Stone trellises in the interior corridor. Stone trellises in the interior, features of original design

The choice of materials on the current market for processing technologies is even wider. Tim is no less, as one of the capitals and original-looking solutions, I want to see stone trellises, photos in the interior of which will be presented in the galleries until the end of the article. Of course, the name tsya - dosit umovna, oskolki, ozozumilo, viroblyayutsya tsі trellis not from a stone. From the other side, yoga tapestries can also be called less intelligently, shards of wine can not be seen with classic rolled canvases, to which they all sounded. Prote, let's get it right.

Because of their characteristics and numerical pluses, the stone trellises of the building can’t be remade practically, whether it’s an interior, moreover, it’s independent of its style, and it will serve faithfully for a long time. Next comment. What a trivaly term of exploitation is more than possible for a diligent observation. From the other side, similarly guarded, the exploitation of practically all modern materials, as well as machines and mechanisms, starting, for example, in the form of plastic windows, and closing stylish phones chi navіt cars.

Note! The rest of the furnishing, and the very old term of service, is especially valuable in the plan, since the periodicity of the repair is not so important, the shards of replacing the covering for the walls are no longer necessary. It is even more important through those who are responsible for the repair of part of the repair, you have the ability to save significant money, which you yourself understand, to speak arrogantly to the choice of the very wall covering.

Otzzhe, why are there tsikaviy, but not the extensions of the extensions, an option for refining the place? Why do these main features, what principles are used in the design of interiors and glues, let's take a look at all the most important nutrition in more detail and analyze why this material is becoming more and more popular.

What you need to know about this type of processing

We should next discuss and recognize the fact that stone trellises can be made up of innovative material, which, prote, has already managed to conquer many chanuvalniks. If there are materials, from which wines are vibrated, then the most expanded syrovina is a gypsum or gypsum.

When it is necessary to know about those, that mіtsny and nadіyny montage will take care of the roots of the foundation, which will be fixed from textiles. shodo trivial term exploitation, becoming able not only to use the best materials of natural hiking, but also for these reasons, that a lot of pickers could conduct an innovative production process, which allows the release of natural materials ilki nadіyne pokrittya.


Crazy, be it as a cover, which is amazingly widening and popular among the professional market, so among private zamovniks, goiter is a high level of demand from buyers with numerical pluses, and speaking in yogo melancholy. Let's marvel at those who are the pluses of our today's "hero". Stink Axis:

  1. High water resistance.
  2. Mindfulness. Moreover, it is worth not only the building to stand up to mechanical failures, but also to the fact that stone trellises are not weak to wear.
  3. Resistant to sharp and significant temperature changes.
  4. Possibility of winning as for internal improvement, so for outdoor work.
  5. Promotion of anti-burning safety.
  6. Even though the world is insignificant, but the stench of the building is to provide the song of the supplementary thermal insulation. The same can be said about the sound insulation properties.
  7. Zavdyaki sufficient equal of gnuchkost, їх it is possible to vikoristovuvat for processing of uneven surfaces of such constructive elements of the apartment, like partitions, arches, colonies and other non-standard constructions.
  8. Vіdmіnna zvnіshnі characteristics, zavdjaki іnter'ієr kvarіlі, vykonanіv practical in any style, vyglyadatimé privably and іndivіdualno.
  9. The supply of hypoallergenic materials is ensured by the selection of environmentally friendly materials that are safe for the health of people.

Okremo would like to support the furnishings, which material is not foldable during installation. After you have learned the instructions, all the robots can be worked independently, having done the gluing with your own hands. In this rank, to allow you the need to hire a brigade of fahivtsiv, who, at your own discretion, will help you save a penny sum.

Get respect! Dodatkovu privablivіst іnter'єru nadas poddnannya kam'yanikh trellises with іnshimi materials at otdoblennі stіnі and obshtuvannі vnutrishny space kіmnati. In addition, you have the opportunity to vicoristize a vіdpovіdnu khurtovinu, decor items and additional accessories, which will be vіdmіnno poddnuvatisya with stone trellises. Butt can be different wooden structures and souvenirs made of wood and other natural materials.

Mіzh іnhim, є chimalo options for the creation of artistic compositions from zastosuvannyam of this material. Their skin is sensitive in its own way. We will talk about the principles of design and design at the offensive division.

Possible design solutions

One of the most important features given materialє їhnya zdatnіst znachit vnutrіshє ozdoblennya navit samoї skomnoї kіmnati. If so, you can’t guess about those that the price of such a repair will be remarkably low, which, insanely, is a powerful argument for the cost of choosing stone trellises as material for internal improvement.

In addition, a trace of memory about those who victorious Danish view Materials can be found not only in apartments, living quarters, but also in foreign cottages, but also in large non-living houses. So, you can decorate the interior of a bar, cafe, restaurant, lobby in a spa / sauna and so on. You can’t forget about those that the tapestries are made of stone, as they are called by other people, you can practically wink in a room of an apartment. Crimea is such a traditional place for similar processing, like the front corridor, you can often visit the living room (hall), the kitchen, the bathroom, the children's room, the bedrooms and the balconies. The axis is such a variety of options, which indicates the universality of the material.

What is worth the choice of colors, it is necessary to say that in the most vipadkіv dan it is vibrated in the whole traditional natural tones, like power for the stone:

  • Syria.
  • Pisochny.
  • Brown.
  • Other shades of natural colors.

Due to the fact that natural materials of natural origin are used in the process of preparation of vicory, it also includes the need for additional zastosuvannya of such speeches as chemical additives and barvniki, which are used for polypshennia color. No, in this situation you can do without them.

Pleased with the designer! Irrespective of those that stone trellises miraculously fit for decorating a practical interior, regardless of style, it’s still better to win them in a classic setting, de stink will look the most beautifully and thinly. In addition, similar interiors as a whole allow for the accumulation of accompanying materials, so that you can win as a companion. Go, persh for everything, about all the inserts, vicons, including such materials, like granite or marmur.

In any mood, decorating with this material will give you more realism, and the presence of natural materials will make it not only receive the sound, and it will help to create a more calm atmosphere. Adzhe bagatma psychologists have long marked that the greatest comfort in the world is the same interior, as it is founded on vikoristan as syrovin, so it is like nature gives us.

Such firmness is not repulsive, the relics of our distant ancestors, who lived on the Earth for hundreds of thousands and forged millions of years, genetically sounded to similar materials and quotes. Significantly the world itself s tsієї cause richly someone accepts plastic and other materials, as if they were synthesized by a piece rank, as if not farther away for victoria in the inner space of your life. Until then, piece materials are far from being safe from the point of view of ecology.

Briefly about installation

There were few people who would say one thing: why can you glue stone trellises with your own hands? Vidpovid, as a rule - simple: yes, you can. Tim is not less, independent vikonannya robit can only think for sure that you will definitely look after everyone possible instruction that order. In addition, do not call victorious professionals, as it is customary to say in such vipadkas, “fuck a dog” on vikonan robit such a plan. Otzhe, what are the main stages of vikonannya robit? Let's rearrange them in chronological order:


The first stage in the gluing of stone trellises, yak, vtim, and in the case of vikonann, it is practical to be some other work in the repair of life - a chain of preparation, in the event of a significant world, to lay down the residual success of the work. You will have to pick up all the materials, including the tapestries themselves, glue, as well as the tools necessary for the installation.

If you are talking about tools and accompanying materials, then you will need:

  • Putty and primer in order to prepare the surface of the wall.
  • Gostra hacksaw for the trellis of the correct outline, lower and olive.
  • Glue, tape measure and budіvelny rіven.
  • The material itself, which, before speech, is best taken from the reserve.

Put all the curtains on the working surface, including possible excesses of old trellises, saws, wood, putty and everything that can override the yoke installation. Whip for this spatula and, if necessary, emery paper. For the presence of obvious damage (splitting, cracks, bruises, etc.), check the number of months for additional putty. Let's cover the wall with a primer.

When tsimu bagzhano podbati about correct choice color and about the possibility of harmonization with other materials. Since you still don’t have any good ideas for the cause of what you can do, take a look at the photo of the stone trellises in the interior, which, better than everything, put your thoughts on ideas and add creativity in thought. Rozkreslіt stіnu, vikoristovuyuchi zazanі more іnstrumenti, і as an offensive stage, you can go to gluing.

Wow! Before that, how to repair the glue of the stone trellis with your own hands, carefully read the instructions for their gluing, so that you can add a picker.

As for the choice of glue, then when buying, it is necessary to tell the seller about those, which material you choose for decorating the interior, after which you will choose the best option. Often, when victorious, glue for ceramic tiles is used, as well as the titles of “rare flowers”, which are distinguished by the specific characteristics that are to be glued.

As for the methods of gluing, it is possible to glue stone trellises both without seams and with seams. With seamless gluing, suturing of dry leaves is carried out outside. Tse, before the speech, є shortening decisions from a look of opirnosti before hitting the water. If you glue such tapestries exclusively for decorative purposes and do not worry about the possibility of penetration of water on the surface of the material, then it is quite suitable for installation with seams, as if they are covered with silicone sealant.

About those, how to properly glue a decorative stone, also known as “stone trellises”, you can find out from the brown video instructions:

In the 70s and 80s of the last century, in our country, trellises under a stone were extremely popular, with which they pasted over kitchens, vitals and bedrooms. A new stone and a stone moved from the castle house, miraculously moving from the countryside style to the interior. In this hour, the popularity of the stone is growing again with the skin day.

Advantages of imitation

An informed designer can be sure that the trellis is cheap and has no imitation of natural stone. However, vrakhovuchi rіven rіven modern materials, we can say with confidence: such a thought is not viable. Zvichaynno well, the majestic parade of imitation in front of the right stone is falling at a low vartost. Ale, krіm tsіni, є sche a number of important arguments, yakі to reconsider the trellis itself under the stone.

  • Imitation is richly light, which can be of great importance in richly overlaid booths.
  • It is possible to experiment with such material. Don't wait for our judgments to be valid. It is necessary to call to the stone in the interior, and the trellis is the best option for this. The recent experiment simply rips up the walls, replacing yoga with a new cover.
  • Kamin - to finish the cold and cold material. Somebody feels calmer at the place where the tapestries are.

Fireplace in the interior

Tapestries imitating stone miraculously fit for the design of the kitchen, bringing peace to the mind.

  • In the kitchen, it is beautiful and hateful to look at the smuga between the style and the overhanging shafks. For gluing the working space, you can vicorate water-resistant miyuchі vinіlovі or acrylic canvases. The far zone can be pasted over with paper.
  • At the corridor, the imitation of a chervona or a white ceglu looks good, a great natural stone of a light color, pebbles.
  • At the vital sound, make out one or two walls. The “stones” of little ones and the electric fireplace are wonderfully combined.
  • At the zamіskom booth, the little ones under the stone, or zastosovuyt the whole for the style. Tsey style is a rough variety of country. Plank flooring, stone masonry, important furniture in the modern state-of-the-art technology and accessories - the axis of the main characteristics of the style.

At the hearty tonality, with stone walls, there is a tree that forged grati.

Siri and brown tones of stone are better to eat with light furniture. White stone blocks and vapnyak chi marmur are used for decorating the interior in Roman and Mediterranean style, and the yellow pischanik, the color of ivory brush and ocher add Egyptian motifs.

Pokrittya with the little one under the stone vicorist not only in home interior. Decorated in a similar style is even more popular in public places - cafes and restaurants, hotels and business centers. Stone walls create a unique atmosphere and reinforce the surroundings.

The greatness of the trellises with imitation of stone is great - the variety of textures is majestic and small. You can pick up the practical be-like zabarvlennya, navit those who do not exist in nature. Dark and light colors, imitation of red, yellow and white stones, wild stone, pebbles, all kinds of natural materials - granite, marmur, vapnyak, wood grain, quartz - the designer has all possible options.

Structural differences

paper trellis

Paper trellises are cheaply made, made from environmentally friendly material, they easily lie on the wall. The stench may not be surrounded by a large number of options, a little one, but the texture is the same. Podіbnіst іz stone dosit vіddalena, moreover, paper trellises less dovgovichnі, nizh vіnіlovі, і more primhlivі to the minds of dovkіll. In order to increase the term of exploitation, buy a lot of leaks, so you can give a mitt.

Vinyl trellises

Vinyl trellises are the most accessible and non-viable in operation. It's easy to glue on the wall, and the surface does not require rete- lative preparation and curing. The backing of the vinyl prihovuє drіbnі nerіvnostі stіni, kindly imituє the relief of the stone. Vіnіlovі trellises to finish dovgovіchnі during dbaylivіy exploitation, good miyutsya, but it's not recommended to vikoristovuvat їх at the apartment, de є small children.

Skloplastikovі tapestries

Sklovoloknistі tapestries, or sloped tapestries, - new look products to the Russian market. We prepare їх зі sla, like weaving at the fiber, forming yarn of different textures. Let's weave a cloth from it. Victory plants have only natural materials, such as quartz sand, vape, soda and dolomite.

Skloshpaleri richly mіtsnіshe, nizh vіnіlovі, stinks do not fray, good miyutsya, bezpechnі, do not accumulate drank that static electricity. They don’t have fungus, that fungus doesn’t stink, the mountain doesn’t stink.

Up to a few skloshpalers can be stepped forward:

  • he needs a perfectly even wall;
  • їх it is necessary to farbivat, moreover, for farbuvannya there is a lot of material;
  • when farbuvannі in kіlka balls vtrachaєє invoice;
  • skloshpaleri can be glued into the walls under the vagary glue and furby;
  • їх it is important to see zі stіni pіd hour of offensive repair;
  • to imitate the stone surroundings of little ones that texture.

Slope trellises are good to vikoristovuvati for the design of the bathroom - there will be more firmness to the raised water.

Photo trellis

On the photo espaliers, the imitation of stone on paper is close to the natural look, but the stench may have a negative power of paper - low quality, low relief. The larger original version is a photo trellis based on fabric for the type of tapestry. The stench looks like a vishukano that is stylish. We let out fabrics that are self-adhesive, trellises, which can be re-glued without wasting strength.

Gnuchka stone trellises

There is one more new word for the decorated walls – lamb stone trellises. This is an ideal replacement for an important and expensive stone. We prepare them for special technology for additional application of piskovik, or rather for gypsum, on a fabric basis. Let's sweat on the surface, the palette of colors is richer. There are unique natural grains, the basis of which is the natural texture of the material.

We let stone trellises from rolls or from ready-made tiles up to 16 mm. The material is environmentally friendly, miraculously "breathing", may have a small weight (no more than 10 kg per m 2). The new one has low versatility and good similarity with natural stone.

Also, stone trellises can be used for other things:

  • term of service - 20–30 years;
  • vitrimuyut temperature vіd + 650 ° C to - 30 ° C;
  • wink for interior and exterior decoration of walls;
  • the surface of the vіdshtovkhuє brud, stіyka to diї vologia;
  • can glue hot surfaces;
  • accessories for decorating relief walls and columns.

The dotik material is warm and welcoming. Glue like an ancient trellis, but it is also necessary to resolutely prepare the wall - to level the surface, to remove the ford, to prime it. Glue is applied on the wall and on the trellis. Above the stone trellises are covered with a special design.

Today's industry promotes a rich imitation of natural stone on trellises. You can use traditional paper and vinyl varieties or new technologies in looking glassy and gnuchka stone trellises. Must stink of your own misfortune and shortcomings. The trellises, which are made equal to the decoration of the walls with natural stone, can be lowered, easily glued and can be replaced if necessary.

Vicorist trellises imitating stone, easily fit different design solutions: Roman and Mediterranean style, country or Egyptian style. Kam'yanі stіni zavzhdy praise awake and bring an unforgettable coloring to be-yaké occupied.

  • Tools and materials
  • Robotic installation of stone gypsum tapestries
  • Gnuchka stone trellises

It’s already easy to make a modern-day calmer with unusual solutions in the gallery of everyday materials, but not richly someone shows, like stone trellises look in the interior. This building material is a piece of thin and ecological variety of decorative stone. Kam'yanі trellises can be attached at the sight of tiles or rolls, the average thickness of the material is approximately 15 mm thick. In the rest of the hour, the grant of improvement gains more and more popularity, which is explained by the ease of the process of laying, the insignificant quality and longevity.

Installation of stone trellises can be done on the surface.

If you touch stone trellises, then you will not be able to mix them with natural materials with natural textures. Renovation of the inner and outer corner elements, like in the case with a massive stone for decorating the facade, the trellis elements can be stitched like a traditional ceramic tile.

As another plus of the above-described building material, which is victorious in the interior, it is insignificant, but it does not exceed 10 kg / m 2, so installation can be carried out on any surface. Tse mozhe buti: aerated concrete, polystyrene, drywall too. Robots can be created on their own without help.

Stone trellises are made from traditional gypsum, which stands out like a syrovin base. On the view of natural stone, trellises with gypsum are warm, and on the dot, put on a cold room.

Stone trellises can be strengthened with some kind of glue, which can be used for work with important trellises, you can use silicone or acrylic sealant. On the surface, it is not necessary to prepare a distant leg, it is not necessary to add a farby, a plaster or a putty ball, to go into the base as a foundation to wind the zvichaynist trellis. Stone trellises can be pasted over like an entire wall, so only a part of it, combining processing with other materials. In the role of one more power, one can see the beauty of such trellises, as they demonstrate high rіven wear resistance, and the axis of the lower region can be repaired.

Tools and materials

  • acrylic-silicone seepage;
  • roller;
  • mounting hair dryer;
  • emery paper;
  • glue;
  • stone trellises;
  • cement mastic;

Turn to hell

Robotic installation of stone gypsum tapestries

Zdіysnyuvati koriguvannya rozmіru trellis is even simpler. You can cut, grind and saw, to allow you to take away the elements that fit under the same place of laying. Buying a piece, next take it from a reserve of 20% of the total obligation to the material necessary for carrying out the work. Tse pov'yazano z scho, scho s transportovannya deyakі elementi can go wrong. In addition, you may need a little more material in the installation process.

On fig. 1 you can use the installation schemes for tiles that are installed on the wall using the gluing method.

Glue the stone trellis next to the stick, with which the end of one tile of the troch comes on the end of the other. Tse allow to attach the butt of the first tile. You can achieve the maximum harmony by the method of drawing through 1 row, which are mounted in a row. You can reach the ideal summation, like vicorating an emery papyr, it is permissible to put a brush on the bottom or grinding a grid. Sanding should go through the ends of the dry tiles, making a chamfer at 45 °.

When rusting the end seams, it is necessary to mount the tiles, turning their end to the edge of the end, then decorate the seam, sealing the ends of the tiles. Rustivka owing to buti was carried out with a packing sum, as if at the warehouse there was a glue sum and a cement mastic. Otriman sumish can be made in the desired color, which will allow you to take away the effect of the different masonry.

When working with stone trellises, one more way of laying tiles can be installed. For whom, at the ends of the susіdnіh vrobіv, it will be necessary to viplyat on the kshtalt of the castle gate. In this case, it doesn’t matter if some of the details look symmetrical, as the main thing is that the tiles fit one to one.

Pratsyyuchi with stone tapestries, on the vіdmіnu be-yakoy іnshої obrobki, material can not be afraid of lamati. It would be better to allow us to take away the effect of old fashioned art and paint the patches on the surface with virobs.

Turn to hell

Gnuchka stone trellises

In the inter'єrі often vykoristovuyutsya and lamb stone trellis, yakі mayut shche y easiness, cream of elasticity.

This material is obtained from a piskovik, obtained in a quarry.

In the process of making trellises, we add special acrylic sums for 3 mm cloth. Further harvesting is done and coming to the forefront for further improvement of the outer side. Qi tapestries can also be attached both in sheets and in slabs. If you want to take advantage of the rolled stone, then the dimensions may be equal to 1020x2200 mm, the tiles may be sized: 340x550 mm, 160x265 mm or 80x265 mm.

In inter'єri kam'yanі trellises, krіm names of features, are characterized by fire resistance, frost resistance and lack of exit. Moreover, such materials do not require special preparation of the base before gluing. Kamyanі gnuchki trellises may prevail over the descriptions, vikonanimi gypsum, and even the stench does not fix the creases and cracks in the cracks, but does not allow the robes to be decorated with the material on the uneven surfaces. The gnuchkiy kamin of the building is to take a small share of the land that is being cultivated. However, decorating the interior with gnuchki stone trellises, next vikoristovuvat mounting hair dryer, which, if necessary, the drawing of material and additionally more pliable. Tse allows you to sheathe such trellises like cuti, and kulyasty elements, and wind colonies. As only the tapestries were built into the kutka, it is necessary to finish the offending sides of the wrapping with a roller, which will allow the tapestries to be pressed to the surface.

Inter'єr for the help of gnuchka tapestries, you can embellish, gluing a trim on the surface, among them not only wood, but also metal. And if the axis is to be worked on with a glyane wall, then it should be covered with plaster in front, and then primed to increase the adhesive power of the glue. As the main vimogu to come out of the surface of the gostrih elements and in the pits.

Decorate the interior from the stagnant stone, embedded in the tapestries, following the temperature of +10°C and of.

Use in a robotic way special acrylic glue of the DV-11 brand, which can be used in different colors: from barless to black. In order to fix 1 m² of stone trellises, you need about 600 g of glue.

As soon as a soft stone appears, we strengthen it to the wall, you can work it on the surface of the thicker coverings. It can be acrylic-silicone seepage. It is not necessary to turn on the piping of the piskovik, and if the trellises were glued on, then the material will be saved from the vіvіtryuvannya and vizvіtannya. In all other types of protection, the trellises of the trellis are steadily recognized by the influx of water and brud. For a cover of 1 m², it is necessary to vicorate 200 g of such cover.

With zdіysnennі ozdobluvalnyh robіt seredinі pri_shchennya zahisne pokrittya May buti applied on 2nd approach. For the protection of trellises, pasted on the facade, the amount of application should be increased up to 3-4 times. Start the application of a new ball behind the next after hanging in front. In this order, the gaps between the sums applied become approximately 5 years old. To apply the glue, you can use a brush or a roller. And the axis to cut the rolled stone trellis can be done with a mounting knife.

The trellises in the interior will always look impressive and actual, and the stone trellises will look extraordinary. When working with them, it’s not necessary to have a mother like a newcomer, even if building materials are used to add some small amounts of food.

The trellises and floorings are different, and it is even more important for the middle of the majestic number not to know what is necessary for the creation of a singing type of interior. In case of special popularity, there may be such variations, yakі іmіtuyut іnshі types of covers, from natural to piece. Among them, the most important are the trellises and stone in the interior, not only living quarters, but also the offices of shops.

Application features

For the first time, it is necessary to say about those that do not see the material in the same way in all types of application. On the right, in the fact that covering a stone and a stone, they create a singing type of interior, which, however, cannot be stagnant in the rooms. different mind, otherwise I will again depersonalize them ().

In the case of any profession, designers are not happy to win such materials in the same application, regardless of whether we will frown on it with the same type.


  • Vibirayuchi trellises for the rest of the stone, fakhivtsі recommend zupinyatisya on light colors, shards of application this type there is no natural lighting. Such a solution is to allow visually expand the dimensions, especially in the case of additional items.

  • Let me tell you about those that the trellises in the corridor under the stone vicorist sound like fragments, like they make a beautiful picture. In the same way, they try to create the simplest forms, as if they imitated colonies, stands, frames, or other details of the interior.
  • If you blame the bazhannya, install such a cover over all vertical surfaces of the place, then in such a situation, varto vikoristovuvat the trellis under the stone. The stench will miraculously look like a small room, creating an original old look.

Please! The first step is to buy similar material, it is recommended to fold the sketch of the work on the cob or to work out the plan from the selection of the special software. It is necessary to give a visual statement about the pouch's elegant appearance of the final design and, in addition, to make corrections.

Kitchen and sanitary block

  • Tapestries for the kitchen under the stone vicorist often dosit. The stench creates a sing-song-like look, which is good for organizing a zone of repair and navit for a working surface.

  • It is important that the trellises in the kitchen or in the bathroom are due to the mass of additives, medium resistance to water and mechanical injections. Podіbnі zh vymogi are presented to the warehouse, what to glue.
  • Fahіvtsі stverdzhuyut, that for the application of this type it is necessary to zastosovuvat vinyl materials. The stench is richly practical, toiling a miraculous zahisny ball and looking miraculously on the surface.

Please! Choose a modern-looking trellis for the cih kimnat varto vykhodyachi іz installed in them the possession of that furniture. Won cost more expensively and replace it much more importantly.

Hall and bedroom

  • Sound the trellises under the wild stone in such rooms do not vicorist. However, if the singing style of the interior is created, then such a material may well be useful.

  • In most cases, designers will make such arrangements for organizing song zones and demarcation.. At the same time, vicorist trellis under a decorative stone, yakі may be clear forms of vіzerunkіv that correctly zabarvlennya.
  • Particularly good in applications of this type are photo trellises. However, the price yak_snih virobiv what kind of dosing the temple, wanting to take away the result as a whole is true to all vitrati.

Please! Such materials are not varto vikoristovuvaty as the main element of the decor. The stench may have clear forms and songful little ones, and then, they should be stabbed for framing.

Application of another type

  • Dosit often instructions for design craftsmanship recommend vikoristovuvat such decoration for stylization of bars, restaurants and clubs. She looks miraculously, and create a sing of enmity.

  • In offices, similar tapestries are also victorious. However, they are encouraged to choose from light colors and the presence of regular forms.
  • If you create an interior with your own hands, it is necessary to protect the thought of those other people, as they will exploit them or take care of the professionals. In another case, incorrectly chosen design can reduce productivity or provoke teasing.


Having learned from the video in this article, you can see more detailed information about trellises with such zabarvlennyam. So take as a basis Danish text, The following is a list of visnovoks about those that are similar to the elements of the decor, you can wink in any application, but only with the right preparation at the planning stage ().

Original solution with trellises under the stone

If you want to beautifully decorate the room with your own hands, but if you don’t beat expensive natural stone, you can glue the walls with trellises, which imitates looking at stone masonry.

The trellis under the stone can be a little overwhelmed, which I did not call bi technical, but rather just human:

  1. First, the trellises under the stone allow you to save on the design with your own hands, as well as to join them with other trellises. About those, how to glue the tapestries of two kinds, we'll talk later
  2. Leather from us, carrying out repairs independently, if you want to be a designer, and in any case you can try different ideas and periodically introduce new design options into the design.
  3. For riches best option tse vikoristovuvaty trellises that imitate a stone, and not work the right masonry. It's amazing that a lot of people don't feel comfortable in such unique accommodations.
  4. Vykoristannya elementіv pіd kaіn allows zastosovuvat together with them other design options. You can beautifully vicorate and dark trellises, and in deyaky vipads you can embroider bright blue, low-pastel tones and yellow trellises for walls

Important! KRIM TO, Shpaleri Ziitatsiy Kamenu, it is easy to get the depravity of the defect, Sho Z'yavavili, on the vidmin of the restaurant of the Kama'anian masonry, the thus is so summarized by the obsessed matters. Zavdyaki z'yavlyaєtsya mozhlivist beautifully decorate the room and add an unimaginable design, creations with their own hands.

Brightly decorated walls

Vikoristovuyuchi trellises on the wall, you can not only carry out the main lining of the walls, but also beautifully zastosovuvat їх like an accent. Looking at different options for imitation stone, there are different ideas, in which you want to victorious in tandem with them and dark trellises, and blue trellises, and in deaky truncations, yellow trellises, and navit rozhevі tapestries. Let's take a look at the meaning of the ash colors for the design of the room:

  • The basic color for the design can be called buzkovі tapestries in the interior. The stars of the majestic number of sights can victorious buzkovy trellises in the inter'єrі whether they are occupied. In the rest of the hour, people vvazhayut for more beautifully refinish the walls not with low buzkovy trellises, but instead with bright expressive tones. Before the speech, the buzkovi espaliers in the interior can be bought with smaller suites. For example, let's add trellises together with them to add a room of singing naїvnostі and to instill innocence. And the axis of the idea is to fill the interior with gold with expensive and vishukanim. At the right golden vikonanna, the room looks spectacular, but at the same time, from the buzkovy color, it will become a harmony.
  • And the axis of the brown trellis in the interior can be twisted for rooms, de statements of the classic design. Brown and chocolate tones miraculously combine with other citruses. For example, the yellow trellis in the interior is often supplemented with other colors and dark trellises of the building to add a song and focus on your own accent. Bright yellow trellises are complemented by plaids and dark-coloured curtains.

  • Yellow trellis in the interior and dark trellis can also be combined with each other. Blue elements are coming for some kind of place, and even blue colors are always coming out of yellow farbs. However, the next victorious blue colors for bedrooms, and even ideas with bright colors can not go through cold tones.
  • Blue trellises are better complemented and diluted with other materials and decorative elements. The blue color is calm. Vіn lowering activity, it is more likely to zastosovuvat yaskravishі tone in the playrooms.
  • Rozhevі trellis to talk about lowness, thinness and romanticism. The fallow espaliers can be calm, so awake. A lot of designers are happy to create children's playrooms and bedrooms in shades of erysipelas.
  • Inter'єrnі іdeї аnd solutions become different, and a lot of people are encouraged to decorate their rooms in a golden color more beautifully. Applications, decorated with gold, are already distinguished among other sights. Autumn motives chi navpak richness instilled as a whole possible at once from tsim color

What is special about skloshpaler

Such materials have already gained the confidence of buyers and have become even more needed in the wakeful market. Let's take a look at the characteristics, and how you can see the skloshpaler, as well as their perevagi.

The stench is not the same type and you can talk about two visible materials:

  1. Gladki - people call them "peacock"
  2. relief

Material characteristics:

  • Mayut high power, and also mayut armuyuchi power.
  • May stamina until fire and not be afraid of the evil negative infusion
  • Do not circulate again
  • Durability of the material - the term of service can reach 30 years. It’s too easy, so you don’t get long hour wear in the design of the room yakіs corrections

Such elements can be selected not only for living quarters, but also for lichens, offices, restaurants and shops. The only shortfall, which is in this material, can be called the great vitrata farbi and when weaving such trellises.

Pasting kіlkom with types of tapestries

Combine trellis, maybe leather, enough to know how to choose colors and colors. But all the same, a lot of pickers at once let out trellises with large collections, de zavzhd buvayut elements that will unite among themselves.

Obviously, it’s all right for me, that pasting all the walls with trellises under the stone will be unremarkable and unfriendly. As if I thought of the old Soviet design, the whole kitchen could be glued with rolls under the stone. At the same time, the fantasy is boundless, and the choice is wide, so you don’t need to be so aware of the applications. As you vibrate the trellis under the stone, think about the surrounding colors and guess what kind of interior elements will be present in this room.

Right in what you combine spring pickers material, you can get stuck with some problems. To that I want to give a couple of joys, like gluing the tapestries of two views. Sometimes you can be brought to the attention of the option you have chosen through the diversity of the selected elements. Obviously, effectively, these details are not visible, but they are removed. Tapestry sticks are often embellished behind additional moldings. Before speech, for zones that imitate a stone, such a vision is also possible. For the kitchen, choose trellises that bleed, under the stone - it is necessary for the fact that in some places the stench wanders richer and stronger, sound lower.

Buying material for problematic areas, it is better to buy 1-2 rolls more, lower consumption - so you can always freshen up the interior of the room. If you combine monotonous rolls with little ones or imitations, then vikoristovyte bright details for the walls to show defects. In this rank, you can grab small flaws for an hour spent preparatory work. Safeguard all the norms and rules of the day, even if only for the sake of it, you can independently design your life in an original way and with gusto.