The message was delivered but the iPhone was not read. The trick is to read the notification and receive notifications about what you read in WhatsApp and Facebook messenger. Request a read and delivery notification for all messages

The delivery notification confirms the delivery of the electronic mail to the recipient's mailbox, but does not guarantee that it has been looked at or read. The reading receipt confirms the confirmation of the message sent.

In Outlook, you can choose to receive notifications by clicking Read Receipts. There are other scenarios in which reading receipts are not enforced, for example, when the email program does not support reading receipts. It is impossible to worry about sending a reading notification.

Request a read and delivery notification for all messages

Extension of one message

Providing confirmation of the receipt of the catch

    Open the weekend notifications sent with delivery or read receipts. Please ask your dad to see this information." Nadislani ".

    On deposit information at the group Show press button Vіdstezhennya.

    Note: Vіdstezhennya It will not be displayed, the docks will not be removed if you wish. After picking up the first check at the postal screen, you can go through the first button fit in will be available.

So what? iMessage and how to profit from them . iMessage– the price of the new Apple service, which appeared with the release of iOS 5 firmware and clicks to send text and multimedia notifications on other iOS devices via Wi-Fi or bypassing standard SMS/MMS notifications. However, in any case, with customized iMessage, it has its own nuances, so I agree with this instruction to consume more food and you can fully benefit from your little ones to protect Domlennyakh.

Setting up and activation iMessage

To find out that you can use iMessage, just go to the menu Settings->Report Then activate this function, then enter your Apple ID() in the required field, and as a result, within an hour of activation, your employee number will be linked again. Other iPhone/iPad/iPod users can send you notifications via Apple ID.

Activation of iMessage takes up to an hour after notification, for which the phone sends an SMS to the service to a special international number, for which a fee is charged. Yakshcho iMessage Once activated normally, after about an hour you will receive the following message: Congratulations iMessage can be communicated between devices and iPod Touch.

It is important to note that MTS will not always be able to successfully activate iMessage because the operator specially blocks the activation of iMessage so that you do not save on SMS/MMS, but not in 100% of cases, and sometimes activate the exit.

How to use iMessage

Yak pratsyuє iMessage ?

When a new message is created and added, the iMessage support automatically, if there is any Internet access, checks what is associated with the Apple ID number and how to send an iMessage and not SMS/MMS. The type of notification that powers your iDevice can be distinguished by its color, so that iMessage notifications will be seen in a black color, while SMS notifications will be seen in a green color. iMessage will now take priority.

Starting with great Emoji and ending with effects, stickers, so that you can more clearly express your emotions in a specially designed and interactive form.

iOS 10 also allows you to click and unhide read receipts for specific contacts. By doing this, you are relinquishing full control over those who, you know, have read your notice. In older versions of iOS, you could turn on read notifications for all contacts, so you couldn't choose who you knew, who you knew, and who you didn't.

If it was important to you, then with the release of iOS 10 it became possible to turn on read receipts for specific contacts. Read further to find out how to avoid reading information for a specific contact.

Regain respect, this ability only works with iMessage read receipts. iOS still does not support read receipts for SMS notifications.

How to turn off the read receipt for your contacts in the Notification app on iOS 10

Croc 1: Open the Reminder program.

Croc 2: Select a dialogue with the person for whom you want to turn on the notification about reading the message.

Croc 3: Then press the “i” button at the top right corner.

Croc 4: If you want to turn on reading notifications specifically for that person, then turn on the toggle switch “ Let's talk about reading“. In order for people to start picking up the notification again about reading the notification, notice it.

Krok 5: Click the Done button in the top right corner to save your changes.

How to turn off or turn off the read notification for all contacts in iMessage

Croc 1: Open up Setting up and go to Congratulations.

Croc 2: Press on the remix Let's talk about reading. If the greens are mixed, your contacts may be damaged if you have read their notices. Since the toggle switch is not green in color, read notifications are disabled for all sizes.

This is all you need to do to turn on reading receipts for specific contacts. It is important to remember that if you change the settings in the menu Settings -> Information -> Reading, this will reset the configurations that you have set for certain dialogues.

If you turn on reading notifications for a specific reading, you will not be able to recognize when your reading notification has been read.

In an era when more and more people are using iPhones, speech can be very disruptive. For example, if the iMessage does not say “Delivered” before the hour of intense notification. You can get similar information from many contacts. Often the “Not Delivered” notification is also not displayed. In such a situation, the customer may not be able to recognize that the message was sent.

Even more importantly, if under the notification it says “Delivered”, it won’t reach the owner. There are a number of clues to this problem.

What does “Delivered” and “Read” mean in iMessage?

First, let’s look at the difference between “Delivered” and “Read”.

“Delivered” means that the other person received the notification on her device. “Read” means that he is in control. Don't panic because you won't get the news right away. It is possible that you clicked on the notification about the notification, but later it was turned away.

Some people protect the display of these icons from privacy concerns, although they want to remove the stench from iOS 8 and later versions.

If you don’t want your customers to know when you read a notification, turn on the “Read Notification” option, which is located on the “Options” → “Report” option. In fact, this encouragement is very important, since you are having problems with iMessages.

Why write SMS or iMessage with the notification “Delivered” when that’s not the case?

Sometimes, under the notices, it is written that something has been taken away, but it is possessed by the one who has not taken it away. It’s not right to immediately suspect a person of lying.

This could be just a message in iMessage, or the notification could be sent to another device. If your contact has, for example, an iPhone, iPad, or Mac that uses the same Apple ID, your contact might show up on one of those devices rather than on your smartphone.

Theoretically, notifications can appear on all devices, however, iOS is far from ideal and similar fixes are introduced every hour.

The main causes of such problems in overused SMS/iMessage

Not everyone keeps their phone on their phone for the entire hour, especially before bed.

If the iMessage does not write “Delivered”, you can simply turn on your phone. Your notice will be sent when you turn off your device again.

In addition, you can activate Airplane mode. This mode cancels all connections, so the phone cannot receive iMessage, SMS or calls.

In addition, the device may be set to the “Do not turbo” mode, which is all information.

Fixed problems with iMessage power

It is important to immediately say that iMessage does not write to you about sending. To understand what the problem is, try the following:

Change your Internet access

The most obvious reason why your notifications will not be delivered is that you do not have an Internet connection. iMessage relies on an Internet connection, since Wi-Fi or internet connection is unavailable, there is no notification about delivery, and the phone cannot renew the connection. This is especially true in rural areas and underground passages and metro stations.

If the message “Not Delivered” appears under the notifications, it means that you have problems with your connections.

Reconfigure that iMessage is hidden

Go to “Options” → “Media”. iMessage may be suppressed. It’s not like that - hide it.

If iMessage is already disabled, you can try restarting it. Wait a few seconds until the service is reactivated.

Send notifications via SMS instead of iMessage

If the person you are contacting is not registered with Apple, iMessage will not be processed (the information will be written in green). This means that you need to use SMS to receive notifications.

This trick is useful not only for its operation between different operating systems. You can change iMessage text notifications to SMS if your Internet connection is not strong enough.

Open “Settings” → “Messaging” → “Send as SMS”. Your iPhone uses iMessage for integration between Apple devices. The smartphone is more powerful than SMS via the Internet.

You can also send a notification as an SMS where the message says “Not Delivered”. Click on the sign and then select the appropriate option.

Try also vikoristovat another program for sharing messages. Popular options such as WhatsApp, Telegram and Viber work on all platforms and ensure secure exchange of messages.

Re-Vantage your iPhone

Sign out of your Apple ID account and sign in again

This is one of the most widespread solutions to this problem. You just need to sign out of your Apple ID account, and then sign in again to a new one.

To do this, go to “Settings” → “Accounts” → “Power/Acceptance” and tap your ID. Then you must log out, after which all data, except the phone number, must be entered. Then log in again. Tse can trivati ​​kilka hvilin.

If only some people have problems with abuse, check what is designated as the iMessage ID - email address or phone number. The owner's Apple ID may contain a different address. Inquire about this specifically or through another messaging service, as appropriate.

To add an email address, open Contacts, select a name, and then tap Edit.

View problem alerts

Have you ever thought about sending a great electronic sheet in advance? It simply gets lost in the postal screen, trying to break again and again. I'm sorry, you'll only be deprived of your sight. A similar solution can be tried at any time.

You can see all the lists and start them again by checking “View” in the window, but at the end of the day.

Go to the list with an obsession. Click on the rest of the notification. You can copy it to Notes or Pages if you don't want to lose all the text. Then click “More” and select all notifications sent since the problem occurred (since the moment delivery notifications stopped appearing). Then click on the cat icon bottom left-handed.

iOS update

Apple regularly fixes minor problems and releases new iOS updates.

When you update, you will not lose the necessary photos or information, although certain programs may require re-authorization.

Throw off all the adjustments

The best thing to do is to try the next thing.

Go to “Settings” → “Basic” → “Reset” → “Reset all settings”. Be careful because you can delete all the data. You may have to sign in to your Apple ID again.

What's wrong with iMessage not saying “Delivered” yet?

If you've tried everything and iMessage still doesn't provide delivery notifications, there are two possible options. First of all, the problem may be related to the possessor's device. At this time, please your dear ones to earn important tasks.

In addition, your number may be blocked (on the black list). In this case, iMessage, of course, will always write “Delivered”, but the addressee will not receive any notification.

For materials yablyk

All of us are familiar with such situations: we have read the notice, but we don’t want or can’t confirm it on any occasion. And our spivozmovnik says that the information has been read, but there is no evidence. It's a terrible situation, right? Luckily, you can get lost.

How incredible it is to read notices on any services

The most obvious option is to view new messages directly on the notification panel of your mobile device, without opening the dialogue itself. In this way, you can read at least short remarks from your companions.

In iOS, if you swipe left behind the notifications in the panel and click “Wonder,” this will show even more text that may not fit in the preview. A similar opportunity can be demonstrated by many Android devices. If you have already been informed for a long time, you won’t be able to read it until the end in the next panel.

Another universal, but not the most manual, method. Having rejected the notification, you simply turn it on and read the dialogue in the main program. The browser will not recognize what you have read until you connect the gadget to Merezha. This is the only way to look at the text of the notification, for example, in Instagram Direct, but with many other add-ons, you cannot turn on the read notification in settings.

Now let's look at the options available for specific programs and services.

How annoying it is to read notifications in iMessages

Retailers allow you to capture the fact of reading for additional settings. If you use an iPhone or iPad, select “Options” → “Notifications” and switch the switch next to the “Read Reminder” item to barless mode. Please read their notifications after this.

To turn on your read receipts, go to “Read Receipts” → “Settings” → “Records” and uncheck the “Read Receipts” box.

How incredible it is to read Facebook messages

Such possibility has not been officially conveyed. There are also solutions from third-party vendors.

If you use the Google Chrome browser, use Unseen for Facebook. Once installed, you will automatically receive the read status from your companions.

If you prefer Firefox, for which browser there is a similar plugin – Message Seen Disable for Facebook.

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to capture the read status in the mobile version. Well, if you need to ignore someone, you will have to use a computer.

It’s so hard to read WhatsApp notifications

For those who have their WhatsApp mobile app set up, there is a special option. Open the section “Settings” → “Account” (“Account record”) → “Privacy” (“Confidentiality”) and turn off the “Notify me about read” switch. After this, the messenger will stop displaying notifications with blue checkmarks.

This configuration is not available on the desktop version of WhatsApp. If you quickly access it in your mobile app, you will be able to change it on your computer.

How amazing it is to read messages on Viber

In this popular messenger you can enable notifications about the review directly in the official mobile client. To do this, go to the “Options” menu → “Privacy” and select the “Reviewed” option.

This configuration is not available for the desktop version of Viber. If you quickly access it in your mobile app, you will be able to change it on your computer.

How incredible it is to read the message on VKontakte

There are no standard functions. Anyway, you can try the bypass routes.

Android users have access to an alternative client from Kate Mobile. If you go to another account of your account and click “Options” → “Online” → “Close unread”, the program will receive a notification status. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a client for iOS with this same functionality.

There is also a way to read notifications on the VKontakte web version. You can quickly send messages to by entering the replacement of x numbers of the current date in the format DDMMGRR: for example, 19032018. You will see notifications in which you can read them clearly for Directors Just hope that the robbers can close this loophole anyway.

How difficult it is to read notifications in Outlook

You can turn on the review option in the web version of Outlook. Go to the section “Options” → “Mail” → “Processing notifications” → “Reading receipts” and select the item “Do not force notifications”. Changes will be saved for all Outlook clients.