picture more strongly.


The greater the ostentation, the less significant the May tovshchina was - it’s out and so visible, be it as if you were trying it out. Mezhey mriy є zahist іz hardіstі 9Н - tse vpevnіnіst і the integrity of the display in case of falling and the visibility of the streaks on the screen. Navіt yakscho zahisne sloly rozіb'єtsya or tresne, the corps under it will be deprived of the whole, and the zakhist can be replaced.

The presence of oleophobic coating

Expensive solutions may be more oleophobic covered, like a vіdshtovhuє fat. As a result, the touch screen always looks clean, without unreasonable flames of fingers. Navіt yakshcho on the surface z'yavlyayutsya like zabrudnennya, it's easy to see them.

Complete set

Sometimes it is not sold individually, but in a set of two or three pieces. True, it’s so rare that it’s so rare that someone who can be arrogant, and happen to be even a sloppy vlasnik, so that in an hour of winning one smartphone, two girls are very bad at it. If you see yourself as such, just look around once you get it - it's cheaper.

Vpevnenist with the future for a modest sum

The repair of an expensive current gadget can be a strong blow to the gut of the Lord, so it’s better to talk about those that the gadget has never been repaired.

Buying navit inexpensive smartphone varto buy i accessories for zahistu yoga vіd poshkodzhen. It is especially necessary to protect the screen of a smartphone, even if at times it is possible to use the extension.

To protect the screen of a smartphone, more of us will get special swimwear. If the purchase is correct, the screen zahisnіy swimmer less frayed, rizik razbiti yogo also decreases. And yet another view of the screen - sklo.

Benefits of the wicked warehouse:

Yogo mіtsnіst up to mechanical poshkodzhenі rich things, lower in plіvok. The most difficult thing you can try to do is shave with a knife and scissors, and you can’t get enough of it. It also zahisne significantly reduces the risk of shock to the screen during shock stress.

Zahisna was able to serve more richly, lower zahisna plіvka.

Zahisne sklo trimaet richly shorter than the lower similar plіvka.

Nedolіki zakhisnogo skla:

The price for such a fold, lower for smelting, prote smelting will happen more often, which increases the cost of it.

For some reason, the sensitivity of the sensor to the phone screen is reduced, but expensive models of smartphones have less of an effect.

The comradeship of the telephone after gluing the warehouse will be greater, the lower comradeship of the telephone with plіvkoy.

What to choose - slo chi plіvku?

In my opinion, it’s not a matter of principle for a koristuvach to increase the totality of the smart phone (that won’t be great), but the small decrease in the sensitivity of the sensor, the varto vibirati sklo, and even more richly protect the device from mechanical poshkodzhen.

Any smartphone display you need post-Zahist navit yakscho vy pridbali yourself stay model. Don't worry about the possibility of installing an additional storage warehouse on the phone. I will help you to continue the practical work, and also save your own survivability. When choosing a protection warehouse on the surface of the phone, it is important to understand what is the priority and how the task will be taken. Therefore, it is important to understand how many rules.

Rule number 1

To rush out of the hardened warehouse, as if in advance they are processed by special seepages and chemical layers. In case of porіvnіnі zі zvichaynoy zapobіzhnoy pіvkoy pomit, scho device, preparations zі skla, 2-5 times comrade, and even more.


As a matter of fact, the phone is folded from five different balls, leather from which they can perform their function:

  1. Silicone base. The first ball, which secures the nadiyne zcheplennya warehouse from the display of the smartphone.
  2. Streaming. With a poor display, it is not likely to break into small pieces, and the crack is not far away.
  3. Anti-blisk. With a sleepy light and a bright light, the screen becomes bright and the image is clear.
  4. Zapobіzhny. Be safe nadiy zahist display showing chips, abrasions and scuffs.
  5. Oleophobic. Protects the surface of water and fat.

If it’s not easy to store, if you need more functions, it’s better, then when choosing, focus on a similar warehouse.


Also, there is a sprat of various glasses, and itself:

  • Glossy.
  • Mattov.
  • Private cover.

Glossy cover is the widest. For the new one is characterized by a vividness to the screen, without a spoof, it keeps the functions victorious and may be unremarkable on the display.

Matte zahisne slo maє vіstі vіst trohi spovoryuvаvat picture, аlе thаt yоgo havаga іn thаt wіth drowsy or bright light the image does not flicker. Therefore, with frequent visits to the streets or bright places, it is recommended to vicorate with a matte finish.

Private cover - if there is a particular type of blackout, which may be special. On the right, in the fact that the display is visible only for an hour, I look at it straight ahead. If you look at the phone sideways, you will see only a black screen, but just turn the gadget to your front side, the image will suddenly appear. Zastosuvannya such a warehouse is relevant, if you want to attach it to the screen in front of third-party eyes. For example, you don’t have much more to do with the public transport than what is shown on the screen.

Rule number 2. Tovshchina

Zahisne slo on the iPhone and other models of telephones, are sold in the stores of various commodities and are selected in the fall depending on the minds of the exploitation model line. Tovshchina zahisnoy surface is most often to talk about the steps of hardness and mity. Chim comrade sklo, tim out stіykіshe to raznomanіtnyh ushkodzhen. The range of compressibility starts from 0.15 to 1 mm. Tim is thinner slo, tim is less remembered on smartphones and navpaki. Warto means that too old zahisn glass looks even more unaesthetic and conducive. old look phone. It is recommended to use vicorist for smart phones with a thickness of 0.28-0.5 mm;

The hardness of the sound to us zahisnoy plіvka kolivaetsya vіd 3 to 5 N, scho in kіlka razіv less, nіzh in zahisnogo skla. A glass of pokrittya richly protects the phone from the worst possible. However, the testimony of the commercials is a trick, if the Galaxy is not good, or other brands that hit with a hammer, it's a marketing trick. In such situations, it is impossible to protect an armor-piercing cap, but if you chipped in the fall and under the glass, the cover of the guaranteed coastline.

Rule #3

Virobniki go to be-like cunning, to get a purchase, proponuchi zrazki z pіdvishchennoyu zhorstkіstyu, opaque, glossy, deafening about the presence of overcharacteristics. People are powerfully bathed in all cunning tricks and as a result, they bathe not those that are necessary for the truth, but those that are well advertised. Don't shy away from advertising, but focus on two main characteristics of choosing the right glass for smartphones:

  • Tovshchina warehouse.
  • Riven mіtsnostі.

When choosing a comrade, it is important to balance the balance between the gnuchkist of the hardy slope and the hardy hardy. On the right, in the fact that your accessory from the lesser tovshchina is richer in dealing with frontal blows, and with more - you can not run into the wicked ushkodzhenny. Also, remember that the comradeship does not in any way pour into steadfastness until it is broken and beaten.

If you are worthy of mіtsnostі, then it’s more likely that you’ll win the equal 9 N. If you’ll be lower, if you drop the phone on the butt, you’ll be flat too low. Mіtsnіst ponad 9 N to rob the zahisne is not elastic, which increases the possibility of cracking during the blows. With such a mіtsnistyu, with strong frontal shocks, the phone will not be safe, the phone will not be safe when it is stuck on the end part, it will crack and it will deform at once with the smartphone screen.

Nove zahisne sklo maє additional functions- 2.5D processing and oleophobic coating. Obviously, the versatility of such wicked glasses is different for a sprig of people, it is necessary to instill that intelligence that you need such speeches.

Vіdminnі risi of the modern zahisny warehouse

2.5D-processing - especially the processing of the ends along the entire perimeter. Obroblene in a similar way sloped, may have a slight bevel in the end part and additional hardening. The appearance of the bevel improves tactile perception, and the transition between the smartphone case and the glued back bevel becomes practically unremarkable both visually and on the dot.

Oleophobic cover, as it has already been assigned to a thicker, reshuffle the dead saw, fat, and allow the smartphone display to be permanently cleaned. It is due to the fact that it is specially covered with fat and zabrudnennya. In addition, you see, with such ease the finger is swiped across the screen, which, without a trace, makes it easier to pick up the phone.

Rule number 4

In order not to waste money on tricky unscrupulous sellers, when buying, also pay attention to such details:

  • Absolutely all glass protections are virobable according to the same model of the phone or the line of smartphones, as the screen parameters change. If so, check the placement of the openings for the camera, speakers, and so on. Explore, sharpen, viplyuvati tsey accessory is fenced!

  • On the packaging of the shoes, the price of the warehouse is indicated.
  • When choosing a comrade, insure your mind and zastosuvannya. For everyday pobutovyh minds, the middle class is a whole lot. For extreme minds, there are more options to choose from, or more expensive options.
  • Glossiness and mattness do not suffice for the infusion of the steps of zahistu. In any case, you choose better for yourself.

I, obviously, additional services. Practically all shops, when buying an accessory, try to force a servant to stick it in a warehouse. The price varies between 200-600 rubles, depending on the size of the smartphone itself. As a way of pіdrakhuvati, it is necessary to carry out a worthy amount of money for a rock, it is necessary to spend 4 to 6 times on the river at the average change of the rock. It is not so important to install a smart bank on the phone with a hand, with which you can save up to 5 thousand rubles per river.

Rule number 5

It is important to understand that, with its popularity and functionality, it is not easy to borrow the main space in the market, it is necessary to drink for food, as it is not easy to finish the assigned functions. Therefore, with special respect, pick up an accessory, don’t save money when buying a zahistu, otherwise you risk buying a drink and breaking an expensive smartphone, as it seems, it’s stingy to pay two. It should be understood that it is armored with a 2.5D finish, with oleophobic coatings and a hardness of 9 H, but it cannot be sold for a size of a superb screen protector.

Vartist - tse pokanik, which zavzhd vodchit about the quality of the product. It is shaped by the popularity of the brand, the presence of additional accessories, the cheating and other important nuances for the purchase. As you know, most expensive accessories are available for all kinds of gadgets, for example, for Samsung or iPhone. Prote tse zovsim does not mean that it is worse for smart phones for other types of smartphones.

To protect, buying a good Galaxy or for another phone, you can by poking around the goods from Chinese and Korean online stores, for example, Aliexpress. I will increase the strength of the vartos and the vigor to pronounce the attacks of the attackers:

  • Brando.
  • Nilkin.
  • Mokolo.

Z Russian vineyards ce LuxCase and Ainy. Zahisne sklo on Samsung and other models of smartphones can be practically used in all salons of the style call.

How to stick zahisne slo

The process of gluing a fold for a beginner can, at first glance, be immovably foldable, after a few trials you can consider yourself an expert from gluing a folded fold. Іstotnoї raznitsі mіzh prikleyuvannyam zakhisnogo sklad on iPhone 7 or other models of smartphones are not available. The succession of the crumbs forever becomes permanent. As the first step in gluing the glass surface, it is recommended to start the process from the back panel of the phone, and then proceed to the front part.

Necessary materials and tools

The display of the smartphone is more spontaneous to the extreme. Just perebuvayuchi in the bag or flu, wines can be squandered with keys, coins, hairpins, or wound with a nail. For the gluing process, you need:

  • Servetka, leaked with purifier.
  • Dry serving.
  • Rozchin for cleaning the eyepieces.
  • Scotch.
  • Zahisne slo on iPhone chi іnsu phone model.

Pokrokov ceramics

The key point is the organization of the working space. Next, choose a place with the smallest saw, a miraculous place will be a bathroom or a kitchen. Living quarters have a great amount of textile coverings, which attract parts of the saw. The most third-party particles are important to the process and make the procedure easier. If you don’t understand what you have done, read the instructions:

  • Wash your hands and prepare the necessary materials and tools.
  • For the help of a servlet, wipe the entire surface of the smartphone, for the need to remove the confusion. You can get a cleanser in a gospodarskom vіddіlі store or cook homeland independently (mix water and alcohol at a ratio of 5: 1, add in the trochs and make dishes for the mitt). Rub the screen to shine.
  • Some of the powders are missing, or other parts, they can be cleaned with adhesive tape.
  • Take out of the package zahisne slo on "Samsung" or find out the model of the phone and remove the seal from those parts, so that it sticks to the screen.
  • Install the defender in such a rank, schob zbіgavsya from the buttons of the mobile annex.
  • Weakly squeeze, say, the same Meizu. Zahisne tends to stick on his own.

When empty spaces are satisfied, swipe across the screen bank card or with a spatula, to release it again. Do not press hard on the screen, the bulbs will appear on their own after a few days after gluing. The results can be absolutely equal, smoother.

Chi can suddenly stick zahisne slo on a smartphone

Yakіsnі zahisnі surfіnі іnі for modern models of smartphoneіv іѕ аlѕо саn twist one-two times. For this next, carefully remove the stain, cover the adhesive surface with murashin alcohol. Gently rub it with ganchirka, soaked in the countryside, and check it, until it’s better. After a deaky hour, set up a zahisne slope for samsung galaxy or other model, vrakhovuuchi roztashuvannya dynamics and buttons. With light ruffles from the middle to the edges, roll along the lines. Dribni bulbashki perish themselves for the good.

How to take zahisne slope

Clean up the sloppy redmi is significantly more folded, lower splendidly. Under the hour of the first gluing, it’s much easier, it’s less necessary to pull on the bookmark, as it will grow out of the outer side of the warehouse. As a defender, it is necessary to take out after a serious mistake, or to replace it with a new one, take a special plastic card and pull it over the edge of the warehouse. Pass the map under the fold on the entire surface of the smartphone, showing the same view of the display.

Yak bachite, vibrati zahisne sklo for mobile phone not so smoothly, like to know and reach the singing subtleties.