Secret box - Prishvin Mikhailo Mikhailovich. Mikhailo Prishvin - Taєmnicha skrinka: Taska

Mikhailo Mikhailovich Prishvin

secret box

In Siberia, in the city, there are more than enough vovkivs, I have energized one thought, which may be a great city for the hromada war:

- Why do you have vipads, so that the wolves attacked the people?

- Buvay, - vіdpovіv vіn. - What's wrong with that? People are zbroya, people are strength, wow! The dog is nothing more.

- However, what kind of dog is that for a bezbroy people.

- It's nothing, - the partisans laughed. - A person has the strongest streak - intelligence, guiltiness and, especially, such strife, so that from every speech you can build your own streak. If it’s bulo, one thought of a simple box has been turned on the fence.

Partizan rozpovіv vypadok z arguzh unsafe polyuvannya on vovkіv іz pigs.

Monthly nights they sat in the sleigh of chotiri myslivtsі and drank a box of pigs with them. The box is great, sewn from napіvtes. A piglet was planted at its box without a lid, and they went to the steppe, the devas of the faceless. And it cost to collect, if the vows are hungry. The axis of the mind hovered in the field and began to pull the pig, one by the ear, one by the leg, one by the tail. The piglet began to squeal: more to pull - more to squeal, and all dzvіnkіshe і dzvіnkіshe, and all over the steppe.

From the sides, on the whole piggy heather, the wild sleigh began to climb up. When the Vovkas approached, raptom throw their feelings and how to hitch! So I flew a box from the sleigh to the pigs, and, naygirshe, having drunk one thoughtful man without a towel and navit without a hat.

Part of the wolfs rushed after the rotting horse, another part pounced on the pig, and in one mile, nothing was lost. If the flowers, having bitten the pigs, wanted to proceed to the innocent people, marvel at the rapt, and the people stumbled, and on the road only one box lay down to the bottom.

The axis came forks to the box and sack, the box is not simple, the box collapses from the road to Uzbekistan and from Uzbekistan in deep snow. Vovki sent carefully behind the box, and squandered the screen on deep snow, in the eyes of vovkiv wine becoming lower and lower.

The Vovkas looked back, but, after standing still, they ran in and sharpened the box from the sides. Stand for a wolf and think, and the box is lower and lower. The wolves come closer, but the box does not sleep: lower and lower. Vovki think: What a wonder? So chekatimemo - a box and zovsіm pіd snіg pіde.

The elder vovk laughed, pidishov to the box, putting his nis to the slot.

And only a little of your vovchiy nіs having added to the tsієї schіlini, like a dune on a new one from the chink! Suddenly, all the vovkas rushed to the bik, having consumed some kudi. And then the myslivtsy turned to help, and the man was alive and well and went out of the junkyard.

- From i all - saying the partisans. - And you think that it is not possible for a harmless man to go against the forks. On those minds of a person, so that a Zakhist could work out of a mustache.

“Allow me,” I said, “telling me at once that the person z-pіd blew like a liar.

- Why blowing? - laughing partisans. - And blowing with his human word, and the stench broke out.

- How can I know the same word against vovkiv?

- Zvichayne word - saying the partisans. - What words seem in such moods? "Evil you, wolves", saying - and nothing more.

M. M. Prishvin is a writer, like a master of volody in a word. Youmu miraculously went into creating absolutely different artistic images and the most beautiful descriptions of nature. Rozpovіd "Taєmnicha skrinka", a short zmіst as proponated in this article, to be included before the cycle of works "Beasts". This writing was the result of Prishvin's trip to the pivnichnyh forests.

M. M. Prishvin, “The Secret Screen”: a short essay

Publishing is carried out in the name of the author, which looks like a description of the rise of history, I feel like an old thought in the Siberian forests. Myslivets tsei at the past was a partisan, like having taken the city for service. Father, why tell us the “Secret Box”? A short zmist begins with a rozmov and admonition and an informed thought about those who often attack people and how scary it is for a person.

Myslyvets, laughing, it seems that for a person, for a wow, like a wonderful dog. With the presence of boldness and courageousness, the innocent one can turn around in the face of these creatures. The short filmmaker of the "Taєmnichoy skrinka" conveys the idea that in whom it is the head of the head between the unsafe Siberian hut and the quarrelsome people.

History about watering on wolves from piglets

On confirmation of their words, many partisans tell a story about those, like four myslivtsiv violating in the steppe to fall on the wolfs. With them, the stench took the pig from the great shukhlyad without a cover, in order to turn the respect of the creatures. It seems that the wintering of the wows is especially starving, to that it is obov'yazkovo react to the heather of the pig. If the stench hovered in the field, then they began to pinch the pigs, so that they would squeal louder and feed the hungry creatures. Zgraya vovkіv came to the sound. Kіn myslivtsіv zlyakavsya hijakіv i rushed away. From a sleigh, a box fell from a piglet and one from a person.

Miraculous Poryatunok

Part of the enemy broke the horse's trail, and the other part got rid of the pigs. Vyshivshi z'isti bezakhisnu people, vovki babbled, scho vanished, and her deputy collapses in the snow, a box that was turned upside down. The creatures appeared like a similar sight to the spantelic.

After that, like a box, destroying it to a heap, the vatagek virіshiv perverіrit, what is there. Vіn got closer and bumped the box with his paw, fawning his muzzle to the slit. Myslivets, scho sitting in the middle, not breaking down and blowing on the new one. Vovk jumped up, and all the fear rushed to get out of fear. In thought, my comrades turned around. So the bezbrayna person vryatuvalas in the face of a whole bunch of hungry huts.

human word

At the rozpovid Prishvin’s “Secret box”, a short zmist of which is propagated here, a human word is guessed, as if “blowing” myslivets on the wolf. Tse words "Fools you, Vovki." The success of the intellect and the victoriousness of handicrafts could have won the mind, it would seem, of a hopeless situation.

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In Siberia, in the city, there are more than enough vovkivs, I have energized one thought, which may be a great city for the hromada war:

- Why do you have vipads, so that the wolves attacked the people?

- Buvay, - vіdpovіv vіn. - What's wrong with that? People are zbroya, people are strength, wow! The dog is nothing more.

- However, what kind of dog is that for a bezbroy people.

- It's nothing, - the partisans laughed. - A person has the strongest streak - intelligence, guiltiness and, especially, such strife, so that from every speech you can build your own streak. If it’s bulo, one thought of a simple box has been turned on the fence.

Partizan rozpovіv vypadok z arguzh unsafe polyuvannya on vovkіv іz pigs.

Monthly nights they sat in the sleigh of chotiri myslivtsі and drank a box of pigs with them. The box is great, sewn from napіvtes. A piglet was planted at its box without a lid, and they went to the steppe, the devas of the faceless. And it cost to collect, if the vows are hungry. The axis of the mind hovered in the field and began to pull the pig, one by the ear, one by the leg, one by the tail. The piglet began to squeal: more to pull - more to squeal, and all dzvіnkіshe і dzvіnkіshe, and all over the steppe.

From the sides, on the whole piggy heather, the wild sleigh began to climb up. When the Vovkas approached, raptom throw their feelings and how to hitch! So I flew a box from the sleigh to the pigs, and, naygirshe, having drunk one thoughtful man without a towel and navit without a hat.

Part of the wolfs rushed after the rotting horse, another part pounced on the pig, and in one mile, nothing was lost. If the flowers, having bitten the pigs, wanted to proceed to the innocent people, marvel at the rapt, and the people stumbled, and on the road only one box lay down to the bottom.

The axis came forks to the box and sack, the box is not simple, the box collapses from the road to Uzbekistan and from Uzbekistan in deep snow. Vovki sent carefully behind the box, and squandered the screen on deep snow, in the eyes of vovkiv wine becoming lower and lower.

The Vovkas looked back, but, after standing still, they ran in and sharpened the box from the sides. Stand for a wolf and think, and the box is lower and lower. The wolves come closer, but the box does not sleep: lower and lower. Vovki think: What a wonder? So chekatimemo - a box and zovsіm pіd snіg pіde.

The elder vovk laughed, pidishov to the box, putting his nis to the slot.

And only a little of your vovchiy nіs having added to the tsієї schіlini, like a dune on a new one from the chink! Suddenly, all the vovkas rushed to the bik, having consumed some kudi. And then the myslivtsy turned to help, and the man was alive and well and went out of the junkyard.

- From i all - saying the partisans. - And you think that it is not possible for a harmless man to go against the forks. On those minds of a person, so that a Zakhist could work out of a mustache.

“Allow me,” I said, “telling me at once that the person z-pіd blew like a liar.

- Why blowing? - laughing partisans. - And blowing with his human word, and the stench broke out.

- How can I know the same word against vovkiv?

- Zvichayne word - saying the partisans. - What words seem in such moods? "Evil you, wolves", saying - and nothing more.

M. M. Prishvin is a writer, like a master of volody in a word. Youmu miraculously went into creating absolutely different artistic images and the most beautiful descriptions of nature. Rozpovіd "Taєmnicha skrinka", a short zmіst as proponated in this article, to be included before the cycle of works "Beasts". This writing was the result of Prishvin's trip to the pivnichnyh forests.

M. M. Prishvin, “The Secret Screen”: a short essay

Publishing is carried out in the name of the author, which looks like a description of the rise of history, I feel like an old thought in the Siberian forests. Myslivets tsei at the past was a partisan, like having taken the city for service. Father, why tell us the “Secret Box”? A short zmist begins with a rozmov and admonition and an informed thought about those who often attack people and how scary it is for a person.

Myslyvets, laughing, it seems that for a person, for a wow, like a wonderful dog. With the presence of boldness and courageousness, the innocent one can turn around in the face of these creatures. The short filmmaker of the "Taєmnichoy skrinka" conveys the idea that in whom it is the head of the head between the unsafe Siberian hut and the quarrelsome people.

History about watering on wolves from piglets

On confirmation of their words, many partisans tell a story about those, like four myslivtsiv violating in the steppe to fall on the wolfs. With them, the stench took the pig from the great shukhlyad without a cover, in order to turn the respect of the creatures. It seems that the wintering of the wows is especially starving, to that it is obov'yazkovo react to the heather of the pig. If the stench hovered in the field, then they began to pinch the pigs, so that they would squeal louder and feed the hungry creatures. Zgraya vovkіv came to the sound. Kіn myslivtsіv zlyakavsya hijakіv i rushed away. From a sleigh, a box fell from a piglet and one from a person.

Miraculous Poryatunok

Part of the enemy broke the horse's trail, and the other part got rid of the pigs. Vyshivshi z'isti bezakhisnu people, vovki babbled, scho vanished, and her deputy collapses in the snow, a box that was turned upside down. The creatures appeared like a similar sight to the spantelic.

After that, like a box, destroying it to a heap, the vatagek virіshiv perverіrit, what is there. Vіn got closer and bumped the box with his paw, fawning his muzzle to the slit. Myslivets, scho sitting in the middle, not breaking down and blowing on the new one. Vovk jumped up, and all the fear rushed to get out of fear. In thought, my comrades turned around. So the bezbrayna person vryatuvalas in the face of a whole bunch of hungry huts.

human word

At the rozpovid Prishvin’s “Secret box”, a short zmist of which is propagated here, a human word is guessed, as if “blowing” myslivets on the wolf. Tse words "Fools you, Vovki." The success of the intellect and the victoriousness of handicrafts could have won the mind, it would seem, of a hopeless situation.

In Siberia, in the city, there are more than enough vovkivs, I have energized one thought, which may be a great city for the hromada war:
- Chi trapyayutsya vipadki, schob vovki attacked people?
- Buvay, - vіdpovіv vіn. - What's wrong with that? The people have a zbroya, the people have strength, but wow! Dog and nothing more.
- However, what kind of dog is that on a bezbraynu people ...
- Nothing! - laughing partisans. - A person has the strongest streak - a mind, guilt, and especially such serenity, so that from whatever speech you can build yourself up. If it’s bulo, one thought of a simple box has been turned on the fence.
Partizan rozpovіv vypadok z arguzh unsafe polyuvannya on vovkіv іz pigs. Monthly nights they sat in the sleigh of chotiri myslivtsі and drank a box of piglets with them. The box is great, sewn from napіvtes. A piglet was planted at its box without a lid, and they went to the steppe, the devas of the faceless. And it cost to collect, if the vows are hungry. The axis of the mind hovered in the field and began to pull the pig, one by the ear, one by the leg, one by the tail. The piglet began to squeal: more to pull - more to squeal, and all dzvіnkіshe і dzvіnkіshe, and all over the steppe. From the left sides, on the whole piggy heather, the owls began to climb and the sleighs of the sleigh began to rush. If the wolfs are close, raptom throw their feelings - and how to hit! So I flew a box from the sleigh to the pigs, and, naygirshe, having drunk one thoughtful man without a towel and navit without a hat.
Part of the wolfs rushed after the rotting horse, another part pounced on the pig, and in one mile, nothing was lost. If the flowers, having bitten the pigs, wanted to proceed to the innocent people, marvel at the rapt, and the people came up and on the road only a box lay down on the bottom. The axis came to the box and sacked: the box is not simple - the box collapses from the road to Uzbekistan and from Uzbekistan in deep snow. Vovki sent carefully behind the box, and squandered the box on deep snow, in the eyes of forks, becoming lower and lower.
The Vovkas looked around, but, after standing still, they greeted and sharpened the box on the sides. Stand for a wolf and think, and the box is lower and lower. The wolves come closer, but the box does not sleep: lower and lower. Vovki think: What a wonder? So chekatimemo - a box and zovsіm pіd snіg pіde.
The elder vovk laughed, pidishov to the box, putting his nis to the slot.
And only a little of your vovchiy nіs having added to the tsієї schilini, like a dune on a new schilini! All at once all the wolves rushed to the bik, having consumed some kudi, and at once the mercenaries turned to help, and the man was alive and well and went out of the junkyard.
- From i all - saying the partisans. - And you think that it is not possible for a harmless man to go against the forks. On those minds of a person, so that a Zakhist could work out of a mustache.
“Let me,” I said, “telling me at once that the person z-pіd slobbered like a breeze.
- Chim blowing? - laughing partisans. - And blowing with his human word, and the stench broke out.
- How can I know the same word against vovkiv?
- Zvichayne word - saying the partisans. - Like words seem in such vipadkah: "Bad you, wolves," saying - and nothing more.