Get filters for photoshop cs6. Filters in Photoshop: their functions and installation. Filter submenu "Strengthen sharpness"

So, let's say that I want to zastosuvat yoga in the capacity of a smart filter, that I want to break up this filter more than once, if I want to change yoga in a different way. For whom, on the cob, it is necessary to turn the ball from the image into a smart object (report), after which the icon will appear in the right lower corner of the miniature ball:

Now I need to zastosuvat the filter "Application" (Cutout). For versions of CS5 and lower, it would be necessary just to go to the tab of the main menu Filter -> Imitation (Filter -> Artistic) and select the other item, but in CS6 in the menu Filter group Imitation (Artistic) just a day, so I need to go through Filter -> Filter Gallery (Filter -> Filter Gallery) and in the dialog box, select the Artistic tab, and in it, "Application" (Cutout):

And the axis is now a problem. Sound, if we stop the filter like a smart filter, the name of the skin-enhanced blocked filter appears below the smart object in the balls panel. Every now and then we needed to turn around and edit the filter settings, we just pressed on for the name of a particular filter. Ale, at the same time with Photoshop CS6, it's a bit of a complication. Be it filters, we only allow access to them from the Filter Gallery (because stinks are no longer available to us from the "Filter" menu), not known to their actual names. Deputy of this, all the stench go under the title of "Filter Gallery" (Filter Gallery), which does not inform us, which filter is actually victorious:

Still, you can be kinder in a time similar to that, where I only need one filter, because I can easily remember and name it. Ale scho vide, so I will stop a sprinkling of smart filters from the Gallery? For example, at once I zastosuv "Razbrizkuvannya" (Spatter) from the group "Strokes" (Brush Strokes) and "Rose light" (Diffuse Glow) from the group "Deformation" (Distort). Since access to them is only from the Gallery, all the stinks are recognized in the palette of balls like the "Filter Gallery", so it's not so easy to recognize it, but it's:

Update daily filters in the "Filter" menu

This, obviously, is not a great problem, but, potentially, it can improve your working process. Luckily, Adobe figured it out and included the ability to rotate the "Filter" menu back to the way it was before in versions below Photoshop CS6. This option is expanded by tab Editing -> Settings -> Modules (Edit -> Preferences -> Plug-Ins). In the dialog window, check the box next to the item "Show all Filter Gallery groups and names", after which click OK and restart Photoshop:

And now, after restarting Photoshop CS6, we hope that all previous filters have become available through the "Filter" menu:

Let's look at the photo again, turn it into a smart object and put the filters in front of it, which we have put in for the last time:

Like the last time, in the panel of balls under the smart object, the names of the smart filters that have been blocked up to the new one appeared, but, this time, we only have one single identity.

And again, so I can choose the filters directly from the Filter menu this time, not from the filter gallery, Photoshop redistributed them to fix their real filter names under the Smart Object. Likewise, I want to change the settings for whether or not the filters are double-clicking on your name, or re-install the order of setting the filters to the image, dragging one higher or lower than the other, I will no longer be able to guess which Filter is which:

Now the skin of them is in vіdobrazheniya under the vlasnoy name, and not under the infamous "Gallery of Filters".

Father, the goal is reached.

If only mothers are on the map, now, if you want to put smart filters not from the "Filter" menu, but from the "Gallery", then in the palette of balls the stench will appear under the title "Filter Gallery".

The Photoshop program is really respected by the best friend of the quiet corystuvachs, like working with images on a computer. In this photo editor, there are a lot of tools that allow you to quickly and accurately process pictures. As it turned out so that earlier you worked with the 5th version of the addendum or lower, then the transition to the 6th can be a little darker. On the right, in the fact that in CS6 the place of roztashuvannya of some tools has changed, the retailers have cleaned up, added more, in a word, to bring up certain aspects again.

In this article, I would like to stick with those filters, as one of the main and important tools in the struggle for a beautiful picture. Otzhe, filters for Photoshop cs6: de їх shukati, where stinks "moved" in the new version and on yakі varto zvernutu special respect.

De Shukati Filter

I repeat, as before you worked with Photoshop CS5, then in the 6th version you can not only improve some of the primary filters, but also some new ones. I’ll tell you about the rest, and now I’ll show you where the standard filters went. As you can see, singsongly, you know, for filters in Photoshop transfers, a special division was made, which bears the same name. By clicking on the "Filter" button, you will open the context menu, in which you will be prompted. Vtіm, here you will not know, for example, the mode “Imitation”, “Eskіz”, “Stylization”, etc., all the stinks are spread in another place. To go there, in the same context menu, click on the “Filters Gallery” row. Before you - six categories, in the middle of the skin - your own filters.

It is impossible for us to say that in the same old versions it has become unhandy. Tim is not smaller, but on the right, relish and zvichki. In principle, until the change of the month, the roztashuvannya zvikaesh, especially, as practice in Photoshop is brought more often.

new filters

In order to know them and stop, you don’t need to go far: open the “Filtry” section, the “Razumiete” item, and then choose the badge effect.

  1. Understand the fields and respect the most simple filter of the middle trinity. Vin allows you to regulate the smoothness of the rose in the decal zones. For the help of this effect, two parameters can be adjusted: the degree of growth and the degree of growth. For the first one, you see the ring on the image, for the other - the central stake. Yogo is also often vicorated like i.
  2. Understand diaphragms. It’s easy to practice with this filter: put the point of separation in the center, after which the ring is established in a new way. If the sharpness of the fragment is normal, then it will be an oval, everything else will become sharper. Small squares allow you to change the height and width of the area, so as not to change the size.
  3. Nahil-displacement filter: by pressing on the new one, you place the active point in the center, on the two sides, horizontal lines appear to be established. So here is a dotted line, as to serve as a kind of delimiter between the marked and normal areas of the image.

Possibly, with these filters, you do not see friendship. Ale, have a little practice, you will understand that stinks can become your best friends!


More information about different filters can be found in other sections. Information about sharpness filters, rozmittya, filters "Correction of lenses", "Lens sharpness", "Noise Reduction", "Plastics" and "Perspective Correction" can be found in Adobe Help.

List of filters that support documents with depth 16- and 32-bit/channel

Next filters enhance documents with depth 16- and 32-bit/channel:

  • All filters of the Rozumiete group (for wine and rosemary)
  • All filters
  • Filter Noise > Add Noise
  • All filters group
  • All filters of the Rendering group lighting effects)
  • All filter groups Stronger sharpness(for a vine Sharpness at the edges)
  • Next filters in a group Filters> Stylization:
    • diffusion
    • embossing
    • contouring
  • All group filters Video
  • All filters in group Filter> Insha

Video | Attaching confidential information in images

For this episode of the Photoshop Playbook, Bryan O "Neil Hughes", General Product Manager for Photoshop, explains how to select a label and filter to capture confidential information.

Bryan O'Neil Hughes

Filter submenu "Imitation"

Filters from the "Imitation" submenu allow you to use pictorial and artistic effects with the method of figurative art or in commercial projects. For example, the "Application" filter can be used for making collages or for decorating other products. Color filters imitate natural or traditional decorations. All filters under "Imitation" can be placed behind an additional gallery of filters.

Colored olives

Allow me to arrange the image in such a way that it is painted with colorful olives on a succulent aphid. At this edge, they take care and know the appearance of rough shading. Unshaded areas turn into a strong background color.


In order to create an effect on parchment, change the background color until the selected area, immediately before applying the Colored Olives filter.


We give the image such a look, nibi won’t be selected from the nedbalo of cut pieces of colored paper. The high-contrast images look like they're hanging from the silhouettes, and the colors are created from the balls of the colored paper.

dry brush

Rosemary edge of the image with the best dry brush technique (medium between oil and watercolor). This filter will simplify the image, quickly moving into a new range of colors and creating areas with a bright color.

granularity of photomelt

Zastosovuє single visor to shadows and mid tones. To light areas, there are more smooth ones, with a lot of visor. This filter allows you to turn off splits in transitions and visually combine elements from different necks.


Rosemary image in a rough style with short, rounded and sparingly applied strokes.

neon light

Add to the objects in the image different types of light. This filter can be stopped for toning the image with one-hour interruptions. To select the color of the light, click the light field and select the color from the palette.

olive painting

around the edge

This filter allows you to change the number of tickets in the image (posterized yoga) to the specified posterization option, to know in the image kuti and draw black lines over them. In the vast image, large wide areas are simply shaded, and small dark details are scattered throughout the image.



Softening the image, with short diagonal strokes smearing or rubbing dark areas. Light regions are becoming brighter and more detailed.


Creates images with highly textured areas of contrasting colors, simulating the effect of sponge painting.

Painting on the gate

For the help of this filter, an image is created on a textured aphid, after which a residual image is applied to the new one.


This filter renders the image in the style of watercolor painting with medium-sized brushes that are submerged in water and farba, as a result of which the details are simplified. At quiet places, where the tone changes significantly at the edges, this filter increases the intensity of the color.

Filter "Rosemit"

The scatter filter will help to blur the vision, otherwise all the images will get stuck when retouching. The stench is smoothed over by a path of averaging pixels, whitening sharp lines between prominent lines and shading areas of the image.

The image before the “Lens sharpness” filter (angry) and afterward (right-handed) is frozen. The background is rosemary, but the foreground is overcast.


To set the “Rozmittya” filter to the edge of the ball, raise the ensign “Create transparency of pixels” on the “Shari” panel.


Know the average color of the image or see it, and then remember the image or see it with its color, so that it looks smooth. For example, as an area is seen from the images of grass, the filter transforms the area into a uniformly green flame.

“Razumiyete” and “Rozmittya +”

Usuvayut noise when the obvious transitions of the tickets in the image. The rozmittya filter helped to smooth out the passage of the averaged pixels, whitening the sharp lines between the prominent lines and the shaded areas of the image. The effect of the "Rosmittya +" filter is three times more pronounced than that of the pair with the "Rosemittya" filter.

Rosemite outside the frame

Change the image resolution based on the average color value of the secondary pixels. Assignment filter for creating special effects. Added the ability to change the size of the area, which is scored when calculating the average value for a given pixel (increase the radius to increase to a larger size).

Gauss Rosemittya

Viroblya shvidka rozmittya vidіlennya zminnu value. gausian rose under It is called a cone-shaped curve, which is how Photoshop expands when it is reduced to pixels of the average value. blocking the filter "Rosemit by Gauss" to change the details and allow you to create the effect of blurring into fog.

Note. If the image area is stuck to the selected area of ​​the image with the filters "In Gaussian", "Rozmittya outside the frame", "Rozmittya in Rus" or "Rozmittya behind the figure", the visual effect at the edges of the selected area may appear unmatched. This is due to the fact that in order to create new sized pixels in the selected area, such filtering data for the image should be included, which includes data by area that goes beyond the boundaries of the selected area. For example, as the selected area is a background, which is necessary to make it clear, if the main color is clear, the edge of the outlined background area will be filled with the colors that are present in the area of ​​the main color. As a result, the outline around the area of ​​the main color will look fuzzy and blurry. In order to avoid a similar effect, follow the victorious filter “Reasonably balanced” or “Lens sharpness”.

Lens sharpness

Viroblyaetya image, creating the effect of changing the depth of image sharpness in space, as a result of which some objects in the image are out of focus, and others - out of focus. Div. The creation of the effect of rosemity at a small depth of sharpness.

Rozmittya in Russia

Zdijsnyuє razmittya at the ordered direct (vіd -360º to + 360º) and from the assigned intensity (vіd 1 to 999). This filter creates an effect that is similar to the image of a dry object with a constant exposure hour.

radially spread

Simulates the blurring of the image in the camera when scaling or wrapping, which allows you to create the effect of soft blurring. In order to change the height of the segments in concentric kіl, select the “Kіltsіy” parameter and indicate how many degrees you should be guilty of. To set the size of the range of radial lines, as when scaling, select the “Linear” parameter and enter a value from 1 to 100. (more smooth result). However, the signs of rosette are not disturbed by anything, as the effect does not stop until the great visionary areas. Vznachte, from which month the rose is started, dragging the template in the "Center" field.

Rozmittya behind the figure

At this filter for rozmittya, the core is indicated. Select the core from the list of styles of locking figures and adjust the size of the radius using the name. The possibility of knowing about other libraries of standard shapes has also been added. To click on the upside-down tricot and select from the list, I need a library. The "Radius" parameter determines the size of the core. The bigger the core, the bigger the rose.

"Reasonable" rozmittya

Allows precise control of image layout. The ability to specify the radius, threshold, and brightness level has been extended. The value of the "Radius" parameter determines the size of the area in which pixel searches are located. The "Threshold" parameter allows you to specify how many dissimilar pixels are responsible for processing the additional filter. Also available modes are "Normal" (the entire area is visible), "To the edge" and "Override" (the edge of color transitions). In quiet places, devinating the original contrast, in the “Only edge” mode, the black-and-white edge will be stagnant, and in the “Daytime” mode - white.

Rozmittya on the surface

Zdіysnyuє rozmittya izobrazhennia zі zberezhennyam kraїv. This filter is used to create special effects, as well as to reduce noise and graininess. The parameter "Radius" allows you to specify the size of the area in which the selection for the size is rotated. The “Threshold” parameter sets, in this world, the values ​​of the tonal gradations of the secondary pixels are due to the central pixel, so that these pixels are included in the process of scaling. Pixels that may have a tonal gradation value less than the “Threshold” value are switched off.

Filter submenu "Brushstroke"

Like and filter painting "Imitation", filter painting "Brushstroke" allow you to explore various pictorial and artistic effects with different brush strokes and farby strokes. Okremi filter type allows you to increase the detail of the edges, add graininess, farby, noise or textures. All filters under the "Brush Stroke" can be placed behind the additional gallery of filters.

Emphasis on the edges

Reinforce the edges of the image. As an element of the management of the beauty of the edge, a high value is given, the details of the image are supposed to be painted with a white creed. If it is given a low value, then the stench is guessed by black farboi.

bad strokes

Peremalovuє image with diagonal strokes. With this, for more light and dark areas, strokes are drawn, which go in opposite directions.

cross strokes

Taking care of the detail and characteristic features of the visual image, adding texture and roughening the edge of the rough areas and imitating olive shading. The "Intensity" parameter (with values ​​from 1 to 3) determines the number of hatching passes.

dark strokes

Zafarbovuє dark areas with short, thin, dark strokes, and light areas - long, white.


Peremalovuє image with thin narrow lines, drawn along the details of the visual image, in the style of a small, scribbled with a pen.


Recreates the effect of an airbrush. The greater the value of the parameters, the easier it is to see the wild effect.


Peremalovuє izobrazhennya frail, rozporoshennymi strokes, vykoristuyuchi dominating colors.


Rosemary image in the Japanese style, if the brush is completely soaked with farboy, it is drawn over the rice paper. The “Sumi-e” filter creates soft, ruffled edges with rich, rich farboy shades of black.

Filters submenu "Contemplation"

Filters submenu "Contemplation" vibrate geometrically created images, creating three worlds or other effects of changing forms. Please indicate which filters for robots may need a lot of operational memory. Filters "Rozsiyane svitinnya", "Sklo" and "Ocean winds" can be loaded through the filter gallery.

rossiyane svіtіnnya

After processing the cim filter, the image looked like a soft diffuse filter. With this, a white noise is added to the light of the world, gradually weaker in the world in the distance to the center of the seen region.


For the purpose of creating the seen area, the images are drawn, called curve pattern. For example, in order to twist the pattern of curvature in the shape of a parabola, you can create an image, as if looking like a handcuff on a fabric stretched by the kuti.


The image looks like when you look through the rіznі you see the warehouse. To simulate a glassy surface, use the "Slope" effect, which can be selected from the list of available ones or created in a normal Photoshop file. Added the ability to change the value of the parameters for scaling, creating and smoothness. When zastosuvanni to file zaobіv adminіnnya superficial dotrimayte vkazіvok, hovering for the filter "Zsuv".

ocean winds

To apply on the surface of the image a beadless breeze, so that it is possible to know under the water.


Zdavoluє see the area. With a positive value (up to 100%), the destruction of the seen area goes straight to the center, with a negative value (up to -100%) - towards the center.

polar coordinates

I transform the visualized area, shifting the coordinates from the rectilinear to the polar and navpak, zgіdno with the chosen parameters. This filter can be used to create a cylindrical anamorphosis (this artistic technique was popular in the 18th century), in which case the image becomes normal when viewed in a mirror cylinder.


I create wispy little viziers in the field of vision, which guess the breeches on the surface of the waters. If you need more control over the result, speed up with the Whilst filter. The parameters allow you to adjust the quantity and size of the hvil merehtinnya.


Contribute to the image of the curvature. Dragging a line into the field, set a curve. You can adjust the position of any point on this curve. To turn the curve into a straight line, press the button "For locking". In addition, the filter allows you to choose the method of processing non-deformed logs.


Nada ob'єktіv kind trivіmіrnih figurov, enveloping the seen area of ​​a slightly spherical shape, conducive to the image and stretching it in such a way, so that it showed the image of the curve.


Viroblya more sharp wrapping in the center of the seen region, lower on the periphery. When vkazіvtsі kuta, the form of twisting is established.


It works basically the same way, like the Brizhi filter, but it provides more control. Parameters: the number of generators of whil, the length of whil (from one comb of whil to another), height and type of whil: "Sinusoidal" (to move), "Trikutna" or "Square". The parameter "Second variant" allows you to set the variable value. Possibility to designate the region, yakі do not succumb to the creation.


Radially creates a vision of the area in the fallow land in the radius of the pixels in it. The “Folds” parameter defines the number of changes in a straight line in a zigzag, which goes from the center of the seen area to the її periphery. It is also possible to specify how the pixels can be viewed: the "Cola on the water" mode shifts the pixels straight to the upper left or lower right corner, the "From the center" mode - to the center or the center of the seen area, and the "Near to the center" mode breaks along concentric stakes near the center.

Filter submenu "Noise"

Filter submenu "Noise" add or remove noise or pixels with vipadkovo rozpodіlenimi kolіrnimi equals. This allows you to see an area of ​​indistinguishable from distant pixels. Filters "Noise" give the ability to create non-primary textures or to see problem areas (for example, saw and shave).

Add some noise

Zastosovuє up to the image vipadkovo selected pixels, іmіtuyuchi effect zjomki on highly sensitive plіvku. This filter can also be used to change the banding of the shaded vision and step filling, or to add more realism to areas, seriously, they recognized retouching. The number of parameters for rozpodіlu noise includes "Rivnomіrniy" and "For Gaus". The “Equal” parameter ensures that the color code of the color noise is matched with a variety of values ​​in the range of 0 to the specified value, which starts in a positive or negative direction, as a result of which the effect of low-frequency transitions is created. The “Za Gaus” variant transmits the color code of the color noise from a conical to a cone-shaped curve, creating a spitting effect. The "Monochrome" parameter allows you to set the filter only to the tone elements of the image, without changing the color.


Viyavlyaє in the image of the edge (dіlyanki, in some of the presence of the change of color) and vibrating the difference in all the seen region, krіm tsikh kraїv. As a result of such a difference, noise is removed, and details are saved.

Drank and twiddled


Changes the noise in the image, changes the value of the brightness of the pixels in the boundaries of the seen area. Цей фільтр здійснює пошук в виділеної області в межах заданого радіусу таких пікселів, які мають близькі значення яскравості (при цьому не враховуються пікселі, які занадто сильно відрізняються від суміжних), після чого значення яскравості центрального пікселя замінюється середнім значенням яскравості пікселів, виявлених в результаті пошуку . This filter can be zastosovuvatisya for usunennya or change on the image effect ruhu.

Filters submenu "Design"

Filters of the "Design" submenu increase the sharpness of the seen area, combining pixels with similar color values ​​in the middle.

colored pivtoni

Simulates the effect of instilling an increased navtone raster to the skin channel of the image. At the skin canal, the filter expands the image on the rectus tract area and replaces the skin with a stake, which is proportional to the clarity of the rectum. Div. I have designed the Zastosuvannya filter “Colored pivtoni”.


The pixels are grouped in a strong tone, which makes the shape of a bagatokutnik.


Group pixels with strong or similar squares into blocks of similar colors. This filter allows you to do, so that the scanned image looks like it was hand-painted, or turn a realistic image into an abstract painting.


I create in the seen area some copies of pixels, average them, and then destroy one at a time.


I turn the image into a chaotic view, which is composed of black and white areas, and the color of the image is converted into a view, which is composed of a greater number of colors. To speed up the cim filter, in the dialogue window "Mezzotint" select a raster from the "Type" menu.


Group pixels into square blocks. In the skin block, all pixels can be the same color, and the color block represents the colors of the seen area.


Breaking the color in the image on the pointlessly ruffled dots, like in pointillist painting. At this point, the space between the dots will be filled with the background color.

Filter submenu "Rendering"

Filters of the "Rendering" submenu allow you to create in the image three-dimensional forms, gloominess, refraction and simulate the appearance of light. It also provides the ability to manage objects in a trivial space, create trivial objects (cubes, spheres and cylinders) and texture fills from image files in grayscale to implement volumetric lighting effects.


It forms a soft, gloomy texture with varying variations of colors, which are vibrated in the range between the main and background colors. To create more sharpness, when choosing the menu command "Filter" > "Visualization" > "Dim", increase "Alt" (Windows) or "Option" (Mac OS). Zastosuvannya of this filter replaces the data of the image in the active sphere.

Hmary with overlays

This filter to remove the gloominess of the vicarious and vague meaning, as it changes in the range between the main and background quotas. This filter ensures the mixing of dark gloomy data with clear pixels - in the same way, as in the "Retail" mode, colors are mixed. After the first choice of the filter, the fragments of the image in the coldness template are inverted. After the repeated zastosuvannya of the filter, the visors are created at the sight of galvanized and veined, yaki guess the texture of the marmur. Zastosuvannya filter "Hmary with overlays" to bring up to the replacement of these images in the active ball.


Vykoristovuyuchi basic and background colors, shaped like plexus fibers. To control the change of colors, the “Vidhilennya” call is made (with small values, more colors are formed, large values ​​are produced until short fibers appear with a larger, smaller color under the color). The "Intensity" slider controls the type of skin fiber. With small values ​​of this parameter, a strong weave is established, with large values ​​- short, matted fibers. Press the “randomized” button to change the current look of the visor (you can press this button many times until the visor you need appears). Stopping the “Fibers” filter until the data of the image in the active sphere is replaced.


For fiber loading, you can try adding a shaping ball to the gradient card.

Video | Addition and removal of lens views

In this episode of the Photoshop Playbook, Bryan O "Neil Hughes", General Product Manager for Photoshop, explains how to add or remove lens flares in images.

lighting effects

Allows you to create different lighting effects on RGB images by combining 17 styles, three types and two sets of lighting powers. Added the ability to create bulk effects to freeze textures, remove from image files in grayscale (the stinks are called carti relief), and select appropriate styles for the quotation in other images. Div. Razdіl Addition of effects of lighting.

Note. Lighting effects are not available on 64-bit versions of Mac OS.

Filter submenu "Strengthen sharpness"

The filters of the “Sharpening sharpness” submenu allow you to focus the splitting of the image, increasing the contrast of the total pixels.

"Strengthen sharpness" and "Rizkist +"

Enhance the focus of the seen area and improve clarity. The “Sharpness +” filter ensures a stronger increase in the sharpness in pairs with the “Stronger sharpness” filter.

"Sharpness at the edges" and "Contour sharpness"

To know in the image area with the most significant changes in color and increase their sharpness. The Sharpness at the Edges filter increases the sharpness of only a few edges, keeping the edge of the image smooth. This filter is used to increase the sharpness of the edges without assigning any number of parameters. For professional correction, the “Contour Sharpness” filter is installed, which allows you to adjust the contrast of the edges, passing more light and more dark lines along the offending sides of them. As a result, the edge becomes more and more pronounced, creating the illusion of increased clarity of the image.

Reasonable sharpness

Viroblya increase the sharpness of the image, allowing you to set the algorithm and control the yogo step on the illumination and shaded plots. This is the shortest way to increase the sharpness, so for the increase in sharpness it is not necessary to use a song filter. Div. Razdіl zbіlshennya rіzkostі z vykoristannya "reasonable" rіzkosti.

The "Reasonable Sharpness" filter extension in Photoshop allows you to achieve a high-quality result with the help of adaptive sharpening technology, to minimize noise and border framing in the image. Full filter interface ensures optimized control over sharpness enhancement targets. The curlers are twisted for swedish regulation, and the additional control elements are for more precise correction of the result.

The "Reasonable Sharpness" filter in Photoshop enhances the CMYK color scheme. In addition, there is a stronger sharpness in some channels. For example, you can add sharpness only in blue, green or alpha channels.

Interface of the extended filter "Reasonable sharpness"

To enhance the sharpness of the image in Photoshop is recommended in the following order:

  1. Set the top of the head to the highest value for the Effect parameter.
  2. Change the value of the Radius parameter in such a way that the border of the image appears.
  3. Change the value of the Radius parameter by increasing the outline. In this way, you will reach the optimal value for the Radius parameter.
  4. Now change the "Effect" value to the desired value.
  5. Hurry up for this call Change the noise, so that the noise on the image will be filled with the same, like a cob to the cob of increased sharpness. After too much noise reduction, the image may look unrealistic. The larger the value of the Effect parameter, the larger value should be set to the “Reduce noise” parameter.

Submenu filters "Eskiz"

The filters of the "Eskiz" submenu allow you to introduce textures into the image, which often leads to the appearance of a volume effect. These filters allow you to create images, as if looking like little ones, or create art. At the rich filters under "Eskiz" for re-imaging, the main and background colors are drawn. All filters under "Eskiz" can be stasted for an additional gallery of filters.


Transforming the image in such a way that it looks like a bas-relief with lighting, which reinforces the texture of the surface. Dark areas of the image are turned into the main color, and light areas - into the background.

Chalk and vugillya

Peremalovuє light tones and napіvtoni with a strong gray background of the middle tone, as if painted with a rude creid. The shadows are replaced by black diagonal lines drawn to the corners. For painting vugilli, the main color is used, and for painting with a creid - background.


I create the effect of a posterized, masked image. The main edge is bold, and the middle tones are displayed in a look of ink with diagonal shading. Vugillya is rendered with the main color, and paper - with the background.


As a result of the zastosuvannya of this filter, the image looks like a polished chrome-plated surface. The lights of the village stand out by name, and the dark ones are hovering in the depths, which they see. After the filter has been set, the contrast of the image in the dialogue window "Rivne" is increased.

"Charming olive"

Showing the texture of dense black and pure white olives on the image. In this filter for dark areas, the main color is victorious, and for light areas, the background color. In order to eliminate more vivid expressions of the effect, before setting the filter, replace the color of the image with one of the most prominent colors of the charming olive (black, bright brown, dark red). To create a muted effect, replace the background color with white, add a part of the main color to the white background, and then stop the filter.


To transfer the details of the visual image, you need to make thin, linear ink strokes. The negative effect becomes especially pronounced when processing scanned images. The filter replaces the color of the cob image, with which the main color is used for the farby, and the background color for the paper.

napіvtonovoї vіzerunok

Simulates the effect of a navtone raster, saving a constant range of tones.

Postal paper

I create an image, as if looking like a creation of a handmade paper. Which filter will ask the image and combine the effects of the filters "Texture"> "Grain" and "Stylization"> "Embossing". The dark areas of the image appear as if open a paper at the top ball, under which the background color appears.


Simulates the effect of a photocopy of an image. As a rule, the copying of the great dark areas is only seen in the bridles of their edges, and the middle tones are transformed either into strong blacks, or into strong whites.


The image is formed by looking at the volume of the gypsum fork, and then, when taken away, the result is colored with the variations of the main and background colors. Dark areas become swollen, and light areas become dull.


It imitates keratin embossing and creating emulsification, as a result of which the image is winterized on dark plots and slightly grainy on light ones.


Ask the image in such a rank that it’s worth creating for the help of a gum or a wooden stamp. This filter is the best choice for black and white images.

Vbudovanie Photoshop filters finish the garni, but richly corystuvachiv vvazhayut for better urismomaniacity of the standard ability to use unique filters from third-party vibrators. A lot of high-quality effects are paid, but there is a great number of cost-free filters, building ones give a uniqueness to not the most distant photo. Axis of the most beautiful filters for Photoshop, so you can tinker with absolutely no chips.


Glitch - an inconspicuous and stylish filter, which imposes on the photo the effect of color shifts from the old VHS-cassette. Filter, singsongly, to zatsіkavit lovers of retro photography and video clips of the 80s. On the download side of the filter, you will find a report video instruction of your choice. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with the site, on the other hand, there are even more rich and free speeches.

Weekend B/W

Fans of black-and-white portrait photography know that the programmatically colored photo is strongly permeated by the signs, a little bit of black-and-white fusion. Filter Weekend B/W imitue the same highly artistic pictures. The effect works with the rest of Photoshop CS6 and Creative Cloud (CC).

Halftone Photo Effect

Halftone Photo Effect Filter allows you to style a photo in such a way that it looks like a product of a raster druk. In a nutshell, if you want your photo to look like a sidebar from a comic book, just try this strange filter. Works with versions of Photoshop CS3-CS6 and CC.

Free Vintage Retro Circle Effect not just to rob a photograph of black and white, but to imitate the style of an old engraving. The filter works with versions of Photoshop CS3-CS6 and CC.

old film

cold nightmare

cold nightmare - one more filter with a promotional name. Take neutral photographs after processing with a zim filter, they start to look anxious and motor-like. Cordoni become more clear, shades - more gloomy, and colors - more cold. Clutter Filter in Photoshop CS3-CS6 and Photoshop CC.


Silver - one more disgraceful filter for fans of black and white photography. While Weekend B / W is good for making portraits, then Silver, if it’s a sign, looks like a frame from an old black-and-white movie. In summation with versions of Photoshop CS4-CS6 and CC, as well as with Photoshop Elements 11 and newer.


Lomo filter can be called the antipode of the visceral Cold Nightmare. Vin gives the signs softness and warm vibes. Tsikavo, which filter imitates photographs, shot on an old Radyansk camera "LOMO Compact-Avtomat". Blurred filter for Photoshop CS4-CS6 and CC versions.

Vintage LightLeak

There were hours when the frequent illumination of the swimmers entered into a gross defect. But today, if digital cameras no longer know the problem of lighting, people start to worry about frequently captured images. Vintage LightLeak correct the color scheme, and also add the effect of illuminated swimming to the photo. Blurred filter in Photoshop CS4-CS6 and CC.

desert dust

desert dust add to the photograph the effect of a pustle speck. A similar color scheme could be played in Hollywood films about Texas or Mexico. Zagalom, tack on this filter, if you want to add a western piece to the photo.

Blue Evening

Blue Evening I transform the gamut of the photograph, the roblyach frame is more blue. According to the authors, the filter is good for photographs taken on the streets. Also available for Photoshop CS4-CS6 and CC, also available for Photoshop Elements 11.

summer haze

summer haze - another bad filter for street photos. Particularly good in yoga are portraits taken under natural river vision. Blurred filter for Photoshop CS4-CS6 and CC versions.

Google Nik Collection

Google Nik Collection - a bunch of miracle tools. Previously, the wines were sold for a few pennies, but not so long ago, the rights to a new one were bought by Google, and then the entire collection was placed in public access. At a glance, in the presence of more advanced filters, as it is necessary to install them through a window of operations, the Nik Collection plug-ins are integrated directly into the body of Photoshop and fully expand the tools of the program. It is necessary to try a collection of shoes for everyone who can look forward to photography.

Those who are corrected by Photoshop version CS5 (or more early ones) sounded that the menu tab has filters The entire list of available filters has been added. In general, it’s handy, so you can easily go to them and win. With the advent of the new version - Photoshop CS6 - the whole menu was changed, which led to a confusion and created a swindle among the koristuvachiv. On the right, in the fact that a number of filters from this menu have become familiar.

List of filters in Photoshop CS5:

Changed filter list in Photoshop CS6:

Like Bachite, the following groups appeared without a trace: Imitation (Artistic), Texture (Texture), Strokes (Brush Strokes) and Sketch (Sketch). On top of that, they also tidied up a number of okremikh filters from the reshti group.

Ale not warto panic, in fact, these groups of filters have not disappeared anywhere. So, їх is not available in the main menu, but s filter galleries I didn’t take them away! In such a rank, in order to stop them, I need to hurry to go to Filter - Gallery of filters(Filter Gallery). You already know the dialogue window, in which you will know what they were joking about:

(To press, to increase)

Like a bachite, all daily filters are present here, and they can all be cured. Ale came up with an advancing problem, the need for smart objects and intelligent filters.

Smart Objects and Filter Gallery in Photoshop CS6

It is acceptable for us to є і to the new it is necessary to stop the filter.

If we choose from quiet filters, which are displayed on the menu, then there are no problems - we can name them, and logically, that they were stuck.

Ale, it’s also necessary to select filters from the current list, either through the Gallery, or better, Photoshop doesn’t write their names!

Wait a minute, it's not handy. Let's just say, we've stumbled over one more Application, so you can remember it. How about adding one more filter? Shall we have one more? First of all, you can forget not just the name, but in some order they stink. In a different way, you will turn to which project in a day, or else you will transfer the PSD file to another person, what else?

Obviously, you can scroll through them in order, opening the window with the filter settings and waving why, understand what it is. But it's so unhandy ... So galmuє shvidkіst roboti ...

Well, okay, I'm choking on aggravating these problems. The retailers have deprived us of the right to choose and how to fix everything.

Update daily filters in CS6

Also, in order to turn the daily filters in the menu to a huge look, you need to go to the Photoshop settings: editing(edit) - Settings(Preferences) - Modules(Plug-Ins).

Check the checkbox next to the settings next to the settings Show all groups and names of filters gallery(Show all Filter Gallery groups and names).

For that reason, it is necessary to change and re-advantage photoshop.

Now the menu will turn to the daily filter groups, which means that in the smart object the stench will also show its name in the smart object.

Marked the pardon in the text - see it and press Ctrl + Enter. Thank you!